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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3722386 No.3722386 [Reply] [Original]

Should I learn realist bodies even if my endgame is stylized anime?

>> No.3722391

Anime artists always use realist bodies before retrofying them, so it's basically recommended.

>> No.3722393

You won't be truly good at stylizing something if you don't know how it works in the first place

>> No.3722395

That's a meme.

>> No.3722401

>That's a meme.
post work

>> No.3722408

I feel like if i studied realist bodies ill be losing lots of time on something i will never see an "okay now i can draw anime".
I dont want to be in that spot where i practice realism, anime and other shit and can't do well in any of those.

>> No.3722549

no it's not lol

>> No.3722556

oh good i thought id have to have some discipline and put some effort into understanding and studying something.

>> No.3722599

I never said you don't, i just said that doing realism for learning how to stylized is a meme.

>> No.3722628

because memes.

in serious though, it helps some but its not entirely necessary. You need to at least know how real bodies work because style has basis on reality.
The reason a C shaped arm works for example is because its the general shape your arm can make. You couldn't make an Z shaped arm unless it was supposed to be a joke, because everyone can tell its wrong even in a stylized work. While that's an extreme example you see it in other things like how fingers bend or how your back bends, and such. Or how cloth folds.

Its a bunch of things that having knowledge of how it works in real life helps make it so your stylized works look stylized instead of wrong.
One area that's easy to tell the haves from the have-nots is gore drawing. Plenty of low quality gore drawings which just throw random shit in the body and it looks like shit, but the people who actually know how a body works and how organs are placed make much better and appealing gore.

>> No.3722634

The other thing is, is stylized really ALL you want to do?
And how stylized?
Like sure chibis don't need any realism training, but what if you want to draw an anime girl with muscle definition? Requires knowledge of muscles which you kind of need to go to realism to grasp.

>> No.3722635
File: 907 KB, 697x651, 1525422461749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no its not, really tell me then what is cartoon art but a stylized depiction of reality. How can you draw good cartoon art that way if you dont master what youre trying to depict irl?

>> No.3722672

>Cartoon art is a stylized depiction of reality
True at some degree, but it still doesn't mean you need to do realism in order to learn a cartoony style.

>> No.3722709

isn't anime bodies are just normal people figures but with animu face ?

>> No.3722735
File: 852 KB, 1098x897, animustyles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's how most people draw anime bodies, but different styles of anime DO do the bodies differently. It's just that most people don't realize this, when the biggest difference from a normal drawing and an anime drawing is the face.

The biggest contrast would be to go and look at a DBZ character's anatomy, then a CLAMP character's, then a Go Nagai character, then something from Harada or Boichi, then something from a joke manga or even something from moe. You'll see a variety of body styles.

>> No.3722822

Theyre stylized representations of japanese people, thats why they have smooth faces like that

>> No.3722827

Well the more of an understanding you have of what youre trying to depict in a cartoony style the more capable you are of being able to better stylize that which you are trying to depict.

>> No.3722831

The Japanese look nothing like anime, as ironic as that seems.

>> No.3722833

All of these require realistic figure knowleges. including weird anime.
OP is a fag. ngmi

>> No.3722834

PS: whoever made this pic is a faggot too
retro anime and western cartoon style and japanese cartoon style anime are retro anime.

>> No.3722865
File: 27 KB, 324x399, european.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tylized representations of japanese people

>> No.3722867
File: 98 KB, 566x638, european2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Theyre stylized representations of japanese people

>> No.3722893

You might actually be inbred. Never post again.

>> No.3722895

>weeb on suicide watch
Kek. what a faggot

>> No.3722897
File: 106 KB, 650x758, C6C4EED3-E4A7-489C-AB56-CE25C82297B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard thinks anyone is gonna fall for those bait infographics
Hop off my dick queer

>> No.3722899

>cherry picking by chosing masculine jawlined women from superhero comics
what a faggot X2

just kill yourself dumb weeb

>> No.3722900

>Theyre stylized representations of japanese people
where're the squinty eyes then

>> No.3722901

>unironically saying kek in 2018.

>> No.3722902

They have more feminine jaws but still manage to look more manly somehow

>> No.3722907

no they are are what ever the creators like
mostly generic cute animu girls are what average Jap artists think is beautiful
hence small nose big eyes short faces

>> No.3722909

Damn japs are salty

>> No.3722912
File: 41 KB, 400x428, 2D8C8435-B3AC-4597-BD59-89F300E5E0EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pointing out a cherry pick when the infographic you posted is nothing but cherry picks
You’ve already embarrassed yourself enough; nothing you say can save face.

>> No.3722915

You know what else has soft curves? A childs face. Yes Japanese have higher neoteny than any race in the world, but that still does not explain why anime eyes are shoved into the skull if it is accurate portray of Asian child face and not White child face.

>> No.3722918

Which btw 99% of anime girl is based on children facial proportion.

>> No.3723843


Depends. The more expansive your artistic skills are, the larger variety of subject matter you can tackle. If you feel like your skills are high enough for what you want to do right now, then don't waste time increasing skills you won't use.

Scott Adams can't draw for crap, but he had one of the most successful comic strips of past 30 years.

>> No.3723852

t. tumblr artstyle garbage

>> No.3725160


>> No.3725163


>> No.3725178

>hurr durr you have to know and read a fuckton of loomis and practise gestures daily to be good at chibi esque drawings
i feel like /ic/ either thinks you dont need to learn about the basic human body or you need understand every tendon and muscle
no you just need to know fundamentals
it's good to know everything but you don't need to and sometimes it can be more harmful to follow realism when what you're drawing isnt ''realistic'' especially for animators

>> No.3725230

Imo /ic/ and similar art forums have probably just misconstrued the basic, valid advice of "draw from life" into "draw life"

You can reference reality and make stylistic choices in the process, guys.

>> No.3725232

>people are actually shitting this guy for telling the truth