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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 243 KB, 607x607, B216C44B-6A21-463F-BD71-13BC3CDE4F9F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3700560 No.3700560 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the Drawthread with our fundamental exercises.

Previous Thread >>3694105

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make someone proud.

>screenshot the image and post that instead
>change camera capture settings to something smaller
>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

READ THE STICKY if you need guidance when you haven't even started

Sticky: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit#bookmark=id.15jx3pyuimvj

TRY TO GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

REMEMBER, if you've just started out you work will not be good, it doesn't need to be, just get in to the swing of actually drawing, and learning how to study. Most of all, enjoy it.

"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do."

>> No.3700569
File: 1.35 MB, 1271x7339, B4B6447D-2251-492E-8932-7551F0478A75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Links to many art books including as Keys to Drawing (Dodson), Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (Edwards), Perspective Made Easy (Norling), Color and Light (Gurney), The Vilppu Drawing Manual (Vilppu) and How to Draw (Robertson).

A website dedicated to understanding the basics and process of digital painting, based in Adobe Photoshop. Library of over 200 free videos.

Free pose library to practice drawing the human figure (as well as a portrait library). Draw at your own pace or set a timer for quick gesture drawings.

Instructional how-to videos covering mostly portrait and figure drawing from fine artist Stanislav Prokopenko.

Croquis Cafe - Timed model poses.

Controversial yet helpful introductory course on the fundamentals of drawing with a focus on understanding the concept of form and thinking in a 3-dimensional mindset while you draw.

>Your local life drawing class
Life drawing is an indispensable tool in your art career. Do not be intimidated based on your skill level - there will always be someone worse than you and someone better than you. Use this opportunity to meet new artists for learning, critique, and growth.

>> No.3700638
File: 131 KB, 750x1000, _20181129_125145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roast my birdie
What would be the best instrument to use to use shades of black/gey?
It's not from any refrerence just looked at crow videos and drew it and I think I like the idea of it not the application

>> No.3700653

looks like you used a stuffed bird for reference. too stiff and awkward looking

>> No.3700655

>this fucking image

Why are you retards still posting this meme image? You are not supposed to draw what you see.

>> No.3700659

*you are not meant to copy exactly what you see.

Is what I meant, obviously.

>> No.3700664

Stfu and go attempt to construct some more disfigured anime girls, retard.

>> No.3700667


Oh yeah? Draw something completely without reference, idiot.

Also a list of people that did not drew exactly what they saw: Rubens, Michelangelo, Raphael, Rodin, Del Sarto. Should I continue?

>> No.3700693

Calm down draw friends. It’s just a pic with some advice.

Yes, Being able to understand 3 dimensional forms and construction is important for illustrating from your imagination and it’s something everyone trying to draw should learn. The reason that image gets posted here and doesn’t mention anything about construction and form is because understanding that what you think you see is not what you actually see is one of the first things you should learn about drawing if you want to begin understanding how to fool the eye into thinking a flat image is 3D. This is the beginner thread after all, so the assumption is a beginner doesn’t know how their eye function. Two things can be right at the same time.

Ease up, draw something, post work, get better :)

>> No.3700695
File: 234 KB, 744x1328, 1531508261254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roast my bird too

>> No.3700707
File: 1.26 MB, 2000x2000, 123435243524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a sketch i did recently. I feel like i'm improving but not as fast as i want. I dont like the brush strokes and the lines but i was more focused on anatomy and proportion.

>> No.3700725
File: 11 KB, 336x441, 1540122192705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one know when they're ready to move on from the "grind boxes, spheres and cylinders" stage?

>> No.3700726

By trying?

>> No.3700731

when they start to look good and convincing? it takes time to be able to use perspective rules intuitively to construct them.

>> No.3700738

What I mean is that I can draw Loomis head quite well after a year of practice, but don't know where to go next. It isn't that drawing 3D forms is hard, but I don't want to become stuck.

>> No.3700758

You are miles better than most of the quitters on /ic/ will ever hope to be

>> No.3700760

How do you know?

>> No.3700761
File: 2.55 MB, 2517x1986, 2018-11-27 16.46.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3700767

Start constructing shit, you already have the building blocks.

>> No.3700781

Are you doing Drawabox? My suggestion is just get comfortable at rotating 3d shapes and move on. His pattern of autistically grinding the shit out of everything sucks all the fun out drawing imo. Don't do all the homework he prescribes if you feel comfortable with the concepts he's teaching.

>> No.3700791
File: 856 KB, 960x960, 1542310657631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to study values by doing value spheres. I suck shit at imagining lighting and I'm still having difficulties perceiving tonal differences from more complex forms and from copying from life, so I want to copy a drawing of a tonal sphere (obviously imitating the tone to the best I can) but I was wondering if there was any problem from copying a drawing of a sphere instead of an actual spherical object or a rendered sphere.

>> No.3700795
File: 8 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx anon

>> No.3700808

when drawing a box, spheres and cylinders becomes second nature do it until you can't get wrong

>> No.3700857
File: 314 KB, 883x1032, ResizerImage883X1032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OHhhh, Ah'm a good ole rebel
well thats just what ah am
I will not use construction and ah do not give a dam!

>> No.3700858
File: 259 KB, 1006x1307, ResizerImage1005X1306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3700860

humanists uk

>> No.3700870
File: 1.00 MB, 2893x4092, head practice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to do head practice, but all of my heads end up looking like shit. Also trying to draw paper in different perspectives as well so I can get a feel for face rotation but it's just not clicking. Do I just keep going?

Shit on me regardless because I need some critique

>> No.3700872
File: 262 KB, 1976x2936, Ur cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished this a few hours ago and something feels off with it but I'm not sure what? Any ideas? also thoughts on the shading?

>> No.3700873
File: 84 KB, 673x1000, Ur cute resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to resize the image

>> No.3700875
File: 207 KB, 1000x1414, head practice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3700883

Practice dividing spheres into quarters.

>> No.3700886

Complete brainlet here, I'm reading the link in the stick and it says to try to copy a picasso upside down. Does that I mean I look at the picture in the correct orientation and draw an upside down version of it or do I flip the picture upside down and copy it directly?

>> No.3700889

Flip the Picasso and draw it as you see it.

>> No.3700895
File: 1.36 MB, 2893x4092, 1543525499940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm as beg as you.
belive me weeks ago i had same problem and i still have it. I started reading michael hampton figure drawing and it helped me. I think you should practice a bit the sphere like trying to draw a perfect sphere using one line.Also try to understand the perspective and how it works. Don't give up and keep drawing.

>> No.3700902
File: 189 KB, 1024x1280, 1538664654716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw reference if anyone is interested

>> No.3700906
File: 300 KB, 1540x472, unknown-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever read Loomis? I thought it was a meme but I was so wrong

>> No.3700908

Will do

Thanks, I'll check it out

I have a bit, yeah. I was mostly following Proko's approach

>> No.3700910

Might as well give up

>> No.3700913

I thought you fags loved Proko? Either way, don't worry. I'll study wrinkly old men heads just for you.

>> No.3700915

Proko is the meme now

>> No.3700918

In all seriousness, any reason? What's different now?

>> No.3700921

Well besides proko being a manlet is that he doesn't tend to a retard's needs like me to hold his hands and guide me step by step with a side of critique. Nothing he does is fun

>> No.3700923

Dont listen to that anon, Proko is fine, just not the be all, end all for learning figure drawing. Just got to look out for as many methods as possible and see what gels with you.

>> No.3700926

If you folliw proko then let me see your art, I want to see if he's helped you

>> No.3700932
File: 3.80 MB, 1271x1991, princess sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice little sketch but she looks so sad Anon are you feeling sad?

I know it i a sketch but the poor girl's face is quite fallen apart. Here are some guidelines. To get the face's parts you can keep halving distances. alf the dead and that gives you the line for the eyes, half it under the eyes and that gives you the place of the bottom of the nose, half it under the nose ad that gives you the bottom of the lower lip. Once you have got these measurements down it should be much easier, keep in mind that these might change based on different people and with different facial expressions but that is generally a good estimate. The eyes need to have a distance from each other that is the size of a 3rd eye. The chin line should shrink into a narrower angle roughly at the line of the mouth. The mouth's edges roughly stretch as wide as the eyeballs are on the face but there can be a lot of leeway there to exaggerate an emotion. Feel free to make the upper lip darker it generally works.

Please do not neglect the ears, the ears are key landmarks of the head and while we often forget to associate them with the face our brains are wired to instantly tell the head's direction using the ears as a landmark. Practice and respect the ears, they are important.

>> No.3700936
File: 374 KB, 1440x2960, sketch-1543518770527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I do? I spent 5 hours on this

>> No.3700941


>> No.3700944

Let's see, 5 hours it's a bit too much. It's something and it's original but needs to be improved. Do you want to draw anime ? Or it doesn't matter ? You should start with exercise for shapes,proportion, etc. Read some books, and keep drawing.

>> No.3700947
File: 33 KB, 255x249, 1506110035118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 hours

>> No.3700955


>> No.3700960

As a complete newbie it looks fine to me. The only thing that I can say that stands out is the lack of shading on the legs. They look pretty flat.

>> No.3700961

The last time I drew anything past a scribble was 10 years ago
I would like to. I wanna draw my own manga someday
I like it.

>> No.3700962

I got you when I get off work anon.

>> No.3700963
File: 104 KB, 698x724, legless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone redline some legs onto this, or give me a reference that shows me how it could be done.

>> No.3700964
File: 125 KB, 698x724, 1522109437159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3700965
File: 184 KB, 698x724, 20181129_164607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3700966

Did you draw the eyes that way on purpose or are you just bad with open eyes?

>> No.3700967

I'm bad with eyes. I tried but ended up scrapping them.

>> No.3700976
File: 134 KB, 673x993, cute cell shading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was doing it already geez

Anyways I think it i super cute for the cartoonish style. I admit I am no good at cell shading at all but I tried to add some things to it to make her more lively.

>> No.3700983

Thanks anon, I really like the way you've shaded this, I think it just goes to show that I need to work on my cell shading. I really like the highlights so I'll probably work to incorporate that into the style.

>> No.3700987

How do you shade better? I know its a dumb question but do I just darken the current color?

>> No.3700988
File: 131 KB, 698x724, 1543531402014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a ballerina

>> No.3700990

Also curious about this. All of my shit looks really flat

>> No.3700993
File: 81 KB, 389x702, Manerva MinkCapture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would one lay out a loomis simplified skeleton for this character?
Please draw it in red line?

>> No.3700999
File: 583 KB, 1211x768, orc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shading has heavy correlation with the light source and the local colors but the general idea is that you darken the color (duh) but you also slowly decrease the saturation of it and you can move the color wheel value to darker/colder colors slightly as you decerase the saturation. Usually this is up to you on which way, purple blue and greenish greys can work well but none of these are hard rules colors are a big and complicated subject and it id more important that your colors work well together on teh whole picture.

pic I did some earlier thread kind of explains it

>> No.3701005

Thank you anon this was insightful

>> No.3701006
File: 244 KB, 694x943, armor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this, armor Anon?

>> No.3701012

>a loomis simplified skeleton
What exactly is that? Explain

>> No.3701029
File: 499 KB, 823x961, Foon With a PANcil Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this.
Don't know how to apply that simple skeleton to map out her body.

>> No.3701057
File: 73 KB, 324x629, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, is this what you meant?

>> No.3701070

Ahh, yes.
But is it just a matter of knowing the female muscle shapes to then just stick them onto the skeleton?

>> No.3701123

I have a Rubik's cube sitting on my desk and it's surprisingly hard to just draw the outline of it from observation (no rendering). It always comes out with some sides tilted or uneven, or it's just at the wrong angle, etc. Are there any tricks for more carefully reproducing the sizes/angles of objects like this beyond "hurr just practice"?

>> No.3701125

Learn Vilppu's gesture drawing method

>> No.3701147
File: 346 KB, 1000x1414, balls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew balls. Any tips on getting the axis in the correct spot, especially on the (almost) side views? Newer balls are the smaller ones.

>> No.3701172

To be frank you need to practice getting measurements and your shapes consistent.

Most of the 1/3 guidelines you drew up are not thirds. The circles aren't even proper circles or ellipses.

There is a reason why the artist holding his pencil in front of him to measure is an iconic meme.

>> No.3701182

If drawing on actual psychical paper then use a ruler to draw your lines.

If you are trying to draw straight lines free hand and trying to have those lines parallel to each other, then they are going to drift and not be straight which is going to make drawing a cube really hard.

If you do it without a ruler then you are going to have to draw the lines quickly.

>> No.3701200

What do you mean by thirds? I didn't realize I was supposed to be measuring, I'm just going through Loomis.

>> No.3701210

Yeah, I should just use a ruler for geometric objects like that. No rules just tools.
I think I can sort of measure angles by closing one eye and tilting a pencil (some pencil I'm not currently drawing with I mean) to match the angle of the line I see and then carefully putting that pencil on the paper. It's easy to tilt the measuring stick slightly while you're transferring it though.

>> No.3701215

I'm not that anon but I can draw lines my problem is to put these lines in perspective
i'm reading all these books but is so damn hard to drawing a cube rotating

>> No.3701224

Wtf are you drawing qith

>> No.3701225

My hand and a tablet

>> No.3701229

Why does my brain try to rationalize not drawing?

>> No.3701236
File: 222 KB, 672x727, SCAN0219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done, did not do a 4B pass. Mostly because I'm lazy.

The desire to not draw is the desire to submit to entropy.

I'll never forget when I learned that human beings, by virtue of creating break the order of the universe by being the only things to fight entropy. So if you want to tell the universe to fuck itself, do something to fight entropy. Draw.

>> No.3701237

Will my mild OCD help me or not with learing how to draw? I can spot if something is even a few millimeters off.

>> No.3701238

Won't help, get over the OCD or you won't ever achieve anything in life . You won't ever do anything perfectly.

>> No.3701242

It's not really harming me in any way. It's not that bad. I was just talking about the ability to spot mistakes.

>> No.3701243
File: 36 KB, 235x174, 1494182645113.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it's gonna be harder to draw
the first 2 years of drawing most likely everything is shit anyways

>> No.3701251
File: 91 KB, 1000x1000, Me and mr. thinkpad mouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I really become an artist if
>No tablet
>Use thinkpad's laptop's mouse (basically a red circle)
>Use so little time for drawing
>Use FireAlpaca

>> No.3701255


>> No.3701262
File: 105 KB, 1000x1000, Oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3701263

Fun with a Pencil? Drawing Figure for all its worth?

He has pages in both books irc called the divided ball and plane method. Where you divide from the chin to the hair line into thirds and mark the nose and ear and eyebrow line. I just assumed you were doing it.

Regardless, always measure. How do you know if you arms are the same length. How do you know if you drew the forearm shorter than the upper arm. I am not talking about anatomy here.

When talking about "proportions", it is not an exact number but "is this thing in proportion to another".

So when I see you are trying to draw the head and your guidelines are not in proportion to each other I thought you intended to be I said, practice measuring.

And please... actually go through loomis and try to understand it, not just look through the examples and try to re-draw it.

>> No.3701269

Name of the girl?

>> No.3701284
File: 250 KB, 1050x666, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what can i do to improve upon this?

>> No.3701287

What tablet though

>> No.3701289


>> No.3701297

I think you meant 日本人, but no, im not

>> No.3701300

Same thing

>> No.3701301
File: 459 KB, 1403x1823, strav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did the upside down picasso. Unironically the best thing I've ever drawn. Fucked up the hands majorly, and the head is mess too, but it's a start I guess. I'm actually pretty motivated, I think I'll pirate one of the exercise books mentioned in the sticky and work through it.

>> No.3701310
File: 203 KB, 1600x1200, sonicmaniasketchonclasspart6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i gave up on digital art for awhile and i only recently got back into it, i wanna paint and render really good but its complicated to find straightforward loomis style tutorials, especially when im using a slightly more lowkey progam like Krita rather than photoshop

i put light airbrush on this. any general things i should know about painting, rendering, and color theory?

>> No.3701314

For some reason I thought you were replying to >>3701147, which was my second post, my bad. I didn't use Loomis for that image, just Proko and paper perspective. Look at my other post for me actually attempting some of Loomis.

Either way, I see what you mean though for the most part, thanks. Will keep the measuring tips in mind.

XP-Pen Deco01. Does it suck or something?

>> No.3701319

How to maximize performance in Krita? Fresh install of 4.1.5 that I didn't use before.

>> No.3701325

I've tried drawing since I was 13 until I was 23 and almost everyday I dedicated at least 3 hours to learning and practicing drawing whether through my own effort and using online resources or asking others to help try and grasp the basic concepts of art. I slowly realized I sucked at art and would never be able to reach my goal and get a manga serialization in a japanese magazine. I don't know if digital art wouldve made a difference but I tried everything for those 10 years by hand since I didnt want to buy a tablet until I was sure I had the basics down and was ready to keep moving forward. I am 25 now and last year I dumped all my old art shit away because it is trash and I never was able to make it far or really advance. Is there any hope I could learn how to draw?

>> No.3701330

yes go draw

>> No.3701331

the reflected light is too light, its still supposed to be dark just less so

>> No.3701332
File: 384 KB, 1603x1200, grind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm afraid of colors

>> No.3701336

What if I still dont gain any skill after 10+ years?

>> No.3701338
File: 92 KB, 742x854, umjl47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent a few hours applying the final ink on this, obviously super slow. My autism forces me to always redo a line at the slightest error so the final tracing part is harder than anything that preceds it. How do I solve this?

>> No.3701346

thats your problem go draw already

>> No.3701348


>> No.3701353
File: 31 KB, 416x297, 1539461235115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3701375

Post your work, anon. Maybe someone her can help.

>> No.3701382

You want us to judge your possibilities at drawing but you have not posted any

>> No.3701384

if it's your autism you can't really fix it, but just know that people don't often see the same mistakes you do, especially normies. also your shit looks good

>> No.3701385

do you have any WIP's? I really like the way your drawings turn out.

>> No.3701463

Read the manual lol

>> No.3701465
File: 859 KB, 1326x1020, Sin título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got into digital art 2 days ago please don't bully

>> No.3701470

She looks like she's really been rolling in poop, my dude. I like the eyes, though.

>> No.3701491

I made the cover btw, what should i credit you as?

>> No.3701502

Pick better colors not ones direvtly eyedroped from the source. Especisly for cel shading unless you are doing an exact copy.

>> No.3701515
File: 282 KB, 943x756, corner_from_the_bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this problem of never being able to push myself to try again. I can't ever bring myself to start over - I put so much pressure on myself to get it right the first time that when I make a mistake, I just give up.

How do I work past this? Is it even possible, or am I just doomed to never drawing enough to actually get good?

>> No.3701517

Are you depresso

>> No.3701523

I don't... think so. How do you know?

>> No.3701527

Lack of motivation is one of the key things with depression. Does it apply to other stuff or just art? For what its worth i think you need to take more time measuring stuff and less time actually draing. Stop the chicken scratch right now and never do it again, even if you make mistakes

>> No.3701534

Well, now that I think about it, I do tend to avoid doing most things that I want/need to do because I've already preordained that it isn't going to work.
I just don't have any faith that my drawing will improve, or that it's possible to meet people outside of work. I'm furious that schooling is so expensive that you have to work an entry-level job full time for several years just to get a CHANCE to become a better human being, so I end up feeling like art is my only reasonable option. And yet it also stresses me out enough that I never draw. Which sucks, because I do enjoy drawing, but I'm just so focused on what it actually means for me that I just want to... crawl into a pit of spiders and cry.

Also, I thought chicken scratch was feathering your lines? Does it still count if you're redrawing the same line multiple times and just fucking it up?

>> No.3701549

I sort of get you,

School is expensive, im doing a 5 year degree that has a 6th year honours and im going to have to do a masters after that if i want to actually get a cool job. The work i cant sympathize with because i set myself up financially.

The artwork. No one has talent. You may have an aptitude or2 lear3n faster but everything is skill and practice. I just do art as a hobby so i only get in like 30 mins a day but if you dont put in the time youll never see results.

Whats to the right of the books dog?

>> No.3701557
File: 296 KB, 1080x1080, 6D00C42C-4D98-4B60-8B98-E6940A9BE185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for drawing accurate dinosaurs? Should I reference off of fossils first, or would using the most current reconstruction be better?

>> No.3701563
File: 656 KB, 1800x1800, fuck drawing gggggggggggggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I just kill myself or keep doin loomis like I have been for ages (I just got back into drawing)

>> No.3701567

Draw from life, or failing that copy reference without tracing. You'll figure out your own method eventually, which will likely diverge from loomis quite a bit. Those books in particular are only a launching point, but don't discredit their value. Keep drawing. Experiment more.

>> No.3701568

thanks man, this was actually pretty helpful/comforting

>> No.3701571

Assuming you're talking about the little box, that is a lap desk. It... Looks pretty much like that from the angle I was drawing it from, so I'm not sure how I would make it more clear without rendering - which I don't know how to do in pen.

>> No.3701572

It’s good to see niceanons are still kickin around here

>> No.3701584

My man, drawing an accurate cube freehaned is one of the hardest things to do for newcomers. In some art curriculum people spend a whole semester just drawing cubes very large to internalize the structure of the 3D form. I only had to do for a few times in class but believe me that shit ain't easy. They teach you to measure the distances to be able to put it on your paper accurately. Cube drawing freehanded on your paper is a generic grind you must do in art class from multiple angles, because while it is boring and is frustrating it is actually a pretty complex exercise that trains your vision and observation very well

Here is the academic instruction on "measuring with your pencil" it needs a practice.

It is a bit of a long read but this is basically the thing they would tell you in art class to do. Ask if you got questions, good luck!

>> No.3701586

Do not get discouraged Anon, take a break and come back to it and keep doing it! Art is a grind no way around that, so patience is key.

>> No.3701589

>i'm afraid of colors
Why? Explain further!

>> No.3701593

So If I just draw that entropy just goes away?

>> No.3701598

>XP-Pen Deco01. Does it suck or something?

>> No.3701601
File: 4 KB, 298x300, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I into "abstract" composition homework for school? I have attended the classes but tutor rejected all my comps so far and I need to remake them this week. They were rejected because >not abstract enough. I guess the tutor expects stuff that's more like modern art

It's mostly stuff like "red monochromatic rhythmic composition" or "unbalanced and made with colours that remind of fear". I guess I lack imagination, but I need to complete them till the next Thursday or Friday.

>> No.3701620

I'm right handed, but I got nerve damage in my right arm. Would forcing myself to draw left handed be practical or would it just hold me back in the long run?

>> No.3701639

Left handed people used to be forced to write with a right hand, often, in the past. You can try to, too. Also I heard tennis/table tennis players sometimes learn how to play with the opposite hand to confuse their enemies, but Idk how precise your art can be that way.

>> No.3701651
File: 116 KB, 1008x756, Nintentar_Blade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to dial in on my linework a little bit, and tried to measure more, but I don't think I did a very good job.

>> No.3701652

It just takes extra. I play left handed guitar even though im right handed. But drawing probs is gonna take longer to get used to

>> No.3701655
File: 71 KB, 697x937, Nintentar_Blade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it posted sideways despite doing everything to make it not do that.

>> No.3701656

The proportions are better. I dont think a caligraphy pen is your best bet due to the way it flows and curves though. Get a flowmate or something

>> No.3701665

I like the line variations you can get with a fountain pen, and it feels very satisfying to use even if I'm nowhere near skilled enough to make good use of it. I don't like the way ballpoints drag on the page, and force you to make a groove on the paper just to put ink down, it feels sluggish by comparison.

Not that it matters, since my perspective is garbage and I'm probably ngmi anyway.

>> No.3701706

Sounds like you have yourself convinced that you are not going to make it.

I guess there's no point in anyone trying to convince you.

Ah well.

>> No.3701708

Is the headstock broken off the neck of the guitar? You should definitely try out the brush pen listed in the sticky and watch a Peter Han demo video, it might inspire you. But I can see you need a primer on perspective based on the game console and bottom of the guitar. Skim Perspective Made Easy, draw some boxes with a ruler and pencil and it should help you see some errors.

>> No.3701714

wow rly gud bird

>> No.3701716

Draw animals (and their skeletons) that resemble dinosaurs. Better to give yourself a way to cheat so you can experiment and see what works for you.

>> No.3701719

Your accuracy is really bad. Ditch the colors if you want a decent critique here.

>> No.3701720
File: 511 KB, 1049x1318, light source03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not mean to be rude here anon but the lights and shadows seem to be randomly all over the place on those shapes. Like they do not follow the surface of the shapes at all.

The red should have a much larger shadow if you follow the highlight spot and the reflected light seems to be coming from some other random direction possibly a second light source that is not pictured? It also doe not take the color of the teal local value that comes form the table. I tried to adjust this a but made the light source a bit differently to make it fit the image.

The cylinder is lit from the left side pointing behind it, because of the perspective the shadow must be mirrored on the table moving upwards yet the shadow seem to take a 90 degrees turn to the right and come towards the right of the shape? I tried to adjust this to leave the shadow there and adjust the direction to the light source to match it.

The beanbag is the most confusing I can't seem to find the direction it is is it floating or lying on the ground which was does the light come from? How reflective is it? I t seem quite reflective because of the stripes on its side but those do not add up to its surface. I tried to put it on a surface and use the highlight spot to apply some shadow on it.

>> No.3701721

trace it over on a new sheet of paper
and then trace that over on a new sheet of paper

>> No.3701723

copy anime until you can fap to your drawings (sticky teaches you how to measure). it'll be fun and you'll improve a lot, as long as you have the good sense to stop copying anime once you nut

>> No.3701724

Not sure what the implication is here

>> No.3701725

do value studies, which means copying from a picture or i guess actual toy blocks, making sure to start out with only one prominent light source

>> No.3701728

Draw the three lines meeting up into the center corner, then draw the rest of the outline. Make good use of dots. as in, plot where the endpoints of your lines will be before you draw to avoid erasing everything over and over again. Straight lines come from some combination of ghosting, speed, and tracing notebook paper a lot.

>> No.3701733

Where is the thread for looking for art books?
Is it in the /ic/ board, or...what?
I am looking for "Anatomy And Perspective"

>> No.3701740

Ever look at the paid drawabox critiques? After 250 boxes/cylinders he just fucking passes you even if they're mediocre (as long as you follow his process). Pick the worst attempt he passed and ask yourself if your forms are of comparable quality. They are? Don't fucking grind 250 boxes then, that's a complete waste of time.

>> No.3701745

It's the upside down Stravinsky with values thrown in. You can only get so inaccurate before you start getting into Deviantart nightmare levels of stagnation.

>> No.3701751

there's a few links in the /beg/ sticky
the artbook thread is here >>3693590
search thoroughly before asking

>> No.3701752
File: 101 KB, 900x900, F49A6632-6E7E-4726-B6E6-15AF37811AA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on how to move forward with rendering? Also any tips on how to get the face right under these lighting circumstances of the hair partially covering the face? Also, I don’t know how to move forward with the neck for the same reasons of being partially obscured.

>> No.3701754
File: 2.29 MB, 2550x3300, sycra_simplified_anatomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how good is this for learning anatomy in stylized drawings

>> No.3701756

Thats why i said use a freeflowing ink pen

>> No.3701757

like a 2.3

>> No.3701758

learn how to draw first.

>> No.3701764

I see people saying this sometimes. I don’t know what you’re getting at specifically because it is a vague statement. Can you point out some issues that lead you to say this? I’m groping in the dark with specifics.

>> No.3701765

*without specifics, I meant to say.

>> No.3701766
File: 63 KB, 722x349, 1508184887224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3701776

Eho the frick is sycra? Ill say it a million times
Learn proper anatomy before you learn to stylize

>> No.3701787

do you seriously not know who he is

>> No.3701795


He's the Chris Hart of youtube.

>> No.3701800
File: 73 KB, 724x1104, majin_vegeta_by_sycra_d71gy04-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like he stylises everything and cant actually draw that well

>> No.3701802

>that one on the bottom right
if it isn't op in next /beg/ thread i'm gonna riot

>> No.3701812

>majin vegeta by yugioh style

>> No.3701817
File: 101 KB, 682x1004, SCAN0214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean like the steps I took for that image in particular. I'll post the progress for the image you replied to.

I'm not working on anything on the moment so no WIP in that regard.


>> No.3701818
File: 78 KB, 480x583, SCAN0215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1/4 is the initial sketching where I figure out the proportions, the size, and the relationship between a lot of the features. It still scares me because 1/4 never looks anywhere near the final result. Took me about 45-90 minutes, not sure

2/4 I start with 2H to sketch in values, this was half-way through

>> No.3701819
File: 389 KB, 1116x1426, SCAN0216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3/4 I finish laying in 2H values. I should mention I check in 1/4 and 3/4 with the original image to look for any errors because once I go further it becomes really difficult to fix things.

>> No.3701822
File: 160 KB, 563x634, SCAN0218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4/4 I finished with 2B values, I usually get tired towards this stage and I never do a pass with 4B like I intend to.

This is all done with graphite so when I scan the images in they appear lighter then they really are unfortunately. I was thinking of doing some post-processing, but meh. I could work with charcoal but I generally never liked working with it since it is even less forgiving.

I make some minor changes between here the the one I posted here >>3701236 but it is all minor stuff.

>> No.3701830

What are some good Youtuber Artists that post long tutorials that show and explain the different stages of drawing? All that sped up 20x shit looks like black magic to me.

>> No.3701834


>> No.3701837

Crap, I forgot to mention I wanted a digital art videos. But thanks anyway.

>> No.3701838

You literally cherrypicked one of his worst works

>> No.3701840
File: 165 KB, 1230x783, catr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a beginner (obviously).

How do I draw with a pencil objects that aren't mostly smooth? Especially fur, of cats or hamsters and other animals? Also any advice is welcome.

The picture was a 5 min sketch.

>> No.3701858

It's a random character design I'm afraid

>> No.3701862
File: 310 KB, 1362x1802, Jin_Kazama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad is this sketch?

>> No.3701866

i think painting is very vague and i suck
i suck at drawing too but at least i know whats wrong and what study to get better painting feels to chaotic
gonna post work later

>> No.3701874

C'mon, that's just showing off.

How the hell do you get so good that you can just bust that out so quickly? I'm at the end of my tether and it feels like no amount of practice is going to achieve results like that.

>> No.3701876

>so quickly
the post is one day old

>> No.3701888

Man I need to work on my proportions/accuracy for drawing from life.

>> No.3701891

Hatching. Check out the hatching techniques. By utilising different types on different objects you can differentiate them.

>> No.3701894

Not him, but I can see t-rex arms, elastic ribcage, absolutely ginormous thighs and ass. Also I think boobs don't follow the gravity properly but I may be mistaken - though again it ties in with the shape of ribcage.

>> No.3701895

You Tried/10

>> No.3701901


> not drawing Asuka instead.

It’s pretty rough man, but it look looks like one of those meme drawings that’s intentionally trying to look bad. It’s got a weird charm in that way.

>> No.3701900

Anon please practice your fundies and do traditional until you can draw a *complete* figure off your head with ease

>> No.3701917

by doing "traditional", you mean drawing references?

>> No.3701918

This lad's benis equals his pupil in length. Hope I'll reach this level of backward exaggeration some day.

>> No.3701920

Traditional as in pen and paper.

>> No.3701934

yeah, pencil and paper; When I first started taking art seriously I would religiously do traditional figure drawing studies from reference, this helped me greatly and I found out years later that doing digital felt way way easier than traditional; now I do digital but I think that having that traditional background is really important

>> No.3701940
File: 320 KB, 899x554, a3ec3f21ae80d51ed2476c7bab387fd8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any advices or criticism except that my sketch is messy ?

>> No.3701942

Sketch is very messy.

>> No.3701944

right shoulder should be closer to her neck, and left leg should be higher, also draw the rest of her arms/legs and hands/feet desu

overall it's a hecking sketch please draw more before asking for critiqueu

>> No.3701954

Look at the timestamps for both posts you chop.

>> No.3701976
File: 1.21 MB, 888x729, thiccc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would one go about drawing a better thicc thigh?

>> No.3701984

actually draw a thigh

>> No.3701985

You fool. You've just listed everything I like about the picture

>> No.3701988

You wont make it with such poor taste.

>> No.3701996

Can you elaborate? What's wrong with it?

>> No.3702030
File: 306 KB, 955x695, plague doctor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been drawing on and off since I was a kid and have never thought of my work as professional in quality. This year, I've taken up drawing again and have been trying to improve. Here is my latest work. On the left is the actual ink drawing. On the right is the drawing after some Photoshop work. I would appreciate any constructive critique. Thanks!

>> No.3702041

When are you gonna get out of your comfort zone?

>> No.3702045

What do you mean?

>> No.3702051

draw rest of body with it so it has somewhere to fit in
make fishnets wrap around the contour of the thicc thigh instead of straight x's - you will have to draw a lot of ellipses

>> No.3702108
File: 510 KB, 991x569, sreggin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i redone it guys. Idk if it's better but at least it's cleaner

>> No.3702116

proko head is just loomis head don't bother listen to that guy

>> No.3702121

Thank you!

>> No.3702122

it's better, your pose is slightly less exaggerated than the reference but it's still accurate and correct

>> No.3702125

>XP-Pen Deco01
remember to turn it to display ratio mode not max active area or else the circle you draw in tablet will turn into the ellipse

>> No.3702129

pleeeeeeeeeeaaaasssseeeee pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeassse help

>> No.3702134
File: 195 KB, 711x773, rerender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What that means Anon is that it would benefit you to study the fundamental before going straight into the deep water of rendering something in 3D. Just drawing with lines is faster for your to learn stuff like anatomy.

On your question on rendering. Rendering should be done in high res with large brushes to put down the basic shapes and then smaller and smaller brushes to render out the details. Your rendering will be better if you add more midtone values to it and make details better with gradually smaller brushes.

>> No.3702136

thx yeah i try not to exaggerate

>> No.3702140

That's better man.

>> No.3702141


CTR+PAINT rendering video series

color theory

>> No.3702142

no offence but your sketch is not that great why do you want to study color already ? practice loomis with pencil and paper if u can't use PS.

>> No.3702146 [DELETED] 

this >>3702141 was meant for you

>> No.3702148

thx anon

>> No.3702153

this >>3702141 was meant for you

>> No.3702167

>try to help others
>never be answered myself

>> No.3702169

try to hold your pencil's tip horizontally to make a larger surface.

>> No.3702172

To be fair Anon your question is really hard to answer

>> No.3702185

It also comes down to personal preferences of the teacher and the school curriculum. You basically need to guess.

>> No.3702205
File: 124 KB, 736x1103, 1508825289230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just realising how fucking great a resource Proko is
Don't make my mistake younglings.

>> No.3702211
File: 241 KB, 562x865, 20181130_214031-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critiques on my arm's anatomy practice?

>> No.3702249
File: 898 KB, 487x560, 1538795349445.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me more pls

>> No.3702321
File: 671 KB, 1371x1572, eyepractice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3702324

shit forgive me for not resizing

>> No.3702325

Does anyone else come to this threads just to say
>Im better than this dude, this dude, this dude, shit this beg draws better than me, this dude
To feel a little better about themselves? Please tell me Im not the only one

>> No.3702327
File: 118 KB, 756x1008, Kitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I learned that colored pencil and graphite don't mix.

Are there any resources out there that explaingl good ways to use colored pencils correctly?

>> No.3702336

Sometimes it can feel validating to know you're better than your peers, but then the realization kicks in that they're probably trying a lot harder than you are and you feel a little guilty about judging them.

I try to help where I can, even if I rarely follow my own advice, because I know that I would appreciate the same from them if the roles were reversed.

>> No.3702350

Get pencial and paper retard cheaper then the electricity to use the thinkpad,

>> No.3702353
File: 525 KB, 1406x580, skull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did a value study for the first time

>> No.3702371

Why arent you using a skeleton? you could have done your legs at the beginning with everything else and then do the detail on top, I think starting everything simlified and then detailing it is better than detailing the upper body and then having to start new for the lower one

>> No.3702378

the squeeze is usually a lot more subtle on the hose. also, try actually drawing the entire thigh, crotch to knee

>> No.3702408
File: 226 KB, 1536x2048, 82C9B258-0719-4F90-85D6-54B8BBAA6789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just having fun and wanted to share.

Everyone complains about hands, but feet are a real puzzle.

>> No.3702411

Just got the Pentel Pocket Brush. Its really fun to draw with, but goddamn does it feel hard to control. Any exercises or anything I can do specifically to control the Pentel Pocket Brush, or is it just that I should draw a lot with it and control will come naturally?

>> No.3702452

Throughout my artist career (about 2 years now) I ignored the importance of building up your subjects with forms. Starting with a cylinder, and then adding to it to form the muscles of the leg for example. Proko is all about that.

I knew it was important, and I tried to keep it in mind while drawing, but I didn't truly understand.

>> No.3702456

The trouble for me is trusting that I'll be able to skip those steps once I fully understand what I'm doing, and just want to jump to the part where I already get it.
So I end up thinking I know what to do, trying it, fucking it up, and then saying to myself, "I just don't know what went wrong!"

>> No.3702471

In art, the only thing you can really be sure of is how little you actually know.

>> No.3702475
File: 1.78 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any help and advice appreciated

>> No.3702552
File: 94 KB, 1890x1417, helpmeic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having major problems trying to make the arms look ok in this one. I know the proportions are off, but the main thing I am trying to wrap my head around is where the arms would both connect, and at what point they would dissapear in front of the body. Imagine he's clutching his groin or something, how would the arms look from the back?

Also some advice for shading would be nice. The light source is behind and above to the right of the picture. Any help is appreciated thanks

>> No.3702563

Have you even tried to implement fundamentals?

>> No.3702573
File: 82 KB, 720x960, GAROU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything glaringly wrong with this? I thought it was fine though I guess the extended arm might be a bit dislocated.

>> No.3702579

In three years, do you think screen drawing tablet prices will go down significantly?

>> No.3702595

1 - Anime style. I know that is what you are going for, but if you are strictly trying to improve, then it is not the best way.

2 - The hands look pretty bad. I think that is because the fingers go too far down the hand. The fingers are roughly the same size as the palm

3 - Overall the muscles are ok, but the poses are kinda off. Like, the bottom left guy's shoulder seems to be too far back, and things like that.

4 - you have a lot of potential! I like the expression (like, not the faces, but the motion) of the piece. Good work!

>> No.3702601

Where to start with anatomy? Never drawn anything humanoid before and im an absolute beg.

>> No.3702604
File: 824 KB, 1436x901, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so I'm back again to beg for help. Can someone red line this and show me how to pose her/draw arms leaning? Or just show me where I went wrong and what to change?

>> No.3702607

>absolute beg
/beg/ sticky. no point trying anatomy if your accuracy sucks

>> No.3702624

Fair enough, I'll just work through those then

>> No.3702643
File: 2.16 MB, 1922x2944, 20181130_231534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time figure drawing. How does it look boys

>> No.3702683


thanks m8

>> No.3702691

The sketch is far too rough to the point where it is hard to distinguish completely what is going on. The arms and legs have very poor knowledge of anatomy, which is the main flaw here other than the sketchiness. The left arm in particular is connected very oddly to the body, and the right arm is too short and oriented in a confusing way.

Overall it is pretty terrible, but being your first time that is fair enough. To improve, work on your lineart, even in sketches. Try to have more confident lines. Also, study anatomy religiously, even before you bother with proportion.

How long did this take you? Something like that should take about a minute, but that thick linework tells me that this probably took about five to ten minutes.

>> No.3702698

Start with construction. Simplify the figure to boxes and cylinders then construct the pose. Meanwhile, don't worry about the outline or the detail of anatomy yet. That comes after you've learned to properly give structure to your figure by first simplifying it. Boxes for the ribcage and pelvis connected by the spine. Boxes or cylinders for the limbs and the head. Practice that a few times and then start refining the shapes to look more and more realistic, and study basic anatomy alongside that.

>> No.3702699

that looks like a fish with long beaks and feet rather than bird for me

>> No.3702706

Keep it up. Work on a more neutral background so you can see the values better. Don't over blend and practice your edge control. It's better to emphasize the forms even if it looks blocky as you can always polish them after. The form is lost if you start with too much blending. Keep in mind the structure of the brow and the nose next to the eye and that you are molding these forms with light and shadow. Remember that the eye is a ball and the corners are fleshy indentations. Think about the direction of your light source and how it is casting shadows.

>> No.3702725
File: 351 KB, 1163x599, arm rhythm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you circle out muscle groups like that, they will look disjointed. It's not a proper representation of how they connect together. The muscles have a rhythm and flow to how they weave into each other. You lose that when you isolate them like that. Learn rhythm lines. Also when drawing lines to show the form, do it all the way around, not just for the parts that bulge out.

>> No.3702754

Can shadows be warm?

>> No.3702770

I picked it entirely at random. None of his other works are particularly good

>> No.3702776

Thanks for the details in your crits. I wasn’t the guy who called you a fool. I do see what you mean about the elastic rib cage. I’ll work on that. The big legs are deliberate though, but I will experiment with different proportions.

>> No.3702779

This was helpful. Thanks for giving an example of a rework in your pic related. I’ll consider your words and work on improving on those areas.

>> No.3702781

Not significantly, but you can get a decent one for about 200 right now. The Samsung Galaxy Tab A with S-Pen.

>> No.3702785
File: 48 KB, 1136x1436, niger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never tried coloring before. Is anything off?
And the falling guy is supposed to have a bowlcut

>> No.3702790

How long do you guys practice every day?

>> No.3702793

For the past 3 days I've been drawing maybe 5 hours a day on my new tablet. Much comfier than traditional. Though I've always been in cycles of drawing a lot, then dropping it for a while and coming back. I do it cause it's fun

>> No.3702796

Well, the thing with legs you still need to keep them within the more or less realistic size if you are going for more or less realistic other body parts or it would just look gross. If you want to exaggerate them so much you would be better off with cartoony style which is much better suited to it.

>> No.3702820

You spelled nigger wrong

>> No.3702825

I have just started using pencils, too. So I'm seconding the question for pencil advice. I got a pack of watercolor pencils. Also colors are complicated but fun. Or at least which yt channels show how to use them well and correctly?

>> No.3702832

How is it possible that I can delude myself into thinking some of my worst creations are passable?
Only after I get back to it months later do I realize what shouldve been obvious right away

>> No.3702839

You're only just now learning how to see. Don't be too hard on your past self.

>> No.3702844
File: 174 KB, 299x240, 1539396959009.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flip your canvas / paper horizontally to see what's wrong every so often. Take 5 min breaks from your computer too.

>> No.3702846
File: 418 KB, 1000x1431, Pop demon resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a drawing of a demon oc i had. I've been trying to be more complex with my colours, especially with skin.

What should my tablets screen settings be when painting, i know i need to keep in mind that it'll look different on different monitors. Is there a standard?
I usually have my tablet on a low saturation setting if thats any help.

>> No.3702848

Ive started to incorporate that and it does help. The mind does get used to things

You can try to play with the brightness I think? overall its good but maybe a bit too much contract on some of the darker colors

>> No.3702857 [DELETED] 

found it

>> No.3702933

Your oc looks like killer queen.

Play around with the fire as a light source and the curvature of the hair tentacles

>> No.3702963

You should be happy with this.

I always see peoples drawings on advertisements or children's play areas and other places where people have did a drawing and the way they are drawn is always bad.

I'm here to tell you now that your sketch doesn't come close to how bad their final drawing is.

And here's the killer about this this, YOU are only a beginner.

>> No.3702979

Thread was TLDR; here is some quick advice.

Don't put your focus on trying to draw something that looks "good." As a beginner artist you should be practicing your hand/eye skills by drawing from life. Your focus should be on capturing life like proportions, forms, textures, and lighting.

Start with individual objects that have simple shapes and not so complicated textures, add single light source that will create light coming from a certain angle, this helps you practice understanding how a simple light source works on different forms. After you become more comfortable with this practice then start practicing on objects with more complicated forms and textures, say something like a sneaker, backpack, keys, a light colored shirt lying slightly crumpled up. Move from single objects to a still life, that is a group of objects you have arranged together in a pleasing design.

You should probably spend somewhere between 50 and 150 hours total at this stage before expecting to advance up to a good place on the learning curve and your drawings are truly life like, proportions are right on, form makes sense to anybody b/c you captured the light correctly, and your textures bring each object to life.

At some point you should more on to studying the human body and face in a similar fashion. Working from life is best but if you can't get people to sit for you for an hour or 2 then using photo reference is acceptable. Don't underestimate the benefit of practicing from life, it gives you a better understanding and the hours you put in give more/better experience and you learn more. If you can't get people to pose for you, go somewhere public where people are likely to be still for period of time and try to sketch them, like a mall food court or something.. when sketching people it's good to build up to longer drawings by doing quick 60 second gesture drawings first that look really squiggly and just try to capture the essence of the form.

>> No.3702987

thanks for the critique anon, i'll be sure to pay closer attention

>> No.3702998

Thank (you) anon. Kinda hoping for more TLDRs like this.

>> No.3703007

If he is clutching the groin shoulders would go a little forward instead of staying as if he was just standing normally. You will see more of the upper arm and less of the forearm. Currently the arms go nowhere near the groin and just lay on the thighs.

>> No.3703028

thx anon appreciate.i'm happy with it because i can see i improved a bit. A month ago i couldn't draw like this. also i can see i'm improving with poses as well >>3702108

>> No.3703039

That's great dewd, with the way you're going you will get where you want to be.
Just completely ignore the trolling and only take on board constructive criticism.

>> No.3703057
File: 1.12 MB, 1436x901, redline02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your redline anon, before you start the details just do the basic shapes and check it from far away if it works like the reference. Do not just copy the reference once you got the construction down try to take the character's individual shape into consideration.

>> No.3703078
File: 483 KB, 1312x984, two_times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though some people I ask say it's fine, I still struggle with chins. It never feels right and it keeps me from focusing on other parts of my drawing, like getting the eyelids right.

>> No.3703085
File: 923 KB, 1116x957, garou02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine pencilwork anon you clearly worked a lot at this. Here are some suggestions
Use the eyebrows better, the eyebrows are an integral part of conveying facial emotion and so many beginners treat them as just an afterthought. The eyebrows pull together when you are tensed both because it is a social que for hostiliy and to focus your sight on your opponent.so not have leave a gap between the eye ball the the eyebrows combine the eyebrow with the eye itself to achieve the effect.

Hands are much lager than you portray them they can cover the face from the chin up to the eyebrows. Men in general especially have larger jagged and bonier hands (the Yaoi hands meme was invented for a reason after all)

When you grin the sides of your mouth turn dark because the teeth do not cover up to the sides, also the skin of the face is pulled apart and pushed upward cause the outer side of your eye to push up as well. It is even more apparent if you close the eyes that is where the (^_^) emotion comes from

Use these details to your advantage to convey the face's emotions, Manga artists usually know these that is why they draw like that.

>> No.3703112

Where tf do people get this pop out color picker? Do I have to take it up the ass and sign up for Photoshop CC to get such a basic feature?

>> No.3703124

Anon I don't know much about abstraction but I think it ahs some things to do with what yo uare trying to convey. A feeling? An emotion? An idea? What are you trying to convey with your art besides "I gotta do this home work cause I am forced to."

>> No.3703193

How long does it usually take to get the confirmation email from cgpeers?

>> No.3703203


>> No.3703218

Is there a better exercise book than drawing on the right side of the brain? I've flicked through the first two hundred pages and there's only been two exercises, the rest is just pseudointellectual exposition from the author

>> No.3703219

There's so much to learn in art, it's almost overwhelming...

How do you choose just one thing to focus on?

>> No.3703221

keys to drawing

>> No.3703227

Yeah, the exercises are okay but the book itself is shit. Check out the sticky in catalog it has most of what you need to start. If you are really put off by both "Right Side" and "Keys to Drawing" just start drawing some 3d shapes (cubes, cylinders, cones and so on) and try to draw from life while reading Loomis and Perspective Made Easy.

>> No.3703229

Find and artist that you really like and check what he concentrates on. Then put more emphasis on this.

>> No.3703232

Just draw what you like.

>> No.3703331
File: 139 KB, 717x1000, 20181201_191727-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for your critiques anon, I made another try and I think it came out much better than the first one

>> No.3703334

When you draw should you keep your hand lifted a bit over the paper or can you rest it on it and slide your hand?

>> No.3703412

slide if smudging isn't a problem.

>> No.3703556
File: 897 KB, 1004x959, Rib KageR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, where would you draw the holes like you were attaching them to this rib cage in like a form drawing like way?

>> No.3703557

>>3703556What I MEANT to say was...
Where would you draw the holes for attaching the ARMS....to the rib cage in like a form drawing like way?

>> No.3703561

arms don't attach to the "holes" of the ribcage, you fucking retard.
homerus attaches to the acromion process of scapula.
scapula and clavicles move almost indepenedly from the rib cage, only connecting to manubrium of sternum on the front and following the form on the back.

>> No.3703563

Now there's an anon who knows his anatomy

>> No.3703577
File: 592 KB, 971x1169, Retartedted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What were you saying?

>> No.3703587
File: 30 KB, 500x359, 1408130914306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state of /ic/

>> No.3703620

Are you retarded?

>> No.3703626
File: 49 KB, 896x763, 53bc2819fe74547e663acb642c6187d9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been drawing daily (based on drawabox) for around a week, should my lines still be this bad?

>> No.3703636
File: 243 KB, 599x987, stuff01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking the pose looks a little stiff but I can't tell specifically what's up, any tips?

>> No.3703639

Could you clarify the question Anon? Are you looking for a better pose?

>> No.3703641

Poses look dynamic when they are balanced.
Your pose on the other hand is stable. This is why it looks so stiff and static.

>> No.3703642

Your lines are fine. The point is to do get you to stop chicken-scratching, and start drawing with intention and confidence.
If you can draw a series of lines without retracing multiple times, and without assembling them piecemeal, then you're doing great.

>> No.3703648

Sorry, not looking for a better pose specifically but just wondering what was causing my pose to look stiff which I believe I understand now
Thanks anon, I'll try my hand at some dynamic poses next

>> No.3703649

sexy work anom would fap

>> No.3703650

Doing more gesture drawings would help you generate more fluid and natural looking poses.

>> No.3703692

How do you stop getting frustrated at your (lack) of progress? I've only been practicing for a couple of weeks but it's pissing me off that I can't wrap my head around most concepts. Mostly everything I draw ends up looking like shit too, even when I'm just copying someone else.

Drawing over images to practice construction looks like trash if I leave my lines and remove the reference. It's pretty discouraging.

>> No.3703738
File: 88 KB, 1294x466, cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of it like this: the only time you're making no progress is when you're not drawing at all.

My personal motto is, "Fail Upwards." It basically means you need to shut that inner voice up that says "everything is wrong" while you're still working on something and finish it anyway... Allow yourself to fuck it up, because the next one is going to be that much better. And then so is the one after that, and so on.

[Pictured: several botched attempts at drawing cats before coming up with a somewhat successful one.]

>> No.3703766

I always love to see how other people construct their drawings, all your cats look good to me because their is a foundation behind what you have attempted to draw instead of not having any foundation.

It's clear to see in your final drawing of the cat that's what you've done.

>> No.3703774

Yeah. Good quote to live by. It's hard to put it into practice but I'll try. Also gotta stop comparing myself to other people.

>> No.3703884
File: 130 KB, 615x1028, SCAN0220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried a portrait from imagination. Kek, what a mess.

>> No.3703888

cute lizard

>> No.3703890


Thanks, it was an interesting exercise that shows me I don't know jack shit. Will have to write notes when I do portraits, might try to study the planes of the head or something.

>> No.3703983
File: 357 KB, 1120x1701, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon learns how to draw day 2: feet edition
I'm doing it lads

>> No.3703994

I'm not sure why everything looks pieced together with a bunch of tiny line segments, but I think that's too close to chicken scratching. Stick to drawing one foot only, draw big, and take your time because most of the toes have so little detail (you don't even have the toenails) and veer so far away from the correct contours that I'd call it symbol drawing.

>> No.3703998

>Working on a drawing
>Also eating dinner
>Pill hot sauce on the drawing
God damnit

>> No.3703999

Lines don't matter when you're trying to focus on other things like the structure and form of the foot. Not every piece of art needs to be as good looking as possible.

>> No.3704019

Big stuff needs big lines. Looking at the legs.
Also if you should be constructing and drawing through your forms if you're paying attention to structure and form. If he's drawing with pen to kill his habit to erase, I would hope he follows through with this confidence exercise and practices restating and ghosting.

>> No.3704022
File: 106 KB, 1200x675, sonic mania sonic and sonic mania tails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not photoshop its krita. also its a pic inspired by sonic mania style sonic actually.
Im almost done with Fun with a pencil for your information. just did this to draw what i really liked rather than drawing stuff i hate or dont care for.

then again why do people expect us /beg/s to be drawing Gods already?

>> No.3704049

Does anyone have tips for learning values? Any good exercises?

I have a very difficult time telling values apart when it's all blended together.

>> No.3704051

You're putting the nose way too far down. There should be a line across from the bottom of the inside circle. That's where the nose should be.

>> No.3704053

Hes not wrong, its kimda fucked. Kids characters are made to be easy to draw anyway so focus your studies on other stuff

>> No.3704058

looking better indeed!

>> No.3704062
File: 44 KB, 345x613, drawing 1 art3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man i kinda wanna give up. none of the shit i draw ever satisfies anyone here. whats the fucking point anymore.
this was literally the best looking thing ive drawn and even this is shit by /ic/ standards

>> No.3704085

>cropping out feet
>hands behind back
>closed eyes
literally definition of someone trying to avoid things they're bad at so they never improve

>> No.3704094

Is that from Betty Edwards. Did you follow the instructions?

>> No.3704095

Give up then. If you want to complain and not improve then giving up is the best option.

>> No.3704097

how do I make art more entertaining than video games or browsing the internet? or at least more engaging. I believe I can get better, but I feel like a spoiled child more concerned with being good rather than getting good.

>> No.3704102

it was in my drawing 1 course that i took last semester
ive been practicing and reading but ive meet so many people at my school who are waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy talented than i am or have the luck of having experienced artists in their families train them.

a month ago i met that furry artist sunibee and holysh it meeting him made me realize how inferior i am to everyone. this dude has beend rawing for 14 years straight and not only does his furry stuff, but he draws some crazy looking good pieces for himself.

no matter how much an average joe like myself tries ill neveer be like him, and hes like a year younger than me and im 21

>> No.3704108
File: 1.93 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20181022_024310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a beginner as well and I read Betty Edward's book with that same pic. She said to use charcoal on the whole page then use an eraser on the lighted areas. She said to make sure to do it upside down so that you don't associate any features. Here's my attempt, it may not be the best but I'm still really proud of it. You should try this method and see how it turns out because I'm sure it will be good since I could do it and I'm garbage.

>> No.3704116

yeah i know what youre talking about, but my professor just had us do it in class without regards to the book or the exercise, plus this was back in January

>> No.3704117
File: 40 KB, 700x782, 3DO83EX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to draw things you're not comfortable drawing, like hands and feet!

>> No.3704120

holy fucking shit this dude
literally trying to refute with the worst god damn source

>> No.3704123

don't give up anon. i'm the guy that said the sketch is bad but not because i want you to fail. You are a beg and so am i but try to improve every day. What do you want me to say that the sketch is good ? because it isn't. But hey listen here if u redraw it tomorrow or after some study you'll see that'll be better. It will still be shit but better. Also this that you posted now is pretty great.

>> No.3704126

i appreciate that, i just get like that when i feel frustrated with myself. I get frustrated with myself because i realize i am not living up to what i wanted to be aand that its on me to fix what i did.

it was sonic's arms and the lines that made it unnappealing right?

>> No.3704127

Tristan, Im also the other anon who said your sketch is bad. If you give up what was the point of trying? You need to stop drawing other peoples art though and focus on fundamentals

>> No.3704128


>> No.3704133

in the heat of the moment i was worried because i thought about how blessed people like sunibee was with talent and experience, i worried in the moment i may be like rock lee in naruto, outdone by naturally gifted high tier beasts.

but ill keep trying

>> No.3704136

Sunibee isnt blessed with talent. Like most popular fetish artists he can render well and has distinct style.

A list if you will

That other guy on shads site jlullaby?

Theyre sll terrible artists hidden behind a firm grasp on rendering

>> No.3704144
File: 1.19 MB, 2000x2000, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly. i had problems with lines as well especially in digital. See how good the lines are in this one >>3704062 There is also a problem with anatomy and perspective. Even if it's cartoon style see the difference between this >>3704022 and yours ?

>> No.3704153

ahhh i see, makes sense. thanks for the redline, ill do it over.
sunibee did show me some landscape pics that he did whiich were bananas

>> No.3704154

forogot to mention that i shoudve drawn his legs even, me turning sonic around made me fuck up the feet perspective

>> No.3704158

Show landscapes

>> No.3704165

Not disputing that Rock Lee is a badass anon, however shounen animes are all major hypocrites in this sense. Despite that most of them preach that the underdog can overcome the overdog with enough effort. But in the end the underdog always turns out to secretly be the overdog in disguise.

Real life does NOT work that way in several means. Yes your birth does have a major factor in how well you get started in life your upbringing has a major contribution to it, it may not be your genes or bloodline but more like your family's mindset. That mostly constitutes your startup in life, but after a certain point it i up to you, unless you are broke and/or physically do not have the time and energy for it then there is no stopping you fro pursuing it.

Hard work for extended periods towards a goal really does have tangible results in real life, yes nothing is 100% guaranteed but randomness happens. Hard work will give you results but you must be realistic you must not look at only the best of your field. Unless you started really early and had good amount of possibilities to focus on it without distraction you will probably not be among the world's best but you do not need to be. Not being the star of the industry does not mean you will not achieve a level you can be comfortable with and make decent money of. There are a lot of invisible mediocre ones that are not in the spotlight but have a good life and are having a great time with it. So relax anon, have faith yourself and keep at it the point is that you keep going at it in an intelligent way no matter what, instead of being worried about the distant future results.

>> No.3704167

Yep i thought you turned him around. Also a tip i can give u that i used a lot recently is to flip the canvas horizontally a lot when drawing. It will help you so much.

>> No.3704201

... Nadya is my name hmmm
Thank you

>> No.3704203

A biggener's birdie :3 too stiff indeed I couldn't tell soooo I should work on my lines and try more dynamic drawings

>> No.3704247

god damn what do i draw

>> No.3704248


>> No.3704251

Draw what you WANT to draw.

Once you have drawn something that you are satisfied with, it will snowball you forward into wanting to try doing other kinds of drawing.

Don't sit around thinking "Oh, I better get good at drawing chinese cartoon characters and then post it up on /ic/ for people to give me confirmation that I am good, because they said so".

>> No.3704266

Draw dinosaurs from life, or even find one real bone anywhere on display thats not a replica just one available to public scrutiny under any amount of security in the whole world, once you fail to do that you might look up that dinosaurs were a theroy before any bones were "discovered " then you can realise that any dinosaur you deaw is as real as any that ever existed.

>> No.3704284

Thats fhe issue. Idk what to draw. Im just drawing action poses right now

>> No.3704297

>decide to try colored pencils
>jew myself out of additional colors because i don't need that many right
>have to mix two or three pencils at various densities to match pretty much anything I want to color
>blue-green + a bit of brown + a bit of light yellow just to get a certain low saturated green tone
I swear I'm learning more about color theory right now than I ever did just picking colors digitally.

>> No.3704303

Just draw what you feel like drawing, there doesn't need to be a certain thing that you try to convince yourself to draw, you will burn yourself out doing that.

>> No.3704312

What this guys said. Find something you like and draw it. Robots, spaceships, porn, whatever.

>> No.3704314

The funny thing about colored pencils is blending never turns out the way you expect. I'm still new to them myself, but it seems like there's a lot more to it than with paints and the like.

>> No.3704319


>> No.3704320

Not that guy, but I've always been led to believe just drawing whatever you feel like doesn't teach you anything.
You gotta actually study the core art principles if you want to really get good.

>> No.3704791
File: 296 KB, 1024x768, letsrock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my first work (I just started to learning how to draw). Even if know how much elements in here are done badly I somehow like it, maybe cause I feel a little of movement