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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 115 KB, 1920x1080, DqYi4caXgAAPsnm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3656426 No.3656426 [Reply] [Original]

What's the name of this style?I remember that it's a japanese word that translates into something like "nice bad art"

>> No.3656428

a better translation imo is just "good shit"

>> No.3656430


>> No.3656431

you son of a bitch

>> No.3656433

Heta Uma

>> No.3656493 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 500x500, 1524492833440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

potato style
or >>3656428

>> No.3656666
File: 344 KB, 1067x1600, 469bfd673cb8f646d6d27465fd36b45d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the topic of style, what would this style be called?

>> No.3656679 [DELETED] 

I think google always translates it as graffiti unless >>3656493
Post is considered graffiti

>> No.3658001



>> No.3658010

trash for quick twitter likes

>> No.3658029
File: 262 KB, 1920x1080, x y and z axes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3658031

it's fairy tale illustration. strains of art nouveau. look up gustaf tennegrem (sp?), dulac, ivan bilbin for similar

>> No.3658098

Man, fuck the creator of this anime/manga. Ever since I've heard they made a failed attempt at suicide I lost all respect for them. Suicide is not a solution, plus there are people out there worse off than him and he thinks killing them self would be better? The person who made this series has made it as a successful Mangaka and they are willing to throw it away? Motherfucker, there are kids out there with fucking mental illnesses/defects and you don't see them attempting suicide. Man that pisses me off so much, whenever I see this show I tend to avoid it at all costs but this pent of anger about his suicide I can't hold it in any longer. They are stupid for trying to take their own life. If they wanted it to be their last tour then fine but I'll never forgive them. Life is precious people, there absolutely no reason to kill yourself especially if there is nothing wrong with you physically. I truly have lost respect for Tkmiz, I really have.

>> No.3658104
File: 137 KB, 771x966, Screenshot_21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna need a confirmation on that one anon

>> No.3658105

That's why you never google something you do not know the words to.

>> No.3658106

where can i follow these artists

>> No.3658107

nice pasta

>> No.3658109

theres lots of these kinds of artists on pixiv

>> No.3658116

t. Someone who encourages suicide.

>> No.3658120 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 1523977196527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can find a lot of gems on 2chan

>> No.3658139

Who's the artist?

>> No.3658151 [DELETED] 


I remember some loli artist posted here who drew in a one pixel brush kind of like this, anyone know who it might be?

>> No.3658165


>> No.3658166 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 500x400, 1521815677401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no clue, those are randomly found on the oekaki board of 2chan as I mentionned. Go give it a look sometime.

>> No.3658470

man fuck u

>> No.3658593


>> No.3658671

dumb gimmick word

>> No.3658881

Depressed moe.

>> No.3659266

how tf do i enter 2chan? whats the correct adress? i thought it was (2 chan . net) but thats not working anymore

>> No.3659273

#rkgk or rakugaki meaning scribble?

>> No.3659362

This or the sketchy depressed cute art that looks like pastel goth called yamikawaii.

>> No.3659405

Can someone link me to the 2chan oekaki board? Also does 2chan also have their own version of /ic/? If so link that too, it might bring it useful redlines from actual nips which would be cool

>> No.3659424

this thread is for "nice bad art" not BAD bad art

>> No.3659454

by my alculation the middle girl is inside the blonde girls womb

>> No.3659480
File: 419 KB, 2048x1152, 1528435046521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something about this style vibes with me harder than any other anime

>> No.3659609

This is so cool and I don't understand why.

Please source and rec similar arists?

>> No.3659612
File: 317 KB, 1280x1707, 1517978729346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is quite simple, you're both fucking weeaboo faggots.

>> No.3659614

.t fine art elite

>> No.3659774

There is no free will, retard.

>> No.3659782

A big reason successful people off themselves is they have their dreams
come true and still find that life is empty.

>> No.3659785

Where did that come from?

>> No.3659787

Bullshit, next you're gonna say money can't buy happiness.

>> No.3659794

Depression is a mental illness. Him being successful has nothing to do with it.

>> No.3659798

That's just a bunch of bologna

>> No.3659800

>t. poorfag that thinks money somehow solves something complex therapy and medicine can't fix


>> No.3659814

I just don't see how people can be sad when there are people worse off than them like I mentioned earlier. Somebody who has made it who is successful doesn't have a reason to be sad because they aren't suffering from a worse mental condition than depression.

>> No.3659815

Everything is relative, dummy.

>> No.3659818

God how I hate this mindset. "you aren't allowed to feel xyz because abc" is fucking autistic. We are human beings, beings of emotion and not rationality. Even if we weren't, it's neither rational nor irrational to feel sad about these things, so fuck off with this condescending bullshit.

>> No.3659820


I probably shouldn't be so harsh, but to explain, the reason you can suffer while people are worse off than you is because you yourself aren't experiencing the worst of the worst. All you have to draw from is your current experience and previous experience.

It's why I can complain about being sick being terrible while there are people out there dying from ebola. Depression isn't some mental illness that has a threshold of 'U need to b this justified in being sad to be sad'.
That's a retarded mindset.

>> No.3659823

>I probably shouldn't be so harsh
No, you shoul've been harsher. The sooner this guy gets that shit beaten out of him the better(for him and the people around him). If he thought about empathy for one second like everyone else has, he wouldn't have come up with this drivel.

>> No.3659825

Maybe because it's true, life is beautiful. And people who have it good want to throw it all away because "wah I'm sad" without putting things into consideration that there are people who do have it bad but you do not seem them wanting to die. Just look at disabled people and not once do they ever contemplate suicide, that shows they are happy for who they are. People like tkmiz really need to realize that, it pisses me off really it goes to show how selfish they are and instead of killing themselves why not help other people? Help other artists by giving them tutorials and stuff or something. Not fucking killing themselves especially since this asshole made it with all the other mangakas. I bet you wish you were successful like they are.

>> No.3659829

Nevermind, fuck off retard.

You're right, people like this are too stupid to reason with. I'll just let him be miserable. Let's hope he kills himself in the future.

>> No.3659834

Then you're the weak one because you cannot see the positive things in life.

>> No.3659836

2ch is now 5ch

>> No.3659837

You're weak minded because you can't comprehend relativity. Unironically off yourself, condescending faggot.

>> No.3659838

what happened?

>> No.3659841

I'm not the one telling people to kill themselves, it seems like you are doing it to show off. Which makes you the weak one. It's not relativity.

>> No.3659842

You're weak minded because you can't handle someone telling you to kill yourself.

>> No.3659843

Onichan no [static]
Brother's something

>> No.3659850

Just goes to show you couldn't win. No matter how much you tell me to kill myself. Instead of looking at the good outlook on life you want to rub your cynicism on other people so you can put them down and make you feel better so that way you can bring them down to their level. No siree.

>> No.3659853

There is no free will you NPC.

>> No.3659855

Again with the free will, where is this coming from? It sounds highly autistic, really.

>> No.3659857

Free will is fundamentally what every 'decision' (To kill yourself, be pessimistic, optimistic) you whine about leads to. You fucking ignorant hippie.

>> No.3659858

That's just a bunch of nonsense. God gave us free will.

>> No.3659859

How does god know what you're going to do if you have free will. Because your actions are determinable to an extent that he can be all knowing. There has to be some sort predictability. Even under the assumption that god exists.

>> No.3659861

He can predict the outcome?

>> No.3659863

You're not all-knowing if you can't predict outcomes.

>> No.3660059


>> No.3660066

what's the equivalent of /ic on 2chan? link would be appreciated anon-kun

>> No.3660072

that's what new age snowflakes say

at least this anon has a clue

>> No.3660366

what's that

>> No.3660409 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 500x500, 1540915661165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a few art boards but no /ic/ equivalent over there.

>> No.3660538

What snowflake

>> No.3660554

What, nigga are you retarded? Depression is quite literally the definition of mental illness since you go against natural instinct humans have to not want to die. It's built into us. It's why so many people say they want to die but they're scared to do it.

>> No.3660560


>> No.3660574 [DELETED] 

Isn’t graffiti study though? Like WIP for us.

>> No.3660637

Sorry I lost it.

>> No.3660644

But it's not a mental illness just because some quack said so.

>> No.3660646

What is the context of quack? Are you making fun of the retard who said it wasn't or are you saying psychologists and scientists who spend their lives studying these things that show a consistent enough result to come to that conclusion?

>> No.3660744

The retard guy is right though

>> No.3660745


>> No.3660752


>> No.3660754

Because you're him, dummy.

>> No.3660767


>> No.3660790

TPAB is pretty good.

>> No.3661046

Tsukumizu is a popular one. 'Cause they got their manga adapted into an anime series.

>> No.3662551

i think i saw

>> No.3662597

Yeah the "bad but appealing" really reminds me of them

>> No.3663022
File: 83 KB, 1400x600, ra3k182321456Ppam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice bad art?

>> No.3663031
File: 1.94 MB, 4000x4000, 1530293207674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so, the style usually implies that the artist really knows what they're doing, but just does it really quickly in paint, like they'll have a really good sense of space or be really dynamic, just in a super quick and spontaneous "shitty" way. those are just chibi

>> No.3663120
File: 33 KB, 300x300, 1516814549865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2chan and 2ch are two different sites. The former is an image board also known as futaba channel, the latter is a text board that was renamed to 5ch.

>> No.3663160

man I dont understand jackshit, there seem to be a bajillion dead/slow boards about the same thing? not implying I understand anything else, just looking at the catalog and connecting the dots.
There seem to be like 5 different oekaki boards?
Fuck if I know, but if they are indeed our equivalent of /i/ they kind of btfo us.

>> No.3663191

While we're on the topic, what's the difference between rkgk, oekaki and graffiti? Are they the same?

>> No.3663225

Rakugaki - scribble, scrawl. Doodles and rough sketches. Graffiti is the second meaning.
Also used by artists to refer to their work in a depreciating way, Pixiv even has multiple tags for this phenomenon (落書きって何だっけ, 落書き・・・だと・・・, 落書きの定義の崩壊, etc).

Oekaki - drawing in children's language. Drawings made by children or unskilled people, simple (but not necessarily bad) drawings, drawing as recreational activity.
Things like FlockDraw are called "oekaki chat". Imageboards often have dedicated oekaki boards and built-in oekaki tools. See >>>/i/

Graffiti is, well, graffiti.

>> No.3665555
File: 542 KB, 2000x2000, lucina 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3665562

you again aspie

>> No.3666176
File: 20 KB, 340x511, tsukumzu cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, I don't think tsukumizu/s gonna last much longer

>> No.3666232

whats wrong?

>> No.3666309

It's the aspie again.

>> No.3666334

Waste of good quads.

>> No.3666340

crippling depression

>> No.3667959

i want to protect tkmiz

>> No.3667969
File: 344 KB, 800x900, lucina 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drew more

>> No.3667988

So kind of like the internet equivalent of impressionism?

>> No.3668111

Just marry

>> No.3669750
File: 1.51 MB, 1200x866, Immagine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does ONE count? I unironically love his art. He's very good at action/dramatic scenes

>> No.3671279


>> No.3671396

Speaking of good bad art. How do I draw like Ryukishi07? I genuinely find his style charming.

>> No.3672656

cheeky fucker

>> No.3673225
File: 252 KB, 555x777, 1534545258303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of oekaki whats the blog of this guy?

>> No.3673240

it's called mspaint animus

>> No.3673335


>> No.3673372

'I know what I'm doing but draw like I don't'

>> No.3673411
File: 102 KB, 1200x675, CizI7hUVEAAv-6W6890_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa. Just went to /i/ for the first time in years. Few people seem to draw in that style anymore. There's more smut than I remember as well.

I wonder if the style change was influenced at all by Microsoft's remaking MS Paint.

>> No.3673443

is this how you have so many followers yev? Make stealth threads every single day?

>> No.3674316
File: 176 KB, 641x960, 8846224c259910fe6cdaed51ca687d2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't think it's quite Heta-Uma (bad but good) since Heta-Uma is more actively transgressive (which is why it was born from the alternative manga Garo crowd), punk, if you will, while Tkmiz seems more like simple for simplicity's sake.


>> No.3674370

>Life is precious people
ok, laugh aside, I couldnt care less about suicidal people, if thats the best they can come up with when things get harsh let them be
But have a little respect for them as a person, maybe their standards are just too high, its ok to leave in your own terms

>> No.3674377

This board is full of crabs anon, you cant reason with them

>> No.3674383
File: 6 KB, 300x300, 1531158120358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I legit love your style bruh

>> No.3674494

Nice samefagging autist

>> No.3674826

Is calarts American style just oekaki?

>> No.3676531 [DELETED] 

its not that good

>> No.3676532

Samefagging autist

>> No.3676698


>> No.3677005

It's because the chink fuck removed the inline drawing tools.

>> No.3677023

never bring this up again