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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 255 KB, 1001x978, las-hone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3633102 No.3633102 [Reply] [Original]

Draw Art Daily Chums

Last thread >>3626747


>Submit your artwork everyday (or your preferred frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)


Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. Potassium helps.

What is the goal?
>Be better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

Lava who? What is w? who are lassies?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potentially dead by surgery. May he rest in peace.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. May he rest in pieces.
>Current dad: banana.

LAS discord: https://discord.gg/xXWGaCc
DAD discord: https://discord.gg/eh3z24v

This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:


This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:


Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attention

>> No.3633108

shriney cat ;_;

>> No.3633114

Don't die on me shriney cat

>> No.3633116

>[Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
shriney cat had a rough life...

>> No.3633146

>[Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>> No.3633147


>> No.3633153
File: 36 KB, 708x638, 1492541705105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rare shrineycat drawing

>> No.3633157

WTF Kaile??!?

>> No.3633187 [DELETED] 

I remember when I was first potty trained!>>3633157

>> No.3633188

I remember when I was first potty trained!

>> No.3633219

You all fucking suck

>> No.3633220


But at least we're drawing

>> No.3633226

I love you too<3

>> No.3633227

I'm a firm believer in that one day things will finally begin to click and the darkness is no longer as dark. That gains will be exponential from that point on. It's just a matter of knowing when that day will come.

>> No.3633230

Post your Work.

>> No.3633232

>t. anime user referring to a full moon daddy hunt
please spare me

>> No.3633262

I believe in you anon-kun! No matter how painful it is, work on what you're weakest at and incorporate it into everything you draw for a few weeks. You WILL get better. Grab some amazing pictures from the reference thread and get studying.

>> No.3633302

I want ShrineyCat to be happy and draw

>> No.3633310
File: 1.01 MB, 1207x1063, 1F68BA3C-6AEC-4522-8B79-69F00F1A40B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My application for the Editor position of Louse's hentai doujin.

>> No.3633354

Ganbarre Shriney chan<3

>> No.3633357

The dick looks pretty flacid

>> No.3633384

Mistake with the borders, fixed it now.

>> No.3633406
File: 50 KB, 600x600, 20181007_skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone join up, I made a challenge (weakness challenge) https://dad.gallery/challenges/48

Also im pretty retarded, so any comments and suggestions are appreciated.

>> No.3633413

sure why not

ive been feeling kinda shit about my art lately, there are lots of weaknesess i can work on!

>> No.3633425


spell challenge correctly and you have a deal

>> No.3633429


>> No.3633432


>> No.3633433


no, it's 'clamengine'

>> No.3633447

That's definitely a better way of having the two elements in the picture.
Thanks, I'll keep this in mind in the future.

I'll try to study more dicks

>> No.3633480
File: 90 KB, 500x540, 1339169023587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if everything's a weakness?

>> No.3633486

Would it be better if someone just told us what our weakness would be for the week or something?

>> No.3633495

Then you will walk out of this challenge as a well rounded artist

>> No.3633508

I like this! But I'm afraid most people are going to go "I suck at everything" and just submit to the challenge the usual daily sketch.

>> No.3633511

I get it's trying to get people out of their comfort zones but it seems rather ambiguous

>> No.3633515

don't blow my cover geez!

>> No.3633583
File: 55 KB, 190x190, QTpis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join the glorious revolution comrades

>> No.3633590

good in theory but kinda ambiguous and also long as FUCK
and starts in October? you should have made it start in November at least cus theres so much shit in October as is

>> No.3633596

I like this idea a lot but also don't want to get judged since my weaknesses are seriously weak

They said it runs for 74 days, but you only have to submit 37 times for the badge. You could easily not start until November, and take Christmas etc off too and still have enough entries.

>> No.3633597

>>cus theres so much shit in October as is
>tfw just noticed there's a halloween challenge now too
aw fug

>> No.3633602

just noticed that its not elimination or streak based so the October challangers could wait until November to start which is cool...still a long ass challamge

>> No.3633620

Opinions on a lewd challenge?

>> No.3633626

make it

>> No.3633628

But what would the challenge even be?

>> No.3633632

come at me guns blazing bitch

>> No.3633634

lewd your favorite artist's work

>> No.3633636


>> No.3633638

id rather just draw w/e i want for daily post...

>> No.3633655

Should the prompt be "Lewd your favorite /dad/'s work"?

>> No.3633667

Could people make a list of what their weakness is/are in their first submission? Could be on the submission itself or in the description box, so people know what the focus is going to be during the challenge.

>> No.3633684

I like that idea actually im autistic and need structure

>> No.3633699

im so down for that

>> No.3633702

How do you neets find the discipline and structure in your lives to sit down and actually do stuff? I'm struggling

>> No.3633705

YES. Or a piece from any dad.

>> No.3633707

not a neet, but naf answered this question a while ago

>> No.3633738

Welcome back st*rs! Glad your back

>> No.3633746

his back?

>> No.3633751

I'll glad your back too

>> No.3633752

Fall for the 16 hours a day for a year meme and you’ll build discipline you never knew you could only to realize it will take way longer than a year, but hey at least you built a foundation.

>> No.3633759

I am compelled to draw and paint the same things over and over and over again.

>> No.3633767
File: 234 KB, 886x798, おはようございます.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning anon!

>> No.3633773

Good morning Clover
How’s your day

>> No.3633899

st*rs comes back after being destroyed twice, spawns right next to j again. the guy can't catch a break

>> No.3633903


>> No.3633943

Welcome back st*rs we missed you!
Let me suggest you joining a more cute and protective house, like QT3.14s. We have roasted asian crabs for dinner every other day!

>> No.3633957

Good job lazypotato!

>> No.3633967

come at me guns blazing bitch

>> No.3634061
File: 20 KB, 1347x261, im_stupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great idea

Halp! I tried to edit the challenge, but i dont know how T_T

Changes i thought to make. Limit the duration to just November (15 entries). And add that, in the first entry you should write what you typically like to draw, or are crap at. So as long as your entries are not something you typically draw or it is something you are crap at, then the entry is valid... fuck, i suck at writing. But hopefully that made sense?

>> No.3634063

Oh I don't think it needs to be just November, or if it is then it should still be like 30 days. I think the main complaint with it being too big is because people are so busy with the Inktober/RPG/Halloween challenges in October, as long as it doesn't clash with those it should be fine. I'm looking forward to it!

>> No.3634067

okay how the fuck do submission periods work. Is it 24 hours after last submission or 1 post per deadline cycle?

>> No.3634074
File: 373 KB, 800x1492, IC_LAS_destroid_spartan_colour_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>okay how the fuck do submission periods work. Is it 24 hours after last submission or 1 post per deadline cycle?

It's one post per cycle. Pay attention to the clock on the DAD homepage, and see when it will roll over for you. Chances are, it's *not* in your time zone; hence, Clover's wishing us all a good morning (>>3633767) when some of us have to get up and go to work tomorrow.

>> No.3634087


Clicking on it should take you to the edit page, so I'm not sure what's going wrong.
However, you can get around it by attempting to go to https://dad.gallery/challenges/48/edit directly.

>> No.3634235

When I see a challenge I must enter it. I want to be the ultimate badge master.

>> No.3634239

those badges mean nothing if you still draw like a /beg/, sorry.

>> No.3634248

it's fun and you can learn something new

>> No.3634253

I may be shit, but I'm not /beg/. I just want to challenge the world class drawing elite four, so I must collect more badges.

>> No.3634254


>> No.3634276

is there anyone with all the badgers or have all the completionists finally died?

>> No.3634277

you can do that without badges
how about you just draw out of selfishness and not because youre a faggot okay?

>> No.3634310

im drawing all of the challenges out of selfishness so I do not let you gain anything.

>> No.3634316

thats just being a faggot, sorry.

>> No.3634317

Why are you so angry, daddy?

>> No.3634337

because you niggers pretend this site isnt a gallery but it is

>> No.3634341

u wot

>> No.3634347


>> No.3634348

Is this the same anon that thinks everyone isnt gonna make it except him and says he is already made it?

>> No.3634352

If I treated dad as a gallery I wouldn’t upload every doo doo stain mistake I draw

>> No.3634355

Same. All my crappy ass WIPs and sketches are on display.

>> No.3634358

At least you can read.

>> No.3634359

>world class drawing elite four
gib names

>> No.3634361

Who hurt you son?

>> No.3634364

Current /dad/ champion: BunnyBurger

>> No.3634366
File: 58 KB, 800x652, vp1wirmot7a11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a gallery b t w

>> No.3634373

Dude it's just a name, it isn't dad's gallery, just don't think about it too much.

>> No.3634375

Teach me how to draw kawaai. Onegai.

>> No.3634381

Sorry, i meant Mehmeh.

>> No.3634384


>> No.3634387


>> No.3634388


>> No.3634400

and I

>> No.3634404

Sorry I meant Vusta

>> No.3634411

The second one is clearly overrated. Raise your standards.
VuSta is so based!

>> No.3634427

>The second one is clearly overrated
Wow rude. I do my best every day.

>> No.3634432

sorry I meant yuifu

>> No.3634436

You got me with this one, i tought Yuifu was an existing dad.

>> No.3634511

my yuipo is very much real

>> No.3634557

No, that's me.

>> No.3634570

Chicken scratches on chibis aren't real.

>> No.3634572

Where is Vusta when we need her advices?
Also, lewd challenge, when?

>> No.3634594

Can someone please make a lewd challenge already?

>> No.3634595

Vusta is a man.

>> No.3634601


>> No.3634608

Fuck off nobody liked yuifu before me. Shes mine and mine alone.

>> No.3634613

Finish this badass OC collection!

>> No.3634620
File: 64 KB, 358x267, 1538815237696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost my will to finish it after it killed off Pawn Purin and steve

>> No.3634622

No, not Steve!

>> No.3634631

You did your best son

>> No.3634633

I ship Crabs x QT3.14s

>> No.3634647

Who tops?

>> No.3634648

How much?

>> No.3634651

QTs of course, I like an angry bottom crab though I prefer switching too

love is free

>> No.3634659
File: 68 KB, 300x300, dusty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love is free
Where can i find some, even second hand, anon?

>> No.3634662

J x Agressive-chan lewds when.

>> No.3634697

comments on challenges and submissions when?

>> No.3634715

I already use the caption text to insult people.

>> No.3634716

wtf how could you

>> No.3634723

yomo pls

>> No.3634735

Feil the OC post is super cute.

>> No.3634761

Op op

>> No.3634762

Ip op challenge, when?

>> No.3634787


>> No.3634801

what's that

>> No.3634803

autists can't help but take things literally, please be patient

>> No.3634832

or how about you cant help but be delusional

>> No.3634835

I sure do hope no one is actually using this site to showcase to clients.

>> No.3634840

why would anyone do that lol, site looks like its been put together by retards

>> No.3634841

Is the log-in button the last thing on dad that loads? My connection is shit and I'm not able to log in at all

>> No.3634858

Come visit us in Romania! We have fast internet and this one famous artist.

>> No.3634865

Can you not post? I dont want tk have to block you.

>> No.3634871

Is that TekkyJskirt?

>> No.3634877

What did anon mean by this?

>> No.3634933

QTs are the cute gentle giant muscle top while crabs are the angry smol anxious bottom
you can't change my mind

>> No.3634960

Someone make a chad QT vs virgin crab meme

>> No.3634964

>chad qt
>virgin crab

>when qt is stuck in south america and crab controls the weeb countries

>> No.3634966

t. virgin crab

>> No.3634967
File: 478 KB, 486x2025, fingers too big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crabs are the tsundere bottom who actually loves the attention
I ship it

>> No.3634971

what's going on here?

>> No.3634972

>nukes two houses

>> No.3634979

that's pretty chadish t b f

>> No.3634983

More like the Chad 51IQ vs the virgin Houses desu

>> No.3634993

While this is funny, I stopped doing that a while ago. Im just resting in peace right now.

I will tie up a few loose ends before I leave though.

>> No.3635025
File: 82 KB, 426x640, 6656047973a332495592a6be092bbc88--temples-japanese-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry, it has to be done.

I can be happy and not draw.

>> No.3635058

>I can be happy
Tell us more about happiness. Is happiness any good?

>> No.3635126

>ww3 territory shaped like a dick
this pleases me

>> No.3635131

there needs to be more power to those who refuse to join houses

>> No.3635135

I wish there was the option to form and break alliances

>> No.3635139

Me too Peltingfury, me too.

>> No.3635146

one of these statements is true

>> No.3635150

We are talking about an hermaphrodite animal, anon.

>> No.3635168

Houses will always be stronger than individual players for obvious reasons, but they really are too overpowered right now.

Giving individuals 3 submissions while only giving 1 to people inside houses would give a good balance. Or maybe just not being able to hop over allied territory, unless you're stuck.
In both cases houses would still be powerful, but would require better coordination.

>> No.3635189

Now I don't even get a submit button. Please, banana, is my connection too bad for dad? How am I supposed to protect my streak like this?

>> No.3635193

Deactivate the anti-tier1 device. That's it, Greencat.

>> No.3635298


If you are having critical connection issues and are utterly incapable of submitting, please send me an email or discord message with your submission before the deadline.

>> No.3635301

>not running all the way to McDonald's for the free wifi
kids today just don't make an effort

>> No.3635318
File: 73 KB, 597x397, 48451388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that(>>3635189) wasn't me, i dont have any problems with website
but my paranoia is off the charts now

>> No.3635322
File: 253 KB, 886x798, おはようございますます.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning anon!

>> No.3635340

there needs to be more houses popping up across the world. Can't just have the Crabby panties and QT baby eaters dominating everything.

Im also up for a complete board wipe of the map sometime at the end of the year. A fresh game for a new year would be nice, imo.

>> No.3635347

It's fine, I managed to submit using my phone instead.
Apparently my computer just really doesn't like dad because that's the only website I have this issue with

>> No.3635349

you say this on the assumption that everyone in a house is able to or willing to cooperate with eachother. which is pretty rare

submissions have already been nerfed to 2/day- which already forces people who DO work together to be more coordinated

>> No.3635350

B===D ¤

>> No.3635359


>> No.3635360

I wish this wasn't the ww3 gen thread

>> No.3635364

How can you post a constructive criticism of Juta work?

>> No.3635367

Same, we should be talking about tier lists.

>> No.3635369

yeah post more LISTS

>> No.3635372
File: 1.14 MB, 2466x7536, tier_list-summer_2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same list as the last iteration, except everybody gained 1 (one) tier.

>> No.3635374

My suggestion is precisely to make houses a bit less powerful and give individual players a chance. The two biggest houses in the game have people actively playing and laser focusing attacks, with the changes they would still be powerful, just not so overpower.
The changes to 2 submissions a day for everybody only fucks over individual players.

>> No.3635480

>tfw I draw perverted stuff every day but I didn't see this at all.

My mind is too pure for you guys.

>> No.3635482

>putting mfalencar in highest tier
I will never understand summer anons mindset

>> No.3635494

why don't you work with real paint faggot? fuck digital its like art for women

>> No.3635553

lol right, go play with your cute water colors, girl.

>> No.3635579

I broke my streak and haven't been posting cause I started a new job this week but I'm definitely submitting my 2nd upload to the character swap challenge in the next day or so.

>> No.3635580

Im proud of you, most dads give up when they break steak. best wish in your new job i hope you still find time to draw.

>> No.3635585

You're off your meds again

>> No.3635640

I thought all traditional fags were dead by these points

>> No.3635652


>> No.3635688

ill give it a shot on his new pose sheet.
starting from the poses on the top left to right then down like reading.

forewarning i realize these may seem nitpicking these are not in fact a way to discourage you in any way or diminish the amazing pose drawing skills im seeing but rather to just give you some stuff to look at and see if you agree or not.

1. girl bending is a really nice standard poses not much off anatomically or perspective wise but the back is incredibly stiff. no arch one direction or the other which tows the line of being too stiff.(this ones subjective).
2. girl facing away love the perspective and gesture of it. sadly however you need to work on your hands not like they are bad or anything but in your future drawings it leads to you drawing he hands with gesture detailing them after the arm has been connected then bending the arm to fit the hand causing the forearm bones to look bent. sadly fort hat all i can say is either connect the arms after the hands done from the elbow or become the god of hands.(i struggle with this too)
3.guy with foot out. crazy cool perspective but it wasn't done correctly. looks like you did a worms eye view pose into a foreshoretened leg to get the effect but that puts the leg at just an awkward angle so either the guys a gymnast and double jointed or has a dislocated tibia.
4. once again were seeing the bent forearm bone in the hand waving off the piece. i wouldn't say it was an issue were this mid animation or during an action pose and detailed with action lines because it follows the gesture but something to look at if it was meant to be detailed later.
5. guy puffing out his chest. i like it. hands.
6.guy jumping. cool pose cool angle but the perspectives off for an aerial perspective unless his hip is bent in a ton. possibility but if thats the case perspective on his lower right legs off a bit.
(post too long continuing in part 2)

>> No.3635700

(part 2)
7. the right arm has contour lines that angle it behind the back rather than out which is a difficult pose for a person to accomplish. and since the pose was shown elsewhere with extended arms something to fix possibly.
8. cool perspective but his left legs perspective is off. would probably need it coming more toward the viewer with that angle.
9. jumping guy i like it.left hand. left leg pointing in too much.

overall takeaway. love your stuff neat and interesting perspectives a great way to fix these issues is try to imagine an environment around these characters and itll help a ton with angling. and i dont mean a tiny circle on the ground environment like a scene taking place. even if you dont draw it it'll either tell you ok this should be my focus and it'll just help you see perspectives a bit better. another thing it will definitely do is add weight to your poses as most of them are floaty and don't have weight. crazy angles are cool but you gotta ground em as well sometimes. best weight character was the person facing away. worst was guy running away try and see what i see on that and maybe you'll catch what i'm saying.

or maybe not maybe you wont even read this. and maybe ill get flamed for being too nitpicky or other people wont be able to see the angle issues and say they are fine. whatever. you do you bro . peace.

>> No.3635701

6. left leg *

>> No.3635767

Based anon. I'd like to be Juta. Redlines ITT, when?

>> No.3635774

So, Mfalencar made this teir list. I see.

>> No.3635844

I got fucking expelled from my school I'm so mad holy fuck I guess I'm a neet now, I guess I don't have an excuse for not drawing enough anymore

>> No.3635850

Dad's herald here, we would like to write an article about you. How comes you got expelled?

>> No.3635851

Nice, formal education is a meme anyways.

>> No.3635853

You're gonna make it.

>> No.3635858

tell us more about it
Why are you expelled

>> No.3635864

I dropped out of the Fine Arts Academy to work my ass off and saw improvement fast. Get ready anon, it's gonna be worth it. Grab your tablet, grab your pens. This is gonna be your fucking year.

>> No.3635899

it's all fun and games until someone slips on the pee pee

>> No.3635900 [DELETED] 

dubs for sammich

>> No.3635901 [DELETED] 

double dubs for dog shit

>> No.3635915

Fuck. Maaaane!

>> No.3635922

Give it a week and you'll be using most of your time on tv programs and games instead.>>3635850

>> No.3636131

>This is gonna be your fucking year.
you mean the 80 something days we have left?

>> No.3636136


>> No.3636160

Plenty of time. We're all gonna make it!

>> No.3636390
File: 379 KB, 1280x905, Rakimora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty cool lookin
im liking everything to come out of the interiors challenge

>> No.3636391


Oh you're right, let's wait until new years then we'll get serious!!!

>> No.3636392
File: 54 KB, 1024x566, limit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can use the weakness challenge to tackle things that are holding us back, and then in the New Year use those newly earned strengths to make killer portfolios.

>> No.3636414

these tiers literally seem random i can think of no other way i'd be in the same tier as the ones I'm listed among

>> No.3636419


We need a new tier list obviously

>> No.3636571

>look back at old work
>how the FUCK did I make this?
>probably can't replicate present day
why does this happen

>> No.3636574

You know what I take that back I can replicate it. And I will.

>> No.3636585
File: 253 KB, 886x798, おはようございますますます.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning anon!

>> No.3636705


>> No.3636772

OOF. My interiors are awful but thank you anon-kun.

>> No.3636819


>> No.3636874


>> No.3636903

can someone make a house in north america and we all unite? as much as I hate batoru posting I don't want to lose our beautiful and pure land to these shitheads trying to invade

>> No.3636909

Yeah, fuck the crabs

>> No.3636954

Just join the Rebellion, from joeriteback (really missed opportunity for revolution but ok)

>> No.3636964

51ip - maybe its just me, but i think you should search for wild boar photos when designing pig men. They are much better looking than domesticated hairless pigs. Unless you intentionally want to draw unappealing pig men?

>> No.3637013

miloyoyo youre stuff is good... for ants

>> No.3637046
File: 64 KB, 300x300, miloyoyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank mate!

>> No.3637069
File: 315 KB, 250x250, bc42f5ebe4_39198194_o2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after hours party (babies are asleep)

>> No.3637080
File: 136 KB, 363x281, anime-dancing-girl-3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dance party time!

>> No.3637084
File: 3.92 MB, 300x385, 1512655308481.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3637106
File: 6 KB, 112x80, dance5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3637112

Do it, let's build the wall

>> No.3637160

What should it be called?

>> No.3637172

Im active duty

>> No.3637174

Because you fucking suck at studying. How are you this bad?

>> No.3637178

Crime per capeeta.

>> No.3637183

Don't talk to my friend like that!

>> No.3637184


>> No.3637185

You make it, I wanna find out who the stupid sammich poster is once and for all.

>> No.3637219

>tfw there's more than 1 sammeech poster

>> No.3637221


>> No.3637314

What are your dreams, daddos? I'm talking about unachievable shit, not the realistic kind.
I myself have been so focused on trying to get into concept art I completely forgot my passion for painting with actual paints on a canvas. Just doing that for a living sounds fucking dreamy

>> No.3637322

Getting a gf

>> No.3637334
File: 73 KB, 600x1200, nanora02 protect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make a piece that I'm truly happy with, that came out so naturally and isn't stiff or flat at all. I go to bed happy.
When I wake up, I find that some famous artist retweeted/reblogged the thing I'm happy with, and I suddenly have enough of an audience to sell prints and maybe stream myself painting.

Alternatively, I build a successful Youtube channel, and can make a living talking about stuff I like, and recording myself painting stuff I then sell as prints. I get to travel to conventions where I sell more work and meet fellow artists, and my lifestyle is comfortable and creative. I finally think more about the next artwork than the next rent payment.

>> No.3637339


i want to be the second coming of Sargent

>> No.3637340

rescuing bears or a caretaker of dumb pandas in china

>> No.3637342

Supercute and well drawn submission for today Salome. Keep it up.

>> No.3637365

Being a bear that is rescued by a cute /dad/dy while he takes care of me in china.

>> No.3637368

hunting bears and those that try to protect them in china

>> No.3637374

Is it alright to start the weakness challenge early?
I don't want to wait for the starting date, but I also don't want people to think I'm cheating because I've already started drawing shit I'm bad at.

>> No.3637375

>scrape together enough to go to one of the big 3 animation schools for at least a year
>land a gig on an animated series
>the fact that I know Korean allows me to work directly with the animation houses over there
One can hope.

>> No.3637386

My own Netflix Animated original.

>> No.3637400

>I'm talking about unachievable shit, not the realistic kind.

To be happy and not having to work for moni.

>> No.3637402


>> No.3637426

i want to be able to draw anything in any style at a comparable speed to the artist who drew it.

>> No.3637592

So which kemono friend do i draw

>> No.3637630

whichever one you like the most
or do you want someone to suggest one for you?

>> No.3637633

Guys I'm stagnating.
I signed up for live model drawing this sunday on a whim to counter that but it's making me nervous as fuck.

Why can't I just be talented without effort?

>> No.3637636

fug im so out of ideas for inktober

>> No.3637642

>Why can't I just be talented without effort?
>talented without effort
Is there anyone like that in DAD?

>> No.3637695



>> No.3637744

My mom.

>> No.3637775

>make a challenge
>drop out before challenge starts
Jason you fuck.

>> No.3637794

i dont get these challenges other then the fact that you faggots like to get badges that dont mean shit. and i swear if you say "it forces you to draw" it doesnt. it may have a prompt for you if you have nothing els to do, but thats it.

>> No.3637796


it forces you to draw something you normally wouldn't

>> No.3637797

but what if you normally already draw fighters

>> No.3637799


then it's not exactly a challenge then, is it?

>> No.3637804
File: 253 KB, 886x798, おはようございますますますます.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning anon!

>> No.3637827

Time to drop out of my challenge too last minute

>> No.3637832

kemonos are pretty faggy anyway lol

>> No.3637876

how to become ruan jia

>> No.3637877

>it forces
no it doesnt
its just a prompt you do it if you want to not because you need to

>> No.3637891

What are you trying to prove exactly?

That you're "enlightened" or something?

>> No.3637897


technically you're right but you can't say the existence of badges doesn't provide people incentive to draw something they normally wouldn't on their own, i mean yeah, you could buster out on a challenge you've sworn to take on with 0 submissions, there's nothing wrong with that but unlike others i'm not a little bitch who runs away from challenges

>> No.3637899

>badges that dont mean shit.
Exactly. They dont mean anything. Anyone whos doing it solely for the badges is obviously missing the point. bragging badges are just memes to keep it fun and light. Im sure most are doing it because its challenging and they want to commit to drawing something else, to get out of the comfort zone with the motivation of a group collective effort. (which is the main point of las/dad for me)

It also teaches you to draw something you dislike or dont want to do or cant, to a client for example with a due date and to give it your best. I personally love having due dates that actually mean something because it adds more pressure into time management, something you may struggle with if you are drawing without due dates and kinda wondering off aimlessly.

If you cant find or explore the benefits of challenges and it doesnt help you, just skip and do your own thing which is completely fine, tons of other daddies arnt doing challenges either because xyz

>> No.3637907

So wheres the furry bara challenge?

>> No.3637912

make it

>> No.3637927

whenever I don't do a challenge it's because I forgot :(
Badger anon shall take full responsibility.

>> No.3637928

>Badger anon
but dad, he's dead

>> No.3637929
File: 89 KB, 166x256, happy dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unachievable? Sure.

I'm in a moderately sized West Loop apartment with medieval decor, at a height where the view makes me lose my emotional composure. I have a corgi, an axolotl, a bearded dragon and a crow (that I have trained and received authorization to rear). The corgi and crow team up to wake me up, and I do so, just as invigorated as the morning prior, sipping on homemade cold brew coffee. A lust to create stirs.

I'm funded almost entirely by Patreon and merch for a revolutionary fantasy webcomic that I've also made mesmerizing animations for. Fans look to it with the same sense of wonder and melancholy that I felt in younger years, immersed in my favorite media.

There's a call from my legal consultant to discuss the logistics of recent offers to adapt it into a animated adult animation series. Because of its quality and insane popularity, I'm able to retain a lot of the rights other creators need to relinquish.

When I take a break, I use it as a chance to maintain the DAD site, which still houses a charmingly small and tight-knit community, some of whom I've helped financially sponsor in their artistic journey. I reach out to some old connections, and am glad to hear they found lasting satisfaction or a fulfilling art career, downplaying my involvement in their success.

Night falls. My friends are still living in the area, and despite our busy lifestyles, we still have a chance to hang out on Saturday nights. A few of them are captivated by my work, and bug me for spoilers on the next page I'll write.

As I walk home, inebriated, warm and blissful, my eye glances across the display of a bookstore that has closed for the night. The latest print of my comic is displayed prominently in the center. I'm finally standing among the giants, and have created something that will undoubtedly have a lasting legacy and both critical and common appeal, like Cowboy Bebop, Breaking Bad, or Lord of the Rings.

or i wake up one day and somehow i'm a dragon

>> No.3637933

no you retarded buffoon, i literally just implied they were useless. is English not your first language

>> No.3637936

I think he busy with job irl. The challenge dates are on front page of dad website so you shouldnt have excuse. I do miss his comments though and his funny little badger suit avatar.

>> No.3637938

It sounds like you want it so fucking much. Most of it IS achievable though. The way you speak makes me so happy. I really want you to make it.

>> No.3637940

I am a cute dad and I really love bears. Not in China though

>> No.3637941


pffff hahaha this may be the most pathetic thing ive read ever

>> No.3637943


>> No.3637944

>hahaa guys look at this weirdo with his dreams
NPC detected

>> No.3637950
File: 1.75 MB, 497x280, heartbreak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being that asshole

>> No.3637951
File: 303 KB, 600x5733, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, dude! I've been saving up for the surgery, and I think I'll have enough in like, fifteen years.

Seriously though, I'll keep trying. I just need to continue doing so even when it's not easy or convenient.

>> No.3637958
File: 122 KB, 610x518, ptsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop, I'm getting flashbacks

>> No.3637961

No shit I got your implication that they were useless. I asked what you're trying to prove though. But mock my understand of the English language some more.

>> No.3637962
File: 106 KB, 255x244, f4kfRvz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!!!

>> No.3637966

Heh, chuckled. Was expecting pure faggotry, got moderate faggotry.

>> No.3637967
File: 104 KB, 415x750, rock sass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3637977
File: 511 KB, 478x605, badges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3637980

you just answered your own question

>> No.3638063

can I draw a furry bara on the kemono challenge??

>> No.3638088
File: 398 KB, 630x882, uwmb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3638130


>> No.3638133

I believe in you bananers!!!

>> No.3638146

i dont, quite frankly i hope the site crashes and burns

>> No.3638162

It feels strangely comforting to have a spider chill on the side of my monitor

>> No.3638174
File: 2.41 MB, 480x266, typicalcrab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3638188

I love you too, banana

>> No.3638201
File: 28 KB, 604x438, 1452396122172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want to live a comfy life drawing my comic and not having to worry about having a 9-5 job

>> No.3638315

Is USAUSA Firez?

>> No.3638361

You'd have to be a total newfag to deduce to that. I thought he was Andrae but then the more he posted it quickly became clear he wasn't. He's just himself.

I also thought Robomb was sleepy on another account but it's just himself the more he posted.

>> No.3638363

I wanna be the next Kyle. A footfag so singlemindedly focused on making the most kissable feet that I ascend within 3 years.

>> No.3638380

sugoi you added another left foot to her right

>> No.3638393

This desu. I can already draw feet 3x better than I draw hands I'm gonna make it.

>> No.3638419 [DELETED] 

pee for me

>> No.3638421 [DELETED] 

Pee means sammich

>> No.3638457

You all STILL fucking suck.

>> No.3638460

Bit rude honestly.

>> No.3638464

Based mods finally getting rid of pee sammich shitposters.

>> No.3638499 [DELETED] 

dude pee sammich lmaoo

>> No.3638523


But less than you.

>> No.3638532

Did you forget to jerk off toady? Have you eaten something yet? Looking out for yourself is important!

>> No.3638547

A yellow liquid that comes from human.

>> No.3638605

>Based mods
>Shitposts been uninterrupted for at least 2 years in our threads.
Ok lad.

PS. Fuck you /ic/ mods.

>> No.3638609

The mods will return to actually respond to reports one day, next 100th blue moon ;_;

>> No.3638646

I know, but I'm getting better.

>> No.3638708

Cool characters, Peltingfurry. Hope you'll push this design further.

>> No.3638748
File: 15 KB, 772x113, santi ban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They acted when it mattered, never forget

>> No.3638759

I mean memeshlock is probably banned now so I guess they answered my prayers

>> No.3638841

Best meme days when santichasca still posted here.

>> No.3638846

what happened to that guy?

>> No.3638847

banned for life

>> No.3638848

permanent powercut in his local area

>> No.3638851

Was santi the guy who want to mcdonalds to upload?

>> No.3638852

no, that was either jerry or someone else

>> No.3638855

loomis maybe?

>> No.3638858

I'm not banned.... Lol

>> No.3638862


>> No.3638875

90% sure that Jerry said that was him

>> No.3638969

Is that a ballsack on Ryus shoulder, Jason?

>> No.3638971

Did you have a seizure today, Louse?

>> No.3638972

Hey Arma, nice fox tail knight.

Hey Mariafire, nice whale tail girl.

Hey Mrpurin, nice tail tail tail tail.

>> No.3638974

Is that your girlfriend, Awetos? Stop feeding her Big Macs.

Hey Grabstein, nice flowers, dork.

>> No.3638978

Oneironaut those girls fingers looks like it's being sucked into the 9th dimension.

Looks like a corpse, greencat.

God I wish I was that rock, clapped.

>> No.3638984

the1banana nigger what are you doing

J those girls look like they're being squeeze by an unknown force

plapo nice comic

>> No.3638987

tipsypaipai stop making lists

bunnyburger stop being so cute

Subcryo looks nice, could be brighter though.

>> No.3638991

the rest of you suck try tomorrow

>> No.3638994

sorry for not meeting up to your /beg/ standards :(

>> No.3638997

not fair...

>> No.3639010

Stop being mean right now mister

>> No.3639011
File: 253 KB, 886x798, おはようございますますますますます.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning anon!

>> No.3639024

Oh yeah, I see that now.

>> No.3639036
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 0ke8nlx2pa301[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I've finally broken free of my weeb style.

>> No.3639047

yeah i noticed after i submitted

>> No.3639118
File: 880 KB, 1328x641, mrpurin - j - leech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of cuties today. nice job all

>> No.3639120

>tfw anytime I get mentioned it has something to do with lists.

goddammit. I never even made one!

>> No.3639138

so it's true then tipsy...

>> No.3639252

Wait, ww3 admin, did the game skip a bunch of moves today?

>> No.3639264

Yup, mine got >skipped

>> No.3639301
File: 30 KB, 460x350, tumblr_static_4xvdd9mh598gggowcss808ooc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't the Crabs and the QTs just battle it out in Africa?

>> No.3639493

For some reason dad.gallery stops giving out submissions after id 17139, so ww3 has just stopped there. I'll let bananers know, I don't really see why it would randomly stop there.

>> No.3639496


>> No.3639503 [DELETED] 

Actually nevermind I found the problem myself lol..
It seems the submission ID jumped from 17139 to 13171 because someone uploaded and deleted 32 submissions after J's submission. Since I import a limited amount of submissions at a time (fewer than 32), it finds nothing. Fixed it now though.

>> No.3639512

Actually nevermind I found the problem myself lol..
It seems the submission ID jumped from 17139 to 17171 because someone uploaded and deleted 32 submissions after J's submission. Since I import a limited amount of submissions at a time (fewer than 32), it finds nothing. Fixed it now though.

>> No.3639517
File: 673 KB, 2000x1519, 1481475576970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone uploaded and deleted 32 submission

>> No.3639528

>submission ID jumped from 17139 to 13171 because someone uploaded and deleted 32 submissions after J's submission

>> No.3639537
File: 19 KB, 400x598, egg4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3639539

>someone uploaded and deleted 32 submissions
was it usausa again?

>> No.3639541

Only banana knows (if he soft deletes records), if he hard deletes he probably doesn't know either.

>> No.3639542

should probably at least keep some sort of log of actions

>> No.3639547


>> No.3639554

what sort of self respecting sys admin doesn't keep logs?

>> No.3639566 [DELETED] 

pee in record numbers

>> No.3639569 [DELETED] 

record numbers of sammiches

>> No.3639585
File: 855 KB, 726x860, 1509343609444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aggretsuko, which country are you from?!?

>> No.3639594

>>someone uploaded and deleted 32 submission
someone's trying to sabotage!

>> No.3639637

I love it salome good job <3

>> No.3639663

>self respect

Banana has no such thing

>> No.3639665


yeah, i really don't
but a logging system is pretty high on my priority list

>> No.3639680
File: 2.72 MB, 640x360, what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3639844

dont tell them, someone wants to assassinate you, and its not just me!

>> No.3639869

I'm from Brazil but I'm currently living in Zimbabwe because the currency exchange rate allows me to live like royalty.

>> No.3639879

Pretty sure he's British.

>> No.3640010

I love the way you drew my character, the staff is v cool~

>> No.3640129

it's not hard banana
you're just retarded

>> No.3640140

Tell me why you want to know and I'll answer, anon-kun! None of the other anons were me btw.

>> No.3640169

who are the horniest dads?
hardmode: no furries

>> No.3640187

you already know my mom is the answer

>> No.3640199

no one dead or site slow?

>> No.3640216
File: 251 KB, 295x200, judgement elmo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like the sites broken
this is the end folks
banana has 23 hours to fix the website
prepare your souls

im guessing its that guy who also broke batoru yesterday as well

>> No.3640220

how's it broken?

>> No.3640222

why would someone want to sabotage DAD ;_;

>> No.3640226

Oh, it's you then...

>> No.3640229
File: 17 KB, 341x176, broken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the badges / eliminations didnt get updated
im guessing the update loop got stuck somewhere from that 30 submission deletion yesterday maybe
the timer doesnt tick down on front page after logging in for me

>> No.3640259

Site is kill

>> No.3640279

hope the site gets fixed soon!

>> No.3640286
File: 2.46 MB, 480x257, ani_starship_troopers_rico_kill_em_all.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm from Buenos Aires.

>> No.3640297

I hope it stays broken and banana just says "I'm done."

>> No.3640300

Cus I saw you speak spanish and I do too

>> No.3640315

why would you want that

>> No.3640328
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, Gaikotsu Shoten&#039;in Honda-san - 01 - Large 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet stuff meru

>> No.3640331
File: 253 KB, 886x798, おはようございますますますますますます.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning anon!

>> No.3640334

Yeah I submitted 2 posts in the character swap but didn't get the art trader badge

>> No.3640336
File: 753 KB, 700x800, 1487015886194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for drawing my character nemori, it looks great!

>> No.3640367

i did't really like her, actually i dont like her.

>> No.3640370

Impostor daddy

>> No.3640378

Don't listen to this fake faggot

>> No.3640415
File: 72 KB, 168x225, sad banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, and I thought I was going to get some sleep now.

Continue using the site as usual. I'm going to try to fix this ASAP in the meantime. I'm sorry.

>> No.3640493
File: 215 KB, 794x860, runescape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what caused the script to not run last night, but at any rate, I've run it just now and have manually adjusted what would've been broken as a result of people posting on the following day before it got a chance to run.

Still, be on the lookout for anything strange, like unawarded badges, or your score not being increased, or the site telling you your streak's safe/not safe when it shouldn't/should be. Discord is the best way for this to happen.

Sorry about everything.

>> No.3640527
File: 1.90 MB, 448x336, tumblr_nk5vtyKmjo1tkb2p0o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>site is working again

>> No.3640553
File: 1.54 MB, 300x334, banayum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks banana

>> No.3640554

Shriney???? :◇

>> No.3640565

thank u

>> No.3640575

you may sleep now banans

>> No.3640579


>> No.3640580

all you sandwich fuckers come at me guns blazing

>> No.3640586

sammeesh chamlenge

>> No.3640624


>> No.3640644
File: 110 KB, 480x640, 1525919076612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mew thread >>3640642

>> No.3640646