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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 230 KB, 848x1070, 6223C173-EFA7-458E-A78A-3D74D3133D4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3734100 No.3734100 [Reply] [Original]

I have a bad feeling about art in 2019.

>> No.3734119

what took you so long

>> No.3734125
File: 56 KB, 696x528, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is beyond stupid, i can't even imagine a black person playing a game made by amanita design so this is probably just outrage for the sake of outrage

>> No.3734141
File: 1.42 MB, 1495x841, screenshot-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought of it until now but...My Neighbor Totoro soot sprites were all wearing black face.

>> No.3734145

Literally who?

>> No.3734150

I've just randomly scrolled through my Tumblr feed and discovered at least 10% of my posts were taken down, and I don't even draw porn or nudity. What the fuck?

>> No.3734153
File: 64 KB, 540x460, 9E5CB839-09D5-460B-AAA9-CB605F057312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The auto detect has become a meme. It flags EVERYTHING

>> No.3734154

Are they going to fix this? Can I appeal to them somehow? Sorry i missed all of this, I thought only adult blogs were affected

>> No.3734156


No way to appeal. Just gotta wait it out and see what happens.

>> No.3734257


>> No.3734274
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I have nothing but good feelings for 2019, because you anons are very talented. :3

>> No.3734276
File: 364 KB, 522x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong pic

>> No.3734334

>recent reviews on steam drop terribly
>everyone on steam forums/ youtube hates it
>people saying they wont buy any more games from Amanita
Why the fuck do people still listen to these SJW outcries.

>lets censor/ cripple our own art, everyone will surely love it
>everyone flips their shit and boycot the product and the whole company
>geee what happeneeeeeed ????

>> No.3734543

get woke, go broke

>> No.3734630

that's an insane assumption to make, but that aside, Mr. Popo is cuhrazy racist, and honestly when I saw Chuchel I kind of thought the same thing, but nobody else seemed to be reacting to it that way so I forgot about it.

If you look at it historically it's not so much that the design involved in blackface is offensive, it's just that it has been used in the past to demean black people. Minstrel shows were meant to insult African people.

If "blackface" had never been a thing, it would not be a problem if someone "invented" it today. If Mr. Popo, Jinx, and Chuchel existed outside of the context of what that design had been used for in the past, they wouldn't be a problem, but because of this history of what those designs were used for they are basically off limits at this point.

Americans, white AND black, republican AND democrat find blackface offensive. It's like how Nazi flags are illegal in Germany. We as Americans should be asking for respect of our history from the world, the same as other countries do of us. And other countries are more than happy to remove those aspects when we speak up about it. It's in our best interest, and the best interest of all Americans, to keep these things offensive.

>> No.3734631

Also as an addendum to this, I'm a democrat, a white man, and I don't particularly dislike Donald trump outside of his tax policies.

>> No.3734639

You are basically the definition of a SJW. Grats.

>> No.3734758

>And other countries are more than happy to remove those aspects when we speak up about it. It's in our best interest, and the best interest of all Americans, to keep these things offensive.

Dear Americans, posts like THIS is why the rest of the world constantly makes fun of you.

Just how delusional can you fucking people be? NOBODY is happy their artistic vision is being tampered with due to something they have nothing to do with, they just go through your censorship processes because they need fucking money. You lardasses just so happen to have a lot of it. Races like "black" and "white" mean absolutely fucking nothing outside of your echo-chamber shelter country, same with "republican" and "democrat". It's like every fucking thing needs to be color-coded for you fat, stupid fucks and you're actually proud of that. There's no reason the rest of the world has to feel the same self-pity and guilt as you because of something YOU did more than 200 years ago.

So in conclusion, kindly shut the fuck up, fuck off, and also NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER

>> No.3734874

Quick question: if a bunch of niggers in Africa came up with a recipe that looked, smelled and tasted exactly like chocolate cake, but had never heard of chocolate cake, would you still call it chocolate cake????

>> No.3735014

blog? unironically. your style is somewhat what im aiming for

>> No.3735588

Who saw this as racist? I’m being honest here, what kind of person looks at a dust bunny and thinks it’s a black guy?

>> No.3735633
File: 9 KB, 224x170, steamworkshop_webupload_previewfile_287543462_preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaaHHHH SJWs!!!!!!!!! WAAAHH!!!

>> No.3735701


If you find out that something you made has a different meaning or connotations in another country, as an artist it makes sense to change it in order to reflect your original vision instead of having a whole country misunderstand you.
Stop being so triggered about it.
Also, most of us in other countries have already been massively culturally influenced by the United States.

>Look at me mom, I'm edgy on 4chan

>> No.3736214


>> No.3736222

Like Teen Titans or LoL Jinx? Or is there another Jinx i'm not aware of, because nether of those have black face.

>> No.3736224

why isn't it that blue grey that most fluff ends up being?

>> No.3736230
File: 92 KB, 482x569, 1507871253154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A dust bunny was considered waycis
This is mass hysteria, we've reached a point where all it would take is a special snowflake to cry foul and hurt fee-fee's and then the liberals would crawl out from the woodwork and begin to exploit the overly exaggerated situation by getting on a soap box and virtue signal to the point they perceive a piece of fluff as insensitive and literally worse than Hitler.

These are dark times indeed, with enough special snowflakes crying you will be guilty of "hate crime" until proven innocent.

>> No.3736235

>Stop being so triggered about it.
You people literally need artists in other countries making personal art to change their character designs because you, as a nation, are completely triggered and butthurt by your own shitty history.
Stop being so fucking self-centered once in your short Walmart-sharting life and smell the roses you turbo faggot.

>> No.3736239

welcome to outrage culture

>> No.3736240

they're making a new dragon ball. its going to be dope AF apparently. all hand drawn.

>> No.3736254

Murrifags think that world revolves around them

Go kill yourself pathetic shit

>> No.3736260

go jerk off. you seem a little tense buddy.

>> No.3736335

>burgers need everyone else go change their art for their own wrongdoings in their country
Constantly needing to be drama whores per usual

>> No.3736415

Obvious samefag. Embarrassing. IF there's international disdain for the American people, it's because of trash like this.

>> No.3736590

America is not the center of the world.

>> No.3736985

1-I'm not american, That's why I said "us in other countries", learn to read, tard
2-I don't need shit, I often prefer to consume art as close as possible as it was created because I enjoy the weird cultural differences. But I don't go and cry on 4chan everytime another artist/s chooses to localize his/their work either.
Do you have a real argument or repeating retarded memes is all you know?

>When you spend so much time in /pol/ that two people disagreeing with you instantly makes them the same person

>> No.3736996

what the fuck is a chuchel

>> No.3738398
File: 79 KB, 287x370, 4564564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure that zero niggers was offended and it was only white sjw roasties.

>> No.3738409

>tfw Miyazaki movies get banned or censored

>> No.3738423

Don't fall for the /pol/ meme they said, it's all in your mind they said, we're not entering an era of mass censorship, nope

>> No.3739156

>A black dodle was changed to an orange doodle by the author
>This is mass censorship

Anti-SJWs have gone full SJWs by this point.

>> No.3739166

>Something as innocent as a black doodle had to be changed to appeal to crazy she's
>This is not alarming
Today I saw a cookie ad that wished happy new year to "all rainbow families"
Everyone is caving in to the bullying.

>> No.3739185

>muh world is americunt, respect us

>> No.3739246

And you have gone full retard.

>> No.3739349

Pokemon Jinx

>> No.3739425

Being a reductive cunt won't make that argument you don't have suddenly appear from thin air.

>> No.3740151

He lost all appeal now that he can no longer say the n word

>> No.3740156

>cuhrazy racist
all i needed to read to realize you're a faggot, from that point onwards it was just indulgence

>> No.3741098

Sorry friendo, that was someone else’s work from an /alt/ thread. I’m sure the talented anon is out there somewhere.

>> No.3741159

>"had to be changed" "to appeal"
All calificatives that you pull out of your ass, for what OP image reads, a guy changed his own character out of his own volition after a cultural connotation he wasn't aware of was pointed out to him.

Everytime an artist does something you don't like, triggered "anti-sjws" like to pretend as if they can read his mind and you know that he doesn't actually wants to make any changes but is being forced by a mob.
Ah, but when fags like you complain on social media, that's not a mob trying to force an artist to change his work.

How much do you want to bet that if this guy changed the character to make him look more like a caricature fags like you wouldn't be complaining about "censorship"? It's only censorship because it triggers your SJW paranoia.

Great arguments.

>> No.3741202

Never go full retard.

>> No.3743302
File: 70 KB, 448x638, tumblr_m5xjyejTmk1rvhpf5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>when I saw Chuchel I kind of thought the same thing

thats indoctrination right there, seeing symbols where there is none, i'm from europe and if not for this post i would never in a million years would have thought chucel was racist, especialy since its not even a human-like character

>but nobody else seemed to be reacting to it that way so I forgot about it


>it would not be a problem if someone "invented" it today. If Mr. Popo, Jinx, and Chuchel existed outside of the context of what that design had been used for in the past

and it doesn't, 2 of these characters came from japan, one from Czechoslovakia, both have little to no history at all dealing with black people

>We as Americans should be asking for respect of our history from the world, the same as other countries do of us

no one is asking you shit, no one else gets offended more than americans yet you have one of the shortest history and your own people are divided more than ever

>to keep these things offensive


>> No.3744981

You can complain and try to appeal but its hard to find the form. I think its for accounts being flagged wxplicit not specific posts though.

>> No.3745005

Dragonball has black face and ethnic stereotypes fucking everywhere and there's still a ton of black fans and an absolute shit ton of fans from latin america (myself included). This is an example of retard white women getting pissed at everything because democrats are still the racist party who think minorities wouldn't be able to survive without the white man and the state. They think we're they're poor little house niggers who can't take banter. Fuck commies, and fuck white women.

>> No.3745036

I;m really drunk right now but I think good art will win over the shitty politics o the west
I will mkae a comic next year where girls get undressed and show their sexual titties
I promise

>> No.3745058

In Fallout 3 they removed the mushroom clouds for it's Japan release. America censors art for other countries sometimes. Big whoop. Be respectful. Not everyone is an edgelord continent like Europe.

>> No.3745066

What's funny is that Japan protested against the censored content

>> No.3745756
File: 225 KB, 473x390, best mommy 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't visit /ic/ for 2 years and this post is one of the few things i saw.
What happend to /ic/?