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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 193 KB, 722x1024, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3739026 No.3739026 [Reply] [Original]

Make an artsy friend today

>Contact info
>Art goals
>Hobbies and interests
>What are you looking for

>> No.3739032

>Asking people to put contact info on 4chan
Good luck bud

>> No.3739033

Pretty sure anon just means discord

>> No.3739034

>what is junk email address

>> No.3739039

Nevermind I’m blind. I guess he meant >>3739034

What’s wrong with discord though? As long as it’s not s whole cancerous server

>> No.3739045

i think the issue is with discord group chats rather than one on one interaction, that's what fuck discord means...i think...

>> No.3739046

OP you can be my friend

>> No.3739048

>has to ask whats WRONG with discord

>> No.3739051

Yes, I meant group chats are bad.

Thank you, friend

>> No.3739053

I've posted this info on /soc/ before. Not all of us are socially averse. Some of us can function normally in a social environment without feeling compelled to sperg in front of/cannibalize/murder the person we're talking to.

>> No.3739061

idk man, discord can be cool

lmao it’s not about that, it’s about posting your contact info on fucking 4chan and letting yourself get bombarded with who knows what

>> No.3739067

Fair. Although you'd be surprised, especially on /soc/. Most people don't want to waste the energy fucking with some guy by sending him pictures of their dick. It's just not worth the time or energy.

>> No.3739071 [DELETED] 

to draw

>> No.3739081
File: 1.56 MB, 2228x3159, New Doc 2018-12-27 12.43.52_1~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok ill bite
> i want to finish a small comic by the end of 2019
> drawing and anime and videogames also gardening/cooking is fun
> i just want friends and art friends because group chats are intimidating let's draw together and be nice

>> No.3739095

We've had a promotion thread since forever and it doesn't seem to get shitters as far as I know. Not sure why any other thread here would be different as long as it's not spergy or something.

>> No.3739099

I'm too /beg/ to share my info sorry, but I just want to say I've seen your art around and it's really cool, keep up the good work.

>> No.3739101

it's okay i appreciate it a lot regardless

>> No.3739121

No I don't want any of you losers dragging me down

>> No.3739187
File: 505 KB, 1238x1651, 20181227_212938-1238x1651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want job where can draw
>drawing and shitty mobile games
>want someone to draw with, grow experience with

>> No.3739236
File: 308 KB, 534x560, 1544090042496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to be a part of a group, I just want a personal friend to grow and develop with. However, I am a girl and I don't feel comfortable talking to boys online.
If there are any female artists on here who want a friend please leave contact info. I'm kinda shy but I will come out of my shell.
If you post proof that you're a female, I will too. I'm a little nervous so maybe I'll post contact info later, but feel free to respond with a throwaway email.
Mostly I like sketching and character design, but I'm trying to get into watercolor and gouache.

P.s no trannies.

>> No.3739240

I want an art buddy to poz up my asshole please

>> No.3739242

Kill yourself.

>> No.3739248

you two are now best friends.

>> No.3739257

you sound like my type of friend, email me ifujeaoifjnb@gmail

>> No.3739262

I mean we're both girls and painfully awkward so I can't really reveal my contact info either

>> No.3739266

>want to create a story in 2019
>Total war
>need someone to both motivate and get motivated by.

>> No.3739270

But on discord you don't even have to "talk" you can just type to eachother.

>> No.3739272

I want /u/ to fucking leave.

>> No.3739274
File: 1.09 MB, 520x550, tyler1-head-meat-5a769017561c5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But i'm not the gir,l i'm an anon saying they can talk on discord.

>> No.3739278
File: 13 KB, 380x380, 1492407224350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

up to discuss, grow, and improve with other ero guro artists. if it matters i'm currently making a bit of money from it.

throwaway discord is STYLESCLASH#9313.

>> No.3739316

Got any good drawing tutorials on that subject that i am NOT interested in?

>> No.3739326

not particularly. i tend to learn by studying subject matter (doing studies as well) instead of following a guide someone made but that's just me. helps me actually internalize what im doing

not to shit on what you posted but to me it's a "draw the rest of the fucking owl" situation. there's not a whole lot of learning and more of following arbitrary steps from an artist who actually understands the subject matter and when someone who possibly may not understand the concept of form and 3d space truly it'll only confuse them more

>> No.3739351
File: 2.98 MB, 4032x3024, 20181228_022636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should count as adequate enough proof, yes? Here is a throwaway email:
sorry for the immature name, I made this email three years ago for trash purposes.

my discord is juwen#7042. Anyone else is also free to contact me if they want to improve together or whatever.

>> No.3739364


>> No.3739381

there are so many cute girls in this thread

>> No.3739392

Same person you replied to, I'll email you in a few hours. I am away from pc.

>> No.3739397

Cool, I’ll be asleep. See you tomorrow

>> No.3739403

I added you on discord but you haven't accepted
I'm a gril (female) desperate for a fellow female art friend

>> No.3739447
File: 107 KB, 891x1280, thingus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some sketches i did after studying some Shirow a few days ago

>contact info
>art goals
put out a finished comic, ideally from a script of my own creation. publication in print, zines included. general improvement creatively and technically.
science fiction, programming, ps2 games, and just being internet scum in general
>what are you looking for
trying to practice being a good friend and to alleviate my loneliness, so just someone to talk with and share art/memes with

>> No.3739522

Legitimately neck yourself.

>> No.3739538


>> No.3739573
File: 43 KB, 915x585, cangrejito2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Contact info
MK Mvrs#3340
21 / Male / Wha
>Art goals
Draw on people. I'll begin my tattoo apprenticeship searching saga soon. Currently sketching and writing down some ideas for my portfolio
>Hobbies and interests
Vidya, drawing, listening to music
>What are you looking for
If possible, an art group with no circlejerking. To share art, help and be helped. Maybe someone to play some games, too.
Don't know if it's relevant, but I also speak spanish and portuguese.

>> No.3739583
File: 43 KB, 1560x876, 48077522_209004660002772_8870155176267218944_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man, I am in the same position as you, only a bit older. 27/ M / slovenia. Will begin doing my tattoo apprenticeship search soon too. I don't have discord but I can send you an email and we talk on fb chat or something

>> No.3739590

Sorry I was asleep, I accepted it just now

FYI I haven’t gotten one yet

Message me lonely poster, of you’re one person that is. Your art is really good

>> No.3739595
File: 64 KB, 556x527, 1542705097635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

losers the lot of you

>> No.3739603

>4chan 2018
>contact info
What went wrong?

>> No.3739617
File: 12 KB, 150x150, Avatar-final-lq-ny3skcrtdljidjhn1zmdjrkzqdwt1kusft6zr5rot8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, is my logo.
Ok... after three months of desperation I'm here...
>Contact info
Everything with Lennybunny
lennybunny93@gmail.com (I know I will receive a shiton of dick pick... but a man can hope that 4chan became a little better)
A 12 years old loli... Nah in reality I'm 25 male, sorry anon but there is no hope to find a loli in here...
>Art goals
Don't suicide myself before having a stable job as an artist. Or selling enough commissions to pay a house... For now is just don't suicide myself and trying to find some commissions
Drawing,animation,painting, reading fantasy books +plus Science and Mind, playing games with a good narrative (like the one from SuperGiantGames).
>What I'm looking for
Uhm... not especially to sell SOMETHING, maybe a commission? But mostly if you can see my work and tell me if it a good enough level to sell my works.

>> No.3739623

>sorry anon but there is no hope to find a loli in here...
>literally 60% of the posters are female

>> No.3739624

There is difference between a loli and a female!

>> No.3739625

you didn't save us in time

>> No.3739626

wow i hate you already
your art is also poo poo

>> No.3739630
File: 329 KB, 400x526, fallout-helmets-by-davidrm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan...4chan... never changes..

>> No.3739634

Go back to llebbit or whatever YouTube channel you came from faggot

>> No.3739648

Wouldn't be surprised if there were a bunch of trannies on this board. They always get pissy if women ask not to be approached

>> No.3739657

Last time I left a junk mail a Filipino guy proposed to me. Fucking Thirsty SEAniggers

>> No.3739660

so males can be loli too?

>> No.3739667
File: 12 KB, 200x200, 1gz3xd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends... They are cute <12 years old with a boypussy? Yes

>> No.3739672

you're probably that ugly lol

>> No.3739921

I'm >>3739351

ffs why did you block me I am literally a girl? I thought this was what you wanted.........

>> No.3739938
File: 74 KB, 1920x1080, 1521725808095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get fucked roastie

>> No.3739952

so will youmarry me or not

>> No.3739958

must be jealous of the pretty hand

>> No.3739960

Having a longer pointer finger than index finger is a sign of testosterone right?

>> No.3739963
File: 49 KB, 775x837, 1533534315223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the gloss of a young female flesh

>> No.3739968
File: 8 KB, 225x225, bean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

index finger and pointer finger is the same, you must be referring to the ring finger

>> No.3739969

Oh yeah i meant that. Jesus, i'm not English or American so that's why i messed it up.

>> No.3739971

that's just angle. my pointer finger is longer than index but I know it doesn't matter and you're just memeing.

I do have slightly above average testosterone for girls though.

>> No.3739974
File: 127 KB, 500x280, 453252345342534523342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leave my contact info in thread
>no messages, not even signed up to gay porno website spam

>> No.3739978

>Hand with index finger being shorter than the ring finger, pointing to a high exposure to testosterone in the uterus.

>> No.3739982

wow I am stupid

>> No.3739990

KEK not at all disappointed with the outcome of this thread.

>> No.3739991

anon i'm curious, what typo of eroguro do you draw?

>> No.3739994

came for a buddie, stay for the lulz

>> No.3739995
File: 134 KB, 1500x681, asaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is a pen roll feminine? i want something nice to put my pencils in for travel but hate zippers

>> No.3739998

just use a pencil case nigga lmfao

>> No.3740003

based nigga lmfao poster

>> No.3740004


>> No.3740008

then why the fuck are you asking? just buy it

>> No.3740019


>> No.3740025

that's exactly what a trannie would say

>> No.3740027

jesus christ the ship is already crashing and burning lmao

>> No.3740028

so let me show you my girlness you sonofabitch

>> No.3740045

Sorry, I am original poster with octo girl image. I fell asleep. I'll email you soon, after I get ready for the day.

>> No.3740051

>i can't reveal my info post yours
>no u

this is adorable

>> No.3740058
File: 148 KB, 645x772, 1544509752739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any girls (female) want to be my friend here's my discord thing: 生足#0460
I think>>3739351 just blocked me because I'm old so ageists notwelcome!
I'd like fellow girl art friends but I guess I care more about taste than gender so if you aspire to draw like Yoshinari or Kim Jung Gi I'll probably like you

>> No.3740064

mostly decap but I'll do any subject matter

>> No.3740066
File: 519 KB, 400x388, 1498931799820.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cunts have literally every other social media that not only caters to but encourages your attention whoring with virtually unlimited beta orbiters who are willing to pay you for being a camwhore. But you insist on remaining here of all places.


>> No.3740069

Go back to your containment board, sweaty

>> No.3740083

why the fuck are your pinky and ring proportionally smaller than your index, middle and thumb?
not just shorter, *smaller* (width and length)

>> No.3740084

how old are you then?

>> No.3740088

Most of the girls here seem to just want to talk to one another.

>> No.3740091


>> No.3740095

>22 is considered old now
the world moves too fast for me...

>> No.3740100

I don't think it's "old". I just meant the girl who blocked me must have thought I was too old, which is why she blocked me.

>> No.3740114

The whole point of being here is to remain Anonymous, please fuck off back to Instagram with all the other Thots you cunts can queef all you like over there fuck off.

>> No.3740119

if i post my blog and u follow me do i have to follow u back to be friends??? :/ what if i dont want shit art in my feed

>> No.3740122

BASED. This thread is so catty I love it.

>> No.3740131

Trannies get insanely vindictive towards women who don't accept their mental disorder.

>> No.3740135

>Trannies get insanely vindictive towards women who don't accept their mental disorder.

>> No.3740142

Was waiting for someone to post this

>> No.3740158
File: 181 KB, 405x414, 1545928975081.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's because there are legitimate femcels, autists, and legbeards who cannot get friendships with normalfag women.
You know how hard not is to talk to your average young female? Usually they have no interests or hobbies and can barely hold a conversation. Talking to these girls in doubly worse as a sperg girl because they don't have the desire to become your friend. Why would they waste their time talking to some female sperg when they have an inexhaustible amount of men to give them whatever they want? They don't care and our interests do not overlap. It's pointless.

Talking to men as a female sperg is not a good idea either, because they are so lonely and desperate they will fall in love with you, and cause a lot of problems. I don't mind people who are lonely and desperate, but they will always say at the begining "we'll just be friends" and then a month later they confess their love to me and the relationship is ruined. Then they become depressed or vindictive and you could have a serious problem on your hands if there is some betamale trying to dox you and find you and ruin your life because you won't reciprocate his love.

Then there's the trannies, who will talk nonstop about how hard it is to be trans. "My parents are kicking me out because they found my dildos", "I'm too poor to afford estrogen", on and on about how they are inept victims. And they always always try to validate their femininity. Sending you endless filtered pics of themselves and pictures of their beauty supplies, dresses, shoes, perfumes, hello kitty stickers, nonstop. Then the suicide/depressed posts where for a brief moment their brain will register that they fucked up and they'll just become slobbering toddlers, until the next day they buy cute panties and feel "femme" again. And then of course, they will be insanely jealous and petty because you have a vagina and they don't. Oh yeah, and they'll also try to fuck you.

>> No.3740161

BASED femanon

>> No.3740173

god you sound like such a vapid cunt, no wonder you can't find friends. no one wants an insufferable self-absorbed idiot with special snowflake syndrome as a friend. I wouldn't blame neither girls or boys for not wanting to hang with you.

>> No.3740176

Spotted the butthurt tranny

Take your meds you disgusting, unsightly freak

>> No.3740177

i didn't block you? I accidentally fell asleep for an hour. Unless I'm being trolled

because i didn't bother to take the picture with my hand on a plane exactly perpendicular to the camera you dumbfuck

>> No.3740178

>Maybe it's because there are legitimate femcels, autists, and legbeards who cannot get friendships with normalfag women.
If that was the case you should have no problems remaining Anon.

>> No.3740182
File: 422 KB, 1280x720, 1503701274068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is truly a gift that keeps on giving. A treasure trove of autism and bitterness.

>> No.3740183

This thread turned to shit because of females posting feelsbadman.

>> No.3740184

lmao i'm a gay guy but whatever you wanna believe anon point still stands

>> No.3740189
File: 1.85 MB, 854x480, sad crepe girl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whaaa I can't find another autistic femcel to befriend!

>> No.3740192

fucking kek

>> No.3740197
File: 482 KB, 256x192, popcornn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this thread holy fuck

>> No.3740205

what a catastrophe of a thread lol

>> No.3740209

stop overdramatizing everything

It’s because the mention of females drew in all the fucking autists and incels /ic/ has to offer. God I miss horny poster right now

>> No.3740216

I can be your horny poster namefag-kun

>> No.3740222

lurking w/ hand on pp

>> No.3740233

See what you did?

>> No.3740239
File: 50 KB, 970x545, 1537585647981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3740241

based AAAAAAAAAAAHposter

>> No.3740246

And there his is to put the cherry on top of this thread. Thank you based lonely and horny poster.

>> No.3740247

>ratio of OP template's posts to shitposts

>> No.3740248
File: 577 KB, 816x766, 1498939361574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3740251
File: 990 KB, 2356x3092, portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

discord: lightred#2957

asl: 18/m

Art goals: im trying to learn animation and learn more about art in general
hobbies: music nerd, basketball, LoL

What are you looking for: Chill art friends to share art and improve with.

>> No.3740254
File: 68 KB, 690x1024, 1545423252595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ngl I met a really cool person because of this thread. You guys are just being weird.

>> No.3740255

and I forgot to add, if you wanna talk just add me, I'm bad at keeping track of these threads

>> No.3740256

if you're afraid of women then you should give up on being in any art field

>> No.3740259

Not him but why

>> No.3740261
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1539280634691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you anon

>> No.3740263

because there are a ton of women in the field and you're just going to be a dick to them or at least quietly seethe over it forever. it's just better for both parties involved

>> No.3740264

art field is 50% if not more women. You can't be scared of half the industry you want to go into.

>> No.3740268
File: 10 KB, 299x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because if you happen to look at them or even sit down in the presence of a Womyn they will cry Rape or "manspreading" and thrown bleach at your crotch.

>> No.3740272

>acting as if some weirdo from 4chan wouldn't actually rape a woman
>implying that 4channers aren't all autists that don't know how to be around women

>> No.3740276

In other words art isn't a cool hobby and everyone around me will look at me as a sissy because it's mainly dominated by girls? Guess it's time to pick up auto mechanic to fix cars.

>> No.3740279

thread, "many women work in the art field"

anon, "so drawing is gay?"

>> No.3740291


>> No.3740304

have you been outside since you were born?

>> No.3740317
File: 25 KB, 480x480, 1985765295134955954321984565465198795652313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait so out of what few anons participated, who actually was able to talk to each other without spilling spaghetti? because this thread has been a shitshow

>> No.3740330
File: 60 KB, 1201x1059, ighWDLN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for not just an art friend but someone to grow with and be a fellow peer someday, if your better than me then it's fine it doesn't matter aslong as we have interesting conversations about art and other topics if we have similar tastes.

i don't care about gender and i'm not looking for relationships, these things don't matter to me.

i just want someone who i can learn from and grow with and yknow develop a friendship with someone with similar hobbies ( mostly art for me, i have to currently forgo everything besides drawing/self improvement as i'm trying to get my shit together).
i enjoy art and am currently trying to make it a lifestyle of mine and i'd like to surround myself with people who enjoy/do art even if it's just one person.

so if your someone who enjoys art and is into shit like philosophy/self improvement with a side of weeb/mix of everything really, add me.

discord: make them suffer#0091

>> No.3740334

third person here who was able to actually talk to someone so

>> No.3740341

What is a discord?

>> No.3740347

>make them suffer#0091
it's like skype. A messaging app/website.

>> No.3740380

I'll contact you whats your info

>> No.3740383

I really don't want to come off as a "special snowflake" but every single male "friend" I have ever made online has fallen in love with me in about 2 months, then the friendship is ruined. I've had a few of them even try to stalk/harass me afterwards. Most of the time it's just depressing since I've just lost a friend, we both become sad and end up just cutting off contact. I am just not even going to try anymore.
I have been pretending to be a dude for about a year now on a seperate account and I've actually made some friends, but I can never be their true friend and talk about who I am, some parts of my life, or ever meet them irl. I just want a female friend I can be open and honest with, without the layer of sexual/romantic tension. Someone who I can really relate to. It's difficult since every girl online in my position is also extremely hard to find and extremely protective of their identity since they've probably experienced the same.
And sorry I just won't be friend with trannies, they're just fucked up in the head and come with their own problems. I've never been friends with a gay before, but I doubt any gay dude wants to talk to a female sperg.

>> No.3740384

hey I still haven’t gotten an email from you yet, just checking.


>> No.3740401

same with me but irl since i work at a hotel in the downtown area, i don't get too invested with people online lol.

i'm also a dude but apparently dudes with no sexual interests doesn't exist and i'm an awful person for rejecting people's advances.

it's actually frustrating in general to make friends without any sexual interest towards you and most males are just plain degens and conversations always just end up about sex, also i can't seem to ever find art friends irl.

this anon is just upset that people just want to fuck instead of being friends and being a female ( no offense) sucks when it comes to that shit lol

>> No.3740402

Literally me but I've only had 3 friends (all male) within the past 8 years and all the friendships ended as you described.
I'm friendless now and all I want is a girl friend but I'm even worse at talking to girls than guys.

>> No.3740418

>Improve in every area possible, and create more original art. Working for a studio would be ideal, but at this point I just want to be able to quit my shitty job and live off of my art.
>Video games, J-Pop, some K-Pop/C-Pop... Idk...
>Art friends, someone to get on my ass when I don't draw and vice versa. Let's grow together. :)

Ideally you aren't a mega SJW, but you're also not a huge asshole. Other than that, I'm open to be friends with anyone.

>> No.3740424
File: 2.51 MB, 1200x1200, Scan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it.

>Contact info
>Art goals
Right now I'm trying to get more dynamic poses and angles, cooler designs, not abstract backgrounds, etc. Just making my art more interesting. Also maybe opening commissions someday.
>Hobbies and interests
Art (obviously), watching anime and cartoons and shit, kind of a fag for Deltarune/Undertale right now
>What are you looking for
Someone around my skill level who isn't an asshat.

If you decide to contact me, please know that I'll probably ghost you after a certain amount of time (a few weeks - a few months) but before that I'll probably be pretty active in talks.

>> No.3740427

>J-Pop, some K-Pop/C-Pop
how many pops do you have with you, ma'am

>> No.3740435
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 1539834432496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please know that I will probably ghost you

>> No.3740438

>someone who isn't an asshat
>I will probably ghost
so you're a woman with severe social anxiety, got it

>> No.3740439

It's not that I have anxiety, it's more that I just lose interest.

>> No.3740441
File: 106 KB, 736x736, b884145f0afa3c015bcc8804e444d9a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you've isolated yourself so long that you're a jaded wreck and can't find time for the human interaction you desire
>tfw quit video games to be productive but still unproductive but no longer like video games

>> No.3740442

>this is how people make friends these days
The internet was a fucking mistake

>> No.3740443

So autism, got it

>> No.3740508

Now THIS is an authentic and based lonely horny poster

>> No.3740540 [DELETED] 
File: 262 KB, 900x1200, 1545883687574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

19 year old trap here, I used to cam on /soc/ and I still do from time to time. I'm new to drawing. Anyone want to be my friend?

>> No.3740545

no way fag

>> No.3740548


>> No.3740549

Your Discord isn't working darling.

>> No.3740554

I'm a dude, bro not a full-on girl.

>> No.3740556

desu I'd make a discord account but how serious are you in learning? What are you trying to learn to draw exactly?

>> No.3740557


>> No.3740558

that's fucking gay, i thought you were a ftm

>> No.3740560

Post nudes and I’ll teach you a little.

>> No.3740561

You wanna look at a persons dick?

>> No.3740563

Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned a couple things in that post, so I deleted it.
I'm thinking about taking hormones. But I'd rather not look like a freak at 30 years old.

>> No.3740569
File: 138 KB, 573x579, eee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Contact info

>Art goals
Don't have any specific one I'm working for, I just want to keep drawing.
>Hobbies and interests
Vidya, Manga/Animu, Music, Cooking, Self improvement (mental/), Learning things everyday, building things, animals, talking to strangers, walking.
>What are you looking for
People that aren't afraid to talk about themselves mostly, that way the conversations can be more interesting and about anything. I guess I like getting to know the real person I'm talking to.

>> No.3740573

Can you post your butt?

>> No.3740576

oh no i want to be friends with you

>> No.3740581 [DELETED] 

Everyone please report, sage and hide the thread. Don't fall for the OP nazifag spamposter's bait threads, get him banned again.

>> No.3740587

hey nazi spammer, mad that people keep calling you out? Fuck off

>> No.3740593

Is there a female artist who is willing to teach me how to draw?

>> No.3740596

Well too bad your on 4chan faggot.

>> No.3740597

Still waiting

>> No.3740599
File: 59 KB, 577x575, 1544530614179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could teach you how to NGMI I'm good at that

>> No.3740605

Do you have any contact info?

>> No.3740608

Where is that trap? Show us your ass and body before I teach you how to draw

>> No.3740612 [DELETED] 

Fuck off Nazi spammer.
We know who you are now.

>> No.3740614

Dude, you're seriously being creepy as fuck.

>> No.3740618

Ignore them it's 4chan and people troll for attention.

>> No.3740627
File: 322 KB, 1440x810, 1446584977975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fuckers chased him off and he even deleted his post. You were too eager for his boipucci and now we'll never get to draw cute fuccbois off him.

>> No.3740628

You like anime too? Bonus. Please teach me art. I am a /beg/.

>> No.3740632
File: 195 KB, 692x692, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a discord
i'll send you a request when i get home later

>> No.3740634

As soon as he mentioned he was a camwhore he admitted to being a slut.

>> No.3740635

Are you a girl?

>> No.3740638

well heres my info again

>> No.3740654

que jogo tu joga?

>> No.3740656
File: 1.07 MB, 5400x7200, picasso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am /beg/ and desperate for some art buddies.


I wanna draw like how Yoji Shinkawa paints.

I play vidya, listen to the PCP, and read. I'm much better at writing than I am at drawing but I want to draw more than I want to write.

>> No.3740658

You’re a camwhore on /soc/ just post your ass for us please.

>> No.3740661
File: 2.68 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20181228_220911941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am begger too

>> No.3740666

desu if I were him I would charge you five bucks first.

>> No.3740694

I'm looking forward to it, this thread turned out to be a genuinely rich idea and I'm talking to some pretty cool people.

>> No.3740735
File: 15 KB, 480x411, 052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im much better at drawing than i am at writing but i want to write more than i want to draw

sent u a request

>> No.3740745

scratch that lol your discord name isnt working

>> No.3740751
File: 67 KB, 640x391, DGjBwA-XYAAbkAe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mr. Morning#3521
>Art goal is to be able to make liquid shitposts in art form with silly shit and big buff dudes
>Gardening (exotic fruit), cooking, vidya, (attempting) drawing
>Just looking for a fellow goofball to grace the world with shitty RPGmaker level art/draw big burly dudes/fuck around with. I'd really like to discuss starting drawing, too, it's very nebulous and if there's any big bro anons out there that have a path that worked for them, I'd love to hear.

If just fucking around and making doofy shitposty art sounds fun, drop me a line.

>> No.3740804

God, i'm glad i'm not a femoid

>> No.3740808

There are next to no circumstances where a male and a female not related to each other can form any kind of friendship without some sexual tension

>> No.3740809

Maybe if you stopped being so wretched and pretentious people would hang out with you. Same goes for robots/male incels. You guys need to chill the fuck out and at least TRY to talk to people, don't assume they don't have your interests. Find a club or something. I'm a sperg and I have a ton of normie and non-normie friends, it's not an excuse.

>> No.3740817

My goal is to be confident and consistent with my art
I mostly play grindy Korean mmos but lately I'm fond of PoE
Someone that wants to improve along with me. I also enjoy EU accents for voip

>> No.3740826

Got an art example? I'd try to get better with you if you're in as early as I am.

God, honestly, anyone to fuckin' hash this out with would be great, I hate having 400000 people telling you different shit and nobody to bounce the ideas off of.

>> No.3740838

>oh no everyone falls in love with me my life sucks

>> No.3740844


>> No.3740850

are there plastic body lead holders that don't feel like shit?
i grab a Faber-Castell TK 9400 Clutch and the box of lead replacement feels nicer than the actual holder

>> No.3740856 [DELETED] 

>Contact info
>Art goals
Learn anatomy and perspective for people, eventually animate anime really well
>Hobbies and interests
Reading, writing, animation, armchair philosophy, 3D modeling + CGI, reading about video game industry and listening to vidya music, hiking, movies, sleeping, cooking, doing nothing
>What are you looking for
Casual art friend to keep each other motivated to draw, maybe chat about ideas we have every once in a while. Not looking for a lot of conversation

>> No.3740857

I know, that's why I stopped trying being friends with males.
It's not that I am wretched or whatever the fuck, I am just exhausted. I've had too many bad experiences with male (including men pretending to be women) "friends", and females are a rarity and usually don't share my interests.

The problem isn't me, the problem is all these thirsty men who ruin friendships and become obsessed. For example, a while back I made a friend who pretended to be a female, we spoke for half a year and I trusted them. Then out of the blue they admitted they were male and told me they were in love with me. I told them they broke my trust and I didn't have feelings for them and I couldn't continue the relationship. Then I find out they made a website dedicated to me with a bunch of journal entries about how they hated me, loved me, etc. They were obsessed, and was looking for any way to find me irl (whatever they planned to to aftwerards, I don't know).
I've had guys do the same over and over, fall in love and then when I say no they try to ruin my life. Usually the threats are empty, but my trust has already worn down to nothing. Or, they just succumb to pure depression. They become despondent and hopeless, and I end up feeling guilty as fuck, but there's nothing I could have done. Either way, friendships with males always end, and they always end horribly, so I'm completely checked out.

You say it's easy, but not for a female sperg. If you're a guy you can make plenty of friends online without them "falling in love" with you and trying to force their way into your life. I've actually made some friends pretending to be a dude for a while, but it makes me sad I can never truly be myself around them, because I know the same thing will probably happen. They go crazy and either become depressed or cruel or both.

>> No.3740860


>> No.3740866

Dont let the male friend's interest in you ruin it. Whenever a guy talks to you and knows you're a girl, just assume that he has SOME sort of interest in you and sees you as a potential (and vice versa). It's better to just accept the reality from the beginning and then continue a genuine friendship DESPITE the tension.

If a guy stops talking to you after being rejected or because he can't handle his feelings, remember it's not you, it's him and just let him handle it in his own space. A lot of guys are very fragile when it comes to rejection and easily embarressed, so they're avoiding you not because they're entitled and hate you, but because they're self conscious. What do you mean they stalk/harass you? That can either be something really creepy and aggressive (which then they can fuck off) or they can just be passive and that's also not your problem. On your side, however, let them know that you're still available for a genuine friendship.

A lot of guys like the girls nearest to them and start getting romantically interested, but that doesn't mean you have to entertain it. The guys get over it eventually.

I wouldn't pretend to be a guy online and live a double life however, that destroys your soul and it's also harder to make friends with other girls.

>> No.3740877

>>3739026 (OP)
>Contact info
>Art goals
Learn anatomy and perspective for people, end goal is to be able to draw and animate anime asap but with strong foundation
>Hobbies and interests
Reading, writing, animation, armchair philosophy, 3D modeling + CGI, reading about video game industry and listening to vidya music, hiking, movies, sleeping, cooking, doing nothing
>What are you looking for
Casual art friend to improve alongside, keep each other motivated to draw and maybe even chat about ideas and concepts of stuff every once in a while. Any anon want to do bargue plates together?

>> No.3740882

Sorry you've had such terrible experiences with males. That's some creepy shit. I wouldn't want anything to do with guys either if that happened to me–and I'm a guy.

Guys would be much nicer if they didn't have their dicks up their asses so often. Hope you're able to find people online (probably female) that you can be yourself around online. Best of luck, rooting for you.

>> No.3740885

Anon may be harsh with her words but I have had similar experiences.
That being said, it's important to give other people a chance.

>> No.3740888

what a trainwreck of a thread

socializing on anonymous communities was a mistake

>> No.3740894

Thank you. I just don't know if I can move past the rejection part. Some have been vindictive so I cut it off asap, but other times where they become sad we both agree it's for the best that we cut contact, since it would hurt less. Like ripping off a bandaid.
Really there's more than just that reason I want to have a female friend, it's because I feel we can connect better and relate more. We can go on trips together, sleep over at eachother's house, share clothes, do crafts together. We can just be more intimate than I could ever be with a male friend. And no, not in a homosexual way. I think other girls will agree that personal contact and closeness is part of a good friendship. I think men have that as well but I can never be a part of that.
Been looking for a genuine female friend for a while. Maybe I lost my chance here since I did sperg out.
Thanks, sorry.
I want to, just females only.

>> No.3740895
File: 83 KB, 819x1024, 7d425c7f-e45f-46ee-9efa-4325e06641cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to join the ic/ discord :D


>> No.3740998
File: 53 KB, 583x608, 1507871294839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3741004

how about you take some commissions and hire a prostitute? it'll give you more 'tortured artist' cred than making /r9k/ posts on /ic/

>> No.3741005

fuck off youre ruining the meme with your faggoty feel wojak

>> No.3741010
File: 203 KB, 480x480, 1519133301491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paying for sex is like paying my commissioners for letting me to draw for them.

>> No.3741011
File: 216 KB, 486x500, 14-500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Contact info
The Neighbor#9855
>Art goals
I don't really know. I know I want to be good at art, but I don't know how to have fun, or make something that I care about with it. I feel like at this point I'm just grinding out the same old practice drawings because I feel like all of my ideas are either:

1)Stupid and not worth spending time on
2)Deserving of more skill than I have

I want to be able to feel good about it at least some of the time.
>Hobbies and interests
Programming, tekken, studying, obscure jp music, depression, adderall abuse.
>What are you looking for
Art friends who want mutual support and understanding.

>> No.3741107
File: 376 KB, 1400x1400, bizniss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fellow tattooboy. Cool, address is moisesnkb@live.com

Payday2 e Killing Floor 2, principalmente. Tenho o L4D2 instalado. Comecei a jogar Ring of Elysium há poucos dias, também.

>> No.3741127

What's the point of posting in this thread as a girl if guys just act like dicks and dumb yas girls just act like bitches? Guys seem to think all girls on 4chan (if they exist) are just attention seeking retards.
Ill never get a comfy bf, at least maybe ill make it and die alone

>> No.3741128
File: 54 KB, 207x465, 1537422918562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I like Made In Abyss and Bondrewd but I don't know if I can.like anyone else who likes those things.
Depends on if you're an edgy lolicon or just some normal guy with weird taste. Hopefully the latter.

>> No.3741130

The rare chance I might find a female who is like myself.
If you're looking for an honest bf you won't find one on here. Better luck meeting a bachelor artist through instagram/twitter. If you are decently cute and nice and are willing to cook and clean there is a 99.9% chance any single man you seek will date you.

>> No.3741132

Oh fuck off, I dont want a relationship with someone like that. If you think thats what girls what then goodluck getting an art gf.

>> No.3741139

What? Did you misread? I am a girl myself giving advice to some other lonely girl about how to maybe find a decent bf.
There are plenty of talented male artists I see online who seem down to earth and might possibly be single. I mean, if I was looking for an artbf I would just start browsing social media and send out PMs.

>> No.3741146

do not fucking insult, do not talks about any other topic except art

>Contact info
Disaster#9803 (fuckoff OP i will use it)
NEVER EVER use this without proper purpose

23 fuckoff fuckoff

>Art goals
increase quality of works than last year

>Hobbies and interests
game and listening music

>What are you looking for
things that helping me an improve

i' will acti nice to you if you not irritating me

>> No.3741151

I'm in the rice fields with my sketchbook, some angry chink yelling at me to draw. Day in, day out. Will I get better?

>> No.3741152

post art

>> No.3741167

you sound obnoxious

There are definitely some artists on /ic/ who would make a good bf, it’s just they don’t post as much as the annoying incels

>> No.3741169

>tfw not one notices how good a bf I would be

>> No.3741178

>this much of a fucktard
>no work posted
Yeah thanks lmao what a joke

>> No.3741182
File: 390 KB, 1512x2016, Dt6_0AMXcAAcDaG.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Contact info
(Will create Discord acct. after some correspondence)

28/M/Mid-Atlantic USA

>Art goals
Publishing comics and animation outside of my day job

>Hobbies and interests
Reading, mostly garbage genre fiction and light novels, willing to branch out. Studying for A+ so getting into PCs outside general use. Getting back into working out after knee surgery.

>What are you looking for
Accountability partner/group. Daily check in, stated goals, and follow through. If we become friends that's cool, but if we are just cordial as fellow self taught artists I'm fine with that as well. We'll see how it goes. NSFW, started out in drawthreads doing waifu requests though I'm trying to branch out of that as well.

Pic related. Some life drawing.

>> No.3741186
File: 80 KB, 1016x807, 1540611292095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a q.t3.14 disciplined and well-mannered man with a good upbringing and life goals? Do you want to start a traditional family and build your own estate? Do you have unwavering principles? Are you working towards creating a legacy to leave behind? Do you command the respect and admiration of those around you? Would your future sons be proud of their father?
Are you at least aware of what you should be and working towards something similar?

Or are you just a lazy, insecure and disenfranchised boy that society left behind, who is desperate for any affection, and thinks that the only service he needs to provide for being a "good bf" is just obsessive infatuation?

>> No.3741187 [DELETED] 

ok fine, i didn't wanted to post my work on here
click 'werk' yeah it's my work not gonna post in this thread

>> No.3741189

ok fine, i didn't wanted to post my work on here
click 'werk' yeah it's my work not gonna post in this thread

>> No.3741195
File: 296 KB, 611x871, 1517424574841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's try this

>Contact info


>Art goals
Draw cute girls. Atm I'm not considering taking anything to a professional level, I just enjoy drawing

>Hobbies and interests
Vidya, music, drawing, (medical) science...

>What are you looking for
Knowing more people, people to talk to, have some fun and stuff

>> No.3741206
File: 349 KB, 1200x849, 1522579198887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sorry about my attitude in this post anyway i was fucking pissed off today for some reason

i can't delete my post at this posting so i repost this info

>Contact info
NEVER EVER use this without proper purpose

23 M south Korea

>Art goals
increase quality of works than last year

>Hobbies and interests
game and listening music

>What are you looking for
things that helping me an improve

>> No.3741207

One of my Korean friends said that Koreans have a tendency to have extreme emotional outbursts and episodes at random. Now that he's said it, I see it everywhere.

>> No.3741220

>>3740895 is this /ic/ exclusive or are there outsiders? Anyone from le inside can give some intel?

>> No.3741222

Studio spark fuck off
It isn't an ic discord just a pedo server that people keep shilling because people fall for it.

Could people stop falling for their shit? Its not that hard to see studio spark pushing their shit and ignore it

>> No.3741254
File: 84 KB, 640x480, 20120519 Permacultura Anitapolis Sitio Silva Aula 017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically yes, the only difference is that I'm probably more nuanced and more egotistic than the person you described. For instance, I'm still studying politics before making my own opinion about stuff and that I don't really care about a legacy, I'd rather pursue my artistic passion and be the best person I can be (phisically, intelectually, socially...)
The question is, are you a smart girl that wants to build a permaculture farm and raise our kids away from the the chaos and stupidity of the modern world?

>> No.3741303
File: 153 KB, 665x665, crop top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Contact info
22 / ;~; / EU
>Art goals
I have a lot of things I'm doing with art like comics and illustrations but most of the time I just wanna draw my cute boy OCs. For a while wanted to get into proffessional illustration and was preparing a portfolio, might still be interested in that. I draw eroguro and surrealist stuff sometimes.
>Hobbies and interests
drawing, graphic design, music production, videogames (and the industry of them), cooking, european/arthouse films, anime/manga (especially yaoi)
>What are you looking for
art friends that share the same interests and might be interested in hanging out together and having drawpile sessions drawing our OCs. friendly bants, learning from eachother, sharing techniques etc.

>> No.3741324
File: 268 KB, 414x640, Egon 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, since I wrote this I might as well do the rest

>>Contact info
23/m/South America
>>Art goals
To become a pro illustrator and color designer
>>Hobbies and interests
Reading (politics, history, mithology, esotericism), homesteading, physical activity... It's worth noting that I'm not into anime and videogames tho, so I won't be able to relate to you on that front
>>What are you looking for
I want intimacy. I don't really care about your skill level as long as we can talk freely about art, our struggles, our thoughts...

>> No.3741326

Forgot to link the two posts

>> No.3741352

When is the trap going to post nudes?

>> No.3741363

already did, if you had contact info posted ITT i sent them out :)

>> No.3741368

based on personal experience, they also have a tendency to cry on either trivial stuff or inappropriate situations

>> No.3741371

>anon wants a girl artist
>everyone who's posting is a dude

>> No.3741380
File: 54 KB, 560x554, 2018-12-30 01_13_49-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>werk tag
Looks like you already know what you're doing art-wise but maybe you should fix your attitude first before trying to make friends. No wonder nobody wants to be friends with you. You sound like someone who would beat up their girlfriend which is p common with middle aged koreans nowadays

>> No.3741405
File: 125 KB, 736x414, vod_thumb_34144054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But i thought everyone has tiny beauty inside?
Even me?

Ok, that was just other side of me

>> No.3741555
File: 66 KB, 500x754, agNy0XW_700b_v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3741693

Okay, you pass. I would give you a chance if I didn't already have a bf.

>> No.3741695

>tfw anon sends you a friend request and then deletes it before you have the chance to accept

>> No.3741699

>South America
Wait nevermind. Unless you mean Dixie, but I doubt it.

>> No.3741712

>being a burger

>> No.3741722

It's more like, not being a mestizo mutt from a third world country. America is on its way but not quite yet.

>> No.3741733

>mestizo mutt
Sigh... I guess I have to be ready to deal with /pol/tards if I mention the "traditional family" bit

>> No.3741736 [DELETED] 

Sorry, it's 5247, not 5427.

>> No.3741739


Sorry, it's 5247.

>> No.3741762

The sexual tension is the best part, though. Fun for both parties as long as they have a sense of humor.

>> No.3742166

this thread is fucking hilarious

>> No.3742198

Because it’s a mentally ill man

>> No.3742204

Been there. This fucking sucks. There's a discord called "art friends" with a few cool girls on there if you want an invite. We're all pretty nice.

I do fuckin hate that though. Best thing to do in my exp is never let them see your face lol.

>> No.3742205

Do you actually fuck on these things?

>> No.3742237

this made me laugh more than it should have

>> No.3742245
File: 141 KB, 834x670, unknown (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Contact info
>Art goals
becoming an excellent draftsman. short term goal is to start and finish a storyboarding portfolio. long term i would like to create a comic, maybe pitch and sell an animated tv series but that's a long way away
>Hobbies and interests
drawing, animation, art
>What are you looking for
friends who are serious about art, have clear goals and enjoy talking about art and animation

>> No.3742246

lenool#0571 contact info

>> No.3742259

shimmering digits
licking sucking the soft fingers
pointy nails on tongue

>> No.3742269
File: 285 KB, 1000x1000, 1495915695044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this serves as a reminder of the delicate touch from a female you've never had.

>> No.3742270

lmao I already changed my username, sorry anon

>> No.3742289

This guy isn't female. Talked to him before on other discords

>> No.3742308
File: 1.35 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181229-190307_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi I want some friends
This year I want to learn animals/monsters and continue learning watercolors!
I like games and art and music and porn
>looking for
More art pals pls

Thanks for reading we're all gonna make it OK!

>> No.3742330

I bet you're a tranny.

>> No.3742333

Wanna see my huge cock?

>> No.3742337

Do you use some handlotion sis? Mines looks like old and wrinkly grandma-hands

>> No.3742549
File: 210 KB, 338x372, 1543874381325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck this. I'm not good at 1:1 chats. I socialize better when I join a GROUP of anons because I can just join or add to their conversations. If it's 1-is-to-1 chatting then either I have to start up the convo (which I'm not very good at) or I panic internally because there are only TWO(2) of us and I have to not make the other person I'm talking to bored (which is also something I'm very bad at). Is there a GROUP chat of anons or is everyone just doing 1:1 private chats?

>> No.3742622

I feel you man. I just don't like online one on one private convos. They give me anxiety. I prefer jumping in every now and then on group chats then slowly disappear at the back.

>> No.3742653
File: 27 KB, 400x295, 204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely this.

>> No.3742714

tfw you will never have an asian gf with freaky little frog hands

>> No.3742889
File: 1.55 MB, 1459x2000, BUBINA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Contact info
>>Art goals
to get weird enough
>>Hobbies and interests
collecting art/discovering music,animation,comics/figuring life out
>>What are you looking for
i draw daily, we could critique eachother, or if you like masaaki yuasa, pun pun, qs75834, riku usi, koki mantarou, kanotynes, yohitomo nara then we have something in common

>> No.3743317


>> No.3743499
File: 3.25 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2018-12-30-17-53-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op's right. fuck discord.
dm me on insta @sludge_art
19/m/us est
>hobbies and interests
vidya, artbooks, inkwork, art tools, trad art, reading
>looking for
people to chat and swap critique. maybe some collabs and art trades. buds to grow with and challenge eachother. talk doesnt have to be strictly about art. sometimes i just wanna chat

also, open the pic in new window bc im too lazy to resize

>> No.3743502

oh, and also, no anime fags please. jfc please, if you draw anime, go somewhere else

>> No.3743512
File: 278 KB, 1421x824, capture_2018-12-30 22.33.45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Contact info

25. Male.

>Art goals
Short term is to work as a Boarding, Previz or Animatic artist from 2020.
Long term, would be to work with musicians/bands to create 2D( +3D Elements)
story driven music videos, Think Gorillaz. And always trying improve my draftsmanship
sense of design and feeling for animation. through clay, newsprint, and observing everyday life.

>Hobbies and interests
DIY, analysing music album lyrics, Skateboarding, Reading.

>What are you looking for
Friends who are on the same path. So we can build together without feeling we are straying from the path.

(No girls please.)
Dude we have similar goals and you seem well directed.I cant share my recent stuff here
but they are similar I will reach out to you. beautiful drawings too.

>> No.3743548

I love that painting

>> No.3743715

I'm in fucking tears

>> No.3743889

o hey, i also draw souls stuff, i gave yeh a follow.
Watch out though, I drew an anime picture once

>> No.3743918

There are girls on this board. They're the ones giving crits when you ask how to draw a vagina or porn. How does this make you feel?

>> No.3743919

pretty good, thank you for helping me understand your bodies

>> No.3744040

I wish they would just fuck of or at least take on the anon name and be quite about being girls.

I come here less and because of it. And friends do too now

>> No.3744072

this thread has singlehandedly convinced me not to try to befriend other artists inorganically

>> No.3744094

imagine getting this asshurt over girls lmao

>> No.3744095

I wish you guys would step up your roasting game. I can tell you're a girl by your "hurr ur an incel" posts.

>> No.3744099

>imagine getting x
Found the grill.

>> No.3744100

stop projecting. We all know you're the girl here

>> No.3744102

Tumblrinas speak like that all the time. So do a majority of girls online. You don't have to look very hard to notice it.

>> No.3744137
File: 43 KB, 184x184, 1539258174451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw too /beg/ and shit to even make friends

>> No.3744177

What's your info tho?

>> No.3744189

Is it okay if I add you? It has been so long since I hadn't had a talk with anyone without involving sex that it kinda intrigues me.

>> No.3744294

welp, I've gone and done it now. I shared art on an art chat and talked with someone. I don't feel so good. This is so awkward. Anonymous take me back

you overestimate /beg/. Have you ever seen a /beg/ discord?

>> No.3744296

oh man! talking with someone fucking hurts. I take it back.

>> No.3744297

gee better stop breathing then not like we can let bad artists exist or anything :(

>> No.3744315

hi i'm the original handposter

haha i love you guys.

nah not sure why but my hands are naturally smooth. i never moisturize anything other than my face unless i find a patch of dry skin or something, but those are rare

i said in another post that i had already changed my discord. If you want my new discord email me at hidolfatler6000000@gmail.com

if you are very /beg/ then maybe

gonna disagree, you can form decent friendships with the opposite gender. Idk about very deep ones though

hey i was a bit intimidated by your original sperg post but feel free to email me. Guarantee i will not fall in love with you haha

I haven't received any emails other than original octopus girl, if anyone else really needs a female artfriend please feel free to email me.

>> No.3744330

i will not post bobs or vagane. but i will give you discord info if you're willing to give me the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.3744370

If bisexual people can do it so can you

>> No.3744411

i agree, but the fact that bisexual people are statistically more isolated/lonely than gay people, who are more isolated/lonely than straight people could be attributed to sexual tension degrading the quality of bi relationships in addition to the conditions that make being queer isolating

>> No.3744505
File: 219 KB, 356x512, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want to make illustrations and get paid for it,
long term want to get into oils and make normie trad art
hobbies/interests- digital art, gym, flying planes, engineering
i dont watch anime anymore but its all i draw
what am i looking for??? idk ^^^^^^

>> No.3744543

Oh shit you still go on /ic/?

>> No.3744558

nice drawing, gimme contact info

>> No.3744693
File: 437 KB, 2272x1996, 1546284594046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trap here, I'm bored message me if you wanna talk art.


>> No.3744720

will you send nudes tho?

>> No.3744723

No, I'm here to talk art and learn.

>> No.3744727


>> No.3744777


>> No.3745008

I know there seems to be a general "fuck discord" attitude and the thread is dying, but I have a small server for visual and musical artists to talk to and befriend each other


>> No.3745089

post discord

>> No.3745093

Just make friends with randys you find on other discords and dont tell them you're a girl, if them knowing you're a girl is the main issue

>> No.3745098

I'm female (with vagina) too, just don't post your gender on your pages. Really, that's the best thing you can do. Creepy people don't fuck with you if they assume you're a dude, which everyone does, especially if you do nsfw subject matter.

>> No.3745151

Holy shit this guy is a trap, he even showed me some borderline lewds. What a fucking faggot.

>> No.3745157

Are you going to share it

>> No.3745202

Insanely fucking based

>> No.3745211

I denied him lewds and he got mad. Don't listen to this loser.

>> No.3745247

sup slut. you've got nice hand for a good ol handy-j.

>> No.3745290

i mean if you searched the archives with his tag you could probably find it yourself

>> No.3745575

Interesting. I'm a straight older guy who has maintained several online friendships as a female with femcels for over a decade. I just wanted to be friends with them, but I felt they'd spill girl spaghetti all over the place if they knew I was male. Thanks for the validation!

>> No.3747079

Kek at these fucking replies jesus christ