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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3741347 No.3741347 [Reply] [Original]

Can visual art (excluding animation) have as much or more emotional impact as music?

>> No.3741348
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>> No.3741351

Holy shit

>> No.3741353

uh huh, yeah, I'm getting some emotions from this alrightt

>> No.3741355

No. Sound is superior. Sorry.

>> No.3741361


If you answer no and you didn't experience it how can you be into art at all?

>> No.3741362

idk why'd you'd post a meme as the OP to prove your point, but sure art can be plenty emotional

>> No.3741367

No. Classical music is the peak form of human expression and nothing comes even close.

>> No.3741372

what about Bad News is Coming by Luther Allison?

you can hear his guitar crying :(

>> No.3741391

this bring tear to my eye
its so bootiful

>> No.3741486


to a regular audiance? no

to other artist? yes

music makes a bigger impact because it makes you experience something on the spot, think epic moments in movies or you just broke up and listening to some sad tunes.

art (visual) don't have that with people who dont personally do art or are appricative of it.

but other artists can have an array of emotions and thoughts.

I think that art does have as much emotional impact as music but from observing others who aren't as appricative of skill and craftmanship then just think "it looks good/bad" and then moves on with it

>> No.3741489

At the end of the day, music will be more accessible and directly moving.

Not sure why this is the case, since humans are so visually oriented. But nobody looks at their favorite painting or photo three times a day. Nobody bursts into tears when they look at a painting the saw with their lover on a special day.

Strumming some chords on a used guitar is about 100x more likely to make women cream their shorts than making a mediocre sketch.

Maybe the greatest visual art can endure longer--though that's only relevant at the greatest extremes of virtuosity.

>> No.3741785

well I'm into art, I draw all the time, and to me music is superior. A good song can make you feel happy, powerful, or make you sad and cry about old memories and miss opportunities, physical media has never done that for me. I only look at art for about a minute "thats cool" or "sucks" and move on. But I love drawing, and I don't think I could ever really make great music, but drawing while listening to music is nice.

Maybe on a technical level, like Renaissance art. I much prefer modern music, there's the element of relatability which is far more powerful than any technical skill. It's like being technically efficient in art, but everything you make is bland and boring, forgettable, meaningless, there's nothing to hold onto, no meaningful story.

>> No.3742967
File: 2.27 MB, 1737x1307, 1412239359597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3743006

A picture is worth 1000 words.

>> No.3743017

No. Not if you're comparing the best to the best.

If you're comparing the best art to mediocre music, then you might subjectively feel the art wins. But fine art compared to classical? No. Not even close. Music wins.

This has nothing to do with whether or not you "appreciate" art or not. Doesn't matter if you're an artist or not. This is true because FAR more of our brains are devoted to music. Fact. Look up the book, "This Is Your Brain On Music," because it's fascinating shit.

>> No.3743052 [DELETED] 

Yes, but to make emotions you need a story.

Comics and videogames can make you cry more than music.

Also music can't make you cry or laught without lyrics.

Literature is the superior medium anyway.

>> No.3743176

One thing to remember about Western classical music is that it is, by necessity, the result of many talented people working in harmony under a composer and conductor.

To perform a live symphony written for a full orchestra requires training, investment, and expertise on the order of magnitude of a great building or a bridge... maybe even more when you take into account the hundreds of expertly handmade instruments, the orchestra hall, and so on.

I'll never have the feel and taste for music to really appreciate a broad array of classical music, but one of the reasons rich people dump their foundation money into paying hundreds of spoiled rich kids to play three hundred year old tunes is because it's an art form that, if abandoned, will be dead forever. A society that can't maintain a symphony orchestra probably can't maintain nuclear power, space flight, international air travel, or anything else worthy of note.

Painting and 2D art of the type that can be hung on a wall is a great thing, but it's a different magnitude of enterprise.

>> No.3743207

I have seen some shit but this thing... it scares me.

>> No.3743354


yes it can
just in it own way i suppose

just looking at that picture always captures me
if i view it long enough the emotion in the picture really get to resonate and put me in a different place

just like music you have to listen to it for at least 30 seconds before it really start resonating with you
films and video games are the perfect medium

>> No.3745763

story is everything.

you immediately get what's going on in that picture.
These are ordinary looking people in a luxurious setting.
Shit's knocked around, those two fought and one died.

if those were two chads hugging it wouldn't work

>> No.3745765

To be honest the only artist I really like is Craig Mullins. His work actually makes me feel something and makes me inspired and compared to him I feel everyone else is really mediocre.

>> No.3746792

Emotions are subjective so it obviously depends on the person.

>> No.3746796
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spend more time looking at an individual piece
paintings are not as immediate as music, you have to work more for the emotional payoff

>> No.3746809

Literally zero emotion in that piece tho.

>> No.3746814

good bait

>> No.3746817

What emotion does this piece want me to feel?