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File: 13 KB, 309x163, japanamerica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3770388 No.3770388 [Reply] [Original]

So I've heard people complaining that if the Japanese know you are a westerner they don't commission you and actively avoid you, even if you speak Japanese.

Is this true?

>> No.3770392

Not just the art audience, but most Japanese are quite xenophobic. Didn't you hear about the recent mass killings of blacks in Shibuya?

>> No.3770397

The Japanese aren't called honorary aryans for no reason.

>> No.3770398

No. What happened?

>> No.3770400

Based Japs, I can respect them for that.

>> No.3770401

blacks are hated universally

>> No.3770404

6+ black people (not sure if foreign or local) were lynched and found in the backstreets. Seriously scary shit.

>> No.3770405

holy shit... these japs do mean bussiness.

>> No.3770409


go back to /B

>> No.3770410

Yup. The amount of Japanese artists who bother interacting with western artists is tiny. I feel bad for the weeaboo artists leaving the good ol' 日本語 in their bio in hopes of befriending their favorite artists.

>> No.3770412

Where's your source fag

>> No.3770418

I'm pretty sure it's because they hate Americans, not whites in general
you know, because of the fucking nukes?

>> No.3770421

japan is for japanese

>> No.3770423

go back to imaginaryland

>> No.3770425

theyve only been allowed there the past 100 years and mostly in the past few decades and they're already considered violent and rapists
their fault desu

>> No.3770426

>not learning Hanguel to chat with bases Koreans
shiggy diggy

>> No.3770427



>> No.3770430
File: 28 KB, 735x1033, Beheaded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based japanese, weebs are cancer.

>> No.3770433

well yeah but that's not a new thing. Most weebs think "but they are only shy h-haha!", but actually they are being polite by avoiding you since the majority can't stand westerners for multiple reasons.

As for your commission question, that doesn't make sense at all, no nip has ever commissioned something from a westerner, maybe some pseudo company here and there, but as for individual people nah. Nip artists are only interested in other more popular nip artists, as can be seen through pixiv fanbox, c95, and various other events and markets.

>have multiple high tier nip art friends on twitter

>> No.3770613

if this was a middle eastern and not japanese u fags wouldve losed your shit instead of going " hhaha weebs cancer japan for japs its ok if they kill people because of it cuz its their country haha "

>> No.3770622
File: 6 KB, 263x192, Riced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not saying that it's ok to kill people, but weebs are truely cancer. Imagine refugees trying too hard to be white, copycat everything.

>> No.3770623

weebs are pretty cancerous though

>> No.3770626

sorry ahmed everybody hates shitskins

>> No.3770642


>> No.3770650

I dunno. This might just be an internet digital art thing, if anything. I've had quite the opposite experience.

I'm a potter and sculptor. White, American, male. Japanese people have come right up to me, like seeking me out just to meet me with embarrassing amounts of respect and reverence. Same thing has happened with Chinese and Korean people. Like I was a Real Artist™. I mean, my work is good, but I think in a lot of Asian countries clay is a more venerated medium than in western countries. I've never experienced any racism or rudeness, but it could be that I get a pass for working in a medium with deep cultural roots in that part of the world. I would totally live in Japan if I weren't so bad at learning languages.

>> No.3770666
File: 105 KB, 870x580, p8-baye-a-20150115-870x580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Didn't you hear about the recent mass killings of blacks in Shibuya?

Tried to search for a source for that claim on Google but I found nothing. I did find this though.

>Up in arms: Members of the African American Youth Travel Program and others march in Shibuya on Dec. 6 in solidarity with protesters who have taken to the streets across the U.S. in the wake of the shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed black man killed by police in Ferguson, Missouri, in August.

Also this


Can't be that damn racist if they allow them to march and protest like this. Also isn't Shibuya the biggest foreigner district in Japan? Like about half of the people who live there are foreigners?

>> No.3770668

It might also be that you are a westerner making western art, maybe Japanese see westerners making Japanese style art as imposters.

>> No.3770681

Japan can afford to be xenophobic. They have an enormous economy and an invaluable cultural heritage of which to be proud of, and they must preserve it.
Iranians and such have nothing in comparison.
>muh Persians

If I was Japanese I'd be completely against immigration just like they are. It's normal. I am from a once prosperous land which got creamed in wars since forever and the killing blow was the flooding of immigrants (1:1 proportion with locals) who bred like damn rabbits and watered down our intellect, language and general thought process beyond salvation.

So yes, it's normal that Japs are xenophobic, it's normal that they dislike crap fake manga from westerners, it's normal that they are patriotic. They should be so even more, amend their Constitution, build a real army which could put Russia, Murica and China in their place.

In my eyes, they are one of the very few nations who still have a proper identity. Look what happened to the once glorious France. Look who serves as the mayor of London. Look at Sweden or California or anywhere in Western Europe.

I might be called a weeb, but I'm just an admirer of Japan. Of course I love manga but I love their culture, civilization, story and general principles: they fucking deserve it.

>> No.3770688

If I was Japanese I'd be completely against immigration just like they are. It's normal. I am from a once prosperous land which got creamed in wars since forever and the killing blow was the flooding of immigrants (1:1 proportion with locals) who bred like damn rabbits and watered down our intellect, language and general thought process beyond salvation.

A country in the Balkan region?

>> No.3770713

>gay pride flag flying high above black lives matter protesters.
Am I the only one who finds this humorous?

>> No.3770716

Nah. Catalan.

>> No.3770719

I don’t comission western artists playing at anime art either.

>> No.3770721

Actually, Japan can't afford to be xenophobic. They've got a serious problem with a large aging population and a really low birth rate, with a terrible immigration policy. Like, the system can't stay afloat without more human bodies in trades and service jobs, but temporary work visas aren't going to attract the people they need. They're going to have an economic crisis soon unless they relax the permanent residency problem with foreigners or start fucking more. Not saying they shouldn't be very selective about who they let in.

>> No.3770724

>"Tokyo stands with Ferguson"
>3 whites, 3 blacks and 2 japs.

>> No.3770726

I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.3770734

>population is aging, let's bring in a crapload of foreigners
No. This leads to catastrophic demographic consequences as I stated. What needs to be done is incentivate the Japanese people to have families with at least 2 children. The state in which things are over there is similar to white countries; life is stupidly expensive and women being at work makes them unable to take care of children and become homemakers, as well as making jobs scarce and underpaid.
Society is doomed as long as we keep the principals of capitalism in rule and nations keep feeling self-conscious about their self preservation.

>> No.3770738

When I was a young man living on Oahu, I would often see old Japanese veterans weeping at the USS Arizona memorial, as though they each took personal responsibility for the outcome of their nation's former imperialism. There was no hatred, just sadness and regret. Japan doesn't hate America.

>> No.3770747

Japan doesn't hate America because of harsh surrender conditions imposed by McArthur to Hiro Hito which, among many others, westernized the country and made the media not foster spite against the US but instill admiration for the victor and self guilt in the population. Vae victis

>> No.3770768

>oh no people aren't having enough babies, let's import a billion niggers
fuck off

>> No.3770794

pigskin be like

>> No.3770800

with this way of thinking i agree with you, its the western countries fault that they let refugees in so easily, though lets not forget how americunts were the cause of places like iran to go backwards and go islamic and shit, look at em before the 70s

>> No.3770818

>catastrophic demographic consequences
This doesn't actually mean anything

>> No.3770840

it means there would be too many niggers

>> No.3770842

Like, in an ironic "lol we're on 4chan" sort of way or in a "I take /pol/ seriously" kinda way?

>> No.3770852

East asians are often pretty confused when westerners try to ditch their identity and assume japanese identity totally.

Because honestly there's not much to being japanese. But then you have these people coming in and acting like they've found salvation.

It's not about xenophobia it's about an aversion to hysteria. Which is what it is. Tourism is fine, of course...

>> No.3770856

This, also dunno if i'm wrong but mostly softbois and in general annoying people are hardcore anime fans. I totally would be racist against such people invading my country.

>> No.3770898

I've had some artist nips follow me, and some nips want to commission me. My style is not generic animu shit though. Really, why would a nip look for weebs making more generic animu when they have enough already at home?

>> No.3770904

This sounds like bullshit, and there is nothing online about it.

>> No.3770905

niggers are bad, they commit a lot of crime

>> No.3770907

I'll just put it in the ironic bin

>> No.3770909

are you implying that niggers don't commit a lot of crime? because they do.

>> No.3770911

Most pedos and serial killers are white.

>> No.3770913

I mean, if you want to be in the /pol/ bin you can just say so. It's no trouble really

>> No.3770915

oh no, please no, anything but that


>> No.3770917

Anon, I just need to know which way I shouldn't take you seriously.

>> No.3770918

Good thing I'm only friends with Japanese Twitter fujos

>> No.3770919

Because they're the real Israelites. The only reason blacks haven't been genocided yet is because they make great puppets/voting power.

>> No.3770939


>> No.3770960

>post an abstract to an paper they'll never read

90/413 = 22% roughly, I'm not sure what demographic data they used but that seems to be underrepresented.

>> No.3770973
File: 5 KB, 735x177, f0bfc27521b7191d68dfd6563c15e68b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing found anywhere online about this
Source or gtfo
Kike Americano. Don't speak a lick of Japanese (I don't use any special tags). A quarter of my followers are Japanese. Most of the Japanese on twitter are real nice and respond very kindly to English posters because they don't expect them. If they see your stuff as a result of commenting they might even follow you if your art's really good, gonna toot my own horn for a second, I know this is from past experiences.
General consensus from most people interacting with Japanese is that they are overall chill and not racist with the exceptions of a few 90 something year olds.
From what I've seen the only people who are really anti westerners doing eastern art are western otakus. for example:>>3770681 >>3770719

If japan didn't want immigrants and foreigners they would not have volunteered to host the Olympics, and would not have eased up on their immigration policy to make it a lot simpler. You are standing up to values that even the Japanese don't support anymore. Standing up for samurai, isolationist, & imperialist values doesn't make you a brave ronin, it makes you an idiot.

I don't know how Japanese treat weeaboos but I don't imagine it being very different to how they see otakus, as pathetic weirdos.

Fujoshis are scare, godspeed my friend.

This is either projecting of a bad experience or talking out the ass.
Some are occasionally really shy, they usually don't understand the language or anything but one word sentences, so getting a full convo won't happen.
Also there are westerners working on the anime and videogame industry grind all the time
>Thomas romain
>Bara no Tenshi
>Mateusz Urbanowicz

To name a few that i actually follow their work, there are many I don't care about
I believe BahiJD is also non Japanese and trigger said in their stream they have on their animation team 2 non Japanese.

>> No.3771103

>Kike Americano
Why oh why am I not surprised you're a staunch defender of cultural marxism and globalism.

>> No.3771105


>> No.3771157

The ruskies didn't liked us either, retard. The only reason for you to think Jews are spreading communism is because you are enough of a loser believe conspiracy theories.
Here's your (you), faggot, now fuck off.

>> No.3771160

Am I a good goy Mr. Goldstein? I don't believe in those evil alt-right conspiracies and bash the fash everyday

>> No.3771166

/pol/tards are the niggers of the internet

>> No.3771168

Hi, I'm >>3770410
You said it yourself, you're speaking from personal experience which means as much as my own.
>they might even follow you if your art's really good
How is this not divisive? lol
>Kike Americano
Don't even know what this means desu. Also I would've organized this reply in order but It's almost 2 am so fuck it

>> No.3771169

aren't niggers the niggers of the internet?

>> No.3771170

was it gang related?

>> No.3771216

>You said it yourself, you're speaking from personal experience which means as much as my own
It would seem unreasonable that I'm somehow the only counter example for everyone and Japanese switch to normal mode just with me while ignoring everyone else. I find it a lot easier to believe you had a bad encounter with some yourself and now think that of everyone. Or, do you think I have some magical powers that make em nice to me and only me?
>How is this not divisive? lol
You are really good, people would like your work regardless of who they are or who you are. They are just people and they would follow someone regardless of birthplace if they like the work like everybody else.
>Don't even know what this means desu.
Put kike for the person calling them honorary aryans. Put American for all the people saying they hate Americans..
>It's almost 2 am so fuck it
Goodnight, son.

>> No.3771237

all quick solutions are shit

>> No.3771264
File: 463 KB, 404x524, 1543541494921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it. Stop representing my side incompetently

>> No.3771268

they're are a few japanese artists with patreons and do commissions

>> No.3771269

Let’s be honest, most people wouldn’t care about Japan if they didn’t produce anime, manga and video games.

>> No.3771305


If you're attractive and white, you're idolized. If you're anything else and not Japanese, you're shunned and mocked behind your back. This includes unattractive white dudes btw. Appearance is very important in Japan, and Japs will idolize white dudes who have charisma, and fit their imagined model of what a white man should be. Like, you have SO many doors open for you if you're handsome.

They're not xenophobic, everyone just hates blacks.

>> No.3771306

Based japs.

>> No.3771307

>Also isn't Shibuya the biggest foreigner district in Japan?
No. That's Roppongi. Shibuya is the fashion district and where all the young people go hang out.

>> No.3771407

im pretty sure if i ever go to japan im going to try to live in the countryside and end up becoming the uncle ruckus of whiteys

>> No.3771747
File: 301 KB, 629x405, 1544276662750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>provides no evidence for any of this
>zero results from google
>people still believe it anyway
Oh yes, this definitely happened...

>> No.3771753

Sushi, robots,movies and porn.

>> No.3771771
File: 2.85 MB, 3072x2304, p1040552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if the Japanese know you are a westerner they don't commission you and actively avoid you
Yeah, they are so strange, I wonder why

>> No.3771780

>tfw put japanese in my bio to become friends with my top 2 favourite doujinka
>it works
not all hope is lost

>> No.3771802

Why the fuck is this thread on ic?

>> No.3772292

I love how I can easily read the top banner without having studied Jap for so long

lets see

東京はファーガソン一緒に立ち上がる yeaaaaah look at me boooOOOi

>> No.3772294

woops forgot the "to" particle

>> No.3772575

No. They're spreading cultural communism and economic capitalism. Huge difference there, jew.

>> No.3772629

I've never had problems with nips. I try to communicate in nip if they commission me but if it's too complex I tell them to try again in English.
Half the time it ends there but I think it's because they just cant speak English well enough.

>> No.3772649

When birth rates are falling it's only natural you start to import people who can actually pleasure women :^)

>> No.3772661

are you saying women can only be pleased through rape? that's pretty misogynistic

>> No.3772672

are you saying that rape is not okay, because, well, if she dresses like she wants to get fucked well, it's her fault for getting raped.

>> No.3772686
File: 1.08 MB, 2018x2730, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What have they done to the Earth? WHAT HAVE THEY DONE to our fair Shibuya Rin? Ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit her.
Stuck her with knives in the side of the dawn and tied her with fences and DRAAAGGGGEEDDD HEEEEERRRR DOOOOOOWN.
I hear a very gentle sound. With your ear down to the ground.

>> No.3772965


>> No.3773039

top pixiv artists are either gooks or chinks.
If this was true, Im pretty sure a nationalist would rather take commissions from a wh*toid than a chink/gook

>> No.3773188

No matter how much people in this board cry over western artists who don't draw anime, if you don't draw anime you're more likely to have nice interactions with asians. You can meet tons of westaboo friends if you draw western cartoons or things from european culture. No one wants to see their own art but drawn subpar

>> No.3773204

and this is why uzuki shimamura is best girl

>> No.3773212

>Imagine refugees trying too hard to be white, copycat everything.
That's still better than not assimilating at all.

>> No.3773223

>Imagine refugees trying too hard to be white, copycat everything.
Mudslimes wouldn't be raping europe with their degeneracy if they did just that

>> No.3775309

plenty of my american friends including myself have a large number of japanese followers. i have a few big animators and a trigger dude following me as well.

you guys are just crabby faggots making excuses for not making it and worship japs for no other reason than to be whiny race worshipping faggots

>> No.3775418

>Is this true?

This is false.

>> No.3775873

They seem racist to the average westerner because western eyes are distorted through a hundred years of political correctness.

Japs are just about the healthy amount of racist, tis all.

>> No.3776228


>> No.3776564

>They seem racist to the average westerner because western eyes are distorted through a hundred years of political correctness.
The people that bitch about "political correctness" are always the people that get triggered about everything.