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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3648185 No.3648185 [Reply] [Original]

> Went to top Art school and dropped out, broke boi, and teachers would rather not show up to class because of protesting the patriarchy
> Parents on my A$$ for good reason, Mid-20s college dropout and wanting to move out. Complaining that I have a muh art complex
> I want to move to my homeland and live a quiet and creative life. Freelance is probably the only way for that to happen
> Learning different disciplines for the past 4 years, but wanting to decide intent of direction and creating a catered body of work before showing to the world
> Too broke to have a computer to render 3D so I am stuck Drawing/Painting/Photobashing, Also have a strong design sense (Logo/UI)
> Currently in between normie jobs because anything more demanding would drain my energy from studying after work.
> Slowly dying on the inside from the stress and existential edging
> Needing at least $1200 to make my dreams into a reality

This is the Ultimate Gamble

Any advice anons?

>> No.3648194

Draw furry porn

>> No.3648204
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Of course this is the first reply. I would rather not have my eyes bleed, I need them to work

>> No.3648206

No advice, just here to remind you that this is what you get for going to art school.

>> No.3648207
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You want money or not?

>> No.3648214

I don't think being dirt poor and selling your soul are the only two options.

>> No.3648225


Yea definitely, I have friends who caved in and just draw hentai to make a decent living. Im at the point that I am thinking to just go in the concept art direction, but I am hearing that 3D use is becoming an unwritten rule in that field

>> No.3648247

1. Put portfolio website together
2. Email businesses you're interested in working with to ask for work

This is the basis of freelancing for any freelance profession. Have you put hour portfolio together? How many people have you tried to connect with for work? Have you done anything at all?

>> No.3648254


Well I know most artists say get out there and show your work, but my work hasn't been good enough imo until more or less recently. Ive focused on drawing/painting the fundamentals (anatomy, perspective, rendering) to increase my skill and these wouldn't be used for a portfolio. I am just working out what type of freelance I can be doing and make a portfolio. I have given myself a 3-6 month window to do that.

Just wondering what the Anons are thinking, I want to avoid Lewd stuff, but I know those guys are killing it on patreon and god knows what other commissions 3k-15k per month.

>> No.3648264

>god knows what other commissions 3k-15k per month.
Freelance illustration can pay this just fine. To be a freelance illustrator is to embrace the entreprenuial aspect of being a one main business - develop your product / service (your portfolio & style) and then hunt down people who can use what you've got. Freelancing for businesses is very lucrative and not as hard as it might seem (though still not easy).

That's good that you'll spend some time creating finished work for your portfolio. Just two words of wisdom:
1. Be mindful to keep your portfolio cohesive. In other words, all work should look like it has been done by 1 artist (people really fuck this up)
2. Don't pressure yourself to include weaker work just because you want to fill up space

>> No.3648265


Cool cool... One more thing, what would you say is your opinion on using existing IPs as a general framework to show your skill? like environment, character design, items, finished illustrations, logo/ui?

>> No.3648582

The occaissional fan art is okay as a vehicle to demonstrate your style. However, some of what you listed is more concept art and design thinking, meaning that your portfolio should include your own thinking & solutions. People need to see that you can come up practical and fitting designs that are responsive to a design brief. Ideas are important

>> No.3648588

yo i'm in the same situation, but i didn't drop out - instead i graduated. honestly it was a good school and i got a lot out of it, but the barrier for entry in the entertainment industry for pre-pro art is PRETTY HIGH.

that being said, I'm just working two part time jobs right now and paying rent, but whenever i can i'm fucking grinding out new and interesting shit that i WANT to make, since i spent 4ish years making things that i was just prompted to make. feels good.

prolly the best thing for you to do is just stay at the normie jobs and grind away man. you just have to get really fucking good. REALLY FUCKING GOOD. and while you'ore grinding, make new finished pieces and just put yourself out there on artstation and ig, etc.

or draw furry porn desu i've thought about it many-a-time. decent money and improves your skillz if you try

>> No.3648589
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>he paid money for art school

>> No.3648591

i feel like every frogposter is just some faggot larping

>> No.3648593

still fucked bitches and at least not shilling for a non-STEM degree, not fully wasted

>> No.3648594

This guy gets it

>> No.3648604

I’m in a similar boat - NEET in my early twenties, didn’t go to college, grinding fundies and drawing 10 hours a day. I’m progressing but a lot of my work is ‘broken’ and I’m trying to build a cohesive style. My endgoal for now is to be a freelance illustrator and make $1000 a month