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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3707743 No.3707743 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we laugh at NSFW hacks who will need to find a real job

>> No.3707753

Tumblr is a shitty platform for art anyway I don't why it blew up like it did I still prefer deviantart.

>> No.3707769

haha xD

>> No.3707780

Too many people here have been suckered into thinking that NSFW art is a viable alternative to a real, fully fledged career in art / illustration.

Though that's not surprising, because the path to creating a real, life-long career for yourself as an illustrator is difficult and unclear. With porn, people thought (or assumed) that all they need to do is:
>1.) Create a porn blog, 2.) Build up a following 3.) Monetize it 4.) Profit.
Pretty straight forward, right? There's no simple, easy to digest, step-by-step guide like that for making it as a professional illustrator, and in that lack of knowledge, some people turned to porn / furry / etc. art as the only way to make a living.

Reach higher than drawing porn on the internet - it is not a good way to make a living.

>> No.3707802

Yeah its definitely not a good career choice, I think. Not something that would be satisfying, like "I spent my whole life drawing porn."
Really good way to supplement your income though, could double it.

>> No.3707872
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 1529144202458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serves those degenerate fucks right!

>> No.3707875

It is straight forward, but you forgot step 0: be good at drawing, which takes years to a lifetime of practice. Most people forget this crucial step.

>> No.3707879

Not to mention when you accomplish step 0, you don't even have to draw porn (but it is undeniably good income).

>> No.3707882

Porn is pretty much the McDonalds of art. Can't imagine it being fulfilling for most people.

>> No.3707890

>being a porn "artist"
Is there anything more pathetic?

>> No.3707899

>all those imbeciles who tried learning art to get into furry porn now have to stop


>> No.3707904

yes reach higher by drawing art for shitty P2W Chinese games and generic dragons

>> No.3707907


>this is my Original Character "Dark Knight Shadow" he is an Anthropomorphic/Trans/Fat Rabbit. what do you think?
I think that sums up what's wrong with DA

>> No.3707921

lmao someone's mad their shitty art isn't making them any money. porn artists will just move from tumblr to other platforms, keking at ur life rn.

don't forget muh knights and generic fantasy landscapes. the epitome of high art.

>> No.3707936

>implying 90% of porn art was even remotely non beg

there is no step 0 for porn

>> No.3707939
File: 13 KB, 184x150, Screenshot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be my guest.

>> No.3707949

you do know that there is no place for porn in mainstream social media? Enjoy those 50 followers at hentaifoundry who still enjoy shitty nsfw drawings

>> No.3707966

>nothing could ever replace tumblr

>> No.3707967

There's tons of shit like that on Tumblr, you just don't see it because Tumblr doesn't normally promote literal whos like DA does.

>> No.3708070

why are you posting my pic that I posted on the moma thread though?

>> No.3708103
File: 63 KB, 342x351, Screenshot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's from my Patreon page.

>> No.3708116

I would rather make porn as a "secret" side account and make my SFW art my main account. I think it's better to have the flexibility to do SFW and NSFW art than get stuck in one role.

IMO well known porn artists like Darkgem probably does professional SFW illustration or concept art sometimes through some hidden personal account.

Furry porn artists are probably the least affected. There's still many active websites dedicated to posting furry porn without fear of censorship, no matter what fetish the furry has.

>> No.3708249

I can't hear any laughter? What's wrong?

>> No.3708264

Porn is a part of life and you should accept it, it's not disgraceful. Why are you all denying it and acting like puritans? Do you have a problem with your sexuality? Why is porn frowned upon even here?

>> No.3708268

are you really that socially inept? People are just making fun of artists who live off of porn

>> No.3708269

im no prude its just killing art

>> No.3708277

>it's not disgraceful
but thats what makes it hot, if its just a norm then theres no fun in it. why do you think rapists exist?

>> No.3708291

How? It's just a niche.

>> No.3708293

But porn is a norm. Everybody fucks and/or consumes porn. Except it's taboo because human beings are retarded

>> No.3708294 [DELETED] 

Call the IRS on this thot>>3708293

>> No.3708429

Most posters of 4chan is White Americans.
Most SJWs are from America
You do the math.

>> No.3708435

No it doesn't, unless you're dysfunctional. Every girl that's not a gay faggot wants to see big fat dick and every guy that's not a faggot wants to see big fat titties and ass, and both want to get fucked hard by the other. It's biologically part of our DNA, not just exclusive to the human dna either, just from different perspectives in the animal kingdom.

>> No.3708439
File: 125 KB, 600x600, 1418189i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can think that but the "reality" is that other people don't and you are going to alienate yourself as a degenerate. 'everybody does it' will not help you avoid getting blacklisted.

>> No.3708441
File: 311 KB, 2048x1447, artcucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw wage cucks try to get by

>> No.3708469

bbc chan do you ever get comissioned for non porn jobs or stuff for indie games?
is it awkward to hang out with other artists irl?

>> No.3708473
File: 614 KB, 618x609, 1451473267291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joke's on you, I can get much better fap material at extremely high resolution from any booru for absolutely free.

>> No.3708482
File: 20 KB, 196x178, 1501960874777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gee I guess I should be on the side of A just because they hate my side of B, even if I like B more than A
Nice argument. So people get triggered you're not them, fuck off. This isn't news, and no one that wants to actually live a fun life should suck the dick of puritans if you really enjoy doing what you do. Fuck people.

>> No.3708616

I started as a concept artist for games. I didn't like to be just a cog in the system, so I went freelance. I'm much more happy now with small personal commissions, cause I can pick what I will draw. Also, porn fits my skills much better, cause I'm awful at drawing backgrounds and sceneries.
What joke? I was pointing out that smut art can be a viable source of income if you are good enough at promoting yourself.

>> No.3708645

As a pure platform itself, Deviantart with its outdated design is still far superior to twitter or tumblr without question, the posts and userbase are a different question

>> No.3708671

This is your autism speaking.
I know because I thought the exact same way and had to become more intuitive/less autistic over the years. Lines of thinking like that sound retarded now.

>> No.3709109
File: 93 KB, 500x500, 1540193337385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want to make shit that people masturbate to in the dark and hide from their friends and family lmao
>Every girl that's not a gay faggot wants to see big fat dick and every guy that's not a faggot wants to see big fat titties and ass, and both want to get fucked hard by the other.
sorry dude im not a cuckold maybe youve just spent your whole life watching other people have sex you've been missing out :)

>> No.3709117

Agreed with this, and also I wonder: do these artist have long time plans? Do they pay taxes and with it, are they planning their pension deposit?

>> No.3709773

Why not both?

>> No.3709967

I love how all the nsfw people are feeling so victimized

>> No.3709983

I want to talk to you before you kill yourself btw.

>> No.3709986

tumblr getting rid of NSFW art isn't gonna do anything most porn artists make there money off commission and patreon theyll just find a new platform to post on

>> No.3710043

Great post OP! You sure showed everyone what a badass you are! Well done!

>> No.3710053
File: 7 KB, 234x216, descarga (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this with all respect, drawing porn is when you're not gud enough :^(

Illustration / 2D Art is a real job, drawing porn don't, also draw furry clean art as a hobby but getting real at illustration at the side and same time feels good

>> No.3710062

Like, this isn't even people bitching about sour grapes. This is just a bunch of people reveling in people's collective disappointment. There aren't even people that upset about the Tumblr thing. It was a long time coming since there was a lot of child porn and most artists make their money off site anyway. Tbh most of the people bitching about shit on Tumblr are mostly just people who run flat out amateur porn blogs and the ddlg fags. They're upset they have no place to live blog fucking their wives in Lolita cosplay for tipjar money.

>> No.3710154

I actually really enjoy drawing porn but I hate drawing OTHER people's porn. Drawing sexy stuff is pretty much what got me into drawing in the first place, but I like to fulfill my own deprived fetishes, not whore myself out to others.

>> No.3710391
File: 8 KB, 224x170, steamworkshop_webupload_previewfile_287543462_preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Responding to some comments on >>3707780 :

Sure thing. There's nothing wrong with working in adult entertainment (specifically drawn porn) and you can definitely make some money with it. But it is not a long-term viable option. It is not going to give you the foundation for a life-long career. Placing all your cards into a potential Patreon income is downright irresponsible. A real, sustainable career has opportunities and incomes drawn from a variety of sustainable sources.

>Why not both?
If you can and want to do both, go for it. I'm more specifically referring to people who see porn as the ONLY way to make a good living with art (even if they aren't super interested in it), which many people on /ic/ think. For everyone else, I think any efforts spent building a supplementary porn income could be better spent on building up a professional illustration business.

I'd really argue that you don't have be as good at drawing as you might think. With almost all fields of illustration, style is generally more important than fundamental mastery. If you're so-so at drawing but you're drawing in a stylized, unique & appealing way, you'll stand out just as much (if not more) than artist who are fundamentally better than you.

These posts are ridiculous.
1.) Are you both implying that the only alternative to porn is fantasy illustration for mobile games?
2.) Calling things 'generic' is pointless. You could say drawing porn is all about drawing 'generic sexy women', 'generic furries', etc.
3.) What you both described sounds great. Mobile games are a great source of well paid fantasy illustration jobs, and you are by no means limited to mobile games. Fantasy illustration is a niche of illustration that you can build your entire career around, and you'll develop a portfolio of work that opens up a variety of different lucrative & sustainable opportunities for yourself.

>> No.3710496

I already saw your autism in action in Marmalade's Discord. I left it because of you. I really don't want to speak with people like you. You are basically walking cancer.

>> No.3710524

it didn't affect my 2k patreon income tho

>> No.3710526

It's almost like the far left and far right have similar extreme views, but just choose to frame those views differently. Who knew!

>> No.3710547
File: 1.09 MB, 891x1339, ylsi1qfyquoz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3713395


>> No.3713567

You left because of one member? Sounds like I have a lot of power over you. How about you give me a second chance, buddy

>> No.3713600

I don't mind working a real part time job. I get super depressed when I'm inside drawing 24/7. This way I get to talk to people and not always be sitting down.

>> No.3713651
File: 249 KB, 732x780, 1541079320168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen. And they're closing more doors than they might think.
>degenerate fucks
This 100% describes them.

>> No.3713653

>SFW = only chinese games & generic dragons

Try harder... You're drawing people doing the same exact things all day, in the same positions, for the same emotional response from your viewers(arousal).

>> No.3713654

These things don't/ shouldn't leave the bedroom for a reason.

Can you imagine if everybody just told everyone of their last time, for hours, with pics, in front of kids? How degenerate would that society be?

>> No.3713928

You have as much power over me as a turd on the street. I simply try to avoid you both.

>> No.3713930

How are they closing doors again, exactly?

>> No.3713994

>it is not a good way to make a living.
>currently making 6K a month on patreon
>drawing takes 3-4 hours of my day
Keep telling yourself that, you fucking failure. Stop projecting your own life onto others. I know many other artists, good friends of mine, who make way more than I do. I have a house, a car, a wife. What do you have? A bunch of opinions based on your imagination.


>> No.3713997

>Responding to some comments on >>3707780
Fucking kill yourself back to plebbit.

>> No.3714033

Many, maaany public institutions / studios/etc don't want to be associated with people who draw penises all day.
No minor can view your work, tell their friends that they found a role model in you.
Your family & friends might find embarrassment too.
You're cursing yourself, stop that.
And if you believe you aren't, what would you think of a world where young kids can see the things you draw as normally as their saturday morning cartoons? (Or furries,or worse, loli)

>> No.3714043
File: 103 KB, 591x464, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop drawing pyorn

>> No.3714069

>ry harder... You're drawing people doing the same exact things all day, in the same positions, for the same emotional response from your viewers(arousal).
the only part that's true is "the same emotional response"
everything else is false
>You could say drawing porn is all about drawing 'generic sexy women', 'generic furries', etc.
i dont draw pinups of fotm anime girls so no

>> No.3714156
File: 1.08 MB, 800x585, Feelsgoodsatam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.\>>be me
>>Be legit sociopath and sadist (not self harming
or harming other physically) other people suffering brings me joy
>>no job,sex life,no life,few freinds,lives alone in A studio
>>get's ssi
>> spends time playing,vidya games,,Making art ,trolling and making edgy memes to trigger and piss people off
>> cant love lack empathy
>> 0 fucks given