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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 143 KB, 512x512, facepalmpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3750041 No.3750041 [Reply] [Original]

Don't get me wrong, I got some good things here.

But the board is ruined by people that try to turn this into /b. If I wanted to be in /b I would be in /b. But most of us want to learn art.

NGMI, loomis spam, discouraging beginners, nazi shit nobody cares about.

Are the mods sleeping or something? In theory being an ass and trolling is against the rules in this place, right?

>> No.3750043

The only worthwhile learning resource here is the artbook thread.
The rest is useless and is best utilized as shitposting grounds.

>> No.3750044

Couldn't agree more.

>> No.3750045
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I guess people just don't care anymore. The only time I've seen moderation is whenever some rando janitor deletes posts or threads that don't fit into their point of view, even if they're non-inflammatory and on-topic.

There are some other boards, namely the blue ones, that have their rules stated outright, but nobody ever actually bothers to enforce it.

Making this board a red one was a mistake.

>> No.3750047

>Are the mods sleeping or something?
Nope they banned everyone but the nazispammer. They're the reason this board is shit. They actively ban people that try to engage with the community to do art shit, and they actively protect and enable shills and trolls and shit. Fucking report them enough and maybe someone up the food chain will care. As it is right now it's probably just some faggot /pol/ nigger that is janny on /ic/ and they're fundamentally ruining the place.


>> No.3750054

>it's probably just some faggot /pol/ nigger that is janny on /ic/
I feel like this has become a problem in every board.

>> No.3750056


>> No.3750068

@4chan on twitter. Could spam them on there.

>> No.3750069

nazi jannies got so btfo by Jimmy's shitposting they nuked everything LMAO

>> No.3750072

Suck it frogposters

>> No.3750073
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desu baka

>> No.3750083
File: 55 KB, 595x960, 55847600128_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your right OP , where are the draw threads???

this place is getting so bad Im sick of all these nude/porn thread; do a life drawing thread or anatomy study thread, instead of filth that debases you please anons
- its a myth that the porn art industry is sooooo huge yeah make 20-30$ drawing thats not really a portfolio piece that would help you months or years later.....

all these nazi posts are retarded, they are losers and they got over 8million of their "innocent" civillians killed why this infatuation with german austria sheeple???

NGMI - thats actually not the point and people miss that, theres people starving to death that will never even draw a circle in the sand, if you can pick up a pencil draw a circle and eat your noodles youve made it
comparing your self to others aka pros isnt really based on facts, who really knows how they got that gig? etc

where are the critiques, the red line threads?!!?!?!?!??!!??!

>> No.3750090

Critiques and redlines are overrated and useless, they only point out what's wrong with one single picture and won't teach you anything lasting. It's the same as when you copied that smart kids math test in school. You'll pass the exam but you won't learn shit.
And that is assuming the guy responding even knows what he's doing. 99% of the time he doesn't. You'll be better off comparing your art to anatomy pics on google. tl;dr stop dreaming about being spoonfed and put effort into it instead.

Critiques and redlines are memes and ought to be treated as such.

>> No.3750092

i got a great critique from a client that made me change the way i think and approach the subject matter, it became more of a mental working out than physical non-stop drafting, i agree with your redline comment but critiques can be extremely positive.

>> No.3750098

Yeah, honestly this board has gone to shit. I can’t think of a single prolific artist that still posts here. Reporting does nothing. There are people, like “Jimmy” that blatantly break so many rules, yet are still allowed to post. Threads used to have artwork as their posted image, now it’s all stupid as fuck Nazi related images. Everyday there’s a minimum of 2 threads posted getting free work under the guise of “lul draw dis” or “kek stylize this ugly white bitch out of ur comfort zone!” I’m really tired of it all and find myself coming here less and less.

>> No.3750103

Board is full of pointless "draw this" threads. This is not a request board ffs that /r/.

>> No.3750105

We currently have 3 active nazi spamming threads. FFS People are posting on them! Others have made alt thread for nazi ones but people are posting on the nazi's ones basically condoning. If those assholes stopped doing that problem would be solved.

I think a lot of the NGMI and that sort of shit is because people don't know what they actually want to learn in art. They have a vague idea if they study Loomis and or Vilpu and or Hampton and or Bridgman and who ever is the latest flavor on /c/ that they will become the best artist ever.
They don't do the research, land on /c/, download the books, probably do min effort and expect a huge improvement in quality. They haven't done the research so they don't realize that there is different basic techniques that these artists are teaching like Realism or Construction & these techniques may not gel together with each other or even are going to work with the persons end goal. Also if they are proper beg they expect to just jump into drawing figures while ignoring line, shapes and basic perspective.

I mostly visit the artbook thread and sometimes check out the rest of threads in the hope something good has been posted. Nothing good has been posted in months. If 4chan wants a nazi take over, so be it. The rest of us that want to learn art will just leave.

>> No.3750119
File: 127 KB, 554x1006, 03B9D9AE-E276-4B1C-93BF-7F1D88067F5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the mods even browse this board or do they just respond to reports at random from their ivory tower over on /lgbt/? :O)

Threads can get derailed and re-railed organically from time to time and shitposting can happen here or there, it’s no big deal-it’s part of what makes the format fun. However, specific people repeatedly going nuclear in specific threads or having our once proud canon threads hijacked by a guy that just can’t stop violating global rule 13 is admittedly pretty off-putting.

If the other boards found out about this place’s absentee mods or how easy it is to ‘ave a giggle at our expense our punishment would be even more severe.

>I’ve got to give them due credit for removing those grotesque porn ads from a while back, though

>> No.3750127

jimmy was at least posting art, nazi spammer is just being micropenis man on art board

>> No.3750128

>The rest of us that want to learn art will just leave

And go where? Everywhere else is either kid-gloved or dead.

>> No.3750129


>> No.3750154

I have no idea why this board why this board has become such a magnet for the completely out-of-their-mind mentally ill lately. Not saying it was full of well adjusted people before, but the hentai, anime, Loli/shotacon, "low key" furry, cartoon, concept, trad, etc, etc, etc artists managed to co-exist on this board well enough in their respective generals.

But it seems like the crazies have just managed to almost take over /ic/ now. Mods need to start giving out at least 1-month bans.

One of the real advantages there is to drawing porn is that it can force you to try to get good at anatomy because you draw naked bodies all the time.

>> No.3750166

>But most of us want to learn art.

You're in the wrong board bud. You're in the wrong part of the internet actually

>> No.3750175

>Board is called "atwork critique"
>You're in the wrong board bud. You're in the wrong part of the internet actually


>> No.3750203

/b/ tier thread

>> No.3750240

>it is not the thread the board needs but what it deserves

>> No.3750274

Faggots trying to justify themselves for fucking up the threads. Get the fuck out of my board.

Don't forget the new "le SJW are mean" threads.
/Pol/ has doomed us all, once the best board, now an open door for failed normies that actually believe everything they see on 4chan. Nazis and incels have become a cancer.

>> No.3750293

I think the near forearm looks a bit too short?

>> No.3750310

Someone should create a thread about all this shit on /qa/. Maybe some lurking mod might see it.

>> No.3750561

Bump 4 awareness

>> No.3750564
File: 124 KB, 1600x900, ff4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't forget the new "le SJW are mean" threads.
This has been one of the most infuriating and annoying things to see in the past few years. The 'anti-SJW' crusade is a typhoon of crybabies and delusional idiots who think they're being oppressed.

>> No.3750569
File: 77 KB, 500x576, 7A873D09-1698-4A90-AD47-18E4E7BC032D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bit too short AND wide yeah-thanks, it also seems a bit more screwed up apart from that even; the whole arm itself looks like it's pasted on rather than a part of his body proper so I need to do better there. I also didn't do a great job portraying "form" in the waist area. I think I can see a way to improve the waist at least, but I need to do (much) more figure drawing to be able to intuitively correct my many other problems.

I have to start working harder and stop falling back on stock poses and dubious shortcuts when my ignorance prevents me from adding characterful body language or real action to my drawings from the neck down.


>> No.3750574
File: 344 KB, 1238x1072, 0B01C969-719C-4C24-AB04-D5785B989D68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just draw this yesterday lole

>> No.3750584

If you think this board is like /b/ you must have never been on /b/. The only parallel is the 1 naziposter, if you want a hugbox join one of the many gay art discord that exist for soft faggots like you.

>> No.3750608
File: 57 KB, 800x450, 1539560177608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had tomorrow on.
>this board is not blue.

>> No.3750612

I can ONLY accept gay pepes with wojak
so please delet

>> No.3750618

And we now have 7 different nazis threads....

>> No.3750620

And whats your idea? Make banneable to start a thread with a Nazi image? What if I someone starts a thread with a Soviet image? Should he get banned too? And what if I start a thread with any image any ideology you hate? Should I get banned too? This is 4chan, you should be already used to be along the stuff that you hate. I agree that "draw this" threads count as spam because they should be in /r/, but making a rule to forbid people from posting images that you dislike is just stupid. Because its just that AN IMAGE, the threads are all /ic/ related, the one who are derail into /pol/ threads all are you faggot complaining about the image, then you ask yourself why you get banned. How many time are you here that you still dont learn to do not feed the troll?

This is how this site has worked for years and if you dont like it you can go somewhere where furry and LOLI art is allowed but nazis images are banned as you seem to like the most.

>> No.3750622

I used to actually sort of like this place back in 16 or so but every time I visit I consider not continuing to. This is the only board to make me consider becoming a janny but I'm a wage cuck and don't got time for that.
Not completely true. A lot of the time you try drawing from reference and you're too stuck in your habits or symbols to see what's wrong. I've both benefited from redlines and seen other people benefit too. You just have to analyze it and realize why that one is better. If you mindlessly copy it then yeah it's not gonna help.

>> No.3750625


>> No.3750629

I personally don't think anyone should get banned. People shouldn't bump the threads. If people want to have their little /pol/ microcosms, they're allowed, but no one is breaking the rules. The only way for the Nazi threads to get deleted is to have people collectively use a different thread more than the other. Nazi thread will get deleted for spam because there are multiple threads and the one that will get deleted are the ones with the least participation.

>> No.3750633

How is a picture of a Nazis girl anyway related to art? I don't like the furry or loli art either but it is art. Pictures of Nazis isn't art it is trolling or propaganda whatever your agenda is.

Don't know any artist dead or alive? Stick a picture of a Nazis girl in a thread called who's your favorite artist.

>> No.3750651
File: 213 KB, 804x555, BC106FF1-D1F9-4D8C-B860-87AC67833ED5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a complete non-sequitur and you know it. This guy is mass copy pasting threads he has no stake in because he doesn’t use this board under normal circumstances and he’s doing it for the sole purpose of spamming imagery of any sort unrelated to the thread he’s posting or the board itself-and with the intent of lowering the quality of the thread and the board as a whole.

Yes he should be banned for repeatedly violating rules 6, 10 and 13 but he won’t be because the mods just look at his posts in a vacuum and probably even think he’s some great contributor, besides

>> No.3750668

It is just one guy, he needs to be banned permanently and things are solved.

>> No.3750734

What if I decide to start a thread with a nazi image? Should I be banned too?

>> No.3750750

Yeah but only because you are a faggot, nothing to do with the nazi image

>> No.3750759

Haven't been on /b/ in years.
>go to /b/
>nothing but porn

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.3751026

you should be banned regardless.

>> No.3751028

it you don't draw and flood the catalog with threads, yeah. You'd be just like this guy

>> No.3751140

Everyone just OP multiple thread about your art interests or about art questions.

>> No.3751141


>> No.3751213

This place is going to the shit/already is in the shit but I don't think it's entirely for the reasons you described. i do agree that people discouraging beginners is a problem on this board so much so that I think beginners should just read the sticky and go away from the board. The Loomis and ngmi things are just memes which every board has.

>> No.3751216

Yes, for being a colossal retard.

>> No.3751219

On the positive side, what are some things we could do to improve the board? What topics are considered good?

>> No.3751222

>What topics are considered good?

>> No.3751226

Faggots using the words nazi and incel have as well.

>> No.3751234

ref threads
draw threads
group draw
collab threads
art discussion (talking about artists/art, art history discussion)
dad gallery
book share

like anything about art that isnt nazi propaganda or someone just... explaining why they think the holocaust didnt happen lol. even memeshlock threads are better than nazi threads

>> No.3751269

What nazi threads? Is just some anon (or maybe more) that gets off by seing how retards sperg out because they see a nazi related picture, consequences are fun for them, just ignore it frens (rule 14 rule 15)

>> No.3751273

seeing* fug :-D

>> No.3752419

hi nazi poster!

>> No.3752437

hey explain again how the holocaust was make pretend. That was really funny last time.

>> No.3753185

>Im sick of all these nude/porn thread; do a life drawing thread or anatomy study thread, instead of filth that debases you please anons
>Implying you can't do porn and an anatomy study at the same time

>> No.3753193

nothing makes me sadder than wastes of threads that do nothing but bitch about /ic/

ive been here for a while. things have only gotten worse, very steadily and consistently.

nobody fucking cares about your shitty whining, and that's a fact, not me trying to put you down. do you think anything will change by your whining?

just leave bro. walk away.

>> No.3753198

nothing makes me sadder than wastes of replies that do nothing but bitch about /ic/

ive been here for a while. things have only gotten worse, very steadily and consistently.

nobody fucking cares about your shitty whining, and that's a fact, not me trying to put you down. do you think anything will change by your whining?

just leave bro. walk away.

this is to you

>> No.3753200

nothing makes me sadder than wastes of (You)s that do nothing but bitch about /ic/

ive been here for a while. things have only gotten worse, very steadily and consistently.

nobody fucking cares about your shitty whining, and that's a fact, not me trying to put you down. do you think anything will change by your whining?

just leave bro. walk away.

i have my whole saturday to play your cringy game

>> No.3753205

wow, in the end you're exactly like OP, and the nazi posters. WOW, you're just an average poster on this board.

>> No.3753212

are you just now getting it? I told you, i have been here for years. i have never left. do you think i did anything to improve the quality of posts?

everyone else that isn't here to reply to my shit posts have left for greener pastures. unlike you. welcome to the crab barrel you retard.

>> No.3753453

How about actually enforcing the rules we already fucking have?
>All images and discussion should pertain to the critique of visual artwork.
>Only constructive criticism will be accepted. Rude or offensive comments will result in a ban.
>Requests for free work of any sort are forbidden.
>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
>No spamming or flooding of any kind. No intentionally evading spam or post filters.
>Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts.

>> No.3753454

Pepe should be banned.

>> No.3753462


>>>/b/ack to Redd*t with you.

>> No.3753464

honesty agreed!

>> No.3753465
File: 371 KB, 445x408, 1546723638391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and anime

>> No.3753760

sleep tight my nazi army

>> No.3754115
File: 1.27 MB, 1200x1807, 284AA574-B940-4971-830F-733A2A46296F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were the life of this party

>> No.3754124

good morning anon!