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3769039 No.3769039 [Reply] [Original]

Hypothetical: Can an artist price his art piece whatever he wants? Why don't you just put a price tag of 1,25 million dollars for one of your painting? I've just always been wondering how some thing can sell for insane amount (That I would say are uhm, not that good) and the stuff I really love is like... 30 bucks.

Disclaimer: Not an artist myself, so this isn't a thinly veiled thread about how to price my art.

>> No.3769050

thats what we call money laundering sweety

>> No.3769059

to do that you need an (((important person))) to tell everyone what to think about your work

>> No.3769071

Please elaborate, I don't know how money laundering works. You'd report the sale, no? How is it different than selling 125000 paintings for 10 bucks?


>> No.3769086

money laundering to avoid the tax man nothing els to it

>> No.3769094
File: 2.31 MB, 4032x3024, 312. dakato cringe 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hypothetical: Can an artist price his art piece whatever he wants?
Sure. All my originals are $250,000 OBO and they won't be sold until after the race is over. Granted it's just a goofscuse to not sell anything.
>Why don't you just put a price tag of 1,25 million dollars for one of your painting?
People probably wouldn't spend $100 for it, so you can do whatever you want.
>I've just always been wondering how some thing can sell for insane amount (That I would say are uhm, not that good) and the stuff I really love is like... 30 bucks.
money laundering.

>> No.3769096

>Why don't you just put a price tag of 1,25 million dollars for one of your painting?
Cos literally no-one will buy it, you fucking retard?
And pricing something like that will also tarnish your reputation?

>> No.3769102

>Can an artist price his art piece whatever he wants?
She can price is whatever she wants, but it doesn't mean people will buy it. Realistically someone will pay $30 for a piece of shit painting, nobody will pay a million unless it was some perceived value behind it beyond the art.

>> No.3769123

You gotta have street cred, you know? If your work is talked about in circles with really influential people then you can put a retarded high price on it. You gotta have respect to be valuable.

>> No.3769143

It just has to do with the name behind that piece. Granted quality has a big factor in it. But think of stuff like DeviantArt adoptables. People will froth at the mouth and bid numbers with triple digits because of the name behind that sparkledog.

Of course one can always be delusional and paint some lines on a canvas, slap a $4,000 price tag on it and claim it's abstract, but that doesn't necessarily mean said work is worth that much. A little off-topic, but something you'll notice with people with no art experience tend to do because from their perspective abstract painting is just having a seizure in front of a canvas.

>> No.3770192

No need for name calling asshole.

>Cos literally no-one will buy it
You don't know that, people spend outrageous amount of money on stupid shit all the time.

>> No.3770199

Yep. Doesn't mean it will sell.
The fru-fru modern art sells at $1mil because of its image, not necessarily its craftmanship. It is a status symbol for the rich.
The $30 art you see online is a result of competition, low barrier of entry, artists who have no following yet, etc.

>> No.3770207

if you actually go on Etsy-like sites where people sell original art, the prices are quite high
there are some really fucking shitty watercolors done in 5 minutes selling at 200-300 bucks

people are actually attracted to shit that is priced higher because they take it as a sign of quality. If you price your shit too low people will assume you're an amateur, this is not my theory it's an actual marketing thing that is taught at marketing classes. if you make your prices higher people will be attracted to your thing because they attach exclusivity and value to higher prices

Yes, people LITERALLY think Pollock is good BECAUSE it sells for millions of dollars, something in people's brains changes when something costs a lot of money. This is also the reason why if I had an original pollock at home people would believe it's some anonymous painter while if some millionaire had some shitty anonymous doodle on his wall they will assume it's an original pollock, you are seriously overestimating people if you think they are actually capable of using their brain and possess an ounce of taste

>> No.3770208

This is why I always use the heist test to determine the quality of art. I ask myself if I would go through the trouble of organizing a heist only to have it hanging in my shitter for 30 years until the heat dies down.

>> No.3770213
File: 129 KB, 1024x659, 3682562525125394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have some of my paintings around the house
>guests think that the Monet print is my work
every fucking time

>> No.3770223

>have an 18th century engraving of two kids getting smothered in their sleep
>no one notices it

>> No.3770246

The stuff that sells for millions is essentially rich people laundering money and playing status games with their rich friends. With the occasional true believer who has a spiritual connection to eg a rothco color field.

You can move a painting across national borders without declaring it like you would a suitcase full of money, and you can loan it to a museum and take a tax cut.

Charging too little is a common problem. If people want your lazy watercolor sketch, why not charge a good price for it? People do dumber shit with their discretionary income than finance an artist's growth. If you can't afford bad original art to decorate your bathroom, then you can go to Target and get the framed print of a sailboat for 20 dollars. Or take some house paint and slop it on a canvas to show off your color coordinating skills.

The CIA psyop and billionaire patronage certainly helped. If a high status tastemaker says it's good, many people will follow.

>> No.3770288
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>> No.3770302

>Shlomo Shekelstein and Abe Kikenberg
gets me every time

>> No.3770304

If you actually want to sell art, you use a rational and ethical system for pricing. Wal Mart could put a price tag of ten million dollars on a big screen TV, but no one would pay that much, and it would either make them a laughing stock or damage their reputation so badly that they'd actually lose money.

For paintings on canvas, you could do worse than coming up with a formula based on the surface area + cost of materials. For a new artist, that might be a few dollars per square inch--for a painter with international acclaim and access to wealthy clients, that might go up enough to push large paintings into the 5-figure territory.

If you're splitting 50/50 with a gallery, then double that.

If you just want to meme, then yes, you can put any number on the price tag that you want--there is no law regulating the pricing of fine art, and no armed gangs of galley curators to enforce vigilante justice.

Basically the tax code is fucked up. If it weren't for that, the dynamic would just be
>rich people skyping other rich people out of their money
>new artist gets paid

>> No.3770737

Wouldn’t pay one thin dime for your shit on a canvas Jimmy.

>> No.3770828

>Why don't you just put a price tag of 1,25 million dollars for one of your painting?
Because no one's going to fucking buy it. Especially from a nobody.

>> No.3771051

If you're trying to troll rich people, why not? You could come up with some story that would attract a rich fuck with money and make it easily I'm sure you could. If you're trying to make a more respectable living and attract non-rich people into buying your work then you're just digging your own grave. It's all in the scam.

>> No.3771083
File: 65 KB, 500x372, 1522453127949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I price my paintings per the hour I take to make them? I saw a website claim that an appropiate selling price for beginners is based on hours taken + price of the materials.

So say I charge $15 an hour, spent $30 on materials, and took 8 hours to finish the painting, that'd be $150 a painting. Would that be fair or would that be underselling myself?

>> No.3771127

>implying people who spend that much on art don't have an art bitch to come around and tell them what's good

>> No.3772716

You need:
A famous art praiser
A famous art critique
A circle of billionaires friends
A connections of famous people that has names in art scene
A convincing art dealer

>> No.3772826

>Can I price my work x ammount of $?
You can price it whatever you want, wether it's fair or not. The question you need to ask is what ammount of $ is someone willing to pay.

>> No.3773208

Not until that artist has a millionaire reputation. If you're a nobody it barely matters how skilled you are.

>> No.3774153

Reminds me of this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dw5kme5Q_Yo

Most of the time it's just better to buy and sell art on craft fairs or even fucking Craigslist. Art featured in museums and galleries is often recreated for sell and if it's abstract shit you can make your own