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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 475 KB, 1300x1086, las-ibcah-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3663145 No.3663145 [Reply] [Original]

Draw Art Daily Chums

Last thread >>3654757


>Submit your artwork everyday (or your preferred frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)


Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. Potassium helps.

What is the goal?
>Be better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc [Embed] [Open] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

Lava who? What is w? who are lassies?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potentially dead by surgery. May he rest in peace.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. May he rest in pieces.
>Current dad: banana.

LAS discord: https://discord.gg/xXWGaCc
DAD discord: https://discord.gg/eh3z24v

This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:


This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:


Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attention

>> No.3663147

i still got something finished but it's against the rules cuz lolis

>> No.3663173

Just censor it anon

>> No.3663187

Cute art ibcah

upload your stuff in the website newfriend

>> No.3663193


Do not upload lolis to the website.

>> No.3663266

ban yourself from drawing and also life

>> No.3663288

just post it bro

>> No.3663295

love you banana

>> No.3663311

Just put some clothes on.

>> No.3663340
File: 92 KB, 640x640, 1040411068911243264-20180914_092503-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to join this month's challenges!

Weakness Callenge

November Figure/Gesture Challenge
Goblin Slayer Challenge

>> No.3663377

thanks puppy

>> No.3663437

>all these eliminated dads

>> No.3663444

why did so many dads die yesterday
did something special happen?

>> No.3663452

Some girl roasted people for not improving. There are always lots of deaths when that happen.

>> No.3663463


>> No.3663483
File: 107 KB, 615x637, WIN_20181101_22_05_39_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its more of a 2-part series

>> No.3663486
File: 127 KB, 641x707, WIN_20181101_22_31_58_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3663490


>> No.3663500

what the fuck

>> No.3663522

i know. it pales in comparison to muh lord bosshi sama's works.

>> No.3663526

kids these days.

>> No.3663528

big yikes

>> No.3663542

Good evening frends

>> No.3663556

im not your friend clover, fuck off

>> No.3663559

Im not clover ;_;

>> No.3663570
File: 339 KB, 1478x896, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3663572
File: 339 KB, 1572x897, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3663577

Why do people keep calling me a girl. Is it the way I type?

>> No.3663586


>> No.3663589

We are all girls here..

>> No.3663602

Being over 18 and still called a girl instead of a woman. I feel you millenial mate.

>> No.3663604

Stop acting like a girl.

>> No.3663746
File: 74 KB, 1080x1080, DodRCJuWsAAk_wr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the feature lol :)
thank you :)

>> No.3663791

Sorry I ran out of paper and couldnt find a camera to take a picture of receipt drawings.

>> No.3663794

>not transforming light into 1s and 0s to create a picture of your receipt drawings

>> No.3663795

Share some new parts of you diary. Please.

>> No.3663819 [DELETED] 

can someone post those 3 pages from the improvement over time book? i never saved them

>> No.3664114

I'm losing my streak today. It's been real, everybody.

>> No.3664118

cya loser

>> No.3664121


>> No.3664125

>streak: 203
I collected them all.

>> No.3664127
File: 234 KB, 886x798, おはようございます.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning anon!

>> No.3664136

Good evening, mate.

>> No.3664287

good afternoon lovely

>> No.3664403

Damn steve your handwriting is so nice and neat

>> No.3664411

What's the point of the perspective challenge if you can just use 3D?

>> No.3664436
File: 549 KB, 1355x1000, meet_the_artist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget-
Meet The Dad challenge ends on Nov 8th

>> No.3664444
File: 111 KB, 605x700, WIN_20181102_23_15_35_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all i got for now. but i'll be working on it until im finished.

>> No.3664445

las day 5

>> No.3664495

put it on the site not in the thread

>> No.3664555

I've lost all motivation senpai.

>> No.3664563

sleep on it and wake up refreshed

>> No.3664570

plenty o-

>> No.3664587

just an idea, but how about a notification when a challenge you joined has started? Just as a reminder for those that don't check the threads or simply forgot the starting date of a challenge.

>> No.3664591

Yes! Sounds usefull for disorganised dads.

>> No.3664602

that's a good idea

>> No.3664658
File: 30 KB, 480x480, 1536466655404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ganbare Kroporo

>> No.3664732

It didn't have to be this way. Now you leave me no other choices.

>> No.3664750


>> No.3664801

bye, you wont be missed

>> No.3664827
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, even_in_death_i_still_serve_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I collected them all.

Emperor's Teeth! Really?!?

I'm not *gone* gone. You can't set your frequency until you submit again, and I have some things I have to get done instead of drawing right now. I do intend to complete the "#MeetTheDad" challenge before this weekend is over, though.

>> No.3664838

kinda sucks you lose your entire streak if you change frequency from high to low

>> No.3664848

Yeah it should just get divided by new frequency

>> No.3664853
File: 52 KB, 704x526, Hiroko_Akutagawa_sketch01_med.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kinda sucks you lose your entire streak if you change frequency from high to low

There *is* that, but I genuinely lost my streak by not submitting. Too much to do at work that day, plus I had to take my son places after school, so no chance for a last minute sketch before the deadline.

Sure, I was bummed, but lately I'd been noticing most of my submissions were either 30 minute sketches right before the deadline, or else 30-45 minutes of work against a multi-day piece. If that's the best I could manage (and it was), then maybe I've set my frequency too high.

>> No.3664858

Nice behaviour, glade i saved them all. Maybe i'll add some motivational quotes and lucky numbers on your artworks. Good luck for your "MeetTheDad".

>> No.3664891

who cares you all draw like /beg/s anyways, nobody wants to see your chicken scratching

>> No.3664912

Post your work big guy.

>> No.3664931

For the line itself..either go all in precisely or do it painterly with values, I think this in-between chicken scratching that somebody else mentioned is real on this picture.. otherwise I like it, maybe the neck is a bit too long and her legs swish to the right in a weird way

>> No.3664957

get back to work dusty

>> No.3664959


>> No.3664960


>> No.3664962


>> No.3664964


>> No.3664965


>> No.3664966


>> No.3664972


>> No.3664974


>> No.3664976


>> No.3664977


>> No.3665010

miloyoyo come back pls

>> No.3665077


What about me?

>> No.3665089

What about you?

>> No.3665131
File: 253 KB, 886x798, おはようございますます.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning anon!

>> No.3665132


>> No.3665139


>> No.3665199

Recommend me some good movies, guys
I like thrillers

>> No.3665201

What the fuck is happening this thread

>> No.3665204

say you're sorry

>> No.3665220

I'm glad.

>> No.3665221

I hate you.

>> No.3665325

Any websites similar to Line of action but with nature photography?

>> No.3665332

Google led me to theslideshow. net which is alright, I suppose. If anyone has anything better, please let me know!

>> No.3665382

banana ;_;

>> No.3665448

I'd also appreciate website recommends for similar things to line of action's slideshows. more types of photo, i mean. like scenes, culture, nature, architecture, mechanical stuff, robots, actions, highly rated film shots, maybe even highly rated concept work, other body parts (not free-floating) like legs, torso, etc etc. just some other categories in slideshow form.
Anyone know of any good sites for artists?

>> No.3665508

I use the quickposes desktop app for non-standard things like that, have to use your own libraries but it works.

>> No.3665567
File: 12 KB, 205x247, JPEG_20181103_234914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LAS 7;

>> No.3665569

sorry didnt mean to quote. i'll post THIS one to the website when it's finished.

>> No.3665947

How's everyone? What are you drawing today?

>> No.3665951

>What are you drawing today?
sans 2.0

>> No.3666007

A blank

>> No.3666093

horses and gesture

>> No.3666127

A plum.

>> No.3666144

My wife

>> No.3666214

leech... you couldnt have actually given a fuck an drawn a mouth on that bitch? you lazy shit

>> No.3666245
File: 350 KB, 1813x1598, art_trade_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3666274

mouths serve no purpose whatsoever, Leech did right

>> No.3666287

stop trying to be funny its cringy

>> No.3666312

Comments, a few quality-of-life fixes and *something else* is in the works at the moment.
If I don't get them done by tonight (something's come up), I'll do my best to get it in by next weekend.

>> No.3666315
File: 52 KB, 500x667, Heinrich-Himmler-head-of-the-Gestapo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*something else*
Is that a Tribunal I hear?

>> No.3666317


As a reminder, I'm always open to suggestions on new features and quality of life improvements and I'll document them all here.


>> No.3666320
File: 80 KB, 751x1008, sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not done yet and I have other shit to do

>> No.3666384

>i have other shit to do
lol yeah okay buddy

>> No.3666439

I'm going to stop posting for a while and on work on my line quality because It's holding me back, I think. I'll back in a week, hunny. *kisses you on the cheek*

>> No.3666452

why don't you post your daily line studies?

>> No.3666456
File: 253 KB, 886x798, おはようございますますます.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning anon!

>> No.3666464

Jesus Christ that's a lot of dead dads.

>> No.3666468

lol daylight savings boiiiiiii

>> No.3666476


>> No.3666480

It feels good. t's like the entire day has went back in time several hours. I kept looking back at the clock today and it felt like the day is almost ending but it was still early.

>> No.3666496

Ah fuck. Killed by daylight savings.

>> No.3666515

I love this

>> No.3666516

I had a feeling daylight savings would get some victims...

>> No.3666524


>> No.3666553

daylight savings didn't get me I just didn't feel like drawing

>> No.3666884
File: 172 KB, 886x798, 1541028323311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the Origarmi killer

>> No.3666935

Move on, clover!

>> No.3666949


>> No.3666971

Feil are we twins?

>> No.3667008

Hi me!

>> No.3667075

Have a different good morning everyday until the end of the year, I challenge you.

>> No.3667224

having fun, daddy?

>> No.3667432

Always, even when I'm not.

>> No.3667449

I dont know did you purchase a copy of skyrim?

>> No.3667466
File: 40 KB, 464x361, 良い泣き猫.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3667499

Honest question: why do you guys keep on going? what's your motivation?

>> No.3667501

this question gets asked every 2 threads

>> No.3667514

i like to draw

>> No.3667518

All my other hobbys are reprehensibles.

>> No.3667530

good meowning Tom

>> No.3667545

I want to do this professionally. I have to practice and be diligent, just like you would with any other profession. Seeing all these people better than me fuels me. Seeing my friends improve makes me want to get ahead and help them in their process. Watching as I improve bit by bit gives me satisfaction. Every time I realise something I didn't know before it fills me with joy. What about you?

>> No.3667564

Dad is proud of you Ibcah.

>> No.3667566

Sorry, wrong user, non!

>> No.3667567

The depression and regret comes back if I don't.

And anime tiddies.

>> No.3667572

it's the best thing I can do with my time

>> No.3667587
File: 253 KB, 886x798, おはようございますますますます.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning anon!

>> No.3667589

>good morning post every 20 so posts

>> No.3667590

Not mine
I'm collecting these

>> No.3667615
File: 179 KB, 1096x749, おはようございますますますます.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3667623

Good morning challenge when.

>> No.3667624

I actually don't mind this one

>> No.3667637

i promised i wouldnt let demotivation win. and an artists style alone made me pursue it

>> No.3667719
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1080, good morning anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3667735
File: 15 KB, 224x228, goku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been a while since critique-kun has blessed us hasn't it? how will I ever know if my work is any good?

>> No.3667748

post it in some other thread and ask for critique.

>> No.3667750
File: 400 KB, 584x824, おはようございますますますます.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3667753

that's alot of effort for a shitpost anon

>> No.3667756
File: 1 KB, 253x28, sgdkvd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was posted in another thread some time ago

>> No.3667783
File: 865 KB, 560x560, Satyr Good Morning smll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well throw my version in as well

>> No.3667817
File: 373 KB, 800x1492, IC_LAS_destroid_spartan_colour_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Uh... obligatory?

>> No.3668040

I miss the dead daddies so much ;_;

>> No.3668042

why did they die and not come back?

>> No.3668046

because no one mention me

>> No.3668047

we miss you too. why don't you let your streak go and join us in the after dad?

>> No.3668048

This. Eat my bum-bum

>> No.3668050

does the after dad have badgers?

>> No.3668051

only the ultra rare shiny dragon's dick badge

>> No.3668121

More women on Meet The artist challenge than men. Is /ic/ male (female) confirmed?

>> No.3668134

I'm just gonna draw myself as a girl(guy)

>> No.3668160

Nice #MeetTheDad

>> No.3668600

More than 30 dads signed up for the #MeetTheDad, there are 2 days left to submit and so far only 7 dads have actually submitted something

>> No.3668652

pretty typical, challenges usually have a significant portion of their participants not submit anything and most people wait until the last gay

>> No.3668653

that goddamn last gay

>> No.3668707


>> No.3668791

Already did though, luckily nobody suspected a thing.

>> No.3668795

Just yoooooooooooou and meeeeeeeee oh

>> No.3668837
File: 38 KB, 533x365, 良い晴れた朝.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3668845

Stop stealing Cath art.

>> No.3668852

good morning keeps evolving

>> No.3668857
File: 253 KB, 886x798, おはようございますますますますます.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning anon!

>> No.3668858

I prefer the original clover edit person.

>> No.3669028

Goddammit feil

>> No.3669037

damn, even more people died, this can't be daylight savings this time

>> No.3669055

Great volume and definition in your submission today, Lazypotato.

>> No.3669076

site should adapt to daylight savings desu

having one hour less to draw is argh

>> No.3669081


The problem is that each time zone has a different time in which daylight's savings happens, which is logistically confusing as hell.
Moreover, GMT/UTC is the only time zone that stays static for daylight's savings.

And besides, you aren't seriously waiting until the last hour to submit your work, are you anon?

>> No.3669083

Not eveyone does daylight savings.

>> No.3669084


*different date in which daylight's savings happens

>> No.3669085

>And besides, you aren't seriously waiting until the last hour to submit your work, are you anon?
Have you seen how many madmen submit in the last minute?

>> No.3669092

>people are already burned out
lol fucking retards

>> No.3669094

wtf i thought burn out didnt exist

>> No.3669102

whats the point in posting so early, i thought the whole purpose of this site is to draw what you did today and not cheating it just so you can keep your silly little streak. i know you faggots can try harder and having a life/job/other responsibilities is not an excuse.

>> No.3669118

the site is just a game i might as well play

>> No.3669119

i mean just upload white squares every day then
its not a video game you mongoloid

>> No.3669122

How do you go from an 80+ userbase to now 35 people posting? What happened?

>> No.3669127


There are 70 active streaks right now.

>> No.3669128

Are you legally blind the top 3 rows are active people. The rest are people who join for 1 day and die.

>> No.3669132
File: 39 KB, 734x837, question mark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you retarded or something? The front page only shows the top 10 in participants in the latest seasonal challenge.
There are literally 70 active streaks, only 4 of which are at a streak of 1.

>> No.3669135


>> No.3669147

Negro, all you need to do is go back to yesterdays submissions. I dont even have to lift my finger off the scroll button. People are posting twice, too. The sites dead.

>> No.3669150


Accounting for duplicates, there's about 55 unique submitters yesterday. Some people post less frequently than others.
Literally doesn't change the fact that there are 70 active participants at the moment. Go spread your ngmi doomsaying bullshit elsewhere.

>> No.3669153

>what are none daily streaks
cmon anon

>> No.3669155


Sites dead, bro.

>> No.3669157


It's not, bro. No matter how much you want it to be. I'm sorry you're not motivated enough to do anything with yourself.

>> No.3669165


Why so mad my bro?

>> No.3669170


You mistake anger for pity, friend. I sincerely and honestly feel really sorry for you. Life gets a lot better when you ditch the snip snip of crab life.

>> No.3669174

How do you equate a dying site to crab/toxicity?

>> No.3669177
File: 84 KB, 328x275, 1540700154672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted my meet the dad friendos

>> No.3669181


Seriously? Crying wolf about a site dying discourages people from joining or continuing to participate. You're shitting on the seventy people who are actually actively participating. It's pretty much the epitome of crab mentality.
But maybe you're so mired in it that you don't know the difference, which really, is pretty fucking unhealthy.

>> No.3669187

If I wanted to shit on the 70 people I'd post their art ITT and shit on it. But I'm not doing that (yet), now am I?

>> No.3669193


All I see is someone stirring up fear regarding the uncertain longevity of the site that people like to use as a framework. If that's not acting to deter or discourage, I don't know what is. Especially since you've offered literally no suggestions or solutions to what you perceive as a problem.

>> No.3669206

Yes I'm stirring up fear in the 150 active daily poster user base of /ic/, 30% of which only post in self promotion threads, with 400 - 600 peak lurkers who only visit a very small percentage of threads and spend no more than 5 minutes here. Truly I am the evil that discourages fresh users.

Or maybe the shrinkage of the site is to be expected and exponential growth will not happen unless advertised outside of /ic/. We've talked about this before; advertising outside this site will not only kick you guys in the balls in terms of skill, but bring an unwated(?) batch of people to the board who don't know its culture.

>> No.3669212

hello frend

>> No.3669235

This is the faggot who keeps on insisting we advertise the site on facebook

>> No.3669463
File: 277 KB, 470x562, 1527530917723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good work everyone, especially you!

>> No.3669557

Nice! Make you head rounder.

>> No.3669560

have you ever seen a bald head irl? it's not perfectly round

>> No.3669564

again, different time zones, retard

>> No.3669578

Usually, hands are not an agglomeration of potatoes and clothed arms are not parallelepipedes. For stylistic purpose and to be consistent with the rest of your drawing, make the head rounder.

>> No.3669609

>less than 10 meet the dad submissions
too afraid of the fbi?

>> No.3669625

What a smart. When I grow up I wanna be like you.

>> No.3669653

Start with a rounder head. Good luck with your A level.

>> No.3669657

No but it's a game and posting early breaks no rules.
Low effort does.

>> No.3669660
File: 208 KB, 1280x720, -JunM99YgefJDCueNGhT3o4mqJ5W32c6b48zSQnMXo4c735P6avOoeFWpy0fyd8f7Be9I_ZwXKvzwtXs3ZOhdRx_ktyY6bH_pWT0oiEjMcM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!

>> No.3669677
File: 96 KB, 640x619, tribunal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, but you post low effort submission early.

>> No.3669747

keep moving goalposts fag

>> No.3669778

we won the house, the future is bright

>> No.3669915

Since you keep fucking whining I'm not going to post mine on dad anymore, go fuck yourself

>> No.3669931


>> No.3670000

Dad is dead.

>> No.3670006

>dad has doomposters now
oh no

>> No.3670025

Would you prefer doom posting or piss posting?

>> No.3670064

How about neither.

>> No.3670095
File: 637 KB, 1036x961, 良い午後午後午後.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good afternoon Anon!

>> No.3670124

There's a special place in hell for you.

>> No.3670143

Why have there been so many fucking eliminations over the week goddamn

>> No.3670153

burned out

>> No.3670155

Winter blues might be starting to creep in, or people needing to spend more time on coursework for college etc

>> No.3670160

how about both

>> No.3670162

What if I draw every day but never upload to your gallery? What then?

>> No.3670188

how will you keep track then?

>> No.3670189

'Good Morning, Anon!' challenge when?

>> No.3670195


>> No.3670307

Not enough feedback.

>> No.3670308

Make one.

>> No.3670332

It's because the site is dying.

>> No.3670347

Idk about the others, but I'm taking a small break since I lost my streak anyways

>> No.3670355 [DELETED] 

Good morning anon!

>> No.3670357
File: 253 KB, 886x798, おはようございますますますますますます.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning anon!

>> No.3670360

this is why the site is dying

>> No.3670378

just stop

>> No.3670391

When exactly was the pinpoint of the death of DAD?

>> No.3670394

by counting

>> No.3670397

23 hours 9 minutes ago

>> No.3670399

wait wtf why is literally every single person in this thread saying dad is dead??

>> No.3670401

when were you when dad was dead
i was sat at home feeling my forms when jerry ring
"dad is kill"
and you?????????????

>> No.3670410


gotta start 2019 memes off strong

>> No.3670415

It's just doom posters don't worry about it

>> No.3670419

would hold hands with J/10

>> No.3670420

It's more like 1 person. Personally, I'm taking a break from posting (but still working on my art). I'll be back Friday, probably.

>> No.3670424

Nah it's 2 people or 3 people.

>> No.3670427


>> No.3670433


>> No.3670442

yeah, the doomposters and sammich/piss shitposters are definitely one and the same

>> No.3670445

>look everyone, look at me, the site is dying
Doesnt even matter as long as theres even 2-3 people drawing everyday and doing their best and worst, it inspires and motivates people and the site fulfills its purpose. Have fun giving up crabs, we're glad you're leaving because you obviously missed the point of the website and all you're doing is just snipping around like a pathetic crab hoping to drag other dads along with how pathetic you are. Its literally one same crab. Nice try but you aint gonna drag me down with you crabby claws.

>> No.3670448

Nope. The bully and doom retard are the same
>t. sammich

>> No.3670449

Not doom
>t. another sammich

>> No.3670454

Doom, bully and the bitter autist who made the fake thread are all one and the same
>t. a sammich poster

>> No.3670456

I'm pee poster and haven't made a pee post in 2 weeks. I've held my bladder in.

>> No.3670460

for crabanon

>> No.3670462
File: 82 KB, 384x313, eQ20E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sammich and peeposting
get yourself checked for autism

>> No.3670463


>> No.3670469

fucking kek

>> No.3670473

I shitpost for funsies. Chillax man

>> No.3670485


>> No.3670489


>> No.3670493

Yeah, you should go there too, faggot.

>> No.3670494

Now that all the dad submissions are in... Which 3 DADs would you date?

Mine are Thaane, J, and Lazy_Lara.

>> No.3670495


>> No.3670506

Awetos of course.

>> No.3670509

I want to go cycling in the sunshine with DaijouVu

>> No.3670511

shouldnt choose yourself

>> No.3670524

shitposting is just a way to break the ice and keep it light and casual. I cant imagine las threads while everyone talks with a stick up their butt like some job board meeting, itll mentally drain everyone. Soldiers, doctors or any jobs really all shit talk and keep it light else its gonna mess up their mental health. Its not like theeyre spamming every hour, maybe once a day really, who cares. Its almost las culture now.

>> No.3670528


all the females

>> No.3670529
File: 19 KB, 300x275, images5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm disappointed in not submitting on meetthedad or any challenges lately. I'm really busy irl I hope I can start posting again

>> No.3670535
File: 158 KB, 636x413, Screenshot_20181108-020234~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather have pic related than doom posters.

>> No.3670536

I'm fine with las memes and las shitposting, sammich and peeposting however are just stupid.

>> No.3670542
File: 827 KB, 649x1000, negawte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3670543

Why aren't all peeposters like this?

>> No.3670705
File: 27 KB, 486x604, imperial_fist_facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plenty of time
>Rush to get my #MeetTheDad drawing finished
>Last minute sketch is best I can do
>Miss deadline by nearly an hour

Fucking daylight savings time!

>> No.3670795

i'm head over heels for awetos

>> No.3670799


>> No.3670844

Arma, Awetos, Meru

>> No.3670850


i'll eat a cute dudes ass idgaf

>> No.3670999


>> No.3671015
File: 70 KB, 418x330, Screenshot_20180828-222107_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patricians taste

>> No.3671073

The elusive invisible Good Morning

>> No.3671133

What do you think about what this guy said, DAD?

>> No.3671144

>not already looking at art this way


>> No.3671145

i think you should get back to drawing

>> No.3671146

>tells us not to get hung up about fake internet points
goodbye dads!

>> No.3671150

Ate these random pictures popping up in the ads on this site some kind of CIA mind game trick? Like for example 1 picture looks like a hairy vagina at first glance but my brain adjusts the photo to the woman's hair because of the light. And another picture of the dollar looks like someone stripped their shirt offand I see legs but it's something else. This is on mobile.

>> No.3671151

>he can't draw while having stuff play in the background

>> No.3671154

that's just your dirty dirty mind, anon
don't put this on us

>> No.3671159

that has nothing to do with my post

>> No.3671195

Don't forget Novemberspective started today!

>> No.3671205

either you imply watching the video somehow prevents you from drawing, or posting in this thread does, in which case, right back at you

>> No.3671212

no that still has nothing to do with my post, simply because listening to anything as background noise doesnt require any thinking. you will pick up small things from the audio but you wont be focused on anything, same for everything. so yeah try harder.

>> No.3671221

>either you imply watching the video somehow prevents you from drawing, or posting in this thread does, in which case, right back at you
its pretty obvious i meant quit wasting time in general. You said nothing about watching the video, just listening to it in the background, so right back at you.

>> No.3671227

is this why dad is dying??

>> No.3671232

i think you should get back to drawing

>> No.3671235

>gets btfo
ahahaha someones mad

>> No.3671243

step back kiddos, what do you think of THIS video

>> No.3671249

>mfw don't have any princess to save
why live

>> No.3671256

>gets slammed dunked on
>lololol u mad

>> No.3671258

not how it works, maybe try again some other time?

>> No.3671264

Absolutely based. This is my new way of life. Thanks anon.

>> No.3671265

Can we talk about this submission and his progress made in the last weeks.
Good work Celestino.

>> No.3671282

looks like shit?

>> No.3671317

Give me a good reason to return to this dying communit y.

>> No.3671331

so that bully anon can bully you

>> No.3671395

At what point would you consider someone a bad person, dad?

>> No.3671425

Below 36.721261

>> No.3671546

where is my positive reinforcement?

>> No.3671552

excuse me, nobody has praised my artwork yet... what's the deal?

>> No.3671576

I miss Fujo.

>> No.3671598

Something something you suck. Next!

>> No.3671637

she is so hot

>> No.3671691

I hate women.

>> No.3671710

where's that coming from?

>> No.3671711
File: 470 KB, 546x549, joe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only motivation i'll ever need

>> No.3671714

But WHY?

>> No.3671717

don't we all

>> No.3671727
File: 240 KB, 600x903, bologna-neptunus-fontein-zeemeermin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love women but I hate it.

>> No.3671756

Women are the scum of the earth. If only men could reproduce asexually.

>> No.3671768

wtf dad

>> No.3671774

Did someone hurt your weeweengs weetle bawbee?

>> No.3671778

Dad streaks are not there to expand your creativity, they are there for discipline, to keep playing what you guys call a 'game' even when the fun dies, to keep playing the game even when it doesnt get fun and gets tough and difficult. If you want to play the mario game whenever you only feel like playing, go ahead but we're playing the game everyday to keep pushing the journey instead of obly doing it when we think its fun.

Have 'fun' and giving up when the fun dies and going gets tough. Cause when that day comes and youre demotivated by drawing, its game over for you, while we face the struggle head on and keep pushing.

He makes valid points about how we should keep going even if we fail but he fails to mention things that go with it, in what goes on a journey to the mountain of 100s of failures like hardships, discipline, perseverance, resilience, and endurance. You cant always sugar coat failure in life all the time and there WILL BE penalties in life you simply cant ignore and will be shoved in your anus. What then? Will you just stop playing the game? Life of success doesnt work like that.

>> No.3671854

mariafire that topology is scaring me.

>> No.3671891

why are so many dads unable to hold a streak of 1?

>> No.3671892
File: 252 KB, 886x798, おはようございますますますますますますます.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning anon!

>> No.3672019


>> No.3672037

I love what "woman" represents, not what it is

>> No.3672111

my work hours vs my time to submit are disjunct.

>> No.3672141


> NO WORKING AHEAD - Your submission, or the progress represented on said submission, must have been made within one day of your submission period.

There's a grace period for people with inconvenient time zones.

>> No.3672149

no i mean my work hours prevent me from being consistent.

>> No.3672151


Then consider "Every Other Day" post frequency, or using the seasonal challenges are your framework for habit forming / goal setting.

>> No.3672198

go to a lesser frequency and submit whatever you did within those set of days

>> No.3672217


this is fair. im gonna take a solid week of a break from drawing and refresh with this every other day. ive been grinding non-stop for almost a year.

>> No.3672425


>> No.3672470


>> No.3672471


>> No.3672480

soisammich, grind your chinese fundies.

>> No.3672648
File: 295 KB, 1025x1026, Untitled-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did't you use your base line drawing to paint under? or rather why did't you draw over your paint layer?

>> No.3672759

Dead thread dead community.

>> No.3672766

apparently there is a buzzing community over there at the discord

>> No.3672776

This, plus there are only the best dads around here.

>> No.3672782

maybe it's time to jump over to the discord...

>> No.3672824

It's always quiet on page 9

>> No.3672848
File: 110 KB, 480x640, 1525919076612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mew thread >>3672846