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File: 83 KB, 987x1280, photo_2019-01-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3745665 No.3745665 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point guys? You'll never be great. You'll never have people envy your skill. You'll never be someone of worth.

>> No.3745667

You're going to have a great 2019.

>> No.3745671
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, 1493689120_gonnamakeitbrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone can achieve great things if they study carefully and work diligently

>> No.3745674
File: 33 KB, 480x360, C31lOeMWEAEwATM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3745675

i've got nothing better to do tbqh

>> No.3745681

You're wasting your time if you're not drawing for you own enjoyment

>> No.3745694

How can you enjoy being good at something if you aren't so good that you get recognition and fame?

>> No.3745698

Pushing this lie only hurts people

>> No.3745699

I would, but I get no enjoyment of drawing piece of shit pictures.

>> No.3745705
File: 106 KB, 438x500, projector.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Snibbedy snab, I am a crab

>> No.3745712

Just about anyone can become proficient at just about anything if they dedicate 1000-2000 hours of study. The problem is most people would rather laze around and eat ice cream.

Which is fine if that's what you want to do. But unfortunately these people also develop mental gymnastics and delude themselves and attempt to gaslight others with their self-defeat and nihilism.

3 years ago I couldn't do basic high school algebra and now I can do linear algebra, boolean algebra, ODEs, multivariable and vector calculus. Guess also what I did a lot of in those 36 months? A lot of practice and a lot of learning. A lot of sleepless nights and a lot of stress.

>> No.3745720
File: 228 KB, 950x730, 1393525493965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd doubt the gods of creativity would want to lend their power to someone who just wants the adoration of normies as opposed to someone who has legit passion for the arts.

>> No.3745721

There are no gods. Some people are just born better.

>> No.3745725

How fucking far are you into drawing? I'm going to fucking tell you right now that once you dedicate more than 300 hours into drawing you're automatically the envy of 70% of the people in the entire fucking world. Realize that 9/10 people IN THE ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD can't draw dick save for stickmen.

Now you're gonna be sitting there envying the rest of the 29.9%, so you put more hours, you study harder, you study *smarter*, you make sure every hour you put into drawing is worthwhile. Worth is a combination of enjoyment and effectiveness, if you don't have both, fucking drop it and try again, that hour doesn't count.

Your mileage comes up to 1k+ hours, if you've been holding on to your passion for the craft you've just bumped up to the upper 10% of all artists. Will you have fame and recognition? Beyond your own small circle, very doubtful, but at that point all you need to do is keep pushing until you do. Mechanical skill is less important at this stage than marketing and building networks anyway.

So instead of fucking whining here on a mongolian pictograph site about your laziness and lack of motivation go and fucking pick up that pencil and draw what you like. Portraits? Draw it. Cute animu bitches? Draw it. Merc_wip? Draw it.


>> No.3745735

> I'm going to fucking tell you right now that once you dedicate more than 300 hours into drawing you're automatically the envy of 70% of the people in the entire fucking world
Been drawing for ~500 hours and no one envies me.

>> No.3745737

>Just about anyone can become proficient at just about anything if they dedicate 1000-2000 hours of study

Only within the limits of your natural talents. Eventually you're going to hit a wall where you reach your natural skill limit. For some people that limit might be at a grand master tier, while for others it might be at deviantart OC tier. No amount of practice can get you past that wall.

Yes, hard work and practice and all that will make you better. But the idea that everyone can achieve the same skill level is flat put false and only leads to frustration and disappointment. Some people have to right amount of talent and others don't.

>> No.3745742

Youre not wrong in that objectively speaking it's not very hard to learn to draw at an intermediate level, just tedious. You're basically just training a neural network AI, your brain, to recognize shapes and proportions and colors. All patterns.

But I would say learning to draw comes with the same problems that learning fitness has. You CAN gain muscle mass by haphazardly using the machines at the gym and never changing your diet. You CAN improve your art by haphazardly drawing things without any academic art books or lecturers guiding you.

But your development will obviously be slower if you don't learn construction or gesture, or learn about the importance calories or macronutrients.

But what makes improving in these areas hard for even reasonably intelligent people, is that art and fitness/health forums are full of, to be indelicate, 90 IQ retards who have mush for brains. These morons pollute the internet with their inane retarded bullshit and it becomes a chore for an uneducated person to parse all the white noise to find the truth.

>> No.3745748

I never said or meant to imply that anyone can become the best in the world. But I think you're being disingenuous because basically no one has that goal anyway, of being in the top 0.1% of artists who ever lived. Most people just want to be good. Not THE ABSOLUTE BEST. And most people are capable of being good artists if they put in the time and effort. Just like most people are capable of learning another language at a passable level. Its just a pain to motivate yourself.

>> No.3745821


Fuck off back to r9k and LDAR then.

>> No.3746305

>This thread again.
>You'll never be someone of worth.
Well, that is something you become when you're an artist. Stop whining. Why did you choose to become an artist tho?

>> No.3746419
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