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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 629 KB, 2048x875, 1540287504393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3651517 No.3651517 [Reply] [Original]

Why Japanese artists are so good?

>> No.3651519

Some of them can be Vietnamese, Taiwanese or Korean but you never know.

>> No.3651523

because they had been drawing for years and actually draw complete artworks rather than studies and doodles?

>> No.3651577

squinty eyes for better focus

>> No.3651637

a bunch of neat tricks instead of fundies

>> No.3651643

>A bunch of neat tricks on top of fundies
Fixed that for you

>> No.3651652

What makes it good?

>> No.3651654

That might be the most retarded post on this site

>> No.3651660

He’s right.
Enjoy your paralysis by analysis, scrub.

>> No.3651700

>over saturated, hard to read and with a taste of a horny 13 year old
>good art
I took the bait didn't I?

>> No.3651707

Uhmm pic unrelated? Do you have an example of said good artists?

>> No.3651711

What's great is most of the people who can't appreciate this kind of stuff are just salty because their Loomis-bot illustrations aren't popular.

>> No.3651722

How do I draw anime.

>> No.3651726
File: 139 KB, 736x552, 759ef98915b4064376440556055a4301--visit-japan-tokyo-fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imo culture plays a big role
anime/otaku/moe culture is huge business in japan so it makes more sense to pursue a career in art.

>> No.3651738

Isn't there a district like that in NYC or am I remembering wrong. I know there used to be a Pokemon center but....

>> No.3651739

Post good art for adults

>> No.3651751
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, Windows+7+tan+who+might+have+made+an+cute+avatar_fdb83f_4457919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i think so but still, most or probably all of the art comes from japan
also, this phenomenon is not restricted to akihabara, all sorts of companies use waifus to advertise their products.

>> No.3651782

>a bunch of neat tricks
such as?

>> No.3651791

whats the point exactly in grinding anatomical and perspective fundies over and over again for years?
The dude in OP's pic, Redrop, know passable anatomy, but he also knows:
>colouring techniques
>image composition
>how to create an appealing artstyle
>successful marketing strategies
People like Firez is pretty good in his anatomy, but his colouring is bland as fuck and his image composition is boring
If you want perfect anatomy, just get a 3D model or a photo

>> No.3651797
File: 469 KB, 886x1170, smokinkaigun_886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like peach momoko, who is extremely sweet in person

>> No.3651802

imagine being such a faggot that you namedrop a noname roastie

>> No.3651805

oh no, i'm a faggot for posting a Japanese artist on the Japanese artist thread

>> No.3651863
File: 91 KB, 900x562, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No clue who the artist is I got it from /ic/. It's probably even japanese and is even more sexual than op but remains tastefull and astheatically pleasing.

>> No.3651881

Not just Japanese, a lot of these artists are typically Korean or even Chinese. But the difference is mainly cultural: In the west, we like to make excuses and say "oh, this is good enough." or "oh, this is too hard." In Asian cultures, the concept of discipline is a lot more prevalent. So they will train harder than your typical western pig.

>> No.3651883

Their eyes are always squinting so they have great value judgement

>> No.3651886

diets high in iodine

>> No.3652100


>> No.3652110
File: 171 KB, 700x700, otohime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saucenao says otohime

>> No.3652144

This right here is the answer. The east prioritizes making the end product better. The west prioritizes circle jerking and feeling good.

>> No.3652231

There aren't that good actually.

>> No.3652271

This. Grinding is in their culture.

>> No.3652278

Is it actually possible to grind art?

>> No.3652288

I'm vomiting right now

>> No.3652302

>i'm a faggot for posting Japanese artist on the Japanese artist thread
i mean its obviously a anime style thread and your posting some ugly wannabe tank girl shit lmao
nobody goes on a anime thread to gush about some random realism jap artist "because its a japanese artist thread" now do they?

>> No.3652311

Asian here it's that Western's toleration culture that make people more confident, which is not totally bad, that's probably why they post art even though they know they are shit
Asians have more humility and only post art when they are already good
also asian usually more competitive in general

>> No.3652431

Don't listen to them. They're just mad because you met a nice female in person.

>> No.3652517

I'm wet.

>> No.3652560

Nice to see JoJo as gay as ever.

>> No.3652632 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 1000x1160, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the pain and depressing this post provoke on people without talent, excusing they weak drawing skill with studying loomis.

>> No.3652642
File: 871 KB, 1024x1024, 1512930082824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of japanese art, have some Takato Yamamoto.
Really love his Heisei esthiticism style and the way he mixes beauty with horror along with some erotic elements.

>> No.3652646
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, 538618800_1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the pain and depression this post provoke on people without talent, excusing they weak drawing skill with studying loomis.

>> No.3652647

that's not even remotely the same bud, you can see such anime drawings across many cities and areas, even Tokyo's main square, not just Akihabara. This basically shows you that even normie business slaves are totally drowned in the anime and moe culture, quite openly.

>> No.3652721

it kinda is in a way. Grinding up till the completion of an artwork trains quite a few more skills other than anatomy fundies and perspectives.
Though some stuff like composition, posing and overall artstyle still requires instinct, talent and taste

>> No.3653351

Art is a fucking grind if you want to have the full range of tools to express yourself creatively.

>> No.3653355

It's also because anime-style art is the most popular stylized illustration style in the East and theres markets for it. In the west animation is for "kids" or "weirdos".

>> No.3653370
File: 542 KB, 800x1018, 2A7C0A02-B979-455A-AB2E-5725C1B16CEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this assblasted over anime. Take a shower crabby.

Thank you boo.

>> No.3653467

Which otohime release is this?

>> No.3653561

Art is literally ingrained in their writing system.

Plus, they're disciplined.

>> No.3654398

There are just as many good western artist as there are eastern. It has nothing to do with their writing system.

>> No.3654503

that's all I have today

>> No.3654870

Can we kill this calligraphy meme already, its making me lose what little faith I still have in /ic/

>> No.3654877

>create an appealing artstyle
Is over rendered anime an artstyle now?

>> No.3654880

>one of the first thing you must learn to draw is the ability to make precise, accurate strokes
>japanese writing is all about precise, accurate strokes
I see some kind of connection though, do you have any real argument against it?

>> No.3654884

more appealing than black and white photorealistic ladies constructions, at least.

>> No.3654888

>Implying you don't have to do that when writing every language.
You do know not all nips have good handwriting, right? And the people in other countries with good handwriting aren't inherently good at art nor does it give them the upper hand just because the're good at lettering. You're giving the chinks more credit than they deserve because their culture embraces and shits out things of this gay, repetitive style that you worship so much and you're making connections that aren't there because you want to think they're just inherently better.

>> No.3654889

calligraphy with thick ass brushes is fun as fuck, too bad the chinese curriculum is more interested in forcing you to summarise newspaper or writing some dumbfuck story about 小强和小明 while shoehorning in as many 成语 as possible.
It's a whole new artform in its own regards
t. chink in singapore

>> No.3654978

Yes, every language has to be precise, but when you must be precise enough to make your 15 strokes kanjis in a small square good enough for not being mistaken with another symbol out the 2000 that exist, it requires another level of precision than a language that uses, say, 26 symbols. 52 if I'm counting caps.

>> No.3654990
File: 62 KB, 665x329, 5_61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What if I prefer ugly crap though?

>> No.3655348

>Implying all the other lenguages don't need to have precise acurate strokes to be able to read the characters

>> No.3655356

Holding back the years
Holding back the tears
Chance for me to escape from all I know
Holding back the tears
'Cause nothing here has grown
I've wasted all my tears
Wasted all those years
Nothing had the chance to be good
Nothing ever could, yeah
I'll keep holding on
I'll keep holding on, so tight
Well I've wasted all my tears
Wasted all of those years
And nothing had the chance to be good
'Cause nothing ever could
That's all I have today, it's all I have to say. That's all I have toooooday, it's ALL I have to say

>> No.3655890

i already know for a fact you cant do better than wut the op posted you overweight cunt

>> No.3656172

You do realize they don't even use kanji nearly as much as the Chinese do, as in the Chinese ONLY use kanji meanwhile the nips mostly use hiragana/katakana. My point is, if this is the logic you're following, then that means that the Chinese should be the best artists by default since they have the most complex writing system.