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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 145 KB, 1200x810, DKZ3QNUXcAAdj_F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3780425 No.3780425 [Reply] [Original]

How many hours of actual work do you spend on average on a digital painting, be it personal or commissioned?

>> No.3780428

5 minutes

>> No.3780432

I can't spend more than 2 hours on a drawing. Rendering is for fags anyway.

>> No.3780439

Yeah, but nobody will pay you for shitty sketches.

>> No.3780445

My drawings are never good enough to use for a painting anyway, I wouldn't be able to sell anything even if I bothered rendering, so I just move on to the next drawing.

Also I don't care about making it anymore

>> No.3780461


>> No.3780462


>> No.3780499

I'd like to spend hours working on her, if you know what I mean.

>> No.3780506

you mean a ref study? what stops you from saving the pic and doing so?

>> No.3780509

30 hours, easily. I'm terrible at painting and everything takes me a really long time.

>> No.3780552

Commissioned: 10-12 hours to keep it in budget
Personal: More than 20h but honestly sky's the limit

>> No.3780663

I so want my cock in her vagaga holy FUUuuuuuuAAAaCckkkk Im so horny and lonely. HNggg my dick is suppressed so hard against my track pants massive boner right Now!!!! Oh SHIt I cant Stop It!!!!!

>> No.3780666 [DELETED] 

OooHhhuuHh Yess YesssS I what YOU mean hnnggg ug omg im so Horny And Hnng LoNNely

>> No.3780672

ooHhhuuHh Yess YesssS I know what YOU mean hnnggg ug omg im so Horny and Hnngg LoONely

>> No.3780675

Can we get more cyrine pics? I want to paint her no question aboout it, perfect face.

>> No.3780688

I unironically think I might know the girl from the picture. Is she around 1.90 meters?

>> No.3780694

You use unironically in every sentence.

>> No.3780698

this is a shitty question, it can range from 4 to 50 hours

>> No.3780702

Oouuhh Fuck We Have chemistry I can feel it hnnGg MY tall masculine body over her petite qt body.She stares up at me and into my eyes HnnG aNd I stare back and slowly synaltaniisly pull her bra down her breasts are Pronounced and firm pressed against my hard torso Hnngg Im so Horny and Lonely

>> No.3780713
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive commisioned MTG artists before. Paying as much as 2grand for a full scale painting. Im seriously considering commisioning her. Anybody commision her before?

>> No.3780714
File: 89 KB, 750x937, CjnbsdHWUAAyQOO.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes pretty hot. And seems like a chill person.

>> No.3780718

This is now a cyarin love thread.

>> No.3780722

haha I know what you mean, if you know what I mean hue hue hue, oh yeah, I know what you are meaning.

Actually I don't understand, please explain it to me.

>> No.3780729
File: 60 KB, 1125x803, DwuY-21WoAECT02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3780738

5 hours max
however long perfection takes. I've taken three days max before

>> No.3780740

MTG artists are fucking terrible outside of the 5 big names

>> No.3780745

I had good experiences. If your a shit talker and dont descibe what you eant then yeah your going to get a shitty painting. I go into crazy detail about my feelings and personality. Everything. Then i give them all the freedom they want.

>> No.3780756

Can you give an example of a request you would give? Tldr form of course.

>> No.3780815


>> No.3780820

Someone post that screencap where anon described how hated this roastie is in the NL commercial art scene.

>> No.3780827

I gotta see this.

>> No.3780854


This it?

>> No.3780858 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 125x76, 1464039892167s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not horny anymore. Yikes. Holy fuck.

>> No.3780861
File: 427 KB, 735x844, 1473701552065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh she is autistic. I never knew that shes seems normal.

>> No.3780863
File: 342 KB, 1051x645, 1464039892167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the old ic they mde fun of so many ppl.

>> No.3780896

I work full time as graphic designer/illustrator, I'd say I spend about 3 hours daily on actual drawing and painting, depends on a day.

>> No.3780978


>> No.3780984

What do you do on the remaining time? Answer emails and have meetings?

>> No.3780987

OP here. I want to pounce her lesbian autistic vagoo so badly. Imagine cumming inside her. Nnngh. Thanks. Bye.

>> No.3780996


I would lick her pussy clean.my face pressed hard into her cunt tonfue out my face drags across her crotch as i sanitize her vagina with my massive tongue i can feel pubes in my mouth hnG she moans like a goddess perched on an isolated rock as the waves crash and glossen her red hair

>> No.3781001


>> No.3781009

She rides me like a gypsy in the night her head is cocked back and mouth wide open moaning deeply as my cock penatrates her glory hole ngggaah hnggg she thrusts her pelvis relentlessly over and over the juices are flowing like niagara falls

>> No.3781014

>mouth wide open moaning deeply
That's probably an autismo attacko

>> No.3781017


>> No.3781021
File: 614 KB, 1549x537, 1488192474363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3781044

ive done 16 to 30 hours i think but it was garbage anyways


>> No.3781059

Your reply is further more irrevevant. Thank you for your invaluable reply.

>> No.3781069

I'll answer you when you tell me how long a piece of string is.

>> No.3781186

Her pursed lips red surrounded my erection, i gently swayed in a back and forth motion her seliva dripping down the shaft of my enormous cock her hand gently touched my wiener, her secret code to plunge my dick deeper down her throut, she moaned and choked resisting i held her head keeping her from pulling out, i grabbed her head with my other hand and fully ejaculated into her petite lungs

>> No.3781196


>> No.3781198

Im soo sorry. Im so sorry. Please forgive me. Please.

>> No.3781232

Do autists give head? What is it like? Do they make trajectory calculation of penis action?

>> No.3781324

oh yeah. they give head alright.

>> No.3781327


>> No.3781377

who is she?
This dyke needs to know >_>

>> No.3781378
File: 62 KB, 1324x433, workofArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg I tried to reverse search her and the truth was handed to me.

>> No.3781379 [DELETED] 
File: 2.99 MB, 3923x2940, drak non 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many hours of actual work do you spend on average on a digital painting
flipping none. aint no such thang as a digital painting.

>> No.3781380

>19 posters
>51 replies

Stop samefagging your thread

>> No.3781389

Jimmy has invaded! run for your lives!

*crowd of people scatter among each other in panic and terror screaming in utter chaos

>> No.3781392

why do you write like this? it's so annoying. you do that on purpose?

>> No.3781398 [DELETED] 
File: 2.71 MB, 4032x3024, drak si 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do you write like this?
>it's so annoying.
>you do that on purpose?
no I do it on porpoise. read a book lamebrain.

>> No.3781403 [DELETED] 


>> No.3781405 [DELETED] 
File: 1.13 MB, 2799x3608, 27b. baint? level 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did they mean by this?

>> No.3781420

lol i was just thinking about replying about how much i hate you in this thread instead of this other one but looks like someone already did.

seriously i bet everyone here hates you and thinks you are fucking annoying.

>> No.3781426

here it is jimmy. your daily bit of attention. you can leave now.

>> No.3781452

i can only draw on my work breaks, so maybe 30 minutes total

>> No.3781470

why are people still replying to op.

>> No.3781499

Because we all want to Pump massive amounts of semen into Cyarin wet dripping hole?

>> No.3781504 [DELETED] 
File: 1.91 MB, 2459x3335, 63. Bamman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol i was just thinking about replying about how much i hate you

You're a pathetic emotionally disturbed child. You should be honest with your doctor.
>but looks like someone already did.
you are L E G I O N.
>seriously i bet everyone here hates you
whatever helps you justify the irrational buttfaggot feelings you project at strangers amirite. When you kill yourself your parents will be relieved.
> and thinks you are fucking annoying.
Your parents think you're annoying. They fucking hate you. Everyone hates you. You're such a loathsome faggot that you have to tell yourself that at least you're not alone when it comes to the legion of assblasted kids that have embarrassed themselves anonymously whining about a meme painter.
>here it is jimmy. your daily bit of attention. you can leave now.
but I don't really care about attention. I already posted my thoughts on the OP. It's (You) demanding attention right now from me and everyone else. And the irony is that you're fucking anonymous. Nobody knows or cares about all your faggot virtue signaling gate keeping autism. You're just so pathetic that literally ANY interaction from le meme painter after another ebin troll post is food enough for your need for narcissistic supply. You should chemically castrate yourself. Or just do it with a rusty can. Whatever you gotta do to ensure that the cancer in your DNA ends with you.

Guess the ban is up for that one pathetic samefag with the memepolls. Like clockwork. We made it 3 days before every post I make gets spammed by some future-suicide case. Why don't you feel pathetic? Why aren't you ashamed of yourself that this is your life?

>> No.3781526

i was never banned. think about that one.

>> No.3781528

i also wasn't the one who reported you either.

>> No.3781533

whoever is doing that . thanks .

>> No.3781535

>ITT: Jimmy gets raped by mods

>> No.3781558

Didn't know that reporting him actually worked. I guess if more anons did it Jimmy's posts would be deleted more often.

But what's most important is to just STOP giving him (YOU)s.

It's good the mods are finally starting to do something about his thread derailing, avatarfagging posts. I guess even the mods are starting to get a little sick of it.

>> No.3781564

yeah i think we need to stop the (you)'s for sure.

but for sure thanks to the mods .

>> No.3781568 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 490x480, smug experiments lain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reported a bunch of his posts for avatar fagging I hate that faggot. Now you all know the proper response to his posts, don't respond just report for avatar fagging, he'll get banned eventually. Eat shit Jimmy.

>> No.3781864 [DELETED] 

nah it doesn't really work. You guys spamming reports for no reason because you don't like someone was the reason there was NO moderation here for months in the first place. If someone isn't doing anything other than posting in a thread, and you report them for no reason, you will be banned.

Moderation is coming back to this board, but it works both ways. If you abuse the moderation system you will be permabanned from all boards.

>> No.3781887 [DELETED] 

yeah you were. Assuming you're the person he was talking to you were absolutely banned. You get at least a 1-day ban when all of your posts get nuked. And it was clear that you had fucked off for 3 days. Had been nice for those days when Jimmy would just post something and idiots like you wouldn't get baited into sucking his dick in every thread.

You're one of the most awful people on here. Nobody wants your /pol/ bullshit ruining everything. Leave this board and please stop coming back.

>> No.3782133

This board sucks. Everything gets pruned

>> No.3782151


>> No.3782160 [DELETED] 

well for the last few months there was no moderation at all, and now they're fucking banning everyone for anything. Always gotta be a bipolar response. It's either anarchy or fascism.

>> No.3782222

the mods are on this page a lot now. they just deleted a merc meme thread i reported for spam lawwl

>> No.3782229

Thank fuck. That dumb meme is fucking annoying.

>> No.3782230

I guess a few weeks ago when one of the anons said they was going to 4chan's IRC channel to request for /ic/ to have more mods they fulfilled his request.

I would ideally love for /ic/ to have little to no mod involvement. But the thing with slow boards like /ic/ is if there's no mods, it's easy for it to get completely "ransacked" by shitposters like the Nazi spammer a few weeks ago. I've been on /ic/ for a few years now and I never seen the board get that bad as it did with that guy.

>> No.3782231

Meant for >>3782222 too

>> No.3782238

that wasn't bad at all man. it was kinda of, but it only lasted 12 hours, the peak of that flooding lasted maybe 2 hours. i'm glad they're here, it gets rid of the autism here.

>> No.3782252 [DELETED] 
File: 2.33 MB, 2717x3430, 136. me on the right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the nazi spamming was funny. At first when there were like 12 threads it was like "this is fucked up that there's literally zero moderation right now" but then it was pretty amusing to see the board all kind of rally around having a common antagonist was more cancerous than me me.

Plus wasn't that like during christmas too? So all the jannies were probably just doing holiday bullshit and they get back to the shit mines and the art board is on fire with dozens of passive aggressive nazi waifu posts.

Personally I almost never report shit. Board gets boring as fuck when all lunatics get banned.

>> No.3782277

nazi spammer here. that was just a joke, i was on a long road trip and used up all of my phone data doing it, it was funny, but i was also super bored. a lot of people got pissed off and thats exactly what I wanted to see.

>> No.3782284

the general population of /ic is young, thus easy to trigger and start opinion wars

>> No.3782454


>> No.3782483

mods delted my comment. pretty rude of them actually.

nazi spammer here. that was just a joke, i was on a long road trip and used up all of my phone data doing it, it was funny, but i was also super bored. a lot of people got pissed off and thats exactly what I wanted to see

>> No.3782496

keep up the good work

>> No.3782572

nah they're pretty lame actually. you really they do it all day right. which means they have no lives. haha.

>> No.3782589

we live in a very sad time. mods will try to be overly zealous about rules and continue to suck nigger dicks as they delete perfectly okay threads.

>> No.3782627

everything they have deleted so far has been garbage

>> No.3782705

you can pay somebody to do the full render. That is what my Industrial Design professor did. After he had the design completely lay out he paid someone else to make the final pretty render, while he move to the next client/project.

>> No.3783807

painting makes you better at drawing. it's not some linear slope you progress on, kid.

>> No.3783917

I do graphic design that doesn't involve drawing or painting (apart from the corporate stuff you mentioned). I work 8-9 hrs/day, I spend about 6 hours doing creative stuff.