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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 250 KB, 548x737, chomp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3633855 No.3633855 [Reply] [Original]

I'm just a casual lurker. why does everybody shit on this dude? I've seen worse people on here.

>> No.3633856


>> No.3633861

Stop posting your shitty art asshole.

>> No.3633865 [DELETED] 

Pedo fucker

>> No.3633915

>can only draw in muh 1 pixel style
>doesn't take criticism
>hasn't improved in 2 years
>samefags and makes threads about himself

>> No.3633919

You keep doing this. Why advertise your work on 4chan of all places?

>> No.3633945
File: 40 KB, 838x906, bowsette4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90% of what I draw is thick mature anime girls
>rarely even make lewds of lolis anymore and mostly just find them cute
>known as pedo T_T

>> No.3633966

Artist name?

>> No.3634015

>I've seen worse
>implying he's bad
anon I want to see your work

>> No.3634021

Nigga, op IS the artist.

>> No.3634027

Dildo Vin Asbottom.

>> No.3634033

I looked up Dildo Vin Asbottom and did not find the artist, is this some sorta prank?

>> No.3634046

He isn't very well known.

>> No.3634047

Probably envy, his art has soul while being cute and simple

>> No.3634049

>mature anime girls
they seriously look like lolis dude, work on your faces

>> No.3634069

It's Nurzhan BekkaliYev

>> No.3634088

>Nurzhan BekkaliYev

>> No.3634092

You have been visited by the Yev of Stagnation. Boring art and lack of progress will come to you, unless you reply to this post and say "Begone, Yev!"

>> No.3634097
File: 1.05 MB, 1606x744, pedofilia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rarely even make lewds of lolis anymore
Okay pedo.

>> No.3634115

pushing away good artists because they like lolis is beyond retarded. same kind of fags pushed away simon. ic deserves to languish in its own piss filled hole.

>> No.3634116

that's what tipped things over. def a pedoshit

>> No.3634120

>they seriously look like lolis dude
As someone who's been practicing the loli form for about three years you are highly mistaken.

>> No.3634131

the kid who spams Yev threads across the board is literally schizophrenic stalker

>> No.3634204

Time to draw in Yev's style but in lolis just to piss this guy off.

>> No.3634255

While yev is allowed to draw that stuff all they want because it's just illustrations and no one is being exploited, it's unappealing as fuck to a vast majority of sane adults. I would've thought less about it when I was younger, but when you hit 30 you realize that shits just bizarre and it loses its appeal entirely. Unless you're a complete fucking pedo autist. Then you'll never get to that point.

>> No.3634291

The guy is obviously trolling, nevertheless, he and anyone like him should be banned

>> No.3634482

Begon Yev!

>> No.3634567

>I'm just a casual lurker
sure you are

KYS, faggot

>> No.3634575

post more

>> No.3634579

artist name? yev what? do you have blog?

>> No.3634582


Do you realize you are on the site that originally had a loli board? Do you realize the japanese culture that this site is based upon, while not openly accepting of lolli, doesn't particularly care and many profilic industry artists are known lolicons and have actually produced loli doujins?

Do you realize your asstarded judgemental attitude of drawn art is not only backwards and hateful, but also a grand display of why industrial western art became so stagnant and cynical? Where people are shamed and jailed for what they draw?

I don't even like loli that much. I prefer big tits and a mommy persona. But goddamn why do you care so much what someone draws? How lacking in self awareness do you have to be to think you can be so judgemental of petty shit like this and call yourself a "sane adults" in the same breath?

I don't know, and I dont care.

>> No.3634623

Is this really the hill you gonna die on, retarded fuck? Kek this idiot wrote a passionate screed just because people don't like lolis. So pathetic.

>> No.3634624

Not the anon you're replying to but finding children sexy is weird, dude

>> No.3634635

You're right, normalfag pigs invading /ic/ are too well conditioned to understand though. Western art world is political, paranoid and a shell of its former self, and this is why we are going to get absolutely dominated by Asians in the foreseeable future. People throwing fits and bullying artists over loli is just one of the signs.

>> No.3634638

Please don't use the "hill you're going to die on" meme, it's basically saying "I don't have an argument but I don't like what you're doing and want you to stop."

>> No.3634670


Why do you have this saved, are you a pedo too?

>> No.3634711

None of those statements you made change my opinion at all. It's still unappealing.

>> No.3634718

>go to 4chan
>hate anime
>hate loli
>hate edgy shit

Why the fuck are you retards here in the first place? Fuck off
Draw more loli op fuck the gays

>> No.3634721

>Do you realize your asstarded judgemental attitude of drawn art is not only backwards and hateful, but also a grand display of why industrial western art became so stagnant and cynical? Where people are shamed and jailed for what they draw?

You're right anon.

>> No.3634740

I don't get it how do you stupid niggers call another pedo for drawing lolis is a fucking a cartoon you stupid fucks leave your cave

>> No.3634759

Fucking who

>> No.3634842


>> No.3634843

Kill yourselves.

>> No.3634910

>His art has soul
>cute and simple
pick one.

>> No.3634912

I don't give a damn about this guy except that I hate his retarded line quality. It makes me actively angry to look at that shit. If it weren't for that, I'd have zero opinion. But whatever, if he wants his drawings to look like he colored in an unfinished sketch, he can do what he likes.

The Western world is indeed a shell of its former self, but not because it looks down on drawing sexy cartoons of little girls. This is so far removed from reality that it's disturbing. Leave your house, you raging autists.

>> No.3634987

Oh geez anon, is this REALLY the hill you want to die on????

See how it feels?

>> No.3634990

Kek, I wasn't even that anon that say that quote. Also kys, you care far too much about others opinions.

>> No.3634991

This is sad. Shows how developmentally deficient pedo fucks like you are.

>> No.3635028

You're strawmanning. Drawing sexualized kids is perverted, no one said otherwise. It's also not simply people looking down on these artists, but actively trying to silence them (for example using emotionally loaded terms like "pedo fuck" to turn users of sexualized neoteny (even if they're just hetero people who simply fap too much and need taboo stuff for kicks) int monsters and public enemy no. 1. That is what those you quoted are trying to say. You people are dangerous and a product of 4chan mods' failure

>> No.3635045

t. pedo fuck

>> No.3635076

you sound like a heroin addict trying to convince other people that it's perfectly OK

>> No.3635079

its more than just perverted or taboo, the fact you can't understand this and try to downplay it makes you a public enemy

>> No.3635087

This is the new 4chan get on with it or get lost grandpa

>> No.3635090

I've been here since 2004 and even I don't wanna see pics of 8 year old anime girls dressed like sluts. Sue me. Show me adult age ones and I'm in.

>> No.3635092

t. kid who discovered 4chan in 2016

>> No.3635093

yeah 4chan always has huge number of lolifag but never the lolifag that define 4chan

>> No.3635098

Another emotionally loaded term. npc lol. Just like drug use, fapping to weird shit is ok as long as you don't take it too far and let it affect others. Like stealing for drugs or diddling kids. Goes for any guilty pleasure.

Stop typing like a braindead and define what it actually is. You're also npc

>> No.3635099

Fuck I hadn't browsed ic in years and now normalshits are also the majority here? Hang yourselves for fuck sake.

>> No.3635100

loli became a normie thing long ago mate

>> No.3635103

ummm sorry but little girls are sexy. catch up.

>> No.3635110

That you're over 30 doesn't mean anything. You're just a tool trying to validate your choices and existence right now. Grow some self-awareness, realize it even if it means hurting your ego.

>> No.3635111
File: 2.15 MB, 320x240, 1506656352990.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You people are dangerous
>Says the soon to be child rapist

>> No.3635114

I'm gonna contact the FBI and Interpol to track this pedo.
This one too
And this one.

>> No.3635116

I wish.

>> No.3635120

>normie meltdown
Suck my cock dude

>> No.3635123

You're going down fag. I have the cyberpolice's number right here.

>> No.3635130

>I've seen worse people on here.
>draws princess crown shit
I'm not sure how you can go lower than that.

>> No.3635134

No fun allowed am I right?

>> No.3635137
File: 165 KB, 510x634, 1519643682097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3635141

NPC-tier argument

>> No.3635144

Nice try, but we all know you're an NPC.

>> No.3635147


>> No.3635155


>> No.3635157


>> No.3635162


>> No.3635169


>> No.3635177
File: 88 KB, 419x480, 1501045182274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The absolute state of this thread
Pedos btfo'd

>> No.3635179

4chan is a non-pedo zone. You've been warned.

>> No.3635181
File: 333 KB, 823x720, 1478536358791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is everyone pretending to be retarded or have we officially been infiltrated by the tumblrite roasties?

>> No.3635183


>> No.3635184

no youll wait till the tards go back to where they back to then we will have a good talk about art

>> No.3635185


>> No.3635187

>not a degenerate
>not the vast majority of humanity
i wish people like you would still be executed

>> No.3635202
File: 112 KB, 984x894, 1453336957866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under the communist manifesto, people are treated as a resource or property and unless you relinquish your freedom and individuality completely to the state they would have executed you long ago. These are very dangerous times where quasi-communists such as yourself can attempt to usurp the social landscape under the guise of "tolerance" and "love" and "social-justice" and censor freedom of speech and expression.

If the only remedy from ideological subversion means to execute people I am all for it, contribute to the collective and kill yourself.

>> No.3635203

you sound salty

>> No.3635204

You are legitimately borked in the head if you draw lewds of anime characters with single digit age numbers.

>> No.3635208

Double digits okay?

>> No.3635211
File: 52 KB, 610x288, 1421435932122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the mind of a pedo at work.

>> No.3635217

Not an argument.

>> No.3635219


>> No.3635221

Your schizo ramblings aren't arguments either.

>> No.3635234

>Accuses a drawing of a Woman being pedo material and anyone affiliated with the genre as pedos
>Backlashes at anyone who calls out your bullshit by calling them all pedos
>Goes on a relentless pedo boogeyman shitstorm every time OP is posted
>Continues crying wolf for almost two years on OP
Either you're a closet pedo who is extremely insecure and frustrated about their sexuality or you suffer from some form of mental illness where this site and the type of platform OP is on acts as a catalyst for your delusions. It's always the closetfags who scream and yell the loudest, we're going to keep drawing what we want and if you truly believe what we draw is pedo related I sincerely advice you to seek help and seriously reevaluate yourself because you have one fucked up perception warped by god knows what.

>> No.3635236

>fuck one goat and you’re known as the goatfucker.
>I dont fuck goats anymore, stop calling me that

>> No.3635242

Everyone hide their kids, this pedo's going mental.

>> No.3635245

Take your meds.

>> No.3635250

Is this post normal? >>3635234 Does it sound like something from anyone right in the head?
It's not, you're a crazy pedo, and probably a dogfucker.

>> No.3635253

Just don't hurt yourself or anyone else around you, I can't believe I am saying this but look up your nearest safe space in your community and have them administer your happy pills.

>> No.3635254

Hide your kids, everyone. The pedo's going crazy.

>> No.3635255


>> No.3635256

Oh and try not to watch cartoons it might trigger your delusional ramblings about phantom pedos.

>> No.3635261
File: 55 KB, 258x360, 1485866586867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phantom pedos
yev's boring but you're a funny pedo

>> No.3635267

Watch out, you've just posted that racist sexist alt-right nazi frog! Anonymous will come after you and your bigotry hurry and delete it before someone reports you to the ADL!

>> No.3635288

Anyway I gotta go to work. I look forward to continuing this discussion later.

>> No.3635293
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 1529816831165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't come back, what it all boils down to is that you're all jelly faggots. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

>> No.3635320

Wow this thread turn ful shitposting

>> No.3635321

What the fuck I come back and this thread has 100 posts. When I say [-] you don't respond.

>> No.3635337

I like that you didn't actually address what I said. People have "tried to silence" things they don't like throughout history, and there is STILL less censorship in the Western world than anywhere else on the planet, and censoring arguable pedophila is STILL not causing the downfall of civilization as we know it. You're completely autismo and literally insane if you believe that.

Personally, I am against drawings of any kind being illegal (and loli IS illegal in my country, which I disagree with), but public shaming? Perfectly fine. Without shame, we have no standards. Without standards, the civilization you think you're defending doesn't exit.

>> No.3635344

This guy might aswell just shitpost on /I/
It's obvious he doesn't post his stuff to improve. There was that one time he drew his characters hair almost comically big and people essentially went "it's fine but shrink the hair a bit" and he responded with "LOLOLOLOL YOU SO BUTTHURT" *draws anime girl taking a picture for his cringe compilation* as if he was getting crabbed on (which he wasn't, and this is coming from somebody who regularly shits on crabs)
Like why post on here if you don't want to hear how to fix your art?
I don't get it, if you want compliments, go to /I/

>> No.3635345

You all need to be drawing right now.

[ - ]

>> No.3635353

>public shaming and witch hunting is totally different from censorship
are you retarded? crying about drawings while western countries have to deal with literal child sex rings hitting record highs is some of the dumbest most useless virtue signaling you can do

>> No.3635397
File: 73 KB, 1311x929, elfs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just a casual lurker. why does everybody shit on this dude? I've seen worse people on here.

>> No.3635399
File: 45 KB, 812x1170, bowsette3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just a casual lurker. why does everybody shit on this dude? I've seen worse people on here

>> No.3635438

Better than 100% of /ic/

His drawings have attitude too

>> No.3635443

Mate at 30 you seriously need to seriously get a life and stop drawing anime or even drawing altogether lmao

How un-self aware can you get????

>> No.3635444

I'm just a casual lurker. why does everybody shit on this dude? I've seen worse people on here

>> No.3635449

you're a fucking cunt jesus. what's wrong with doing those things at 30? how is it any different than being 20?

>> No.3635454

because he didn't draw and shit posting all day

>> No.3635460

If you can't work it out yourself that just proves how little self awareness you have. Let me guess, dressing in videogame t shirts and playing with Spiderman toys is also acceptable for a 30 year old male

Unless you're a pro mangaka or artist just lmao at your decisions in life.

I don't want to hear your autism cope or 'everything is subjective dude' nonsense either.

>> No.3635468

what delusional fantasy do you live in where 30 year old men can't pursue hobbies? being 30 is so fucking young, there's plenty of opportunities in life that aren't split or hit right after highschool. grow up dude.

>> No.3635472
File: 20 KB, 500x499, 1524607290174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3635477
File: 176 KB, 1224x471, 1537559733702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3635511
File: 26 KB, 583x583, 1538639466632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His drawings have attitude too
>Literally just generic moeblob anime

>> No.3635514

Not him, but it's better than anything you will ever make fuccboi. Post your work.

>> No.3635516

I'm not saying it's bad, but I don't get how moeblob has "additude"
That's like saying a cutesy cartoon is "edgy"
Also you sound unironically mad

>> No.3635518

>public shaming and witch hunting is totally different from censorship
More like social norms and legality are different, you absolute tard.

>while western countries have to deal with literal child sex rings hitting record highs
You really believe this? Do us all a favor and go Google Johnny Gosch.

>> No.3635520

Pedos are losing their shit because lolicon isn't as accepted as it used to be.

>> No.3635527

post your work faggot.

>> No.3635547

I just found it funny that the guy acts like cutesy anime is edgy, calm down

>> No.3635549

>that ass
>balloon tit
It doesn't look like a loli, unless you think anime face means loli

>> No.3635552
File: 341 KB, 213x199, 1501032062395.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen a LOT of people think this actually. Like, big ass titties in plain sight, but they look at the face and just because it isn't a ~30 year old looking woman's face, "this looks like a child". No joke.

>> No.3635554

You've been shitposting here all day cunt, post your work.

>> No.3635557

Show me "my" shitposts from all day then, I'll screencap it to show that I only made that one post

>> No.3635558
File: 1.57 MB, 1414x2000, 1363248926-dragon-s-crwon-sorceress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet this gets your little nuts quaking you sick child admiring fucks

>> No.3635561

Dat skeleton over there is hot, fuck you.

>> No.3635563

Which nobody faggot was that? A mod on neofag or some reviewer?

>> No.3635673

That woman who wanted Girls Und Panzer banned because she thought it was cp comes to mind

>> No.3635693

anti-lolifags confirmed for reddit immigrants.

>> No.3635707

As if it wasn't obvious already

>> No.3635737

>pushing away good artists
>good artists
>the game who drew >>3633945

>> No.3635744

>4chan is a pedo loving site :)

you're fucking retarded

>> No.3636038

4chan has never been a loli loving site you retarded degen. Seeing shit like that posted was always a shock to most posters, not a welcome sight.

>> No.3636255

>loli is prohibited from literally anywhere except /b/
>"ur from redit if u dont like (thing)"
fucking retard, go back to instagram and look at your "edgy memes" or whatever you braindead shitwit

>> No.3636268

Loli porn, not lolis.

>> No.3636327

Unironically this. 95% of people furious about pedos are either women who've passed through the wall or 2016 election newcomers who should still be lurking until 2020.

>> No.3636330

Epic semantics over there.

>> No.3636383

Anyone on IC who becomes capable of art anyone actually appreciates will become hated by the many bucket crabs who will find an excuse to hate them

>> No.3636498
File: 616 KB, 1250x540, Lolicons Unite!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit BTFO

>> No.3636505

wtf I love plebbit now

>> No.3636516

I thought people here like Kyle?

>> No.3636802

Back from work. Great thread so far.

>> No.3636831

Tell that to 4chan's rules, not me.

>> No.3636944

>followed this guy on tumbler because I thought his art was cute
>he didnt follow me back even though my art is much better then his

Uuuh, ok? I guess ill be following him then. What a fagget.

>> No.3636949

Ban these fucking threads already. Holy fuck.

>> No.3636968

Stop talking shit about legitimate dicks (firez also comes to mind) and maybe defenders will stop posting

>> No.3636990

you just sound like an egotistical cunt

>> No.3637018
File: 93 KB, 774x1032, DONTMAKEFUNOFTHEHANDSIREDREWTHEMPLEASEPLEEEEAAAAAASE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, if it helps: I'm fresh to this board and drawing in general and I try to aspire to your one pixel art style. I love it and your curves/strokes (I'm a novice at best and don't know terms yet). Like, I clicked on the picture ITT because I wanted to save it for reference. My point is I didn't recognize you.
Not saying you're perfect, but I've seen a couple of threads about you and I think you've improved... I'm not sure whether you are good or not, but I really like your style, like I REALLY love it. I want it so bad.
Here's some OC to show I'm not him.
BTW can someone post his name? I don't feel like scowering the threads.

>> No.3637021

>casual lurker

neck yourself

>> No.3637356

Unironically better than 99% of this board. Don't let the crabs get to you.

>> No.3637387

the /beg/ thread looks better than all of yev's shit, go back to his discord hugbox so you can suck his cock when he refuses to participate in his own /i/ request thread you fucking faggot

>> No.3637399

>same file names on every post like this

>> No.3637572

you are aspergers incarnate.

>> No.3639187

I'll tell you why I don't like yev anymore. He doesn't listen and his hands and feet are god damn atrocious. Look at every single drawing his done showing feet or hands, its a bloated up sausage tacked on with smaller stubs that he calls toes or fingers. Lots of people have pointed it out but he still doesn't bother to work it out. Plainly as the guy just doesn't take criticism all for the sake of "muh style"
Its also pretty funny seeing him just run off and box himself in his own little personal discord.
wonder why aye??

>> No.3639376

Because his art is bad and he tries to claim that it's good.

>> No.3640061

This is 4chan we shit on everything.

>> No.3640310
File: 20 KB, 525x350, pexels-photo-167571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just taking a pic of the worst thread of the year.

>> No.3642173

01001000 01101001 01110100 01101100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100100 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110111 01110010 01101111 01101110 01100111

>> No.3644114

Wow, this thread was a real bitch to read through.

>> No.3644120

So what exactly compelled you to bump it?

>> No.3644143

I wanted others to know that this was hell to read through. Kinda like what >>3640310 did.

>> No.3644155


>> No.3644172


>> No.3644180

Pedofags btfo so hard itt

>> No.3645356


>> No.3645712 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 513x600, 1519165073486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate him because I'll never be this good.

>> No.3646362

Loli is great. I don't why you guys get so upset by it.

>> No.3647263

obviously isnt a normie thing if you see so many people be outraged by it

>> No.3647269

Shit tier relationships. Grown women are already too retarded for relationships, lolis are basically animated fleshlights.

Why advocate for a community of trash? Your entire existence is based around shit relationships.

>> No.3647275

>in a smut discussion
Explains the brain of the newfag hysteric quite well

>> No.3647285

people on 4chin are outraged by most thing

>> No.3647289

Post some examples

>> No.3647341

I'm better than this asshole

>> No.3647349


>> No.3647352

Post your work.

>> No.3647354

>Its not even that, just sex with kids.
>This community is bewildered as to why actual adults dont respect them.
Case closed.

>> No.3647362

ur mum

>> No.3647365

anything reddit like >>3636498

>> No.3647370
File: 120 KB, 753x1062, 10-3-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3647371

Come again?

>> No.3647373

Reddit's pretty much everything to you in other words?

>> No.3647377


>> No.3647378
File: 48 KB, 900x300, Skub.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just an example and I didn't
the point is that 4chin is full of people who get enraged easily and will debate anything with a well place bait thread

>> No.3647382

>objects interact with eachother
>all have shading
Unironically better

>> No.3647384

>someone actually post work
rare but gold

>> No.3647387

This would be pretty passable if not for the muddy colors and derpy face. Keep at it anon, you're almost there!

>> No.3647389

Theres a host of other issues, his reliance on reference as opposed to anatomical knowledge makes the tail look like shit.

>> No.3647394

>Theres a host of other issues
Yes, but none that are more obvious or higher priority. Let's not put the cart before the horse, please.

>> No.3647469

your not, but you could be one day if you keep working at it.
Goodluck anon

>> No.3647821
