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File: 45 KB, 1267x1024, twit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3649368 No.3649368 [Reply] [Original]

I just want to understand. How does one successfully attain an audience in this?

>> No.3649396

I know how you feel anon. I was in your shoes about 6 months ago. Now I just kind of not giving too much fuck about it anymore.
Few things I realized when using Twitter:
>It's best to post your work when your most loyal follower(s) is active so they can RT immediately.
For some dumb reasons, your followers easily miss your work if it's an old post, like 20 hours ago post or something.

>Go to other sites to promote yourself then link back to Twitter
>Follow new artists, they would likely follow you back.

>> No.3649407

>follow other artists
>draw the newest meme stuff, can easily get you a few thousand followers
>use the right tags
>make connections with other artist

>> No.3649445

>It's best to post your work when your most loyal follower(s) is active so they can RT immediately.
>For some dumb reasons, your followers easily miss your work if it's an old post, like 20 hours ago post or something.

I feel like for some reason, when I post my stupid 20-30min sketches/doodles it's always at times when a lot of my followers are active and when I post something I actually spent a lot of hours working on it's often when my followers are inactive.

So my sketches often get more likes and retweets than the shit I actually put a lot of effort into ;_; It sucks having a unpopular 100 follower account. I just need to work harder.

>> No.3649458

Lol I'm pretty much the same as you so I blame everything on Twitter. It's the first social network platform that I can't understand how it works.
There is Tweetdeck so you can set up your post whenever you want on Twitter.

Also I did a research and read an article about what kind of tweet would likely get the most RT and it's basically just put 'Please Retweet' with the content.
I tested it. It's true there are a lot more RTs than usual but I also lost my dignity because it was embarrassing as fuck.

>> No.3649459

Tags aren't working shit on Twitter. They don't matter at all. Not one bit.

>> No.3649470

I made a rushed doodle once and happened to use a tag that was trending, now it has beaten the number of notes of a much more well done and intricate drawing I had previously posted but with considerably less trending subject.

I guess it has a bit of luck to it, but it's somewhere to this direction, man.

>> No.3649479
File: 102 KB, 500x273, doodle_finishedwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be a case of doodle just being more appealing than the finished stuff.


>> No.3649482

>>3649396 this.
Also Retweet your stuff. Everyone does it so get past that idea that promoting yourself somehow makes you less of an artist or whatever. People don't make it thinking like that.

>> No.3649485

>"please retweet"

ugh does this really work... how much has it improved for you?

>> No.3649515

>how much has it improved for you?
The only thing I could say is that post still has the most RT and like counts even now. Well I don't have much followers either so even if most of my current works are much better, it won't reach far enough. Maybe one day I will delete that shameful past so I can rest in peace.

>> No.3649611

It was only recently that I started to get a regular audience.
very mysterious how this twitter thing works
I drew this character fanart for this franchise like for quite a few times and started to get known for being 'that guy who drew her really often', even on /vg/
Strangely enough, even though it was the same few dozen people who keep retweeting and liking my stuff, they did not follow me until I followed them. So I'm not entirely sure with how twitter recommends stuff to users, but I think very likely it was done using some algorithm.
People likes something, I drew that something and twitter recommends it to their feed without them following me.

>> No.3649644
File: 41 KB, 500x238, tumblr_inline_p70zl5FXJ61qcvcwf_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though I don't understand japanaese, I notice with a lot of the japanese artists I'm following they often ask something akin to "please RT".

Really good tumblr post. I notice a lot of times my doodles/sketches can be a lot less ridgid compared to my finished pieces because I draw them looser. And that my sketches with solid colors /lineart can be easier to look at compared to my finished art because I'm still a /beg/ at rendering (and drawing too).

>they did not follow me until I followed them

The same thing happens to me. I think it's because a lot of people don't want to follow another amateur artist without their follower count going up too. And if they end up unfollowing you because you didn't follow back, it would be too awkward because they obviously still like your art.

Somewhat related but did anyone else follow a lot of people with somewhat low follower counts in the hopes that they would follow you back? I'm planning on "auditing" my following list in the next month or so of people who I followed just for a follow back but didn't return it.

If you use this follow-followback stratergy, make
sure to stay engaged with the people who followed you back and like or retweet their work often.

>> No.3649649

>post art
>next to no views
>check tags
>randomly doesnt show up
>delete and recreate tweet and it works fine now

happens all the time. Tumblr is even worse.
also nobody really checks tags on twitter unless its trending in my experience. You need a fucking network sadly, this place isnt for the lone artist trying to gain exposure

>> No.3649707
File: 279 KB, 900x736, how.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a "make connections"?

>> No.3649721

Just get in contact with other artists, retweet their stuff, maybe even redraw if they have OG chars or something, eventually they might retweet your shit and you will get retweets and followers out of it.

>> No.3650043

>did anyone else follow a lot of people with somewhat low follower counts in the hopes that they would follow you back?
That's how it is with everyone from the start DESU. That's why I said
>Follow new artists, they would likely follow you back.
I use my old acc which was made in 2014 to start posting on Twitter. But I notice there are new artists who maybe just made their acc in a month or so but already had so many followers. I wonder if it's because Twitter always bump/recommend new account to people.

The thing about followers is also mysterious af. Like only 30% of my followers actually like every of my posts, the rest is either just there or they missed the posts. Twitter is just full of autists (especially nips) that never reply or even put in effort making contact. Some are scared to do so because they think they are bothering the artist. It's more flexible on western side.

When I fully understood the absolute state of this retarded social platform, I decided to just keep drawing to get better and leave the rest in the hands of my followers. The count will increase on its own as long as your works are surprisingly good.

>> No.3650295

> (especially nips) that never reply or even put in effort making contact. Some are scared to do so because they think they are bothering the artist. It's more flexible on western side.

they always reply back and even actively like/retweet. They are probably just not interested in you and your art, why make up stuff?

>> No.3650304
File: 22 KB, 300x300, 1524053725362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make connections

>> No.3650324

Honestly, just draw funny things with popular series you like. Especially humour that's quick and to the point. Even if you're /beg/ as long as the humour comes through you might get a RT from someone with a big following and it snowballs from there.

>> No.3650328
File: 922 KB, 880x844, 1539616405142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humour that's quick and to the point.

>mfw brainlet, cant into humour or smarts

>> No.3650329

>just draw funny things with popular series you like.
what's popular?

>> No.3650335

Are you retarded maybe?

>> No.3650342


>> No.3650347

Make a political statement, watch as new followers flow into your veins.

>> No.3650351


>> No.3650355

>Make up

>> No.3650356

Nips' fav capeshit, BHA
Any Trigger hot shits
Gay sport

>> No.3650360

You guys say "draw fan art" but then I see accounts like https://twitter.com/criisalys?lang=en with 50k+ followers in 2-3 years, and they rarely if ever draw anything that isn't original, and they often don't even tag. The thing is, they're not just passively drawing either, they've monetized their art, they're illustrators.

That level of success so QUICKLY absolutely baffles me, how the fuck did they do it? Granted, their work is vibrant and has massive appeal. Granted they're prolific and proactive. Granted, they've sometimes been active on other platforms e.g. Instagram, so there's some crossover. But that still doesn't explain it for me entirely, not when artists of similar skill/appeal/output have been doing the same thing longer and with followings 1/5 the size. Is it just confirmation bias? Am I just looking at the literal artistic lottery winners?

>> No.3650372

They fucking worked with Adidas. Their twitter success is just a natural consequence of that

>> No.3650376

splatoon, fgo, new popular vidya just browse /v/, steven universe, venom, gacha games
that's what I could think of at the moment

>> No.3650379

I drew fanart, got 5k likes, a few hundred retweets and comments -> 40 new followers

Selling yourself out doesn't work. People who follow you for your fanart, want more fanart. You want to build an audience that wants you for you. Numbers are not important, it's all about WHO follows you.

>> No.3650380

Chicken or egg. Did they work with Adidas (partly) because of social media presence/success, or did working with Adidas create social media success? I'm sure Adidas only helped but I'm inclined toward the first unless you're seeing something I'm not. The general public doesn't care or even know who draws the pretty pictures on their shoes and shirts, they just want to see cool shit. What am I even saying though, the REAL point here is that working with goddamn Adidas after 2 years of doodling on social media is insane in itself.

Crisalys is just one example anyway, there are others often with much larger followings, and they don't ALL collaborate with huge companies.

>> No.3650381

If you have a strong enough style, they will continue following. Your art is probably generic.

>> No.3650383

crisalys started with instagram and tumblr I think

>> No.3650384

>Your art is probably generic.

>> No.3650387
File: 115 KB, 900x900, 1410842392499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3650398

Don't know about her tumblr but her insta goes back to Jan 2013 and she posted one pencil sketch for that entire year. She only started getting thousands of likes in the last couple years, when she began doing more involved illustrations and her style started to matured into what it is today. Maybe it's not one simple answer, just right time right place, business sense, appeal, connections, luck. But there's actually lots of these artists that seem to get huge out of thin air (Paxiti is another) and I can't help but wonder if it's a Bowsette kind of thing where it's an artist just having fun and not expecting anything big out of it, then it kinda happens. If you saw that guy's Twitter following without context you'd be confused as shit, but once you know the story it makes sense. It's just usually not that memey and clear cut.

>> No.3650400


>> No.3650405

tfw my art is so shit that I'll get a pity reblog from a friend if I'm lucky

>> No.3650407

>pity reblog
those actually hurt more than having nothing

>> No.3650411

It's a good thing if said friend has a thousand followers. You need more exposure my dude

>> No.3650415

i don't disagree in that case, but they're probably talking about regular friends

>> No.3650416

>A follower with 1000 followers
If I had that there'd be less of a chance of me complaining here.

>> No.3650644

Exposure goes a long way

>> No.3650807

>tfw 7 followers

>> No.3650860

be a sjw

>> No.3651004

Not our fault no one wants to follow your shitty account back, Anon.

>> No.3651010

>53 tweets
>8 following
>account isn't even any old

Yeah, these types baffle me too, Anon. My only guess is that besides they being very good quality, they'd get some audience from somewhere as well. I'd want a good explanation (and how-to) as well.

>> No.3651039

Just hold off on posting until people are online.

>> No.3651187

They were already popular and they made a new account and then everyone in their circle smashed that retweet button to get things moving again

>> No.3651199

you havent used social media very long. sometimes followers come in bursts- sure. but these large numbers are a result of years of work being posted across several platforms. very often, twitter is only a fraction of someone's overall fanbase.

if someone gets a large amount of followers on twitter in a short amount of time, its because theyre already popular somewhere else.

>> No.3651204

I get SOME retweets and likes when I post stuff but never any new follows. fuck mang.

>> No.3651223
File: 91 KB, 750x475, 1521321939764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are your twitters? im mostly curious, but i also know that some advice on here isn't suited for everyone.

>> No.3651265
File: 51 KB, 640x640, 30085630_1613501228717148_21370412940132352_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>>3649396
>>It's best to post your work when your most loyal follower(s) is active so they can RT immediately.
-Figure out the timezone of most of your followers and try to post at the best time where most of them are online. For example, my followers are asians and latinos and some other westerners. I try to post at around 8PM-12PM EST/GMT+9 (Japan Time) so most of my followers can see it and some of the west people can too when they wake up. Don't post in the middle of the night and in the afternoon where people are either asleep or at work.

-Draw fanart

-Start with networking and becoming friends with artists who have lower follower count

-Interact with their posts. Comment on their artworks but try to be genuine and not fake. --Don't try to be clever and post such things when you're not close to the artist, they'll most likely ignore and mute you.

-Nips like to receive simple english comments but post something wordy and they'll get overwhelmed and ignore you. Try to be polite and not use too much english slang.

-Have an interesting avatar or username, preferably your art and something people can easily remember.

That's all I can come up for now

>> No.3651836


>> No.3651850

The projecting is hard with this post.

>> No.3651894

In my experience, I built up a following on tumblr first(it's easier to start from scratch there with fanart in my opinion), then I created a twitter account. I got very little followers there though(about 15) and they pretty much never retweeted my art. I actually found the twitter account of a popular tumblr mutual I had, followed them, and they followed me back and retweeted art of my oc, which got 1.7 likes and got me 180+ new followers(including some popular artists who'd occasionally retweet my art). Then I drew a bunch of fanart and original art of whatever I liked and gradually made it to 1,000 followers over the course of 5-6 months. Not extreme popularity but I think it's decent.

Some other things I noticed
>Tags don't do shit
>Simply doing fanart for a trend doesn't guarantee instant followers
>Everyone loves cute girls

>> No.3651902


>> No.3651972

Blessed post.

>> No.3652160

How exactly do you find low-follower count, /beg/ amateur artists? I mean, they're not so good so they're not that popular, but how do you still find them around?

>> No.3652181

youre on a board full of them

>> No.3652189

Try to search through popular art hashtags on Twitter. Especially hashtags that relates to your interest. /Beg/ or just generally unpopular artists are a lot more likely to use hastags to try to promote their art (Although hastags are useless most of the time unless it's a trending hashtag like "bowsette".). Artists that are already established don't need to use hastags.

I really recommend to follow artists who draw a similar subject matter/interest as you (examples of interests: certain fandom, animals, cute anime girls/boys, fetish, porn, ecchi, furry, robots, cars, landscape, fine art, etc). It will increase the chances that they'll like/retweet your art frequently. You might also form a friendship with them.

JUST MAKE SURE anons to not become one of those "bot-like" accounts with like 5k follows/ 6k followers. When an account like that followed me, I know that they're following so many people that they'll never notice or give a shit about my art and they'll probably unfollow me in about a month. And often these accounts only get less than 20 likes a post because they never grew their fanbase organically. An account with 300 followers who genuinely cares about your art can get your art more likes/RTs compared to an account with 6k follows/followers.

>> No.3652413

Perhaps, if one is going for art for art's sake or fanart for fanart's sake, it would be better to start an audience on tumblr first?

>>Tags don't do shit
>>Simply doing fanart for a trend doesn't guarantee instant followers
>>Everyone loves cute girls
Well, shit.

>> No.3652471

>it would be better to start an audience on tumblr first
not really, I transferred to twitter with the goal of making friends with nip artists and also without informing my tumblr followers. A year has passed and I'm at 2k now. I guess what worked for me is jumping on the latest trend and adding hashtags on my post. A sample scenario of this is the bowsette tag or any popular games that recently came out. This is a surefire way of gaining followers, that is if your art is actually good to garner attention. When the fad is no longer there, I don't include hashtags anymore but I have my followers network my posts for me (people like and rt my posts, other people see it, my follower count increases)

>> No.3652548


>> No.3652701

not those anons but im also in a similar situation.

although i think it's just because my drawings aren't interesting

>> No.3652707

I don't think it really helps unless you're extremely popular on tumblr. I only had about 1,300 tumblr followers when I made a twitter. I think the best thing to do is make connections/become mutuals with popular artists who are willing to retweet other people's art. The easiest way to get their attention is through fanart, though on very rare occasions they might follow you back.

And just to clarify, I'd still suggest cashing in on trends anyway. Just don't be too disappointed if a post doesn't take off. One time I did it, I got 170 likes, and another time I got 4.6 likes, but It actually got me much less followers than when I did fanart for a smaller fandom that got 2.6 likes. (In the former I got 10-20 new followers, and in the latter I got 230+)

>> No.3652739

Oh, and I also think what >>3652471 did seems good too. Social media is fickle so just try whatever you can.

>> No.3652864
File: 23 KB, 500x333, Qc9gPpH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've definitely got skill, but your subject matter isn't appealing to normies. your posts are all of studies or loose sketches.
your photobashed pieces are really cool, though.

work on composition if you want that tasty exposure. non-artists care little about anything else

>> No.3652911

thank you friend. i'm building up to doing paintings now.

>> No.3652955
File: 7 KB, 284x284, D9FAAE8C-6710-4BF9-AE3D-B5DE8AB068A7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres mine if you want more people to follow

>> No.3653133


>> No.3653190

I'm curious how much putting the word "art" in your name affects how popular you are.

>> No.3653201

Thinking about it, I've never seen a popular artist on twitter with "art" in their name aside from maybe one or two people.

>> No.3653228
File: 513 KB, 418x526, magp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice- you've got some fanart going already. those big blocks of tags you've got are going to put people off, but it looks like youve stopped adding them so thats also good.

your colors and compositions need a alot of help though. look more closely at what you find aesthetically appealing in other art you enjoy

>> No.3653229

its better to have a memorable name than one that makes sense

>> No.3653280
File: 269 KB, 785x546, 1507468160830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for the feedback!!!
i thought i was weak in those areas but its nice to have it confirmed. i'll do my best to grind at em!

>> No.3653301
File: 514 KB, 1974x2048, IMG_20181018_223733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we're on the topic of twitter, wtf does stan even mean?

>> No.3653306

It's a term for obsessive/massive fan, originally coined (or maybe just popularized) by the Eminem song of the same name. There used to be a lot of negative connotations to it, like stalkers or batshit crazy fans, but it's been co-opted similarly to the term "weeb" or "otaku". Twitter's a big hub for celebrity, pop (particularly Korean pop), and other specific fandoms, so you'll see a lot of stanning.

>> No.3653343
File: 26 KB, 343x343, zig66Ktr_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make work that ppl with clout will like, other people who make similar work of the style or ethos, follow them network etc. you shouldnt be posting at all unless your "good". your not going to build a brand on "getting good"

>> No.3653350


rate and hate pls

>> No.3653391

Your art's actually pretty good and I like the simple cartoony style, but there's a lot of unfinished-looking stuff that could look better even if you just gave it simple shading and/or coloring. 8/10

These are the best in my opinion:

>> No.3653400

I like your colored pics. They have a appealing enough art style. I don't really enjoy your black and white "inktober" pics as much. They seem more boring.

Maybe you can study different inking techniques to make them a little more appealing.

Now if you want your art to get more attention (this will be a little long) you're going to have to be a little proactive in the beginning. I suggest searching on Twitter for combination hashtags like "#mario and #art" or #megaman & #fanart, or #nintendo & #fanart etc.

Try to find other artists with low follower counts who also draw a lot of Mario/Nintendo/MegaMan fanart. I'm searching through these hashtags on Twitter right now and I see a ton of artists with only 10-100 followers posting other these hashtags. Try to like or RT some of their posts. Since they probably get so little likes/RTs, they'll likely notice yours and will want to visit your account. When they see you also draw the same fanart, they'll probably want to follow you. Make sure to follow back. Be engaged. When they make posts, like/RT them often.

This will make them want to like/RT your art too. Don't be just another faceless follower.

>> No.3653426

I like your stuff!
followed and retweeted!

>> No.3653533

Try being a fan first and learn the ins and outs of the user experience from a non-creator perspective. Make note of how you are introduced to different content, but don't follow too many accounts, especially artists you admire. Save this for later.

Once you have a grasp of things, make a fresh account and post a few week's worth of content, as well as posting a profile pic and header image. Return follow, but don't actively follow anyone until after 2 or 3 weeks. First impressions are everything, and having a lot of content will increase the likelihood of return-follows. Once you actually have a few notable artists follow you, that is when you start following artists you admire.

Having a post/usage history, uploading header and profile images, and maintaining a low follow to follower ratio decreases your "spam" score, and this is important. When you follow other people while you have a high spam score, they won't be notified of it.

>> No.3653559

>When you follow other people while you have a high spam score, they won't be notified of it.
is this legit? does twitter algorithm think you're a spambot?

>> No.3653573

It's legit. The scoring mechanics are not known publicly, but you can see it in action by comparing new followers and your notifications. New followers that don't show up in my notifications will typically have a combination of those traits (low account age, low posts, bad follower ratio, no profile image).

The are many Twitter apps that also use those criteria to assign a score to your followers, ostensibly to encourage you not to follow them back.

>> No.3653585

I have around 1k followers now but I also follow 1k+ artists. Am I fucked? I do post art regularly though

>> No.3653588

is this for real?
My follower count only reached 200 yesterday while following is 2.8k
Totally fucked, but yeah, I did notice it, a lot of jap artists have extremely low following to follower ratio

>> No.3653596

Don't do anything drastic. Large changes to your accounts, such as mass unfollowing, could trigger Twitter's security system to mark your account as "temporarily restricted".

I think those follow numbers are fine, though not optimal. I personally keep my ratio to slightly less than 1:1, although that's out of necessity. You can't follow more than 5k accounts unless you also have 5K or more followers.

If you are posting regularly you've probably done enough to avoid the spam account rating, but it would still be wise to slow down on new follows.

>> No.3653597

I think I might as well start a new account and observe how it turn out
I only figured out recently that the fanbase I usually draw for appreciate the use of hashtags, which i never use unfortunately, it's only 200 followers though, nothing much is lost

>> No.3653608

I think it's safe to say twit algo didn't mark me as spam yet. I can still receive notifs back when I back and forth rt from my sfw and sfw account

>> No.3653616

I have about 5k followers . Just keep posting art at least every week or so and comment/like/retweet other artists in hopes they check you out too. Dont follow millions of people be a bit selective

>> No.3653633

That's real helpful, thanks.

>> No.3653671

* I can still receive notifs when I back and forth retweet from my sfw and nsfw account

>> No.3653887

>following is 2.8k
The fuck? Do you just follow anyone you see?

>> No.3654226

Is it weird to feel guilty about getting more followers than your artist friends when earlier they had much more followers and popularity than you?

>> No.3654257

you have no idea how many decent nip artists on twitter

>> No.3654303

I have different fandoms each one has around 100+ artists I follow. That and there's just so many asian artists that are good to follow

>> No.3654411
File: 37 KB, 780x560, DqUk2y5XcAAshdY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stuff like this is really appealing and eye catching. i think if you kept posting these you'd get a decent following in no time! also dont forget to interact with other people and/or artists with similar interests (ie megaman, retro games, ect)

>> No.3655183

>I can still receive notifs back when I back and forth rt from my sfw and sfw account
It only affects new follow notices, not likes and retweet notices. But in any case, I'm sure you're fine if you use the account regularly and it's a few weeks old. My advice is for new accounts mainly.

It's first impressions that matter, since you only get to make it once. Another thing to mention is that for those of you who post images other than drawing, you want to keep the interval between art and non-art media below 6. I only following other art twitters, so if I don't find artwork in the media tab very quickly, I don't follow back.

>> No.3655633

Not him, but thanks for the advice,dude. You've been gracing this thread.

>> No.3655840

That is some bueno advice that goes way beyond what what I figured out, which was essentially the same thing without any of the why or how that makes it work.

All I can add is the occasional nifty comment to something someone who follows you just posted will get you replies and retweets, which means a ton of followers. Artists make the best fans.

>> No.3656808
File: 168 KB, 900x1200, DdFhEZHXcAEDdIp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw mostly draw ocs but that doesn't obtain clout like hopping on the latest flavor of the week trend or some fujoshit

>> No.3656839

Hey so I have an account that I made months ago but I haven't tweeted anything or done literally anything on it, it's just been sitting around. Is it fine to just start tweeting my art on this account or should I just make a new one?

>> No.3656916

Is that your art? lmaoo

>> No.3656943

least I posted art

>> No.3656966

don't try shading or coloring until you can actually draw well

>> No.3657052

They camwhore on the side. I know a popular artist who used to call herself an internet whore. she always had an army of white knights ready to defend her and always had a pretty active following who rabidly reblogged her art

>> No.3657059

Dude unfollow EVERYONE. Apparently people like to project all sorts of shit on you if your ratio is off. It’s fucking stupid. I’m self conscious about just having 30 more follows than followers (280) but if I unfollowed everyone who doesn’t FB then I’d lose a lot of popular artists that I followed because I legit like the art and all the 2hu artists I like. But I know my ratio is holding me back
It’s arbitrary and unfair. Just like when they say not to reply to everyone who was nice enough to comment on your art because it makes you look desperate. It’s faggy and gay and unfair

>> No.3657065

Yeah and let me tell you they suck

>> No.3657069

>say not to reply to everyone who was nice enough to comment on your art because it makes you look desperate
W-who says that? I've been replying to most of my comments and like it when my own gets noticed...

>> No.3657072

I wouldn't suggest for that anon to "unfollow" everyone. It would be better for them to just start fresh with a new account.

I know when I see an artist that has like a ridiculous 1k+ follows to 100 followers I would be less inclined to follow them back. Firstly because it seems like an account that doesn't care about whether people follow them or not. So I don't have to worry about them silently unfollowing me if I don't follow back.

Secondly because they are following so many hundreds or thousands of people that I know that they will very rarely see my art in their timeline and like/RT it. Their accounts are only a little less worse than those bot accounts with the 5k follows/5k followers for getting your art attention.

>Just like when they say not to reply to everyone who was nice enough to comment on your art because it makes you look desperate. It’s faggy and gay and unfair

This sounds like bullshit though.
>>3657069 Don't worry about this and continue to reply to comments on your art. It will help you develop little relationships with the people who like your art. Unless you're already a established artist with a huge fan base of thousands of followers, not replying to comments will make you seem a little dickish.

>> No.3657074

I think it's okay to reply to everyone when it's a small following. Gotta put some effort on befriending other fellows. It looks desperate mostly when it's not genuine and it's just for the sake of expanding your following. Imo just be modest and reasonable with this stuff, like most good artists do.

>> No.3657099

Good to know I'm not breaking any unspoken rules. Cheers mates.
I've also noticed some comments without profane words get hidden on other people's threads. Does that mean that person's blocked them or they've been shadowbanned?

>> No.3657293

>Don't try anything until you can do it well
And I thought I wasn't gonna make it

>> No.3657421

honestly I think all it takes is good enough skill with hitting the right tags at the right time

>> No.3657806

>I wouldn't suggest for that anon to "unfollow" everyone. It would be better for them to just start fresh with a new account.
Fair enough but if they’re gonna keep the old one they actually should do a lot of spring cleaning. I’m not a ratiofag myself but that looks iffy even to me. I’m more the type to not FB if the person media feed has more memes etc than art.
>bot accounts
Lol I’ve actually followed back a few of those because I got followed by a bunch of One Piece bots all at once an wanted to keep them :/

I mostly read about this on Tapas but then started seeing it brought up here and there in servers and tweets. I never bought into it though and don’t mind looking desperate in order to acknowledge someone trying to interact with me. I do wonder why I can’t break through the 300 follower ceiling though.

>> No.3658011

You're completely missing several points. That artist has been drawing for years and doing the same thing the whole time. It's an efficient, recognizable, and easily digestible style which makes it perfect for social media. The things being drawn have wrapped back around into being more mainstream popular and easily shared. It's complete pandering in a fan art sense but it has appeal towards very specific audiences with money and that like showing off. The success was not as quick as you think.

Some of the illustrations are really not my style but I can see the appeal. I'm glad they seem to be growing as well instead of drawing the same chibi shit over and over.

>> No.3658091

remember that when you draw fujoshit- you WILL attract insufferable cunts for followers. and they will throw you under the bus the second you express an unpopular opinion

tread carefully when hopping on trending tags. sometimes a load of new followers is just part of the monkey paw

>> No.3658146
File: 251 KB, 1244x1865, IMG_20181027_144509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same anon but just to add, if you're gonna draw some fujo stuff:
- get ready to have your art reposted in fb and IG by younger fans
- don't interact with younger fans in general. They're insufferable little shits
- Just try to attract the non-english fans as much as possible. Jap fans are p chill
- some fans genuinely get mad when artists start switching to another fandom. You gotta watch out for that.
- stay away from fandoms with huge following. They're always TOXIC as fuck. Lots of ship wars and call out because """problematic content""" (voltron, bnha, overwatch and marvel to name a few)
- stay strong lol

>> No.3658160
File: 225 KB, 1500x986, IMG_20181025_211248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This applies to non fujo fandoms too, as long as the series has characters to ship in it ( steven universe, svtfoe, avatar, undertale etc ). Try to stay "neutral" as much as possible. You don't want to receive death threats or cookies with needles on your next con lol

>> No.3658200

Dang, why are these people so autistic?

>> No.3658210

I've been trying to develop a more appealing style for twitter by adding the colors and shading, but now I don't know what to do. What would be the next step?

Anyone know how to make stuff more appealing to these people artistically?

>> No.3658236
File: 866 KB, 2000x2621, capcom047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but I think you need to add more appealing and contrasting colors. Having everything in one tone is an easy way for a small fish to go unnoticed. Give more focus to your characters and improve your composition. Composition and rendering imo are the biggest factors to getting likes in these kinds of environments. Of course if your colors are good enough you could probably get away without shading.

Pic related is the kind of rendering that'd lend well to your style imo.

>> No.3658253

Literally memes

>> No.3658311

Yeah, I have started a new account and the impression growth is much better than i remembered with the old account

>> No.3658402

It's fine to keep the old account. Just follow the general outline of posting content for a few weeks before you start actively following other artists, and do so gradually. Don't think about building your account over 1 month or 2, think in terms of 6 months. Follows from other artists have a snowballing effect, even when they don't retweet you since Twitter will suggest accounts for viewers based on mutual followers.

>> No.3658800

Dang man, maybe you were shadow banned or sometime. You didn’t happen to follow any “hate speech” promoters like Ben Shapiro or Joe Rogin on the old account, did you?

>> No.3658833

Someone draws and posts daily. PERIOD.

>> No.3658858

>find a really good artist who's starting fresh
>follow and like his drawings
>try giving out a good comment
>next day, get blocked
>turns out he was a real prick in his old account
>in fact, even though he's p good, most of his thousands of tweets don't have even one note on them
>most of them are him complaining and shitting on stuff anyway
>only got to 400ish followers in 3 years
>one less following to the follower-following ratio at least

And nothing of value was lost. Don't forget to try out people who you share interests with to begin with.

>> No.3658871

Thank demons I only care about an artists art and not their personality or related drama, unless they go out of their way to include politics or insult their fans

>> No.3658926

>has low standards so follows everything he sees
like clockwork

>> No.3658935


following and liking other artists

following all art institutions and messaging the directors with an introduction and link to your work - not a template, they get thousands of those...

Try and gain famous followers.

Certain hashtags are set to robot retweets so you are guaranteed exposure by using them.

Appeal to niche audiences - do you do alice in wonderland art? Find fans through the hashtag

capitalise on hashtags when they are popular - such as maybe if you draw dr who and the new series is starting, use the hashtag to get new fans.

>> No.3658940


Link all social media

Have your website visible on all social media

Posting an image to tumblr? Tweet about it.

Use a counter on your blog/tumblr so you can see which promotional methods are bringing in the largest audience.

Put your twitter on a flyer and post in art stores, cafes, bars, recording studios to garner a local following on twitter.

Follow local establishments which may display your work

Network with local artists via city hashtags coupled with art hashtags.

Most cities have a twitter page which automatically retweets such as Whats On New York - use the hash tag they retweet to show your work to locals in the city.

>> No.3659006

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having politics in your art as long as there’s some nuance to it. It’s only bad when it’s lazy, heavy handed, or when an artist is using franchises they didn’t create as blunt propaganda.
I like stories that show the danger of weaponry and how it can be used for evil. I don’t like stories that are “look at these evil Drumpf voting repuglicans blue wave naoo”. It’s all about being able to tell a story that will reach people you disagree with and possibly convince them. Coming out with naziracismincelmanbabydrumpf just puts people against you from the start and ensures they will never even try to see things your way.
Because ultimately the purpose of art is to express the world you’ve internalized so that people can appreciate it. Your art is basically just an ad for your ideas.

>> No.3659415

Can't link the mashable article, but Twitter is apparently getting rid of the "Like" button.

>> No.3659437

What? To what end?

>> No.3659456

That's funny, I saw a tweet earlier debunking the article

>> No.3659498

yea, I suspected that too.
I think I followed paul joseph watson like 2 years ago or sumthing.
but yeah, most likely it's the following-follower ratio


>> No.3659513

>t. a filthy westerner

>> No.3659514

"Progressive" posts don't have as many likes as the "nazi troll" replies. Hurts the narrative.

>> No.3659574

I actually just did a little spring cleaning of my ratio. Was following 316 now I’m at 285. 15 over my followers. Not saying it’s connected but since I did that I got 4 new followers and I haven’t even really posted anything new

>> No.3659620

Is it normal for even big artists to have old/ancient shitty posts with nothing on them? When is it time to start fresh?

>> No.3660109

I'll follow your twitter anon

>> No.3660438

They are still better than you. You haven't posted anything. Keep on hating jelly crab

>> No.3660827

Okay senpai uwu
I can smell your dunning kruger over here

>> No.3660970

I've had an account for 6 months or so and I have zero followers. Kms.

>> No.3660980

you're either
- not marketing yourself enough (not sharing your work via tags, reddit, groups, discord)
- not making enough effort to network with other artists
- or your art simply isn't appealing enough to gather followers

>> No.3660982

just to clarify this anon, the spambot thing only applies to users who mass-follow users in a short amount of time, say following 500+ users in one day. Twitter will think you're a bot and have your account temporarily locked til you do some user verification.
I have a 1:1 follower/following ration and I'm fine so far. Just don't agressivly follow everyone in a short amount of time, especially when your account is only a month old

>> No.3661119

Be Japanese.

Japan is pretty much the only country left which still has decent artists.

>> No.3661133

Are they legit about removing the like button?

>> No.3661134

They only considered it, nothing set in stone yet.

>> No.3661185
File: 211 KB, 1060x779, SmartSelect_20181031-165633_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's post like this that piss me off everytime I browse twitter. I don't even follow this cunt stop recommending her post to me

>> No.3661220

>Certain hashtags are set to robot retweets so you are guaranteed exposure by using them.

what did he mean by this?

>> No.3661241

In Japan for example, many people use this:

No idea what it means, but they just repost a small collection of their works every week or so with this hashtag.

>> No.3661245

>weebs not knowing about france

>> No.3661246

Not a big fan of african art

>> No.3661269

hm do they have a decent following tho?

>> No.3661285

So far it's the most frequently visited art related hashtag I've seen. Not just in Japan, but in general.

There comes a new post like every 5 minutes or so, and they get like 100-2000 likes all. the artists are also often really good tho.

If anyone knows a better hashtag, please let me know, because really only japanese use this.

>> No.3661548

It's a hashtag they use for multi-image tweets with what they consider their best recent works. This is so new followers don't have to dig through their timeline or retweet a bunch of posts at once.

>> No.3661572

Correct, and it's the only good hashtag there is.
Other hashtags are either to slow or too fast. Japan is literally the only country with a nice art community.

>> No.3661614

Lol don’t use this tag it’s code for a CP ring

>> No.3661631

my posts frequently disappear from the search lists or tags only to reappear after i redo the tags, is that shadowbanning?

I thought it was a bug at first but its happened many times now

>> No.3661642

It's the only half way decent tag, but sadly only for japs.

>> No.3661709

What if I just speak japn but aren’t one?

>> No.3661715

I think it means “art to retweet and notify my followers who seem to enjoy my art” or something. Or like “hey guiz just showing y’all who are interested some of my art pieces”. I might try using this hashtag later haha

>> No.3661721

I don't know, you have to try it. I don't think you have to though. Trevor Brown for example comes from London and is pretty popular in Japan, anyway. He is also pretty talented tho.

>> No.3662045

Please, stop jerking off to japan so much, anon. It's getting annoying.

>> No.3662068

Not that anon but western twitter are full of political blabbering. I don't have a major boner for japan but I'd like to limit my twitter following within fellow asians and very few western artists

>> No.3662084

>western twitter are full of political blabbering
This. All the art related tags are just full of spam.

>> No.3662301


I checked yesterday, you guys are just looking at what's trending aka the normal twitter environment that favors those who already have a huge following. The tag is filled with beg doodles that have 0-5 likes, and get's updated every 5 minutes with a new load of beg drawings that just go under. But you can try it and check for yourself

>> No.3662313
File: 53 KB, 768x1024, DiyWFn4V4AAs60Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even shit like pic related gets 30 likes there. Yes, the person already has some followers, but probably because he posts with this tag.

>> No.3663283

this is bad?

>> No.3663345

Not him and I won't comment on your stuff but "draw" and "color" and "shading" are completely different things. That's what he meant- there's a hierarchy to processes, how you do things- If you draw lines first, then be able to draw the lines well, make sure everything's good to go before moving onto colors.

>> No.3663349

I disagree. You don't have to be very good at drawing to start coloring.
Coloring can be very fun, which is why people like doing it.
And if you have fun with creating pictures, the better the chances are that you become better.
I mean you don't have to do fency rendering whenever you color. You also can just do very simple shadows, or no shadows at all.

>> No.3663352

Again, I'm not making a statement at all, I'm just expanding what that anon meant. How you want to improve is your own philosophy and however you feel/observe is right.

>> No.3663379

Stuff people posted ITT is accurate. It comes down to the individual but here's my experience. I just broke 2k followers and I gain a few hundred after each post. I was stuck at the 700s for months.

-Try to only post your best shit. Think about how your page will look to someone who just discovered it. Filler posts with shitty WIPs every (other) day just to remind people you exist is unnecessary. One post a month minimum is fine if your work is good enough.

-People do unfollow for inactivity. Fellow artists seem to be less likely to do this. If they like your stuff enough they'll refollow you. Don't sweat it.

-If you're about to get a ton of exposure because you're going to @ a popular artist with GOOD fanart you made for them, make sure your page is clean and your better shit is on display. An easy way to get retweeted is unique fanart(style, medium, etc.)

-Try to only target artists and fandoms that fit your aesthetic/brand. Following/RTing someone just because you like their art is an easy way to fuck your ratios.

-Hashtags look ugly and desperate as hell. Use very few and very infrequently.

>> No.3663380

Step 1: be good
Step 2: don't be bad

>> No.3663386

I ran out of space, here's another tip that I don't use, but have noticed: if you're drawing fanart for a game, look for a popular streamer/letsplayer that's playing it. If they have an oc, include it. Then @ them with the art. Popular streamers hang out in cliques, so make fanart for everyone in the clique but not all at once, if possible. Do this very rarely and only if you notice that they retweet fanart. If you already have a following then you probably shouldn't do that shit at all. It looks desperate.

>> No.3663454

I purged 300 from following list today.
Feels good man

>> No.3663546

It's frustrating to visit a really good artist, usually a nip or korean only to find out their gallery section has around 2000 images full of gacha game screenshots and their food selfies

>> No.3663551

How often should one post work?

>> No.3663560

Probably at least once a week. You can take a break from posting art for longer than that of course, but there’s a higher of people unfollowing

>> No.3663568

What about just tweeting in general?

>> No.3663580

Probably try to keep it to a minimum to keep your account uncluttered unless if there’s something you want to share with your followers. There’ll be a point where this doesn’t matter if you have a high enough follower count, but people looking to follow you for art might be driven away by seeing hundreds of unnecessary tweets

>> No.3663585

Also, if you don’t mind the hassle, I’d suggest having a personal twitter and an art twitter if you want to tweet more.

>> No.3663603

Bitch, this is horrible. It looks like you were going for an Archie comics look but couldn't exactly get the look right.

>> No.3663618 [DELETED] 

Painting and drawing are different sets of skill and experiences. While it's true having a sufficient knowledge about anatomy is important to have a good painting, there are people who can get away with poor drawing skills with good rendering/painting/composition skills. There's nothing wrong at all with practicing both at the same time.

Besides, people in twitter like colored stuff more.

>> No.3663629

Painting and drawing are different sets of skill. While it's true having a sufficient knowledge about anatomy is important to have a good painting usually, there are people who can get away with poor drawing skills with good rendering/painting/composition skills. There's nothing wrong at all about practicing both at the same time.

Besides, people in twitter like colored stuff more.

>> No.3663630

The only person ITT who actually has posted their work.

>> No.3663637

It's pretty shit m8, not gonna lie. I'd rather she post her follower account and see if people actually subscribes to her garbage

>> No.3663645

Don't worry, I'll post her Twitter for you to see

>> No.3663657
File: 52 KB, 517x768, C4XPNW2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat roastie selfie
don't dox yourself next time while trying to act like a dunning kruger

>> No.3663665
File: 15 KB, 679x206, dgdjdd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No its a fucking great idea you stupid fuck. You can now take this as a wake up call, hit the resource threads and get crit and actually improve yourself or fuck off on back to your safe space.

>> No.3663672

>getting crits on /ic/
Nobody here knows what they're talking about. It's for her own good if she just stays away.

>> No.3663674

Why do fat roasties even bother coming here? Their are plenty of places where they can have their fragile little egos stroked, but this isn't one of them.

>> No.3663678

there's actually lots of girls in this board. You woudn't notice because they're don't act like a gamer gurrl or crave attention like >>3656808

>> No.3663683
File: 96 KB, 266x227, derailed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop talking about yourself in the third person. Anyhow, the best crits you gonna get you're prolly gonna get in here, m8, out of all the internet. Just do it, man, it's fun.

>> No.3663696

>Stop talking about yourself in the third person
I don't even know what this fucking thread is about, I just saw the post while browsing the first page. There's no improvement to be found on /ic/.

>> No.3663715

The thing though is if the artist is popular enough you can still see their art in your timeline because of the "randomaccountxxx and 15 others are following this user".

So advice for you twitter users with like a 1000 follows is don't follow every popular artist that you like if you can avoid it.

>> No.3663722


>> No.3663810

Do females actually come here? Imagine what a bottom of the barrel female you have to be to come to this shithole

>> No.3663816
File: 36 KB, 479x151, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3663817

you're a special kind of incel to reuse the exact same insult from before

>> No.3663818

>m-m-muh incel
Stop projecting, female incel

>> No.3663820

Is this like the fat girl's version of /pol/'s overused "cuck?"

>> No.3663821
File: 85 KB, 1200x380, DolFi3LW4AE8FT6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3663831

Since when do white people give a crap about Mexicans in the first place? If anything they are looked down upon just for being brown. Don't believe me? Just look at this place. Qt white girls like in that comic never once care about smelly ugly short Mexicans.

>> No.3663837

Remember the 6 million Shekels

>> No.3663838

I don't think anyone really cares about it, it's just a thing you do for internet points so you can pat yourself on the back. Notice nobody actually gives a shit on here because the anonymous nature of the site removes the incentive to be fake or jump on bandwagons, so your posts are expected to stand by their own merit, and no one is negatively incentivized from disagreeing with you (for example, there won't be any twitter witch hunts against you for not parroting the garbage feel-good platitudes of the day)

>> No.3663841

No, it's the alter version of Roastie.

>> No.3663842

I'm so far right that I am almost a literal National Socialist and that sounds a bit too much for me. Just let Mexicans care for their own people, you don't have to demean them.

This guy is probably right for the gated community rich shitlibs that keep pushing "enrichment" on everyone else by both rhetoric and state-force.

>> No.3663844

It's easy to pick on you for being a beginner, but you're overlooking something majorly obvious too: how do you expect to get attention towards your art when your followers have to dig through mountains of retweets to find it? I wouldn't even know you were an artist.

>> No.3663855

at least include a link to your blog or something in your bio
I personally just unfollow people who post all kinds of non-art shit (I only follow artists, I don't care about your shitty political views or what you ate for dinner)
But you can still include that stuff as long as it's easy to find your art. Otherwise, don't complain that no one notices your art when you spend 95% of the time chimping out about Trump or whatever

>> No.3663862

>I don't care what you ate for dinner
How do you follow asians then?

>> No.3663863

I don't

>> No.3663868

>referring to 4chan as a whole, rather than the board /ic/
Fucking normalfag roasties just stay the fuck away. You clearly just want compliments and can't handle criticism.

>> No.3663900


>> No.3663905

S-so... I guess this makes you my boyfriend now... please take good care of me

>> No.3663947

I'm a girl(male) tehee

>> No.3663952

>please take good care of me
Not him but why are you cunts so fucking entitled just because you have a slit in between your legs does not mean the world caters to you on a silver platter.

>> No.3663956

A good thread ruined by a nasty roastie.
nice going cunt

>> No.3663982


>> No.3663987

I prefer to adhere to traditional roles (the man takes care of the women)

>> No.3663988
File: 71 KB, 532x493, 1504806322974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not like the other girls!
If you are genuinely offended because you actually have a disgusting roast beef in between your legs brought about from your slut bag days look into a cosmetic surgery which essentially "revirginizes" your putrid cunt.

>> No.3663989

>good thread
Don't kid yourself.

>> No.3663991

Leave her alone, asshole

>> No.3663998
File: 624 KB, 1760x2778, 1463439926205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Grabs you by the throat*
Fuck off?!

>> No.3664000


>> No.3664035

You had to be a big shot did ya

>> No.3664068

Here is my take.

>> No.3664111

a man's role is to take care of and provide for his gf

its survival of the fittest bro

>> No.3664120

>a man's role is to take care of and provide for his gf
Literally patriarchy.

>> No.3664141


>> No.3664147

So fuck off shitlord.

>> No.3664149

NGMI (in life)

>> No.3664269

you bitch

>> No.3664302

Why you do this?

>> No.3664319

So back to thread topic. Is it possible to get a following from drawing characters who aren’t cutesy anime girls/boys? I like drawing unconventionally attractive characters with different features for fun, but I always get more likes on art with cute girls. Even my fanart of popular manga with characters who aren’t cute anime girls get much less likes than my original art with cute girls.

>> No.3664332

You have to add something interesting or appealing in it

>> No.3664400
File: 13 KB, 554x640, 1541190559101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have a 10-month old art account
>Hasn't even hit 50 followers
>Too afraid to share it to other sites because I don't want people to make fun of my art and kill my self confidence

>> No.3664405

If you're afraid of people shitting on you, then your self confidence is a lie.

>> No.3664409

That last bit of self confidence is all what I have left. My art appearing on, say, cringe compilations or stuff like "haha this guy's art sucks" posts would instantly kill all of my motivation and I'd give up entirely on my art since it'd seem that I won't improve at all and that I'll definitely fail at what I want to do.

>> No.3664412

That feeling isn't going to go away for a very long time, Anon. You need to develop a better response to it now. Putting yourself out there is a big part of improving. You shouldn't put it off for too long.

>> No.3664416

I’ve tried adding dynamic compositions and distinct personalities/designs but the only thing I’ve tried that seems to work is adding some pretty girls and making them the main focus.

>> No.3664457

Observe other artists doing the same type of characters. What elements are they putting that catches the other's attention? You gotta put yourself in the audience's position, would you click like/retweet on your post?

>> No.3664472

Late, but work on your motion and dynamics.

A simple style is good for conveying actions. Yours is still stiff. Gitting gud at gravity and force will make it more cohesive.

>> No.3664482

Sure. Just avoid Tumblrstyle ugliness.

Generic cuteness will always appeal to the lowest common denominator, but unconventional attractiveness has its own charm.

>> No.3664485

How do you deal with random followers tagging you in their tweets where they post art? I'm fine with retweeting art from people with less followers but sometimes it'll be a subject I don't really care or post about, or I just don't like the art at all.

>> No.3664492

>Just avoid Tumblrstyle ugliness.
I guess I avoid that? My main inspiration is Naoki Urasawa though my style's more cartoony and simplified.

>> No.3664528

people actually do this?

>> No.3664530

pyw famalam so we can see

>> No.3664535

It's possible, but it takes a while. People typically only like what they know. If it's too original they will be repulsed. The best thing to do is to mix your ideas with conventionally appealing things if you want to sell. Then slowly shift it toward what you want. Or keep the mixture. You could use cute anime girls as an easy tool for others to explore your imagination. Think of the roll Alice served in Alice in Wonderland for example. It would have significantly less mass appeal without her as a way for the audience to ground themselves.

>> No.3664564

I don't know, I've only had a few people do it to me so far even when I only had 500 followers, but I do have popular artist mutuals who've done the same with fanart for celebs and more popular artists. Their art is pretty good though and I imagine people would appreciate getting fanart.

>> No.3664748

Hashtgs do look ugly and desperate but they'd help a beginner get found right? Say you do fanart or a anything more specific than bland noface studies (and even then, someone could look for the tag related to that specific kind of study), it does helpuf people look for it, right?
Otherwise how do you get found?

>> No.3664758

the only thing I’ve tried that seems to work is adding some pretty girls and making them the main focus.

I was thinking the same. It's not the only way to
Seduce people of course, but it's a constant between lots of good artists with even very different styles. I myself, even with all the shit I've seen, still have a tendency to like cute/sexy grills a lot (it just had to be done In a really personal style or with great skills in a specific area cause I don't like realistic wannabe or that stereotypical over polished portrait

>> No.3664837

It depends on how hard you're willing to work for the exposure. To be honest, I doubt most people really have an issue with hashtags, or at least acknowledge it. It just looks bad to me personally. Hashtags for flavor of the month things is 100% fine. People actually look for those. Less popular tags can bloat a post.

The only other way is to make more artist friends however you can. Some will become popular and share the limelight, some will already be popular and find your shit charming. You know how it goes. That's what I did.

Really, because of my casual approach to things, it's repulsive when I see someone try hard for exposure. So take my perspective with a grain of salt. Having an audience wasn't important to me until I already had one. The main thing I think is, twitter will like you better the more casual you look. It feels like they're connecting with a person, and not a gallery. Because twitter is not an art gallery website.

>> No.3664844

I can't figure twitter out. I got the hang of instagram, deviantart, artstation and facebook but I don't get nearly as many likes on twitter as I do on other platforms.

>> No.3664878

have you tried giving them a prop or costume that is something people are familar with? or drawing popular characters in your style?

>> No.3664899

Probably because twitter is mostly for socializing, not posting art. Plus in the west it's full of political spam anyway.

>> No.3665032

You can always ignore it.

If it's fanart of something you made, it's polite to leave a like, but otherwise don't feel you have to do anything.

>> No.3665456

I believe in you, Anon. We ALL start shitty at first, but you will improve and when you're capable of showing something you yourself believe to be presentable and worthwhile, you can show us.

Showing off stuff when you already know what the flaws are or if it is unfinished is of no use. However, you can try asking for advice when posting your stuff.

>> No.3665459

You should know that you're fishing for an audience in Twitter. Probably, it just happens to be that the cutesy girls chasers are a bigger audience than the audience who can appreciate the stuff you do. Honestly, I'd prefer fishing people who like the stuff I'm into, naturally.

>> No.3665462


Greatest thing that ever happened to me artwise was someone calling it cringe. It hurts at first but if youre not a faggot you gain a lot from the experience.

>> No.3665477

>Probably, it just happens to be that the cutesy girls chasers are a bigger audience than the audience who can appreciate the stuff you do.
I think with his subject matter he's probably going to grow more of a small die hard following than a large casual one

>> No.3665492

Based hornyposter

>> No.3665558

Just followed, II really like your art. Hope we can become art pals :>

>> No.3665565

To be honest I'm more afraid of never improving. I've seen some people who have drawn for years but still have mistakes (though on the bright side I've been drawing for only a year and some months so I guess I'm okay?)
While I do understand your point, I'd rather want people to point out what is wrong with a piece of art instead of just insulting it. Just getting negative feedback with destructive criticism isn't helpful at all.

>> No.3665758

Meh, deviantart is much better.

>> No.3665870
File: 2.31 MB, 480x270, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niiiiiiiiiice. But seriously, really nice twitter!

>> No.3666128


>> No.3666426

welp i guess i will put this here


i used to have my name written in japanese but i think maybe people thought i was actually japanese so they didnt want to try replying to me in english?

>> No.3666498

I know nothing but ask anyone about social media for artists and besides Facebook, you'll probably get Instagram over everything, maybe Tumblr (not popular in my country so idk), and Deviantart basically never besides artists themselves.

>> No.3666526

>post OC
>timing is off so top followers dont notice
>basically into the trash till someone 3 months from now is so bored theyre digging through tags

deviantart is trash tier, I genuinely think unless youre a furry or are already established artist you have no chances of making it there, everything there directs you to already popular artists and they hinder newer ones
The whole place feels dead anyway too, I look for groups and everything has been inactive for 3+ years except you guessed it, furshit

Is instagram really that good?

>> No.3666537

>lol so randumb

if you stay active for a couple of months you'll have a guaranteed large following

>> No.3666566

i made my account in 2015, i dont post much photos its pretty rare, mostly just shitposts

>> No.3666600

ive noticed that people who can fit all their art into a single Moment dont draw very much

>> No.3666607

i havent updated it since last year but yea i draw slowly

>> No.3666961

Im not trying to shame you, use it to your advantage, Im not saying whore yourself out but as a girl you will have an advantage when it comes to gaining followers and drawing attention so use it

I thought about just pretending to be a girl so I could draw in some desperate fags freely promoting art

>> No.3666984

I also feel this way. Though I'm not sure if my art is just too bad for people to notice or it's an social aspect. I keep seeing people with art a lot worse than mine with 8x as much followers.
Is twitter really better than DA? I keep thinking it's a website for politic shit first, and art not even second, but way, way down the list.
What about tumblr, is that still a thing today?

>> No.3667055

its a social thing
making art isnt so much about making art as it is about socializing with content sharers

>> No.3667087

Why is it that it seems like only people from /ic/ have issues navigating social media and gaining a following? Tons of other artists do it with no problems at all. Do all of you have aspergers or something?

>> No.3667177

because this is the only artists forum you read

>> No.3667223

And how do you go about that? DA for example barely has any way to communicate with other people since groups are dead and everything else is dicksucking rather than dialogue.

>> No.3667707

I have no idea. I made twitter first and ig after, but I have more responses from ig than twitter.
Thinking about deleting it and just using ig since I already hate social media as is.
Keeping ig because it's mostly just people posting art and no "look at my life" stuff like twitter (I ignore stories or we/ they're called).
I'm conflicted though, because there are some artist I like that are only on twitter, mostly Japanese artists.

>> No.3667752
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I'm not very good at art but want a place where I can post my work and progression, and hopefully, eventually be good enough to do commissions.
But where the fuck do I start? I have no idea what social media to pick, I'd ideally like to start on just one, and consider branching out if I get any kind of following. What would be best, instagram, twitter, tumblr? any others? I have no fucking clue.

>> No.3667776

Twitter is shit honestly. You won't get followers unless you post crap memes (which doesn't take effort at all) or suck some big artist's dick (and even then you won't always get more followers, I've tried doing that and people didn't follow my account after that).

>> No.3667794

You could also try hopping on the latest hashtag trends. I've noticed fairly small artists getting a surge of likes and followers after they drew Deltarune fanart for instance. Of course, your art would also have to be of notably decent quality.

>> No.3667856 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 143x136, 1509256298707 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose Twitter suits best for doodles and flavor of the month art, not much artsy as it is just social media.
Tumblr is for building up a niche following, mostly for being less chatty than Twitter and more oriented towards fanbases.
Instagram is for serious art, as in, building up an actual gallery of finished works to show.
I don't know how Facebook and Pinterest work, and they I don't really want anything to do with them desu. Deviantart is dead afaik.

Is this on point?

>> No.3667859
File: 81 KB, 143x136, 1509256298707 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose Twitter suits best for doodles and flavor of the month art, not much artsy as it is just social media.
Tumblr is for building up a niche following, mostly for being less chatty than Twitter and more oriented towards fanbases.
Instagram is for serious art, as in, building up an actual gallery of finished works to show.
I don't know how Facebook and Pinterest work, and they I don't really want anything to do with them desu. Deviantart is dead afaik.

Is this on point?

>> No.3667861

Yes I've noticed within last 48 hours artists with < 1k followers getting 3k+ likes on #KDA art. Of course unless you can put out something appealing in under 48 hours of the hastag trending you won't get much mileage out of it.

>> No.3667862

Isn't Pinterest just a site to save images from other sites? Can you even upload original images there?

>> No.3667868

Seconding this question.

>> No.3667911

-networking (following other artists and scratching eachothers back basically)
-meme subjects to draw
-tagging systems outside twitter and sometimes hashtags help
ranked by usefulness in that order, there is no other way to grow on that platform.

i nuked my 1000+ follows and that caused a bunch of mutuals to unfollow me, they were heavy retweeters and i watched my RT count drop off the map, this is my evidence

>> No.3667985
File: 298 KB, 418x394, 1476354613244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thirding(?) this question. I tried twitter and got 6 followers within the first week...and then lost over half of them soon after, so I said fuck it.

>> No.3667996

deviantart or pixiv imo
twitter is not a good "dumping ground" since it relies on other people

tagging systems are ideal, tumblr is ok since you can sort archives by months defacto too

>> No.3668008

Coming from a somewhat small artist, for any of those 3 sites, hashtagging is probably your best bet. I've only used instagram for a short amount of time, but from my experience, it and tumblr give better results when you tag your art. I'm >>3651894 and >>3652707 (I'm actually at 1,100 now). When I had only 20 followers on Twitter and tried hashtagging popular things, I was lucky if I even got 5 likes. The same posts only got more traction when popular artists went through my art and retweeted some of them. It gets easier as you gain more followers but I understand the wait can be frustrating. Of course, this is all just based off my experience, so other anons may think differently.

>> No.3668016

start with both tumblr and twitter. Post some popular fanart and tag it properly. No idea how IG works so I'm not gonna include it.

>> No.3668025

Just curious, but when posting art up on Tumblr. Must your blog strictly contain artwork only? I wish to do a lot of things such as videos and photography as well?

>> No.3668240

I would recommend that you take advantage of Twitter's "moments" function. It's basically a sub-timeline which you can use to categorize posts. You can create as many of them as you need, and you can retweet it like a post to periodically remind your followers.

On Tumblr, you should create sub-tumblrs, or come up with a unique tag for your posts, then create a tag link on your menu (i.e. tag all drawings as [your username]_art, tag photos as [your username]_photos, etc.)

>> No.3668270

Thanks for your help anons, I'm clueless about this shit. I think I might start with tumblr then.

>> No.3668861
File: 523 KB, 900x650, slice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fitting, since my style is kinda derivative from MM. Also, I've tried doing something based on your advice, though this style still feels kinda off and I don't know why.

Thanks for the critique, I wasn't noticing that.

>> No.3670243
File: 554 KB, 900x650, coloradjustments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this one! I think the colors blend in too much and could use a bit more contrast, so I made some adjustments in pic related. What I did was
>made highlights cooler and brighter to reflect moonlight shining
>made shadows warmer

Play more with warm and cool colors. Warm light source = cool shadows and the opposite with cool. I think your drawing skills are quite good but you just need the right push in colors to get noticed out there. Good luck!

>> No.3670283

>the biggest factors to getting likes in these kinds of environments
just be real, the biggest factors are being relevant and having exposure

>> No.3670294

That's true but I figured that was a given and not easy to control. Even so, you'd see a popular animu artist drawing the same character while one has more likes etc and the reason why is usually that. They often have this same-y painted rendering style as well (but not everyone should follow that).

>> No.3670296

for me it wasnt but I am an idiot so

That said I think its much better to invest time and resources into getting a network than to minimally improving your art, improving art is fun, but thats something you can do later when you already have an established fanbase

>> No.3670305

That's true and it's always good to build bridges at every small opportunity. For me I'm too shy and would feel enormous pressure if I had a big following especially without the skills to show for. No proper paths though do what you think is right for you!

>> No.3670313

Thanks a million, Anon. I really needed this.