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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 231 KB, 1000x935, DrDLuNQV4AIsLIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3669714 No.3669714 [Reply] [Original]

I'm really fucking pissed. I cannot fucking believe for a second that Dave Rapoza would keep the Garfield hentai to himself when everyone want it.
Everyone knows he has the full thing and he won't release more than a couple of pages, He deserves all the hate coming to him for keeping it stashed.

>> No.3669719

Who is this? Some ic guy?

>> No.3669720 [DELETED] 


That looks fucking awful. Even run of the mill furshit on FA is hotter than this and I'm not even a furfag

>> No.3669722 [DELETED] 


One of the world's most well known digital painter.

>> No.3669809
File: 64 KB, 200x200, 7c9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently also master troll, I have no clue who this guy is but I love him for this already for being such an asshole. Man that OP pic makes me wanna vomit I am glad nobody will ever see this trash.

>> No.3669812

Low iq

>> No.3669827

God, I love Dave. His art is 8/10 but his personality is a 11/10

>> No.3669837


>> No.3669869 [DELETED] 

>dave rapoza

isn't that the guys who goes full ego autist on twitter? no thanks

>> No.3669885

no that goes to craig mullins and ruan jia buddy

>> No.3670017

hes just sparing us for no nut november, once it ends he'll post the whole thing

>> No.3670018

based rapoza

>> No.3670022 [DELETED] 

hes a chad, he doesn't care and will flood your feed with pointless shit

>> No.3670039


>> No.3670062

>Cat with a sexhole

Fuckin' hell my sides.

>> No.3670067

>implying literally anyone at all wants to see that

>> No.3670072 [DELETED] 

>he doesn't want to see
What are you, fucking gay or something?

>> No.3670077
File: 26 KB, 400x400, lir07kn0coo01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There can't be more than two well known digital artists

>> No.3670079
File: 492 KB, 600x571, milk-e1426567962340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh hi Dave! I love your work. I see you in my creams every night <3.

>> No.3670083


>> No.3670092
File: 280 KB, 809x960, 1408988373906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can I get dave's brushes?

>> No.3670093

Holy fucking shit that is some giger level mindfuckery.

Share Alpha male brush plz, if anyone has it. If not, I know how I'm spending today

>> No.3670099


Buy one of his tutorials and you'll get them. His tutorials are pretty entertainging and cheap anyways. There isn't anything special in the brushes though. I recommend getting Sergey Kolesov's brushes. A lot of what Dave uses are in those:


Also get Grzegorz Rutkowski's brushes. I know Dave uses them some times:


>> No.3670115

haters gonna hate but i love this so much, hes spilled the beans far enough the people who hate it are already disgusted, no reason not to post the rest

>> No.3670120

Been asking him for his fucking CSP brushes for ages, even subscribed to Twitch to ASK. Never delivered, always claims he doesn't know how to export them. (It's rightclick -> export, btw, if you read this. Give me that Toriyama shit.)

>> No.3670129

He use CSP? Can you post stuff he made with it?

>> No.3670147


Pretty much everything he posts in his Twitter that's in his comic style was made with CSP.


>> No.3670212

Isn’t the joke that he’s the one drawing it? There aren’t more pages because the punchline is already peaked and he doesn’t really wanna draw cat pussy.

>> No.3670215 [DELETED] 

I think that part of the joke is that it's unclear wether he really drew this shit entirely or not. That's what makes it funny to me.

>> No.3670219

>all these people in the thread who dont know dave


>> No.3670229

It’s pretty obvious he drew it. He even made it Left to Right to make sure normies would read it properly.

>> No.3670564
File: 97 KB, 833x625, 1539654374004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe the amount of assburgers in this thread. He literally drew that shit on a live stream while >100 people were watching. Some fucks just can't take a joke. I'm also pretty sure he made this thread.

>> No.3670567

Keep in mind that this is /ic/ where everybody is both retarded and autistic and can't even parse through Loomis much less a joke.

>> No.3670574

theres so much to go through on his twitter
can someone give me a TLDNR

>> No.3670750
File: 224 KB, 1200x577, DrQ5QUBUUAAorFh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he drew a few fake pages of a garfield doujin and pretended like it was some real hentai out there and it caused a stir

>> No.3670767

How a dude this retarded and aspie has such a banging girlfriend makes me so frustrated I AAAAAAAHHHHHHH GODDAMMIT IM SO LONELY AND HORNY FUCK I JUST WANT A QT GF AAAAAAHHHHHHH AAAAAAAHHHH

>> No.3672183


>> No.3672206
File: 124 KB, 1014x570, roseanne-tv-guide-mag-covers-1014x570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew OP's picture reminded me of someone... ha ha ha

>> No.3672219


>> No.3672224
File: 1.04 MB, 1200x577, Cannot be UNSEEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, I fixed it for you.

>> No.3672227

good job on the fonts

>> No.3672229

Thanks, they weren't too hard to figure out. Enjoy.

>> No.3672236


>> No.3672238 [DELETED] 


>ear sticking out of forehead
>not actually using anyhting that resembles screen tones even though using clip studio

Yeah, stick to painting

>> No.3672252

I am literary the most autistic person I know and I have 10/10 gf. It's been 5 years and we are still doing great. I never dream of it. So my advice to you is; just bee urself. And don't be nps pussy. Girls love outcasts

>> No.3672339


But now that I am thinking of it and how it is even possible, I am realizing that I am also very good looking feller. + I have wide shoulders, I draw really well and I am tall as Jesus, so it's only fair that she loves me. But yeah, being your self also might help

>> No.3673436
File: 95 KB, 652x815, 27877581_2035478200055755_1164763317852438528_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of his shit is

>> No.3673533

Never heard of him, sorry grandpa

>> No.3673584
File: 611 KB, 2624x900, wallpaper-1296104[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's on you buddy, like wanting to be a mangaka and saying you've never heard of shirow

>> No.3674039


>> No.3674050

>Roleplaying that you are giving advice to a Pro about a joke he made

>> No.3674187

What is it with these no talent fucks coming around trying to draw old school like fucking posers?

>> No.3675316

>dave rapoza
>no talent fuck
what are you even doing here, newfag?

>> No.3675448
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x1848, 087-ID1-Annapuma_&amp;_Unipuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No talent fuck
>Oversaturated work

Tell you what Rapoza, when you can watercolor like Shirow and actually draw like him, I'll hand you another (You). With all the "talent" you have, it should come easy to you.

But, you'll bitch out like Dennis Pulido, Pepsipopo and every other wannabe who retards their way in here thinking they can pull off the classics only to end up drawing this crap. >>3673436

Prove me wrong.
>Protip: you won't. Most posers never will.

>> No.3675459

an artist isn't allowed to draw something for fun? lol

>> No.3675460

...is there any whites that can truely mimic the anime style. I’ve only seen black people and other Asians do it.

>> No.3675467

Show me one black person who can hold his own at drawing classic manga.

There aren't any. Even the Chinese and Japanese ar having a hard time owning up to their past.

>> No.3675482

Say what you will about rapozas skill but when you have hugh jackman holding your art to sign you probably don’t care about whatever a ngmi on /ic/ has to say. And he probably watercolors decently. But lately he seems to be in an art block or something or maybe just attentionfagging really hard to sell his new gn

>> No.3675485


What's going on with the heavy handed moderation? Posts are removed left to right in a rather arbitrary fashion.

>> No.3675489

I disagree this thread should of been deleted a long time ago.

>> No.3675492

Where's your proof that washed up Hugh Joke-man's holding up this retard's work to sign, and make sure it's not San Diego Comic Con where OP stood in line for three hours just to meet THA WOLVAREEEN just to get his shit signed, okay kid? And if you look through Rapoza's crap on deviantArt, he doesn't watercolor. All he does is digitally enhance his crap.

Art blocks are for faggots who stop using reference material and try to imagine shit on their own, but you already knew that, didn't you.

If I hate drawfags who come here to attentionfag here, it's pussy white knights like you who defend their garbage because you admire this idiot for the oversaturated digital crap he creates.

>> No.3675498

You are a butthurt failure and you always will be.

>> No.3675499

It doesn’t even matter anon, so what if he lets some Jews fuck him in the ass so his work can show up in their movies. No normie knows who he is. He’s literally a nobody on the internet in a time where it’s literally a cake walk. There’s ic artists on here who have had far more viral tweets.

>> No.3675503

This place is such a fucking crab bucket, holy christ.

>> No.3675505

He literally has a watercolour tutorial you gigantic fucking faggot.
Show your work.

>> No.3675507
File: 747 KB, 246x208, 1538863723117.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat a dick, kid. I called you out on your bullshit and that's the best you can reply with?
Just looked at the Youtube channel and he's got nothing. You gonna tell me that the Russians deleted it too, snowflake? lol
If you mean all the dunning krugers scuttering around like crabs then yeah, this is a fucking crab bucket.

>> No.3675512

oh okay, you're just another animefag. luckily, nobody here takes you guys seriously

>> No.3675514

you can tell this guy made it

>> No.3675522
File: 42 KB, 300x396, 4700B97E-26BC-4B2B-96B4-3DCD9BD7A598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy but Rapoza is nothing special. I’ve been following his work from his CA days and he’s definitely improved but not by much. His work is just barely pro and really, 99% of it is just lifeless. His paintings especially. They’re just overly rendered and all have the same bland “dramatic” lighting. His comic work is a bit better but not by much, it’s lifeless as well. Just look here >>3673436 . There’s nothing going on here at all, bland line work and the eyes are so dead she looks like a doll. Dave is probably one of the most overrated artists in the industry. He’s very technically skilled but that’s all he has. My work isn’t as technically refined as his but it feels alive and is 10x as evocative as his best work.

>> No.3675530


>his work is just barely pro
>hes very technically skilled

So which one is it? Can't be both.

>> No.3675531

There’s more to being pro than technical proficiency kid

>> No.3675532

you are a butthurt failure and you always will be.

>> No.3675533

>My work isn’t as technically refined as his but it feels alive and is 10x as evocative as his best work.
So you expect people to agree without showing your work?

>> No.3675535
File: 148 KB, 1920x1080, 1524690535252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless this fucking board.

>> No.3675537

well done, you are the most butthurt person on /ic/

>> No.3675544

>My work isn’t as technically refined as his but it feels alive and is 10x as evocative as his best work.

>> No.3675553

>my work is better!
>doesn't post his work

This board is an absolute joke

>> No.3675554


>> No.3675560

Why would I post my work? I’m an established professional with around 60k followers on insta. I also have a fairly distinctive style that’s easily recognizable, chances are that most of you have even heard of me before. I’ve seen an art book or two of mine and some gumroad stuff floating around in the book threads too so obviously my art is appealing/desirable. I wouldn’t risk getting recognized over a petty argument.

>> No.3675563

I want to believe.

>> No.3675569

Jackman was holding up the official Logan poster that Rapoza drew. How about you just draw instead of getting buttfrustrated over some other artist that doesn’t even know you exist.

>> No.3675573


How most people use the word it is pretty much the definition. If someone's work "looks pro" it means they're technically skilled.

>> No.3675616
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1080, 197591180624906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Dave

>> No.3675648

This is prob Dave tryna sate his insatiable aspie ego

>> No.3675675

KEK roleplaying this hard

>> No.3675684

dave's like the antithesis of ego. i get the feeling he doesn't actually care about anything except his wife.

>> No.3675751

That's racist.

>> No.3675810
File: 57 KB, 499x500, 1526504170324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blacks are better at anime than whites
Of course

>> No.3675829

Is this pasta? Ive read this exact thing before

>> No.3675839

If it wasn't, it is now

>> No.3675849

This, to by quite honest with you my brothers. Dumb kids pretending to be pros, afraid of posting their works. Phatetic. They never gonna make it. Also, are half of these posts from Dave?

>> No.3675911

BTW, this whole Davids Garfield thing makes me think of RDR2. Just playing feminist movement protest mission. I feel like a real cowboi from classic movies. What where they thinking

>> No.3676057

good bait. everyone knows the only nigger that can draw anything at all is anthony jones

>> No.3676062

Dave, you need to calm down

>> No.3676127


I don't know what's happening to Dave but this is probably his most degenerate piece of work ever

>> No.3676142

Holy shit the cringe on this board.

>> No.3676187

>using anything other than default brushes or diy brushes

>> No.3676189 [DELETED] 



>> No.3676274


Nahh. I think it's better to try a bunch of them and pick the ones you like. I only use ~8 brushes apart from the default ones unless I need to do quick foliage for concept shit etc. Obviously you can modify them to fit your needs but I don't have the time/need to create a million new brushes. If it ain't broke...

>> No.3676923

Does anyone have the brush Dave uses all the time in CSP? The dopest brush?

>> No.3677183

Is it completely made out of dicks?