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>> No.3690857

based CHINA

>> No.3690944

>based CHINA
>producing any sort of pornography is illegal

>> No.3690949

degenerates BTFO

>> No.3690954

At least they aren't hypocrites and actually ban porn.

Japan puts the censorship garbage and creates even more fetishistic porn/people with their shut in culture.

Korea bans porn, so their ''music'' industry is softcore porn.

>> No.3690956

Why ban porn? If it involves consenting adults, what's wrong with it?

>> No.3690959

Personally, its so rare that im in the mood to be both energetically creative and also super horny. Most of the time id rather just whack one out rather then bothering.

>> No.3690964
File: 40 KB, 500x464, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>consenting adults

>> No.3690966
File: 188 KB, 500x502, 1537728405664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gays get more time in jail the rapists

>> No.3690981

those are probably some special cases
China law is pretty hash in punishment

>> No.3690998

I genuinely laughed out loud. Thanks for that.

>> No.3691054

Get the fuck out. You don't belong here.

>> No.3691080

shoulda let Japan finish the job

>> No.3691087
File: 601 KB, 906x614, china porn penalty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAMN. Happened to just see this in my twatter timeline. The fine of 600000 RMB is equivalent to 86,461.56 USD.

I have a feeling that a ton of people are going to do the exact opposite of what the artist requested.

>> No.3691091

Two nukes weren’t enough for Japanese pigs

>> No.3691099

then they shouldn't hit the US in the first place

>> No.3691132

the chinese government is ripe for toppling
just let the CIA do its magic

>> No.3691138

doubt it
the chinese have the "mind my own business" attitude these days
this combines with the Chinese government's relentlessness will make it difficult to create mass disorder
unless there was an massive economic crisis or something like that

>> No.3691152

what thoughts are there to have worth mentioning
china is a shithole and proves itself more, carry on

>> No.3691213

Im going to need the source on the image OP

>> No.3691219

On the one hand, based China. On the other hand, I wanna read that thing in the OP.

>> No.3691226


>> No.3691245

good, because this is not a degenerate threesome

>> No.3691296

Oh come on Jesus, your father never asked Mary for consent anyway, right?

>> No.3691642

So when is a based chink gonna finally post this novel for reasearch purposes?

>> No.3691654

prolly just the new emperor trying to consolidate after that epic fail of a coup and showing off his power.
what a shame to all other non-china chinese people

>> No.3691676

>thoughts about doing porn?
Can't really see anyone doing porn for a living and finding it fulfilling.
I'm not really into porn anyways so I don't quite get it.

>> No.3691682

eventually this will be the case for everywhere else in the world, drawn porn of anything will be jail worthy and there is nothing you can do to stop it

>> No.3691801

This is a stupid post and I hope you feel ashamed

>> No.3691809

>minding her own business
>while colonizing Africa

>> No.3691815

I mean the citizen in general
the government is another problem
I mean all their neighbor save for NK hate them mainly because they territory expansion policy

>> No.3691926

You really take things off facebook to make threads here?

>> No.3692651

think about how much gay porn is worth in china!

>> No.3692652

you'll never see a dime bro.

>> No.3692664

>this world is sick for fighting degenerates
the irony is heavy here

>> No.3692752

yeah but he didn't have sex with her either

>> No.3692852

>>producing any sort of pornography is illegal
China is not Slavia or the Obamanation

>> No.3692853

>raped and impregnated her
>didn't have sex
Yeah, sure. Not to mention she was underaged.

>> No.3692864

it's another dying, predatory business that requires state funding and spam advertising. Now would be a good time to crack down on porn, since its financial high watermark was about 14 years ago. Funny that it never comes up at the Trump white horse but then he does have a dog in the race.

>> No.3692873

>no one calling out OP

>> No.3692888

Does the iamge have any relation to the article at all? Because that doesn't look gay at all...

>> No.3692942

it's God, dummy
he doesn't need to have sex to put a baby inside a woman
pretty sure your post is literal headcanon
>Not to mention she was underaged.
yeah, but he didn't have sex with her, so where's the crime?

>> No.3693444

>cum on hand
>shove hand up underage girl's womb

>> No.3693594

I knew china was kinda retarded but...Seriously?
Why is nobody doing anything about this?

>> No.3693605

cmon this is far from worst from china or middle eastern
now china Social Credit System is another beast
>Plan for implementation between 2014 and 2020
>The goal being "raising the awareness for integrities and the level of credibility within society."
>, it will constitute a new way of controlling both the behavior of individuals and of businesses
>Once implemented the system will manage the rewards, or punishments, of citizens on the basis of their economic and personal behavior.
>Some types of punishments include: flight ban, exclusion from private schools, exclusion from high prestige work, exclusion from hotels, and registration on a public blacklist.
>slow internet connection too lmao

>> No.3693611

Jesus. I'm a retard and don't really follow the news but this is scary. So nobody has a say against that? (you don't need to answer, I can just try to lookup elsewhere and stop being off topic, it's just hard when you have no general knowledge)

>> No.3693625

I like doing it even though I suck at it but I feel like I shouldn't making it especially with how normies react to it porn art.

>> No.3694183

jeez you are a proper fuckin dumbass you know that

>> No.3694269


>> No.3694296

Damn, at first I thought this was finally a link to that novel they talk about in the OP

>> No.3694302

no u

>> No.3694454

sex work is real work

>> No.3694455

I wish I was the guy in op image with the white shirt

>> No.3694514

Did the word ''VIRGIN'' birth, not register in your brain? It's kinda the point of what makes Jesus case so special back in the day.
Today, women can just go to a sperm bank.

>> No.3694520

>unless there was an massive economic crisis or something like that
you mean like the government becoming even more restrictive, bringing back the Communist propaganda, and shunning foreigners?

>> No.3694623

Well, being fisted doesn't technically take one's virginity...

>> No.3694628
File: 175 KB, 800x1111, y4lcno7rbz2jdyvmn8at.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China is a legit shithole. The President banned Winnie the Pooh because people kept calling him that.


>> No.3694634

nothing of value was lost

>> No.3694636
File: 17 KB, 249x249, 1524602756763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely based
how will trannies and fujoshits ever recover?

>> No.3694645

>China is a legit shithole.
Now imagine if the jews win and destroy the west entirely, then the course of humanity will be decided by China for the next few hundred years. Maybe it's already inevitable at this point.

>> No.3694772

ehh wouldn't the jew control humanity if they win?
sry new to /pol

>> No.3694798

the gist of it is that mixed people would be easier to control since they lack identity and stuff. The Chinese already have no soul as evident by their shithole country. The storyline gets pretty complex so i'd suggest reading The Zion Protocols.

>> No.3696165

define degeneracy, faggot

>> No.3697550

I like it, so I do it.
Don't draw porn as a cash grab. That's stupid. Draw it if you like it and respect it for what it is.

>> No.3697612

>zion protocols
I would suggest treating those like a work of fiction that attempts to predict the future(and did so very well)

Not really, mixed race mongoloids will not put up with their shit and the whole project would blow up in their faces sooner or later, also the west would be so morally weak that China could just sweep in anyways.
Also, it's not like jews all sit at some round table talking about how to destroy the world, most of the shit they do is not evil from their perspective, although it is evil from most other peoples perspective.