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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 85 KB, 879x888, red mist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3692245 No.3692245 [Reply] [Original]

Did this card art got approved by Valve , look at hands fingers and face , and yes you guessed it , its made by a female artist

>> No.3692251
File: 31 KB, 714x356, 114570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take my strong hand

>> No.3692270

what is going on with that hand?

>> No.3692272


>> No.3692288

I've seen worse.

>> No.3692298

>and yes you guessed it , its made by a female artist
why does that matter you fucking incel

>> No.3692299


no offense sweetie, but painting has always been a man's domain.

>> No.3692306

It's almost like men wouldn't let women do anything other than be homemaker and childbearer.

>> No.3692312

its implying that she has more talent in her pants than in her hands for finding a job i think , not that women cant paint. Not enough stories of men getting undeserved job positions to create the same stereotype as women do.

>> No.3692317

For obvious reasons. Those are literally the only things they are adequate at and they STILL need a man's help with it.

>> No.3692334

I understand what she’s trying to do with it, just not executed that well. There’s a lot of good points to the painting still so I guess that’s why it was approved and also, you don’t have anything published by them.

>> No.3692335



post your work right now anon.

>> No.3692339


The hands are confusing because the hand of the bottom guy looks like it belongs to the top guy

>> No.3692354

>muh video games
>muh industry
>muh concept art
anon, I...

>> No.3692383


Is that yours, darling? Too much photo-crutch, and you're spending too much time rendering stuff that needs to be drawn better to look good. I draw and paint (a lot) better than you, and I'd love to show you, but I'm not interested in drawing the ire of the angry woman brigade on my professional career.

You might think that you're queen of this little hill because you've got some commissions, but you don't know who you're talking to on an anonymous board...

>> No.3692385


>> No.3692386

Lmao pathetic incel

>> No.3692390

Yup, you guessed it, Frank Stallone.

>> No.3692391

holy shit both of you are complete faggots but >>3692383
tops you by far cuz of his
>do you know who you're fucking with, kid?
tier argument
thanks fren im saving this so i can shitpost with it

>> No.3692392
File: 411 KB, 1209x1152, bodle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3692394

If you actually worked in the industry you would know plenty of lower qaulity work is accepted. You’re just as bad as females, outraging over non-issues. Hide your power level next time.

>> No.3692398
File: 150 KB, 288x305, j354-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3692399

based incel anon

>> No.3692417

>calling me a faggot for posting the artist in the OP images artstation

if he wants to talk shit he should be level with her

>> No.3692449

What if this was Kim Jung Gi. Imagine that for a second.

>> No.3692463

>implying KJG would ever be insecure enough to publiccaly attack another artist

>> No.3692464
File: 78 KB, 205x292, rock people.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3692465

Korean men are little bitches, they literally grovel to their women. As if he would trash a western woman

>> No.3692471

goddamn youre such a beta

>> No.3692481

based incel always delivers great cringe

>> No.3692486


>> No.3692488


>> No.3692489
File: 1.73 MB, 269x480, seething roastie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3692491


>> No.3692503

Hahaha right I can see him tipping his fedora as he types it.

>> No.3692518

western women are a literal trash compared to asian women, both in looks and in drawing skills

>> No.3692530

Pffffff I hope to god this is some heavy bait

>> No.3692531
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, F0FE2368-A6B9-4AE3-AFE5-3E279EB3980F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have not been with an Asian woman. But please go ahead and take them, more white women for us. And of course Asians are better in art skills, no contest there.

>> No.3692536


because the industry isn't about what you can do, but who you know

>> No.3692552

name an artist that tried and failed to draw artifacts cards

>> No.3692566

is this the artist that made OP image?

>> No.3692568

>asians better at art
>asians better at looks
nigger what?

>> No.3692573

yes anon

>> No.3692578

You must understand, there are meme Asians like in kpop videos and actual Asians. The people who prefer Asians generally think of meme Asians that's why they sound so ridiculous, of course a completely fake kpop star will look better than your average white woman.
Also Koreans suck in general.

>> No.3692580

I actually think I know who this is, and if it is then lmao he's right.

There are some amazing people that lurk here. I had this problem a few days ago myself, we are now making sock accounts to crit your shit tumblr. I am not burning all the social credit I have created in my years because of some feminist bitch has her army of r selected beta followers swarm.

Just draw, get better and let skill decide the contest. If its a battle of beta male follower counts I can't win. If it is a battle of spacial thinking, value, shape language, composition I win.

>> No.3692584

Yet you won’t post your work you gigantic faggot coward. You’re pathetic and you’ll always be a LARPing 4chan faggot. Sad.

>> No.3692591

>really good artist
>doesn't have any work he hasn't shared on his social medias.

this doesn't exist anon

>> No.3692592

This. What a faggot.

>> No.3692594

Hmm doesn't look like it's too hard to get work from MtG and Elder Scrolls Legends then. I should stop being a pussy and get a portfolio together.

>> No.3692596

If you want to work on a portfolio for MtG or any card games, the best thing to do is give yourself the same kind of briefs they would give you. there's MtG artists on youtube that sometimes share what briefs they get and time limits and go through process of a piece.

>> No.3692613

Will you please post one of those videos.

>> No.3692614

Put me in the screencap please

>> No.3692618

this is the best one i've ever found, also good youtube channel


here's another process one


>> No.3692623

Yeah I've seen some Clint Cearley videos. He seems like a swell dude. I liked the vulture-dragon challenge he gave his subscribers recently. I'll probably try to do a take on that, with lessons in mind from the critiques he gave other people.

I feel like I could probably achieve Clint's level of illustrations without too much trouble. But when I look at Brad Rigney, Chase Stone, and Michael Komarck, I'm just like dude WTF?! How?!

>> No.3692711

>It's almost like men wouldn't let women do anything other than be homemaker and childbearer.
May I refer to the caveman days to show how retarded you are?

>> No.3692713

of course you know who it is, it's (you)

>> No.3692736

actually the majority of men throughout history got undeserved job positions, and I mean getting put up on a position that is way above your knowledge, capabilities, and worth. It's not strictly divided by male/female, but in general.

>Not enough stories of men getting undeserved job positions to create the same stereotype as women do.

lol wut the great majority of modern men are waaay less capable, way more lazy, and get slid into positions that are faaar above them and their abilities. Heck if I was hiring I'd build a super harem of only capable women, and boost productivity by 500%.

>> No.3692737

pure cringe incel

>> No.3692738

[citation needed]

>> No.3692740

Are you a retard? are you a retarded person?

>> No.3692758

Swatches is so fucking good, don't get why he doesn't get more views.

>> No.3692764

>this entire thread

>> No.3692892

Welcome to 4chan sweetie. We're toxic. And that's a good thing. Here's why.

>> No.3693099


>> No.3693104
File: 68 KB, 599x449, 84178670298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Welcome to 4chan sweetie. We're toxic. And that's a good thing. Here's why.

>> No.3693108

you're wasting your time with these crabs anon. /ic/ is probably the most low iq board you'll find on this site

>> No.3693371
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sweetie posting in late 2018
um.. sorry love but that memes long dead

>> No.3693375

No, sweaty, that's for me to decide which memes to use. Alright?

>> No.3693376


>> No.3693382


>> No.3693397


>> No.3693413


>> No.3693414

Go back to 4channel

>> No.3693419

Obviously, no one would actually be that autistic.

>> No.3693880


>> No.3693889

it's not the toxicity, it's the stupidity.

>> No.3693941

Son, she's a professional.
She might not be the very best but she's competing with the very best.
The fact that you don't have a throw away sketch or painting to show how superior you are makes your point completely invalid when you realize she has WOTC as a client.

"I could prove you wrong but then I'd have to go look up the facts". Come on buddy. you don't have to be like that <3

>> No.3694101
File: 49 KB, 521x768, 44702781_1978392388919895_1735115247976448000_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why does that matter you fucking incel

Why woman in their 30's become so bitter? It's not like angry face makes you any prettier, and you are already struggling due to aging.

Now as for OP- this is when you push the equality of outcome instead of equality of opportunities.
Now you can see that picture- made by an artist that got the job only because she identifies as female. But imagine that this kind of products are made by incompetent females in all industries, you just cannot see results so clearly.

>> No.3694151



>> No.3694157

>made by an artist that got the job only because she identifies as female.

Name one male artist that's better than her that tried to work for valves artifact. You clearly just have no idea how getting jobs for card art works or probably any industry job works for that matter

>> No.3694169
File: 166 KB, 934x898, 21317534_1569809563039088_1157305933853750701_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Name one male artist that's better than her that tried to work for valves artifact.

Drew Wolf

>You clearly just have no idea how getting jobs for card art works or probably any industry job works for that matter

No, you.

Same thing happens in STEM.

>> No.3694173

>Drew wolf

Drew wolf already works for valve, and his portfolio has 0 card art illustrations?? Do you have any idea what you're talking about when it comes to this industry or are you a /pol/tard?

>> No.3694177

Don’t waste your energy on such pathetic humanlets

>> No.3694178
File: 42 KB, 745x815, 16938513_1464878383530727_2645994078462638668_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Name artist that tried to do X


>>But AB already did X

So you actually meant

>>"name one artist that tried working for X and failed because they hired incompetent woman instead".

And that would be pretty much the all male artists that they got on their go to list.

>>are you a /pol/tard?

Sweetie please calm down. Top 5% woman are less capable than top 5% man, and those are the people that have any shot at being exceptional at any task. You should have got married, have children and live a happy live. Now it is too late, man are no longer interested in you, all of us pick younger woman over bitter mid 30 sack of pink haired meat, and that makes you pure salt.

>> No.3694181

You’re not picking anyone. You’re jacking your small cock 7 times a day and raging at women who recognize your absolute worthlessness as a mate. Sorry buddy :)

>> No.3694187

not him, but wow resorting to sex. the only thing you have upper hand in. enjoy your std's and collapsed vagina

>> No.3694188
File: 36 KB, 590x584, 12573043_450446121813853_1357482630383452703_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Woman choose across and above structure- that in general means every woman that is interested in me perceives me as more intelligent/ capable/ strong than herself. That only makes sense- woman are meant to give birth to children, and then to care for them. That means woman themselves need someone to protect and support them in that period. Feminists made me really happy- we get to have sex (I mean those of us who are not leftist basedboys) without any need to commit. I always respected girls that I got to have fun with, but I will make sure to be a little bit less gentle next time I put my fuckboy hat on.

>> No.3694189

I want you to tell me where you got the information that Drew Wolf tried to work for Valve's Artifact and got rejected, otherwise what you said has no foundation to stand on.

>And that would be pretty much the all male artists that they got on their go to list.

The only people I follow on twitter are card art illustrators and most of my feed has been released artifact cards that they worked on for the past year. Guess what anon, it's mostly men. And some are even worse at art than OPs picture

>> No.3694191

Youve literally never touched a woman in your life though. The fact that you’re bragging about having sex on ic at 6 in the morning proves that. Loser :)

>> No.3694194

didnt they teach you about time zones at school?...

>> No.3694196

The fact that you’re bragging about having sex on the internet, period, proves that. Loser :)

>> No.3694198


>> No.3694202
File: 74 KB, 908x716, 21314651_1569809826372395_1909024302138763005_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell me where you got the information that Drew Wolf tried to work for Valve's Artifact and got rejected,

I am sorry, I didn't realize you're not young anymore and you are having trouble following a conversation. THAT WAS NOT YOUR ORIGINAL QUESTION.

>it's mostly men

That's because top spots in any industry are (or are supposed to be) occupied by the most competent people. I ALREADY MENTIONED THAT. You really might want to take a nap, you're not 25 no more, honey.

>> No.3694205

>pulling the "b-but sex" card
>"totally not assblasted btw :)"

>> No.3694207

>I am sorry, I didn't realize you're not young anymore and you are having trouble following a conversation. THAT WAS NOT YOUR ORIGINAL QUESTION.

my literal original question was "Name one male artist that's better than her that (((TRIED))) to work for valves artifact." If he TRIED to work for valves artifact but didn't that would mean he got rejected. Reading comprehension is hard anon.


you implied that valve hired incompetent women over men in this post >>3694178

>> No.3694208

it is a very real card tho. if you havent even touched and talked to a single woman, how are you gonna judge 50% of the earths population.
You think women are some kind of advanced creature, but they are painfully similar to men

go get laid. yes, i said it.

>> No.3694210
File: 88 KB, 1080x1152, 28061157_790654114459717_583620590659528443_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not exactly top 5% of woman (or in other words top 15% of man).

you implied that valve hired incompetent women over men in this post >>3694178 (You)

And oranges taste good. Aw, sorry I thought we are having a "state the most obvious fact" game now. Seriously, don't be surprised that man just would rather go with "sure thing, sweetie" instead of having a logical argument with a woman.

>how can you have a statistic based logical opinion on something if you didn't have sex

Well, that's two wrong assumptions right there, sweetheart.

>> No.3694212

I guess I can agree with this in some way, none should judge 50% of Earths population no matter what. A thread oriented to bash female artists in general is quite retarded and pointless to begin with too.
But I think you really don't need sex to get that women are mostly similar to men. Just common sense, really.

>> No.3694215


where did you get the information that Drew Wolf TRIED then?

>> No.3694216

how are we similar when one side constantly gets rejected and has to work very hard to get a partner, while the opposite sex only has to lose weight, apply makeup and do nothing but post pic on media, then sit back and enjoy?

>> No.3694223

lol things dont just come to you and work doesnt get done if you dont TRY

typical woman

>> No.3694224

> work very hard to get a partner,

it takes less effort to workout a few days a week and eat healthy than it is to do half the shit women do to make themselves look good. And women do both those things too

>> No.3694227

well you'd be amazed. Common sense doesnt apply to incels.

first up, whats up with the "sweetheart", who even says that online. And its not wrong assumptions. If your angle on women is that they are different than you, you will think different, even when applied to the bigger picture.

this sounds more like a personal story than a general thing. If you talk to women, especially the ones you are actually interested in, and not just scream at, at a club because they have a big butt, you probly have a bigger chance.

>> No.3694228

post work, otherwise you're just a /pol/tard

>> No.3694234
File: 44 KB, 610x406, 10369197_10207987274661571_3922213499411160384_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where did you get the information

Sure, let me share it on 4chan. BRB.

>first up, whats up with the "sweetheart", who even says that online.

I am sorry, madam I did that, you seem to be so confused, you little poor thing!

>>If your angle on women is that they are different than you, you will think different, even when applied to the bigger picture.

Please write it again but so it is actually meant to make sense.

>> And its not wrong assumptions

So plural after all. Nice. Still, at least one of them is in fact wrong, so I don't think you got it, babe.

That's it for me. This is why having discussion with woman is all about trying to see through emotional statements and not actual discussion that you can have with more intelligent beings.

>> No.3694236

>Sure, let me share it on 4chan. BRB.

aka "im talking out of my ass"

>> No.3694238

are you trying to train all your master suppresion techniques at once?

think ill just pass this looney. hf dude.

>> No.3694260

>this sounds more like a personal story than a general thing. If you talk to women, especially the ones you are actually interested in, and not just scream at, at a club because they have a big butt, you probly have a bigger chance.
guys are required to have a nice, stable job. you don't
guys are required to shower you with compliments and buy presents, always be the one to start conversation and in general be proactive. you don't
guys are supposed to be tall (how are we supposed to achieve that?). you don't
guys are supposed to have nice hair. half of us lose hair at age 30. you don't
guys are not the attractive sex, yet women only want an attractive man. you are, by nature, born with an attractive face

>> No.3694270

>at a club
also, forgot that part
why would i or anyone want a drugged up, tattoo'd up, pierce'd up thot at the most degenerate place?
that only leaves school, workplace, and s.media
good luck in school if you got pimples
get fired at work or get ridiculed by coworkers if you even attempt to flirt
s.media: good luck with all the competition and being the one who's interested, driving and paying the date (i'm telling you, girls on media do NOT show any interest, they're just waiting for compliments from 300 dudes)

>> No.3694271

Whatever even happened to 4chan?
Going back a couple years we'd hear about things like that woman who was allowed to work as a firefighter despite failing the physical fitness tests, and we'd agree that that's unfair and dangerous, especially when there are women who do meet the requirements and are firefighters.
But now this site seems so completely determined to drive out every single woman from every field or industry and enslave them into being baby incubators. What happened to your ability to think critically? These boards weren't this sexist (maybe /r9k/ was), they were critical.

Also, why did this change come at the same time as the site losing it's ability to write coherent English?
>having discussion with woman
>You're not exactly top 5% of woman (or in other words top 15% of man
>Woman choose across and above structure
>Why woman in their 30's become so bitter
I know that's just a single person in this thread but these kinds of writing patterns have become very common on this site. It's like the average poster was Indian now, is that what's happening?

>> No.3694272
File: 2.89 MB, 200x200, jordanlaughing_zpsfa0b44e7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these angry pussies taking the bait

>> No.3694273

You're right. We should ban people who cannot speak native English. Stupid Indians.

>> No.3694274

>some are even worse at art than OP
pls post

>> No.3694280

I'm amazed by how triggered this little girls are by words like sweetie,honey,dear..

>> No.3694290

>What ever happened to 4chan?
It got pozzed to shit thanks to braindead niggers like yourself. Nice attempt at framing women fulfilling their natural roles as mothers as a bad thing, you disingenuous faggot.

>> No.3694297

Gamergate + 2016 elections + phoneposting

>> No.3694306

Can you not be a fulfilling mother and also be a firefighter or work a full time career? Last time I checked, cleaning the house and making food wasn't a natural role

>> No.3694311

If a woman's natural purpose is to give birth then your natural purpose is to make those women pregnant.
Why exactly are you posting on an artwork discussion board instead of making babies? How many pregnancies have you caused?

And, the framing you speak of is just a narrowness of your own sight. Your strawman has nothing to do with anything I said, so don't pretend you're talking to me when rehearsing your default counters.

>> No.3694337

Dronald DRUMPF was elected and now all boards are /pol. We are putting women back into their place and breeding the new generation of storm troopers. Women who refuse will be enslaved and force fed in Brap Barns to provide fuel for the panzer battalions. You will join us or be reprocessed into protein bars to be fed to the German Shepherd mounts for the expendable Manlet Cavalries.

>> No.3694344
File: 2 KB, 125x114, 1364054626653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3694355
File: 34 KB, 494x640, chinese_girl_640_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3694356

Still cuter than average western feminist.

>> No.3694367


>> No.3694375
File: 119 KB, 1135x922, 11d0a26c15ad0db97474193a624a202d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all those retards who think that only 1 gender can make weak art and still get jobs.
Picrelated is done by white male and it's a professional commission for freaking Blizzard. And what's funny is that this shitty furry is still miles better than something crab like this >>3692383 will ever do in his life.

>> No.3694379

Not cool Anastasia, I defended you here and IRL. Seriously, just not cool.

>> No.3694381

your point? that's how every woman looks without makeup. except that asians look x120 times better/cuter with makeup than western alternatives.
and they are loyal and proper (not a western pig parasite couch potato dog licker)
i would marry her in a heart beat

i'm soooooooooooooooo looooooooooooooonelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

>> No.3694388

he is russian, slavs are not white.

>> No.3694403
File: 49 KB, 551x540, 31936685_1913778522025977_2152221971885064192_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Those white middle age femanons don't realize that most guys would love to go to a date with that girl that was posted as an example of how ugly Asian girls supposedly are. Also it is not only about physical appearance- conservative Asian girls are always desired because they make great wives.

>> No.3694412
File: 627 KB, 1200x1570, ilya-repin-portrait-of-the-composer-modest-mussorgsky-1881-e1268970642711.jpg?w=1400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slavs are not white
White people cannot into art.

>> No.3694439
File: 382 KB, 1468x1548, 1465970756940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only capable women, and boost productivity by 500%.
Obligatory boost image

>> No.3694442

>https women are lazy

>> No.3694451
File: 22 KB, 612x408, 153388297-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why exactly are you posting on an artwork discussion board instead of making babies? How many pregnancies have you caused?
Does bastards count?

>> No.3694464

w-where are her ears?

>> No.3694468

camera distortion

>> No.3694890

4chan is inherently counterculture, you numpty.

Right now too many people are pushing for "wimmens in high positions" instead of making women work for their success like everyone else. A large number of anons are saying the opposite to push people's buttons and get (you)s.

If the media and popular opinion starts telling women to get back in the kitchen, you'll see many of those anons going back to the "equal opportunity for equal effort" mindset.

It's not hard to understand, you fucking retard.

>> No.3694898

>Not realizing that pushing for equality for women is countering an entire humanity’s worth of male dominated culture
Imagine being this much of a brainlet.

>> No.3694930
File: 442 KB, 631x544, 1526139234045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just an incel or a beta, you're a COWARD too. Go away, you dishonest snake...

>> No.3695003

based thot

>> No.3695039

>female artist
you answered yourself. She's only there because vagina and probably sucked someone off to get to where she is.

Random question but do you own any cats? Have dyed hair, perhaps?

>> No.3695102
File: 229 KB, 416x738, 0B80A08C-6CFB-48AF-AC85-6FCA0971AAF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean it kinda works if the guy on the bottom has his ring and pinky curled into the top guys palm and is gripping the top guys thumb with the other two. And the top guy is pulling him up by his thumb. It looks wonky but when you break it down it almost works.

>> No.3695666

Men suck at art I’ve seen it with my own eyes

>> No.3695669
File: 21 KB, 480x473, 29062803_802598379931957_2995423742575771648_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>single mother posting video game character because she has no man to fight for her.


>> No.3695671

This is only true for art.

And no, the problem was not with forced gender roles, you’re throwing the baby out with the bath water. The problem was that the roles were wrong. Men shouldn’t be allowed to make art, the ones who try should be thrown into industrial chippers and it should be broadcast to all.

>> No.3695730


>> No.3695750

it`s slightly better than an average marvel comic lol

>> No.3695934

The greatest artist of all time, Noah Bradley, is a man. Checkmate, Satan.