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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 140 KB, 379x300, 035174610646715465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3730011 No.3730011 [Reply] [Original]

>what do you think about depicting races in art in a specific role or way?

pic related is a character from The Promised Neverland, and people seem to get triggered as to why the said person is black. Kinda ridiculous how tumblrytes made everything offensive


>> No.3730012

Also the anime studio shouldn't just bend down and change the design so drastically, the character in the manga was really well done

>> No.3730151

Why are people so focused on how she looks. That's a great character and she doesn't need to be"fixed".
Do these people even read? There's nothing racist about her story

>> No.3730178

>How dare people make realistic traits x race has, it's ok when they do it to white people though
>it's worse than japs making themselves look more white
I don't get this logic either. I'd imagine they're complaining about the lips, but that realistically speaking is how their lips look. Hair is that certain way because they is the hair blacks have, it's very thick, always. Maybe they are complaining about how the character looks in the Manga, big whoop, they're drawn to look creepy for a specific scene yet its taken out of context. I don't know anything about the series though, I just know the character is drawn fine. Nothing offensive about it. When they draw whites or Asians with over exaggerated features for dramatic scenes, it also don't look appealing, that's the point.

>> No.3730187

exactly, her character is supposed to be rather terrifying from a child's perspective, demizu and the author have done a great job portraying that, no matter if she's white or purple. It's like these people are deliberately trying to put her into the role of a cliche "black slave maid" just for controversy's sake.

more surprised by such dumb yt faggots having an audience and planting more stupidity into tumblr tier kids. Then again youtube

>> No.3730192

This is so fucking stupid. The people who claim she needs to be "fixed" are being way more offensive than the design itself. Not that there is anything offensive about this design in the first place.

>> No.3730213

lol how the fuck are you "supossed" to draw an evil black women then?

>> No.3730218

Let's be honest, the anime didn't "fix" her, they just made her streamlined so that she could be animated.
The manga's artstyle doesn't really lend itself to animation. At least not on an usual anime budget.

>> No.3730258

You're not allowed to draw ugly black women. That's racist. You're also not allowed to draw ugly white women. That's sexist.

>> No.3730388
File: 3.44 MB, 1828x1026, good black designs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


black anon dropping my two scents

the video makes a lot of good points but and i get where it's coming from and that the medium of manga is not really made for people outside of japan. but i don't think that's not a good excuse when so many other manga and anime material have drawn black people better.

like come on it's anime were hair is styalized to the point it defys gravity or natural colours and eyes are larger than natural and sometimes body proportions are cartoonishly exagirated like in one peace, so stylzing black people to also fit into the style of anime is not hard as it's not realism. though i agree the character is awesome on a writing level and they sound really cool i still feel the mangaka could have put more effort into stylzing them more like the rest of the cast of characters. it feels like the mangaka still put effort into makeing her design feel different to the rest, and it's not like manga and anime has not had good designs for black people that also fit in the with the style of the other characters.

other manga and anime artists put the effort into their designs for black people so while i get the excuse of it's media mainly made for japanese, i honestly don't think it's a good one when other japanese artists don't even see it as a good one.

>> No.3730416


>> No.3730429
File: 1.06 MB, 1533x881, a5f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay kek, like i have not heared that before
you are going to have to have to try harder than that

>> No.3730495

Why are anime youtubers such fucking tumblrfag sjws?

>> No.3730498

>You're also not allowed to draw ugly white women. That's sexist.
You're not allowed to draw attractive white women either, because that's male gaze.
You should only draw fat brown women and trannies. And don't forget to make their legs hairy.

>> No.3730505

I fix this problem entirely by not drawing black people.

>> No.3730514
File: 475 KB, 1148x1526, tumblr_oqwdsiauuc1szdujxo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's fair
but your missing out, as it's really not that hard to draw appealing black people (or appealing any race)

>> No.3730515
File: 149 KB, 611x345, 1449326141915[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not embracing the stereotypes and wearing them as a badge of honor

>> No.3730520

>it's really not that hard to draw appealing black people
That image you posted has literally all the characteristics of a black person removed except the skin color

>> No.3730526

>to have to have to
to have or not to have (not that anon)

>> No.3730531

In his defense a lot of anime characters don't have visible lips, have vague noses, and have unusual eye/hair colors. Also she has those dreadlock things.
I do prefer the semi-realistic approach though.

>> No.3730532

so does almost every anime character ever with that logic as like most of them are racially ambigious because stylization is a big part of what makes anime well anime and not realism. e.g like are anime characters white, are they japanese, are they some other race because they have olive skin, but wait their hair is red but they have olive skin.
you get what i mean now?

the characteristics the artist added ware since you missed them
> bigger eyebrows
>the skin
>the hair

those are enough indications to get a good idea of what the characters race is

>> No.3730535
File: 366 KB, 1148x1526, paintover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this would be more accurate

>> No.3730536
File: 610 KB, 1915x987, 4980127980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its ok when black characters are drawn like every other anime character but with a darker skin as they are 90% of the time in modern anime (as >>3730388 anon's pic related demonstrates)
>its not ok when they are ugly for whatever reason
If the majority of black characters were tastelessly depicted as ugly chimps I'd understand. But they're not. Type "black anime character" on google and you'll fine a majority of good looking dark-skinned character, male and female... Krone is more of an exception than anything else, and she's still a good character and not a one-dimentional cliché. People get triggered so fucking easily these days.

>> No.3730537

>it's really not that hard to draw appealing black people
Yet the pic you posted has no black features besides dark skin. Black people just aren't appealing to draw, and I think a lot of people just don't like to say it. The very features that makes blacks unnatractive are what define their look
>large lips
>large, flat nose
>sometimes upturned nostrils
>protruding jaw
With the exception of certain africans, the typical west african will have these features. I'm black and I even I don't bother drawing blacks much because it's inferior subject matter. Nothing wrong with that but it is what it is. I like aesthetically pleasing subject matter.

>> No.3730539
File: 46 KB, 776x720, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u forgot her
Hmm, most of these girls have straight hair and they just look like your average anime girl just black'd.

>> No.3730545

you know what i have a question.
How do you know someone is depicted as black and not just a different race?
Like people from south american or they could be indian,Hawaiian,laotian(not too dark but not too light)

>> No.3730547

Putting African hair on the character would be sufficient enough to indicate that the character is black like in the bottom right of >>3730388
There are plenty of Japanese characters with Caucasian coloration that are clearly Japanese just from wearing a sailor school uniform. You're being hard on yourself.

>> No.3730548
File: 38 KB, 600x600, rise-of-the-teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-april-o-neil-character--1080178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe so but it doesn't look very anime and looks more western.

you also missed the point of anime is not about being accurate, if it was all the eyes would be normal sized and all anime would look like a renaissance painting

>> No.3730549

or middle eastern ?

>> No.3730551

I find black people interesting aesthetically speaking but I just don't want to be called racist or something hence>>3730505

>> No.3730552
File: 443 KB, 506x516, 1407836164816.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm black

No, you're not.

>> No.3730554

true true, but when did anime hair follow logic
also black hair can be straightened with a hair iron

>> No.3730556

not him but how do you know?
Black people can like other things that are not black.
Its like how white people and even blacks like jap shit.

>> No.3730557

Why not just copy The Boondocks style?

>> No.3730562
File: 8 KB, 183x350, black or tan or something else.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true true on that
but heres an example
How do ppl just guess this character is black?
Because of the skin? Why do ppl just guess black when it comes to darker skinned characters?She could be another race or just tanned.

>> No.3730570

beauty is in the eye of the beholder it doesn't exist there is nothing unapealing about drawing black people as their is about drawing any other race.

with that logic you also imply japanese people are also not appealing as they rarely ever give anime characters japanese features as much as they give black anime characters black features. the only anime that's popular with characters with japanese features is akira mainly.

if your black and not just trolling i don't know who hurt you or feed you lies and i don't often say this but your outlook on beauty and race is wrong. and you need to learn to see the beauty in all races as every race has beautiful people and ugly people

>> No.3730581

that's very true but it doesn't look like olive skinned to me I think it would need to be a bit more lighter for that, but yeah I agree she could be another race or tanned. with her it's a bit more up for interpretation as she is like a lot of anime characters racially ambiguous even if she has dark skin.

>> No.3730664

>How do you know someone is depicted as black and not just a different race?
I think this is a easy one, see if they have dreadlocks/afro hair or not, although I do know some anime characters that are explicitly stated as black but don't have black hair, it can also be inferred if they have black features where you can tell even without the hair like >>3730539
It's pretty much the easiest way to tell in such a overly cartoony style like anime
Sometimes it's hard to tell whether they are black/another race or just one of those dark skinned japs

>> No.3730701
File: 47 KB, 627x484, Coal_Black_Coon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody's lips look the shit in that thumbnail. And I don't mean literally, I mean very rarely, so nobody bother finding the one uggo whose lips do to prove some kind of point. If you look at actual black people, you'll find black people's lips are not really THAT big despite the persistence of this visual stereotype. They're full and round, much closer to the left pic in the thumbnail, not monstrously large. But artists have been exaggerating them often to racist effect for centuries now.

What always gets lost in this discussion is that outrage at this misrepresentation is not new. It's not some tumblr sjw thing, activists have been complaining about racist black caricatures literally since the early half of the 20th century, when the NAACP was formed.

I don't know this character or care about this specific controversy. And she isn't ALWAYS drawn in the caricatured way, just when she's trying to jumpscare the children character, from what I'm reading. That appears to be many critics' issue with it, not the exaggeration in a vacuum. The implicit message is "your black features make you scary," or funny at best, a tired narrative rooted in racist propaganda.

People get so "triggered" by stuff like this because of the historical associations. The well is poisoned by centuries of propaganda. I have to agree that it's hard to look at the image on the right and not see something of old-timey coon caricatures. Add to that the double standard of white features being caricatured much more rarely or not at all (as is the case with the white caretaker in this manga), and never with any agenda.

I don't think the artist has malicious intent, Japanese just tend to do this more than Westerners because they don't have the same history with it. I do think she's playing on racist stereotypes whether she intends to or not.

The question is, does it matter? Does it need to be fixed? Like I said I don't care in this specific case, it's for a Japanese audience so whatever.

>> No.3730717

What can you say, Japs love them niggas. All we need to make this mangos a bigger hit are to add beaners, crackers, sand niggas, shemales, Charlie, with a few gaylords sprinkled in. Oh, let not forget the carpet munchers.

>> No.3730718

>TL;DR: Just ignore Americans
They are cucked out of their minds thanks to all the shit they got away with towards Black Americans so they get triggered by and for them every god damn day now, meanwhile no one else on the planet gives a rats ass about something this retarded, not even the Blacks themselves outside of a few 80+ year old ones that grew up in worse times, but they are near death and aren't reflective on the modern day Black person that doesn't give a shit.

I wished every one of these media companies just ignored American input period. Then everything would be better off again.

>> No.3730720
File: 944 KB, 266x346, 1538892457919.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Token black main characters are more of an issue to me. Boring characters that have no personality or are basically in for show not doing anything impacting the plot. Manga/Anime doesn't have that problem.

>> No.3730749
File: 15 KB, 285x177, 1530648328109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holyshit just draw a goddamn Negro with huwhite features, it's how the Nips do it take pic related for instance she clearly has European/Caucasus traits but it is geared towards a Chink demographic.

>> No.3730760

Literally what is European about that? It's so cartoony you can read anything in it, she doesn't even have a nose. People who say anime features are white features always come across as insanely biased to me, like they're not aware that Europeans do have distinct features themselves and aren't the generic standard from which all other groups deviate. Japanese people see a lot of these characters as Japanese.

>> No.3730769

>Literally what is European about that?
I wonder anon, just what could her hair color be?

>> No.3730776

Based. This guy gets it. So sick the main cast having some black nerd or some shit just tagged on because they "need" a black person. Never feels natural. They usually don't develop or have major flaws. They just "float" on top of everything.

>> No.3730786

White? Cyan? Lime? Orange? I don't know, I've guessed wrong before based on only black-and-white comic art, it's anime, it could be anything in the rainbow. I'm guessing your point, though, is that it's blonde but you can't tell that from that drawing. Even if it is blonde, anime has dark-skinned blonde characters like >>3730562, because it's cartoons, you can do whatever you want in a cartoon. I also find it amusing that dark skin is never sufficient to indicate "black character," and pale skin + black hair is never sufficient to indicate "Asian character," no gotta give them monster lips and slant eyes. But blonde hair evidently is sufficient to indicate "white character."

>> No.3730790
File: 877 KB, 720x846, 4623876498.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's european about it?
>she has blonde hair
>lol blonde hair isn't european, look some black characters are blonde

>> No.3730793

That post was short and its points were very clear. That you managed either to misunderstand it or misrepresent it so severely reflects poorly on you.

>> No.3730800
File: 804 KB, 955x879, examples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for that flcl character(blonde dark girl)
I only asked why ppl think she is black and not another race or tan.Like damn ppl theres only race selection only than just black and white,jesus.
You can tell these examples are black no question asked with their hair texture or other features.
They don't even need to be exaggerated for me to come to that conclusion

>> No.3730801

theres *other race selection
forgot to fix that

>> No.3730803

>I also find it amusing that dark skin is never sufficient to indicate "black character," and pale skin + black hair is never sufficient to indicate "Asian character," no gotta give them monster lips and slant eyes.
How? Refer to >>3730536 's pic related. You can tell which are meant to be afro-american, indian, arab... Without monster lips and whatnot. I really think you're exaggerating.

>> No.3730806
File: 24 KB, 225x225, WE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't have slant eyes and her hair isn't curly and her skin has no tone so one would deduce that she is Goldilocks.

>> No.3730808

Those black folk all got huwhite features tho

>> No.3730809

>Even if it is blonde, anime has dark-skinned blonde characters, because it's cartoons, you can do whatever you want in a cartoon.
Blonde is still largely perceived as an European trait. You asked what's European about it, I answered you.

>> No.3730815

patti mayonnaise lookin ass.

>> No.3730823
File: 55 KB, 1024x576, 1470627514363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Race is she, /pol/?

>> No.3730825

at least they look like anime black characters.
Anime is just an exaggerated version of real life.
Even if you grabbed a real asian person and compare them to an anime character you'll see a lot of difference in appearances.
Same for real blacks to black anime.
If you want an anime lookin style but has more realistic twist to black features then go watch boondocks(i know this isn't anime)

>> No.3730826

semen demon

>> No.3730827

Looks more like an Arab desu

>> No.3730829

feels indian or arab

>> No.3730834
File: 48 KB, 479x720, 434d448fcfa9b6738f7db74d694672cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dot noses and nonexistent lips are not white features. This is exactly what I'm talking about here>>3730760. You think they're white features presumably because you're white and thus view your features as the norm, neutral. But whites have distinct features too that are not being accurately depicted in simplified anime.

And again, you can't tell the character even is blonde from that drawing. Maybe you're familiar with the character and know her hair color, but it's not immediately apparent. Based on his comic art I thought Garou from OPM was a redhead, turns out his official hair color is icy blue. There are real dark-skinned blondes in reality by the way, I don't care how you "perceive" it. Precisely my point is that people can perceive almost anything they want in such generic, simplified features.

>> No.3730835

Sorry the first part of that response was meant for >>3730808

>> No.3730842

Blonde hair really does make something look better after all.

>> No.3730844

I grew up in a mexican household so growing up there wasn't any representations of them other than el tigre and munch lucha.
When i saw that girl from flcl being called "black" its like wow guys i guess your selection of race is either white or black....
Also there was a trend called "Ganguro" during the airing of flcl.I feel her design was based off that. Damn man i wasn't saying she was white with a tan just hinting she was probably more of a jap with a tan.

>> No.3730849

Yeah, my bad. I wasn't meaning to reply to you with that response. See >>3730835

>> No.3730853

thats ok also i didn't refresh the page when you sent that.
I personally dont like the auto gets distracting sometimes

>> No.3730860

this is fucking stupid
the manga has horror elements to it
Krone is met to be fearful and ugly
this isn't racist
there's fuck tons of ugly anime characters i.e one piece
everyone needs to calm their tits

>> No.3730861
File: 1.36 MB, 1600x2321, Piccolo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a similar thread to this one that had Black Anons growing up as a kid appeal to this character on /pol/ but just what it is about him that you can relate to as being black?

>> No.3730864

It's probably the physique since young black males seem to have a more athletic build.

>> No.3730875

he had no father and came from a race of people that are enslaved

>> No.3730879
File: 113 KB, 1273x922, 1535915067521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like if you put a black character in the main cast of Scooby Doo

>Fred "Hey gang, let's split up"
>Tyrone "Aww hell no, there are ghosts in that house and you wanna split it? you crazy.

>> No.3730895

Krone is Female Hisoka complete with the expressions

>> No.3731087

i agree on the stylization bit, but what if the character isnt supposed to be attractive? Every anime has an ugly character that while still clearly looking like a character from an anime defies all anime style conventions, and is generally a more anatomically correct caricature. All the characters in that image are, as part of their characters, "not ugly", so they get the standard anime treatment. The character in question is simply a character intended to be ugly, so she gets the caricature treatment.

>> No.3731105

Lesbian loli race

>> No.3731115

>beauty is in the eye of the beholder
That's a meme. Beauty is objective.

No one hurt me or anything, I just understand that certain features are more pleasing than others. Across the globe, lighter skin and refined features equate to beauty. The more of these features people have, the more beautiful they are considered. That's not to say anyone short of an aryan god is ugly. There are a few attractive black types, like eastern africans because they have more refined features. And with males, you can have a bit more wiggle room with what's consideree attractive. Female beauty is much more delicate.

>> No.3731138

Well that's why you exist; to make good manga designs of black people. But this isn't just a problem with poor black character design but the whole anime industry as a whole now a days.

The newer generation of Jap artist can't and refuse to break the rules like whats seen in retro anime. It's like they forgot what made anime wacky and defy logic in favor of being more realistic so they can "waifu" it up.

>> No.3731315


>> No.3731317


>> No.3731320

That's an abbo. Literally the most distantly related race of people from black africans.

>> No.3731370
File: 780 KB, 1279x1621, ThePromisedNeverland-Copy-360x240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah no. Seems like they've done a great job staying pretty true to all the characters, even npc, well just not the lady below.

Also given it's popularity, this anime is already treated like a blockbuster, so budget shouldn't be an issue. There are a lot of no-name works which still had a unique animation style

>> No.3731371


Sailor Moon remake was a blockbuster and look how that went. Unless it's Unlimited SAO works atm, you're being delusional.

>> No.3731373

Only the two with the afros are black. Hawaiians, middleeastern, and south-east asian people aren't black, just either tanned or have a slightly darker pigmentation.

Kinda funny how afroamericans always want to be labeled and acknowledged as exotic like the folks above^

Also your argument was pretty shit though and you're part of the brainlet tumblr issue. You normies should leave anime alone and instead focus on muh diversity cali cartoons.

>> No.3731375

All I know is if you draw a black man he has to be the strong guy character and you have to rip his arms off and replace them with robot arms or gun arms or monster truck wheels or something.

>> No.3731379
File: 168 KB, 619x450, MiyukiSummer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy in pic is a pussified character. I've only seen 10 mins of the first episode because it looks like homo shit so don't quote me on that.
Not him but you're really not going to find a little white girl/Japanese girl look like this IRL either. Anime is all about breaking from reality.

And in actuality for example in the pokemon images a black person would look closer to those characters for obvious reasons.

>> No.3731380
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru - 02 - Large 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woops lol >>3731375 is your pic

>> No.3731381

You must be a newfag. Always check out the studio, director etc. Sailor Moon is way past it's trend, a lot of people have never heard of a remake. All in all it's a rehash that lost it's nostalgia magic, no matter the budget you spill in it, the foundation is lacking.
>remake vs fresh modern classic
You're being delusional if you can't even separate apples from melons.

>> No.3731382

>literally hundreds of them, even though no red hair
>or with red hair in akihabara if you like cosplayers

>> No.3731383

Japs have those features too.

>> No.3731384

>You must be a newfag. Always check out the studio, director etc. Sailor Moon is way past it's trend,

Oh fuck off. Toei dumps all its budget in Precure. They have the talent to make it look good and they know Sailor Moon is a BIG franchise in and out of Japan. Just stop posting if you don't know what you're talking about.
>You're being delusional if you can't even separate apples from melons.
No, your promised neverland is going to be promised shit.

>> No.3731385

thanks anon I'll do this

black/dark skin is still black/ dark skin no matter where you come from. that being said i agree being tanned is not black, but if you naturally have dark skin from birth then you are person of colour and fit into the same catagory in the eyes of society.


>> No.3731386

>using the cosplayers trope

So we can say the same for blacks who cosplay, yes? Or are you using this argument when convenient?

>> No.3731393

Fuck she's cute. So it CAN be done.

>> No.3731394


>> No.3731396

>looks normal is most pictures
>turns face to be exaggerated and sinister to help give tone

>> No.3731397

> if that's the case how come the other nanny didn't get the same exaggeration and it was just her

>> No.3731404
File: 31 KB, 404x364, main-qimg-abae847f0d00ff9cd0685a8fe8838f7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most tan anime characters with straight hair seem to just be a Okinawan to me (dark skinned japs from a specifc area) unless there is something distinct about them being another race
most anime is 99% Japanese characters so it's not hard to assume alot of the tan ones are just the tan ones most of the time too

>> No.3731423

I didnt know Japanese had tan skin, long almost silver hair. This is news to me.

>> No.3731760

>my two scents

It’s “two cents”, my nibba

>> No.3731792

cause different character, different things are done to make her look creepy

>> No.3731800

>that's still a poor excuse

>> No.3731906

I see you're a newfag. First of, no one is gonna read a giant massive tl;dr on here. Second, I go to a school full of blacks, they unironically have giant lips like that half the time, I even knew a Hispanic black mix who had even bigger lips than the literal anime character.

>I don't think the artist has malicious intent, Japanese just tend to do this more than Westerners because they don't have the same history with it
Japs just aren't cucked and don't care about being guilt tripped. Same with eastern Europeans.

>People get so "triggered" by stuff like this because of the historical associations. The well is poisoned by centuries of propaganda.
It wasn't evem propaganda though. Hell, from what I've seen, those old "racist" cartoons weren't even "racist", just light hearted humor. Wah wah, cry me a river to the people who get overly offended by them. People just want to guilt trip whites every chance they get because they know whites will give into it, japs won't though usually. Not trying to sound mean to you, by the way, just can't believe people are losing their shit over this anime.

>> No.3731917

I guess you're blind lol

>> No.3731921

Nice argument. 10/10.

>> No.3731938
File: 1.47 MB, 2358x1820, negro-rule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melanesian. And I wasn't say she was African, just dark-skinned.


Hey dummy, I AM black, also went to black schools my entire life, and live in a black neighborhood. I think I know what black people look like. And I'm not gonna argue with you if you legitimately think blacks have lip like that, get your eyes checked. Also, YOU read it so you might as well have not wasted your time whining about tl;dr.

>It wasn't evem propaganda though.

Literally 5 second google search "racist propaganda america." Didn't even have to type black and got results. That's not even getting into the shit about Manifest Destiny, Japanese during WW2, etc. You sound like you're in high school. Do some growing up and some research. America has some ugly history, you hating those darned SJW cucks isn't going to change facts that have happened.

>> No.3731940
File: 19 KB, 210x240, canary-hunter-x-hunter-1999-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its trial and error kind of thing

>> No.3731959

Sideshow Bob lookin' ass

>> No.3732014

Imagine if in mass black artists start using the secrets of the Japs in their visual and audio media. I'm wondering how would this change the behavior of the race as a whole in the west. Would we get a revert of what it was like in the 50s? Or would it be even greater than that? It requires some kind of movement to get it started while at the same time rejecting the """"record industry"""".

>> No.3732156

>What if we drew a generic anime character and made their skin brown
Not interesting at all, especially the pokemon/bleach designs

>> No.3732166
File: 395 KB, 809x7064, df49c628eac2ee1bbc200922ba838c36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3732167

Because youtube it. They set the precedent that enables it.

>> No.3732177

She's a German homunculus Hapa, and she's clearly supposed to evoke the ganguro look, but she has the exact same face as any other character that's a different ethnicity like Rin (3/4 Japanese 1/4 Finnish), Luvia (Finnish), Bazett (Irish), Miyu (Japanese).

>> No.3732193

thanks for the tips everyone
I'm gonna draw a negro and post it later

>> No.3732196

fucking gross

>> No.3732204
File: 57 KB, 720x720, 1544415164605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acting like a villain

>> No.3732220

whats gross about it

>> No.3733021

What are white features anyway?

>> No.3733082

just going to drop this here

Operation Black Steel: Representing Black Women

this video explains it best: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9N8GnfErbg

>> No.3733088


>> No.3733089

A darker skinned japanese person obviously. Maybe even an Ainu, but more likely a person from the shores of Japan as they tend to have darker skin.

>> No.3733090
File: 33 KB, 600x450, nicetomjerry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only accurate depiction of black itt. why would they want to be depicted as thin lips instead of the full lips?

>> No.3733094


this >>3733082

>> No.3733096

It's one thing to be ashamed of your race but to hide that shame with pseudo intellectualism is even more sadder...

>> No.3733098
File: 42 KB, 800x600, mrpopo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inaccurate. pic is the most accurate depiction of ni--black

>> No.3733099

he is not ashamed you didn't even watch the video as you would have known that by the stuff he said

>> No.3733100

>samefagging this hard

>> No.3733103
File: 1.31 MB, 358x268, 1543169910379.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek not i'm even samefagging

>> No.3733105
File: 100 KB, 456x434, 1543171036055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also thank you for daaagghh (you) appreciate I lots

>> No.3733145
File: 24 KB, 600x306, CpXLnQ-UMAAJPAV-600x306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there should be shows like this for black women but there isn't

Hmm, well, the population of black women in Japan is 000000000000000000000.1%, why WOULD there be more anime with black female MC? Then you have Children of Ether which is pretty recent and stars a black female MC. And Canon Busters..which is another black anime.

But this is all made by 1 guy who busted his ass and trained in korea. Where is the black female animator busting her ass to do the same? Name me 1 black female animator that can actually draw good anime. You can't and therefore that's why it doesn't exist. Because none of them want it that badly.

>> No.3733152

HOWEEEEEEEVER I do understand where he is coming from when he says "representation". If there were more representation of black women then maybe, just maybe we would get more black women in the arts. DBZ influenced a lot of black men but there really isn't any anime out there that represents and inspires black women. You could say Sailor Moon but none of scouts are black and there really isn't an element in that show that represents a black girl. DBZ on the other hand does for black men (fighting, hardships, shouting at the top of your lungs).

But why does it have to be men to propagate this? This is where the man plants the seed and then a generation or 2 men, specifically black men, get blamed for a supposed movement that we started. So it has to be a woman who has to do this from scratch.

>> No.3733154

there are not many because literally like the video says it's a white mans world. they barely get any representation so they don't see it as an option that they can become animators. if there was as much black representation as their is white their would be equally as much black females eager to animate cartoons and anime and tell their own stories.

they don't even see it as a possibility because literally most media in the world tells them it's not and all they are is just angry or sexualizes them or puts them into a stereotype.

>> No.3733172

>literally like the video says it's a white mans world.

White people aren't the ones making anime, so that isn't an excuse. It doesn't take a big studio or whatever, just 1 girl(s) who is a hard worker and doesn't need "representation" to get what they want to see it happen. It's always been that way to create the snowball effect.

>> No.3733174

then i guess i will be that person then. i'm going to start a snowball effect for more and better black representation in all media

>> No.3733178
File: 703 KB, 1600x1131, lesean5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great. Step 1 is to be as good as pic related. Remember to brush up on either your Japanese or Korean so you can get internship. And do you have 100k saved up? See you in 10 years, sweetie.

>> No.3733188

not yet but I will get there for all the black women that need me to get that good. I don't have 100k but I'm going to make it through my art.

>> No.3733189

>i'm going to start a snowball effect for more and better black representation in all media
... For the sake of representation?

>> No.3733192

I can never get used to portraying the light colored palms on simplified, cartoony stuff. It makes me think the hands look like paws or something. I can agree it's an inherent part to drawing legitimately black characters though.

>> No.3733194

no for the sake of inspiring others, for the sake of making a change it's not about muh representation bs. that other anon has lighted a fire in me to do something about this.

>> No.3733195


I root for you but lets be real here. After going through all of those hurdles from busting your butt for drawing, saving money, learning an entirely different language, moving to another country to learn with people who may or may not like you at first so you can gain skills--by the time you get through all of that you'd look back at your silly little "I wanna represent black women" goal and probably say to yourself that it was dumb and just draw characters that would gain massive appeal by drawing not black characters.

Because there aren't any black women demanding for black cartoon media. They didn't ask you nor is there a demand for it.
>but but black panther

>> No.3733199

>no for the sake of inspiring others, for the sake of making a change
Oh then good luck.

>> No.3733200

i'm going to prove you wrong in everything you have just said.
and open up a new untapped market of media all with the very two hands in front of me right now.

>> No.3733201


words are cheap post your work I'm curious

>> No.3733205


no. because you will see my work when i blow up big when i make it, and you will not even know it's me and that's what will make it even more satisfying that i proved you wrong.

>> No.3733209

>10 years later
Guy: "Hey do you remember that black girl anon in that thread you were chatting on some Norwegian pipe smoking forum site on the corner of the internet not associated with 4channel that probably is no longer even accessible?"
Me:"Bro I post in 1000s of threads every month how am I going to remember what you're talking about?"
Guy:"Well shes made it dude."
Me"Who? Good for her bro."

>> No.3733211

i dont know what this kind of posting is. It's not shitposting, it's not quite falseflagging, its not good ol' trolling, I really dont kow...

>> No.3733213

OK, cuck. I don't even hate sjws, I just hate people spreading myths and rumors. You clearly haven't done your own history, so you're invalid. Big lips isn't "racism omg", it's how blacks look. Hell, I have black friends who don't get offended over this shit, they just laugh along with it. You know, people maybe wouldn't hate you so much if you weren't such a buzzkill. Stop being insecure. I don't care when my race is stereotyped, because there's no point to be offended. You give them power if you get offended, and show you're emotionally immature.

>> No.3733226

I hope you're more than words and will end up doing something anon. But how is that different from "muh "representation"?

>> No.3733232

sounds like you are not all bad anon, if you can see yourself wishing me well. ;)

it's real talk/ passion posting

I plan to be more than just words, because it's not for your own sake or just for doing it to gain progressive points, i'm doing it because I want to genuinely impact others in a positive way with my art.

>> No.3733233

japan just doesn't interact with black people or black media much till very recent times. Contrary to america that is strictly related to it, and outright made art against them to keep them down, japanese are genuinely ignorant, and often don't intend any malice.
I'm pale as fuck but drawing black people has never been an issue, just look at them. Study photos of them like you study anything else

>> No.3733539

You vapid idiot. You can't offer a rebuttal to anything I bring up (including undeniable racist propaganda which you deny exists), so you make vague statements like "myths and rumors" and "you clearly haven't done your own history" ("no u!"). Of course "big" lips aren't racist in and of themselves, I said as much. The problem I and others is cartoonishly HUGE lips and caricatured features meant to make blacks look stupid, funny, or scary. This is a problem, I argue, because a) it's been going on for a very long time and so it's normalized (which is why we get historical illiterates like you saying "lol what's the big deal?") and b) it doesn't merely hurt feelings, it influences how people think and thus how they vote and treat their fellow citizens. This is the goal of propaganda. The reason I don't care in this specific case is because it's in Japan, it hardly affects me if at all. But ironically you can't leave out your personal feelings about cucks and buzkills to logically consider whether a piece of art is propaganda or not (it isn't in this case, but it clearly uses the visual tropes).

>> No.3734447
File: 501 KB, 255x276, 1519770023522.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always fucking drama

>> No.3734450
File: 27 KB, 480x360, 1544631846531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crymore you little faggot

>> No.3734458

Isn't there surgery to make your lips thinner like how white women can make their lips bigger?

>> No.3734480
File: 97 KB, 480x679, nibba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what about caricatures?

>> No.3734508
File: 131 KB, 1920x1197, 1538287564830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled.

>> No.3734516
File: 2.89 MB, 200x200, 1544219970611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This entire thread

>> No.3734825

Retard, did you miss

>And I don't mean literally, I mean very rarely, so nobody bother finding the one uggo whose lips do to prove some kind of point.

I just knew if you posted anyone it would be Jay-Z. The fact that you had to pick an ugly motherfucker like him, with an extremely unflattering close-up of his face, and his lips STILL don't take up 50% of his face as in the drawing just proves my point. You didn't pick his friend Kanye or anybody else more average-looking because then you might have to actually reconsider your biases.

>> No.3734872
File: 139 KB, 736x1041, fbb2a5bea1a823acd2d46264da1b59d6--dennis-rodman-caricature-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate me

>> No.3734883
File: 62 KB, 1000x758, DsI6thEUwAAfaEI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i the only that one that doesn't need someone from my "race" to inspire to do better?

>> No.3734884
File: 117 KB, 348x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I’m never drawing black people as prominent cast members, even though I had some cool ideas. So much fucking drama from people to whom I would owe nothing anyway.
Whatever change you want in the world, literally do it yourself. That’s why you’re an artist, that’s why you’re here. To make cool shit. Represent your own race if that’s what’s important to you. Don’t bother with what other artists and corporations are doing, focus on your creative vision and build your influence online instead.

>> No.3734885

Are the yellow eyes just a black thing or is it hepatitis/dead liver?

>> No.3734942

Yea, but most of the guy characters in OP are ugly though. Not just the dark skinned ones.

>> No.3735003

It isn't that complicated. See >>3732166, the only worthwhile post in this dump of a thread. If your intentions are genuine, people will likely pick up on that. The Tumblr crowd draws black and black-looking characters all the time and nobody raises a fuss. It's when you fall back on crude stereotypes that it becomes a problem.

>> No.3735130

Smoking does that

>> No.3735141
File: 56 KB, 1024x576, pixar-bao-001-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg u guys can talk about just how fucking racist baos character designs are? it's like i'm looking at ww2 slap a jap propoganda

>> No.3735213
File: 310 KB, 516x662, tumblr_oaynxaztiD1u8op80o1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay to draw Asians, or any race for that matter, as slack jawed monkeys as long as you and act like it's progressive
When you start treating it as anything other than ~UwU look how inclusive I am to everybody~ is when retards get mad
I remember I called out a "inclusive" tumblr artist because she literally drew Asians with lines for eyes and funny looking teeth and she absolutely went batshit over that accusation

>> No.3735365

Kek you need to be over 18 to post on 4chan faggot.

>> No.3735421

I wonder what racists on 4chan think...

Oh. No surprise. Yawl do you.

>> No.3735431
File: 64 KB, 700x932, 03f0835afb6d9c48e419b11e719fd21e--funny-caricatures-celebrity-caricatures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

caricaturist btfo

>> No.3735910

Caricature is racist you bigot. I'm afraid the only solution to artwork like this is gassing all the whites, uh I mean diversity.

>> No.3736589

I have legitimately never seen lips like that on a black person in all my life. Maybe aboriginals, although I've only seen them in pictures.

>> No.3736595

It's because you weren't raised in the shithole black dominant areas and were cared for in the gentrified areas where all the Oreo black are.

>> No.3736607

>Hell, from what I've seen, those old "racist" cartoons weren't even "racist", just light hearted humor.
Ask your japanese overlords what they think about asían depictions of the same time period.

>> No.3736611
File: 744 KB, 1024x576, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I honestly have no counter for that, but I still don't think that it's the norm for black people.
That guy doesn't even have african-black skin, he looks like he had some white guy in his family a while back.

>> No.3736617

His teeth could be in bad shape thus pushing his muzzle out more and disease taking care of the rest after eating ass on the daily.

>> No.3736623

That seems a lot more likely.

>> No.3736715

I literally go to a school full of blacks and they all have big lips. I'm the only one in the whole school with small, thin lips. Shut the fuck up, lying faggot. Of course to you lips will look "smaller" because to you blacks, giant lips are the norm. But as someone who grew up in a place with only whites, I'm not blind when I see ape lips. The dumb anime character isn't far off with how thick your lips are. Instead of denying constantly that you have x visual feature, why not accept it and not act insecure about it? The more insecure you act about having big lips, the more it looks ugly to everyone else. But if you just ignore it and accept it, no one will think the lips look bad. You denying it constantly just subcontiously makes us look at them and go "ew".

I have a white friend who's got narrow Asian eyes and if he'd constantly deny he has Asian eyes, people would instead just pay more attention to it and think it's ugly because you give the wrong message. Him being 100% fine with it and saying "yeah, I got narrow eyes, someone was an Asian from my ancestor line, so what?" makes those Asian eyes of his look normal and doesn't bother anyone. That's why no one bullied him at school for having chink eyes but another guy who had small eyes always got mocked cuz he constantly showed it made him insecure.

>> No.3736719

Bullied at school? What are you underage? Nobody bullies anyone in college, they got more important things to be thinking about. And if they are bullying other grown ass men then you got some toxic friends and need to ditch them.

In the off chance that you are underage b& the kids that you look at now will guarantee look like completely different people once they reach their 20s.

>> No.3736724

I was refering to pre high school. Why do you assume things, anon? And no they fucking won't look different. My friend grew up, he still has Asian eyes, because shocker, you can't erase the fact that there's some Asian genes in you mixed with white ones. What the fuck.

>> No.3736748
File: 58 KB, 274x318, 1542112514326-ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When this "everything" is offensive shit is going to end? When everything that is related to race or a group is classified as a offensive trait? And then we start to use completely featureless blobs to depict interactions and stories until one day someone identifies as a such blob and then we have nothing.

>> No.3736757

I didn't read anything else you posted, I'm not the same anon, I just wanted to make you sperg like a sloppy 4am club cunt

>> No.3736762

You can erase your asian eyes. Half of asians get plastic surgery for eyes. Look it up.

Your friend is just either a masochist or contempt with his azn eyes.

>> No.3736915
File: 454 KB, 1290x1036, 9T2vdIK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are one projecting, ignorant motherfucker. I don't know why you keep bring up "insecurity." Has being the minority made you insecure or something? I haven't denied blacks have bigger lips, I've denied racist caricatures depicting black lips as MASSIVE. Literally an image just above shows two types of black lips of varying size and shape, you blind buffoon. Neither are as big as Jay-Z's, much less the OP where they're taking up half the character's face. Blacks do not all have the same lip size, which is the first thing you can't seem to comprehend.

And you are not special, retard. You are not special for going to a black school. Every black person in America is used to being around blacks and whites just because there are so many whites. You're not special for your Asian-looking friend. You're not special for being white, it doesn't make you see blacks more accurately or fairly, I can't even believe you're making this idiotic argument. Watch how easy it is for me to reverse it: Of course to you [black] lips will look "bigger" because to you whites, tiny lips are the norm. So you've said nothing of value, nothing that advances an argument, you haven't dismantled any actual point I've made, you've merely expressed your white opinion. Well great job! The fact that you can't leave out anecdotes and personal feelings just makes you look pathetic.

>ape lips

This is what it was about from the beginning, of course, was just waiting for you to out yourself. You're too far gone to approach this rationally. Apes have thin lips, incidentally. You think black lips look like ape lips because the propaganda has indoctrinated you successfully.

>> No.3736959

The worst part of you tards and this roleplaying shit you do is that eventually you actually convince yourselves that the other side has these positions.

>> No.3737217

Nobody has big retarded anime eyes either, whats your point?

>> No.3737223


But people do have fully set in eyes. It's called white people. What's your point?

>> No.3737836

Features that aren't black or asian.

>> No.3737839

>there are not many because literally like the video says it's a white mans world. they barely get any representation so they don't see it as an option that they can become animators. if there was as much black representation as their is white their would be equally as much black females eager to animate cartoons and anime and tell their own stories.
The first people to benefit from affirmative action-like programs have great-grandchildren and things haven't changed at all.
Some people like some shit more than some other people and are willing to sacrifice their lives for it. Those people desserve to be able to paint and write whatever the fuck they want and stop trying to court the disinterest of minorities because white rich women's feefees are hurt.

>> No.3737841


>> No.3737843
File: 101 KB, 573x230, caucasion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning to draw other races of people turn artists into 19th century pseudu scientists who want to measure the bumps on a Negroes head.
Let me just put this out there.
Yes nigs hav big lips and noses.
Yes chinks, have chink eyes and small noses.

The key is to get them right without it coming off as some racial exaggeration. I think a lot of misunderstandings do come out of the artist just being bad and not racist.

As an artist eventually you need to learn how to draw different races of people, the different genders, people who are of different age ranges. Draw old people and kids.

Did you know there are diffrent skull types?

>> No.3737848

video was SJW trite

>> No.3737849

/thread. Can't get any more redpilled than that.

>> No.3737856


>> No.3738023

He's not mentally ill to do that, unlike niggers who are too insecure. I guess it basically proves that niggers are uglier than whites with Asian eyes, huh.

>> No.3738025

Is this copypasta? What did he mean by this?

>> No.3738051

Guess white women are also mentally ill for wanting to inject puss into their lips to look like trending celebs too, huh.

>> No.3738260

Japs are niggers with lighter skin & smaller asses and tits so what are you talking about.

>> No.3738317

t. White boy who's never lived in the hood

>> No.3738320


>> No.3738327

Nobody wants to live in the hood. It's just blacks are too lazy to move out of the hood.

>> No.3738327,1 [INTERNAL] 

heh this is my comment and I'm right the budget wasn't even that good in production for how hyped this was

>> No.3738327,2 [INTERNAL] 

Wait oh my god 2018 where the fuck did the time gogoooo?????