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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3741578 No.3741578 [Reply] [Original]

>Welcome to /icAC, the official non-official /ic discord channel ;)

A place to give all types of artists a means to bond together, while avoiding the usual circlejerk anonymity which doesn't lead anywhere other than creating more separation.

The primary focus of course, is still genuine improvement of your artistic skills and growth as an artist. The channel features 3 Level groups, ranging from Beginner > Intermediate > Advanced.
The idea is to give higher tier users the option to access lower tier channels if they feel like helping out, while at the same time avoid them getting spammed by beginner questions if they just want to stick to their circle.

Other than those 3 main ones, there are plenty of /ic spiced channels which are accessible to pretty much anyone. Including those dedicated to comfy social interactions like #artfriends, collaborations and voice channels, and those who are primarily about pyw, critique and social media promotion.


>> No.3741579

I'd like to keep the channel as fair and transparent as possible, including the decision on who falls into which skill tier category. For now 2 additional mods would be appreciated (preferably intermediate-advanced, experienced discord users, one female one male for the sake of diversity), If you feel up for it feel free to dm me directly over discord. As for me, I paint pretty much all day anyways, so depending on timezone I'm fairly available if you have a question or want to chat while painting.

I've seen people bringing up the desire for a static discord on a daily basis, desu I don't know how it will turn out, but I'm just trying to make this work. I'd appreciate it if you give it a try as well.

https://discord.gg/Z2NtCDX you will be considered a "lurker" and can only access the general channel until you've shared a work/social media of yours over discord dm. It's all handled privately and really just to gently push people out of their shells and prevent them from staying stagnated lonely lurkers.

Stay positive friends.

>> No.3741588
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>A place to give all types of artists a means to bond together, while avoiding the circlejerk anonymity that seperates
>Gives three separate tiers which directly divides and separates artists
Not even to the third sentence and we can already see a shitshow.

>> No.3741590

I want to join just to behold the shitshow

>> No.3741591
File: 121 KB, 297x353, 1540318903235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/beg/gars crying about tiers already

>> No.3741593

Can't wait to see the elitism and circlejerks this will bring.

>> No.3741594

>not posting the real /ic/ discord

>> No.3741596


>> No.3741597

AHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH oh my god I can't watch to watch all you losers come face to face with reality

>> No.3741599

By the way, post your work so we can see the level of the judge

>> No.3741602

Could you post examples of work from the different tiers so an example piece showing us what the level of entry is for the tiers.

>> No.3741605

The irony here is that Anonymity helps to create a community organically by having the Anon's own work act as their merit hence why we ask Anons to post their works. Forcing tiers, and electing modships through kissing ass and sucking dicks will lead to a inevitable shitstorm.

>> No.3741610

>Anonymity helps to create a community organically by having the Anon's own work act as their merit
no it just allows beggars and dunning-krugers to run their mouth without being challenged
because until they (reluctantly!) post their work you don't know if they're talking shit or not

>> No.3741612

>no it just allows beggars and dunning-krugers to run their mouth without being challenged
Did you even read my post? Ask them to post their work and watch them shrivel up unless they post their work their comment will at least have some merit regardless of their level in draftsmanship because they believed in it instead of talking out from their ass.

>> No.3741614

doesn't even looked like it is completely set up?

>> No.3741618

>someone posts critique
>okay but now post your work
>another person posts critique
>okay but now post your work
>>another person posts critique
>okay but now post your work
>intermediate posts critique
>advanced posts critique
>beginner doesn't
Explain to me HOW the former is in ANY way superior to the latter

>> No.3741622

Can someone join this discord to see who the Mod is?

>> No.3741624

sounds funny. joining for the entertainment

>> No.3741630

Honestly don't stress about it too much, beginners are the usual things you encounter in the /beg thread, intermediate should have a decent grasp of fundies, while advanced is leaning towards professional illustration and concept.

I'm still waiting for comfy artists, till now I'm just shoveling through some random people trash talking me over dm's for no reason :D

>> No.3741639

Unless the former method has someone posting work, you may disregard any input and that is the beauty of anonymity. If the whole point of the discord is to "bond artists together" the tier system defeats the whole purpose, furthermore the system in itself is flawed by default due to the owner who may be a beginner himself who are they to govern?

>> No.3741641
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>trash talking me over dm's for no reason
>for no reason
to see if this was another """/ic/""" discord with none of the actual board culture of /ic/, which it looks like it is
best of luck standing out from literally every other art server ever, dude

>> No.3741649

So the mod is just another outsider gaymo? Why is this ALWAYS the case?

>> No.3741652

It's a funny experiment:
The owner of the server puts you wherever he wants
If you've been judged unfairly (inb4 Dunning-Krueger) you're just salty and unable to cope, on the other hand you have to fulfill the admin's expectation of "good art" to be placed on the high tier, I'm guessing concept art shit and/or anime
The only for this erver to be fair is that you were judged by peers, or people that are pursuing the same stuff as you

>> No.3741653

Someone post his work

>> No.3741657

Rei#7237 is the name of the guy, if anyone knows his art blog (does he even have one?)

>> No.3741661

settle down now


id like to be more positive, so as to coax my drawings back, and also, talk to enjoyers of some fine artistic works online mysterious

bye.... im not going to go on here yet

>> No.3741662

Not disagreeing with ya. Up until now my dm's are filled with angry youngsters who I couldn't possibly let among decent folks, not because of their work, but high tilt autismo. Good I'm using a thowaway, I expected at least 60% to be that blackpilled lol

So /ic does have decent artists, right?

>> No.3741667

Answer me, coward

>> No.3741668

>Good i'm using a throwaway

So you're not serious about your server. Get off my board please.

>> No.3741669

you asked something sir?

>> No.3741670
File: 107 KB, 591x633, 1522483899009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decent folks
absolutely fuck off back to wherever you came from

>> No.3741671

Post Your Work Already

>> No.3741673

On discord

>> No.3741675

who are we even supposed to dm with our social media? why is there only one channel why cant i post my art aahhhhh im so lonelyyyy

>> No.3741688

I definitely am, but you'd be a fool to not be at least somewhat cautious on a mongolian soup board amirite

>> No.3741694

you were probably banned for sending dic-pics to other people

>> No.3741706

>the usual circlejerk anonymity
Are you fucking kidding me? Are you saying that namefags circlejerk less than anonymous? Because everyone in a chat is a namefag.

>> No.3741708


Oh the big bad 4chan man will geolocate your coordinates into the c300#, triangulating your position and from there, hack into the government mainframe supercomputer to scan your face from street cameras and identify your wearebouts so they can come to your home and give a loomis book to your mother so she can shove it up her vagina and actually get pregnant with a new baby boy by the books fertility powers so she can make up for the mistake of a worthless human being such as yourself who has no blog and makes a discord server with throwaway information?

>> No.3741709
File: 340 KB, 1028x732, 1525238727621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'd like to keep the channel as fair and transparent as possible"
>go in
>can literally not see anything

>> No.3741713

Why would a community built specifically on anonymity and savage shit posting ever switch to a platform with recognizable usernames? These discord threads on 4chan make no sense

>> No.3741714

It's clearly faggots who have no business here wanting to socialize and treat the board as a chatroom.

>> No.3741715


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. It's just none of us here actually have friends.

So in other words: keep your enemies as close as you can by making them be your friends.

>> No.3741716

> while avoiding the usual circlejerk anonymity
You mean the reason I come here in the first place? If I didn't want anonymity I would go literally anywhere else. There are thousands of other options out there, so what makes this one stand out? Why does the world need another shitty discord server full of attention-whoring trannies and e-drama?

>> No.3741737

>as fair and transparent as possible
then why not post the work of the people that will be judging everyone else?

>> No.3741747

The link expired

>> No.3741765

there is another permanent invite.
i can't find it though so maybe op gave up

>> No.3741807
File: 739 KB, 1652x1100, 1525052162111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's time to take matters into my own hands


come one come all to /ic/ discord 2: electric boogaloo; I'm keeping the tiers meme edition
I'll try not to INSTANTLY run this one into the ground

>> No.3741815
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>> No.3741821
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>> No.3741827

you deleted the discord as soon as you made it?? what kind of mama spagheddy is this

>> No.3741828
File: 495 KB, 1176x1000, 1459726384724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3741829


this was the mods art before he killed his server in less than 5 mins

>> No.3741830

>mfw my bedsheets look like that

>> No.3741831

what if i don't have a social media?

>> No.3741833
File: 43 KB, 493x430, 1527274609603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't; that was OP, this is bright new fresh beginning
stop bully and get in already you tsunderes
just read the rules in THIS >>3741807 server, that one's dead already

>> No.3741837

why do you keep kicking my throwaway account for? What's the point of moving your fingers to do that action each time? You're just banning a spoof address.

>> No.3741840

wow, cute anime girls!!

>> No.3741841

Uh, I'm not; you can use what the heck you want
probably something on discord's end

>> No.3741843

oh okay then

>> No.3741856

I don't think this ranking idea is good at all. its only purpose is circlejerking.
it's kinda rude too to be honest.

>> No.3741857

>I don't think this ranking idea is good at all
>its only purpose is circlejerking
it weights your opinion with the value of your work
>it's kinda rude too to be honest
a bit like /ic/ then hmmmm?

>> No.3741858

you were sorted into /beg/, right?

>> No.3741865


you can do that without giving someone tags. there is no purpose in doing that.
and /ic/ is anonymous.

>> No.3741870

This is pretty appealing desu. I'd like to see some more finished stuff tho.

>> No.3741873

>it died already

>> No.3741877

>there is no purpose in doing that
it's quicker and easier for everybody involved than whatever you're suggesting
>/ic/ is anonymous
and winrar is not free software

yes, go here instead>>3741807

>> No.3741893

All software is free. ;)

>> No.3741939

I'm not really interested in a discord and especially an /ic/ discord but I also think your way will inevitably cause drama. Why not just ask for a mandatory single artwork to be posted and stored on the discord so that if you're talking to someone, you can check their work at any time you feel like and judge for yourself if you think they're talking above their ability.

>> No.3741945

>Why not just ask for a mandatory single artwork to be posted and stored on the discord so that if you're talking to someone, you can check their work at any time you feel like and judge for yourself if you think they're talking above their ability.
uh im doing that and sorting ranks too, thanks

>> No.3742435

>actual pro artist comes and tries to make /ic a better place
>beg/gars and las incels losing their mind cus muh critique reee and girl is denying them of the skill tier they think they deserve

what a fuckin show. so it is true after all ic is beyond helping, grab the fuckin artbooks and btfo of this procrastinator shithole lmao.
still actual surprised how many legitimate lurker autists this board has, put them in a non neet place where people normally communicate and they stop functioning, sperging out on all sides. good that it's invite only now, you autists stay out. it was s shit idea to make it open for everyone and to let in nsfw begs retards in the first place

>> No.3742475

nobody wants to join your shitty server that has nothing to offer

>> No.3742485

Op post new link this one is brocken

>> No.3742658

because lonely drawfags want to have drawfriends who actually dishes out challenges/practices/studies on a regular or scheduled basis. It really does depend on the person and not everyone is like this, but for some, being anonymous makes it easier to slip out of scheduled practices (or to quit and walk away from something altogether), but if you have a name on the line (esp if what you're using is not just some throwaway name, but is actually your artist alias you use everywhere) then you are more likely to follow up on your work and show improvement.

>> No.3742673

make it so that people can see other people's art, but DON'T do the sorting of ranks at all. It's important to be able to see the art of the person giving critiques to your artposts, but leave the judgement to the person being given the critique, and that's it. Your rankings become irrelevant and will be the death of your fetus group chat.

>> No.3742688

So where's the server huh?

>> No.3742748

here >>3741807

>Your rankings become irrelevant and will be the death of your fetus group chat.

>> No.3742756

this is just a las 2.0 server with added nankings

>> No.3742760
File: 87 KB, 1026x653, 1536506207267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, because you aren't participating
be the change you want to see

>> No.3742762

not even seething. you group only has 15 in it. am i supposed to be saddened by this great loss of a group?

>> No.3742972
File: 9 KB, 149x142, skate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you kick me or did i just imagine joining last night? i went to bed right after i joined, or at least i thought i did? if you don't want me around i understand but if i just imagined joining i'll try again but wanted to make sure

>> No.3742979

no I didn't kick you, someone else had the same problem>>3741841

>> No.3743082

Nah fuck your group

Join us instead https://discord.gg/BZNxznt

>> No.3743102

youre not even good yourself faggot. all you have to show its some crudely drawn lolis and shit that is half assed and not finished. how about you actually practice your craft before you attempt to give opinions on how to categorize other people, less stressful on you.

>> No.3743105

pedo servers fuck off

>> No.3743343

Can I cal ppl niggers on your server?
Can I post nsfw lolis?

>> No.3743349

>redmatzoo, porocora, and professorsugoi not in beg
>all las/dadfags
>no good artists


>> No.3743350
File: 37 KB, 400x400, JoXLP0Yl_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

helo gyys evyerone discord is laging

>> No.3743412

Ha ha, fuck you guys, kill yourselves

>> No.3743441


why is this guy everywhere I go

>> No.3743454

poo poo pee pee

>> No.3743465


>> No.3743575

>invite invalid
What happened?

>> No.3743674

>check the nsfw section
>scroll through see a tar female(?) weeb revealing her disgusting body

God, now I've seen it all. Almost made me puke all over my tablet.

>> No.3743686

>Begginers are the things you encounter in the /beg
>intermediate should have a decent grasp of fundies
>advanced is leaning towards professional illustration and concept
There's a big jump there between intermediates and advanced
I predict in the end advanced tier will be like 3 legit good artists and 15 circlejerks fags

>> No.3743701

youve seen nothing. Head to the MALE section for black men in maid outfits and etcetera
>the wimmin just takes of clothes and are no effort at all
>the men takes up effort to dress in costumes

>> No.3743720

I believe you. I'm not subjecting my eyes any further to such sin.