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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 24 KB, 684x177, screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3742064 No.3742064 [Reply] [Original]

Now that diives is a confirmed pedo, is he our guy?

>> No.3742082

No. Rope yourself immediately nonce.

>> No.3742088

so I can't fap to anime? that pedo shit is so fucking retarded

>> No.3742090

Stop considering fictional characters real people

>> No.3742110

>thinking jerking off to representations of children is any less bad than jerking off to children

fucking pedos, strong mental gymnastics tho, cant wait for the (you)

>> No.3742115
File: 123 KB, 1000x750, 1533852813962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

violent videogames should be banned too

>> No.3742122

I used to like Dieselbrain but as the years went on he became "one of those" and it's sad to see

>> No.3742131

Think of the pixels!

>> No.3742132

>masturbating and playing video games have the same affect on your brain

>> No.3742139

a representation is not the same as the real thing
unless youre telling me that everything people watch in porn is 100% just as enjoyable as in real life

>> No.3742151


>> No.3742157

this is why I put a disclaimer that everything I draw is aged above 20

>> No.3742167

if you think they are at all similar, then you're too far down the rabbit hole to save, sorry pedo-san

>> No.3742169

no children are being hurt yes, but you even thinking that it is okay to jerk off to kids means that you have huge issues mentally.

>> No.3742171

How in the fuck is she 14 when the film isn't even a year old? she's a drawing lol they don't have age or feelings or shit fucking kek.

>> No.3742183

>"one of those"
If by that you mean hungry for brownie points then yeah same.

It was creeping in but one time he randomly posted "If you guys don't think transgenders are people then PLEASE UNFOLLOW ME NOW" and I was just glad to do so.

Didn't matter if I agreed with him or not it started getting real obnoxious.

>> No.3742192

>moral grandstanding while being a furry, drawing bestiality, kirby with a dick, underage sex in the past.

Why do NSFW artists lack so much self awareness?

>> No.3742196
File: 1.08 MB, 1062x750, 1545794213102.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diesel is just pissed because he's been animating porn for years and is still far less popular than Diives.
Maybe if you weren't so hypersensitive and antagonistic you would have a larger fanbase. Every few days he's off on some SJW tirade and demand his followers agree with him.
Oh yeah and the fact he draws obese monster people and futas for a niche audience of degenerates, meanwhile Dives just draws cute girls everyone loves.
Stay mad diesel you fat autist.

>> No.3742197

>kirby with a dick
Hey Diesel isn't kirby like, a baby?
g r o s s

>> No.3742199


>> No.3742202

Dieselbrain is that shitty friend that will throw you under the bus at the first opprotunity if he has something to gain from it.

>> No.3742212

He is one of those irritating people who thing "the rules" don't apply to him but he uses "the rules" to trump everyone else by acting outraged constantly. A hypocrite tattle tale with a superiority complex. Most SJWS are like this. They get a power trip when they get to act like crabs and be "morally right" while doing so.

>> No.3742213

And this is why asian artists are always the best art buddies you can have, the western scene is absolutely shit and no worth of having any sort of close friends from there.

>> No.3742215

NSFW artists who moan about NSFW art are a special breed of stupid, but seeing as he's a pillowfort user after their recent forthcomings its pretty clear hes one of the stupid fucking sjw erotic artists. I'm glad theyre at least somewhat rare.

>> No.3742223
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x1671, 1544473530421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know diesel is reading right now since he has a fag brigade of gossiping womyn just like him who probably snitched.

Just draw porn and stop acting like a teenage girl and you'd have a larger fanbase, you jelly crab. Maybe then you can make money like Diives.

>> No.3742240

I can never stand those "IF YOU DONT SHARE THE SAME OPINION AS ME ON XYZ UNFOLLOW ME NOW" posts. I have a twitter that I use mostly to follow other artists. Unless they're posting political shit every other post (like Karla Ortiz which is when I just follow their instagram) I don't really care what their personal beliefs are. I follow them for the art not the artist.

Even if it's something I agree with them with those posts makes me want to unfollow them because of how obnoxious they are.

>> No.3742241

I think you just need to avoid a certain type of person, which happens to appear frequently in the art community.
Conventional losers and degenerates who think they can climb the ladder by being gossiping hens and virtue signalers.
Asians don't typically perceive the act of acting like an outragefag and throwing people under the bus publicly as the path to success. Meanwhile western losers do just that. Snitch culture + crab culture is a crutch for undesirable people with undesirable skill levels. Asians do all the can to act respectable and not make waves or start fights, while shitty westerners think the more drama they cause the more likely they are to come out on top of the pile.

If there is an artist who is in shape, not a sex fiend, and doesn't post about politics on his public accounts, there's a 90% chance they are friend material. Only the failures of society try to "game it" in this pathetic way.

>> No.3742243

Am I supposed to know who this is?

>> No.3742253

Some mediocre artist who does lazy half second animations of popular video game/anime characters. Just some random guy who got noticed. His fans will ruthlessly defend his success. Personally I don't see what's so great about him. Tons of flaws, some of his animations look deviantart tier but like I said, his fans are so perverted and horny they don't give a shit.

>> No.3742254

Some Chilean porn animator who is relatively new to the scene, not all that talented but makes a lot of cash since he draws generic cute girls.
Causes butthurt with Diesel since he's been animating for years and is still irrelevant in comparison, because he constantly starts drama and alienates his audience. An audience who is already niche since his subject matter is less appealing.

>> No.3742287


>> No.3742293

honestly the only thing that pieces me off about diives is his name. I don't know why, the two i's just infuriate me.

>> No.3742301

Diesel is an hypocritical virtue signaler and should not be taken seriously under any circumstance

>> No.3742309

is it the effect not being able to spell?

>> No.3742310

That's what I mean, I don't know what else I could've meant by that. Not sure when this happened but he made a huge deal about coming out and that's usually a good sign to jump ship. Never stuck around to see what you're talking about but anyone telling others to unfollow them, or brag about how many people they block or get blocked by aren't worth following. Can't wait for some gallery format site to show up that everyone goes to and sticks to, it can't happen soon enough.

>> No.3742314

Hey dude just admit you get turned on by kids

>> No.3742316

>drawing a loli/fapping to it is the moral equal to filming/consuming CP
????? Anon no. There’s no victim when you make a drawing. Meanwhile there is obvious harm to a person and a victim when CP is made.
I’m not here to defend lolicons but you Moralfags can’t even morality right, I swear to god. Like you understand that there’s a giant layer of abstraction with drawings, right? You seriously think that lolicon deserves the same horrified reaction that CP does?

>> No.3742317

considering most lolicon is just flat chested and small girls with adult proportions, fuck yeah im into kids. i dont walk down a grocery store with sultry eyes because real kids arent attractive, but only stupid fucks like you are incapable of disconnecting fiction from reality

>> No.3742324


Who thought it was a good idea to almost call a character penis?

>> No.3742335

try again

>> No.3742336
File: 23 KB, 680x680, 1544399983566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3742338

you have a single braincell

>> No.3742344

u do know that hit or miss person is 19

>> No.3742345

They actually do, sort of. Visual and audio cues like kill counts, point counter, lootbox noises, lootbox opening and colorful confetti, receiving new items, etc. have been studied to trigger pleasure responses. Perhaps not as bad as jerking it to porn but yea, games do have a physiological effect

>> No.3742350

Post his work. If he's good enough he will be forgiven.

>> No.3742354

What you're talking about is endorphins which is just a feel good reaction, I'm talking about actual physiological effects that go past the feel good stage

>> No.3742357

also you do understand that literally everything we do can release endorphins and it's not just video games and masturbation right?

>> No.3742361

>tfw no qt asian artist friend

>> No.3742362

drawings aren't real
they don't hurt anyone
if a person jacking it to drawings decides to violate a real child that is the fault of the person not the art or artist

>> No.3742363

fucking kek he's a beastfag too?
those cucks will argue until they are blue in the face about how zoophilia is not a bad as loli and shota

>> No.3742368

if a dog is mounting you, is it consent?

>> No.3742380

it's not even porn, lmao. op is fucking retarded.

>> No.3742388

please dont fuck a dog.

>> No.3742414

why are UK and the Commonwealth so prude?

>> No.3742421
File: 295 KB, 652x505, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon they're ebin and always in the right.

>> No.3742429
File: 238 KB, 1664x936, IMG_20181226_213533536-1664x936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh

>> No.3742439

^This one is questionable
I hope this gets more input on it.

heres a question: Diesel draws nsfw of furries and also human on furries. So does that mean Diesel is an animal fucker or even make Diesel a potential one?
Any thoughts?

>> No.3742448
File: 940 KB, 627x502, 1de.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, ummm, where's the porn of Peni Parker?

>> No.3742455

>butthurt virtue signaler vs obnoxious lazy softcore hack animator
hope they kill each other

>> No.3742488

This I guess: https://twitter.com/DiivesArt/status/1078640052677369856

>> No.3742533


>> No.3742548
File: 129 KB, 784x638, 1501036988583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is this Diives non shill name?
Also, I just don't care because these caricatures aren't real. If killing animals for our behave isn't illegal, so are the rights towards fictional "people", which look more like ayy imaos than humans really.

>> No.3742557
File: 65 KB, 592x949, ef7f7ea6efa0e17883a6ce63e82b4c3aff93aa03v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you find this character attractive?

Congrats you are a pedo

>> No.3742572

oh fuck

>> No.3742581

14 year olds are seldom prepubescent so no

>> No.3742587

fucking japan sexualizing minors

>> No.3742588

thats not how it works, pedo likes kids, not teens. Sexual attraction to teens is completely healthy.

>> No.3742589

based japan sexualizing minors

>> No.3742590

she doesn't seem 14

>> No.3742592
File: 256 KB, 831x863, 18-12-2018_17-33-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>confusing pedo with hebe

>> No.3742595

Not really, it’s called being a hebephile.

>> No.3742601

why does no one use the term hebephile

>> No.3742603

normal thing, not normal thing would be that you are only attracted to teens, but basically 15-18 is considered most sexually attractive females for males. The reason its illegal to fuck minors in most countries is simple reason, that they wouldnt be used/abused as there mind have not yet fully matured, even though there bodies are ready.

>> No.3742606

What happened to 4chan?
>someone remotely looks or thinks of an underage fictional 2d character
>you rape kids irl everyday!

>> No.3742610


>> No.3742615

14 isn't pedo.
If they're not on the clock, they're ready for cock

>> No.3742629

because only pedos care about the difference

>> No.3742635
File: 253 KB, 954x882, 1539776385536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tumblr being purged meant all these annoying faggots spread into the rest of the internet

>> No.3742641

What about jerking off to representations of animals, dead people, siblings? Genuinely interested, this argument always seemingly focuses on loli when I think there's something more to it.

>> No.3742647

Maybe if you spent less time whining about the perils of being a 'trans ally' and fighting all those 'icky gross NSFW artists' and more time fucking drawing people would hate you less Diesel.

Protip: the last thing ANYONE wants to hear coming out of your mouth (anyone's mouth) is an unasked for opinion. Keep it quiet and art only. I don't know how other artists fuck this up.

>> No.3742659

I'm honestly hoping for all these retards to be falseflaggers instead of legit refugees.

>> No.3742661

>I hope this gets more input on it.
input on what and who really cares

>> No.3742666

I think if you fap to guro or bestiality you're equally fucked in the head
Furry is still acceptable since the bodies are human

>> No.3742667

Incest is only bad from a genetic standpoint desu

>> No.3742674

Im not saying it should or shouldnt be illegal, its fucked and if someone tells me they do that in real life i'd probably cut them off.

>> No.3742684

It's only bad for retards who can't differentiate fiction and reality, or their morals are fucked. Unfortunately there are fucked up people like this and then there's people who just wanted to enjoy fictional content because why not I wanted to be the loli and the shortstack girl getting fucked.

>> No.3742687


>> No.3742691
File: 19 KB, 360x360, raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once you have a kid, your opinion will change

>> No.3742693

I'm not planning one anytime soon so let me enjoy this

>> No.3742699 [DELETED] 
File: 421 KB, 1280x1881, 56m46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just finished masturbating to pic related
If feeling this good makes me a pedo then I'm all for it :)

>> No.3742701


>> No.3742702


>> No.3742703

you're going to prison

>> No.3742705


>> No.3742706

>shit artist
pleb tier fap. disappointed /ic/

>> No.3742707

>Not making all your lolis 1000 year old vampires

>> No.3742711


Do you tell everyone when and what you masturbate to?

>> No.3742712

This is why I only stick within the asian community, esp the nip ones because western nsfw community are a toxic shithole


>> No.3742716
File: 952 KB, 245x180, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and also human on furries

>> No.3742720

don't forget, he drew frisk, the kid protag from undertale getting fucked by the goat mom

>> No.3742728
File: 33 KB, 310x310, 1526741902210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no blood
what a slut

>> No.3742731

that's really fucking creepy considering frisk's like 14

>> No.3742736

>Any thoughts?
How about you all direct your questions to diesel himself

>> No.3742771

Wait so this is just about the dr ock gif?
It's not even NSFW though

>> No.3742789
File: 913 KB, 900x1080, DvgZLslW0AIzERv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, no linking then.

>> No.3742793

mmm, hot

>> No.3742794

wtf oh no no no

>> No.3742803
File: 511 KB, 635x900, 6060c2180b719c2659c1054077fb845f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is that considered sexual? Normies are such fucking pussies, holy shit.

>> No.3742806
File: 128 KB, 771x1000, sample-cd74bbbd40cbfef7761fd78e9906c154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3742811

Add into the fact checking their respective twitters

Filled with art. Just. Art.

Diesel - https://twitter.com/DieselbrainArt/media?lang=en
Filled with memes, half finished animations, and some art
This shit right here, bad sign.

Dude is just mad NSFW artists got the boot from twitter, and went off because of rumors it was linked to CP. Not even looking into that it was REAL CP and not because of art. But now he's picked up the torch to champion a cause he's going to stick with it. https://twitter.com/DieselbrainArt/status/1069732991822430209

>> No.3742815

Fucking nice, 2nd part when?

>> No.3742824

Basically, Diesel is scum.

>> No.3742841

14 is only pedophelia in America. Everywhere else pedophelia relates to prepubescent, which 14 certainly isn't.
Still, if you are past 20 years old and drawing porn of 14 year olds it's like dude wtf are you doing?
Then again 14-15 year old boys have an internet connection and a follower is a follower on social media.

>> No.3742847
File: 2.91 MB, 1000x1200, 2904656 - Diives Marvel Peni_Parker Spider-Man__Into_the_Spider-Verse Spider-Man_(series) animated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another link. I prefer the clothed version desu, leaves more to the imagination.

>> No.3742862

One thing I notice is that often Latin American artists that actually live in Latin American countries don't really post a ton of political shit on their Twitters. I wonder if it's because a lot of them are actually a bit "culturally conservative" and don't agree with everything the super liberal side of the art community says?

Or maybe it's because a lot of them feel their art Twitters are not an appropriate place to discuss politics?

>> No.3742864
File: 5 KB, 627x202, SS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3742865

Oh fuck indeed.

>> No.3742867

>if you are past 20 years old and drawing porn of 14 year olds it's like dude wtf are you doing?
you mean the majority of nsfw artists?

latinos just don't care about libtard politics on cartoons so does the rest of the world

>> No.3742868

and what makes him less of a degenerate. i'm pretty sure i wouldn't let my kids get close to anyone who draws loli shit and fucked up stuff like that kirby with a penis thing he did. I guess he believes he's less of a creep because what he draws is around the age of consent, moron.

>> No.3742871

What a legend

>> No.3742875

Actually living here in Southern spicland, I've noticed people don't really care about shit like that. Most people here want to live the simple life, they don't have that desire to change the world or change other people. They just wanna be happy and lead simple lives

>> No.3742893

so is playing ball with your dog lmao

>> No.3742897

her body actually looks kinda gross there lol

>> No.3742908

God I need MORE, is he planning on a continuation?

>> No.3742923
File: 10 KB, 490x427, 1541094838574.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chad Chilean, will drop his enemies from helicopters
>draws and posts new animations nearly every day, has the motivation and discipline to start and finish art consistently
>draws girls that he finds cute that everyone already loves, doesn't even think about it
>only other posts besides art are retweets from his personal friends and maybe some random textposts. Regardless, he is always polite and cheerful
>makes mad dosh on patreon doing what he loves

>fat white guilty liberal who hates himself and probably wishes he were a passing tranny
>barely posts any art, and if he does it's only sketches. Has no spark
>draws nasty fat pig people and is constantly worried about what he can and can't draw since he doesn't want to break SJW rules. Will break them on accident anyways since these rules are constantly changing and make himself look like a hypocrite
>majority of his posts aren't even his own work. Constantly hating on everything and constantly alienating his fan base. Will block you instantly if you reply to any of these tweets and aren't kissing his ass.
>works for an even bigger scumbag, is an artist but isn't even his own boss. Has no artistic freedom, and probably gets paid as little as possible since s-purple is a (literal) greedy jew.

>...but if I call him a pedo and try to start a witch hunt against him, that means I am the better artist by default

>> No.3742924

That's because she's a child, and you're not attracted to children. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

>> No.3742949

I've noticed chilean artists are actually pretty based desu.

>> No.3742952

not really, its just kind of ugly western styled

>> No.3742957


>> No.3742969

>Hes chilean
OOOH I get it now. 14 years old is legal in Chile. I learned this from the Chilean spammers in dbs threads on /a/ that spam pan pornography and intense desire to fuck her.

>> No.3742976 [DELETED] 

>this is why I put a disclaimer that everything I draw is aged above 20

>> No.3742983

more like considering frisk's like 4.

>> No.3742984

I don't know who this guy is but he seems like a virtue-signalling faggot who's probably jealous of more-popular artists. Anyone who LARPs as a pearl-clutcher can fuck right on off.

>> No.3742988

Especially considering is a disgusting degenerate sex fiend. He posts about cock lust more than he draws it. He's a thirsty beta trying to police the western porn community.

>> No.3742994


>> No.3743029

its not that its he drew her kinda fuckin rough

>> No.3743047
File: 27 KB, 700x450, 1505850063464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3743050
File: 521 KB, 725x942, oops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3743053


>> No.3743055

Why do porn artists always draw small headed penises that are fat in the middle? They're fucking hideous even by penis standard.

>> No.3743056

thick shafts are goat

>> No.3743057

Yeah, but making a joke out of it like that is more amusing.

>> No.3743058

Make it all thick, no?

>> No.3743064 [DELETED] 

how come no one pointed this out to him?
I'm reading the twitter comments and no one says anything about his zoo stuff?
I'm too much of a lil bitch to say something

>> No.3743067


>> No.3743068

the shape is less interesting when its super cylindrical, though I dont mind either

>> No.3743069

how come no one pointed this out to him?
I'm reading the twitter comments and no one says anything about his zoo stuff?
I'm too much of a lil bitch to say something

>> No.3743071

peni getting BLACKED by miles when

>> No.3743084
File: 2.13 MB, 3639x1352, Age.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People think that a random age given to characters means anything at all

>> No.3743085

I love seeing stuff like x-rays of a really long thick dick all the way inside the girl's throat
I think it's because it's similar to my own shape, when the dick is shorter than mine I can't self-insert

>> No.3743087
File: 1.38 MB, 1046x1730, Chapter_93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it bad if I'm horny for tatsumaki

>> No.3743091
File: 401 KB, 441x746, dancing crab time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3743093
File: 1.99 MB, 320x159, L39oipc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Japan

>> No.3743094

You're a healthy human being.

>> No.3743095

Absolutely not. My wife is 26 and she's extremely petite. She's around 5'0 is almost completely flat.

>> No.3743099


>> No.3743100

have you ever seen a real-life child? fucking ugly and annoying

lolis are more similar to alien lifeforms than they are to children

>> No.3743101

Based anon. Deliciously flat girls are the most patrician desire a man can have

>> No.3743107

>tfw will never have a qt petite dfc wife

>> No.3743108

you know for a fact he wont answer that and will let the message sit out for years.

>> No.3743113

LGBT stands for -

>> No.3743119

>I don't know how other artists fuck this up.
Because I got the best opinions and morals and that means my personality is worth your time. People need to know that so they like me.

>> No.3743128

To be fair at this time and age it's just as important to peddle your personality if you're an artist.

>> No.3743132

If you guys really want to stir the pot, go through DieselBrain's following list, point out each artist that draws underage characters and ask him why he supports people who draw what he considers CP

>> No.3743136

wonder how long will it be until he makes his profile private, that's always the bitch move all these coward fuckers do after witch hunting someone

>> No.3743158

too much effort, i'm content watching chimps hurl shit at each other from afar.

>> No.3743160
File: 16 KB, 367x269, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal /beg/ tier anatomy
>this is considered making it
Christ /ic/ why didn't you tell me? I would have stopped practicing years ago.

>> No.3743162

Are you in love with him, faggot? I will never understand people who staunchly defend strangers on the internet as if they were their long time lover.

>> No.3743163

the reason why his stuff is more popular than the average /beg/ is because he animates porn.
If you wanna make the money then get into bouncy animated porn.

>> No.3743166

I can't believe that nobody else is pointing out how neither of these shitheads can draw to save their lives, yet they are both quite successful, diives even more so.
>inb4 classifying 2-3 frame 0.5 second """animations""" as a notable skill

>> No.3743170

He's successful because he produces content that's in demand on a consistent basis and doesn't whine about other peoples' success on a Mongolian basket weaving board

>> No.3743172

also posts a lot, that's another reason why he got big, if you post work everyday people will start noticing you faster, more so if you draw popular nintendo stuff

>> No.3743173

go home diives

>> No.3743174

something diesel identifies with.

>> No.3743181

Like >>3743166 pointed out, his work rarely features more than a couple frames, and rarely surpasses the 1 second mark, so it's not like he's a titan in the field of animation. (Also the quality of his art is sacrificed greatly in the pursuit of constant output. But I'd wager his fans are clearly too horny to care.)

I think the reasons for his success are clear. He uses very popular characters, he has no age restriction, and he has two patron tiers under $10. Meaning most people are paying $5 or less, he just happens to have several thousand people doing so.

>> No.3743184

>Meaning most people are paying $5 or less
Makes sense. I wouldn't pay more than a couple bucks. It's visually appealing, sometimes. But his art is pretty /beg/.

>> No.3743185

He'll just feign ignorance block everyone he can and go on another call out saying "golly gee am I the only nsfw artist in here who ISN'T a creep???"

>> No.3743191

this. Success has nothing to do with art skill and everything to do with good marketing and presentation. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

>> No.3743192


chucha po weon culiao

>> No.3743202

>his work rarely features more than a couple frames, and rarely surpasses the 1 second mark
That's 99.9% of animated porn

>> No.3743211

Absolutely Based

>> No.3743213

ngl I like chilean slang, sounds and reads funnier than any other spic slang even if I have no idea what they're saying 99% of the time.

>> No.3743228

I sent an email to Patreon's CS team yesterday. I included a bunch of US laws Patreon is breaking by hosting a user who sells art depicting child pornography, as well as beastiality. The agent who responded to me was "mortified" at his content and "assures me this will be brought to the attention of our management."


I recommend everyone who isn't a pedophile like half of this community to go to Patreon's customer service page and email them aboutd diives, maybe even tweet them. Get this loser off the internet, if not for morality then for lulz.

>> No.3743236
File: 5 KB, 200x216, 1544361038113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one OP.

>> No.3743244

I'll make sure to tell them all about Diesel's degeneracy kind anon, don't you worry about a thing.

>> No.3743245

Imagine being Diesel and this anal destroyed at someone else being more successful and liked than you

>> No.3743246

>as well as beastiality
then we should report all those furries off the internet even DieselbrainArt.

>> No.3743247

t. a destroyed Diesel

>> No.3743251
File: 2.64 MB, 300x403, hhhhhh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely seething

>> No.3743252

Yeah, you got me, I'm that guy. This isn't an anime, retards. Get shit on, pedophiles.

>> No.3743256

Sounds like something Diesel would say. Nice one Destroyed_Diesel.

>> No.3743261

Wait, do you actually think I'm that guy? Or are you just amusing yourself?

>> No.3743262

Your efforts will surely change the world and they're completely not in vain anon, keep at it!
Gosh, I sure wish I had that much free time in my hands.

>> No.3743264

Do you really think someone would do that? Just lie about their identity on the internet?

>> No.3743266

You don't have 5 minutes to write an email? How many hours to spend here shitposting? How many hours to you spend masturbating to children? Yeah I'm sure you're "too productive".

By the way, I love how you're trying to take the moral high ground by shaming someone reporting a pedo. LOL Where is your head at, kiddo?

>> No.3743268

but anon beastiality is wrong and diesel done it.
Drawing underage characters equal pedo
Drawing nsfw of animals on humans equals beastiality.

>> No.3743269
File: 724 KB, 2048x3072, d3d5bf4b238702bc_shutterstock_73696786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I may look 80 years old but I'm actually 13"

>> No.3743273
File: 890 KB, 391x365, 1544208911091.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to need you to calm down, Diesel. Alright. Now everyone laugh.

>> No.3743274
File: 75 KB, 645x729, wojack_retarded_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I put the -phile suffix on the end, I'll make it bad!

>> No.3743279

Why are you so mad in here of all places?
Go outside darling, maybe someone nice will throw coins at you.

>> No.3743285

minors can't consent to adults you freaks of nature

>> No.3743292

???? what's that got to do with hebephile???

>> No.3743293

a 16 year old girl likes you? you do you, at least wait til she's 18, then tell her you're gonna wait til she's 25 cause you don't wanna hang out with an 18 year old on holidays. Just mind your business, let her pose nude for drawings will she's still a hot teenager, then marry her when she's got the sense not to do that anymore. rinse, repeat for a younger woman when you're rich and famous. this is called the Woody Allen method

>> No.3743296

>but anon beastiality is wrong and diesel done it.
It's as if... I'm not this diesel guy. Shocking, I know. I honestly don't even know who this is, nor have I followed the thread.
>still playing the "u mad?" game
Come on kiddo, I typed one little post and in mere moments this thread exploded with (You)s. Pretty clear who is upset here. I can't even keep up with the amount of antagonizing and bait you guys are throwing my way!

>> No.3743299

Because it doesn't matter if she's 9 or if she's 15. You're still a mentally handicapped freak for wanting to bang her.

>> No.3743300

Cmon Diesel, just own up to it! We know it's you behind the screen!

>> No.3743303

what if she wants to bang you

>> No.3743305

you got me

>> No.3743307
File: 482 KB, 256x192, 1526105855144.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screen capping this post if diives gets deleted

>> No.3743308

>NSFW depicting minors
It's only illegal because prosecutors refuse to bring charges for this stuff to court, if that happens there's a good chance this law will be struck down like past incidents. Dissenting supreme court justices have said things like; It's just art, no real person is being harmed, and they're just drawings so they have no age. These arguments stemmed from discussion in the supreme court, not just loli/shota smut peddlers. They limit using it to tack on extra charges to people breaking the law in other ways, or as a violation of probation/parole. The current law's only reason to exist is a scare tactic. (Though if you're in the military and you get caught with loli, you are fucked.)

Regardless of which side you are on, for or against, very few people go into the court papers to know exactly how courts stand on these matters. It's up to the courts to interpret and determine the legality of laws, and currently the ones tossed around have not been put to the full test.

There's more to the legal system than Congress made a law so it's bad. There's more to the law than it's just bad.

>> No.3743313

At the end of the day you are arguing for your right to jack off to kids. And there is no way you can word it where anybody is going to give a fuck about your "right".

PS If it's just a scare tactic, go ahead and share your IP as well as a screen cap of your loli fap folder.

>> No.3743315

There is a huge distinction in the eyes of the law. One will net you decades in prison, and the other years. Many states have hugely varying laws for children(12 and below) and Minors(13+), with statutes of limitation that varying in the same way. The difference in distinction is equivalent to being beaten to death, and being beaten half to death and maimed for life, neither will end well.

>> No.3743316

i'm this guy >>3743268
i called you by "anon" not diesel
and i never thought you were diesel even if you said you were diesel i would still have my doubts.
Yet you did not answer my question and just assume i thought you were diesel.
I only said "diesel done it" was because he tweeted that post.

>> No.3743322

You're not getting that this is reality, not internet fantasy, ignore at your own peril.

I do believe in part of my response I said supreme court justices were defending the right. Like it or not it's a law that's in a very precarious position, if you want to do something meaningful go lobby your state/local government about it. Bullying people on the internet only serves to satisfy your pride. Give yourself a pat yourself on the back for doing nothing meaningful.

>> No.3743330

looking back at my original comment i see it was not question but i would like your opinion on the matter

>> No.3743334

What's the actual legal status of 1000 year old loli vampires? Does that shit work?

>> No.3743335

You Americans are insane for believing that 14 years olds are not attractive. They're fully developed at that point

>> No.3743341
File: 2.46 MB, 320x320, 1539891464563.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good way to get over that attraction is to talk to one of them

>> No.3743342

This is the worst board on this website

>> No.3743352

How can they reply if they're unconscious?

>> No.3743359

can you show this to the police and explain to them how you feel? if it's not wrong or anything then it'll be fine

>> No.3743362

It's a shit excuse. The important factor is the miller 3 prong test:

>-Whether "the average person, applying contemporary community standards", would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest,

>-Whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct or excretory functions specifically defined by applicable state law,

>-Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

All of these are subjective to the locality of the law being applied and the individual jury members or judge.

Also this.

>> No.3743365

Wow edgy

>> No.3743369

So basically all those Patreon artists that draw totally 18 year old girls are not really covered legally? That seems risky.

>> No.3743370

It's someone we know but never talk about, ignore the shut-ins. They believe on your 18th birthday people gather around a circle and magically turn from childlike beings into full adults in a fountain of sparkly lights.

>> No.3743372

I thought you were fighting to protect kids Diesel, not make fun of them

>> No.3743398

...Not really? The law is at a stalemate as I said earlier. It remains illegal according to current law, but a lot of steps in place before they can get it to court for prosecution, just not worth it with the chance a small court can overturn a scary law. Police resources are better spent on criminals assaulting real life people to go after someone for fapping to a fictional person.

You also have to contend with that 3rd prong of the test, if the underage smut is part of larger work of fiction it can often get a pass. I've told people before that underage sex happens a lot in book series, and also you see it in anime too much lately. I haven't seen the owners of crunchyroll, RR Martin, Anne Rice, Stephen King hauled away to court for underage sex in their novels. You even see minors in sexual situations on television, played by adult actors, but they're still portrayed as underage. It's a weird mess a lot of people don't think about fully beyond jerk reaction at seeing a naked loli anime girl getting held down by some mechanical claws.

>> No.3743403

Seriously... How to Summon a Demon Lord had the very adult main dude fingerbanging a loli on Crunchyroll.

>> No.3743423
File: 3 KB, 226x250, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beyond based if true

>> No.3743526

I'm perfectly aware of that. But you do realize the damage has been done once he read your degrading message about him no? I've made a few people quit on art because of this only by sending anonymous messages

>> No.3743531

imagine being this of a fag

>> No.3743534
File: 275 KB, 470x756, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_by_hagure_kedama__151761c50678595fb7232e3737578700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huge tits
absolute state of ameritards who think that even though your capable of owning a firearm, driving and working at 17 years and 364 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds, you are the exact same as a toddler. Its all incel cope, because they're 27 and have never seen a vagina in real life, jealous of their friends who had sex in highschool. and hey nothing is more incel than drawing porn for a living lmao.

>> No.3743549

Imagine if Diives patron gets taken down and everyone is referred back to this thread to find out why. Lmao, Diesel is going to be bullied hard for being such a petty little bitch.

>> No.3743569

we are a christian nation

>> No.3743576

Based and redpilled, happy fapping

>> No.3743591

>tfw you don't give a fuck about diives or diesel
drama between hentai artists is the most retarded thing in the world. you're both losers at the end of the day who make money off other losers.

>> No.3743595

>you're both losers at the end of the day who make money off other losers
This is the only truth that should be taken from this shitty thread.

>> No.3743643

No it's because he's shit at fucking anatomy, and with his shit tier animations, his following is honestly only on FOTMs and Nintenshit. Prove me wrong.

At least Shadman and Minus 8 are better meme picks at doing trashy shit, one for still art, one definitely for animation.

>> No.3743649

Not your personal army, roasty.

>> No.3743665
File: 114 KB, 296x259, 23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw they make more money than people with actual jobs and non hentai artists

>> No.3743668

at least fap to a decent loli artist like satuyo or wang-pac

>> No.3743675

lotta 14 year olds have big ass tiddies.
based glow in the dark CIA niggers feeding little girls HGH filled food

>> No.3743681

Quick: You can choose to have a picture of an anime 8 year old masturbated too of an actual 8 year old girl raped. Which do you choose?

>> No.3743690

>glow in the dark CIA niggers
Can you explain that meme to me?

>> No.3743703

I can’t understand your ESL

>> No.3743734

God I want more Tatsumaki doujinshi

>> No.3743735


>> No.3743863

If you took some people in this thread into a room with a kid and a drawing of a kid and ripped the drawing in half they'd call you a murderer.

>> No.3743888

Holy kek

>> No.3743900

That guy got ran over by a train some time ago.

>> No.3743921

I've read his bio
Guy was crazy, it was probably suicide

>> No.3744048

i think people often conflate "attraction" with "i want to marry her"

i think its pretty normal to find teens attractive but no one in their right mind would bother because theyre so immature its basically manipulation; and theyre fucking annoying.

>> No.3744087


>> No.3744103

Did they really use Peni Parker from that weird comic drawn by Jake Wyatt or does the character have more history than that? That shit made no sense but I loved the drawings

>> No.3744111
File: 327 KB, 1500x1500, IMG_20181231_190620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based miscontoon

>> No.3744113

what about the whole different villages count time differently? or has that been deconfirmed.

>> No.3744114


>> No.3744128
File: 1.04 MB, 2407x3511, __genos_saitama_and_tatsumaki_one_punch_man_drawn_by_murata_yuusuke__6d38fbf829ef2c62511fb1e6bf09c346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont like lolis but tatsumaki is the acception plus she's legal.

>> No.3744145

That's the perfect body type for me. Small and almost flat. Makes me go crazy

>> No.3744146

>his post already has people trying to shit on him for this
jesus christ this is is hilarious, I don't know why everyone is so overprotective over this generic ass girl of all characters

>> No.3744163
File: 21 KB, 329x337, 12464574573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're normies and they don't understand that all lolis are for lewding. Fucking moralfags.

>> No.3744170
File: 39 KB, 588x358, 523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're so retarded holy shit

>> No.3744173

>trying to shit on him
You mean just plain shitposting

>> No.3744174


hate to break it to ya...

>> No.3744214
File: 54 KB, 686x399, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about loli
>has drawn loli and shota porn various times before
Reminder to not listen to anyone bitching about loli lewds, they are biggest pieces of shit hypocrites on this backstabbing community

>> No.3744248
File: 197 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2018-12-31-08-10-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never interacted with the dude , go to his Twitter and I see this. Yep, he's one of 'those' types.

>> No.3744253

Is it fair to say that lolicon has a strong influence on modern anime design, or at the very least that they spring from a common creative well? It's very strange to see these artists bash lolicon when their own work take so much from the Japanese traditions and their obsession with kawaii. They want to do everything to co-opt anime but nothing to defend it.

>> No.3744263
File: 1.10 MB, 1087x1500, 47D1465C-B8B0-4CBB-BD75-F9AA9B8D6512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you fucking shitting me

>> No.3744266

lol drawing loli is so hardcore and controversial. Am I cool yet, /ic/?

>> No.3744268
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1512400516710s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont draw porn but depending on how much they are willing to pay me, i can do it no questions asked lol
I'm talking thousands of dollars

>> No.3744270

Is he one of those types who automatically blocks people who follow people who follow Donald Trump?

>being an artist
>your income relies heavily on your popularity
>subscribing to block lists
Really helping out your "brand" and marketability there, retard.

>> No.3744291
File: 524 KB, 930x530, EE39A34D-55CB-4614-8E9C-D8754E041DCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3744313

I never liked her, idk why
i like this though

>> No.3744316

Good taste. I've never been attracted to big boobs or voluptuous bodies for some reason. There's something about small, petite figures, flat chests and cute faces that just turns me on to no end. Anal is nice too, but definitely not irl - preparation and clean up is a massive pain and it's hard to get into the mood.

>> No.3744317

they pay people for this quality...
If i do nice drawings of fem gobs will i get money?

>> No.3744319
File: 167 KB, 358x688, 153451254833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mlp porn artist preaching about morals

>> No.3744326

It's "exception", fella

>> No.3744376

I hope this is bait, if not then this is just sad.

>> No.3744393

>sounds and reads funnier than any other spic slang
Argie and some spaniard towns have better slang
>no idea what they're saying 99% of the time
we neither
t. spic

>> No.3744396

>minors as old as 17 can't consent to sex with adults
>but they can consent to going to college and taking out massive loans for money they've never even touched since they've barely worked an actual job, if at all.

>> No.3744407

J-Jenny isn't a minor, s-she's a robot... she doesn't count, right?

>> No.3744409

You can blame our (((government))) and (((entertainment industry))) for that. They're always fucking teenage girls (and actual children) but they project by enforcing laws on the population. Not to mention (((feminism))) came so now we have to marry meme career ladies in their late 20s, 30s, or even 40s+ because they won't be able to compete with teenage girls.

>> No.3744415

Pockets of the LGBT movement are actually starting to campaign for pedophilia acceptance
It's 100% going to be a thing because Muslims want it too

>> No.3744426

I'm not into diives art style but diesel leaves much to be desired. since I don't like futa, I give diesel a pass.

>> No.3744428

white men are shamed for lusting after anyone younger than they are, but abdul can bring his six child brides who are all his siblings/cousin into the country and no one cares lmfao

>> No.3744432

Most Latin Americans are legitimately fucking retarded when it comes to politics, it's why anyone with a position in the government can get away by being corrupt nearly most of the time.

>> No.3744434

>it's why anyone with a position in the government can get away by being corrupt nearly most of the time.
I thought that was in all countries

>> No.3744436

t. White catholic priest lurking in tor browser daily

>> No.3744437
File: 41 KB, 720x569, allahu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3744443

I said younger. I didnt children. Youre projecting. Being attracted to women 10 years your junior when you're 30 is absolutely normal and healthy and if youre not attracted to those women, youre defective.

>> No.3744445

>having sex in high school
Do you consider this something to be proud of desperate fag lmao
Society has truly fallen seeing everyone looking at sex as some sort of competition and not having any slef respect or morals or dignity

>> No.3744447

That's your opinion. I'm personally more on to cruvier girls myself but I like a lot of girls so I'm not overly picky.

>> No.3744448


>> No.3744456

>Anal is nice too, but definitely not irl
I did it only once with a massive slut who just begged me to pound her in the ass all of a sudden, I didn't think too much
I went in raw, there were farts at every thrust and my dick was full of shit to the hilt when I pulled out
horrible experience

>> No.3744461

When I saw my brown dick I sorta panicked/grossed out and I grabbed my dick with both hands for some reason
Then I looked at my hands and there was shit on my hands
God I hate poop, it was traumatic

>> No.3744465

sodomy used to be outlawed for a reason

>> No.3744472

Definitely do NOT put it in the shitter
There are two much better holes

>> No.3744527

As long as it's thoroughly cleansed and enough lube is used, anal can be great. I personally love the tight, warm feeling. My wife also enjoys it, but she also says it feels like taking a big horny poop.

>> No.3744542

Seriously how do you prep for anal? You do a bowel prep or something? How are the dicks perfectly clean in porn?

>> No.3744549

Enemas, probably. Basically a very intense bidet.

>> No.3744553

Not sure what they do in porn, but first we go to the toilet. I get the pee out, she gets the poop out. My wife does a water enema beforehand because she gets a bit embarrassed otherwise. We usually transition into anal after some normal, at which point I lube my dick and her butthole. Lube is a savior - it makes insertion easy and prevents poop coverage. Admittedly it's not for everyone, but its strange, almost uncomfortable and slightly taboo nature makes it extremely pleasurable.

>> No.3744561

Women will do whatever you want them to in bed. Theyre putty. Dont sodomize the mother of your children. Its degrades you and it degrades her.

>> No.3744564

I don't like anal but all sex that isn't vanilla is degrading for the woman.

>> No.3744568

I love anal for that tight, sinful feeling. I used to pound this one chubby chick and sometimes she'd want it in the ass. Shit feels so fucking good but then again I'm an ass guy. Getting blowed still feels best tho.

Just a warning fat chicks almost always have full bowels. I put my finger in this one chick's asshole when fucking to be kinky and I ended up touching her shit.

This thread took quite a turn now that I realize it.
>inb4 temp ban from mods

>> No.3744573

Liquid diet day or two prior

>> No.3744576

MLP-inspired lesbian horse porn is GOOD, redart!

>> No.3744582

She was built 5 years prior to where the show picks up. She's a 5 year old in a teenage designed body. Disgusting.

>> No.3744606
File: 776 KB, 678x800, d087f7151c8ee0e6bc884495fcf2857a964ddc48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My laptop is 5 years old and it can barely run League of Legends
Jenny is legal, I regret nothing

>> No.3744616

> 30 year old loli

what is this meme

>> No.3744653

I like you

>> No.3744677
File: 143 KB, 959x958, 1544049920999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no reason why pedos should not be castrated. There is no reason why they wouldn't want to be castrated unless they are evil person.

>> No.3744687

She's hot, because she has wide hips, well developed breasts etc. Traits of a grown woman ready to bear children.

You can do the reverse and claim a character is 25, but if it's traits commonly possessed by pre-pubescent kids that turn you on (narrow body, flat chest, small head:body proportion), then that's it.

>> No.3744702

What about vaginas being sewn shut? Women can be pedophiles too

>> No.3744707

>because theyre so immature its basically manipulation; and theyre fucking annoying.
Fucking this. Fuck moralfags
If 14-17 year olds acted no different from 18+ and had actual maturity to handle "adult" responsibility that a 18+ person is entitled to, what's the difference? There is none. It's basically pedophilia because they aren't mentality adults, they still act like fucking children. Hell even 18+ today still act like fucking children, but they sure know about sucking cock all too well uncomfortably speaking. I blame America more than anything and how they handle their parenting. Japan can do what they do because at 5 years old you're basically teaching them Trigonometry at that point, they are years ahead of Americans maturity wise.

>> No.3744712

>What about vaginas being sewn shut?

Whatever works!

>> No.3744943


Stupid Americunts.

>> No.3745186

Argies have god tier slang
>cerra el orto negro y la concha de la lora chupame la pija
I love it

>> No.3745241

>pedophilia is illegal
>Furry artist gets mad at loli art
>bestiality is illegal
>Furry artist does not see the hypocrisy

>> No.3745279

loli is basically a body type at this point.

>> No.3745326

Based on what I gathered, the faggot got triggered over Shadman joking around. Not to mention he blocks a lot of small artists.

>> No.3745460

Literally the only thing western art Twitter ever does is complain about underage characters and draw furshit cancer.
How embarrassing.

>> No.3745556

furry fags should be casted out of cities and live in the wild.