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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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>> No.3677657

>Toniko Pants-on-Head-Retardoja


>> No.3677688

cheer up anon, i can't afford them either

>> No.3677704
File: 237 KB, 500x500, YIKES.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Afford what? You mean he actually charges for this stuff? Damn

>> No.3677714

Who shat on your cornflakes

>> No.3677767
File: 130 KB, 1436x866, I need help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me out? Since building my own computer, I've yet to get a Toon Boom to work on my tablet. So for nearly a whole year, I've not been able to use ToobBoom. Any Toon Boom. Today, I found out that Toomboom isn't just making this random line. I realized that it actually has a cursor far off screen.

Any advice?

>> No.3677774

There no no bounce. The head remains in the same position in this. Walking and running has bounce.

>> No.3677795

Toniko did by apparently being capable of decent animation like in the OP and then posting slop like this for the rest of us. My favorite part is how the head barely moves and instead their face just gets longer.

I know, that's why I'm making fun of it. This sorry excuse for a tutorial is from professional animator / Calarts debtor Taco Pendejo, not me. The dude talked shit about Bluth so I don't feel bad about giving him a little shit back-it's nothing super personal but the laziness of this tutorial should be obvious even to layman like us

>> No.3677804

>The dude talked shit about Bluth

He wasn't wrong.
That very thread also had proof of how shady don bluth really is from other artists. So don't get all butt hurt cause this guy put your hero on blast, faggot.

>> No.3677815

>he wasn't wrong
>shady stuff

He was talking about Bluth's animation and being a running "Joke" at the Calarts jellybean factory while posting absolute dog shit tutorials, himself. The "shady stuff" is completely immaterial to what I'm talking about, but we can talk about that anyway if you want.

All I saw was Taco's complaining about the price of Bluth's correspondence class (as a Calarts grad I found that particularly ironic and humorous), as well as some people from the peanut gallery complaining about his teaching methods insofar as how he wasn't able to save every mongoloid that was able to cut him a cheque-which I might add is the same as ANY art school online or off.

Anything beyond that I haven't seen and hasn't been posted in these threads despite my repeated inquiries to see what the hell they were talking about (i.e. "proof"), so I can only assume the accusers aren't super confident in this bullshit either..

>> No.3678192

Do you have a 2nd monitor plugged in? Try unplugging it and using it on one screen. I think there's a problem with some drawing tablets/2screens that make it not work with TB.

>> No.3678198

can you PLEASE shorten your shitty copypasta, it's taking my entire screen for fuck's sake

>> No.3678301
File: 85 KB, 858x889, sad cry painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone able to recommend free/cheap software to at least put frames together, add audio and export videos? Doesn't need to be fancy (tho chroma key/green screen options would be sweet)
Used to have a pirated version of Sony Vegas 12 pro to make my animations but the link died years ago. New computer doesn't even have movie maker.

>> No.3678482

>layman like us
At least you are honest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PH-3cHxXAK0
He has plenty of other run cycles with head bounce for you people that only want to draw stuff you saw after skimming the Animator Survival Guide.

>> No.3678523

last thread

>> No.3678533

if I am deciding to scan in hand drawn frames, traditional style, what software would be best for turning that into an animation? animate pro? after effects?

>> No.3678535
File: 175 KB, 1712x1168, 1542165892376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speakig of after effects, this still is taken from the making of kill la kill documentary, what are they doing?

>> No.3678574

That effect where light beams spill from the top to the sides/down.

>> No.3678651

I don't know what you're going on about, but it's very clear you didn't read the thread. Don't try talking about things you know nothing about. But then again, that seems to be an on going theme here on /ic/.

>> No.3678695

That's not an argument, you said the same thing last time. I read enough of it to be satisfied, if you went deep enough into the thread to uncover the "proof" of the "outrage" once before surely you'd be willing to do it again, instead you're just making ambiguous, and as far as the rest of us know, baseless statements.

>> No.3678700

>you said the same thing last time

This is my first time saying this.
The hell is last time? Anon, are you okay? Do you need to see a doctor? You should see a doctor or step away from your computer for at least a few minutes a day.

>> No.3678705

wait, what did Don Bluth do?

>> No.3678721
File: 138 KB, 500x650, pepperidge farm remembers your butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is my first time saying this.

Is it?


>That wasn't the issue, idiot. You clearly didn't read the thread, only one post and moved on.

>there were several people putting Don on blast for some shady stuff he's been doing while providing proof

It seems the only one's ass who's on blast here is yours lmoa

>> No.3678832


>> No.3678869

DaVinci resolve is free.

>> No.3679378
File: 272 KB, 270x360, image0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying some stuff at work

>> No.3679380
File: 722 KB, 270x360, image0 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is kind of unreadable but it's not like i can fix it so i'll post it anyway.

>> No.3679396
File: 132 KB, 564x842, 1525975213799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is pretty cool, can tell you had fun with it
i got no advice for you though

>> No.3679443
File: 255 KB, 960x540, agh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it so putrid

neat stuff

>> No.3680539

the way this guy always makes heads do these little loops makes me dizzy

>> No.3680579
File: 339 KB, 960x540, dazzlign5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s l a p p

>> No.3680797
File: 492 KB, 500x500, rainie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3680803
File: 335 KB, 540x304, Stream.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here good with steam?

>> No.3681142

I had a main monitor and my tablet, acting as the second monitor. My tablet won't really work when it's the only thing plugged in, and when I duplicate the screens, everything gets squashed. No circles. Only ovals.

>> No.3681158
File: 81 KB, 560x420, inkling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time trying this. I might work on refining it later.

>> No.3681570

What programs do anons here use? I used to just stitch stuff together in photoshop’s timeline feature but i assume there’s better ways.

>> No.3681580
File: 253 KB, 398x398, bluposta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tvpaint is incredible, takes no time to get used to, and has so many tools and stuff you can go learning along the way, it really makes the tedious part of animating exciting.

>> No.3681612

is that your animation? it really speaks to me. do you have a blog or something?

>> No.3681623

I like what you did but please keep the lighting consistent next time you take photos. Scanning is also an option.

>> No.3681646

There are a couple that I like to use - all are pretty good:

Basically a free, opensource version of Toon Boom. It has a lot of features, making it suitable for large projects, but can also be used for small animations as well. There's a bit of a learning curve, but its really intuitive once you get into it. It's very powerful and has also been used by Ghibli.

A lightweight, free version of Photoshop, although its animation capabilities are far superior. The latest versions come with an animation template which is really cool. Its brush system is great as well, better than Photoshop's personally.

A simple line art program with basic animation features, but good for simple doodling.

>> No.3681695
File: 334 KB, 800x600, mexican_jump_animation_test.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm working on an animation, aside from 1 other quick one thats practically a doodle, this is my first real animation. I've been studying a lot though because animation/filmmaking is my passion and I want to focus my life on that stuff.

I'd appreciate any critique or thoughts on this, it's based off a comic I did (which I'll post in the next post so you can see what it should look like).

>> No.3681697
File: 435 KB, 800x1200, mexican jump stills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the snippet from the comic.

>> No.3681790
File: 505 KB, 800x600, mexican_jump_animation_test.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Version with hat, face, and poncho that I just added. Hat was the hardest part and still looks kind of off to me.

>> No.3681806

he moves too far forwards with the stand-up-straight part. Keep his horizontal position stay where he landed

>> No.3681890
File: 17 KB, 582x419, arcsssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of >>3681790's suggestion, but you should change up some of the extremes. it kinda looks more like the really delayed recoil and settle after a jump.
His actual settle after the jump is a little strange. Too linear in the way it dips down and comes back up. Kind of like all the horizontal/diagonal force is suddenly ejected into vertical force somehow. whereas in reality, the motion vector would follow an arc similar to the dashed line in purple, with the character being the blue thing. this is where the ball bounce test animation comes into play. the character's forward motion carries it's mass, and will only slow down when an opposite force starts acting against it. logistically, the character would actually do a faceplant in the context of these drawings.
Remember that an object in motion will stay in motion. Object's interactions depend on their mass. A character has mass that needs to be accounted for.

>> No.3681926

Really good even if you're a furry

>> No.3682175

Keep us updated

>> No.3682361
File: 1004 KB, 1200x675, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you so much anons!! i don't have any form of blog yet and i am a furfag but i try to hide it

these aremy skaterdogs

>> No.3682375
File: 419 KB, 512x512, shock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3682430

more like oh.gif

>> No.3682449

She'd need to lurch back and have hand motions if you want shock. What you got is

>> No.3682479

I really love the characters. They remind me of old friends and me. I don't care that you're a furry I think the fact that they're animals makes it charming in some way. I would follow the shit out of you if you had your work somewhere.

>> No.3682483

sorry this is the best i can pull off at work in a factory environment. if im at home i just animate digitally (or more likely not at all)

>> No.3682548

aww man this truly made my day. and im super glad to hear that the characters come off that way, its supposed to be a wacky/bittersweet coming of age type thing so them being nostalgic and charming is fucking perfect, thank you

>> No.3682568

i think they look like shit, for the record.

>> No.3684196
File: 306 KB, 560x420, inkling4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animation is difficult T.T

>> No.3684209

I would argue that if you're doing an extended sprint, you don't need to worry too much about the head bobbing. Go look at Olympic runners, their momentum and rate keeps their body pretty level.

Not saying that's a good gif, but it can be applicable.

>> No.3684282
File: 30 KB, 500x500, FeelinWitchy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3684319
File: 924 KB, 900x900, lick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my first animation.
It was so much harder than I expected. Actually took me like 4 hours

I know that feel

>> No.3684852
File: 1.02 MB, 480x368, quake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this cool or autistic?

>> No.3684885

looks cool but whats the point of rotoscoping that?

>> No.3684893

I think that's awesome

>> No.3684898

Both at the same time... It looks cool but you should have either

1: Found an easier way of making it look like that - like dropping a filter on the footage or

2: Used just a few lines as markers so you get the movement and the perspective right and made something completely original.

Here's an idea you could use: Learn how to make a simple quake or any other game map and use the footage to make a fast paced shootem-up animation with basic coloring, I'd watch the shit out of that. You could throw in a stupid story too

>> No.3684902


seems like a waste of time desu

>> No.3685041

I mean you're right there could have probably been an easier way to make this and alsoadd some unique touch but doing it like this and having it be like this way was the point to me. Like if I used a filter or something to just make the footage look like this it wouldn't be the same. I even made it using a mouse, which is stupid but to me that's just adds to it. Just the idea of animating gameplay footage frame by frame.
Your idea sounds pretty cool and I'll give it some thought, maybe I can come up with something. Thing is I'm not a good artist at all and have trouble coming up with what to actually draw. What you're describing sounds good and puts an idea in my head but I don't know how do work with it.

>> No.3685534

it's both

>> No.3686195

Well it's all fine if you enjoy doing it but keep in mind that people seeing it won't know anything about it except what they see, they won't know how much time you put into it and it'll still look like something you just dropped a filter on :/

If you really want to do it frame by frame, find a reason to justify it

>> No.3686242

i literally thought someone just filtered it

>> No.3686698

How do i get started with animation? like from the very very beginning?

>> No.3686708

Draw a thing. Draw that thing again slightly differently. repeat ad infinitum.

>> No.3686717

What you think?

>> No.3686832


Did you animate this in TVPaint?

>> No.3686868
File: 349 KB, 1536x1440, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want to do an homage to the cheap childrens cartoons of the 80s/90s, please post any potential reference material for such a project, also any insight on learning materials they might have used would be pleasant too.

>> No.3686870

really love the motion in him throwing the child up

>> No.3687000

I remember seeing your work somewhere else, your animation is sorta a goal for me.
Only thing I'd recommend is to add a few more inbetweens, other then that this is smooth as fuck. Any tips?

>> No.3687015
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, Untitlgfffgejd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. this too

>> No.3687142

im confused, are you looking for 80s cartoon references? just look up transformers, gi joe, he-man; pretty much every 80s cartoon was cheaply animated.

>> No.3687151

do your own research

its not hard

>> No.3687272

oh no

>> No.3687360

Im also looking for any insight into how they learned, to better grasp the homogeneity of the cheap 80s/90s animation, especially the stuff made to sell toys rather than have any quality as a show.
Ive been trying and have come up with nothing in terms of teachijg materials these animators would have used back in the day.

>> No.3687390

most of that shit was handed off to the nips, toei did gi joe and transformers for instance. Good luck lad.

>> No.3687391


>> No.3687397

why he shoot himself?

>> No.3687419

also DiC entertainment did most of the hasbro designs, so you just gotta worked out who worked for them as character designers, work out the year they were born, work out the rough age they would have gone to college, then from there work out what they would have been taught with....seems like a waste of time.

>> No.3687487

Practice the flag wave more to get that S curve and then you can do smoke on top

>> No.3687770
File: 1.84 MB, 400x846, tVDGZ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

golly, what a mess these production markings are

>> No.3687857

it sounds like you're trying to find some magic guide on how to make an 80s cartoon and you're holding yourself back from doing it until you find it. back then, "teaching materials" wasn't really a thing they used. that cheap quality wasn't an aesthetic they were going for; they were sparing costs literally at every corner, so in order to copy that style, just look at their product and it'll come pretty naturally.

>> No.3688008

I never liked the head bobbing. In real life would this be considered over acting? probably

>> No.3688013

it's a good way to emote when you have a close up shot like this tho

>> No.3688029
File: 476 KB, 960x540, 1540126080463.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your animations are the only reason i come here, its a shame you're a tripfag. do you have a blog?

>> No.3688034

do you have a wacom and multiple monitors? there is a shortcut to switch between absolute and relative mouse position (basically allows you to either draw on the tablet, or click on elements on the other monitors). Might need to switch that.

>> No.3688154
File: 1.21 MB, 960x540, Pencilmation-TEST_Mayde.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Twitter @mayyde and a YouTube. my content has no consistency

>> No.3688261

Is it a good idea to start learning animation now even if I'm still /beg/ tier at drawing?

>> No.3688297

>top peg bar > bottom peg bar

>> No.3688301

might as well, to animate you will be drawing alot, sounds like an ideal means to train two skills

>> No.3688306

you dont have to be a good artist to be a good animator, and vice versa. you can apply animation to any style of drawing, so learning animation won't hinder learning drawing.

>> No.3688371

I guess I'll start learning the basics then. Is The Animator's Survival Kit a good book to start with?

>> No.3688378

this. i cant understand why anybody would use bottom it just gets in the way and jabs into my wrist

>> No.3688746


Blame Didney. They started it. Warner Bros, and the Japanese studios put it at the top.

>> No.3688749


The Ghostbusters cartoon wasn't cheap. It was inconsistent in quality, but there are bits that have amazing animation.

There are also spots where it's abundantly obvious that the good studio took over. Middle of an episode, animation quality jumps 300%.

>> No.3689069

Krita (free) allows you to import image sequences or you can just draw with their timeline.
Use Audacity (free) to edit audio.

Like the other anon said, DaVinci is basically a free version of Adobe Premier and it's been used in actual movies, I think some Tarantino ones idk. It's good.

>> No.3689210
File: 1.67 MB, 1986x720, Camera_Focus_Animation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I were doing traditional animation, with no digital post-production, how would I go about mimicking a camera changing focus? My first thought would be to cut a piece of translucent plastic to match the shape of what I want to perceive as "out of focus"

>> No.3689226

this was the first thing i thought of.

i'd get an old cabinet with adjustable shelves, and then saw out some rectangular 16:9 holes for the camera to see through from the top.
Honestly, I'd go for digital post processing stuff, otherwise it'd be some crazy shit

>> No.3689330

any othe programs that hold this functionality for digitally colouring hand drawn frames?

>> No.3689918


>> No.3689927

you're over-thinking it. Remember one of the oldest filmmaking tricks, petroleum jelly.

>> No.3690394
File: 95 KB, 1892x720, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's pretty gnarly, but now I'm thinking about how to do it if you scan the image rather than with an animation camera

>> No.3690513

open toonz does the line-colour changing upon fill?

>> No.3690567

You'd have to do some simple masking and animate some keyframes for a blur effect later on if you're using a scanner.

>> No.3690627
File: 1.80 MB, 766x794, test_1.1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first and last animation
>8 hours for drawing this stuff on leftover scraps of tracing paper
>6 min in Microsoft GIF Animator
god fucking damn it i wish i had time to practice this stuff

>> No.3690904

I like this. How did you go about animating on paper?

>> No.3690983
File: 1.33 MB, 1400x1400, skateboard girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've mostly rotoscoped shit without learning proportions or perspective.

Here's an attempt at frame by frame without any reference.
Should I keep trying to animate stuff and learning as I go or focus on learning how to draw first on paper, going back to the basics?

>> No.3691196

I drew the first frame on normal bristol paper and since I had leftover tracing paper from some blueprints, the rest of the frames I just drew over one another. Second frame on tracing paper over first on bristol, third over the second and so on. 9 frames total. Those 2 "x" on the right side were to help with placing the paper since they were just uneven cutouts and I didnt use anything to hold them down. Thats why it took me 8 hours, quite fun but time consuming.

>> No.3691235

you could have made the shadow bend around her face but it's not completely necesary.

>> No.3691240
File: 9 KB, 256x248, 40895286_731198877222254_2493379723946622976_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck did this take you 8 hours?

>> No.3691380

first read my second post and I was doing it after finishing a project. It was past midnight and I couldnt sleep, so I did it for fun first with pencil and then do it over again with a technical pen. I usually draw cubes and variations of it because of modern architecture and lack experience with other stuff.

>> No.3691395


>> No.3691489

interesting, how very interesting
So my pipeline could look something like
>Scan hand drawn frames using gts
>Colour with open toonz
>export the frames back out coloured
>put in premiere pro

That seems pretty fair, if not a hassle for larger animations

>> No.3691564

well first, you need to always use reference when animating, it's not something someone grows out of and all good animators use reference. secondly, learn the principles of animation before you try animating a body at all, do ball exercises and such.

>> No.3691603

directors orders, not my choice

>> No.3691633

wait so you animated it? really?

>> No.3691651

god no, it's from an old demo reel on what various editing marks mean in animation production

>> No.3691659

Thanks a lot

>> No.3691950
File: 2.87 MB, 400x300, Untitled-10001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3692035

My friend made this and I wanna see what you guys think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDTXWYC6cjU

>> No.3693056
File: 1.82 MB, 1231x2088, shading_Demonstration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got bored, and made an educational tool to understand the concept of shading markers in animation

>> No.3693137

Saved, thank you.

>> No.3693143

sometimes those colours change, especially with nippon animations, but this is fairly standard for four-shade animation

>> No.3693558
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, Anim.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3693617

lmao that aint how physics works

>> No.3693657

you do realize there isnt a standard for those right? its pointless.

>> No.3693658

also thats not brown... its red...

>> No.3693665

>the post literally says "understand the CONCEPT"
>takes it as literal gospel that the colors depicted are part of the education
it's clearly just pointing out how it woks as an idea.

>> No.3693666

i dont think you need to go that far lol especially on genga since markups arnt the same as douga

>> No.3695819
File: 1.90 MB, 800x800, ddo_da_head_shakeys.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry i'm taking so long.
almost done.

>> No.3696320

I want to study animation...why do they want me to draw good?

>> No.3696324

Animation, design, and art are all hand-in-hand. It's possible to do animation without either, but it's heavily recommended to understand all of it.

>> No.3696329

you will need to be able to illustrate

>> No.3696346

What kind of illustration is the best if i need to draw something for my portfolio fo the application

>> No.3696369
File: 71 KB, 235x217, 1495753386014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost done

>> No.3696400

I meant in general, the ability to illustrate an object in a drawing, if you try to draw a car, and those looking at it can't tell its a car, then you can't illustrate, if you try to draw a person, and those looking at it can't tell its a person, you can't illustrate. To draw something and have those looking at it correctly identify it, doesn't make you good at drawing, it makes you good at illustration.

>> No.3696713
File: 565 KB, 1000x743, 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my first organic/squishy kind of animation ive done

i think it needs more exaggerated movement but aside from that id like more critique or clear fundamental fuckups identified if possible

thank you

>> No.3697394

Weird how it only seems to bounce vertically

>> No.3697417
File: 122 KB, 1366x768, toonpoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal that drawing a line in toonboom results in it looking pixelated like in the image? How do I stop it from happening?

>> No.3697437

its normal they dont anti alias the lines to keep it running fast. if i remember right you can click the blue gear symbol at the bottom of the view window to make it render smoothly, just make sure you have a white colour card underneath of it will just be a black screen

>> No.3697474

Thanks, I just tried that and it worked

>> No.3697486

oh thanks

>> No.3697496

What’s the general opinion on CSP for animation?

>> No.3697507
File: 174 KB, 540x304, Steam3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steam attempts number 2

>> No.3697552

I only come to these animation threads for steam/wind porn, nice job

>> No.3697850
File: 13 KB, 407x318, Dr2EgDfU8AAyd6j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been taking a local digital storyboarding class. Most of the class had been just how to use Storyboard Pro.

My teacher is a cool guy. He's an animator who worked on Cramp Twins and a few reps of Venture Bros, but I've barely gotten to talk to him the whole session.

My family and friends suggest I try asking my teacher if he knows any connections in the industry that he could refer me to to get a job in. Because I'm socially retarded, I wouldn't know the first thing about how to approach him about that. I personally think its awkward an sleazy, but if there is a way of asking a teacher with animation connections to refer me to any studios, I dont know how I would ask.

Tonight is the last class, so if I dont approach him about it, I guess I could always email him. But I havent really been given a chance to give him an impression of my work.

Right now he's mostly a teacher while currently going for an MFA, so I'm not sure how much power he would have in referring me to anyone right now anyway.

Thoughts? Ideas?

>> No.3697865 [DELETED] 

I loved cramp twins growing up, also I guess it's okay to do as long as your polite, like just be nice say your really great full for all he has taught you but your worried about getting into the industry and ask him if he has any advice. if you just ask him to refer you to a studio imao it might come across as your just interested only in using him as a stepping stone to get into the industry instead word it like your asking him for advice on what is the best way to get in instead of just like you want him to tell his friends to let you in. good luck

>> No.3697868

I loved cramp twins growing up, also I guess it's okay to do as long as you're polite, like just be nice and say your really greatfull for all he has taught you but you're worried about getting into the industry and if it's okay if you can chat with him at the end then ask him if he has any advice. if you just ask him to refer you to a studio imao it might come across as you're just interested only in using him as a stepping stone to get into the industry instead word it like you're asking him for advice on what is the best way to get in on your own merits instead of just like you want him to tell his friends to let you in. good luck

>> No.3697928
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first "animation" i've made

>> No.3697930
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>> No.3697934
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>> No.3697936
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>> No.3697937
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>> No.3697977

The resting position of the cheeks is too high up. It's like they're still being held up when she lets go.

>> No.3698040

resources on animating water? tears, shorelines, waterfalls, etc?

>> No.3698049

Chluaid has some courses on effects animation on his site, I hear they're pretty cheap.

>> No.3698071

thank you guys

>> No.3698256
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>> No.3698385

need a good tool for painting hand-drawn frames, mostly need to worry about having it not compress my frames to all hell when imported, it basically just needs to do the whole "line and area fill" functions

>> No.3698387

you want tvpaint

>> No.3698389

this looks really nice, the walk cycle for the kid is the most immediate thing I notice tho, it's like his steps don't match his walking speed, I'd either slow the animation down, or speed the boy up.

>> No.3698427

can the fill tool do raster images? cus I was recommended open-toonz by some pleb who didn't tell me that the fill tool doens't work on raster graphics images

>> No.3698431

yes it can only work with raster images

>> No.3698434

good stuff

>> No.3698441

Use keys and in betweens, and keep the movement speed of your clumps from jumping around too much
looking good fren. I remember seeing stuff from this series and not caring much for it at all, but this is much better.
Try to change the overall vertical and horizontal size more when they are released, since that mass is being compressed on the z axis when they are being squeezed. Right now it looks kind of like implants because the overall shape of the mass stays as the same circle type shape. You should be going from a vertically compressed oval to a diagonally (but mostly vertically) stretched one. You can mimic this pretty quickly using the transform tool on your current frames.
Check the catalog. This discussion is in every animation thread ad nauseum.

>> No.3698443

Hmmm I see, I'll have to screw around with it some more. I suppose I was trying to do the skip cycle at a slower pace since he's such a tiny little guy, but you're right he feels a little too slow.

>> No.3698455

Isn't the company behind TvPaint dying?

>> No.3698466

>Check the catalog
all chacking the catalog would do is find me other threads besides the animation thread, which wouldn't be useful at all, do you mean the archives?

>> No.3698477

yes. Permission to gas me granted.

>> No.3698883
File: 1.98 MB, 800x800, ddo_da_head_shakeys.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one last part. one last bit to animate
yeah... I'm seeing alot of the not-so-hotness of my animation too. Nothing I can do about it, I just wanna make the last part I have to animate the very best it can be.

>> No.3698904

nah, you were just trying to be helpful desu

>> No.3699844
File: 471 KB, 904x1086, 1464811919465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi everyone! I want to make an animation like Mike Enel because I think it would make me better at drawing and thinking 3D.

What's good thing to make animation in that doesn't cost money?

>> No.3699856

Autodesk Sketchbook Pro is free last I checked and there’s a flipbook function. Limited as fuck but okay for practicing traditional animation. You get 2 layers, a background layer and a canvas color.
If you already have something like Clip Studio Paint you can make better looking but shorter animations. Better layers and brush tools but only 24frames on base version.

>> No.3699923

did you draw the image here?

>> No.3699973

who do you think posted those

>> No.3699989

God those tiddies HNNNG

>> No.3700017

just ask him. apologize if makes you feel more comfortable. If you dont ask its 100% loss ratio. But asking is at least 50-50 yes, no.

>> No.3700075

any reccomendations for brushes for tvpaint 10 all the ones that I've tried seem pretty bad

>> No.3700085

I have to ask. Does anyone here animate on iPad? I want that delicious screen but as far as I know there is literally nothing in the way of pro grade animation on that thing.

>> No.3700102

>the fill tool doens't work on raster graphics images
yes it does, just only works in normal (not 'rectangular' or 'polyline') on raster levels

>> No.3700121

They were at CTN, so they must be alive in some capacity...

>> No.3700205
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>> No.3700226

since it's animation thread, I should mention OpenToonz of Studio Ghibli fame got opensourced. So if you have high tolerance for pain knock yourself out

>> No.3700237

>>3700226 (samefag)
also mentioned before blender has some cool updates to tool they call grease pencil coming in v. 2.8
Here's a short 2d animated film they made using it
Honorable mentions: Synfig (haven't tried) and Pencil2D (project became active again recently)

>> No.3700673
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Quick question, I'm used to using Flash CS6 but I notice a lot of people use different programs here, which one would you recommend as far as good features and easy to use?

>> No.3700691

Hi im new to animate what software should i use?

>> No.3700717
File: 1.25 MB, 800x800, tto exciets.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEVERMIND!!!! the audio doesn't play while you're dragging through the timeline. It shows the audio's wavey-zags but it doesn't actually play a snippit of it while you're dragging through the timeline.

quickly tested it here: https://youtu.be/lGq6hnNZhn8

Still, it's a huge step forward for the program. I think they'll add the needed feature in a future update.

>> No.3700796

I have clip studio already though I have no idea how to animate with it and all the animations I've seen from it look like dogshit.

Is it actually decent for making animations with do you think?


>> No.3700924

Has his animation tutorial been uploaded anywhere?

>> No.3700930

yeah.. on gumroad

>> No.3700931

For free? :)

>> No.3700942

Krita has animation capabilities, and it's totally free

>> No.3700951

Before animating learn how to fucking draw you underage retard.

>> No.3701228

Dude, they are quite clearly starting out, the fuck is your problem?

>> No.3701279

what was the point of them adding audio if it has the timeline scrubbing playback or anything i'm sure it's really not that hard to implement as they pay programmers to work for them just tell them to add audio playback into the animation timeline it's not that hard

>> No.3701304

i use tvp11 and most of the brushes suck there too, i'll get one from the defaults that has an element that i like then tweak its settings until it's what i need, there's a lot of settings to play with at least in 11, shouldn't be too different from 10

>> No.3701342

Krita has let you listen to audio while scrubbing through the timeline for over a year. And it's free :^)

>> No.3701753
File: 1.73 MB, 1280x720, hidenoriyoshi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's perfectly fine to animate with.

>> No.3702011

Could someone with a PhD explain how the light table in CSP works?

>> No.3702081

Do I need to look up a guide to use Krita for animation? I used to use photoshop but obviously this program seems to work differently.

>> No.3702119

I think you basically just enable the animation related dockers
I found that there weren't much of any default keybinds set for animation and that it did not have many features compared to most animation software since it's relatively new to the software

>> No.3702143

Enable the docker and then set keybinds for “flipping” frames. I use uh...z and x I think. It’s great. Make sure to read the documentation. It’s the least complicated and most intuitive animation program I’ve ever used but that doesn’t mean you don’t have anything to learn.

>> No.3702385

fun stuff.

>> No.3702509
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>> No.3702510
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>> No.3702511
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>> No.3702536

looks a bit odd without his body/head bobbing

>> No.3702737

I love this

>> No.3703122

Chill out on your camera wobble.

>> No.3703489
File: 195 KB, 540x304, Getting+up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3703585

hehe I suppose so.
honestly once I realized how to do it I used the shit out of it in after effects lol
thanks dude

>> No.3703592
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>> No.3703594
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>> No.3703612


>> No.3703879

looks alright for a doodle, if you plan on cleaning it up watch out for deformations since there are some

>> No.3703883

its just a doodle
did it this morning in bed as a quick study.

>> No.3704326
File: 2.53 MB, 289x163, zombie_dog_animation_1_1_by_reaperff7-d8yw8l7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3704362

Just want to know, is there anything comprehensive, cartoon-oriented in video form like the Famous Artist course or Preston Blair's stuff? Because if there isn't, there's a definite market in that.

In case it's not clear what I'm asking, I think video tutorials that are less about drawing specific characters or design and more about form and gesture without being all focused on fine art would be really cool to have. If there's anything like that already, I want it. If there isn't, someone should get on that shit and make a patreon/YT channel for it. Counter out the CalArts with some doodly old school cartoon shit.

>> No.3704540

I like this a lot. Are you going to work on it more?

>> No.3704616

jesus that's spoopy

>> No.3705022

Hey animation experts, I have a question, just watched Hotel Transylvania 3 and as much as the exageration poses are great, I find the animation to be a bit weird. Like it's "too fast" or something? But I can't analyze why exactly. Anyone got an idea on why it looks like that?

>> No.3705039

its just a very snappy pose to pose style of animation. quite commonly used for comedy animation.

>> No.3705111

>pose to pose

Oh ok, so basically it's nothing more than less keyframes I guess?

>> No.3705127

i want to. but I've been animating it on my phone using the rough animator app. the file size has balloons like mad and currently if I try to add anything else to this the app just crashes. the file size is also massive for some reason too. its simpler to just move on to something else

>> No.3705136

first time here so sorry if common subject

what do you guys think of "u m a m i"'s animations on youtube?

>> No.3705138

It isn't anything impressive animation wise but the setting/theme/feel is fucking amazing and more than makes up for it.

>> No.3705141

echoing what the other anon said, basically. animation's nothing special but the overall work is glorious.

>> No.3705155

Does anyone have YT animator channel to recommand?

>> No.3705164

haven't seen 3 but a lot of the attempt at the kind of snappy animation tartakovsky was going for in 1 was marred by the use of motion blur

>> No.3705170

what's like the most basic cheap sketching material I could use for learning animation? like, the equivalent of printer paper for drawing. are there small flipbooks or something I can mass buy?

>> No.3705197

Wouldn't tracing paper be a goto?

>> No.3705205

digital. why the hell would you learn with traditional media especially if youre concerned about money

>> No.3705239

How's CSP Ex for animation?

>> No.3705271

that makes sense, thanks, although how do you play it back at a constant fps

because I have a lot better motor control traditionally, and also at least as far as static drawing goes, you can get like 10000 pieces of paper for the same price as a cheap tablet, so it's a long time before digital pays off

>> No.3705282

terrible, don't use it. Use photoshop for animation

>> No.3705283
File: 115 KB, 560x315, gas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some quick piece o shit i might aswell dump

>> No.3705313

is there a medical reason you have bad motor control digitally? because everyone isn't good at drawing on a tablet at first, it just takes practice to get the hang of it. paper is good for learning but if you end up wanting to go further, going digital will definitely save money in the long run.

>> No.3705416

no medical reason, it's just more fun traditionally for me

>> No.3705652
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>using that broken-ass timeline

>> No.3705707

Yeah, using CSP is pretty fucking shit

>> No.3705947

Too viscous. It looks like the steam is like, taffy or something. Maybe if it was really hot / humid the steam wouldn't have as much energy to rise.
In any case, it looks really good, I'm jelly.

>> No.3706226

for some reason this is really relaxing to watch, I can't stop looking at it

>> No.3706306

works on my machine

>> No.3706559

Other than onion skin (not good to "trace" your drawings using light box anyway) what's so broken about Photoshop's timeline?

If they cared enough we'd have TVPaint style animation layers by 2020.

>> No.3706576

Thanks. It's kinda relaxing/fun to grind animation fundies because I'm at a stage where I feel the improvement.

>> No.3706599

Is there a point trying to animate alone when you're starting at an older age? Can I accomplish anything alone or should I just stick to drawing?

>> No.3706605

if you think like this, youll never make it

>> No.3706608

You'll be sorry in ten years if you're still asking the same question. Just start now.

>> No.3706617

I don't know, I can't really measure how much work it is (I just know it's a lot) and how much fundamentals you need to start animating (well I roughly see it I guess), so I was telling myself, maybe it's impossible to animate alone if you don't start early.

Yeah. I should give myself one month of studying animation to get a better feel of it and see by myself I guess.

>> No.3706791
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>> No.3706857

Hello. I was wondering, since I do not really have the money to buy a tablet nor the space. Is there any real viable way to do traditional animation, and how would I get started? Also, is there any reasonable starting point/ any techniques and ideas i need to really have down before i start?

>> No.3706881

says literally in the tutorial that it is a common run cycle in anime, which is by definition limited animation that does not always afford conveyance of weight.

>> No.3707456
File: 420 KB, 813x1443, чфывачфыsыыыSыу1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crits? Sorry for the poor framerate of the head, didn't really touch it since the beginning. Also, how the fuck do I draw this bloody skirt? This is insane.

>> No.3707463

Every new layer is at a set number of frames
If you like using spacebar to pan your image enjoy the occasional triggering of the play function
AnimDessin2 adds a lot of much needed functionality to Photoshops animation features but I'd still consider it inferior to most other options.
FireAlpaca, Krita, CSP are all better options.

>> No.3707471

Is it possible to flatten layers when animating in PS and not just flattening the frames in the timeline?

>> No.3707982

Does anyone have a reference of someone running while holding a staff in two hands in front of them, rotating in similar pace to the torso?
For the life of me I can't find a reference for this irl or in any games and I think I'm starting to see why, it's like the rotation of it completely overpowers the movement of the run

>> No.3708538
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>> No.3708550
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>> No.3708582

It could use some parallax on the silhouettes closer to the camera. That'll create a deeper illusion of depth that the shot needs.

>> No.3708810
File: 997 KB, 1920x1920, Poisonous.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons, I've just graduated and decided to take on this year's inktober themes to make daily loops for practice.

The problem is I think these are coming out too simple and I just feel the urge to make more complex stuff, although I'm pretty sure it would end up killing my "one-loop-a-day" goal.

What do you guys think?

Also, this is poisonous.

>> No.3709332
File: 3.81 MB, 220x125, 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed the lighting

good suggestion. but this is for a short film and I'm not going to dedicate time to making parallax effects for the inevitable hundreds of backgrounds for this thing.

>> No.3709468

Eyeing AMB's animator training library. Does anyone know if it's worth it?

>> No.3709862

if you go more complex, you wont make anything very good within your 1-a-day goal. not sure if youre trying to do quality over quantity, but based on your example i think you need some more practice. i like the art style but animation-wise it's kinda choppy. the timing feels off and i think with your style you should push for stronger and more dynamic key poses.

>> No.3709889
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experimenting with tvpaint

>> No.3709939
File: 123 KB, 530x453, owl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have it and I think it is.

I have Aaron Blaise's stuff as well and I swear to Christ I don't think it holds a dick-shaped candle to AMB's stuff. AMB animates balls (xd), pendulums and anatomical wireframe characters in his basics course, Aaron Blaise's course is more about him showing you how he does things and/or thinks about things rather than something more universal.

Blaise's videos aren't terrible by ANY means but they're generally very short, slick productions without a hell of a lot of substance. AMB has over 200 videos, the great majority of them are over an hour long and unedited in a sort of informal classroom style. I think I paid close to $300 for the stuff I have from Blaise which is reasonable. I got access to AMB's library when it was quite a bit cheaper than it is now but I'd still say it is absolutely 100% worth it as-is, and he's not even done with it, yet.

Get AMB's stuff for character animation and Adam Philips' FX course shit at bitey.com for software/special effects and you're set for life as long as you apply yourself (speaking as someone who has not, by any stretch of the imagination, done so). Hell, get Blaise's stuff too. Who gives a shit?

When you consider what many other people have paid to hear from objectively shittier artists and teachers you literally can't fucking lose and it's not even close.

>> No.3709961

I still think aaron' blaise' anatomy course is shit

>> No.3709966

Yeah one thing that stood out to me is I seem to recall Blaise drawing a laughably small pelvis in a big silhouette. Am I just remembering things wrong or was that as totally fucked up as I remember?

AMB isn't perfect on the anatomy front either but at least he does 8 frame turnarounds and gives you a good idea of how much work it takes to understand this stuff to that level (he suggests studying individual parts for several weeks, filling a whole sketchbook with them etc.).

>> No.3709978

Sweet anon, think I'll bite the bullet on then. Maybe Adam Philip and then Blaise's stuff down the road, but it sounds like AMB alone has several years worth of content.

>> No.3710010 [DELETED] 

different anon here
yeah I have only tuned into his livestreams so far but every time I have I did learn a lot.

if you bite the bullet can you based and share those amb videos? i really want to earn from him but i don't have the money for it honestly

>> No.3710012

different anon here
yeah I have only tuned into his livestreams so far but every time I have I did learn a lot.

if you bite the bullet can you be based and share those amb videos? i really want to earn from him but i don't have the money for it honestly

>> No.3710014


>> No.3710110

I find Toonboom Harmony deeply frustrating. First I can’t use multiple monitors or else the cursor is offset from the actual lines I draw. Then, the zoom in/zoom out feature is clunky as fuck and I can’t bind it to my pen button to have it work the way it does in other programs like CSP.
What comprehensive video courses could I follow from start to finish to learn this program? There seem like a lot of resources out there. I just need something that will show me all the features and overcome the technical learning curve.

>> No.3710229

That only happens if you use a non wacom tablet and the manufactuer doesnt have specific drivers for it.

She does a great video on basics and rigging:

From their site full walkthroughs:

>> No.3710353

If there's anything in particular you're looking for, I might be able to. Otherwise you might want to check out https://ambanimation.com/ambaa/category/open-video-library/

>> No.3710487


>> No.3710635
File: 399 KB, 811x1342, xasdcvtr4c1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly less rubber-bending of the torso... Not perfect, but not as severe. Worked a little on the head while coloring, mostly defining the largest parts like ears and eyes. Thoughts?

>> No.3710663

Dude, don't colour it.
From what I can tell with your roughs and what I see so far, you clearly don't understand how to construct a character, which is really bad for animation. The eyes look flat on the head, almost as if they were painted on a sphere, and the body feels like there's not mass added to it at all. The character floats from pose to pose with no real consideration of their mass or even gravity itself. The 360° spin is really unsettling in the way that it just starts moving with no real rhyme or reason. Where does the energy that's put into the spin even come from?
The use of arcs is very little, which is really bad for an animation of a ballerina spin. The head stays perfectly still on the canvas until about halfways through the loop, whereas the entire head would follow more of a figure-8 arc. The little use of easing also makes this animation feel really unsettling. There isn't any easing-in or out. Linear easing on animations make things look and feel mechanical, like an animatronic, or one of those robot arms in metal working factories.
I have to say that I'm glad you're being ambitious and choosing to animate on 1s, but I really recommend you to kick that shitty habit and focus more on perfecting the animation itself, and not the amount of frames. This animation of yours could look so much better if you timed in some really strong extreme poses that define the motion's main arcs and easing. Adding more frames to a badly timed animation wont make it better, it would just make the bad animation move smoother.
Try doing some gravity animation tests. Study the way that specific materials of different densities interact with eachother, and start incorporating arcs and mass into your animations from there. Remember that there's a lot that you can learn from a bouncing ball if you start doing them with different materials man.

>> No.3710675
File: 87 KB, 800x489, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the resources. Also this is my tablet. It’s old but still Wacom

>> No.3710782

Don’t be a cuck for (You)s, man. You’re not buying into this so that you can be an errand boy for a STEM worker making $80,000 a year pretending to be desperately poor on the internet. Let him be the guy whose time is so worthless he’ll record over two hundred one and a half hour videos on his internet wife’s son’s behalf if he wants.

>> No.3710875

Eh, if uploading one or two gets more people interested in the library, I wouldn't mind.

>> No.3710879
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>> No.3711042

That’s a fair point I suppose. Sorry for the reflexive butthurt post I just hate to see people go overboard with that sort of thing is all. At some point the people spending a lot of time and effort helping others are hurting their own chances (regards, one of those people)

>> No.3711054

Environment is boring and lazy. Nothing apealing at all. A box and some shit. No perspective fundies. Looks like shit. Fuck you.

>> No.3711064

how long is the film gonna be? idk what the budget is and how many people are a part of the production if not just yourself, but i feel like you're making a mistake not taking time in doing these little things. all you'd have to do is take the foreground layer and move it slightly more extreme than the background layer (relative to the camera movement). if you're skimping out just from doing that based on time constraints, then im worried what else you're gonna skip then.

>> No.3711075

>The character floats from pose to pose with no real consideration of their mass or even gravity itself. The 360° spin is really unsettling in the way that it just starts moving with no real rhyme or reason. Where does the energy that's put into the spin even come from?
I pretty much loosely copied this gif: https://tenor.com/cdn-html/images/67dbb766345d2190fae19ab571d5d942/tenor.gif (sorry, can't figure out where the fuck the image is stored) It probably ripped out of a longer sequence of movement, so maybe that has an affect.

Will delve into the post\animation after work.

>> No.3711123
File: 15 KB, 222x235, 1542991962467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its planned to be between 10 to 15 minutes. it's just me working on it (save for a writer helping me). There is no budget aside from the costs I'll incur from putting it in festivals and platforms and paying for licensing. The animation and painting both the backrounds and the effects and characters will take me a lot of time and effort. I'm not going to add another step to an already tedious process by having to also set the backrounds up in 2 to three pieces and keying it along with everything else in after effects.

sorry man but I'm just one guy and I need the film to be made I'm less than 5 years.

jelly? that's the only excuse I can imagine for a response like that lol. stay mad faggot.

>> No.3711128

are you not reusing backgrounds/shots? a 10-15 minute film should have maybe 100 backgrounds at the very most, not hundreds. i feel like you're cutting quality on things you don't have to be by giving yourself too much work. quality over quantity my dude, if you can get some really fucking stellar shots versus a lot of decent shots, i'd go for the incredible shots.
>I'm not going to add another step to an already tedious process by having to also set the backrounds up in 2 to three pieces and keying it along with everything else in after effects.
if you're not already working in layers on your backgrounds, then you've already lost me on your process. it's a literal 10 minute step of importing layers into after effects, just setting maybe 3 keys at most, and letting ae spline the rest.

>> No.3711137

I see your point on the quality thing anon. maybe I'll give it a shot on these other backrounds in the pipeline. There are a lot of "shoot through" shots in this after all. so I can afford to slightly blur and parallax those. I just dont want to overdo it.

>> No.3711145

looks good anon, although it could be just me but my eye goes directly to the sheet that has an arrow pointing down instead of the 2 characters because of the contrast and lighting.

>> No.3711150

mine goes to the pipe and follows to the background

>> No.3711164
File: 249 KB, 412x1082, 20181207_035012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I suck at backrounds yall XD you are both right. But I'm still learning. my mentor just sent me this. So I'm glad o wont need to embarrass myself with backrounds as much moving forward luckily.

>> No.3711165

>>3711150 see >>3711164

>> No.3711210

The guys from BAM Animation make good stuff. even if they dont post that often.


>> No.3711769

Nah, thanks for looking out for me mate.

>> No.3712676
File: 466 KB, 720x540, InterpretThisDanceHolmes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3713291

you gotta redraw the whole thing when you animate on a solid object, the left side doesn't communicate a turn, it's just confusing to look at

>> No.3713595

nice job, one cool thing to add would be to have her arms lag behind a bit during the buildup of her swing

>> No.3713597

on the second half, the energy should be coming from her waist... so I don't like the fact that al parts are leaving/arriving at the same time. Lacks follow through.
really good mass consistency though.

>> No.3713656
File: 35 KB, 360x300, Idke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what should the head do

>> No.3713658


>> No.3715202

I have absolutely no experience in animating! What are those two X marks on the paper for? landmark for something?

>> No.3715350

I'm assuming it's where to place the corners of the sheet when editing the photos together for animation.
I would personally print out a bunch of sheets of paper with a 16:9 rectangle on it so i know where to crop my image. With some space on the sides for notes and such. Markers are just a quick and easy way to figure it out