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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 414 KB, 1500x1116, c7309e150cb4bed0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3700483 No.3700483 [Reply] [Original]


thoughts on his new piece?

>> No.3700486

Soulless and void of any tension or movement.

>> No.3700488

Yeah, nah, post your work faggot.

>> No.3700490

Why does it look like a still shot from a PS2 cutscene?

>> No.3700491

You seem, upset

>> No.3700492

Frozen stiff in time
Amazing rendering though

>> No.3700494

It's good
>Frozen stiff in time
This isn't necessarily a bad thing, it feels like a deliberate choice here given the pose of the guy on the left. Freeze frame in a movie

>> No.3700496
File: 7 KB, 133x146, 1540116795117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when u spend 40 hours on rendering something that looks like a photobas.

>> No.3700497

The "you're only allowed to criticise it if your own work is equal to or greater than said piece" meme. Get the fuck outta here Illastrat.

>> No.3700503
File: 49 KB, 298x363, 3749812374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n-no! everything Ruan does is perfect!! nooo!
This chink has god ascended tier rendering and used to make really good shit but lately it seems that his work has been uncomfortably bland and stiff.
>i-it's just because he's changing his style!!
Maybe he is, and I don't like the results. Unlike his old shit that was vibrant with colors and had a lot of stuff going on, that kind of artwork is fucking forgettable and boring once you get past the impressively accurate rendering. I even thought this piece was one of his later artworks of some shitty soldier exploding in the sand getting reposted. Stay mad ruanlets.

>> No.3700505

Thank you for proving my point. Now fuck off.

>> No.3700509


Everyone talks about how good Ruan is at rendering and yes he can render individual pieces really well, but often as a whole it is jarring how badly integrated his characters often are into the enviroment. His landscapes are fucking amazing though, I wish he painted more rocks and shit

>> No.3700511

You first faggot

>> No.3700518

the foot not having any ambient occlusion is a bit off-putting, and I'd put a greater emphasis on the projectile the girl is shooting, or something like a muzzle flash to really show the action/event, but since there is already a huge flame there it wouldn't work, unless he made the flash cyan or blue. Other than that it's really well rendered and the colors are very unified, but lacks the catchy something his older works have.

>> No.3700524

Did you know that art critics don't have to produce art, faggot?

>> No.3700528
File: 8 KB, 224x170, steamworkshop_webupload_previewfile_287543462_preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really awful composition. There's no real focal point - just a bunch of random bits of interest awkwardly placed around the composition.

The angle of the front figures legs is ridiculous - it almost creates a tangent where the left and right legs could be interchangeable. I can't unsee how the little white strap could be their waist, and you have some bizarre extended torso connecting it to the rest of the body. The left leg is just sticking straight out in a way that is disjointed from the rest of the body. It is absolutely jarring and contributes to how 'still' and devoid of movement it seems.

Is the figure in mid-air, or stepping on that piece of machinery? It's impossible to tell because of the poor separation of space.

Is the figures arm on fire, and are they getting hit by something? Or is that fire & debris from the tank exploding in the back?

How is there an explosion large enough to send that tank flying upwards in the back, but to not affect the unarmored blue-haired woman (?) right next to it? Wouldn't she be blown the fuck out? Actually - how far away is that? There's a terrible separation between the midground and the background.

>> No.3700529

what the fuck am i looking at
the anime girl looks like someone else edited her in

>> No.3700531


Great rendering.

It almost looks like fragments of a dream. It has a strange serealness feel.

I wish he would start painting castles again, he paints amazing arcitecture.

>> No.3700532

>How is there an explosion large enough to send that tank flying upwards in the back, but to not affect the unarmored blue-haired woman (?) right next to it? Wouldn't she be blown the fuck out? Actually - how far away is that? There's a terrible separation between the midground and the background.
I think the guy got shot and that the power of the bullet (?) + his gear exploding sent him flying back.
(Why does he have a THIRD gun in his holster? kek)

>> No.3700539
File: 23 KB, 480x480, 1526094395676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lelele you don't have to be a fine artisan master chef to be able to taste if something is good!
It's a bad analogy misused as an argument here, your ability to palate food is already inherited along with your five senses. However, in terms of draftsmanship you must learn this trait and develop a palate to fully appreciate fine works of art and analyze pieces of work in detail. But one can easily tell if someone is talking out from their ass if they cannot walk the walk therefore you are full of shit.

>> No.3700549

Food is one thing, but by your logic there shouldn't be music, cinema, fashion or architecture critics, for example. You can't critique a movie! You haven't ever held a camera before anon! You're the one talking out of your ass. Despite none in this board being half as good as Ruan Jia, valid points have been made itt.

>> No.3700554

Is he starting to use photobashing or just abusing the sharpen tool?

These latest ones feel different rendering wise

>> No.3700567

the fire is some distance behind her, and that tank wasn't pushed upwards wtf, it's sitting on a dune or some shit. Just compare the contrast of the flames and the contrast of the tank, the later is obv some distance away while still getting bounce light from the fire

then again it is a bit confusing, are we to assume the white tank is a much bigger version than the darker ones? The design is very similar. The use of atmosphere sure makes you believe so. Or is the tank on the left supposed to be further away.. if yes, there is some issue with scale and contrast going on

yea he was shot already as the debris on his left shoulder indicates, as for why he is on fire, maybe a 2nd bullet damaged his cable.

eh maybe it's just a wip idk

>> No.3700571

>implying acoustics, film, masonry and drapery critics haven't immersed themselves in their respective fields and produced competent work themselves.
You're incompetent in any field if you cannot demonstrate the how and why of a matter which is an issue here since every single one of you faggots talk straight out from your ass and when someone calls you out on your shit we have an episode like we're having right now where you backpedal and use every form of excuse to not show your own approach or even your work.

>> No.3700575

All his rendering looks like a render with default settings in a 3d program. Technically very good but kind of cold and soulless too

>> No.3700580

he literally never photobashed, even his old concept paintings are all fully hand painted. The great majority of the pro chinese art scene are really dedicated to paint everything on the canvas, as it's dishonorable and weak to use photobash etc. A lot of eyes are on them, and the brother with the biggest skill get's the most students. It would spread like wildfire if someone like hgj used photobash, the majority of his students would leave and go somewhere else. A good reputation and name is the most important thing in most of asia

>> No.3700585

>Implying >>3700528 >>3700509 points weren't valid and well put
You ruanfags are fucking insufferable.

>> No.3700592

I can cherry pick too!
>>3700492 passive aggressive cunt

>> No.3700595

Chinese people are actually infamous for cheating

>> No.3700598

>every single one of you faggots talk straight out from your ass
>n-not all of you though
Now please, since you're so skilled yourself, tell me more about his process and what makes his art so good. I guess you can do something to balance out all the negative comments... right?

>> No.3700602

I love some stuff by Ruan Jia and even got one of his paintings hanging on my wall, but this looks like shit man, stop trying to defend everything he does.

>> No.3700604

Thumbnail reads like a photobash, and a pretty bad one at that
Character on foreground is unreadable. There's debris flying on his left shoulder like he has beenhit there, and by the lack of shadow around his feet he is mid-aid, but his body neither convey a "blown off", jumping or falling impression
The girl aim is totally off if she's aiming at him, which doesn't help reading the situation
The giant machinery in the back throws all sense of scale away so it's pretty much impossible to tell distances and scales.

>> No.3700607

This guy got worse over time for whatever reason.

>> No.3700637
File: 202 KB, 322x536, m-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike you, I am self aware to not critique Ruan Jia's pieces since I am nowhere near his level of fine draftsmanship. However what I can tell you is he is very knowledgeable with bringing about the aesthetics behind light and shadow and how these properties complement each other to produce depth and space. His use of vivid colors brings a sense of dynamism in the environment in which he further refines form by describing planes in intricate details. Ruan Jia's stroke economy is by far one of the most impressive which further highlights and compliments his amazing skill in rendering.

>> No.3700682

>I am self aware not to critique Ruans work
>gives critique anyways
See what I meant? Don't think you can't critique something because you're not as good as the artist in question. Because I can definitely agree with most of what you just said. Faggot.

>> No.3700687

forgettable... before I scrolled I already forgot most of it... for example what color was chicks hair? All I can clearly recall is guys armor and oxygen tanks.
My first impression is "WTF is going on?"
(no hate)

>> No.3700690

But anon, how can you tell he is
>very knowledgeable with bringing about the aesthetics behind light and shadow
if you are
>self aware to not critique Ruan Jia's pieces

Giving compliments is a critique too. If you compliment someone without critiquing... well it just means that you follow him blindly, right or wrong

>> No.3700696
File: 580 KB, 800x903, 1485446640745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of negativity.

i don't see the problem with this guys skill at all.


so many jealous pepes

>> No.3700699
File: 388 KB, 1920x1414, randy-terrapon-dragon-study14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if you think this is lifeless. i feel sorry for you.

>> No.3700709

That spaceship is a bit out of place

>> No.3700710

Boring, soulless and super rigid.I don't even like the color palette he use on this one.

>> No.3700715


kinda makes me wonder why you're spending time in a thread that focuses on his style.

>> No.3700719
File: 41 KB, 720x576, snapshot_dvd_00-44_2013-08-19_23-44-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone with the work ethic of ruan jia can make work like ruan jia. Stop acting like this is new shit.
7 tenths of you can picture shit in your head, you're just unskilled because you don't know balls about anything because you don't work on anything difficult.

Attempt literally anything this complicated and succeed. Bam You're instantly and automatically ruan jia-tier. But will you? No because fuuuuuck that.
Fundamentals are a meme. just grind and make like 6 autistic pieces and all the "fundamentals" will be mastered.

Here's your practice drill,/ic/. Anyone who does this will have "fundamentals" mastered.
Spend however long you need to complete these images:

>(2) French Gothic Architectural environment scene with people in costumes and clouds, mountains,
>(2) Groundfloor dense cityscape environment with people, cars, poles, store windows
>(1) Wasteland with soldiers fighting monsters
>(1) Cute girl wearing detailed impractical sci-fi armor
>(1) Cute girl wearing detailed impractical fantasy armor
>(2) Grotesque monsters
>(1) Detailed sci fi vehicle w/ people to show scale.

10 images. It took forever but you did it. congratulations.

>> No.3700724

ascended tier post

>> No.3700745

>You're only allowed to complement his style.
Fanboys are the fucking worst.

>> No.3700759

where is the guys shadow lmao
he isnt even stepping on the object hes just floating there
it looks like he was just copy pasted from another photo onto a random background, same with the girl

>> No.3700770

Nice bait retard that's someones shitty study

>> No.3700772



>> No.3700848

honestly he seems like a guy who can paint whether he want but pick the weird way to do thing
most of his background is surreal as hell compare to how he render the characters

>> No.3700859
File: 640 KB, 746x569, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have two characters pointing at the negative space between them. I feel as though you could have cropped this into a portrait and nothing of value would be lost.

>> No.3700861

OP asked.

>> No.3701823

anime chick looks ridiculously out of place

>> No.3701827

Calm down anon

>> No.3701833

>practice makes perfect
is what youre essentially saying but i hate to disagree with you because that doesnt work with drawing all the time.

>> No.3701924

That's probably the best critique around here.

>> No.3702084

That's the exact opposite of what he's saying, anon.
it's more like "perfect results are perfect results"

>> No.3702090
File: 420 KB, 1000x744, dialogue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im no expert on body language, but if they were talking I'd imagine this is what they'd be saying.

>> No.3702096

>that handwriting
you must be a woman, let me see your hairy snatch

>> No.3702098


>> No.3702103

Spot on.

>> No.3702104


>> No.3702351

OP never said anything in his defense...

>> No.3702695


>> No.3702841

it's impressive how boring that is

>> No.3702880

normie chinks yes, not the type of artists that were mentioned. There are enough vids to show their full process from scratch, and I mean a process for an actual painting that was posted online, not some semi study.

>> No.3702883

>he even left his name on the pic

c'mon now don't embarrass yourself

>> No.3702886

also you forgot

>work 11-15h a day
>paint mostly from imagination
>be ruanjia

amongst many other things.

>> No.3703566


>> No.3703904

You can see he can render realistically but hia composition is surrealistic. How the fuck is he shittier than Kim jung gi and that bioware concept artist i follow on artstation. Wasted skill to be honest.

>> No.3704061

But the idea of surrealism is about realistic depiction of non-realistic things.

The problem is that some of his compositions are just shit, like this one, and the overrendered girl in a transparent dress where she has some super impressive materials on her panties but she just is fucking ugly lol and all that rendering looks like lipstick on a pig.

>> No.3704482

If this is what

1) Chinese artists (supposedly god tier of artists) aspire to, and

2) Having high rendering skills is like, and

3) Drawing from imagination is about

Then I don't want any of it.

Why would you even watermark something like this?

>> No.3704495

well you can make it if you practice, don't give up anon. You won't be ruan tho lol