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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 314 KB, 2048x1920, IMG_20181118_171732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3685448 No.3685448 [Reply] [Original]

Hey can I get a critique?

>> No.3685466

There are threads for this you tard

>> No.3685478

Post your own art faggot

>> No.3685479

There is a thread for this

>> No.3685483

awww need help winning your internet fight?


The art is good, though clearly they could improve on some things (as we all can) they have their own personal style (scrolling thru their posts) and a cohesive look to the entire subject, flat style with minimal shading but still shows understanding of shadows on the hir behind her back

Nothing groundbreaking but still talented

>> No.3685484
File: 36 KB, 613x127, Screen Shot 2018-11-18 at 8.37.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your art if youre so good fag

>> No.3685487

> im comfortable and middle class
is like saying "im not angry" while pissing yourself

>> No.3685489

That hand though. Wew lad.

>> No.3685493

Muh style. Naw that arm is so short, the eye is floating off the face. Line weight is inconsistent.

>> No.3685494


>> No.3685497

Where is her right knee sposed to be because If it's where it looks like it is then that calf is like super duper long. Like if she stood up as she would have to have one of those corrective shoes to be able to stand up straight you know the ones with the platform sole.

>> No.3685498

It's a piece of shit, learn how to draw before trying your animu crap.

>> No.3685500

Yikes. That arm that just desolves into flesh around the waist.

>> No.3685506
File: 536 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181118-175008_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She gets 800 a month to draw this... that's so cringe that people pay for this.

>> No.3685507
File: 67 KB, 651x479, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some critique on your life first bro before worrying about posting other people's art on /ic/

>> No.3685517

>>3685493 left eye could be moved down a bit but that's about it for errors

>> No.3685526

If that's true than that skull would be like paper thin. Like stylized anatomy still needs to be anatomy like they're still needs to be bone Under the Skin.

>> No.3685546
File: 146 KB, 1233x1066, IMG_20181118_181333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no no no...

>> No.3685548

>this is the average poster on /ic/

>> No.3685550

Is so cringy that you care so much

>> No.3685553

Does she not draw 2 eyes because she can't?

>> No.3685555

It's not cringy to point out the retardation of sheeple.

>> No.3685558

its a picture that gets worse the longer you look at it. Im not going to go and bully someone if they know what they need to improve. If the original artist who drew it doesnt ask for critique i gain nothing from doing just that.

>> No.3685560

that's a pretty cringy sentence, anon...

sweet quads tho

>> No.3685561

You don't deserve those quads

>> No.3685562

Chimping out and posting some twitter artist in jealousy is cringy.
Albeit she is pretty deviantart tier though, but who cares

>> No.3685566

Your twitter account is a lot more hilarious than this chick making money off her subpar weeb art.

>> No.3685568

Doesn't matter if it's good or not. It works for her and her niche. I don't personally like the style but I'm not gonna cry like a little bitch about it. Grow up.

>> No.3685569

>all this same faggotry
big yikes

>> No.3685572

everyone here is always an asshole, but eveything is fine except for the right arm bending a bit awkwardly, i know it's not your art and you're an asshole for bringing it here. So fuck off

>> No.3685574

Jealous that a woman gets more from life than you, a socially retarded neet?

>> No.3685581

weird her other pieces seem decent enough
why is this one fuck up
weird you see the arm but didn't see the misaligned nose and mouth
with offset the right eye ?

>> No.3685584
File: 62 KB, 542x540, 1504218546601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be straight male
>Identify yourself as a translesbian yuri fucker
>Only draw anime girls and make sure you point out you're a yuri fucker
Why the fuck are we not doing this?

>> No.3685585

>with offset the right eye ?
I mean her left eye is too close to the ear and too far from the nose

>> No.3685589

If you have been here a while, alot of artists admit to doing this.
They also talk about getting lesbians kissing up to them too and orbiting them, LARPing as a lesbian makes everything so much easier

>> No.3685590

Wow it's almost like being a girl is like playing on easy mode.

>> No.3685591

You can sit around and cry about how being a girl is easymode or you can go out and make something of yourself. Being born in a country with easy internet access is easymode to an African. All pain is relative. Live a real life.

>> No.3685606

I am many multitude's better than this artist. I have been studying I have read the entire icy curriculum and practiced it. I don't even care about notoriety all I care about is being Good. Money doesn't really mean as much to me as a gorgeous illustration. But it's an insult to me my work my craft when talentless hacks get to simply slide because they were born female. I'm not the one who's fragile here I Made a critique of a terrible illustration and got dog piled by a bunch of Beta males who are hoping to have transactional sex with a frumpy beta female.

>> No.3685607

Can you speak like a human being or are you just autistic? Maybe that's why you don't have friends anon.

>> No.3685608

>I am many multitude's better than this artist. I have been studying I have read the entire icy curriculum and practiced it.
>still not posting work

>> No.3685610

I would actually love to post my work and destroy this bitch but I'm not unknown here. It's easier to assault through a proxy but I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.3685611

Can't imagine why you don't have any friends.

>> No.3685612
File: 399 KB, 1711x1950, IMG_20181118_190715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I'm busy practicing my craft.

Okay guys I'm going to post my work. Honest opinions please.

>> No.3685613

speak for yourself, i am

>> No.3685615

>still not posting a redline

>> No.3685616

What twitter account?

>> No.3685617

>>3685478 >>3685507

>> No.3685620

Dumb frog poster

>> No.3685625

There's more to life than hate, son. I really hope you realize that someday. If you ever need anyone to talk to, then turn on your private messages.

>> No.3685627

>I'm not unknown here
KEK Literally no one here knows who you are you really arent important. If you were then you'd be good enough to do a simple redline and if you're so good it would be easy to alter your construction methods or tools to hide who you are.

>> No.3685629
File: 752 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181118-191826_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This niggas living foul black.

>> No.3685632

Literally anyone here can do a fucken red line on that broken a** anatomy. Like are you expecting to own me like I'm gonna do that and get it all wrong it could turn out that the anatomy was actually good. the whole thing is laughably badd.

>> No.3685633

Thread was worth it just to read through that mountain of cringe.

>> No.3685635

I'm sorry you've been radicalized to this extent. Who hurt you?

>> No.3685638

Probably bullies at school and a broken family.

>> No.3685639

>this level of delusion
LUL please see our neighbourboard >>>/r9k/ if you want to whine about roasties. I agree that the art is shit tho

>> No.3685647
File: 27 KB, 589x208, 1531144425791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3685649

u dont have to

>> No.3685652

Tell me how to be a good lesbian

>> No.3685654

Be fat.

>> No.3685655

mix lust for gril plus pureness and cuteness.

>> No.3685658

yeah bud if you feel like you're a woman an that you'd be more comfortable as one, remember that you might actually be a woman. Explore what your gender means to you

>> No.3685659
File: 30 KB, 168x217, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even twitter asks for post work
>can’t, comes to drag a random bitch on /ic/ instead


>I’m not mad. I’m comfortable and middle class
Except that’s definitely a lie. You’re probably trapped in your own life and don’t have the energy or the knowledge to strike out on your own to build your own future. Middle class or not, wealth needs to be maintained and if you’re “comfortable” it’s because you’re not working to fulfill your full potential. Get it together.

I feel sorry for anon actually. It’s hard to get your shit together when you’re a genuinely broken human being. It’s hard to get it together if you’ve had a GOOD life. But buying up books isn’t a substitute for actually reading them or implementing what you’ve learned. If anon wants to get his shit together, he will when life kicks him in the ass hard enough. It’s easier to go voluntarily though, instead of letting life manhandle you. At least get your shit together A LITTLE BIT before enlightening the sheeple. Even Jesus Christ had to do a bit of homework before challenging the religious order.

I /pol/fag here and there but Jesus man. Big difference between loving something dearly and wanting to protect it vs hating everything and needing to destroy.
You think (((they))) don’t delight in watching you, destroyed and despondent, jacking it to anime and ranting like a crazy person thinking you’re Hitler 2.0? You have one inflated ego that you haven’t earned if you really think that you can exceed uncle Adolf.
Between what you’re doing now and what Hitler was doing at your age, which do you think builds the better man?

>> No.3685662
File: 468 KB, 500x375, 1539205194430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op got GOT

>> No.3685665

Is anyone else getting Malaysia Anon vibes from him?

>> No.3685668

you got the youtube vid for your pic?

>> No.3685671
File: 98 KB, 500x500, 1529278349016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many people (like frogposter) get upset that low skill artists are raking it in on patreon.

but you're looking at this from the wrong angle. you DONT have to be good. you can be mediocre and still Make It!! people like "yurifucker" prove that ANYONE can make a half decent living just from cranking out low effort anime girls each month. just imagine how much more they'd be making if they just glanced in the general direction of an anatomy book- or if they had decent composition.

go out there and get those patreon bux anons

>> No.3685676

What’s the lore on Malaysia Anon?

>> No.3685679

Where the fuck do we even start with that clusterfuck.

>> No.3685682

>I share a board with people like OP

jesus man, I thought that shit stayed in /pol/

>> No.3685689
File: 1.85 MB, 846x4069, 1453657412450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3685694

Is this is a bot or one autistic dooder just doodin’ up his own thread? I can’t tell.

>> No.3685698
File: 193 KB, 1327x989, 1539616072077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His roots primarily take part from /pol/'s collective bout of autism over the Ebola outbreaks in 2015 and OC characters such as Ebola-Chan. Christ-Chan sprouted thereafter.

>> No.3685708
File: 317 KB, 1200x1115, stoic_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you've got some serious hate in your heart and that's no way to live. Stop posting on /pol/ and leave 4chan altogether. Read some literature like Walden or Stoic literature like Meditations or Epictetus' work. Anchor yourself somewhere peaceful philosophically. Arrive at this spot through your own learning and exploration not from youtube videos or phony agenda pushing discussion on imageboards. Go for walks and appreciate the beauty of nature. Meditate. Find peace within yourself and be content. If you're as good as you believe then there's no need for jealousy or anger to those who aren't as good as you, appreciate that you are better than them and look to learn from those above you. Things may have been shit for you but that doesn't mean you have to perpetuate the cycle and pour more shit out into the world. Pull yourself together my man, what's the point of living life this way?

>> No.3685716
File: 1.78 MB, 2196x1648, 1411090077888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and to give you an idea of the collective autism from /pol/, Anons had daily "fap" offerings to the OC in the hopes somehow they would cast some form of hex on Africa and inflict the populous with more Ebola. Other Anons went so far as to form a bloodcult and made headline news over local Africans killing World Health Organizations officials over superstitions of WHO members performing witchcraft.

So with that side note you could pretty much guess where Malaysia Anon comes from and the type of shit that took place.

>> No.3685722

Well, she's cute enough.

>> No.3685727
File: 51 KB, 600x600, IMG_20181118_191424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you not feel anger when you see someone making money for that? Like it's got to be thirsty betas and not merit based. No one would care if that was drawn by a fat guy. Fat girl though, oh wow take my money. I hope that girl dies violently, and the people who are like 'love not hate' I get it. I do. I enjoy hate, to quote red dawn it keeps me warm.

I will open my dm up or whatever.

>> No.3685731

Tits look awful, long torso, hair reminds me of a sailor moon slut, eyes and mouth are placed badly

>> No.3685740

If you're the OP you clearly don't love it because your life is in shambles, you have no friends and you're asking strangers on the internet to recommend self improvement books that will fix your life. As for feeling anger at people making money it really doesn't matter at all. It doesn't affect you or me in any reasonable way so why waste time thinking about it whether you agree or disagree with it? Raging at it will only truly negatively affect you, no one else.

>> No.3685758
File: 483 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181118-204611_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao yes bitch you fucking suck. No amount of friends, social pandering, up votes etc will change that. You got where you are because of social hierarchy not merit. You didnt earn shit. You are garbage.

>> No.3685761

You probably don't deserve most of the shit in your own life yet you go on to bash other people for working? Jesus dude, have you actually worked anything before for any type of money?

>> No.3685770

I have an easier job than her and I make a shitton more money, do you feel anger for me anon? Fuck she makes $800/month in LA, that's literally nothing.

>> No.3685771

its lacking in a lot of fundamentals, but its pleasing to look at, the artist is improving, and they're having fun doing it.

cant say the same for you though.

>> No.3685772

Fucking this. Being a career artist is a meme. Get an education, get a normal job and draw in your free time, you’ll be 100% happier than a commission/Patreon slave.

>> No.3685778

> she makes $800/month in LA
jesus she lives in LA ? man that fucked up

>> No.3685779
File: 249 KB, 792x991, loomisgas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>d-...do I fit in yet?

People like OP ought to be unceremoniously banned. You and the people like you are the reason this board is shit. You don't draw, you'll never draw, you're a pathetic brainlet retard here to stir up shit.


You're in what should be the physical prime of your life but instead you're a fat, petty, balding failure on diabetes medication. Stop screaming at little girls on your computer and gas yourself instead you sweaty, subhuman autist.

>> No.3685780

Live somewhere cheaper; that's $800 more than she deserves. Don't you f******* ask for money when you don't even bother study the fundies.

I don't give a shit about you or what you do. If you make money and contribute to the economy then that's great man. Because ultimately you probably deserve it. Even if your job is easy maybe you stayed there longer than everyone else. Maby you were just born into the right family. I'm not against getting money I'm against giving money to worthless people that don't fucken Deserve it. Forever one who does work hard though and sees 0 f******* financial re compensation for it that's Iike getting spit in the face. This is a this b****'s a joke in the fact that she thinks she's an artist as a joke.

>> No.3685781

This isn’t bad advice. You can’t live in the hurtbox 24/7 and expect anything good to come of it, and ideology doesn’t explain everything. The best way to find the truth, as far as I can tell, is to subject yourself to life in the form of raw experience.
I really wish that I could go Walden for a short time and see what becomes of me, but my gf is a little too codependent so that won’t be happening without me taking her along for the ride. Still might be cool but I won’t get the same experience of learning what I’m really like on my own.
It’s a dilemma, dating young. You’ll regret the ways you didn’t grow as a person if you do, but you’ll also run the risk of getting disloyal leftovers if you wait. Dating younger when you’re established still doesn’t guarantee loyalty, because you still don’t know this person or their history except for what they tell you. Sometimes I wonder if dating young was a horrible mistake because I didn’t grow as a person in some ways, or if I’ve actually dodged a bullet because at least I can trust this person and dating nowadays is extremely treacherous, I can’t tell sometimes.

>> No.3685783

You're retarded you don't know shit about me, shut up.

>> No.3685786

She's posting her shit everyday and is out there marketing her work, she's exposes her self to world to show what she can offer. You don't even have the balls post a single drawing, what the fuck kind of right do you have to dictate whether or not she deserves it? And is that the same for every job, where if you're not the best you should fucking die? Fuck off

>> No.3685789

We know that neither mommy nor daddy loved you and that's enough

>> No.3685790
File: 16 KB, 500x500, 1499501259186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so... this is the state of /ic/ in 2018 huh

>> No.3685794

We've always had faggots try make us critique art for their online arguments

>> No.3685795

/ic/ mass suicide when?

>> No.3685796

stupid frogposter

>> No.3685797

A-at least the year is ending, we can try again once the big split happens.

>> No.3685798

Yeah but let's not kid ourselves if any one of us were to have posted that drawing we would have been torn apart.

>> No.3685803

the crap/baiter just have to provoke the anti-crap/whiteknight everytimes

>> No.3685806

Any of us could post every day if we drew like that. That ship would take me like what it would take me 30 minutes to pump out something that was 10 times better than that. But some people don't want to just put out like a squiggly line chicken scratch sketch some people wanna put out finished work.

>> No.3685807

no shit you fucking retard, but it was clearly not OPs art and made this thread for his twitter argument

>> No.3685808
File: 2.08 MB, 696x9999, 1539124579294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good post.

>> No.3685812

Then what the f**** why can't we just agree that its shit and move on. Like we don't need a 100 fucking replies to a garbage shitpost.

>> No.3685813

You dont draw.
Srop lying or post your work so we can make even more fun of you.

>> No.3685814

>But some people don't want to just put out like a squiggly line chicken scratch sketch some people wanna put out finished work.

That sounds like a self esteem issue more than anything anon, in fact you probably could've made something for yourself if you did this since you're so much better than her.

>> No.3685818

Because it isn't as shit as your atitude and you're still fucking mad because petty reasons

>> No.3685824

The reason why my attitude is more shit than that drawing is because I put more time and effort into it.

>> No.3685828

and yet you still cant do better monetarily how sad

>> No.3685845

Who cares? Anyone can get money. A welfare check can get you money. Which requires like zero effort. Money doesn't equal skill. Money is created by social capital which is counter intuitive. By having social status and having a vagina Grants access to beta males hoping to get transactional sex via favors or in this case transfer of capital. Just so we are clear that the art is garbage and her only worth is that she was born female. Nothing else about her is exceptional. Make sure you show her this so she know how hard you are white knighting.

>> No.3685850

she is more successful than you, monetarily and socially

>> No.3685851

you sound like you really want to fuck her

>> No.3685859
File: 410 KB, 700x700, why they have guns tho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know that and neither do we-and you seem unwilling to even try and substantiate this baseless statement by posting your work to begin with. Post some anatomy studies etc.-how hard are you really working? My guess is that you aren't working at all, and that's because everyone that really does study knows that just because you study doesn't mean your art isn't going to be poorly executed and conceived in the end, for a long time.

It takes a lot of effort and repetition to really internalize this shit, the less time you spend trying to manufacture outrage against random girls drawing things at a less than professional level (who are making a far less than professional salary for the trouble) the less you'll have to suffer "the indignity" of not only being far worse than this person in all ways but only falling behind them further and further. Take your own edgy fat kid mentality to its logical conclusion and see where it gets you.

Who do you think is going to be better at art in a year? In five years? The person who's drawing every day or the person who's crying like a flaming fucking faggot every day?

>> No.3685868
File: 43 KB, 414x550, 1319096932794_1319096932794_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God you sound like a huge incompetent faggot blaming some girl for your lack of success in life. What are you even accomplishing by doing this? Get off 4chan, get a hobby and try to make your life less shit.

And you still haven't posted your work.

>> No.3685871

No one here is shitting on you for her sake. We're shitting on you because you're coming to our board trying to make us your personal army. You don't even draw, prove me wrong.

>> No.3685961

OP as usual, is a faggot. Pyw, you jealous /pol/cunt.

>> No.3686008

>her face
What is wrong with it

>> No.3686091

Holy shit I can smell the bitter samefaggotry here. BIG YIKES

Even bigger YIKES. This is just sad and pathetic

>> No.3686095

>34 posters
>115 posts
OP is seething.

>> No.3686096

>tfw roastie and earning 2k a month from an IT job
lmao get fucked OP. Anyone can earn the same as her and obviously even higher if they actually put effort into it. Go outside and get a job

>> No.3686098

They don’t mean anything in this slow moving of a board. Either way he is definitely autistic.

>> No.3686100

aww is baby gonna cry?
do you need mummy and daddy?

>> No.3686332

Lets be honest though, you didn't get that job because of merit. You got it because of you elevated social status tied to your gender.

>> No.3686336

>being this sour
work harder

>> No.3686352

Erotic patreon stuff isn't my cup of tea in general but the art is clean enough, why not. I've seen much worse artists getting paid much more. You guys should feel better when watching this instead of going apeshit, because it shows how you can make it without having flawless art.
Kek how can people turn out like this, even at my lowest and most miserable I don't think I ever got to that point. Hope he gets better somehow.

>> No.3686441

is this traditional or digital? kinda looks like a marker render. of so how did you get bg glow / radial gradient?

>> No.3686443

nvm just realized its an idiot being a faggot.

>> No.3686737
File: 21 KB, 597x513, r5642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad poorfag. Get off your smelly chair and get a job