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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 500 KB, 517x921, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3698291 No.3698291 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3698297

Lol what a shit workflow

>> No.3698308

Women really are good at art

>> No.3698314

Good for them? It's not like people like this are ever going to take the job they want because all they do is copy (trace?) from photos.

>> No.3698334

Women make this world better. God bless women.

>> No.3698336

Who in the world colors in patches like that

>> No.3698338

She is probably used to colored pencils.

>> No.3698344

wow women are so good at art :) i wish i could be as good as her! i cannot even draw a line!

>> No.3698371
File: 178 KB, 720x720, xerox-phaser-3335-3345-black-and-white-printer-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch makes a better job and much faster

>> No.3698380
File: 82 KB, 842x792, pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3698388

Women are better than men. Deal with it sweetie.

>> No.3698413

seriously tho why do people waste their time with this photocopy garbage

>> No.3698419

holy shit does no one check the catalog? theres already a thread on this.

>> No.3698435
File: 771 KB, 3264x2448, 1466519131815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know this guy was dead.

>> No.3698678
File: 1.62 MB, 300x265, 1512320484356.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is even the point of photo realism???
Just to flex your drawing skills to everyone?

If you used it to make things that didn't exist already in real life then I suppose you could make some really good pieces, but all anyone ever seems to do is recreate photographs.

Its fucking boring.
You're spending hrs, maybe even days doing something that can be done by a photographer in a few seconds. This kind of art would have been ideal in like mediaval times when no one else knew how to draw and the camera existed but today its so pointless.......and SOULLESS.

>> No.3698687

The point? Most likely enjoyment. I imagine they enjoy drawing these things, regardless of what you think about their artistic worth. Do you enjoy drawing? Do you even draw?

>> No.3698689

wow she's so talented!

>> No.3698690

>Most likely enjoyment.
haha, what???
photo copying isn't enjoyable.
It's tedious as hell you idiot.

>> No.3698700
File: 56 KB, 265x238, 1517303519841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... What's that image with 2 filters put ontop of one another with some part half-assedly erased trying to prove? It's obvious that she played around with greyscale, filters and brushes for like 10 minutes before posting it here, fucking none colors like that ahahah.
They are so gullible, holy shit. 180k likes. Way to take people for utter dumbasses and actually get away with it.

>> No.3698705

For you. But you don't even draw, how would you know?

>> No.3698706

do you literally live under a rock?

>> No.3698707

Samefag Whiteknight or troll.

>> No.3698729

I drew your mom getting gangbanged by black bulls the other day

>> No.3698734

Some people enjoy things you don't.

>> No.3698740

who the actual fuck colours like this
just make her send a video of the work, if she doesn't she has the gay

>> No.3698742

There ain't an easier way to spot an incel.

>> No.3698744

Women are superior. Fuck off if you think otherwise.

>> No.3698756
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black bulls
I know you won't believe me, but being familiar enough with that term to be comfortable shitposting with it is really damn cringey

>> No.3698767

I drew your mum as a futanari last night

>> No.3698814

See? Immediate improvement- I even think it rolls better

>> No.3698886

He doesn't but I do.

Who is this.

>> No.3699280

>implying that's copied from a photo

>> No.3699360

When will we have someone as good as her? Does she have tutorials damn

>> No.3699369
File: 1.40 MB, 1242x1719, EA7A38FD-D291-4648-9BA5-5172880B0B8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, here’s one

>> No.3699376

pretty sure he's just fucking around.

>> No.3699380

Congratulations, you are a dot matrix printer.

>> No.3699381

You put a filter over it while she grinded for years. Just look at how she paints, using small brushes. She must of studied Ruan Jia. Maybe you should go back to reading Loomis instead of being envious over a woman.

>> No.3699386

fuck, you’re right. must be all the piss mixed with arizona iced tea that brought me to dare spite our new queen

>> No.3699394

The absolute state of photo filters

>> No.3699406

Do we have valid reasons to know she’s using a filter and not just spending autistic amounts of time on it?
If so yall should call her out

must’ve not must of

>> No.3699422

You must of read my post wrong. Of course there’s no valid reason to call her out. Just ic being retarded again.

>> No.3699425

It is copied from a photo.

>> No.3699428
File: 911 KB, 754x914, 4321786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how she dicked around with the same soft edged brush like would do some retard opening PS for the first time. Everything about this image is half-assed, people are so fucking retarded for believing this. It's beautiful.

>> No.3699430

stOP it!!!

Okay all I’m saying is that some people are masochistic fucks and will actually do all of that from scratch. Nor is that level of similarity unachievable.

>> No.3699433

I agree with you

>> No.3699436

I don't even know who it is

>> No.3699440

There were videos of a dude explaining how you can fake this even on video.
I second your theory.

>> No.3699445

Who in there right mind would work like this?!? How are people so stupid

>> No.3699446
File: 522 KB, 220x218, jump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr people can't possible enjoy things I don't enjoy

>> No.3699450

Where does this obsession with 'authenticity' come from don't the ends justify the means? when it comes to artwork people so obsessed with artists Doing Things the longest and hardest way possible. Its stupid. YOU SHOULD TRACE AND COPY AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE YOU ARENT A PHOTOCOPIER. USE TOOLS

>> No.3699452


>> No.3699465
File: 95 KB, 800x853, BC111948-F311-4D70-BAF6-7EA0857B6FC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s seriously not just a photoshop filter, she painted over the photo directly. She’s just a lazier numyumy

>> No.3699500

it's a filter. don't be dumb.

>> No.3699522

Will you zoom the fuck in. Plus, no one would create a filter that retarded. What the fuck would be the point of a filter that does nothing except let you can see tiny ass brushstrokes at 2000% zoom?

>> No.3699537

fuck, that kills my eyes

>> No.3699576

this is all because of the nature of digital art, it ruins a lot of the point of stuff like drawing and painting. one of the big reasons painting is so cool is because you're taking a weird paste and working it with your hands and knowledge into a flat surface, and from that you can make it look like a beautiful realistic object. if its on a computer screen the illusion is not as impressive.

>> No.3699588

>....mebody once told me the world was gonna roll me

>> No.3699616

no, it is a photo with some filters applied to it

>> No.3702482
File: 69 KB, 576x768, WALXcpi1v9RoVOyTIT5W7OwBJ27g1wC0mVweL25um28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just look at how she paints, using small brushes. She must of studied Ruan Jia.
holy shit i think we've done it, we found the most dunning post on this whole board

>> No.3702556

She streams her work. So obviously she fakes it on video to- are you people retarded? You deserve your jimmy+illastrat generals

>> No.3702708

Sorry meant she was better than ruan jia, you’re right.

>> No.3702713


>> No.3702718


You're the one with Dunning-Kreuger if you don't appreciate the genius that's just been revealed to us. Small brushes. The true secret of art.

>> No.3702732

you can literally see her coloring it though

>> No.3703175

even if she had drawn it, whats the point of literally just 1:1 copying a image that already exists? I ve never understood, what people find interesting about those besides the craftsmanship .

>> No.3703191

Nobody colors in blobs like that, if that's truly her process then she is retarded.

>> No.3703204

I mean, you can watch her. She does color in blobs like that

>> No.3703213

the image got removed from twitter

>> No.3703234


>> No.3703235

pointless in my opinion. fine arts photorealism at least has the benefit of being done in some medium like oils or pencil. this is literally replicating pixels. zero artistic interpretation

>> No.3703242

people are saying it violated the copyright of the photographer that took the original picture.

>> No.3703246

It did not get removed, wtf. Why are you lying?

>> No.3703248
File: 58 KB, 629x778, yes it did.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3703251

>when you get so good at copying that people accuse you of cheating

tbf she probably used a grid, which is equally unimpressive

>> No.3703253

Hah. Xerox machines btfo

>> No.3703257
File: 244 KB, 1179x869, DMIu0AGWAAUQowv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image from https://twitter.com/danierruu/status/919349046736801792
Just dug through her twitter and found this to prove your point. Here's another one https://twitter.com/danierruu/status/905048565659181056

>> No.3703259
File: 20 KB, 240x210, 0c05974f4c2ef0d8f816ee0069c769a55cc392846a1858c4adec4b22faa93420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human copy machines are legally not artists
fucking KEK

>> No.3703262

im certain she color-picks too

is she impressed with herself?

>> No.3703263

After seeing this >>3703257 I get why she does the blobs, she is even less of an "artist" than I first thought, jesus christ, it's literally pixel copying with a tiny grid, what is the point?

>> No.3703269

Wtf, I just looked at her profile from your link and the garbage from the OP got her an interview with the BBC and it got labelled "viral", how is this even possible?
To me this is proof that Hitler didn't go far enough and should have gassed all the normies that like """art""" like this too.

>> No.3703274
File: 234 KB, 1024x1820, 1521842097041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stand corrected.
Still wholly unimpressive and pointless though, not even crabbing. The way she chicken sratches her flats is hilariously bad.

>> No.3703275


>> No.3704804

Why are you racist against black bulls?

>> No.3704807

Does she color pick?

>> No.3704812

Considering the level she's at, probably.

>> No.3706598

She didn't trace dumbasses. If you line it up the eyes are a different shape, the tattoo is in a different place and the fingers don't line up

>> No.3706616

>the blobs
You mean like how many artist does to easily colour picker the colours they need?

>> No.3708861
File: 3.05 MB, 1542x1322, 1543759982562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I come to /ic everyday and somehow I'm ignorant to the memes, what's this all about?

>> No.3708867
File: 21 KB, 480x319, 1542002746402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I second this, not all black men are bulls. This contributes to harmful stereotypes, BLACK'S CAN BE KEKS! GET WITH THE TIMES


>> No.3709219

Probably color picking the blobs from the same spot on the photo