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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 96 KB, 960x1440, reffu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3702816 No.3702816 [Reply] [Original]

questions that dont deserve their own thread thread

i'll start. where can i find a copy of design doll?

>> No.3702817

i mean a crack for it

>> No.3702864

How the fuck do you draw dynamic lineart in Sai? I tried different brushes with different settings and they all look appealing when tested but when I actually start on my piece they look dull and lifeless. Is there some trick to it to make my lines seem more natural?

>> No.3702870

Post some examples, anon. We can't solve your problems in a vacuum.

>> No.3702983

How do I stop two colors bleeding into each other despite the fact that I'm using the lasso tool?

>> No.3703016


See >>3702870

>> No.3703021
File: 95 KB, 1268x422, halp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, I thought I attached it.

>> No.3703026

Did you invert selection? is it on a different layer? Did you lock opacity?

>> No.3703033

They're two layers: lineart and color.
I don't think so.

>> No.3703038

What does it mean when you guys say "grind your fundies"?

Read the books over and over again?

>> No.3703047

Do the exercises.

>> No.3703055

Does that really help? Right now I just draw from photos.

>> No.3703059

I can't figure out what you're doing from a cropped still image, but I bet you can solve your problem by adding flatting to your workflow and making selections that way.

Try this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAIEPlYwKfw

or this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4Qg6Svszy0

>> No.3703295

I lassoed the skin area so that I can start shaing the skin but it acts like I'm blending with the hair. I never has this problem in PS. Does that make more sense?

>> No.3703314

This guy is having the same issue.

>> No.3703327
File: 72 KB, 1000x671, john-brosio-bride-in-headlights-2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently lost all of my reference photos and I'm looking for a particular set of paintings of car crashes that I saved from /ic/ years ago.

They were all done by the same artist. One was a white car wrapped around a a light pole, it was a painting set at night. Another had a blurry form of a bloody person falling out of the door of a open car door after the crash.

I believe there was another with a car that had hit a guard rail.

All were set at night and had an atmosphere similar to the painting I've posted here.

>> No.3703389


Then I think you should lock transparent pixel, or create a clipping layer on top of the base colors

>> No.3703550

Reading the books/watching videos will do virtually nothing for you. What's important is that you draw. So when someone says "grind Loomis" what I would do is open a Loomis book(or PDF because /ic/ is generous of with free books) and skim over the text to understand it but more importantly copy every drawing in the book and try to absorb the information it is trying to convey. The Reason you have to "grind" fundies instead of just learning it once like a rendering trick, is that fundamentals need to be subconscious so that they can make all your work high quality accurate etc. Because most artists don't draw a bunch of Loomis heads, bone structures and perspective lines on all their drawings. It's internalized

>> No.3703560
File: 1.00 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20181201_132102017~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a wip. Am I still beg tier?

>> No.3703567

below /beg/ actually

>> No.3703591

please don't listen to >>3703560

As a exercise it's fine, there's nothing glaringly wrong with the portrait without looking at your ref (post your ref). Grids train you to evaluate angles and spacial relationships within a subject, eventually you want to be able to do without the scaffolding and be able to see/correct relationships within you drawing from life, but there's nothing "wrong" with using them unlike what some puritanical anons will tell you.

>> No.3703627


I meant >>3703567

>> No.3703682
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Phil Hale

>> No.3703776
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>> No.3703779


Its so fucking hard to draw I cannot for the life of me understand how shoulders, upper arms, backs, and torsos (above the bellybutton) change shape as a shirtless person is rotated and angled away from the viewer

I draw it all wrong at something like a 45 deg angle away from viwer, my brain keeps fucking up. I draw the far away shoulder way more visible that it should be, and then as a result I draw the rest of the upper body as if it was facing almost right at the viewer

>> No.3703791

You're fairly off likeness wise so far, really watch those proportions. Especially in the jaw and nose which you've shrunk. It also feels like you're filling in some details with what you think is there instead of observing, especially the eyes, which has that almond symbol look rather than "her" eye.

You can do a trace to get a feel for how to draw the portrait, then return to the grid with the tracing as reference if that helps. You can also either:

>Flip the image upside down, draw from that
>Find "animal" shapes, recognizable shapes that you can use to abstract what you see and focus on proportion and angle. i.e. the bridge of her nose , forehead and temples form a bird or whatever you can come up with.

>> No.3703811

Also forget about value for a bit, focus solely on capturing her likeness in line only.

>> No.3703814
File: 37 KB, 536x600, that guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's his endgame?

>> No.3703843

how do I politely tell people to fuck off with a specific request when I'm at gigs?

>have gig today
>selling polished turd animu prints and on-site sketches
>normies buying them because they're normies and can't tell the difference
>one guy comes along and asks for 2 sketches
>black guy with broken English so I already have a bad feeling
>wants his fucking kids
>always that one fucker at every gig
>but wants them as sUpeRhErOeS as if that makes it easier
>of course they're fucking black too, I suck at drawing black people
>power level for drawing whites is okay but it's hard for me to capture elements that make black people look like black people without making it look like a glorified racist cartoon
>agree to do it because it's been kinda slow up to that point
>lose out on money because it takes me 45 minutes each for his dumb ass kids when a regular Deadpool or Poison Ivy would have taken maybe 15 minutes each for the same price
>ended up staying an hour longer than expected because I didn't put my foot down

How do I tell them no to things like this? Everything I have hanging up is weeb shit or video game shit so I feel like that should be enough to ward these jackasses away but it never is. But I can't be a dick because the tables are so close together and I don't want it to affect anybody's opinion of me. What would you say in this situation?

>> No.3703846

Literally just say "I'm sorry, but that's a little outside the scope of what I'm offering. I can do [thing] instead though!" It's not that hard anon.

>> No.3703850

Also, if you don't want to disappoint someone, there's no harm at all in telling that person that their request would cost more money on account of time spent and opportunity cost. Sell yourself as a professional, anon.

>> No.3703860

I'm glad I went to college and got an engineering degree

>> No.3703862

I did make an attempt to defend myself by saying something similar to that but he was only halfway paying attention to me and talking to somebody else, but I'm still to blame for not being assertive enough to say no. I guess in hindsight it really is as easy as you say. Looks like I'm just a spineless bitch.

I have an actual job, I just do this as a hobby for local gigs. I just hate when people ask for realism and shit. Good job though. Engineering is hard according to my friends who dropped out. Not sarcasm.

>> No.3703917

Is this something that can be done with anatomy books as well?

>> No.3703953

Any iPad owners that could tell me how much storage is good enough if I wanna get one for drawing?

>> No.3704027

Depends, if you want to record yourself with procrate get a big one. otherwise an average one is fine.

>> No.3704238

I have but it does not to prevent colors outside of the selection to blend through. I'm wondering what is the point of the tool if I can't lock into that area.

>> No.3704259
File: 211 KB, 1200x1800, 1515206987590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing figure studies and the features of the face always come out utter shit. I'm working on standard printer paper so I don't have much real estate to draw on the face and I think this is my biggest issue. Any tips on how to draw the face in a satisfactory way in small scale or should I just use larger canvases?

>> No.3704311

Depends on what you mean as satisfactory. If you want 100% likeness and all the shadows and shit than larger canvas is the only way. If you just want the face not look like complete shit than look to cartoons and comics to see how you can simplify some parts of the face when the size of the drawing gets smaller.

>> No.3704498

probably been asked a lot before but what's the best software for drawing? is there a list somewhere with all the differences?

>> No.3704505
File: 65 KB, 600x600, 401005C6-D12C-4397-9535-DC0130CD171B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any types of materials or books I should look into if I want to learn how to draw in a retro illustrative style? I really like this type of art and would like to replicate it digitally.

>> No.3704578

CSP for anime Photoshop for everything else

>> No.3704656
File: 17 KB, 320x320, 1539410441013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does slapping a copyright notice on my drawings prevent chinks from stealing and selling my art on shirts and stuff like that?

>> No.3704695

I just ordered some Sakura Microns. Why is the numbering so retarded? Is this a common trend or is it just the Sakura brand?

>003 = 0.15mm
>005 = 0.20mm
>01 = 0.25mm
>02 = 0.30mm
>03 = 0.35mm
>05 = 0.45mm
>08 = 0.50mm

>> No.3704701

Anyone have good refs for a team of characters, something dynamic, and not 10 things just standing in a line

>> No.3704718

Will try this. Thank you

>> No.3704742

I'd say yes, but there's nothing wrong with that. keep going.

>> No.3704754

Any good fahion blogs to share for inspiration? Both male and female, bonus for street fashion.

>> No.3704785
File: 54 KB, 870x520, 1528511677972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what's wrong with my CSP?
I keep getting lag when i put down and move my pen resulting in shit like this. PS and Sai works fine.

>> No.3704801

Is there a good nude, anatomically correct, pose-able 3D model out there to use as a reference? If not, maybe downloading a 3D program and use an anatomically correct model in it? Just want to get familiar with real proportions instead of drawing from imagination with the wrong anatomy.

>> No.3705100

Is there any good non-Wacom, non-Surface stand-alone tablet?
Huion doesn't seem to have any.

>> No.3705118

This >>3704742
I think you should work on making your lines more fluid and your shading more even/confident. Focus on blocking in solid greys instead of blending for now. Those are the biggest things making you look beg right now.
But your proportions are good, and you're on the right track.

>> No.3705315
File: 628 KB, 1920x1080, how.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do you plan drawings like this?

>> No.3705327

Just got gifted a 2-in-1 laptop with Win10. What's a good stylus with pressure/rotation sensitivity? Would a wacom art pen work with a non-wacom tablet?

>> No.3705364
File: 167 KB, 500x782, 1543801918621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working with Moire/Halftone, how do I get this pattern?
Just going with basic Photoshop Halftone overlaps are failures.

>> No.3705380


>> No.3705440

who is that?

>> No.3705458
File: 301 KB, 850x1007, __elezen_hyur_lalafell_miqo_te_and_roegadyn_final_fantasy_and_final_fantasy_xiv_drawn_by_yoshida_akihiko__sample-5217649b611f12abea2342cc09e838e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like pic related?

>> No.3705542

Any decent drawing app for android with low latency?

>> No.3705562

Yeah, but a lot will depend on what tablet/phone you're using. Sketchbook Pro, ibis Paint X, Infinite Painter all work for me.

>> No.3705569

Trying infinite painter. Thanks! It's really fun and the latency feels manageable. Are there any smoothing options though? Whenever I draw lines slowly they become very wavy.

>> No.3705598
File: 3.73 MB, 2400x2000, sigh....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study and drawing from imagination.
Drawing from reference (Model Sheet)

Anyone with experience in this area can share words on the subject?

If i study a character for example i can draw it from any angle/ perspective as i know all that is there.

If not i can only draw from reference the face especially having to check against an official source to match the detail.

What is the pros and cons of each route?
If i wanted to not only draw my own comics but do allot of R34 content of various characters on model for the most part what do?

Ty anons in advance.

>> No.3705602

Nevermind found it

>> No.3705702

Draw from reference to learn your subject/anatomy then draw your subject from imagination to reinforce what you've learned and figure out what you don't know. Both drawing from reference and imagination go hand in hand.

>> No.3705930

Peter Draws

>> No.3706093

Every time I draw from reference I end up doing a carbon copy of it. I only draw from reference because that's what I'm supposed to I guess but I find that I spend too much time assessing small details and it doesn't really help me draw anything new. What's the point of drawing carbon copies? How does this help me improve?

>> No.3706096

It won’t help you if you’re a brainlet with no critical thinking or analyzation skills. The purpose of a finished copy in my eyes is to learn about proportions, value relationships, and edges. If you aren’t internalizing how form works while you’re drawing, you’ve wasted your time.

>> No.3706120

I do at first but then before I know it I get too caught up copying the values without thinking about why they're there and obviously lots of times the lighting in the reference is poor so I cant make out why certain areas are in shadow.

>> No.3706359

What is "photobashing"?

>> No.3706446

Photobashing is a technique where artists merge & blend photographs or 3D assets together while painting and compositing them into one finished piece. This is used by concept artists to speed up their workflow and achieve a realistic style.

Google is your friendo

>> No.3706447


>> No.3706448

Choosing a reference with good lighting is critical for study. Hate to shill, but either get NMA and download the thousands of reference images they offer, or try to a find an upload of it somewhere. Those references should last you a lifetime.

>> No.3707088
File: 1.99 MB, 4032x1960, 20181203_233827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, what do you lads know about drapery & ink? I wanted a fold to appear at the location that my pencil is pointing toward, and ended up with this shitty loop thing. There has to be another way!

>> No.3707269

How do i convince my parents to help me with art school? I actually had to pay my way through a semester in italy and my parents helped with rent and food which they held against me for over a year. I went to community college after i got back for 2 semesters, classes were okay compared to italy but by 2nd semester i was absolutely over it and there's just not a good selection of art classes at a Community college.

Art schools in america are too expensive but my parents just don't see art as a real career even though i've made 80+ oil paintings this year and paint almost every other day. Now we're moving to a place where there's literally no colleges that teach art except a community college that has an acrylics class and my dad is telling me to "keep my chin up and make the best of things"

>> No.3707280

I don't know why bur CSP runs like shit on my computer. It's so laggy even with stabilizers off. My laptop is an HP Envy x360

>> No.3707624

Ty will give it a go.

>> No.3709005

I'm looking for a certain book about drawing (or something else art related, maybe animation) that I stumbled across a few years ago. I only read the part about facial expressions, where the author described the base emotions and then drew and named every emotion that came out of combining them. Everything was explained in detail. I think it involved both realistic and cartoony style. I'm also pretty sure that the author was someone famous, like working for Disney or some shit. Does anyone know what could this be?

>> No.3709135

move to belgium liege. Rent is cheap if you go into colloc. You can find rent for 300 or so...and art school st luc is 300 per year i think?

But you'll need to learn french

>> No.3709166

My friend lived in the Czech Republic for a while and was paying an obscenely low amount for rent. Something like 600 euros for 6 months. It was insane. He was only teaching ESL, too, and living comfortably.

>> No.3709231
File: 117 KB, 500x340, digital-art-feature-image-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any Youtube artists that post long tutorials which show and explain all the steps on how to make digital art? All the sped up videos are black magic to me.
I already asked this question a few days ago but only got traditional artists since I didn't specify that I want digital.

>> No.3709316

how do you guys draw use canvases? whether it be photoshop, csp, or whatever the case. whats a good px to work at? I've only ever used MS Paint, it feels so 1 to 1. Everytime I fire up Photoshop I wanna jump off a cliff.


>> No.3709386

Anyone here went from drawing a relatively small amount, to getting used to higher amounts of hours daily?
I'm kinda low energy in that I get tired after a few hours, but I want to put at least like 4-5 hours of drawing a day to make faster progress. I just don't know if I should let myself get used to the current hours and build it up slowly or try something else

>> No.3709478

Are there any resources or artists for learning inkwash and copics? I want to start expanding my ink repitoire since I got a set of dips, and I want to make use of the warm grey Copics I've had since last year. What are the pros and cons of each?

>> No.3709493

My arm hurts. Elbow & ulnar nerve problems, afraid of making it worse. How long do I let it rest before drawing again?

>> No.3709515

This happens to me when my canvas is big. (around 2000px by 3000px or more) and my brush size is big. I think its mostly lag.
If the stabilization is too high or low, it can also make it worse. Just adjust your stabilization and if you can, lower your canvas size.

>> No.3709520

>whats a good px to work at?
It matters what you draw. Backgrounds, anime girls on a bed, realistic portraits..?

>> No.3709521

I downgraded my wacom drivers and it works fine now but thanks

>> No.3709542


>> No.3709581
File: 1.98 MB, 4032x1960, 20181203_230042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever had this problem: whenever I draw from life I can't "capture" the shape the way I used to be able to, instead my mind goes straight to thinking about perspective -- any advice/exercises to avoid this?

>> No.3709626

yeah get a job

>> No.3709679

Where do I go to learn how to draw the tongue?

>> No.3709699

How do you go about finding reference or inspiration pictures that are not heavily modified in post?

>> No.3709705

How would I start for an average value/hue/saturation of skin?
How do I paint the difference between different types of lighting? (sun, night, inside, colored lights, etc)
And so many other questions, I'm so clueless about colors, I just want basic starting points.

>> No.3709708

James Gurney's "Color and Light" goes over your exact questions, including detailed analysis of every lighting situation you can find in nature. I think it's in the artbooks thread.

>> No.3709734

Thanks son

>> No.3709846

I guess busts, and half+full body characters. It's just all the zooming it bothers me.when I work at a4 size the line art looks different at different zooms.

>> No.3710216

let's say that I have 6 months to get to level where I earn about 200$/month from commissions.
I just have ~300 followers on Instagram, and it's my only social network I use atm.
What's the best I can do to reach this goal? I can afford paying for ads on Instagram, for example.
Should I post like 2-3 times a day? Should I use twitter/facebook/dunno too?
Should I learn to draw furries and porn?
I'm looking for the safest route to reach those two hundred/month. I have enough time to do anything, even if I'm still studying.
Any tip is appreciated.

>> No.3710299

Should I charge more for a commission involving more than one fully detailed character?

>> No.3710303

Standard practice (in my experience) is to charge half price extra for another character
ex. $50 base price, +$25 per extra

>> No.3710309

Anything else?

>> No.3710313
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, 1539272899425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drawing all my life but never created anything. How do I learn how to design characters? I can count the OCs I've drawn in my life with one hand

>> No.3710335


>> No.3710395

how do i go about making a comic? is there anything i can at for basic stuff like panel structure, conveyancing, flow, shit like that.

>> No.3710399

I have never heard this but it sounds rreally stupid. I mean it’s great if you want to shortchange yourself and devalue your work significantly.

>> No.3710732

Did you read McCloud's Understanding/Making/reinventing comics series? It'll teach you most of it.

>> No.3710878

How do I actually position the the eye further away in 3/4 view, especially when the nose overrides part of it? Is there a way to acurately measure it or its the old ''just feel it''? I have never seen any book talking about it.

>> No.3710880

Position the eyes before even drawing the nose. In other words, your base head drawing should look like a blank mister potato head.

>> No.3711050

no i havent, but ill check it out. thanks anon :)

>> No.3711058

How do I learn torso construction
I dont want to just paint clavicles on like I see some artists do

>> No.3711068

Is there a way to archive stuff from deviantart? I want to download my old journals before wiping them and to keep my ancient shit in a safe folder just in case.

>> No.3711085

Besides grinding bridgeman, how to I learn to draw the figure from imagination?

>> No.3711195

bumperino, I still need tips

how to learn to draw anything from imagination:
1) try to draw it from imagination, if it's shit then
2) find references and use them
3) try to draw it from imagination AGAIN
and repeat. do not rely too too much on references, it's important to know how to use them. they are obviously extremely useful, but you have to learn from them, not just use them.

>> No.3711286

For me it got easier with time. In the beginning everything is difficult and you need a lot of concentration. But once the fundamentals become second nature you don't have to concentrate as much. A lot of things get automatic after a while which makes longer hours easier. Most of the time i spend 3hours working on the difficult stuff then spend the rest of the day on things i can do without thinking.

It's a bit like driving a car. at first you have to concentrate on the road, but also on on shifting gear etc... but after a while you only have to focus on where you go.

>> No.3711290

well you can make folders if i remember correctly

>> No.3711303

Is there a way to copy whats visible on a layer thats currently clipped to a layer below, onto a new fresh layer that isnt tied to a clipping layer; so that you can get the "good" stuff from the layer without all the coloring done out of the lines that might occur when using it?

>> No.3711304

Clip studio, by the way.

>> No.3711319

Copy the base layer and everything clipped to it
Flatten clipped layers onto base layer
That's what I do in SAI but I'd imagine it would work anywhere

>> No.3711326

Learn basic construction shapes of ribcage and hips
Draw ribcages if you want a concrete idea of where ribs fall. Note clavicle placement. Consider looking at photos to see where they usually show through.
Draw from photos to see how the hip shapes appear in skin for a few angles
Learn basic muscle structure for abs, pecs, shoulders, and those little things on the side. Learn how they connect with each other. Sometimes, if a person doesn't have a lot of muscle on their torso, the area between ribcage and belly is kind of a dead zone, probably look at reference for this scenario
Look at how fat tends to gather on belly, where it curves out etc
Those are the most important bits to a convincing torso I think

>> No.3711327

Not quite what I meant, I think.
I only want the contents of the layer that is clipping down, but I want the contents to be exactly how it looks when its clipped yet on a fresh layer with no clipping needed.

I did trim on a coat, the entire coat is colored one color and the trim is clipped to that entire color, but now I only want to effect the trim while using an overlay layer (which requires clipping to not hit anything else). Using an overlay layer without isolating the trim will cause the entire coat to change

>> No.3711349

Oh, I see. Check if there is an "apply clipping mask" option in the program you're working in. That will erase all the parts of the layer that clip. If there is, you could apply the mask, unclip it, and then adjust as desired. Are nested clipping layers included in anything? That would be convenient.
Usually in this case I try to get away with just modifying the clipped layer itself without adjustment layers

>> No.3711633

Thank you so much for your input. Are there any artbooks which walk through this? Like Bridgeman? I'm sort of a novice and really dont know how to do proper anatomical studies from pictures of models alone, yet

>> No.3711639

How do I overcome intrusive thoughts when I'm drawing I'll do things like overvisualize the details of something and gross myself out.

>> No.3711648
File: 38 KB, 318x393, culadasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let the thoughts flow you can't control them the more you try control them the more they will come

>> No.3711829

I second that book. It's the useful stuff with minimal woo woo shit.

>> No.3711858

What would you suggest? Full price for every character?

>> No.3711869

>woo woo
de fuck?

>> No.3711995

Anyone know any good sites to get references like this?
Actually, just references in general would be nice.

>> No.3711997
File: 26 KB, 736x613, a94645b1707499133eff25661748ec50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3712001

not that anon but 'woo woo' refers to new age-y, pseudo-spiritual stuff

like talk about healing crystals, or chakras, or "spiritual energy"

>> No.3712219

What is a good starting fineliner tip size if I have never inked before? I was thinking 0.3mm.

>> No.3712221

For some reason I can't make a proportional square in CSP after I applied a perspective ruler. It keeps acting like a wanted a freeform rectangle.

>> No.3713031

Dynamic Sketching and DrawABox suggest 0.5. DS says he sometimes uses something smaller like 0.2 iirc.

>> No.3713114

But what if I want to ink instead of doing technical drawings?

>> No.3713116

Depends entirely on your drawing/paper size.
Just get a good selection and see what's right for you.

>> No.3713392

I've been drawing on a hard surface, should I use a stack of paper instead?

>> No.3713629


>> No.3713826
File: 40 KB, 240x220, advice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I set up my layers if I want one layer (or layer group) for line art, one for shading, and one for colour? And in what order?

I can't figure this out somehow.

>> No.3713838

I refuse to believe anyone would be this retarded.

>> No.3713857

I believe hes asking if he should shade a bw then colour it, or colour his linework then shade in colour.
and how to stay within his linework.
then the order becomes important.

>> No.3713888
File: 77 KB, 786x454, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mostly wondering about layer modes. No matter what combination I try to use I can't get it to look decent.

Have a look at this shitty example. It's supposed to be a red cube casting a shadow onto a blue floor. But if I do it this way the blue in the light area is way de-saturated, and the blue in the darker remains highly saturated. It doesn't fit with the floor.

>> No.3714070

One reason for this is that the shadow is significantly darker than the floor in your greyscale, and the contrast is big enough to make it look off once the color layers are applied. Same with the cube- the darkest face is much darker than the midtone on the top.
You do have some odd blending mode choices there too. I think a more common choice is to have a flat color on the bottom, a multiply layer clipped on top, and then any other adjustments you need to make. I would like to hear others' thoughts about that though. I have also found the gradient map feature useful in PS.

>> No.3714083

How about you just use normal layers and learn how value/color works? And if you insist on doing B/W first (which is fine for learning) do something like:


You are making things more difficult by relying on crutches which is exactly the opposite what crutches are supposed to do.

>> No.3714128


>> No.3714564


>> No.3716785

I have an xp pen 12 and am using Krita. I'm having an issue now after a thing popped up where the stylus will be frozen if I take it off the screen a certain distance. The pop up I got was that the tablet and windows can't seem to agree on the size of the screen and wanted me to pick either 1980x1080 or 3000xsomething and I picked the 1980 option. Unplugging the tablet does not fix this, have not had this issue ever before in krita until this popup. Is there any way to change it back or do I just need to hope that installing/reinstalling stuff will work?

>> No.3716792
File: 18 KB, 211x239, engravure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to mimic this technique digitally? Or any good reference book/collection of art/tags that I can refer to?

>> No.3717155

Has anyone tried to switch hands permanently? Go to left-handed from right-handed or vice versa?

>> No.3717157

>installing/reinstalling stuff
that should be the first thing you tried

>> No.3717167
File: 47 KB, 638x359, CoyHKQkVUAAs4HO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone recommend me some artit that has a similar style of mob psycho 100

>> No.3717206

Let me ask a bonus question: is it worth trying to become ambidextrous?

>> No.3717237

This follows the same fundamentals as any other art. Study traditional wood carving/engraving techniques if it helps. Engravings like this are often a product of working with the medium and you won't see it in a digital representation like this.

>> No.3717244

For health, leaning back is better than hunching over when drawing, right? Puts less pressure on the arm?

>> No.3717266

He doesn't seem to really plan out his drawings,rather feels out the forms as he doodles.

>> No.3717374
File: 639 KB, 1058x800, 7710402_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to. My brother used to draw stuff kind of like this, and he'd just drink caffeine or do psychedelics and do a stream of consciousness drawing. Pic related.

>> No.3717403

My tablet is on the fritz.
Is it worth extra to get an intous pro, or is there no real benefit over the normal?

>> No.3717415

Hello /ic/. I have been pursuing art for about 1 1/2 years to 2 years by now. For that time, I did see a lot of tangible improvement. However, as of late I find myself stuck/regressing in terms of ability to discern between values, draw forms correctly, etc. Is this just the dunning kruger effect in progress or evidence of something else? And more importantly, is there any way I can gain that tangible progress back, or will it naturally come and go? Thank you.

>> No.3717469
File: 52 KB, 702x489, pa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you do a worm's eye view of an inverted cone
the larger part being farther away is fucking me up since the smaller part is bigger and the bigger part is smaller it just makes it look like a regular front view

>> No.3717543
File: 74 KB, 800x600, 240_F_49750310_MdwNH1gMYSklyCNFzm4AI9h808tOsqi5_703087972_28-08-17[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got sort of the opposite, bowing out instead of in, i tried it in 3d paint, which i've not used before and i think i got it right more or less, so you could try that for problems like these. or think of upside down cones that exist irl, like water towers.

>> No.3717553
File: 141 KB, 1802x1010, p3d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paint 3d thang

>> No.3719864

Is it worth it to spend 300 dollars to 'upgrade 'from a medium tablet to large if I've never felt like my medium was too small? Please respond.

>> No.3719873

The pro has tilt and more accuracy you'll probably never notice. The only thing I think that makes it worth it is the art pen that has rotation, but also costs $100 extra. If you're not interested in tilt or rotation, for which you have to pay extra, It's not worth it.

>> No.3719880

Genuine question: what is rotation even good for? Mainly calligraphy? I've never needed that feature in my day to day workflow.

>> No.3719882

Progress generally isn't consistent, is generally pretty slow and can be lost if you don't regularly use what you've learned. The good news is, it's easier to relearn what you already knew once. What you're experiencing is normal, keep going and remember to practice regularly, even if a little bit.

>> No.3719890

I use it because i used markers and pencils with a chisel tips so I'm glad to have it digitally as well. If you've literally never wanted to rotated the tip of your brush when you work digitally, then yeah, you don't need it and you're not missing out on anything.

>> No.3719952

What's a good subject matter to draw in public in order not to creep people out?

>> No.3719999
File: 250 KB, 1200x848, doodle pages people5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you study/understand form in linework? what fundamentals confer better form to a drawing - without values and such
something like pic related is what i'm aiming for. i don't know a lot of artists, but this guy has probably the best forms i've seen
@kokimantarou on twitter

>> No.3720030

Inanimate objects. Vehicles, props, environments and such are pretty safe. But you really shouldn't worry about it unless you live near the kind of people that are willing to get violent over being drawn.

If you're talking about achieving a sense of 3d form with lines alone, that has to with good overlap of basic primitive shapes - spheres, cubes and cylinders. other fundamentals like proportion, composition and perspective also apply. With figures you also have gestures and knowing what makes a good pose. I'm going to assume you're a beginner so I'm sorry if you're not but don't assume that just because a drawing looks simple, it was easy to create and will be easy to reproduce. The mark of a good artist is making difficult drawings look easy. And in general, it often takes a lot time to make something that looks like it took very little time. Also, you can't properly study form without value. and studying form with value will also make your line drawings better. The guy you posted does lines, value and color because he likely understands this.

>> No.3720084

I highly recommend that you read drawing to life by Walt Stanchfield

>> No.3720175

Great reply.

>> No.3720231

ah already ended up buying it.

yeah not much real benefit over the normal as far as i can tell, but the tablet itself at least feels a lot nicer.
I was kinda hoping the ring would be more useful, but it only seems to rotate in one direction which is a huge wtf.

>> No.3720233

people honestly work fine, if you're bad enough that it doesn't look like them they won't know, if you're good then they'll be flattered and may even ask for a copy.

artists get the crazy pass so they're allowed to basically do whatever, people can't think any lower of you than they do already.

>> No.3720238

wut. You mean the touch ring? I have an intuos 4 and mine rotates both ways. Check your settings and make sure your drivers are up to date. Generally, though, it's better to use a keyboard along with your tablet rather than fiddling with the ring and buttons.

>> No.3720240

drivers are up to date.
i go into clip studio and try to use it to rotate, only goes clockwise.

i like hte buttons because i always hit the [ key when i go for pen/pencil and it messes with the size. but that's about it.

>> No.3720245
File: 347 KB, 1656x2560, 81I4PwwEukL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was trying to git gud at drawing following a sequence of books from an Image I got from /fit/, but I lost the damn thing. It's a picture with multiple books lined up and instructions on the top. Does anyone have it? Thanks in advance /ic/

>> No.3720249

Yeah, that's weird. Clip studio does the same for me but only goes counter clockwise. rotating right seems to want to create a line. I'm sure the settings in Clip studio are the issue but I don't know which one since I'm not familiar with it. Photoshop doesn't do this though and in Clip studio , brush resizing, zoom and cycle layers work both ways.

>> No.3720255

yeah, just gonna deal without it. not a huge deal, just one of those things i saw and thought might be cool.
using it for layer cycling might be nice though, can't see me using it for resizing or zooming though.

>> No.3720326

Is painting a requirement to make good looking illustrations?

>> No.3720327

It depends on what you mean by painting. You can be an illustrator without ever having literally painted or held a brush, but you're gonna need all that knowledge anyway if you want to be a good illustrator if that makes sense.

>> No.3720331
File: 167 KB, 721x1024, 1524826851375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, there's an entire field of line art and black and white drawings.
Hell, manga is entirely based on simple pen work.

That said, bright colors always appeals to normies more. I've slapped base colors on a linework I've done and it always gets at least 5 times as many likes.

>> No.3720345

Yeah, I guess this is my fear. I know my lines are much stronger than my ability with color, so much so that my colored drawings almost always look worse than just black and white to me. I feel like there's always an expectation that I'll be incorporating color at some point, so my line illustrations are just 'unfinished.'

>> No.3720353

I definitely am in the same boat, but its why you just gotta start practicing coloring when you can.

You just need the experience and understanding as you would with gesture or line weight.
Don't listen to the
>polishing a turd
faggots, you gotta start learning how to polish eventually.

>> No.3720364
File: 200 KB, 432x432, 1544332567875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have any good guides on how to set up digital pens/brushes? my sister gave me her old tablet for early christmas so I downloaded medibang to my pc

>> No.3720370

Is /i/ bigger than /ic/?

>> No.3720373

How do you even draw reflective surfaces from imagination? They seem to have a shitton of different reflections, do you have to actually think about everything that's in the scene and replicate it in a distorded way? Shit is scary.

>> No.3720375

if its the focal point, you're fucked.

if its just a small thing on the side, you can just take random samplings of color and vague shapes from the canvas and throw it on there, and throw a ray on there.

if it really doesn't matter, you can simplify it as just a reflection of pure light.

>> No.3720391

Is it possible to use hatching with shadows in color, or would it look silly?
I was thinking of maybe using hatching toward the edges of shadow to give that lightening fuzz, anyone have an example?

>> No.3720413

It generally looks silly.

>> No.3720470

Why do people often digitally illustrate with gray backgrounds? Is this because the stark whiteness of the default background is too distracting when trying to work in values?

>> No.3720522
File: 36 KB, 373x765, Akko Kagari Flustered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where could I commission this character doing various (let's say 5) poses with the same style as the show, and how much would something like that cost on average?

Sorry for being super gay.

>> No.3720542

thanks for the reply
>and studying form with value will also make your line drawings better. The guy you posted does lines, value and color because he likely understands this.
but how can that be? i don't see how it translates to line drawings at all.

i will check it out

>> No.3720608

>people can't think any lower of you than they do already
this made me feel better

>> No.3720715


>> No.3720835

If the show you're talking about is LWA, try OrenjiPiru on Twitter. He makes pretty good LWA lewds while adhering to the style of the show.

>> No.3720995

White is actually painful too look at for long periods of time. Plus, the background does manipulate how your subconsciously see colors, using a high value color like white makes all your colors look darker than they really are by comparison. Its best to use a background of the same color you'll end up with

for me its mainly the first part, white just annoys my eyes

>> No.3721913

Are there any resources on how to stylize? I have a semi-realistic style that’s influenced by a bunch of artists, but it feels like I’m missing something and I’m going about it blindly

>> No.3721965

Can anyone tell me more about drawing album cover for musician? Recently I was contacted for this kind of work but I have never done anything like this before, so I would love to hear some opinion from you guys.

>> No.3721970

How can I make cell-shading more interesting to look at?

>> No.3722317

Is it important for a beginner to learn how to render value in graphite/charcoal? I fucking hate it but all these exercises in beginner books say to work in these mediums

>> No.3722346

Its not necessary exactly, its just extremely helpful and easy to work with.

Try doing value studies on your computer, then try it again with charcoal. Its so much easier with a physical medium.

>> No.3722592

how/where do i learn design theory?

>> No.3722598

I don't know but maybe find some already existing successful covers and analyze them. Worst case scenario just copy the recipe of what's usually sucessful in this area.

>> No.3722796
File: 71 KB, 872x682, 69BD2DEA-FE5C-4567-AD86-91540B462BA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I go about drawing older people? Like older adults and elders.

>> No.3722821


Easiest way is to think of a story. Then it'd be like trying to add/make in all the pieces on the game board. And of you have trouble with that think of 'what if' scenarios. What if society or a person did x instead of y? Etc etc. Think of things you've always wondered about and what you think might happen in terms of consequences if they did happen. Or watch scientific or historical documentaries and take what you will from them.

If you're not up to making a story a similar approach could be used for simple ocs. But you get more mileage out of one that comes with a world to challenge them/make more OCs from.

>> No.3723225

How do I start to understanding the line weight and how to apply it, where to break the line and improve my linework in general?

>> No.3724082

Is there anything like a fineliner, but that can still write at an angle?

>> No.3724224

What's a good number of pixiv followers?

>> No.3724250


>> No.3724288

Who was phone?

>> No.3724316

Is pic related from an artbook? Because that's a fantastic photo for reference and I'd love to see a series of photos with that atmosphere.

>> No.3724317

Just Sakura

>> No.3724322

Shuho Sato's guide to creating manga. Not sure if this is the official name but it's a goldmine.

>> No.3724328

By drawing with high contrast of light/shadow and also adding colorful edge shadows. Adding a very slight gradient to the base color helps too.

>> No.3724601

What is the longest lasting fineliner pen (ink won't run out quickly)?

>> No.3724613

Does anyone have that link for all the past art supplies threads?

>> No.3724780

Should I make completely separate social media accounts for my artwork or can I just use my regular but not use my real name?

>> No.3724812


>> No.3725023

How hard is it to go from digital painting to traditional? Say I have a good grasp of the fundamentals and can do a good master study.

How difficult would it be to do the same study in oil paints?

>> No.3725528

Why does drawing on paper always look so diffrent than drawing on pad?

>> No.3725532

Post your work and I'll tell you. If you really do know the fundamentals, you should be able to create a fundamentally, but messy piece. Learning oil takes a lot of practice and control because of the myriad variables that can go into a single stroke. The sooner you start, the better, though.

>> No.3725533

fundamentally good*

>> No.3725699

are you talking about sato's road to manga? if so, the blog is down. no way to access it at all.

>> No.3725768

Started working with fineliners. What's a waterproof, archival pen to cover large areas like a Sharpie? This is all I've really found but I usually like refilling things instead of buying disposable. I might be able to refill it but haven't looked.

>> No.3725772

Do I really need to practice Realism before getting gud at drawing animu?

>> No.3725888

photoshop has started swapping between all the tools with the same keyboard shortcut when you hold the key down. how tf do i get rid of that?

>> No.3726304

Aaron blaise

>> No.3726418
File: 1.61 MB, 720x2127, 1519264603265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This it?

>> No.3726439
File: 404 KB, 1263x800, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does any one know who the artist is that drew the chad for this? I know it says Hogarth, but looking up that name only gives me My Iron Giant. I'm trying to get better at drawing men and would like either this artist and/or another one to use for reference.

>> No.3726454

Wanna buy a camera solely to take pictures of charcoal drawings because I sure don't want to get my scanner dirty. Do I get a cheap rebate iPhone or an actual camera? Could you link to recommendations?

>> No.3726459

Burne Hogarth

>> No.3726465

How do you bulk/batch download from Flickr?
It's tiring to click everything
I'm trying to get from this one. https://www.flickr.com/groups/leyendecker/pool/with/7073692021/

>> No.3726607

Here, I scraped all the pictures for you

>> No.3726612

If you already own a smartphone, I don't see why you would use a rebate iPhone over that.

>> No.3726621

it's pretty old and the camera was potato quality even then. Don't get me wrong, I love my current phone, but I'll happily spend $50 if it means I get better critique
good to hear the rebate iPhone will work. thanks

>> No.3726697

I think if you just want a clear enough photo for critique, the iPhone will work fine. But if you want professional photos to put in a portfolio or website, save up for an actual camera.

>> No.3726757

Does anyone have any tips on how to paint digitally in manga studio 5?

>> No.3727750

So what's the point of those gloves I'm seeing on some people that use tablets? Is it that the hand and pen doesn't slide that much? And if I would buy one are the cheap ones worth it?

>> No.3728345

Thank you senpai, I've come up with a story and I'm now building up the type of people/creatures/objects that live in that world.

The approach really helped.

>> No.3729385

Is concept art and visual development the same thing?

You already know how to draw a highlight, right? You think about the lightsource.
Drawing a reflective material is just like that, just instead of lightsource you reflect some major elements from the scene, such as the surface it sits on or the blue-ness of the sky. It doesn't have to be precise, it just has to look somewhat convincing, it has to sell the idea "yes, this is a reflective surface".

>> No.3729510

Is NMA worth subscribing to? 35 bucks a month is really fucking steep but there seems to be a lot of good lectures that I'm interested in watching.

>> No.3729537

Any games except OSU that support tablets as controllers?

>> No.3729560

Less friction when your hand touches the tablet while drawing

>> No.3729575

DS/3DS emulators?

>> No.3729784

Some Lumix and a basic tripod would probably be a good idea. Keep in mind if you're ever taking pictures of color that lighting will be big too, so like a softbox and flash.

Being able to slide along the surface. Hands are greasy, sweaty, and skin comes off so they foul up tablet surfaces too.

>> No.3729787


>> No.3729854

What's a good way to practice/understand form? As in 3D visualization in a two-dimensional space.

>> No.3729878

Contour lines.

>> No.3729902

as in drawing the outline of something and filling it in afterwards right?

>> No.3729903

Yes. Read Hampton's book.

>> No.3729913

I think they mean cross contour. It's confusing because contour can be used for outline but also topology of a shape.

Scott Robertson's How To Draw is very good for this.

>> No.3729936

Any recommendations for a desk whose workspace can be raised and lowered, ideally on the lower end of the price range?

>> No.3729988
File: 32 KB, 720x736, Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been having such a hard time with learning the basics that I want to hire someone to teach me instead.

The reason being is that the classes in my city are worthless. The people in charge don't attempt to teach or critique. Asking them gets me nowhere
Grinding with books/websites (especially loomis) has lead to a dead end.

How would I go about hiring someone since the self teaching route isn't working out? I'm willing to pay any price but, I can't seem to find anyone willing to teach though google searches. There is nobody I can ask offline. I posted an ad once at an art store but didn't get any replies.

>> No.3729989

hobo btfo

>> No.3730018


You just go

>> No.3730047

Any good coloring supplies you'd recommend? Preferably something not too pricey.

>> No.3730051

What’s your discord or email

>> No.3730052

You could try the art supply thread and also more specific in what you mean by "coloring"

>> No.3730057
File: 48 KB, 512x384, 1460901914176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you supposed to proportion the shoulders in relation to the head? For some reason I can usually do it right when I'm drawing a small portrait but if I try to draw a large one I can't fucking get anything right. Right now I'm trying to a female portrait and the shoulders always end up too big, or the trapezius muscles are fucked length or width-wise. Is there any significant proportion I should be remembering? I already know each shoulder is about a head-width apart, but it's useless if I'm trying to do anything in perspective since I can't measure it against the face head-on. What the fuck are you supposed to do with larger portraits?

>> No.3730122
File: 447 KB, 1066x1600, gravity falls comic (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm writing a comic and it's way bigger than the first issue. should i split it up into issue 2 and 3, or just have uneven sizes? i'm not sure if that would make the ending satisfying.

>> No.3730982
File: 155 KB, 758x794, tumblr_pde9je7S3J1rpgpe2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this brush or pen?

>> No.3730989

hard to tell. looks like ink and watercolor with definitely brush lines but also some dip pen looking detail lines like on the ground or hatching.

>> No.3731001

Those eyes look like they belong on an anime girl.

>> No.3731475

How do you go about keeping up studies while pursuing your own art and/or paid work?

>> No.3731561

What are some recommended websites for cloud storing your project files? What I would need:
- cheap
- at least 100 GB (I've started and already have 520 MB of projects and related files)
- decent speed for Europe
- sync program for PC

Google Drive seems to be the best option since it fulfills my needs, is dirt cheap and I can access it on my Android phone easily.

>> No.3731617

I'm thinking on upgrading my tablet to a screen tab, maybe a Huion GT-156 v2 or an Artisul D16, something along the 13" - 16" size. I got about $500 saved up for this but I'm willing to spend a bit more if it's good. Any anons have other recommendations or any opinions on the tablets I listed?

>> No.3731623

You can also try MEGA or Dropbox. If you wanna store mostly pictures, you can also make use of DeviantArt's sta.sh

>> No.3731635

I don't trust that site.
Just no. Maybe if I get actually decent at anything.
A few years ago I tried to use it but had very slow speeds. Gonna try it again to see if anything changed.
Thanks for the response!

>> No.3731642
File: 657 KB, 1283x744, ps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is there a brush in CSP like the rightmost charcoal brush from Photoshop? I'm not comfy using PS. Chewing through some ctrl+paint videos.

>> No.3731702

Google drive is probably your best bet, then. I also highly suggest you get an external physical drive if you don't have one already.

>> No.3731757

timetable, planning ahead and discipline.

>> No.3732136

Is rendering basically shading + color?

>> No.3732137

You can render in black and white, it's more value + edge

>> No.3732292

I saw in a video someone sketching dark purple on a very light yellow bg and their shit comes out with a range of yellow to red to purple as the value changes but when I tried it my shit jumps from the bg to desaturated purple instantly what did I do wrong?

>> No.3732297

They were probably using hard light or vivid light whatever it is as the layer mode

>> No.3732300
File: 707 KB, 510x511, monalisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samefag, I need an answer for this. I can't construct the trapezius or shoulders proportionally because I have no real way to measure them against the head. The whole shoulder=one head-width doesn't work here because it's in perspective rather than a head-on view. What are you supposed to do here? How do you know if you've made a shoulder/trapezius stick out too far or too little?

>> No.3732307

Learn wear the bones go it's spooky but it helps. If that's not enough you need more perspective training.

>> No.3732311

I tried all the blending modes, none of them seem to make different values different colors.

>> No.3732362

you sure it's not linear light?

>> No.3732484

How many hours a day do people usually commit to drawing?

>> No.3732564

Bob Ross has made me want to paint.
Do I need to know how to draw before I try it? I have no idea what the first step of this stuff would be.

>> No.3732573

What are you going to paint if you can't draw? Of course you need to know how to draw. But if you really just want to try painting then get some linearts from other artists and try it.

>> No.3732609

just look outside your window and try to interpret it on your canvas. as you go on, read books to fix your bad habit and learn the way of the masters on how they see and manifest their articulation via their hands. Don't be a photocopier machine. stick to a goal first and don't be greedy. experimentation =/= goals, please bear that in mind.

>> No.3732620

If we can't find the draw thread do we just start one on our own? I thought there was one that continuously linked back to the previous one and someone was keeping that olympic flame lit kinda like the artbook thread.

post your discord or email so /ic/ teachers can flock to you.

>> No.3732910

You didn't find any? There's online mentorships everywhere.


I am assuming you're looking for concept related tutoring.

>inb4 shill

He asked and I'm not making any money nor do I personally endorse these. I was just surprised he couldn't find anything. What keyword were you using?

>> No.3733008

I think it's a donkey.

>> No.3733013

Turn off anti-aliasing

>> No.3733112

Usually the answer is yes but if you want to be like Bob Ross no, he couldn't really draw. Just learn to make happy mountains and trees and clouds and your gold.

>> No.3733115

All of them.

>> No.3733214

So I've been studying some basic figure drawing and so far I feel like only memorized general gestures/contours for a 3/4 standing pose with some minor variations, so when drawing other poses it just falls apart pretty quick.

What should I grind? inanimate perspective? foreshortened body parts? gesture for unusual poses? Also, is there any place to get specific material to grind?

>> No.3733244

Are there any good manuals on specifically simplified comic/cartoon anatomy? Going from "legs are deformed cylinders in perspective" to "legs consists of 20+ muscles with different froms that can activate in almost any combinations" is too steep a jump for me.

>> No.3733258

But you can measure in perspective. I think Robertson has the guides on how to do it.

>> No.3733462

Gonna need sauce. There's no way I'm tracking this down myself.

>> No.3733467

Hampton's video course simplifies anatomy pretty nicely.

>> No.3733921

What's that fat plastic shit around the grip of his stuff?

>> No.3733964

It's tape, a make shift ergonomic mod to make it easier to hold longer.

>> No.3734022

How is it done? Just wrap tape around it?

>> No.3734080

I think it was in his "How to draw book"

And here is the video for the basics

>> No.3734617

I have the basic fundamentals down but can't actually draw for shit
Is this normal or am I a brainlet?
What would you recommend for this?

>> No.3734652

>What would you recommend for this?
Have you tried drawing instead of reading about drawing?

>> No.3734768

I mean, if you actually get the fundies you should have the means to put things down on paper, but it's often just easier than it looks
Post examples of your work so maybe people will point out what the issue is

>> No.3734771

>just easier than it looks
meant the opposite, you get the idea

>> No.3735008

How do you guys sort your saved images?

>> No.3735369

Damn where did you get that from?

>> No.3735572

folders by weeks/months
dates first (yy-mm-dd) and then name

>> No.3735582

I'm guessing this is for stuff you've made yourself? I meant images/reference your save off of twitter, pintrest and other places. I always seem to delete and move shit around because I lack some kind of reliable sorting system.

>> No.3735646

google "how to sort art related files" or something
someone has answered this question for sure


>> No.3735849

hydrus, if you have enough autism for that

>> No.3735919

Is there any books on Reilly method? Can't seem to find any.

>> No.3736459
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Proko or Sycra?