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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 6 KB, 512x512, Tumblr_alt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3686456 No.3686456 [Reply] [Original]

Tumblr is killing everything NSFW 100% now, it's dead. Where to next for follow lewd artists?

>> No.3686457

My blog has lewd on it and it's still up. How long should I wait it out for?

>> No.3686458

Most of the bigger named ones like cutesexyrobutts is dead already. It's only a matter of time it will get to you.

>> No.3686459

What's an alternative for Tumblr?
Twitter is hell for art posting, DA is full of shit and pixiv is not only completely censored, but also owns whatever you post there

>> No.3686463

>Tumblr is killing everything NSFW 100% now
wtf, what's going on, I live under a rock

>> No.3686464

They had a problem with pornbots and the solution was to nuke everything marked NSFW

>> No.3686465

>but also owns whatever you post there

>> No.3686466

everyone I know posts their shit on instagram

>> No.3686468

instagram. how dumb are u? ig is number 1 now for the past 5 years.

>> No.3686469

I ficking hate instagram they auto crop your art unless its a perfect square

>> No.3686472

I remember reading something about Pixiv changing their contract to something along the lines of "We own the art you post and we can sell it without your concent".

Isn't Instagram a pain to use

>> No.3686473

Let us take this opportunity to claim territory in deviant art since its being re made we can launch a crusade and mass favorite each other and drive the furry from the front page.

>> No.3686474

that's the funny thing, the more popular the platform the shittier it tends to be for actually hosting your art

>> No.3686481

wtf is this real???? please tell me this is not real

>> No.3686482
File: 40 KB, 894x894, 1505617672684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can finally go back to where it all began
Can we really do it, anon?

>> No.3686483

they don't allow explicit sex acts, only nude
which fucking SUCKS

>> No.3686484
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>> No.3686486
File: 41 KB, 800x450, DsYgEBJVAAAqOMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3686494

Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.3686507

Based tumblr. Fuck you degenerates; go outside and find a partner to have sex with like a normal human.

>> No.3686511

>Wasting time with sex when you could be drawing

>> No.3686512

Mastadon and baraag is the new spot. Or twitter.

>> No.3686514

Apparently the tumblr app got removed from the app store for all the sexual content too.

>> No.3686516

It's time for you to learn how to code and create your own site

>> No.3686519

Speaking of instagram, I've just started using it recently. Is posting stuff in a shit ton of tags basically the only way to get new followers on that site? Not even anything similar to the reblog/retweet function Tumblr and Twitter have?

>> No.3686522

>Mastadon and baraag is the new spot
Just signed up for it, thanks.

>> No.3686524

But Anon artist are not the one that want the lewd art instead of sex they are working to provide a service to those that want it.

>> No.3686529

this is really strange though. how can they afford to kick out what has to be over half their traffic generating content creators? this is really strange. and fucked up. most of my traffic, promotional effort and commissions come through tumlbr. fuck guys. fuck fuck fuck fuck.

>> No.3686533
File: 303 KB, 500x500, 1541085294588.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3686536

MIne is still up. This better not be real since Tumblr is where I have most of my audience by far

>> No.3686540

lost 46,000 followers this morning, it's real. Luckily i moved most of them to other sites throughout the year.

>> No.3686550

Reminder to use TumblTwo or TumblThree to back either yourself or the artists you follow up
Especially lesser known artists you're aware of

>> No.3686554
File: 110 KB, 800x600, 1497842292054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apple shenanigans in a non free website
Don't call it a grave, this is the future you choose.

>> No.3686567


>> No.3686584

you didn't lose anything, they were all inactive or bots.

>> No.3686588

Newgrounds unironically

>> No.3686591

at least half were active judging by the activity

>> No.3686598

I use tumblr and don't post nsfw, I have a little audience there, just do it fore fun ~500 followers after 7 months; is twitter a good alternative? I draw fan art and requests mostly; should I expect a good response there too?

>> No.3686600


>> No.3686601

twitter is more popular and it's far easier to check a post's comments than tumblr.

>> No.3686602


>> No.3686604

Stop drawing porn then
Best post. Tumblr is dying anyways

>> No.3686607

>and pixiv is not only completely censored
Only the genitals and people can get away with just a tiny black bar. Also most western artists post uncensored stuff on pixiv anyway, they don't ban you, they just tell you that your art can't be put on the daily top 10 ranking. I've also never seen Pixiv selling people's stuff, in fact Pixiv has a side page where artists sell their own work instead ala patreon, called pixiv fanbox.

>> No.3686609

I was hit by this, and I didn't even post porn. I only set the blog to NSFW to filter out annoying people.

If this was indeed a mass purging of adult content, they should have at least warned users beforehand so that content and contacts could be backed up.

>> No.3686612

fucking owned.

>> No.3686614

Plus even the people who censor sometimes just post the uncensored version in the image's description as an imgur link.

>> No.3686615


>> No.3686616

Thank you frends, honestly just wondering because I have focused on growing there since I started and the interface kinda comfy... but if it a dead platform soon (honestly porn artists are the only good thing in there) might as well branch out

>> No.3686620

Nah, Tumblr was my backup blog. I mainly use it to follow people. That's the most annoying thing about this though, having to rebuild bookmarks.

At least Twitter makes it easy to export that data. I don't think Tumblr ever had a tool for that.

>> No.3686621

>At least Twitter makes it easy to export that data.

>> No.3686623

Go to https://twitter.com/settings and click on "your twitter data" near the bottom. It'll export your current follows/followers and text posts in a database file.

>> No.3686626


>> No.3686635


>> No.3686639


>> No.3686678

shit better go masturbate to those sexy women whilst I still can.

>> No.3686688

at least my favorite blog ever beautifulcmnf.tumblr.com is still alive

how do you fags post tags on twitter anyways? so you post the photo then the tags on the comment by hashtags, or do you just write a description and that will appear in searches?

>> No.3686689

can someone make a service that allows me to post on

and your mothers church meeting billboard

simultaneously??? please somebody do this, i'd give my left nut. it would save me an ungodly amount of time and worry.

>> No.3686697
File: 231 KB, 532x676, Hadrian_VI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then Thanos snapped his fingers, and half of your porn was gone.

>> No.3686699

Why are they killling off all the NSFW tumblrs? Now I'm gonna have to readd them on other platforms which is annoying as hell.

>> No.3686700

this, why isn't this a thing yet

>> No.3686702

>he doesn't have a personal assistant doing that for him
disdain for plebs

>> No.3686728

Anons I have potentially good news. Pic related. maybe it's not deliberately nsfw accounts but just random or unlucky accounts.

Go here:


That's a thing? How do I find an english speak peanut-wage virtual assistant who has a triple digit IQ and whom I can entrust with login info the essentially my livelyhood? I'd get my gf to do it but she's studying to become a lawyer LOL (layer woman marrying some porn drawing retard, can you believe that).

>> No.3686731

>2 years old post

>> No.3686743

Holy shit I fucking hate this so much. Why isn't there a good alternative to this useless normie platorm aaaaaaaaaaaaaah

>> No.3686745

>there is now a power vacuum

>> No.3686748

I can feel loli porn getting crushed harder everywhere soon.

>> No.3686750
File: 57 KB, 540x785, tumblr_pighxo7MlI1rt5w4o_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what I keep seeing get posted around today in response.

>> No.3686752

this is 3 days old
here is something more relevant

>> No.3686756

>Glitch in our system
How? How does something like that happen?

>> No.3686761


>> No.3686763

Porn is unironically a good way to learn anatomy

>> No.3686766

Can you make a screengrab of this? The post won't display unless I'm logged in, and I don't want to be arsed with making a new account while waiting for this issue to be resolved.

>> No.3686768
File: 43 KB, 483x360, 1523415610377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3686778

Oh thank fucking god, seems like it was a false alarm...

>> No.3686780

according to who?

>> No.3686786

Thank you kindly.

Fingers crossed they can restore my account.

>> No.3686792


many people. hop on your tumblr and check the feed, you'll find countless posts sharing and talking about this. many people have had their accounts nuked, but upon contacting tumblr had their accounts reinstated within 48-72 hours without any issues. apparently tumblr's algorhytm bot-sniffing is unreliable and bans people left and right that aren't bot accounts. maybe the use of certain features or posting-patterns triggers it, I don't know.

Bottom line is, tumblr banning all nsfw creators is FAKE NOOSE.

>> No.3686800


What is the e-mail?

>> No.3686802

Or maybe it was real but they rescinded from all the backlash. Who knows.

>> No.3686815

I've seen like one post mentioning that one dude's friend got his blog back. I can't discern whether this is tumblr being outright malicious or just plain inept, but I don't think they care enough that there's a difference.

I sent in an email to support a few hours ago but I honestly doubt that anything will come of it. People trying to say there's hope all seem to be running on baseless rumors.

>> No.3686821

Artists don't understand open source, they all use Photoshop/CSP on their Mac using hardcore lockdowned hardware because they're all brainlets.

>mfw I create superior art using a superior workflow on a superior operating system

>> No.3686840
File: 5 KB, 190x75, piczel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advertise in twitter
>post gallery in piczel

This is the only way to do it

Use Piczel

>> No.3686847

it already exists http://www.postybirb.com/

>> No.3686880

I think most sane people pirate photoshop

>> No.3686909

>Where to next for follow lewd artists?

>> No.3686951
File: 44 KB, 459x395, reactionfabulous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have two loli blogs up and running

>> No.3686970
File: 8 KB, 225x225, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An alternative to twitter. It takes a little getting used to but it's not controlled by a single group of idiots like Twitter is. Instead, you join different servers or "instances" that are each managed by it's own admin(s) with it's own set of rules to abide by.
baraag.net is one that lets you post nsfw and loli

They recently got a facelift to their UI. It's not too bad honestly. You can put art submissions into General, Teen, Mature, or Adult ratings. They also allow lossless image uploads

unintuitive UI, and overall sketchy looking. but they offer streaming and gallery hosting on the same site so.. keep your eye on this one

Overall, Newgrounds would be my first pick. They allow NSFW because users can choose to filter it if they choose. And they already have a large userbase. They've been established forever, so you don't have to worry about it suddenly going away like most new sites do.

>> No.3686973

Search Github/Gitlab for IG clones and host your own for personal use. Or learn JS and write one.

>> No.3686984
File: 896 KB, 1000x600, 1514918495443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

atta boy.

>> No.3687036

Mastodon(baraag.net) and privateer for twitter users

>> No.3687044

If DeviantArt finally allows porn they can take advantage of the NSFW hole Tumblr left. This would he the perfect opportunity to reboot their website if they can get a good filter system running so people can avoid looking at certain fetish art.

There's pixiv but you have the chance of getting your uncensored porn removed on pixiv.

I would love for deviantart to be popular again.

>> No.3687064

In tumblr? Do you have any warnings?

>> No.3687067

if you don't got your account banned it means you still haven't made it tbph

>> No.3687140

lmao the furries are among you

>> No.3687149

All these alt sites are cute and all, but barely anyone visits them so it's pointless.

>> No.3687150

the worst thing about this is you're now gonna get even more tumblr subhumans migrating to other sites.

>> No.3687155
File: 158 KB, 1080x1029, IMG_20181120_071504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tom Fulp's community is unironically based af

>> No.3687222

>every single account has a different url base
holy shit that's a NoScript nightmare

>> No.3687248

Nope no warnings so far

>> No.3687251

instagram is shit though and you won't get any serious followers on there, only normies who like your shirt occasionally. Also no porn

>> No.3687254

hm what sites are you referring to?

>> No.3687255

post screenie pls

>> No.3687259

>uploading art on a social media based website and not an art based website

>> No.3687300

No, talking to other artists, liking, commenting and following their stuff is what will get you followers.

>> No.3687382


well thanks for letting me know. but i just tried it and it's absolute garbage. out of 6 million sites i was only able to login to 2. every other site gave me issues and i had to triple and quadruple check my password, but when i tried logging in through browser it worked. not on postybirb though, complete shit tool.

fucking upsetting when you have a problem, and someone makes a solution, and the solution is garbage. it's like why did you even bother mr postybirb developer you stupid fucktard. this could have been such a great tool. fuck.

>> No.3687479


i retract this. only DA is giving me issues.

>> No.3687495

may I see the superior art?

>> No.3687508

Reconquista when?

>> No.3687526


>> No.3687532

What art websites?

>> No.3687541

false alarm, tumblr anti bot went stupid

>> No.3687560

idk some people have lost tens of thousands of followers, apparently mostly those who have nsfw stuff

>> No.3687575
File: 360 KB, 445x472, 1530174065575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3687582

No, you got it in reverse : most of the traffic being porn IS what's fucked up. Literally.

>> No.3687584
File: 381 KB, 750x996, 4C6C8FFA-9F17-40AC-832A-037B70B6E58C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3687586

The only good thing about Tumblr is that it's one of the few decently popular social media platforms that allows porn to be posted which is kind if ironic considering the people that stereotypically use it. Almost every blog I follow on Tumblr is a porn art blog.

>> No.3687593

So is NG going to be a viable option or do I have a better chance of getting people on the street to follow me if I throw my printed art at them than uploading it there?

>> No.3687595

>Still available for Android users
Get fucked applefags

>> No.3687598

Nigga go for it. It's a circlejerk of creators because so few people post there nowadays. I got 100 followers over the course of a week after getting scouted and posting my first shitty art pieces to the front page. I dont usually link to it on my other social media accounts because I doubt many people will go there but it's pretty much where I upload all my stuff before taking it to the main stream sites.

>> No.3687628

As shitty as it may be, literally everyone is kinda migrating to newgrounds or just shitting themselves on twitter.

>> No.3687631

Tumblr's IOS app was taken down from the store cause apparently there was a shit ton of CP on it??? And as 'damage control' they're purging decently sized tumblrs (it didn't matter if it was nsfw btw, a lot of gaming and lifestyle tumblrs got nuked too) off the site with no warning.

>> No.3687786
File: 131 KB, 1000x598, tumblr_nrhdtni5Df1sucxmto3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come back to the light or prepare for suffering & punishment, demons.

I found that paradox interesting too & always wondered how this happened.

>> No.3687797

I was about to start posting my work online (non-lewd). Should I still bother with Tumblr or can I forget about it? It's too early to tell isn't it?

>> No.3687824

It's not worth getting into tumblr anymore, it's impossible to build a following there now

>> No.3687830

You're non-lewd, you'll be alright anon...

>> No.3687833
File: 124 KB, 600x450, 5811A17A-7CA0-4A70-9E1D-3EAC64F453EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my favorite petgirl tumblrs are gone

>> No.3687853


>> No.3687875

werked fine for me when i tried it some months back. Posted fine on da, tumblr, and various furfag sites

>> No.3687968

It's a grim day for nsfw artist for sure. At least if you're into pony or furry nsfw there is already fur affinity and derpibooru to back you up. Sucks for everyone else though. Time to backup every other blog out there.

>> No.3687974


it's false alarm mate.

>> No.3687985

Hire a third world person who is fluent in english and use a service that entrusts access to your accounts without giving the password to them. I have VA from Venezuela who manages all my posting and work schedule so I can simply focus on drawing.

>> No.3687998

is there even a process of this guy

>> No.3688023

quit saying it's a false alarm like that changes anything- tons of people still got nuked, including me, and most of them are so pissed off about how incompetent the site owners are that they're jumping ship even if they do get their blogs back

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this is just their plan to get rid of nsfw artists without having to deal with the backlash that would come with outright banning them; if a simple "false alarm" causes them to pack up and leave, nobody is really to blame, right?

>> No.3688217



>> No.3688234
File: 125 KB, 600x600, 1418189i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop drawing porn you fucking nigger

>> No.3688236
File: 97 KB, 427x600, 1404517284607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based cirno

>> No.3688242

Rude. I'll draw you next.

>> No.3688244
File: 68 KB, 500x334, 425414392_0bf4e0fd8f_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw just started popping off with NSFW shit 2 months ago
Let me bask in glory a little longer you absolute fucking faggots

>> No.3688266


they would lose an insane amount of traffic. there is no way they could afford a move like that. you will without any doubt get your blog back. i do understand your frustration though, and it's completely justified.

>> No.3688278

What do you all think about moving to Newgrounds?

>> No.3688300

welcoming community, and they updated their UI so it's less shit. It's really hit or miss desu

>> No.3688319

thinking about it. do they have a tagging and filtering system?

>> No.3688415

They banned me even though my blog was SFW only, with some mild ecchi but nothing NSFW

didnt even receive a warning or explanation
Wish we had art sites like the east has, where as long as its legal they dont care what you upload

>> No.3688420


>> No.3688423

paheal is lewd only init? or something like 99% lewd. Dont want to be THAT guy to post all his art when people just want to fap

>> No.3688425

I made an account just in case, but I want to wait at least a week to see where this Tumblr mess leads to before I waste all my time re-uploading 100+ pictures.

>> No.3688433

newgrounds is shit these days, they ban you for lewds or edgy stuff unless youre a really big name like shad or Zone.

Newgrounds from the 2000s was an entirely different beast

>> No.3688437

>Ban you for lewds


>> No.3688438 [DELETED] 

I made an account there earlier this year. Uploaded some older pictures and all of it got removed for breaking their rules, contacted a mod and he said they were going for a clean site policy and that hentai was not okay

Now, its entirely possible that with tumblrs banwave they see and opportunity and decide to relax their rules but Im just saying this dont be surprised if your shit gets removed later on

>> No.3688440
File: 120 KB, 631x507, guidelines2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wait it was because I posted censored loli

>> No.3688447

which makes no sense since Zone has the most popular flashes, featuring underage characters and so does Shad

>> No.3688452

this surprised me to
I always remembered tumblr as a sjw hellhole with smut
turns out there is a lot of great art blogs that have nothing to do with politics

now this happens

>> No.3688453

So shad and zone's Loli porn is okay but when someone less popular does it all of a sudden it's bad?

>> No.3688476

As dumb and unrealistic as the whole "build your website if you don't like this one" shit sounds, technical fuck-ups of this magnitude should really force people to at least reevaluate how much time and effort they invest into social media platforms they have no real control over.

>> No.3688477

Thats a dumb way of looking at things.
Even if you make your own website, and it somehow becomes a succes, a big company will buy you out and force their changes or the advertising companies will force you to change or cut your revenue.
Google and other sites could start blacklisting you too.
And these people have enormous budgets and power, the power of small groups means nothing to them

>> No.3688482

The benefit of using a mass media website is the opportunity to spread your work beyond existing fans & gain new ones, along with finding others who produce work like yours
Much more difficult to get that with a personal gallery

>> No.3688485

Pixiv releases a yearly book in Japan that sells the top rated art in it.

>> No.3688486

Monopoly was a mistake

>> No.3688487

The real worrisome thing to me is how many fucking people I'm discovering use social media to host master files of their art. I'm seeing a lot of people saying they've lost years worth of art due to the purge. Mother fucker, you don't have a fucking copy on your hard drive? Why the hell not? It's like storing important shit in your school locker instead of a safety deposit box or even your own fucking house.

On a side note, I have my own server that I'm considering just throwing together a website and re-uploading my shit there and using social media to promote that with the little "Just uploaded, here's a preview, check it out on my site". People won't exactly get to follow the website per-se, but it would be an indefinite hosting place while the years go by and I keep having to move from art site to art site to art site. That's the method most web comic artists do and I'm starting to think it's a good one.

>> No.3688491

I never click through those links personally. A text blurb or highly cropped thumbnail doesn't catch my interest

>> No.3688492

This is Yahoo we're talking about here, this shall be Geocities 3.0.

>> No.3688493

Fuck it, I'll just start uploading my shit on Blogspot.

>> No.3688496

aren't they restoring everything now? seems like a knee jerk reaction.

>> No.3688511

the damage is done. Even if *everyone* gets their blog back(which is very unlikely), most artists have lost faith in the platform.

one of my friends got their blog restored this morning. I had some hope... until he got RE-nuked just a few hours later??

It's like they're just trying to be unpredictable at this point

>> No.3688514
File: 39 KB, 469x173, New Canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. So purge have started about 2 days ago, and i've got fucked only sometime today. So this "glitch" is ongoing at very least.

Anyway. Better question is what alternative there is to tumblr? HF, FA...what? Weasyl? Does anyone using it? And newgrounds really will be able to tolerate /d/ stuff just like that?

>> No.3688536

Apparently people that got their accounts back are getting re-deleted? I'm not sure it's all blown over.

>> No.3688539

>Even if you make your own website, and it somehow becomes a success, a big company will buy you out and force their changes or the advertising companies will force you to change or cut your revenue.
Illustrates the dilemma of creating anything on the web quite nicely doesn't it? Place your trust in mainstream websites not to fuck your shit up for whatever reason or strike out on your own and risk being de-platformed by other services. That might sound ridiculously dire, but that's kinda where we're at.

>The real worrisome thing to me is how many fucking people I'm discovering use social media to host master files of their art. I'm seeing a lot of people saying they've lost years worth of art due to the purge.
Sad, but not surprising. Preparing for the worst doesn't become an instinct until the worst has already happened to you.

>> No.3688556

Any thoughts on Pillowfort as a replacement for Tumblr?

>> No.3688561

twitter seems to be where people are moving to the most

>> No.3688564

Im worried about twitter though, they ban thought crimes and people they dont like. It seems like a matter of time before they start purging

>> No.3688566

just stay away from any kind of political discussion, unless your art is based solely on that. that's what'll get you, if you post tiddy they won't even know you exist

>> No.3688572

Just don't be republican then . . . lmao . . .

>> No.3688580

Or they are still having problems. If they didn't want nsfw suff then they'd just make a statement.

>> No.3688595

There is little reason to believe twitter wouldn't purge nsfw content if they have purged other content before. All of these popular websites are scrubbing themselves of impure content when they come to light. It's a matter of time until it becomes a problem for twitter, especially with its normie audience

>> No.3688600

Guys, I had a really bad idea; we should make a site

>> No.3688603

That is a bad idea

>> No.3688611

why would we do that when we have /ic/ desuwu

>> No.3688646
File: 163 KB, 344x290, 1536982177236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Tumblr used to be mlp porn central
>mfw all of those niggers are homeless now
>mfw ponyfaggotry will finally breathe it's last gasps

>> No.3688685

dont they have DA
place is furfag central

>> No.3688698
File: 20 KB, 400x400, FREAK OVERLOAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MahmaPuu's tumblr got terminated


>> No.3688701

furries have like 4 dedicated well-kept websites to conglomerate in
they will always have somewhere to go

>> No.3688709

There's so many logical hurdles you've jumped through to get to this conclusion

>> No.3688898

theartistknownasbb tumblr is dead

>> No.3688925

it was about time. you can still find CP with the "wickr" tag still.

>> No.3689027
File: 711 KB, 1000x641, Morrigan 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have any idea where RequiemDusk/TYPO went?

>> No.3689032

No one uses Artstation?

>> No.3689038

Artstation doesn't allow porn plus it's a massive industry circlejerk, no point in using it unless you want a job at a studio

>> No.3689049


Not going to search that shit, but what is the tag about?

>> No.3689137

you need to link a mobile or facebook to that crap

>> No.3689143

cirno is a child why does it seem like at least half of all porn artists are pedophiles?

>> No.3689151

>cirno is a child
wait what? I thought she was a drawing

>> No.3689152

Cirno is an old hag. She's aspergers though, so it's still immoral

>> No.3689155

IRL is keeping him busy.

>> No.3689157
File: 192 KB, 350x491, 1541488014510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based AND redpilled. Porn is inherently shit and those who produce it should feel bad.

>> No.3689171

even my 4 posts / 2 followers tumblr got nuked wtf

>> No.3689182

I remember seeing something about copying your tumblr content to wordpress some years ago.
How is wordpress

>> No.3689259

the tag gets its name thanks to wickr, an app that is similar to whatsapp or telegram but this one supposedly gives the user complete anonymity.

due to this, the app can be used for everything and is mostly used by drug dealers. but you can also send and receive all kinds of shit and in this case, you have a safe way to contact distributors and get child porn.

>> No.3689314

I have four tumblrs and they're all still up. What am I doing right?

>> No.3689337

not tagging things and not being followed by pornbots, we assume. no word on what exactly is getting people shut down yet

>> No.3689542

Mastodon looks to be the best option right now in terms of what content they allow.

>> No.3689560

So was 4chan /b/ for a time, tell me, did mlp ever leave this site? Oh wait...

>> No.3689626

It's evidently not that simple
Safe for work blogs are getting deleted too, Tumblr seems to be mass deleting things all willy-nilly. A lot of it is being blamed on bad algorithms blindly doing the purging.

The lesson is, stop using fucking Tumblr

>> No.3689671

ugh bi agree anon. cant find any of my shit anymore since most artists tagged with nsfw. i may be a degenerate, but at least i used normie sites to view my nsfw

>> No.3689728


I looked it up on tumblr. Lots of sketchy pills stuff. Will I get the party van now?

>> No.3689750

Small guys are getting hit too.
>GoodBadArtist (a guy I follow whose panel isn't even forced to safe mode due to NSFW content) just got deleted

>> No.3689762

one thing to note about mastodon is that you can interact with users across instances. For example, I have an account on pawoo.net but follow people on baraag.net.

One exception is SJW-infested servers that cut themselves off from every other server but who gives a shit about those.

>> No.3689836


>> No.3690035

Isn't that instance made by pixiv? Do they try the same all your art belongs to us BS, too?

>> No.3690142

I want to just host a bare-bones gallery on my own server but allow anyone on mastodon/gnu social to follow my posts. Does anyone know if something already exists? In theory it should be relatively simple to do.

>> No.3690170

they got me by the second day im practically a noname
did have a lot of those pornbot followers though, no idea why besides it being an older account maybe

>> No.3690217
File: 58 KB, 714x674, welcome to the good life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3690288

Some of it isn't necessarily sjw. For the most part a lot of places just ban instances that break laws the server is in like ones that host Loli. (Pawoo and baraag)

>> No.3690290

kinda dumb though to pick a server host in a place that has so many restrictive laws then, Im assuming theres a lot more and better options in the US

>> No.3690292

I thought Loli is a grey area in the us? Pretty sure I've seen people in the news at least "get caught" with it.

>> No.3690295

Loli/shota is legal in the US as long as it isn't a cartoon depiction of an actual real child or, to the discretion of the viewer, isn't believably realistic. What this means in actuality is that when people get busted for having CP, they can get additional time tacked on for also having loli; but, no one has been arrested only for having drawings.

>> No.3690305

thats mastodon. and your problem for using noscript. it has always been a nightmare. why are you complaining?

>> No.3690324

What about Ello, the creators network

>> No.3690327


Not in the US perhaps, but here in Sweden we have had people sentenced for having hentai comics with loli.

>> No.3690343

what? Im pretty sure I read about people arrested for just having loli in the US
while europe is more lax on it, besides sweden apparently

>> No.3690366


>> No.3690432

maybe Ello? A bit fine arts focused but at its beginning I don't believe it was intended to

>> No.3690464

Fine arts people can't stomach porn at all. They also get quite mean around anything they don't like. I won't use a platform with a fine arts culture

>> No.3690560

I thought they were retarded when they pulled that "you must make an account to see NSFW stuff".
There's no way tumblr can survive this. Tumblr is for niche porn.

>> No.3690646

The artist i followed apparently uploads his digital works to tumblr then deletes original on his pc. Now he cries about it on facebook. LOL

>> No.3690662

Isn't all that caartoon show has been nucked since like 3 years?

>> No.3690664

What the fuck. How stupid do you have to be?

>> No.3690668

That never happened. They said it was imaginary so it was okay. https://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/528.378771-Swedish-surpreme-court-Manga-drawings-not-child-pronography?page=1

>> No.3690675


>> No.3690683

Does he not have the original file he worked in? The original PSD or SAI file or whatever he uses? Like, the fuck. "I'm gonna take a picture of my painting, upload it to Facebook, then throw away the actual painting".

>> No.3690698

He should've only used da or any art site that lets you upload psd's

>> No.3690717


I have heard about this kind of behavior before several years before but I refused to believe it was real and I still do

>> No.3690720
File: 299 KB, 608x1031, NewCanvas3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't go to Twitter.

>> No.3690723
File: 992 KB, 250x250, 451672453.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

>> No.3690728

>someone makes an art platform
>you guys bitch about it and sperg out over the tiniest most insignificant thing like some girl you had a crush on posts her art there
>complain that there's no good alternatives now
Boohoo, I feel so sorry for you guys. Not.

>> No.3690730
File: 9 KB, 400x300, 1513553239752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>day 22 of no fap
>see this

>> No.3690746


>> No.3690911

Is there still no official statement from tumblr? I've emailed them a few times, no answer ever. Been a few days too.

>> No.3690922

We Don't Need Techno-Oligarchs We Can Make Our Own Websites.

>> No.3690925

Tumblr is notorious for never answering emails.

>> No.3690926

I thought using *too* many tags made it less likely for people to see your posts. Like some sort of anti-spam feature in the algorythm. I dunno, I don't use Instagram all that much

>> No.3690929

Could we SERIOUSLY see Neegrounds make a comeback? Really?

Yhe site sleaus allowed crazy shit on it but in 2018... idunno, risky waters.

>> No.3690931

it doesn't allow lolis. so is useless.
fictional crimes cucks.

>> No.3690936
File: 36 KB, 500x375, 1537515790950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Porn is inherently shit

>> No.3690942

Man those people are trying really hard to look like some moral pillar

>> No.3690950

So where then? Baraag.net?

God why cant the japs just make a decent social network and use their servers? Why did Pixiv sudoku its contemt?

>> No.3690952

Stop complaining and move to twitter. lots of jap/korean audience and if you're worried about being reported for shota/loli/rape/gore/etc just upload previews to twitter alongside a link to privatter + use pixiv as a gallery and add twitter links in the caption of every pic to make stuff easier. It really is the only way since baraag/mastodon have less than 40k users combined

>> No.3690953


>> No.3690961

I saw it, and it's annoying but annoying people are everywhere, literally just block them, I really don't get why you let these people get to you, it's not like they can do anything to you (this isn't "controversial" problematic or even explicit) the only person who can do something about that piece is the cosplayer herself, if she doesn't want to have porn done of her then tough shit

>> No.3690974
File: 138 KB, 1515x769, baraag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just depends on what you want to upload.

Baraag is a mastodon instance.
Mastodon instances are servers where you create an account to participate in the fediverse, which is made by many other instances and other microblog platforms like pleroma and shit.

You have to follow the instance rules to keep posting.
Baraag is hosted in France and you're free to post uncensored content and that's protected by law.

Pawoo is pixiv's instance so they have to follow the same japanese rules
- censor the genitals
- be bothered by all the fuckin moonrunes

create a mastodon account is a very important thing, read their rules and stay away form instances that are not hosted properly.
some of them can die tomorrow and you lose all your shit.

Baraag is a good one and the admin is very approachable.
also loli friendly.

All instances share the fediverse, sensitive warnings is the ideal behavior keep baraag and similar instances out of being censored by normie instances.

if you created your account in a cuck instance like "mastodon.social" the content of baraag or pawoo will not be available due censorship "in that instance". so you're not going to be able see or follow lewd people from baraag or pawoo

At the end, This is the same thing as using twitter, and twitter seems to be allowing lolis and a lot japanese users have an account, but is not clear if they are going to delete you eventually due their shady moves or normies reporting you as childporn if you draw lolis.

baraag and pawoo are pretty safe here.
pick your poison.

>God why cant the japs just make a decent social network and use their servers? Why did Pixiv sudoku its contemt?
pixiv don't delete content unless you're a faggot that don't follow the japanese rules of censoring your art,

Talking about a proper gallery. the best you have now is pixiv and furaffinity.
all the other sites tend to block loli content somehow.
but that's another topic.

>> No.3690985

Some people do this for videos of LPs they do on Youtube, but at least there it's because video files take up a shitton of space. Most drawings I do take up no more than 2 MB as a picture and 10MB as the PS file itself.

In today's world of 4+ TB external hard drives, that's 4000+ GB, meaning 4 million MB, you can't convince me it would take you less than a year to fill it up with 400K PS files and consider deleting old files long before that point. There's literally no reason to delete you work with how much space you can just store for shits and giggles.

>> No.3691062

pixiv deletes uncensored content? I see lots of foreign artists posting those with no issues.

>> No.3691067

It's likely if they can tell you're posting from Japan or something.

>> No.3691069

>2 MB as a picture
>10MB as the PS file itself.

I draw in canvases like 4000*4000
but I know people that draw in retarded big sizes.
And I've never had files that small.
maybe is because I use sai and most of my .sai files are between 150mb and 350mb

No idea about ps files. most of my medibang files are like 20mb.

the sum of my drawings, scraps and commission folder from mid 2017 is just about 50gb.
but even so. they are not that big to not save them. I used to write 1 dvd per month
and that was less than a $1us per month. there's no excuse.

some of them are not popular enough or they post the uncensored image as the 2nd one in a multiimage upload.
some of them just get reported. Deletes are made manually after all.

but in any case. pixiv doesn't delete your files right away.
they block/hide the post and want you to censor it and upload it again. unless you're a premium user so you can edit the post.

this happened to various friends and me included.

the only time i remember they deleting stuff without warning was in news various months ago.
there were some faggots abusing the report system, reporting shit as child porn. the files were re uploaded and pixiv changed their rules to stop faggots like them because for japan drawings are not illegal. even the external method they used for this had to change a little to stop this.

no matter where you post from, you need to follow the Japanese rules. that's there when you create your account.
the hosting is in japan. and all the shit has to be censored there.

Also. vaginas that don't show labia or clitoris or are practically safe. that's another thing.

>> No.3691084

>vaginas that don't show labia or clitoris or are practically safe
I always imagine the japanese congressmen all wanting to abolish that stupid law but nobody is bad enough dude to bring up the topic

>> No.3691085

Giving up hope on tumblr being restored. Anyone have a suggestion for a free blog platform that allows pages, has password protection, and does not require an account to browse? Popularity and other social media functions are irrelevant, as I'm only looking for a place to store links to book and video uploads to share with a small number of people. Twitter and any Google-related services are out, since I used those for other things.

>> No.3691094
File: 19 KB, 723x242, Screenshot 2018-11-22 22.51.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interestingly, I just did a test and apparently saving the same project in SAI format and PS format seems to show SAI having a bigger filesize on disk than the PS one. Pic related.

And I also scale my drawings to letterbox but with the height of 4096, basically 4K, and it normally don't get 100+ mb, but that's likely assuming you do more detail work then my style of work. Either way, yeah, no reason to dump your work unless it's been a year or so later, which at that point is up to you since you'd likely have improved drastically since then to just feel like redoing it if you want to preserve it in some way.

>> No.3691102

So what are the chances of tumblr ultimately getting shut down after this? I've been waiting to see this hell hole die off for years now.

>> No.3691103
File: 28 KB, 509x551, 1537649345619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dconthedancefloor is gone
>its probably cause she did /ss/
Her tutorials were good, it fucking hurts

>> No.3691107

Porn is rotting all of your brains. The more of you societal tumors getting excised from platforms the better.

>> No.3691108


Many of my final painting files are upwards to 2GB.

>> No.3691111

not high. Google plus is still going and nobody ever used that.

>> No.3691112

>google plus is still going

>> No.3691115

Wait, it's not still going?

>> No.3691176

Tumblr artists barely update as much these days anyway.

>> No.3691188

what we really need is a distributed file system implementation.

like a js version of tumblr serving content on ipfs.io

>> No.3691189

Do you even use tumblr?

>> No.3691250
File: 9 KB, 520x350, And the great NSFW purge began.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had to draw it.

>> No.3691253
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>> No.3691256


>> No.3691260
File: 37 KB, 208x212, 1534357798315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use a platform that is super fickle
>complain when it goes to shit

>> No.3691346

>fdseason got nuked

I don't want to live on this homepage anymore

>> No.3691350

Zone and Newgrounds, to large percentage of users, are practically interlinked. They wouldn't touch him for fear of backlash from longtime fans.

>> No.3691355

Hard drives can die out of nowhere for seemingly no reason. My laptop hard drive died just a couple months back which was super shitty since I had a lot of legacy work from all the way back to 2012. Meant a lot to me since that was when I started posting in /tg/ and people gave me great advice. It's just one of those you don't really think about until it has already happened.

>> No.3691359


>> No.3691362

>while europe is more lax on it
m8, it's also illegal and a punishable crime in Ireland and the UK along with a few other EU countries afaik.

>> No.3691368

It's already dying a long time now. A lot of people have jumped ship to twitter so everything on Tumblr feels super slow.
Porn was a lot of their traffic so I feel like getting rid of it is detrimental but in the long run I guess they think having a mobile app is the better move to attract a larger audience (which I can't see happening really, I think this is a bad move for them).
Google Plus is shutting down within the year because the fucks had been leaking personal user data for years and rather than fix their spaghetti code they decided to just get rid of it.

>> No.3691394

more lax, not completely lax. 3rd world shitholes like the UK barely count anyways.

>> No.3691413

But I'm using my gf's account to look at porn

>> No.3691568

>any and all nsfw content including blogs is gone from search results even if you have safe mode off
welp, as if tumblr wasn't dead enough

>> No.3691585

what the fuck are the guys running tumblr doing

>> No.3691595

Yeah, this is clearly just an undercover coverup just to nuke it all, much like the new domain thing for 4chan coming soon. Guess it's time to move on. I hope my HF account keeps me a float, I'm going to start a Twitter soon just to advertise my shit, I already got links to my HD work since neither sites allow full rez works.

>> No.3691598

>it's real
Ok, I'm done with this place for good.

>> No.3691790

so was it a glitch, or are they actually still deleting shit??

>> No.3691848

I wonder why LMAO

>> No.3691851

Retard damage control mode
Since shekels are involved they have to rushedly make a half assed action to save their shit

>> No.3691865

>4 days of deleting blogs
i dont believe it

>> No.3691916

How about pixiv?

>> No.3691929

pixiv charges you for fucking updating your uploaded work. NND, pixiv and other jp services jew the fuck out of their users

>> No.3691932


>> No.3691936

at least they dont bitch about the fictional age of a drawing and actually promote content instead of users

I know they arent perfect but its a lot better than anything in the west Ive seen

>> No.3691948

>pixiv charges you for fucking updating your uploaded work.
holy shit WHAT

>> No.3691956

you cant update your works unless you buy premium. you have to resubmit if you want to update, unless its non file changes

>> No.3692041

Deviantart is much better !

>> No.3692053

Do anyone knows any other blogging platforms

My plan is to make a blog somewhere and link it on twitter, while posting previews there to catch attention

>> No.3692436

I think you're mistaken about FA. Furaffinity banned underage porn a while back. It's inkbunny that's okay with Cub, but they don't allow any human art.

>> No.3692459

Maybe just go old fashioned with a WordPress or personal site if you're just going to link it in another site anyway

>> No.3692477

If you can afford it maybe look into getting your own domain.

I pay about $120.00 a year for my site, although you could probably get cheaper if you shopped around a bit. Throw up a WordPress template linked to your Twitter and your good to go.

>> No.3692487

you're right. it was inkbunny. sorry I'm not a furry.
just saying that I remembered atm.

no lolis no buy.

>> No.3692615

>like the new domain thing for 4chan coming soon
since when was this happening and how would it change anything.

>> No.3692644

>since when was this happening
It's been going into effect this pass week and has already started yesterday. As of right now, all red boards are using 4chan.org domain, but all blue boards are using a new domain, 4channel.org, to make half of 4chan more "ad friendly" for marketers in a vain attempt to censor out the lewd boards.

The only problem right now is /v/ is raided by /pol/ very heavily since the beginning of this years, and now the shitposting on that board has hit critical in an attempt to get moot to revert the domain thing.

>> No.3693076

>in an attempt to get moot to revert the domain thing

>> No.3693079

Reminder DA only allows flaccid pinups!
No spreading, no touching, no fucking, no erections, no wet pussy.
It's not viable for porn.

>> No.3693081

Hiro, my bad. I just remember the name moot better.

>> No.3693083

My thread made it to bump limit
Feels good. Thanks for everyone's input, so what's the vertic? Seems like it's sadly time to drop Tumblr and move on. I personal opinion is to just go to Twitter for shilling, using some other place to host HD work and just use previews on Twitter since image size gets compressed to all hell anyways to warrant a full pic view.

>> No.3693087

I think we should have a sticky to discuss and provide a link for all the possible site options artists have to display their artwork, sfw and nsfw.

>> No.3693125
File: 71 KB, 640x480, 1529666655040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless this post.

>> No.3693132

Probably like what these anons said
Get a Wordpress site and a Twitter account to shill it

>> No.3693138
File: 146 KB, 736x1125, auv80y7u8zzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3693522

Is artistic freedom a meme?

>> No.3693719

Isn't mastodon the thing that was made because they thought twitter had "too many nazis" or some retarded bullshit like that?

>> No.3693807

No, but its main instance got a surge of users through that. Being on a different instance (i.e. baraag) completely spares you from it. The SJWs can't do anything to you except block you.

Although, I still believe you can follow/interact with certain people if you so chose. I'm on pawoo which is blocked by the main instance but I can still follow a few of the non-crazies.

>> No.3693834

Am I tripping or did tumblr completely remove the ability to see nsfw in the search results recently? The padlock icon. The search in general was fucking terrible but a while ago I tried testing it by searching some common as fuck porn tags and fucking nothing showed up.

>> No.3693836
File: 142 KB, 310x310, no way fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3693841

See >>3691568

>> No.3693844

That's fucking gay. They really want to self-destruct, don't they?

>> No.3693848

I've seen twitter censoring tweets that simply mention loli recently. I don't know if it's an actual policy or if some rando mod just does it if he happens to see it, but twitter is not safe for pure art posting either.

>> No.3693977

Mastodon is a decentralized Twitter clone. It's the software. It's not inherently right or left wing, if that's what you were worried about.

Anyone can start their own social media site running Mastodon, then choose to connect or disconnect from other sites running Mastodon. Think of each Mastodon network as its own country with its own citizens, who may travel to and interact with citizens from other countries with whom they have diplomatic relations.

It's interesting in theory, but not a big deal in practice, and even less important for people who just want to browse. The thing that really matters is the posting policy of individual Mastodons. Pawoo has the best balance of content policy with user base size. Baraag has the most open content policy for artists.

>> No.3694951

No, they want to destroy you if you keep drawing gays fucking. (rightfully so)