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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3782466 No.3782466 [Reply] [Original]

Read the pic.

Before a smartass tries to straw man me. Look nobody is saying there isn't good instruction out there. NMA, Proko, Scott Eaton, Hampton and YES loomis, etc. I am learning with them so I am not "complaining or blaming other artists about a lack of progress" or some shit.

But I do believe some artists are hiding their tenchiques out of fear of educating their comptetion. Heck a lot of people have gleefully admitted doing tha here. Going as far as sabotage the learning of others... also bragging about it. Or worse they are selling their overpriced lesson and they teach you nothing or overpriced watch me draw videos to keep you dependant on them.

And if you do that, I say this unironically; Kill yourself.

>> No.3782469
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Did someone say Proko?

>> No.3782471

Anyway I'm sure that artists don't really hide anything. If anything they make up techniques they don't really use just to be able to sell something. People on /ic/ who say they're misleading people are just fucking around, they're not trying to stifle their competition.
Art is fucking dumb. It's just raw practice and talent. Maybe there's something different about digital techniques with all the photoshop fuckery they do, but if you want to learn actual art there's very little you need to digest

>> No.3782474

ImagineFX is good, brainlets that blame everyone else for their problems should kill themselves and spare the rest of us their theory-crafting and whining.

>I-...I'm not good because the people that ARE good are holding out on me! I downloaded tens of thousands of dollars worth of content for free and I still suck, it's got to be someone else's fault other than my own!

Shut the fuck up

>> No.3782478


Lend me an account pls, I want NMA, Proko and Watts' stuff pls.

>> No.3782487

Absolutely this. Amazing artists work their asses off to get to their level of skill. Why should they be obligated to package up and share what they spent years upon years refining? Why are they obligated to teach you, for FREE no less? They can do whatever the fuck they want with their information because they earned it, and fuck whoever thinks they're entitled to someone else's teachings. If you want to make it so badly, put in decades of blood, sweat and tears first.

>> No.3782491

Then they shouldn't be selling shitty tutorials that don't teach shit. They are scamers. Simple as that.

>> No.3782497

You have to realize that these courses are designed to string along and suckers with delusions of grandeur into constantly thinking they have what it takes (even tho they don't, and if they realized it quick then they'd stop paying wouldn't they?), but if you've got the talent you'll find some value and pick up the shit quick just by watching these guys demo how they work.

Honestly the best thing you can do nowadays it watch artists that stream on picarto/twitch

>> No.3782498

>Everything is a conspiracy
OP please get out with your shitty obvious bait copy paste threads.

>> No.3782500

Of course. If I find good resources i be damn keep my mouth shut and never share it here. I also deliberately upload high profile content to peers while leaving out critical documents and crit videos. This is so that it d iscourages s s complete upload. Not that I have to worry about that to much since I am a mod on cgp.

>> No.3782501

You're full of shit. You're not going to learn how planes and light works by watching some artist on a stream. Or an anime artist that skips valuable construction steps, like the loomis head, because they have it memorized.

Someone has to teach you that.

>> No.3782502

>Exploiting retards is bad
It's about as ancient and natural a thing as prostitution.

>> No.3782504

Cont. And can get away with removal due to non c g content.

>> No.3782510

so is murder

>> No.3782514

>comparing tricking dumb art kiddies to murder

>> No.3782518

But there's no victim in scamming retards. They love to be scammed.

>> No.3782520

nobody is entitled you teach you shit

you look around you, and learn by observing. You observe the nature, the art of others, the nature, the art of others, the nature again and so on and on. The single questions you should ask are
>what tools do you use?
>could you share your folder refs?
>could you tell us from where do you get your ref
and that's all?
>could you post your sketches?
everything else is bio or stuff you have to feel yourself

>> No.3782525

I always assume imagineFX is just a magazine where you see cool inspiring artwork from artists and listen to their stories of their life and artwork
I don't really expect to reap anything benefit in term of artgain from it

>> No.3782549

I was illustrating a principle you fucking brainlet

>> No.3782553

illustrate my ass you fucking pleb

>> No.3782563
File: 667 KB, 949x343, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok m8, I will help u all when I git gud.

>> No.3782567

>I am a moddd
>I am a retarddd who wants to get hacked and doxxed by /ptg/'s spaghetti and all of my personal info uploaded to 8gag

>> No.3782580

>implying you could do shit

>> No.3782584

most people aren't actively hiding or "sabotaging" the competition. Just for the most part its something you pick up and there's not really that much to share. You just do things and pick up shortcuts that work for you personally but don't really make sense if you shared them. And its not like your average artist wants to be everybody's teacher. I'm tired of /beg/s trying to get me to teach them, fuck off and learn on your own like everyone else. I'm not sabotaging you, I just don't give a single fuck about you.

>> No.3782586

>sabotage of competitors by weak artists

Ha! This is why you always check who is teaching you.
This isn't the coneptart.org era where any decent artist can just LARP professional and boss you around.

Only idiots think this is a good strategy. Meanwhile people like Natalia, Norling, Serhii, etc. win out in the end because they are actually useful. None of this artificial demand bullshit. Most educators are just entrepeneurs in disguise. Find people who love the craft who aren't soulless slime manufacturers.

Rule of thumb, If someone starts off by telling you their work history in a video course, book guide, etc. this should be a massive red flag. They are using you to advance their career and have nothing of value. Unless their career is family oriented (e.g. disney) using work experience is just an excuse to Joe-Pro and talk about how cool they are without sharing anything that's useful.

You want to know what the biggest secret is?
The weird ass techniques you use to solve problems are the same techniques everyone uses.
There IS a competitive slant to the whole thing.

The best way to study an artist is to copy them 100%. When you can create everything they can create, you can do everything they can do.
Copy someone to the pixel. There are hidden techniques. some can't be understood with extremely close analysis.

>> No.3782601


How do you deal with fellow (usually beginners and sometimes intermediate) artists who pester you for detailed information about your process and techniques? Many people on social media seem to feel entitled to have it all layed out for them. Somehow I feel it cheapens my work if I explain how I did something that someone else can't figure out, like I'm a illusionist pressured by the audience to reveal my tricks.

>> No.3782608

>telling the biggest FBI honeypot and japmoot your IP while your isp knows who had the IP at the time and all your details get logged by gazelle
Better hope you don't get sued like those Oink mods and your house doesn't get raided like that last uploader who got arrested and that you aren't dumb enough to upload from your own IP h-haha

>> No.3782614

I only have issues with people that try to profit from selling useless tutorials. Contrary to believe of people above bitching nobody is saying we are entitled to free information.

If you are not feigning you're teaching just to scam begs, then I don't mind.

>> No.3782620

Just don't answer and casually throw a line where you apologize for being too busy to read your mail when you post some big update.

>> No.3782633

There is SO much worse than people recycling Loomis. At least that shit works.

On the other hand almost every watercolor book teaches you to paint by numbers following some retarded cookie cutter process that only works towards replicating the exact painting the book wants you to paint, not only you learn absolutely nothing useful but your perception of painting will be completely distorted because it's almost the opposite of what actual painters do. Most traditional books in general are pure cancer

>> No.3782654
File: 678 KB, 422x633, devil-wants-me-fat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will only get pissed off about this if you're lazy and want to be spoonfed answers. Stop expecting these books and videos to do the work for you. Once you're past Loomis, Roberston, and Hampton you should be applying the techniques you learned through studies and original work. If you get stuck, that's when you look for a tutorial video. There are literally people in 3rd world countries who don't have access to cgpeers, gfxpeers, etc. and turn out better art than 90% of the people here who have terabytes of tutorials stored on their external drives.

>> No.3783143

>d iscourages s s
Calm down with the spazzing anon, I can just about see your fat fingers nervously shaking in excitement. If you want to RP, at least do it convincingly.

>> No.3783159

Hey what if there exists good artist who are bad teachers?

>> No.3783164

There's literally no point in anyone being a mod on a torrent site for any reason other than the following:

>Unlimited download and probably upload for the site they're on
>easy invites to high profile trackers that people actually want to get into like hdbits or ptp or db9

cgpeers is a constantly freeleech tracker and is not part of the cabal. Being a mod would be a useless waste of time and can lead to legal issues if the sysop is retarded and the cgpeers sysop probably is. So yes, he's larping as a target on a site which is a known FBI honeypot.

>> No.3783172

>learn actual art there's very little you need to digest
You know how I can tell you don't actually draw/paint and are only here for shitposting?

>> No.3783180

There's a lot that can be hidden, for example most people on tumblr will never get to see my wips or know about the tricks I learned from other d/ic/ks and which I gave to other d/ic/ks.

>> No.3783187

There is literally no reason for me to larp, retards. You can believe what you want, I don't care.

>> No.3783195

But it's true. It's just a handful of books and the heavy load is mostly anatomy.

>> No.3783196

fuck, so that's why on the one indian and a indonesian pirate site sometimes has more files on some art instruction courses

>> No.3783199

Nobody hides techniques from you, retard, get back to practicing

>> No.3783206

>I don't care!
>still replies
Every time.

>> No.3783221

we need to look to china

someone go on cgdashi and get us the chinese tutorials !

>> No.3783225

B-baka ohknee chan!

>> No.3783231

please be my gf

>> No.3785226

I agree with first half. Second half you went full retard. People who just raw practice are those who end in YLYT progression meme. They just polish their turds over decades. I think the first step from moving from begginer to mid level is to actually realize that there is A LOT to learn and that raw practice held you back for years. Thats the first sign you are moving out the beg level

>> No.3786651

Tbh I work in STEM and there are programmers in my field that know the ins and outs of very specific frameworks and don't bother teaching this shit to younger colleagues (especially one guy: if he randomly combusts there's gonna be a LOT of scrambling done by multiple people to recreate his knowledgebase). This same guy also happens to be one of the most influential people in the org, complete with huge office space and all. I don't think it's a coincidence. What these people do is a survival strategy. It keeps them relevant and stable above competition. Sure it's horribly irritating but this is why people do it. I'd imagine this is even more hostile among artists, where (especially with commissions) work is not stable at all.

>> No.3786659

I didn't really mean practice as in raw grinding, I think that's silly.

>> No.3786675

Contrary to what anyone is going to say after me, it's entirely true. Art school peers are a mix of indifferent or equally hopeless, the professors teach so they haven't had time to paint in 20 years, and I don't think I've talked to an artist who could explain anything worth shit in my life. Most aren't guarding anything, the ones that are good wave it in front of your face.

It's not hostile or competitive in any traditional sense, it just can't be taught without a long and gruelling apprenticeship and most people can't be fucking bothered or couldn't do it if they tried. It isn't a survival strategy so much as there not being enough time, ever. If it were a motto it would be "I learned it all by myself and you can too".

It weeds out the weak and hopeless and places you in a position of relative power, but it isn't a strategy as much as a consequence of surviving in the environment. If you take the time to drag someone else out of ignorance, you aren't going to make it and if you've made it, you have more important things to do.

>> No.3786680

I work in academia in biology and it's much the same here. Intra-lab collaboration is rare and while inter-lab collaboration does happen, it's usually predicated on the expectation that you'll be receiving publishing credit for sharing your techniques. I don't think this kind of survivalist mentality is rare anywhere in the working world.

>> No.3786709

There are a lot of shitty shill artists who have selling their low effort tutorials as their main source of income. Avoid any and all of these artists. Personally I avoid youtubers with that as their main income too, like Proko, Sycra, etc, because they don't need to be really good to get those views and the support they need and so they stagnate and don't push themselves enough.
There are some good artists who have tutorials too, but for some reason the really great ones are bad at sharing their knowledge. Mullins is a good example, his Schoolism course is just ok and most of the stuff he's showing he says is his first time trying and he doesn't normally work like that. His old gnomon workshop is even worse, he just rambles about random shit while doodling.

>> No.3787503
File: 180 KB, 1002x866, 1528594464779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh thank god, I can finally talk about this.

>who the hell is going to give away info they've learnt the hard way, that
>the previous generation never wanted to share either?
Anyone that wants to be known far and wide as the best and smartest and richest art teacher. Anyone who takes moral offense at the idea that practical knowledge could ever be forgotten. Everyone who has ever made the amateurish mistake of streaming.

Think about this- all that bitterness that I can feel bleeding through your post? All that hatred that you feel for the conspiracy? That's not unique. Everyone hates cheaters. If the former conspirators can't get revenge on you it is a moral imperative and a pleasure to end them. Somehow this hasn't happened. In a population that's massive, thinly spread, and made up of emotionally immature divas... No one's spilled the beans. Not for their own aggrandizement or to ruin a rival.

Inevitably, there exists a bad teacher who has streamed his work. The methods he's using are clearly different from the ones he teaches. Is it more likely that a) he forgot he was full of shit, or b) he's just a bad teacher?

I'm not even gonna begin on post #4-he gets everything so opposite I'm choosing to believe he's being sarcastic