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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 968 KB, 1920x1080, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3700142 No.3700142 [Reply] [Original]

So the new 1.8.4 update is out how are we all finding the new features added?


>> No.3700147

There's no reason to buy TVPaint anymore.

>> No.3700152

There was never any reason to buy TVPaint, not while it uses a dongle.

>> No.3700153
File: 238 KB, 476x650, 1515048382034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they finally did it, they added autocolorize...

>> No.3700164

So can we now adjust the length of each frame numerically?

>> No.3700168

how do u use this feature? i'm still relatively new to CSP and i'd like to try it out on some lineart rn

>> No.3700171

edit > colorize (tech preview) > colorize all

>> No.3700174
File: 292 KB, 960x540, 3g.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is big, i can finally uninstall Animate cc

>> No.3700176

>it's not 100% part of the software, they upload your image to a server and do it remotely
They say privacy is assured but somehow I doubt it.

>> No.3700184


>> No.3700185

LOL Is Bowser hiding his head in his turtle shell?

>> No.3700186


>> No.3700189

sorry photoshop is better

>> No.3700191

For Illustration and painting yes, but for comic/manga and now animation CSP is better

>> No.3700192

Just use Krita lol

>> No.3700194

who cares use whatever suits you.. CSP is definitely a strong contender against photoshop for anyone doing manga and comics it's THE program to use

>> No.3700218

nope csp is clunky, photoshop is faster

>> No.3700228

I bought CSP and got disappointed I could not bind flip canvas and undo to the stylus buttons.
Back to photoshop it is.

>> No.3700234

But you can?? In the software of your tablet

>> No.3700235

you're just an idiot
you can literally bind any key to your stylus from tablet driver

>> No.3700239

>I could not bind flip canvas and undo to the stylus buttons.
I don't know what you're doing, it werked for me

>> No.3700240

I've tried through the software for the tablet just like with Photoshop, SAI, Sketchbook etc.
Doesn't work in CSP for me. The buttons seems to be locked to functions in CSP even after unbinding everything in CSP.
So I really don't understand what I'm missing.

>> No.3700242

>major update
>doesnt fix the text tool thats been broken for years
>still no ability to save brush sets

But hey, we get useless AI coloring!

>> No.3700243

This confirms pro PS users are brainlets and their opinions should be discarded

>> No.3700250

1. Install Autohotkey.
2. Rebind your tablet’s buttons to the appropriate hot keys, but only when CSP has focus.

It shouldn’t be that hard to figure out if you read the documentation.

>> No.3700253


I take that back, well, atleast it seems they fixed the interpolation for scaling and that's very good news.

>> No.3700263

You could easily do that if you have half a brain. But I'll be nice to you this time.
1. Find the default shortcut of the function you want to use (e.g. flip canvas = Ctrl+e, etc.)
2. Go to you Wacom driver settings
3. Select the dropdown menu of the button you want to bind -> Keyboard -> Keystroke...
4. Type in the shortcut of the function you chose earlier
There are other ways but this is probably the fastest most practical method

>> No.3700267
File: 3.37 MB, 2400x4000, meeku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The AI colorize feature is pretty impressive. Looks prettier without linework IMO.

>> No.3700269

I wish I could use it to separate the materials into masks(super time consuming) instead of pseudo watercolor

>> No.3700270
File: 152 KB, 777x1024, C3UzM-mVUAAz7hz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a great base for painting over. A mask tool would certainly be nice. There's this other tool called Paints chainer, so I wonder if its the same algorithm

>> No.3700277

Lol photoshop crashes all the time and is poorly optimised for anything non intel.

CSP is not a clunk program you’re thinking of Paint Tool SAI..

>> No.3700278

If it worked like this I wouldn't have had a problem. That's exactly how it works with Photoshop and that's how I thought it would work with CSP, but for some reason it does not work for me.
So CLEARLY there's something I'm missing that goes beyond binding the keys in the wacom software.

>> No.3700285

fuck I pirated this shit and can't find colorize in my edit
might consider buying it now..

>> No.3700286



>> No.3700290

Then you're doing something wrong or using some kind of bugged cracked copy.

>> No.3700292

I've been waiting for the audio shit for so long, it barely feels like I'm awake. It's almost like Flash had decent brushes.

>> No.3700299

I just bought CSP during the sale so it's a legit copy.
Of course I'm doing something wrong because if I wasn't, I wouldn't have a problem.
I can bind the buttons on the tablet no problem, but on the stylus won't work. It's like CSP is overwriting the wacom software.

>> No.3700300

Get the 1.8.4 crack on CGPersia. If you don't have an account, wait for a couple of days for it to surface on cgpeers

>> No.3700304

CSP doesn't have any native stylus button binding feature, so it can't possibly overwrite anything. Whenever you want to bind, you can only bind indirectly like with that method I posted. Double check everything, including Modifier Key Settings. Maybe you missed something

>> No.3700307

Under Edit

It goes on sale like every week lmfao just cough up $20

>> No.3700309
File: 337 KB, 1280x720, file2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the future is now niggas
half a dozen clicks with nothing in mind and shit looks good to start with

>> No.3700314

ITT brainlets cant do an underpainting for better colors

>> No.3700315
File: 53 KB, 580x326, 1510023694349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck i love you. You don't even need a cgpeers acc to do this. Thanks friend. The internet works fast as fuck

>> No.3700318


This. Don't see how this feature is remotely useful except as a fun toy for people without art skills.

>> No.3700339

the ai coloring feature is fucking worthless lmao

>> No.3700345

fuckin this, even the ones on the web are far more customizable(style2paints), the csp one just has a target and reference layer and thats it.

>> No.3700346

i was too optimistic. It is pretty trash. might as well just use style 2 paint

>> No.3700367

Damn, you mad.

>> No.3700373

Why are PS users so fucking stupid?
Fun fact: you literally can't even rotate the canvas with a keyboard shortcut in PS without going into a gay "rotate mode" where you must drag the canvas manually, either with your mouse or a tablet, both of which suck ass for whatever reason. There is literally no way to bind a keyboard shortcut to rotate it to the right or left say... 10 degrees? 5 degrees? Something that literally every other program can do by default?

>> No.3700383

lol only if you need to rotate frequently, and why rotate at all? that rotation is only good for those who use cintiqs and even then you still dont have to use it as much.

>> No.3700406

Have you used it?

>> No.3700420

I have, on >>3700309
and it's fine for what it is. You draw a line of a color and get a soft blend. It's definitely something I'm going to use to figure out color relationships for illustrations or even getting me started on coloring.

More interested in the animation features t b h but I think people are shitting on it because they hear AI and instantly think robots are going to steal their jobs or fix all their issues and then get disappointed when a tool doesn't turn them into a jap.

>> No.3700452

nigga all it does is take color from an image on to the drawing, there isnt even an option to choose what color except editing it through the advance menu while with the ones online have an approximation with what ever color you choose

>> No.3700458

It's like this
I have bound brush and eraser in CSP to B and E. I can map B and E to the buttons on the wacom tablet and pen through the wacom software. When I use the buttons in CSP they work just like pressing B and E on the keyboard. All that works just as it should.

Now I want to bind flip canvas. I have it as "H" in CSP. I hit H and the canvas flips.
I go to the wacom software to map H to one of the buttons on either tablet or pen.
It should work right? Wrong. Using the button that is now mapped as H, does nothing inside CSP. It does not flip the canvas. Hitting H on the keyboard flips the canvas.
Same with Undo. It doesn't work.
Things that do work is brush, eraser, brush size, rotate among others.

>> No.3700468

Have you tried different shortcut combinations? Ctrl+Shift+H, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+; or anything like that

>> No.3700477

Doesn't work either.

>> No.3700493
File: 85 KB, 740x263, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is just bizarre. It's just doesn't make any sense for it to work for certain shortcuts and not the others. Have you tried reinstalling and resetting your configuration?

>> No.3700500

You can literally do one color at a time. You’re overcomplicating it

>> No.3700502

The final nail in the coffin, I hope you all stay shit and rely on algorithms that turn you into one trick cookie cutters.

>> No.3700537

Did you see my post? >>3700250 I have no idea how Windows handles device input, but Autohotkey is what I use for remapping my gamepads and managing keyboard macros. It should be able to do what you want.

>> No.3700601

Have they added in a history option like Photoshop yet? being able to go back several steps at a simple click and bookmark them is something I can't drop and last time I checked CSP doesn't let me do that.

>> No.3700627

There is both History and Color History. You turn them on under the Window menu.

>> No.3700628

I haven't tried reinstalling, but I've tried resetting all configurations.
I downloaded auto hotkey, but setting it up looked like a hassle at first glance, so I'm gonna give that a go if I can't solve it any other way. Having a 3rd party program do the mapping for something that should work out of the box is something I want to avoid.

>> No.3700631

I know there's a history option but last time I used it, it didn't function like it does in Photoshop, you can go back a few steps but you couldn't bookmark it. Have they done anything about that?

>> No.3700645

No, you still can't bookmark as far as I can see.

>> No.3700661

is sai just a simpler version of csp?

>> No.3700662

Mega when

>> No.3700666

in way yes but the mechanics are a bit different but a /beg/ like you wouldnt know

>> No.3700670

Ive always sucked and I'll never progress at my age so I'm really tempted to use this, so I'm really tempted to use this...


Is using it "cheating", or is it just using a tool?
Only case I could see this be "fair" and even then, not sure) is for work like animation or webcomics when you have to have a high speed of production and you have no assistants like pro.

But some other part of me is still against this (I don't even use the puppet models in CSP), not sure if useless pride from the past or actually healthier.

>> No.3700702

Post on their forums or something geez

>> No.3700732


Krita already has an autocolor function for your information. It's not as good but they have one.

>> No.3700756

I don't knwo why many anons bitch about this. This is great for /begs that want to focus on drawing better. It's obviously not as good as real painting anyway.

>> No.3700764
File: 270 KB, 944x908, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the audio doesn't play while you're dragging through the timeline. It shows the audio's wavey-zags but it doesn't actually play a snippit of it while you're dragging through the timeline like it would in flash or toon boom.


Still, it's a huge step forward for the program. I think they'll add the needed feature in a future update

>> No.3700765

Can't wait until twitter and Deviantart get flooded with shitty comissions and artist charging $10 more just for "coloring". Lol

>> No.3700768

the audio plays in Krita iirc, you should consider giving it a shot sometime. Its timeline is much more intuitive as well, much like Flash (just without the motion tweening)

>> No.3700773

but i like CSP...

>> No.3700776

oh, this is more than I was expecting though.

>> No.3700803

Damn. Well thanks for the info anyway guess I'll continue to wait.

>> No.3700816

Don't stay loyal to a piece of software, you'll end up like the retarded PS users who post in this thread

>> No.3700825

You're right. If there's a superior alternative I should at least try it.

>> No.3700836

I just wish they would sort out the brush texture so that it can be different on each stroke, it can't that hard to do

>> No.3700840


Different how? Do you mean offset, different scale or something else?

>> No.3700852

any way wouuld do just so that you don't get these big texture holes that none of your strokes will cover up unless you change to a brush with another texture

>> No.3700863

It's not there though?

>> No.3700880
File: 265 KB, 777x813, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone explain to me the hype around CSPs new animation features. As far as I can tell they just added the ability to import audio. Is there more to it? What am I missing here?
Bigger question: Can I finally animate on iPad and ditch learning Toonboom on desktop?

>> No.3700884

did anyone catch Dave Gibbons' webinar?

>> No.3700885

added motion tweens and audio. It's basically flash with an actual good brush system now.

>> No.3701171

Wait they added TWEENS?!

OH god bless.

But how does that work? Flash is vector based, CSP isnt.

>> No.3701194

Here I downloaded it before it got removed. Here's a mirror

>> No.3701214
File: 277 KB, 716x636, DtM96jAWsAA8a00.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They added full audio, motion tweening AND camera movements. The only things it can't do that Toonboom can are post-processing (besides the basic fx layers) and puppet animation.

CSP has always had vector layers, just everyone (myself included) forgot.
And you could always tween bitmaps in flash, it won't look great for size tweens, but it's there.

>> No.3701268
File: 488 KB, 1024x818, 1543277782655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CSP is not a clunk porgram your're thinking of Paint Tool Sai

How can someone be this wrong about anything ever?

Like holy shit, thats one of SAIs biggest strengths, its incredibly lightweight

>> No.3701321

I use it all the time while drawing, that's how I draw.

>> No.3701328

I aint trusting that shit

>> No.3701362

so it's just updates for animation? nothing new for making comics?

>> No.3701363

Just tried it. works

>> No.3701364

of course you'd say that to your own post. Im not downloading your bitcoin miner you cunt

>> No.3701367

skeptical about the link but how do bitcoin miners work? i dont own any bitcoin

>> No.3701368

They use your pc to mine bitcoin for them, it doesnt matter if you have any or not.

>> No.3701377

how can you check a .rar file for it? i really want to test the new animation update

>> No.3701476

I think cravks are viruses. They will always show up as viruses even if its a legit pirate

>> No.3701484

Then don't?????

>> No.3701536
File: 215 KB, 900x1018, csp_density_hack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't necessarily about the CSP 1.8.4, but I wanted to share a way to closely replicate SAI's density behavior that I discovered recently.

Basically, CSP's "Adjust brush density by gap" feature is supposed to make its brush density work like in SAI. But in reality it doesn't work very well, because the feature makes it impossible to get a perfectly opaque stroke. This could cause problems in your painting, depending on your workflow.

But by fiddling around with the pressure curve, while "Adjust brush density by gap" is off, I managed to get it to work almost like in SAI

Do note that you should experiment with your own pressure curve. Since I'm very light-handed, my particular pressure curve probably doesn't suit everybody

>> No.3701574
File: 48 KB, 1211x626, proper density.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first of all let me tell you why youre wrong about everything you said. adjust density by gap literally tells you it keeps the brush consistent so why would you ever have to toggle this on?
and second of all that is not how you use pressure curves. the Y axis(output) means how hard you can press and the X axis is the range of opacity/density or w/e it may be. if you have yours cut off that way that means you cant control the full range of density its only half of it. the default is a linear line from corner to corner. since sai uses sliders instead of curves its just linear and both of these programs are based off your initial pen pressure settings. notice how i have better control of the density than you in pic related. and why would you ever paint with density, its garbage.

>> No.3701578
File: 11 KB, 406x191, CLIPStudioPaint_2018-11-30_16-45-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down man, no need to be so confrontational.

>adjust density by gap literally tells you it keeps the brush consistent so why would you ever have to toggle this on?
"Adjust brush density by gap" was originally made to replicate SAI's brush density mechanics

>the Y axis(output) means how hard you can press and the X axis is the range of opacity/density or w/e it may be. if you have yours cut off that way that means you cant control the full range of density its only half of it
The reason I cut off the curve at the Y-axis is because your stroke actually remains opaque even at 35% Brush Density (depending on your gap settings).

>and why would you ever paint with density, its garbage.
It all depends on the artist's workflow, the tools don't make the artist. You may not like it, but others do. Some notable artists that paints with density is rei, and I think they're doing just fine.

>> No.3701583
File: 91 KB, 500x567, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So apparently the iPad version is getting the same animation support. It’s in the “review” stage I guess.

Lads, I’m going to make it. I’m going to make the thing happen. If I can do the majority of an animation on a screen tablet that’s PORTABLE I will be over the moon. (I wanna make cartoons for the internet and sell merch art of my OCs)

>> No.3701592

>"Adjust brush density by gap" was originally made to replicate SAI's brush density mechanics
lol what. who said that?
>The reason I cut off the curve at the Y-axis is because your stroke actually remains opaque even at 35% Brush Density (depending on your gap settings).
what? thats not what i meant by that at all.
>It all depends on the artist's workflow, the tools don't make the artist. You may not like it, but others do. Some notable artists that paints with density is rei, and I think they're doing just fine.

i said its garbage to paint with not garbage as an actual tool

>> No.3701602

>So apparently the iPad version is getting the same animation support.
Do you have a citation for that? I’m posting with my new iPad, and drawing with the pencil is fucking amazing. With a cheap little Bluetooth keyboard, this thing is more comfortable to type on than a laptop. I just bought a Lightning > HDMI adaptor because, apart from a few games and Linux applications, I rarely touch my PC lately.

>> No.3701604
File: 82 KB, 542x496, comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol what. who said that?
It's never explicitly mentioned, but it's one of many features (such as "Mix ground color") that is very obviously designed off SAI. I mean, they even called it Brush Density instead of Flow. You can see when you turn on "Adjust brush density by gap" it matches up with SAI very closely, and the difference only starts to show at 100% which is the issue with the feature.

>what? thats not what i meant by that at all.
What I'm saying is that you don't need a full range curve, because Brush Density becomes fully opaque at around 35%. You can have a full-range curve like yours, or a limited one like mine, and you would have the same amount of control

>i said its garbage to paint with not garbage as an actual tool
To each their own. If you don't like it, that's okay, I'm not trying to change your opinion. But like I said, there are a lot of great artists that paint comfortably with density just fine, so you can't really pass it off simply as fact.

>> No.3701608
File: 356 KB, 1031x778, o;h[0u0j-[0p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3701609

Well, my new toy just got a lot sexier. Thanks, anon.

>> No.3701610

Are you running the newest iPad? That screen looks delicious, like a color-accurate frosted pastry running at 4K 120Hz

>> No.3701613

stop with your autism its making me cringe

>> No.3701614

>why would you ever paint with density, its garbage
since there is no option to put opacity on pen pressure in that program

>> No.3701616

Yes, I didn’t go with the Pro because the size of the normal iPad is very comfortable to hold.

I don’t have anything decent around to compare the screen to, but it’s very, very nice.

>> No.3701618

Didn't they add opacity on pressure a few patches ago.

>> No.3701622

How is explaining a basic feature autism?

>> No.3701623

Yeah opacity pressure has been a thing for a while now

>> No.3701625
File: 47 KB, 1279x443, opacity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because youre explaining it wrong, you have no idea what youre talking about and im done talking to you.
they did which is funny because corel painter did the same thing with its 2017 version
its on there bud

>> No.3701628
File: 676 KB, 1920x1080, wvwbwbwb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool crack bro

doesn't work

>> No.3701629

You haven't shown a single thing I have said to be wrong. Honestly, trying to run away from an argument like this is just an embarrassing sight

>> No.3701630

youre using the curves completely wrong because you have no idea how density works, now fuck off.

>> No.3701640

How am I using it wrong, when it's working perfectly as I intended? Stop playing dismissive in order to evade counterarguments and start having an actual discussion
>the Y axis(output) means how hard you can press and the X axis is the range of opacity/density or w/e it may be
And this is actually wrong. The Y-axis isn't how hard we are actually pressing the pen. It's the output pressure as interpreted by the software, which will result into whatever opacity/density. The X-axis is the one representing the raw pen pressure we send to the program.

>> No.3701641


>> No.3701659

do you know how to use the crack

>> No.3701663

Make sure your shit is offline first
Replace init and the CLIPStudioPaint.exe to the wherever Clip Studio Paint folder is (CELSYS>Clip Studio 1.5>Clip Studio Paint) and run the offline activation-keygen.
Enter serial code into CSP.
Then CSP will give you a license auth key on top and you put that into the keygen.
You enter the authentication key from the keygen to CSP.

>> No.3701675

sorry, i'm an idiot. it works. thanks!

>> No.3701697 [DELETED] 

also if anyone else wants it get it now. i'm gonna take this shit down in like 6 hours

>> No.3701729

>i said its garbage to paint with not garbage as an actual tool
If you don't know why brush density is useful for painting, you don't know enough about digital art programs or painting in general to be snarky about it.

>> No.3701744


links down

>> No.3701755
File: 421 KB, 684x743, 0sg7wxkyz3l11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll leave it up for a few more hours before i get shitted on by the feds

>> No.3701760

its good for like a few things, but in general its bad for painting

>> No.3701762


Explain why it's bad. I'm another anon and I have used Clip Studio for years for digital painting and I have no idea what you are talking about. I'm actually genuinely curious if you could provide a detailed answer what you mean.

>> No.3701763
File: 109 KB, 199x300, 15474547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its not MY main program so its bad

>> No.3701769

not gonna explain it to a bunch of /beg/s sorry.

>> No.3701771


>> No.3701772

because there is no reason! haha just as i thought

>> No.3701775
File: 2.56 MB, 322x178, sopranos.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3701777

the fact that you dont know how to paint is funny enough so stay a /beg/

>> No.3701784


Have you considered making a gumroad? Apparently you sit on some cutting edge knowledge regarding digital painting, and you could atleast squeeze some shekels out of it if you don't want to make a coherent argument on a sentinalese archery forum. But if you prefer to keep your secrets to yourself so the compettion doesn't get ahead that's perfectly understandable aswell.

>> No.3701786

some brushes in PS only show texture at lower flow value
because you actually need some spacing, otherwise you get giant blobs of 'paint'

... but i'm sure you know this, master

>> No.3701788



>> No.3701796

lol fucking begs and their cute little interpretations of basic shit

>> No.3701836
File: 2.64 MB, 285x225, 1525184740913.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3702058

why not just upload it to mega, with an obfuscated name?

>> No.3702145

actually, please upload it to mega with a name that isn't basically "program crack.rar" so that it won't get taken down.

>> No.3702212


>not understanding how to manipulate density settings for texture control


>> No.3702403
File: 36 KB, 400x388, 1527998902624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone reup those please.

>> No.3702423

density has nothing to do with texture

>> No.3702491

> Photoshop
> fast
Nice meme.

>> No.3702495

> pointing out another autocolor app is better
> implying that's anger
Damn, you dumb

>> No.3702721
File: 2.53 MB, 368x349, this gabagool pleases me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3702761

pretty sure it still gets taken down

>> No.3702775

can someone verify if this doesn't have a miner in it?


people are saying the ones posted here and cgpeers has a miner in it

>> No.3702780

Bruh just wait until it goes on sale and buy it lmao

>> No.3702784

does the miner only work when you activate the keygen or is it also every time u use the program

>> No.3702792

what people? source?

people have been calling witchhunts from the dawn of ages, with no proof

>> No.3702819

this is the one I used and I havent noticed anything. usually a miner will show up on your task manager eating up CPU, or eating up graphics card resources.

>> No.3702868

>audio and camera movement support
thank fucking christ, now I just need to wait for a sale so I can upgrade and finally ditch opentoonz

>> No.3702978

>lmao bro just buy the PRO version at 200$!!!!wait for a sale it'll just be 100$ lmao!!!!!! what u poor or what laughing my lmao off
I have bought it already but I am limited to 24 frames in animations. I'm frustrated :(

>> No.3703584

Did they make it so you can make transparent gifs or import gifs yet?

>> No.3703586

I bought the pro version for like 25 bucks. They have big sales.

>> No.3703727

that's one thing krita has going for it with gmic and split layers by color


>> No.3704192
File: 873 KB, 995x1275, 5mins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just testing it on stuff and I like it!

>> No.3704370

>CSP - slow, has shitty color management, has useless 3d gimmics for people who can't draw for shit, namely awful unflexible 3d dummies to trace and a now an AI coloring for people who cant color for shit either
>PS - fast and has advanced editing and tweaking features, but has a shitty brush engine, crappy stabilizer, not perspective rulers, at least not OOB
>Krita is fast, has a good brush engine, has perspective rulers, has pretty advance editing too, even the liquify for scrubs. And animation tools

why the fuck would anyone use CSP?
Last time I tried rotating large canvas on it it was glitching out had screen tearing and had overall awful performance.

>> No.3704383

>Krita is fast

>> No.3704389


At this point, I just assume anyone bringing up Krita on /ic/ is trolling.

>> No.3704403

just stop using windows.
Krita is fuckloads faster than SAI or CSP, those programs shit the bed once you make 500px stroke ove a 8000*8000 canvas.
PS may be faster than Krita in some(better liquify) things, slower in other (brush strokes) but Krita has a better more streamlined workflow for digital art.

>> No.3704405

there it is
the "just change your OS bro lmao" meme that always follows someone pointing out Krita is shit

literally change how you do everything else for one single piece of software based on an anonymous guy on the internet and evidence of shit not working well on the OS you already have

>> No.3704414

>buy a decent workstation
>buy a high quality monitor
>buy a wacom tablet
>pay for an expensive software
>but somehow can't give a the superior software a try.

Changin an OS isn't even that much of a change. If you're too dumb fo linux there's alway a MAC.
I spent money on my art workstation, why not also sped some time on software?
All it took was to boot to Ubuntu from a USB stick, installing Krita and giving it a try. Then I bought an SSD to permanently install Ubuntu on and never booted to windows again. Feels like a waste keeping it on the disks ,but there still are files and documents I could posibly need one day.

>> No.3704418

Burden of proof is not on the people who already spent all that and then saw it run like ass on Windows, homie.

>> No.3704427

This is a computer graphic ergo graphic design.


>> No.3704443

These features are pretty great I must admit. Th r animation ones I don't really care for though. I'm not much of an animator.

>> No.3704448

you get all that shit for 20euros...fuck im glab i payed for it. These japs will soon destroy photoshop, they just need to add all the photoshop gimmicks aswell

>> No.3704493

I need to download this ilegally

>> No.3704529

aren't you consufed with the EX version, which is limited to 24 frames and which costs about 20$ indeed?

>> No.3704530

krita's stabilizer is unironically fucking garbage. CSP and SAI's are extremely good.

>> No.3704561

No, the EX is the more expensive one. With comic pages manager, 3d to 2d filter, no frames limitation, and maybe some other things.

>> No.3704566

ya way more shit, especially when you export shit

>> No.3704771

dave gibbons uses it so they must be doing something right https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQlI686fxjc

>> No.3705031

It isn't slow on my shitty 4 year old $300 Dell desktop.
>has shitty color management
What makes it shitty? I've never noticed any deficiency.
>useless 3d gimmics for people who can't draw for shit
They're actually very useful. I doubt you draw much if you don't see the utility in not having to draw out an entire vehicle in the exact perspective you want.
>now an AI coloring for people who cant color for shit either
It's an emerging technology that might one day be very useful (or at least fun to play with). You find it bad the devs are working on that and letting users try it out?

I use Linux almost all of the time, but dual boot Windows to run CSP because it's that much better than Krita. I do plan on switching to Mac soon because I don't play many of the games I used too.

>> No.3705233

I still cant get avi files created by CSP to work with Davinci Studio Resolve
mp4s work fine but are limited to 1920 x 1080 and do not support transparent backgrounds.
Avi supports up to 7680 x 4320
until i find a fix im just exporting as an "image sequence" and dumping it into resolve

>> No.3705242

Trying to draw in PS is pure ass. CSP is good if you do actual line art.

>> No.3705323

>photoshop is faster
The only thing wonkier was Paint Shop Pro.

>> No.3705325

PS rotation is also destructive. Everytime you rotate pixels get fucked.

>> No.3705329

I want to use CSP because all I draw is basic bitch anime shit, but it very clearly datamines you and I dont want the lewd bishies I draw getting sent up to the cloud to be stored forever

I think I'll switch to Krita

>> No.3705333

Nigga, it's almost 2019.

>> No.3705336

Graphic design is likely older than your grandpa, you zoomer piece of shit.

>> No.3705439


Take off the tinfoil hat

>> No.3705454

Open The CELSYS folder in Appdata. Open CSP. Make a new file, draw something, save it. Then notice a ~1MB encrypted file has been created in that folder and CSP attempts to contact a server.

>> No.3705456

Specifically, the encrypted file is created in the 'promenade' subfolder

>> No.3705467

Different anon than the you replied to.
Thanks for saying this because I was about to download this program myself before I remembered the possibility of datamining. You helped me dodge a bullet.

Are there any digital art programs that don't datamine? I haven't really started digital art properly yet.

>> No.3705469

it's not enough to firewall CSP?

>> No.3705545

depends. if the programmers are honest, then yes. but since the program is closed source, they might have ways to dodge the firewall.

>> No.3705568

wtf, that means that all the huge fucking dicks I keep drawing all day are stored somewhere on CSP servers?

>> No.3705591


You flaming retards, this is for their service that saves the files onto their OneDrive-like storage, if you actually bought CPS you get 10Gb storage free. If you don't want to use it turn it off or load Paint separately

Data Mining holy shit you guys are a special case

>> No.3705593




>> No.3705682

kill yourself nigger

>> No.3705763

this but unironically

>> No.3705773

Again, a whole of fucking nothing
1. Connection to to Clip asset thing and their OneDrive like storage
2. Some anonymous diagnostic tool you can turn off yourself
3. Licence checking tool, big fucking deal, not much different from license checker that Adobe and other companies use. This shit wouldn't exist if you fags stopped playing everything


>> No.3706277

Someone with newest clip pain studio? Is it possible to set pencil back to default settings from version 1.5.4? you know, the white one? back when pencil was drawing like thin pen/marker, I honestly don't like newer version, but I don't want downgrade

>> No.3706281

I have found CPS good for lineart and PS for actual brushing/coloring

that's all, I really don't get your debates

>> No.3706285

Krita is still behind literally everything paid with performance and overall quality, it's like a trolling people, same goes for libre office, I fucking hate open source, they literally do shit, who the hell would ever pay for this shit if they were commertial?

>> No.3706303

How so? Krita is as good as those programs IMO.

>> No.3706927

Hi Mode.

>> No.3707449

it's honestly the only thing that keeps me from using it.

>> No.3707645

The stabiliser isn't so bad.

>> No.3707656

t.your ass
You could argue Krita is doing liquify slower than PS, while painting faster than PS, and sometimes updating a giant vimage may take a whole second or two.

But you can't compare Krita to CSP lagfest.
>load KSP
>make a 5000*8000 canvas
>rotate it - shit goes fucked, screen tearing, lags and all
>good luck making a stroke with 500px brush

Krita is a competitor for Photoshop, sgitware like CSP or Sai just aren't onywhere near that technical level.

>> No.3707660

Imo its a tool. I use it as a base to do my actual colouring and rendering on and it works really well. Saves a lot of time.

>> No.3707674


You can use it, but I don't see how it saves you any time. You'll still have to go over every pixel of it to remove the distinct auto color look, and filling in flats takes a minute or two if you have crisp lineart. It's not useful for anything.

>> No.3707708

Krita also has a coloring feature for flats for free... but weebs are desperate to get CSP just because it can color animu.

>> No.3707722

There I saved you 20 bucks or having a shitty miner.


>> No.3707748

remember to uncheck this box and firewall csp
you wont be able to use new color fill, but not like you'll be using it all the time

now you don't have to waste time learning a new program (coughKritacough)

regular fill bucket tool works a lot faster

>> No.3707750
File: 113 KB, 784x534, bbbdsb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops forgot image

>> No.3707765

Links for the crack are broken. Anyone got a MEGA yet?

>> No.3707923

Meh, good luck with a comic page.
Vector layer + Close and fill is a faster and cleaner option.

Csp should have something like this instead

>> No.3707925

>uncheck this box
CSP saves recovery files in a temp folder why you would want to uncheck that?

>> No.3707937

I agree with flatton because that's method is what I used making comics. But Krita already has that

The great thing about gmic is you can have a standalone version so I ended up using gmic +CSP

CSP also does this which is absolutely awesome

>> No.3708086
File: 577 KB, 3840x2160, Screenshot_20181205_024354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy nutballs.
Just installed G'Mic with my Krita and this thin is fucking serious.

Thanks anins for letting me know about it.

>> No.3708088

lol that looks like shit

>> No.3708090

it's meant to be shit.

>> No.3708121

ignore him, typical 12 year old trying to be edgy.

>> No.3708425

it lags when it does that. cursor turns into a loading icon in the middle of drawing

>> No.3708501

He means the canvas anon, not the transformation tool.

>> No.3708512
File: 49 KB, 1122x708, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been using csp for months and when i look for new brushes from the assets tab and when they show previews i notice when they show it they show the brush size it says something like "5px" what do they mean by that? Do I go click on the wrench and do something in "sub tool detail"? or is it just a fancy way of saying you can change the brush size.

>> No.3708530

Jar of perseveres

>> No.3708535

its just showing what it looks like at different sizes

>> No.3708560

>Ive always sucked and I'll never progress at my age
what is wrong with you people

>> No.3709706


good deal? what happens after two years goes by? I don't know remember how photoshop or other media software works after expiration.

>> No.3709751


>> No.3709782

good deal and if the csp sub expires even though i dont think they do they go on sale for lime $24 all the time

>> No.3709803

The software bundled with wacom tablets only works for the two years and then it turns in to "debut", if I remember right. you can still use it but most of the features are stripped. You do have the option to upgrade to the non-expiring pro version at a discount:


>> No.3709837

>Krita is a competitor for Photoshop
In the same way Visi On was a competitor for Windows. Maybe.

>> No.3709838

That's BS. Krit is seriously underrate. Imo it doesn't get enough love becuase they don't showcase anime and weebo shit.

>> No.3709872

Krita is not appreciated because it's a mediocre simulacrum of a superior product.
At least SBP, CSP, SAI, Painter, etc all offer a bit more in their identity than "I'm trying super fucking hard to be photoshop".

Krita is only slightly better than Gimp.

>> No.3709891

Wow more bullshit. Krita is not trying to be photoshop, that's Gimp.

Krita is for artists.

>> No.3709901

Keep barking, if Krtita wasn't a shit wannabe PS, whiners in threads about other software wouldn't be the most you ever hear about it.

>> No.3709925

The only whiners are the PSfags, please leave this thread

>> No.3709928

Wow, that's even more retarded. Popular doesn't equal quality.

Krita isn't popular because it isn't promoted as a weeb art program. Simple as that.

>> No.3709964

I decided to buy CSP, there are so many good features that ps doesn't have. Any good brush packs?

>> No.3710017

>Krita isn't popular because it
is shit.

>> No.3710025

You only like weebo shit got it.

>> No.3710176

Still no megas / links eh?

>> No.3710178


Daub & Frenden

>> No.3710208


>> No.3710220

That thing vectorized my line art automagically and it did it well.

Shit is fucking advanced.

>> No.3710233

I dunno what youre getting at
Photoshop is popular because its old and people are used to it, even though its a photo editing software that doesnt give a fuck about drawing.
Krita is a painting software made with popular digital art techniques in mind and is bundled with stuff the artists need.

>> No.3710300

That's not what "simulacrum" means dipshit.

>> No.3710921

different Anon: how can i pirate these brush packs?

>> No.3710922

To add to this: windows default firewall is retarded. there is free firewall software out there for brainlets, like tinywall, which are actually effective.

>> No.3711355

based anon

>> No.3711439


cgpeers. Might be able to find them on open torrent sites aswell

>> No.3712307

anyone got those gold/clippy brushes from the assets site?

>> No.3713121

Which ones?
There are a lot of brushes that are identical to the free version, just by a different person and are packaged a bit different to make you feel like they're special, but actually just use the same tip/settings with different colors or applied differently.
Source: I've purchased a few clippy brushes now, and now feel annoyed.

>> No.3713154
File: 138 KB, 579x418, grl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is csp worth the upgrade from Krita or am I too shitty for it to even matter?

>> No.3713163

Don't ask, just beta test the damned thing. You can use it for 30 days before you have to buy a license.

>> No.3713173

If you make comics, yes. (specific tools for text and panels, better perspective rule, reference layer)

For illustration I don't know. I don't like CSP brush engine, but I didn't tried Krita for painting.

Take in mind that CSP community is still focused on manga, 99% of the brushes you find are for manga(pens, backgrounds, 3d model).

>> No.3713179
File: 52 KB, 596x447, product_23794_product_shots4_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this fall under illustration?

>> No.3713198

>I don't like CSP brush engine

I'm not going to debate your opinion, but what don't you like about it?

>> No.3713831

I suspected as much. There was one I'd like to try out if it was worth the money: https://assets.clip-studio.com/ja-jp/detail?id=1694604 Personally I find frenden's brushes somewhat lacking, esp inking. Some of the free ones in the assets page feel much closer to the analogue feel.

>> No.3714148

I was going to say I could buy it, but I'm about 50 clippy short at the moment.

It looks like your standard analogue brush set, though with rough and smooth versions. I would say it's not worth it.

Gペン (G-pen)
スクールペン (school pen)
かぶらペン (kabura/spoon pen)
丸ペン (round/quill/feather pen) (last example, but not in pack)

>Some of the free ones in the assets page feel much closer to the analogue feel.
Yeah. If you do a search for Gペン and sort it by popular, you'll get similar brushes. For example:
1683885 is your "standard" smooth g-pen
1710580 is for rough
1728527 is kind of a mix of the stiffer pens
The other pens in that pack just are the same as the g-pen just with settings changed a bit to make them feel a bit stiffer/less pressure sensitive.
You can do a search using the Japanese I provided to find more specific searches, there's also アナログ (analogue) and ペン or ぺん (pen) If you want more to search through.

>> No.3714159

CSP has shitty color management and is generally a downgrade from Krita in terms of features and performance.

>> No.3714163

>Krita shills

>> No.3714164

hes actually a retard the engine isnt any different to other drawing programs.

>> No.3714165

you couldnt be so wrong

>> No.3714171 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 500x500, Unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ur wrong

Go on show me your ugly sRGB color blending.
I shit on CSP because I actually used it before dumping it for photoshop which I later dumped for Krita.

>> No.3714176

Whoops fuck.
I exported it the wrong way.

Still get confused about color management sometimes, it has too fucking many options.

>> No.3714178

oooooh my Krita
painter has best blending desu

>> No.3714180
File: 43 KB, 500x500, Unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3714181

Show me your blending.
Just paint over red with a soft green brush.

>> No.3714196

that has nothing to do with anything lol? do you have literal autism?

>> No.3714200

I don't use painter now. But if you want to know how it looks like check >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zC3OxonJcXQ
or Yoshinari/Yuya Nagai and paintings.

>> No.3714205

That makes a difference between the shitty dirty colors you get when blending or glazing in a shitty program such as CSP or vibrant juicy colors you get from a competent colors.

>> No.3714211

blending and glazing are two completely different things /beg/ but hey keep using that poor mans program.

>> No.3714212

>blames tools
Maybe you're not very good? What do you think about SAI blending?

>> No.3714221

I used it ages ago but I'm under impression the blending was good.

It's like the only thing SAI ever had going for it, absolute bare bones drawing experience but the few things SAI does it does well.

>> No.3714223

stop giving advice you /beg/ you know absolutely nothing.

>> No.3714225
File: 407 KB, 2000x1000, 131243645765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrelated using nothing but SAI

>> No.3714228

>blending and glazing are two completely different things
for the artist they are.
For the mathematics behind making the in-between colors such as vibrant yellow from red and green it's same shit.

The software that uses linear gamma color spaces gets vibrant colors from mixing. the software that uses retarded sRGB color space gets dirty grey shit.

>> No.3714230

lol youre pathetic honestly

>> No.3714236

Yeah sai is good at what it does.

>> No.3714239

you still havent demonstrated your shitty color management.

If it because your software is bad and you're wrong and stupid?

>> No.3714243

have fun with your "vibrant colors"

>> No.3714248

I do, thank you very much

Have fun colorizing a greyscale underpainting without color management

>> No.3714249
File: 1.14 MB, 2584x2488, 43253465476876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3714251

>Have fun colorizing a greyscale underpainting without color management
I don't understand

>> No.3714257

dont worry he doesnt either. he actually thinks that will impact your paintings lol

>> No.3714265
File: 37 KB, 359x359, Unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that painter? Ok that works.

here's a shitty sphere.
Overlay it with pure red and see how it turns out.

If you do it in shitty sRGB mode the highlight and the shadows will lose and look like grey shit.

If you do it in a more competent software the shadows will be saturated but the highlight will go towards hot pink.

If you did that in Photoshop in LAB mode the shadows are juicy and the highlight will shift towards orange rather than lose saturation.

>> No.3714268

you do realize nobody paints like that and the only time that way of using rgb is ever brought up in, is in fucking TEXT

>> No.3714271
File: 97 KB, 720x873, 1544222967213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that painter? Ok that works.
It's CSP, my dude.

>> No.3714274

>your program is bad at colorizing
>nobody needs to colorize anyway

A lot of artists use underpainting and colorize/glaze them afterwards.
It enables a lot more advanced renders with significantly greater detail. I personally employ it a lot.

You must be /beg to not know that

>> No.3714275
File: 77 KB, 1247x937, 1321436458679780898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you have autism.

>> No.3714276

Hmm that meats they implemented color management.

Last time I used it there it wasn't there.

>> No.3714278

>You must be /beg to not know that
Anon you just make mistake with
>Is that painter? Ok that works.
I doubt your credibility

>> No.3714279

he does
i did't say anything about that method lol, im talking about your autistic color management that has no impact on painting whats so ever, because its such a small detail that you will only ever see in text formats. which by the way its what its intended for.

>> No.3714284

>impact on painting whats so ever,

It has very significant impact on the outcome of overlaying an underpainting with a color layer.

A couple years ago I had to switch between photoshop and CSP for that, which was the reason I eventually dunped CSP and went full photoshop.

Well apparently that changed since then.

>> No.3714287

kid all the professionals draw and paint in rgb, stop being autistic.

>> No.3714289
File: 205 KB, 1891x1630, 535436475686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably what this article talking about. Tried "blur" only brush. But same things happens in SAI "blur" brush and I pretty sure in PS
but I don't remember anyone having problems with blending in SAI or CSP. Especially Japanese artists like >>3714225

>> No.3714292

I learned about LAB from anons having a discussion on some pro chink's work.

It has a great advantage of not fucking up at the very bright and very white areas.
>overlay a nearly white spot with red
>rgb gives you some very pale pink
>LAB gives you bright orange

Sometimes RGB just fucks up so you might wanna apply LAB

>> No.3714295

yeah... you know who els uses Lab professionally? photographers... you know why? take a wild guess.

>> No.3714298

But this entire LAB thing is more for "pros" with years of experience who can into traditional and digital. Not for some /ic/keks well unless you're catbib.

>> No.3714300

this is only one instance of using a different mode for a very little thing, this does not impact your painting...

>> No.3714301

Knowing is always good, not knowing is always bad.

I'm not telling you to always use LAB, but at some point it may come handy to you.

>> No.3714302

It makes difference between juicy AF gold and shitty looking pale ""gold'" or copper for example.

It does affect your painting directly.

>> No.3714304

You made mistake with CSP and this is "mount stupid" zone. The knowledge is ahead of you. Your'e not real master of your knowledge. That's my point.

>> No.3714307

I had an outdated info.

CSP used to blend like the image on the left here >>3714275

>> No.3714308

>It does affect your painting directly.
no it doesnt lol you dont have any substantial proof moron

>> No.3714312

its handy with editing in curves because it separates lightness unlike rgb, but thats it. its such a fucking small thing that doesnt do a whole lot. again stop being atustistic.

>> No.3714317

is ps paint bad for painting too because i cant get any of those juicy colors and "vibrant colors"? hello?

>> No.3714325
File: 9 KB, 1000x500, Unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your proof you annoying faggot.

Both are BW gradients overlayed with the same orange.
The thing is that LAB priorities vibrancy over value and rather changes the value than loses color.

>> No.3714343


Sounds like a bad trade off seeing as value is more important. Maybe for some special situations.

>> No.3714349

It only fucks the extreme values and fucks them uniformly so it's not as bad as you may think

>> No.3714356

>Here's your proof you annoying faggot.
that is not proof lol. this isnt practical by any means, what part of that do you not understand.

>> No.3714365


>> No.3714367

But, you can get the same result with blend layers?
Like hard light or color dodge?

>> No.3714373

I'm pretty sure those still wouldn't colorize the white or black values.
The whole deal is that RGB always preserves the value while LAB shifts the value to preserve saturation.

>> No.3714381

>The whole deal is that RGB always preserves the value while LAB shifts the value to preserve saturation.
said no one ever, thats not how those modes work.

>> No.3714794

It always had it. The only popular "painting" software that didn't have linear color correction by default was PS and as pointed out that could be fixed by working on LAB.