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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 221 KB, 1600x1200, boy squat sit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3761371 No.3761371 [Reply] [Original]

where were you when you realised you simply werent intelligent enough to get good at art?

>> No.3761374

Grinding in art as always

>> No.3761384

if you want it bad enough you'll get it if you get off your ass and fucking do something

>> No.3761385
File: 45 KB, 640x641, 05u9pootfwg11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3761388

In bed like I've been for the past 6 years. I quit drawing 2 years ago. I have abandoned all hope of becoming anything and I contemplate suicide every day. I hate everything I make, I hate my art so much.

>> No.3761392

Dave Rapoza and Brad Rigney do not strike me as intelligent people.

>> No.3761406

Go seek professional help.
Are you waiting till you have a rope around your neck or something?
>6 years
Get off 4 chan, turn off your PC, go see a psychiatrist.
Call suicide prevention if you feel like it those guys are literally getting paid to speak to people like you.
Forget about drawing keep yourself alive first

>> No.3761414

I've been doing therapy for 10 years. Right now I'm quitting my medicines because they do nothing, I don't plan on wasting time with doctors anymore.
I don't care anymore, I just wanted to be an artist and I clearly see it's unattainable and I don't want to live as a consumer.

>> No.3761417

I bet youre just some 20yr crybaby
stfu and do something about it pussy, go lift some iron.

>> No.3761445

I’ve met plenty of retarded artists. You can still make it.

>> No.3761483

If you want to be an artist don't be sitting on CI waiting for pity, sit and practice.
If you're lonely, stream it or listen to music.
If you want to give up art and life then at least put yourself up for medication testing and human experimentation. make yourself useful.

>> No.3761543

DUAL WELDING??? does he have sunglasses to hide his crosseyes?

>> No.3761552

>sit and practice
Done that for 6 years. I'm still shit. It makes no sense to continue.

>> No.3761553

how old are u

>> No.3761555

Mid 30s

>> No.3761557


>> No.3761568
File: 72 KB, 542x577, head better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one of the better pieces i've done. people have criticised it in the past but i think they were just jealous crabs lol

>> No.3761578

This, some absolute brainlets make it, you don't have to be smart in general.

>> No.3761583
File: 330 KB, 1883x1140, Document_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon is not me >>3761568
My work is shit after 2 years not drawing
This is sketches from imagination, I just can't draw faces.

>> No.3761593

troll post, this anon is not me

>> No.3761600

Tou type like a fag. Fuck off.

>> No.3761671

I can relate a little to much to that photo...

>> No.3761691

well those are not bad you gotta grind a few more years tho of course depending on what ur goal is

>> No.3761772

>this is the advice given on /ic/

>> No.3761778

this single reply represents /ic/ as a whole

>> No.3761788

The absolute state of /ic/

>> No.3762111

I type like a ESL you peacock faggot

>> No.3762147

no matter which one you really are both of these lack any kind of fundamentals
what the fuck were you practicing these 6 years? I call BS. you were either lazing around on the net and you told yourself you practiced or you are lying to get attention.
you either played with your dick and drew a single drawing once a month, drew dismissively once a week and went back to the craying, or you just straight up didn't study and your'e lying.
There's absolutely no fucking way.
I bet you sat online watching fucking jazza and proko once a month thinking to yourself how much you are progressing.
I bet you are here just to feel like you actually worked and you want pity when we both know you didn't. Go back and actually work or go work in something that somebody can yell at you and whip you into effort like manual labor.

>> No.3762151

wow you really can't accept that some people don't have talent huh?

>> No.3762160

I quit university to draw more. I drew all day for 6 years, mostly making comics. I never learned how to draw a face right despite making thousands of them, i just can't get the construction working.

>> No.3762163
File: 191 KB, 1151x2042, Document 3_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm >>3761583

>> No.3762171

low t

>> No.3762202

your faces are good enough for comics nigga

just draw digitally and add fancy colors and rendering. given that you have good storytelling you could hypothetically make it.

>> No.3762205

No they're not. I can't even make characters look the same from panel to panel. I think I have brain damage in the area where it processes faces, I just can't explain why I just can't fucking draw them. I was so determined to make it when I started out, i bought into the whole practice makes perfect meme but it never happened and now i don't even have a degree to fall back onto

>> No.3762264

so you were drawing in bed for 4 years. no wonder you never improved and quit kek.

>> No.3762268

I have a simple question for you, you fucking imbecile.
How did you practice? Did you actually do in-depth study of anatomy? Did you actually try to at least get a true form grasp of forms in 3d? Doing random fucking shit for 2 years without any direction is dumb and you are d fucking dumb.

>> No.3762269

Nah I used to draw on an easel for the most part.

>> No.3762270

I can't accept that this is talent, this genuinely feels like someone is a low iq retard. This is basic intelligence shit, you can feel that there isn't even an attempt to construct something underneath the forms.

>> No.3762272

I practiced gesture from photos every day, I made pages of hands/heads from various angles. Yes I studied anatomy. Most of the work I did was comics so what happened most of the time was that I had trouble doing a shot or drawing some item and I spent time practicing that before going back to the page. I draw from imagination and with the comics I used reference but never directly copied it, I tried to understand and do construction. I don't think the method was wrong or at least I think what I did was adequate. I just didn't improve. I started from zero and I improved a lot in the first couple years out of learning construction and perspective but then I just couldn't break through and on top of all I just couldn't learn to draw a fucking face.

I don't care if you insult me, this is the truth. I'm not very smart and I always had trouble learning, so maybe I'm just mentally deficient.

>> No.3762275

Anon this might be the truth desu, I think you are just generally dumb.

>> No.3762280
File: 30 KB, 592x168, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're are either really that bad at tracking time, or lying to yourself to make yourself feel better for giving up. Either way you obviously didn't have good discipline or focus if you can't even remember how long you have been drawing

>> No.3762285

That's not me, idk why that anon tried impersonating. I worked for 6 years and quit for two to try to get a regular job.

>> No.3762286
File: 30 KB, 199x365, 1546945373304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My retarded female brain cannot comprehend 3 dimensional space. It's almost impossible for me to "draw in 3d". And perspective? Forget about it. Even with grids and guides it's a mystery. I try, I really do. If I keep repeating one thing over and over from all angles I can force myself to understand, but I can never draw in 3d intuitively with a new subject. I get lost in my own neighborhood because I can't visualize how things fit together when they are outside of my view. It really retards my progress.

>> No.3762288

Listen there is absolutely no way you were studying Anatomy because you literally have no effort in your bodies.
Do you understand what I'm trying to say? You are not trying to create forms for muscles underneath, you are instead just drawing vague blobs, there is no structure under your drawings.
What do you even mean by learned fucking anatomy? Did you ever try to actually draw a single muscle group from memory after "learning" Anatomy? How can you be using vague misshapen blobs if you at least have the general knowledge of what is under there?

>> No.3762289

That's just because you're an idiot, has nothing to do with being female.

>> No.3762291

At least I'm trying to overcome my disability.

>> No.3762297

Anon I don't know what to tell you. When I draw from imagination that's what comes out. Yes I know the general muscle groups and the skeleton, I just can't draw well. I actually thought my bodies were ok, at least compared to my faces.

>> No.3762300

Download sketchup and a 3D posing program lmao

>> No.3762302

Scott Eaton facial anatomy
You're welcome

>> No.3762310

im in a situation where i can go all the way. anyone wanna financially support me and watch from the sidelines while i make it?

>> No.3762312

>I get lost in my neighborhood
You are literally mentally impaired.
If you have no minds eye, you can not actually draw from imagination.

>> No.3762314

Interesting because I'm >>3762297 and I have no sense of direction either.

>> No.3762318

If you can not visualize environments it literally means that you have almost zero minds eye, like you are fucking mentally impaired in some way.
I believe that there is probably a way to practice minds eye and developing it. When you close your eyes can you visualize a complex 3d object?

>> No.3762321

Now you know why Craig Mullins models shit and paints over it

>> No.3762326

>When I draw from imagination that's what comes out
That's probably your problem. You didn't work and study from reference enough.

>> No.3762328

Like a car? Yeah, I think so. I have trouble rotating things in my head though, like if i imagine a head and try to rotate it it gets abstract really fast

>> No.3762329

That's what I mean, rotating.
Imagining a still is 2d visualization, rotating an object is 3d visualization.
That is the key skill that you want, rotating in 3d in your head without it getting abstract fast, if you can't do that you will have trouble drawing from imagination.

>> No.3762330

Don't be embarassed to use references.

>> No.3762331

I mean I used reference, I just never copied it directly but went for construction instead. I even went as far as buying miniatures of guns and cars for a comic.

>> No.3762337

Post your work with a reference

>> No.3762344
File: 904 KB, 700x700, Page 21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have to get up and scan a page where there are guns on my computer. This is what I have on my phone, nothing is referenced here.

>> No.3762348

>nothing is referenced here.
Yeah, again, that's your problem. Even the most prolific and talented manga artists like Hamada Yoshikazu use extensive references.

>> No.3762349

Not really you can bound the rotated shapes to muscle memory by drawing them over and over again (basically advanced symbol drawing.)

Else rotate a simplified form representing the shape or part of the shape using visualization and then as you look at the paper for reference you can mentally rotate the rest.

Another trick is to do random scribbles all over until a shape resembling the abstract visualization in your mind starts forming and then you asses in which direction to finish the drawing. By scribbling everywhere you allow for possibilities of shapes to come out and you simply fill in the blanks.

t. person with poor visualization that gets by

>> No.3762350

It's not that bad , certainly better than most web comics out there.
But things like, the way you drew her hand passing the photo makes me thing that you do not actually understand planes and shapes with reference or not, same goes for the way her foot bends in the second panel.
But people have made it with worse art, you just need a mentor or someone to actually teach you to break through your retarded shell.

>> No.3762351

Yes you can, but most of the autists on /ic/ want fucking free hand Kim Gi tier intuitive understanding of 3d.
You can not have that unless you train your minds eye.

>> No.3762366

Nah I'm done. I'm too old, I have to work a real job now and I have been grinding enough, it's a waste of time. I don't even know why I came back here and started sketching again. Also I hate my stuff so much at this point that I can't manage to be productive, after a few sketches I have to stop.

>> No.3762382


It all started when I got to 4th year university. Up to that point I tried my hardest, did lots of personal work, had an absolute passion for drawing. I could not put that pencil down and was working most hours of the day.

So get to my 4th and final year or university, after all these years of work...........and get told by my teacher that the way I drew looked like I didn't even want to draw. It hit me deep. After than it was like a chain reaction of events that just took the life out of it. Had other students, and even friends tell me my work was lazy or outdated, and I should have been better. Every critique always mentioned what was wrong, and every aspect of the drawing was said to be wrong from line, construction, color, posing, ect, ect, ect. Even had other teachers telling me I should get less sleep and work into the night if I actually cared and wanted to get good.

And I did just that. I got less than 3-4 hours of sleep a night for several months, working several more hours each day, struggling to get better, developing anxiety problems.....and I got told even more that I was lazy and not trying hard enough, and didn't love it enough. Eventually graduated wondering what the point of it all was. Lost all my friends as a result too.

Afterwards started working and took a free weekly class...and usual I always got singled out for being bad. Several years of this, I had enough, I wanted to actually be good and self teaching wasn't working, so quit work, went back to school.

Back at school, been working at this trying to learn how to draw for possibly half my life time, and I'm now surrounded by younger kids who began drawing years after I ever started. Many of which have only been drawing for only 1-2 years, or sometimes not drawn at all and it's their first time. All their work are leagues above mine. Don't get me wrong, they're great kids, but at this point, after so much time, I really do question my intelligence.

>> No.3762384

I'm curious, can you post your best works?

>> No.3762403

Your attitude is horrible.

>> No.3762411

I think he might be actually dumb

>> No.3762412

Have you tried forming discipline in other things? Smaller things, like waking up at certain times, going to sleep at certain organized times. Honestly for me it was brushing my teeth. I hadn't brushed my teeth for 8 years, but learning to do it no matter how I felt, no matter if I felt like leaving my bed or room. Where I used to sit in my room now I have to leave it to brush and this sets the whole tone for my day.

>> No.3762414
File: 1.34 MB, 592x833, 1546204038608.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It used to be pic related, I just came to terms with reality

>> No.3762418

>I hadn't brushed my teeth for 8 years

>> No.3762420

It sounds like anon is depressed

>> No.3762421

I was doing good in university, I had good grades although nothing special (studying Japanese). Then I started getting bad anxiety with exams and it all went downhill from there. I was never a super hard working person but I had enough discipline to get by. The anxiety was so bad that I had to drop out. When I discovered drawing I thought that would be my life and I put all my bets on it. I thought that was my key out of depression but I didn't consider that I could be too retarded to learn.

>> No.3762425

Dude there’s no chance you worked so hard butbit doesnt show on your work

>> No.3762429
File: 158 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_6256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the latest I've been working on.

>> No.3762433

Don't know why you're deflecting with a meme when I'm just curious, but ok.

>> No.3762439

I don't think retards can feel anxiety the way you do :D so ya got that. Fuck everyone else though, throw your passions into the world like a tyrant. The world needs to reflect on struggle and heartache. Sorry if I'm putting too much of myself in this.
Post something of your art.

>> No.3762440

That’s probably not him m8

>> No.3762448

there is no reality, you just exchanged a lie for another, not the lie we like to spread around here

>> No.3762468

I was, but I'm working my way out of it. Finally figured out that since I have a fucked up brain, doing the opposite of what I want to do in this moment will give me results similar to those who I wish to be. I don't mean to say that I'm equal to them, but I'm dancing with them now instead of sitting, if that makes any sense.

>> No.3762480
File: 17 KB, 455x406, 1482279157911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3762492
File: 278 KB, 717x538, gfhfghgfh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can confirm, OP here, this is not me.

Don't know how comfortable I am posting recent works since I know people from school roam /ic/, and most of my work is OC stuff, so it's identifiable (god I'm a coward). I can show "older" fanart I haven't really posted anywhere though.

I wouldn't really call it my best, but also, wouldn't really call any of my stuff the best.

>> No.3762500

>I don't think retards can feel anxiety the way you do :D so ya got that.
If I were an actual retard I'd probably function better than this

>> No.3762507

it's not good.
I get that your proportions aren't going for realism but they still need to be consistent, some parts of your character seem needlessly swollen. There's no perspective to speak off ( the head is completely 2dmensional and the further away's eye doesn't show any volume at all. The buttons have different shapes and the folds make no sense ( look at the heel of the boot ) The composition has some intentionallity at least but the shapes have no appeal and all the values are ramped up, that's why it looks like deviant art stuff. Also the edge control's bad and doesn't salvage the already flat drawing. I don't see a consistent light source either m8.

I don't know if i can believe you were really grinding fundies for years. I've only been a year at it and i feel i can at least self evaluate even if i'm not skilled. Don't be discouraged tho at least you have some imagination

>> No.3762515

no one who goes on 4chan is that intelligent desu

>> No.3762554

So, what did you actually study? Have you gone through any books from the sticky?

>> No.3762611

I was expecting worse. Just more studies and practice. I like the intense green glow on the hair from the wings and you seem to have a pleasing sense of color. Change the legs around some and position the arm differently to show the weight it's holding, but really you're closer to being damn good than you are being garbage. Do you do a lot of gesture drawings? Because I think that's all this really suffers from. Keep goin' homie.

>> No.3762614

A retard's best function is shitting their pants.

>> No.3762626
File: 156 KB, 1000x667, Photoshop_2019-01-11_09-43-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP i'm dumb as shit, quite possibly the dumbest person on this board, yet i learned how to draw almost not shit

>> No.3762642
File: 48 KB, 443x253, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I become as dumb as you fisher?
Also wheres muh imgur dump reeeeeeeeee

>> No.3762644

>why is it veiny even when flacid?

>> No.3762648

i'm not fisher lol that dude's wayyy betterer an smarterer than i am, both at art and everything else

you understand

>> No.3762654

wait really? what's your blog?

>> No.3762656

@nellipher on twitter but i haven't posted in a bit cause fortnite (don't judge me)

>> No.3762661

Wtf I though that was one of fisher's accounts. I'm getting real mindfucked right now. I guess I'm not as discerning as I thought I am.

>> No.3762666

we're big fans of each other's work and our styles can get pretty incestuous at times so that's understandable, still tho, he's like leagues beyond me lol so i guess what i mean is thank you for the compliment nwn

>> No.3762734


I highly suspect that you weren't doing art because you actually like it. Make no mistake, Art is fucking hard work, and you have to like and accept ALL aspects of art, good or bad, to improve at any rate.

Likely, you started drawing because you had an expectation for what Art would do for you, (e.g take you out of depression, make your story for you, finally make you comfortable with yourself).

The truth is, to do art is to be permanently uncomfortable. Always learning, never satisfied. It may never make you money, nor attract women, or make you a more responsible and likeable person.

I think what you need most is to ask yourself some questions about what you actually like, and what you want to do with your time before you kick the bucket.

>> No.3762846

>Training for 6 years
>making comics
You don't train by working on a product, that's probably the slowest way to get shit done. Look at online comic artists, Hell I love Go Nagai but it took him 20 years to get from where his comics were in the 70s to where they were in the 90s.
Go study fundementals, Go learn how to represent 3d shapes in a 2d space
After that sit in front of some reference and try over and over again to get it right.
take some courses if you need.
That pose ain't that even fucking atrocious
You can only learn by making a product after you have the fundies down, if not you are in the dark and your improvement will be slow and paintful take 2 years to properly learn the fundementals, but work really really really fucking hard on it
the life expectancy of a human being born in the the 40s and 50s is 85, it will be even higher when you'll get there. you still got at least 5 decades. Also pro tip, start working out. It won't help you draw better but it will make you feel good waking up and looking in the mirror and it would motivate you to keep going.

>> No.3762858

This is the opposite of what actual professional comic artists say.

Anyway see >>3762366

>> No.3763215

how does a retard, such as myself, learn to draw?

>> No.3763241

Hey retard link your work
you did it, you successfully advertised your self on some faggots pity thread
what's your twitter I finna toss you a follow

>> No.3763578

Is >>3762163 really just "random blobs" like that anon said?

>> No.3763594

one, don't call yourself or anyone that, is mean word, learn to be kind to yourself and others. two, copy parts you like from artists you look up to but do so with real life images of people in similar poses and artist's muscle charts like kitajima so you can cross reference all of them together to attempt to understand what the artist was thinking in their head as they made the stylistic choices that they did. also understand that you're gonna suck ass for years and you won't get better for a long time. also when doing figure drawing/gestures and other similar quick studies try to stare at the ref first and memorize where things are and then draw it without looking back at the ref. this prioritizes internalizing all that shiz into your brain instead of just mindlessly copying what you see on the page. early on when i started drawing i would go stand in front of the mirror in my bathroom and do the pose but i couldn't draw in the bathroom so i'd try to remember as much as i could an then run back to my room to draw it and then if i got stuck or forgot something i'd repeat the process.

i-i already linked it?
>>3762656 in this post?

>> No.3763609
File: 45 KB, 800x600, IMG_4951S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During an Art History class at university, actually, after I fell asleep during a lecture on Picasso.

I think it's less that I'm not intelligent enough and more that I don't have the motivation to apply what intelligence I do have.

>> No.3763617

you're assuming i've gotten myself to be able to copy already

>> No.3763628

when i say copy i don't mean like copying directly cause i still haven't learned to do that without sucking ass myself, i mean reconstructing what the artist you like has done in a way that helps you understand their thought process, like this is gonna involve you drawing a lotta shapes and then lines over those shapes to make them read clearly as 3d forms and then learning how to detail/apply muscles on top of that

>> No.3763634

>tfw multidisciplinary licensed engineer picking up art quick
lmao at u brainlets

>> No.3763655
File: 34 KB, 580x548, 1540765088179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i will never draw anime

>> No.3763682

i'll be honest
i didn't understand anything past "reconstructing"

>> No.3763741

watch some vilppu lectures/read his drawing manual, they're really useful!

>> No.3763747

which lecture would i start from?
there's a lot

>> No.3763774

i suggest starting where the drawing manual starts and then going from there!

>> No.3763852

Your bathroom remembering is specifically described as a great exercise in The Art Spirit. He says a life drawing class would be great if it had two rooms; one has the model and you can walk around, take notes and understand and memorise as best you can. The other room would have the canvas. I don't think taking your notes to canvas room was allowed, it's just a learning tool.

Interesting how you did the same thing through necessity rather than design.

>> No.3763864


>> No.3764188

know that feel bruh.

Notice where the parts you tend to have trouble with. Then try to find out what's wrong there, and fix the problem.

Sometimes the reason you're fking up and can't for the life of you get something to look the way other people do it, is because you are using a bad method. Just the other day I stopped drawing the chest with a circle and instead just switched to lines, and it seriously fixed up a longstanding problem I had. (still wip)

The way you do things matter. Figure out the gimmicks, the right gears to make things. For example, when i was younger I would draw the top part of the eye in 1 arch, but later on I split them into 2 to more easily emphasize 3D.
I tried copying one of my older drawings because I noticed it was very charming, and the eyes had a distinct look to them. Surprisingly, I actually had trouble copying the eyes, which is very strange considering I was far better now than I was back then. Eventually, I tried making the eye in 1 arch, in the same old way I used to do it, and it was as expected, easy to do and also naturally gave off the same old charm and look. It really showed me just how important the way you do things is, and how important it is for style. Nowadays I've been thrusting myself into study, trying to fix old pain points, find the memes of production and have fun. It's been uniquely fruitful overall, a transformation (still wip) compared to before really.

>> No.3764199

Yeah but apparently my anatomy is "random blobs" after years of study... I thought it was decent. I thought it was only the faces that were bad.

>> No.3764218

Landscapes. Go out and render rocks and trees for a while.

>> No.3764228

you're definitely doing something stupid with them if they are always giving you pain. A bad way of going about it. really carefully examine the way you feel as you do it - where you feel is conflict, or something you think you do differently compared to everyone else. If you find anything, try find legit any other way. you might get lucky.

I didn't think your anatomy looked too off or anything (tho middle back seemed off).

Also I've been drawing for like 8 years, but most of those years were 0 progress.

>> No.3764231

>you're definitely doing something stupid
Oh I meant this for the heads you're having trouble with btw.

>> No.3764851

>Once a day, go for a walk.
>Not to any destination - just walk around outside.
>Down the road, around the block, just walk.
>Go for a walk and don't think - just walk and look around.
>If you forget a day - ignore it, forget about it.
>Walk the next day.
>If you get bored walking the same path walk somewhere else.

You don't want to go for a walk - that's why you need to. That is why you need to go for a walk.
Don't even fucking think about it.

Take your first step.

Life sucks. Life is a fucking whore. Fuck life. Fist life in the ass. You have to take your hand, make a fist, clench it tight, and shove it elbow deep up life's asshole. Make life your fucking bitch, man. Don't fucking think about it. Just make a fist. Fuck life. Go for a walk.

You're thinking right now. You're stopping yourself. Don't stop yourself. Say fuck it. Say it in your head. Do not stop yourself. Fuck it. Say it out loud. Say it and stand up this fucking instant and do that thing. Something. Whatever that thing is. If anything ever comes to mind. Do that thing. Fuck it.

If you fuck up who gives a shit. Nobody. Don't set a goal. Make a first step. Don't think of a second step. Step two is do another step one. Do step one again. Do a different step one. Take your first step.

You don't want to do anything. Make life your bitch. Do something. Go for a walk. It's dark out? Who gives a shit. You're tired? Who gives a shit. No point? WHO GIVES A SHIT. Fuck it. Fuck life. Fuck it. Go for a fucking walk.

Stand the fuck up and turn off your computer. Go for a walk. Fuck it.

>> No.3765064

Plenty of women end up creating great art, you just need to increase your IQ first.

>> No.3765076


>> No.3766287

Damn anon, what a badass motivational speech! I feel so pumped right now! I'm going for a walk and that will change everything! I'm sure I will forget about the fact that I completely failed at life for 30 years and I'm not even worth flipping burgers, and I'll... Do something! Yeah I'll start doing things like... Haha not failing at everything anymore? Yeah I'm sure that this act of willpower will make my dreams real! It just takes some belief! I mean some more belief. I believed and failed but I clearly wasn't believing enough, I have to double down on it and keep at it for the rest of my days even though it didn't work for more than half a decade! Yep

>> No.3767041

>Plenty of women end up creating
stopped reading there

>> No.3767061

My mom created me, her greatest work of art, and a gift to mankind. But I'm not sure mankind is deserving of my light? Perhaps after another cycle they will by worthy. And I will be born again.

Until that time, see ya around kiddo. *wink*

>> No.3767785

The moment you were born, she should've cut your head off. You were a message from God that he doesn’t love us and she should have sent it back signed sealed deliver, return to sender

>> No.3767805

When I realized I could just get by on porn alone.

>> No.3767808


get out of here muslim. you were not welcomed here and you are too brain dead to integrate with western society.

>> No.3767951
File: 32 KB, 400x270, 1285596650087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Damn anon, what a badass motivational speech!
Yep. Start.

>> No.3768182

I was in my chair, trying to draw
realized when every beginner's book was started at a level i couldn't get to

>> No.3768569

If regret won't change your nature then all that's left is belief.

>> No.3768582

At home, getting cosy. I am a sperger, so i am not good at self promoting.
Went to an european art academy and got my degree - but now i am seriously doubting if i want to be an artist. It is not worth it.

>> No.3770884

die soon please im tired of reading your bullshit get off this planet right now faggot how are you not done with yourself already, get off this earth i wish i could send you away looking at your patethic eyes so you never come back again

>> No.3770890

>I know, instead I will make passive aggressive remarks at people trying to help me on a taiwanese embroidery appreciation forum!
you are either very stupid or very cruel

>> No.3771345

Yeah I'm killing myself this year.

>> No.3771545

Walking around town for no reason like a tool isn't going help anyone get better at art you fucking spastic

>> No.3771592

That’s normal for two years

>> No.3771594

I've been drawing for 6 years. I quit for 2

>> No.3771599

what does a photo of a wendingo doing on /ic but not on /x

>> No.3771633

have fun in hell

>> No.3771708

stream your process, show how you practice.

words are words and mean nothing, you can say something and it can mean ten different things to people. or you could be bullshitting.

either way if you really think you're a brainlet, show your process(video, nothing else is acceptable), it's the only way to judge.

>> No.3771764

I don't draw anymore, and I don't care enough to make a stupid video to show what I did everyday just to prove something.

I had a comic page to do, so I did layouts and tests for every panel, I did pencils, when I was satisfied with the pencils I did inks and lettering, I painted on top. When I had trouble doing something like a car I looked at reference or minis but I never copied directly or traced. I made different sketches of the poses I would use to see what worked best.
Every day I spent some time drawing gestures from croquiscafe and pose sites. I used the typical Bridgman / Vilppu method, drawing a gesture first and building the anatomy on top.
I also made lots of pages of heads and hands and made studies of things I liked like Milt Kahl.
It was all completely worthless. If you don't have the visualization brainpower to actually use construction it's impossible to work from imagination or using reference as just an aid the way I did. The only way I can be a decent artist is by tracing or some other digital shit, and I hate that.