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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 167 KB, 699x825, it-appeals-to-the-male-fantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3671475 No.3671475[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>some guy get's his yt channel banned for punching a feminist in a fuckin video game

this is literally art, you can't make that shit up. Soon fem lgbt's will spam flag your twitter/tumblr for drawing straight males or straight porn just because they are disgusted by the imagery.


>> No.3671481

>freedom of speech on a privatized platform

end yourself snowflake

>> No.3671483


>> No.3671486

>i hate male fantasy
thats your personal problem

>> No.3671524

this has nothing to do with freedom of speech because the government isn't involved anywhere there.

>> No.3671534

>we cant judge a private company's decisions

>> No.3671539

I mean, if the company is responsible for the shit on their platform, then no, you really can’t.

>> No.3671560

Oh look an "everything is art" thread. Go back to Twitch.

>> No.3671565

Does anyone else think that OP is the same idiot who keeps posting the "the last good art was medieval christian art" nazi incel diatribes

>> No.3671566


Found the liberal shitstains. My guess is that you're all women too. But ofcourse, you'd be outraged if someone from your own side was deplatformed

>> No.3671573

He only got banned because of mass flagging which is an automatic thing youtube does, he's unbanned now. You fucking retards find just as many ways to be a victim as far lefties, you're literal garbage

>> No.3671591
File: 15 KB, 644x800, 1516317659484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>punch far right guy in real life- ok
>punch far left girl in a fucking video game- TRIGGERED

>> No.3671597

do you people realize you're posting in /ic/ right?

>> No.3671600

>I can't take a punch
>I hit women though
You're so manly, anon

>> No.3671608

I think the issue here is that you posted this on an artwork critique board when it belongs on /v/ or /pol/.
If you want to discuss whether or not video games are art, maybe next time do it without using this incident as an example, and don't come at us with a politically driven motive. There are plenty of other places to do that. This board is for artwork critique.

>> No.3671619

I don't understand the relation between your post and my post. Are you low IQ by any chance? Or just a woman?

>> No.3671658


>> No.3671676
File: 24 KB, 480x516, 1447104714279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can understand the outrage but this is really not the board for this

no this is definitely not art this is politics

i respect your opinion but please leave :)

>> No.3671684

I think OP's point was that SJWs will censor your art if they just don't like it. Which is undeniably true.

>> No.3671735
File: 39 KB, 499x360, 1322972786068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh games
>muh youtube
Fuck off, faggot. Who cares.

>> No.3671739
File: 124 KB, 680x680, 46132678491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree when you when you say that this is retarded and that YT is doing a fucking awful job when it comes to this kind of shit but screaming about freedom of speech isn't helping anyone's case.
You can, it's important, but it's not related to freedom of speech there.
It's censorship guys, not a violation of freedom of speech. Please use the correct terminology, it's important ion this case.

>> No.3671776

They should have banned him for being an unfunny tryhard.

>> No.3671779

>SJWs will censor your art
fat losers playing video games on youtube isn't art, you absolute degenerate

>> No.3671780


tumblr immigrant spotted

>> No.3671787

am I being punk'd?

>> No.3671789

He wasn't banned for beating up a fictional game female npc.

He literally made an entire montage video of killing her in creative ways while titling the video "fuck feminists". He was just being an unfunny idiot trying to piss people off. Just bit off more than he could chew.

He got his channel back and reposted the video btw so calm down you incels.

>> No.3671791

Why the hell is this on /ic/ anyway?
Fuck off with your fake outrage you autistic incel.

>> No.3671792

>calm down you incels.
>implying I'm not fucking his mother as we speak
>implying I'm not slamming dews as we speak
>implying I'm not fucking hot gamer girls at conventions as we speak
>implying I'm not an influencer
>implying I don't have a community salivating for more content
>implying I'm not boning models and playing video games all day like a boss
>implying I won't rise up

>> No.3671793

>far left girl in a fucking video
that women is probably more conservative than most of this board

>> No.3671933

>tfw he`s right
anon why are you using their LGHDtv4k words?, they are gays or fags damn

>> No.3671935

what the fuck does it have to do with ic

>> No.3671936
File: 48 KB, 359x291, BuBuBut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but also I respect gloirous crapatlist companies and they should be able to not make the gays the cake and all the cool epic stuff that isn't just segregation but if they act in a way I don't like ill chim out

>> No.3671949

based AND redpilled

>> No.3671956

Go away /pol/ nobody likes you

>> No.3671963

how dense are you? don't reply to me if you don't understand what I'm saying. thank you.