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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 197 KB, 1100x800, question thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3624201 No.3624201 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3624205
File: 276 KB, 453x520, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are all the clip studio brushes I download like this? I feel like all the brushes are bad. I just want one that can give a painterly feel but they all look like pic related, blatantly just one texture dragged across the page.

>> No.3624508

don't know the actual answer to this but Krita has a pretty good brush system. I couldn't find jack shit for Clip Studio regarding painting with opacity and making it look good, so I booted up Krita for the first time in like 2 years. One of the default watercolor brushes in Krita looked better than the 13 brushes I downloaded on Clip. Clip seems to be good for making comics and some shorter animations but not much else.

>> No.3624683

Redpill me on Krita

>> No.3624708

I'm thinking about tattooing something on my arm with a paper clip.
I'm not asking for designs or anything, but just ideas.

>> No.3624714

I don't know much about it but it's free and the painting is better than CSP. As I said, I haven't used it for well over a year up until yesterday. Even when I did use it, I only did for like 2 weeks tops before I bought CSP

>> No.3624732

I used Krita to do a few digital paintings a little over a year ago also, and it's honestly the best painting program I've ever used.
Just download David Revoy's brush kit and mess around. I used it for painting, but you can use it for regular "pencil" drawing too.

And to top it all off, it's also completely free, so it gets a full recommendation from me.

>> No.3624742

>paper clip
I meant to write safety pin.

>> No.3624747

I just read fun with a pencil, what should I study now?

>> No.3625010

can someone explain the steps in this?
I'm lost towards the end.

>> No.3625055
File: 40 KB, 600x450, ipad-pro-10.5-inch-lowres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there another alternative to the ipad and apple pencil that isn't complete shit?

I really want something comfy to draw with in bed or on the couch, but everything i've seen is pretty shit. those samsung tabs look okay, but truthfully there is no art app available on android that is as good as Procreate or CSP

is the ipad and apple pencil truly the only choice? it's $500 at the bare mininum so i'm very hesitant on just buying one

>> No.3625072

Just get one. It's SO worth it

>> No.3625079

I would if i wasn't poor and it didn't cost an arm and a leg. is there anywhere to buy one for less than $500 ($350 for the cheapest model + $100 for the pen + tax + shipping + the obligatory case and screen protector)?

>> No.3625087

Be very diligent on eBay. I got a like new, never taken out of case iPad Pro 10.5 with box, all accessories, a smart cover, and pencil for an insane price.

>> No.3625121

how much?
do you search for anything specific?
i've tried searching for ipad pro + apple pen many times but i've never seen anything less than regular msrp

>> No.3625123

I got a new cintiq 22hd with everything for $275 how lucky am i

>> No.3625127
File: 62 KB, 720x705, IMG-20181001-WA0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been getting paid for a few commissions lately and realized just how much Paypal cucks me out of my money for each transaction, especially international ones. I heard the "transfer as friend or family" option is fee-free but it sounds to good to also be risk-free, in what ways could Paypal fuck me if I start asking my clients to pay through there instead of conventional invoice? Or is that the best, miraculous option? If not, what other options are there? I just want to get all of my hard earned money.


>> No.3625176

Strange question maybe, but what are the different types of color palettes, like patel, neon...and how do you chose them (without color picking from color palette sites. Like how do you know where pastels start and end on the color wheel, etc)

>> No.3625534
File: 37 KB, 604x516, 839A4914-A9DA-4D7F-B32B-8A14F0E3742D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does “lay in” mean?
As in “lay in stage” of a drawing

>> No.3625538

How long does it last while drawing? 3-5 hours?

>> No.3625548

I’ve only heard the term block in, and have heard it referring to a couple things. Generally though, it’s used to denote the stage of a painting where you begin laying down colors to begin creating the form. This is followed by rendering.

>> No.3625572
File: 125 KB, 1448x2048, 1510501782243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I understand it, the "lay in" is the first stage of a drawing (usually used in the context of a drawing from reference/model) where the artist is using simple and minimal lines to get the general form and proportions of the model down on paper before proceeding to the block in (second pic in pic related). Pic related first image would be called the lay in.

>> No.3625576

Thanks! This makes sense in the context of what I was reading

>> No.3625838


Is there any way to "erase" oil paint while wet?

I want to work with oils as I work with charcoal. I have to erase stuff like 20 times before it's right. So is there some kind of eraser for oil paint?

>> No.3625840

Used Surface pro 2 or 3? Works fine for me if you're ok with the screen size.

>> No.3626340
File: 8 KB, 238x192, c4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the FUCK do I draw faster?

>> No.3626350

First you draw right. Faster comes with the realization you don't need all those measurements all the time AFTER you're used to what you want.

>> No.3626356

Drawing Lessons from the Great Masters
Vilppu Drawing Manual

>> No.3626360

You are putting the cart in front of the horse. Don't worry about it at all, in fact, I would say draw slower actually, it's more pleasant and the result is much better too usually.

>> No.3626363

It's okay for me to draw slowly, I just overthinking and wasting time trying to make my art perfect when I obviously can't.

>> No.3626478

>I used Krita to do a few digital paintings a little over a year ago also,
If you love it so much why havent you used it in a year

>> No.3626482

I stopped doing art. Just picked it back up recently and have been focusing life drawing with pencil and paper.

>> No.3626484

Did you lose any progress?

>> No.3626502

A chamois. But once you've laid something, it's pretty much there forever; wiping it off and putting something over it will still show. There are some things you have to get right the first time, others don't matter so much.

>> No.3626639
File: 31 KB, 906x1024, FB_IMG_1537664606989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, quite a bit actually. I pretty much suck now... It's taking a bit of work to get back to where I was, but I think the extra effort will pay off - since I'm still building off of my old skills.

Pic related is one of my digital paintings from before I stopped.

>> No.3626650
File: 961 KB, 1213x721, fefefa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a website with 1 year study guide, site that include books, resources and other stuff. I lost link to that and can't find it. Anyone?

>> No.3626869

okay, thanks I'll get one of those. was thinking something more precise though... I can't understand how I am supposed to make a painting without an "eraser".... That is literally how I work, I draw and erase lines and whole areas over and over until it looks good. I could train a lot and get good at being more accurate on the first stroke, but it would always be 100x better if I could do it over and over again.

>> No.3626872

How do I get a art gf?

>> No.3626925
File: 26 KB, 625x415, what-the-cast-of-nickelodeons-salute-your-shorts--2-7221-1412619394-6_dblbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not how it works. The only way that works out is with extremely Renaissance level oil work where you blend out all the brush strokes. Even then, there's issues. Get it right or pay the price.

But seriously, do some watercolor and learn to deal with the brush strokes being what they are and the wash being blurry bullshit and/or mud. It's the equivalent of a violinist playing guitar on the side.

>> No.3627446


>> No.3628500

Then choose a different medium, retard.

>> No.3628515
File: 45 KB, 450x299, ctp353-pencil-grip-original-1-w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these ever useful?

>> No.3628532

You make a painting "work", by planning it out ahead of time, and adjusting as you go. It's just experience. You will always make bad paint strokes, or make bigger compositional mistakes or color mistakes, and you either paint over it, scrape it off with a palette knife, wipe it off with a rag and some turps, or start over.

I would stop worrying about erasing. The autists here have decided for some bizarre fucking reason that "real" artists don't use erasers, which is hilarious. You're never going to get to a place where every pencil stroke or paint stroke is perfect, even the greats made mistakes from time to time, you just can't see them, because they destroyed the failures, and fixed the ones they kept.

The more experienced and confident, the more accuracy you'll get, and the more planning and experience you build up will make you commit less errors. Painting is a different headspace from drawing, anyway, and "accuracy" is a moving target, especially artist to artist. This isn't drafting, where if something is off slightly, which leads to something not working correctly, we have "artistic licence" which means if your tree doesn't look 100% like the real tree you're working from...nobody cares, especially if you're making choices that lead to a better looking image.

Embrace your eraser, and embrace mistakes, and relax. You're setting yourself up for eternal failure by believing in this wierd as fuck idea that every pencil stroke has to be perfect every time. And, by making mistakes at the drawing stage and erasing to adjust before putting paint down is absolutely the way to approach painting.

>> No.3628545

Good sirs pls help

>> No.3628705

Just noticed all I draw is video game girls getting fucked, how do I stop being pleb?

>> No.3628721

It's an insanely complicated answer and not worth typing out. It's better to learn basic pallette designs like monochrome, analogous, split complementary, off complementary, triadic &c and work within those for a while. Using real paint, preferably. You find out what works and what doesn't really quickly.

Any color scheme is taking a basic pallette design and limiting the value or chroma. Most of the time, it doesn't work.

>> No.3628800

Guess I'll just lookup color palettes and color pick to see in what value/chroma range they're in until I know it for each palette I like.
I don't think I'm going to use real paint right now. I really want to, but it's more convenient to leanr and make mistakes in digital. Plus that's my main goal for vairous reasons. But yes, when I'm comfy with basics, I'll probably try traditional mediums.

>> No.3629265
File: 1.16 MB, 1709x3024, IMG_20181001_140825296~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many of the pallette choices are based on the way paint mixes, that's why I suggested it. It yields unsaturated colors that you wouldn't think of using when you start out and highlights and shadows change appropriately. You can do it digitally by mixing your own pallette on the canvas and picking from it, you'll get fewer "off" colors than picking manually and more harmonious darks by letting your cool paints do most of the work. You just miss out on weird mixing curves and the convenience of saturation loss.

That and value and saturation are relative to the hue. A pastel blue is the same value as a yellow that would appear dull green and that same yellow desaturates into a peachy flesh tone at lighter values. Neon is more of a rendering trick using contrasting hues and values to create a "glow" than it is a color scheme.

>> No.3629412
File: 48 KB, 493x490, 1537815457597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard here, how am I supposed to wash the ink out of my nibs?

>> No.3629415


>> No.3629801
File: 102 KB, 350x507, cover (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon

>> No.3630064

Anyone got a tutorial on drawing different ethnies/facial features, skin differences?

>> No.3630090

Pain in the ass to clean not worth how good it actually feels. I just use my hand and maybe some lotion.

>> No.3630311

According to Richard Schmid and Harvey Brown, get the DRAWING PRECISE AND PERFECTLY RIGHT FIRST.
And once you transfer that drawing onto canvas/panel, things fall into place WAY easier.

>> No.3631045

Does nma still do sales?

>> No.3631150

Should I start drawing on printer paper before I draw in a sketchbook or should I dive right into the sketchbook?

>> No.3631637

My trial is expiring soon but I've come to really like CSP, is there any way of getting past the online serial registration? Or keeping the trial version for longer? As far as I know getting a cracked version doesn't let you use an account to download materials/assets from the official site.

>> No.3631769

my wrists are killing me. help?

>> No.3631830

You shouldn't walk into the trap of thinking that the sketchbook is something sacred that is only reserved for good stuff. Actually, you shouldn't treat anything you draw as sacred or worth keeping. Your next drawing could always be better.

>> No.3631870

thanks for the tips. I just tried a regular eraser and it actually kind of works. I'm thinking a felt pen with turps would make me rich?


can I fingerpaint with oils or is it toxic? I realize I can use gloves, different paint etc
I'm wondering if normal oil paint is toxic when handled a lot with bare skin.

>> No.3631883

hue in general doesnt really matter so dont even worry a value is more important.

>> No.3631887

just don't draw

>> No.3631888 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 761x897, dopestpencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi where can I find Dave Rapoza's penis?

>> No.3631894
File: 125 KB, 761x897, dopestpencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi where can I find Dave Rapoza's penis?

>> No.3631900

did you try looking into your mouth?

>> No.3631907

I'd like to try out some animating, which program would be the easiest for this? I probably just need pen pressure and "frame overlay" or what it's called when you see the last frame at low opacity below your canvas.
The sticky didn't really mention anything.

>> No.3632517
File: 106 KB, 700x700, 1535055736746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im trying to do something like pic related but it's really really really hard. He took an image, and then mentally rotated it into the pic related.

where do I even start?

>> No.3632556

Where did you get this?

>> No.3632558

basic perspective, try Scott Robertson's how to draw. literally the most valuable drawing book there is for beginners

>> No.3632584

How do I get clean anime style that sells? Basically just cell shading+thin lines with not much line weight? Anything else?

>> No.3632590

Can you transforma basic layer into a vector layer in csp?

>> No.3632595

I tried that book. I think I'm too much of a brainlet for it though, even after reading perspective made easy a lot of it is so boring and methodical.

>> No.3632601

gesture drawing for 30 seconds
do these 50 times a day

>> No.3632640

You must become the art gf

>> No.3632761

I wish. Not a wanna be a red pill mgtow or some shit, but damn, it seems so much easier to attract attention when you're a grill.

(also grills body are objectively a better work of art than men anyway and they have more choice in clothing. Fuck being a man)

>> No.3632771

I feel the exact same way, actually. Are you me?

>> No.3632813
File: 756 KB, 500x381, power levels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be a lefty
> big ass hand covers the entire drawing tablet when I draw
>no room to rest elbow anywhere

any way around this? or do I have to upgrade to something bigger?

>> No.3633013

Does anyone here post work on social media that consists mostly of concept design work? How do you build followers without drawing lewds?

>> No.3634106
File: 25 KB, 395x428, 1496436629065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what fucking brush do I use for general painting on Clip Studio? The watercolour ones are just making me angry.

>> No.3634136

Works for me

>> No.3634149

How the fuck am I supposed to look into my own mouth? My eyes and mouth exist on the same plane more or less. Learn how forms and perspective work you total NGMI.

>> No.3634406

How do you achieve a hazy space background with Copics? Is it even possible? Or am I better off with a water brush pen?

>> No.3634479

My sister is thinking about buying a Cintiq 13HD. Is it a meme or is it actually good?

>> No.3634485

Go to the settings, turn off an option under “ink” called “mix ground color” or something like that.


>> No.3634599
File: 2.61 MB, 3305x4961, DS_Winter01_02_AQ_COL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much should I charge to color a page like pic related?

>> No.3634630

what does it do exactly?

>> No.3634918

I'm doing Peter Han's Dynamic sketching series, and doing the straight lines exercise.
Whenever I get a good line and go through my 4-5th one, the pen gets deep inside the paper, and "indents" it so its easier to create the line.

I tried light pressure on pressing the pen on paper but it still creates this indention.
My paper is Strathmore's Toned Tan paper with smooth surface- but it happened to me when I used regular white copy paper.

So is this okay because it creates muscle memory in a way?
Or is it not and I should just go over the line 4 times instead of 8
I'm a brainlet sorry.

>> No.3634941

I have this issue as I just use a lined pad.
the end goal is to be able to draw a straight line first time, so if I start indenting I just move to a new space and draw a new straight line because that's the end goal.
if the papers holding the line for you, youre probably not using muscles.
my personal thoughts.

>> No.3634996

Makes your brush act more like Photoshop.

ClipStudio's brushes behave like real paint. You put paint down, you put more down and it mixes with what's there.

If you turn off the option I advised, it will ignore the paint that's already there.

>> No.3635005

kek, just make a new layer on top and it wont mix

>> No.3635010

yes, dont draw on a fucking cintiq

>> No.3635174

Is it normal for csp to take like half a second to undo something? even if its just one small stroke it takes like... a second/half a second? sai undoes actions instantly, do i have to get used to it or is my computer just shit?

>> No.3635370
File: 219 KB, 1355x1690, Skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two questions. Answers to either/or would be greatly appreciated.

>1) Is there a "correct" way to learn from speed paints?
I spent some time today watching one b/c I wanted to hear the story the youtuber was telling while she painted and found my self more interested in her work. Obviously, just watching video after video with no practice is worthless, but how do you get something of value out of watching one?

>2) How do you do a study and get something out of it?
I have a couple artists I like, and so in addition to the normal stuff I feel I need to work on I have been either trying to recreate some of their stuff (at least as sketches) or have been trying to trace it. I have definitely improved in some things, and feel like I understand their work a bit better, but I'm not sure at what point I will have gotten everything of worth out of the study(ies). I mean, I don't want to produce rip-offs of their stuff, I just want to have their stuff be inspiration.

Pic is just a skull I drew. Unrelated to questions. Just posting it to "post work".

>> No.3635383

I used to know a girl in high school who would carry around dawn dish soap and Q-tips for making adjustments to her paintings when she had oil paining projects. Idea behind it was that if dawn could get oil off of dishes, animals in an oil spill, etc. it could get small spots off a painting. I wouldn't recommend it for a large area (like I said "and Q-tips") but I imagine it could pick up little mistakes. Just be careful as I never used it myself.

>> No.3635388

> Time + supplies + effort
How long did it take you?
What is the medium?
How many can you turn out before you feel defeated/too tiered to work?
Make sure you are making at least minimum wage, covering supplies on top of that, and if it really runs you ragged or have high demand, make a bit of padding.

>> No.3635403

Question: do you guys have any knowledge of cheap (but good of course) fountain pens? I would just buy a dip pen but I move around too much to be carrying around a pen, ink, and stuff to clean the pen along with the rest of my stuff

>> No.3635421

anyone have a guide for doing redering over line art
i'm fairly familiar with normal rendering into hard edges but im a bit confused on rendering over line art especially sense my shadows/ highlights go over my lineart sometimes

>> No.3635470

I never knew there was a fee, since I've always used the friend/family option, and it's never caused me any problems so far.

>> No.3635478

If you had to chose one for posting art, which one would it be, Tumblr or Instagram? Which one potentially has the most viewers?

>> No.3635488
File: 651 KB, 1512x2016, IMG_1732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I into gesture drawings? I feel like I understand the theory of it; Start with the head, follow the line of action through the spine, and down to the weight-bearing leg. Capture the motion and essence without drawing the contours, etc. but every time I go to do them I feel like I just aimlessly scratch around. Instead of a nice, flowing gesture drawing I end up with chicken scratchy bullshit.

Maybe it's from the pressure of being timed? Even still, I've been doing 2 minute gestures which I would think is plenty of time. Do you just have to grind a fuck ton of gestures out before you start "getting into the groove" so to speak?

>> No.3635496

Tumblr for porn. Instagram for everything else.

>> No.3635499 [DELETED] 

I frequent issue I run into is that lineart on its own looks good, but doesnt work when colored, or the reverse.

How do you get to a point where you know how to do lineart in a way that itll look good colored?
Right now I usually have to readjust it one when Im coloring, primarly because some body parts looks good without color, but when shaded they look too skinny

>> No.3635515

Yeah, just practice a lot. But remember that the quality of your gesture is limited by your knowledge of your figure. So don't surprised if you hit a wall even after a few days of practice. If you do, move on and start studying construction, anatomy, etc. while regularly reviewing gesture.

>> No.3635534

Thanks, kinda makes sense.

>> No.3635545

Pilot metropolitan. Or a lamy but the pilot has a better fill mechanism.

>2) How do you do a study and get something out of it?
Write down what you're studying and point it out in the work. Take Moebius, for example. You're going for clean, even contour lines, and making values with nothing but hatching over contours, stippling, and little bushes. Or Sargent, single brush glyphs that look photorealistic from 3 feet away but turn into garbage the moment you step forward. Or your favorite porn artist, 6 1/2 heads, close up low angle shots, thick torso with slight muscles and a touch of adipose, and a focus on them gams.

Use other artists as a way to solve problems, but figure out the problem first. It can be rendering, anatomy and proportion, color, or composition. Once you have a few ways to do something, it's easier to solve problems on your own and find new ways.

>> No.3635692

>How long did it take you?
Not really sure, client sent me that image as an example.
>What is the medium?
I'll be coloring it digitally.
I think I'll probably charge around $30~$35
Thanks for the help!

>> No.3636551

For watercolor, I'm looking at filling some holes in my pallette and fixing some drunken buying choices. So far I have
>Burnt sienna
>Nickel azo yellow
>Ultramarine blue
>quinacridone rose
I'm fine with the greens I can make, so that's off the table. What I'm looking at is what earth tones to add, whether I need another yellow, and if I should throw in a red. I'm looking at the convenience in mixing warm neutrals and that nickel azo stains and doesn't mix well with granulating pigments.

I'm a bit lost on what to add. Like a transparent yellow iron oxide and a raw umber with iron blue to go with it? I'd also like a dull red I can mix with the quin rose or pull into one of the earths. I also feel like I'm missing a light/dark dichotomy somewhere.

>> No.3636724

Remember the 2018 vanilla iPad also can use the pencil so you might be able to get it cheaper than a pro. Also maybe a used first version of the iPad pro

>> No.3637252

How do I get smooth lines in Krita without going full autismo with the stabilizer?
In CSP everything just works. Even if I turn the stabilizer to 0 on a brush, it still doesn't shit itself and give me jagged lines like Krita. Is it because of Windows? Or there's just more to tinker?

>> No.3637333
File: 338 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_oqobraH3sJ1ss9srro1_1280_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I get pic related

>> No.3637590

Got a sudden craving for painting as I usually do digital illustrations. Do I need to pirate Corel painter? What's your favorite for painting?

>> No.3637882


>> No.3638103
File: 53 KB, 511x238, wide_eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of erasers should I get for graphite? I'm just using some standard white office erasers that I've cu[p up for more shape.

>> No.3638256
File: 122 KB, 600x748, 616px-Rembrandt_Harmensz._van_Rijn_004-e1412935056176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one go about studying color? I don't have no problem painting props or characters but it all falls apart for me when attempting to paint environments. How can I get better?

>> No.3638333

Hi it's me again, I did this and I really prefer it, thank you.

>> No.3638376

Bumping for this question

>> No.3638387

Marco Bucci has some great videos on color on his youtube channel. James Gourney has a great book on color. Painting from life preferably traditionally is a great exercise as well.

>> No.3638391
File: 582 KB, 2086x2308, peachsketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does any one have tips for coming up with interesting poses from memory?
Or any sources with interesting poses?

>> No.3638430

An hour, or for the whole page?

>> No.3638433

You can paint in almost every digital drawing program, stop thinking too much about your tools and just go for it.

>> No.3638435

Look into what makes poses interesting, like weight, motion, silhouette, and perspective.
Researching animators is a great place to start.

>> No.3638438

not that anon, but in the case you're doing it $30-$50 for the whole page then you're criminally underselling yourself. I've seen degenerate artists making so much more drawing and coloring for much less.

>> No.3638629
File: 388 KB, 1280x1920, Flamingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What supplies should I bring when making a trip to the zoo for a drawing session? Mainly for stabilizing the sketchbook.

>> No.3638639

Bucci videos are helpful. Thanks Mommy

>> No.3638669

How would the world react to a story about a sexy ghost who lures and fucks young men and haunts their nightmares making them obsessed with her? It would have a murder, incest and a gangbang scene. And a gangbang murder scene.

>> No.3638774

Some friends who are also drawing so no one bothers you.

>> No.3638910

How often does that happen, really? Aside from a few passing comments.

>> No.3639014


>> No.3639041

The zoo would be a better place to ask - all zoos have a number you can call, or an email where you can ask. They're generally pretty liberal about tripods, especially for photographers, and I've seen artists with portable easels working at the zoo. Most enclosures have a railing you can lean on, that's what I've done in the past. Just contact them and ask, it's not like they're gonna yell at you or anything. They might even have special events for artists to work.

I've drawn at the zoo many, many times over the years, and it's led to some cool conversations with people walking by, or just put some headphones on, and go at an off hour, like during school hours, in the morning, the park will be less crowded.

>> No.3639050

Thanks anon, I'll try this after on Monday.

>> No.3639094

Does practicing art ever stop feeling like a job?

>> No.3639210
File: 169 KB, 1366x768, Be real cash money if you helped me out, anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been trying to get back into digital again and when I plugged back into my computer my wacom wouldn't make any pointed/tapered lines like it used to.
I'm thinking it's the driver for it, since it won't recognize that it's plugged in.
Next to that I'm thinking wacoms use a different kind usb cable, currently using a ps3 cable to power it, and that's preventing it's application from reading that its there so i can't tamper with the pen.

Currently updating CSP to see if that fixes it

>He doesn't have calluses

Don't forget to tease the porn with cropping on instagram

>The ride never ends
But really, I try not to ever say/think practice when I do practice.
Give it a go I've been doing it for a while. Pick an area you weak in then chisel away at it then move on.

>> No.3639217

>Next to that I'm thinking wacoms use a different kind usb cable, currently using a ps3 cable to power it
What? Wacom comes with their own cable, I don't think it's a good idea to use some weird makeshift custom one.

Also why is your CSP interface so retardedly huge?

>> No.3639326
File: 89 KB, 700x700, Muh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a small monitor and haven't bothered to make the interface to fit nicely or maybe I'm to retarded to find how to make it fit comfortably.

I lost my cable moving and can't order a replacement from them right now. It's one of those ps3 controller charge cables, can't be that bad right?

>> No.3639352
File: 18 KB, 680x170, Literally 141.5 GB of K N O W L E D G E saved that I barely read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>F R E E

>> No.3639433
File: 240 KB, 700x700, YES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed it!
I'm a genius

>> No.3639441
File: 15 KB, 425x312, prismacolor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steadler has some pretty nice kneadable erasers, but it's pretty soft for my liking. Mainly use a prismacolour kneaded eraser, pretty stiff at first, but after some use it gets to be workabley firm and keeps a nice point if knead be

>> No.3639444

how do I open my clip studio pro documents in krita? When I try to open something, krita shows me everything in my folder except my clip studio WIPs and I don't know how to fix it.

>> No.3639508

Just to add on... Mont-Marte is very hard, didn't like it at all. So far the best I've used is Faber-Castell's.

>> No.3639529
File: 1.57 MB, 1639x829, question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi anons,

I'm really struggling with the lay in of my colors at the beginning of the rendering fase. I'm trying to get my lay in to actually already "work" immediately, like the left reference in the image (artist: puppeteer lee). Although it is still rough, the colors are put on top of each other in a really nice way and they look blended in a "milky way". He uses studio clip for this. I'm trying to get a similar kind of effect in photoshop and have tried out a few different brush hardness and flows, but could not achieve this.

So my question is, does any of you know how such a similar kind of lay in is achieved in photoshop? If not, how do I generally improve my lay in to "work" immediately?

Maybe the question is a bit vague, but I really hope someone can shed some light on the subject, it is something I'm really struggling with for a few weeks.

>> No.3639531
File: 104 KB, 915x610, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry forgot to resize, but here is a pic with a sort of similar kind of effect.

>> No.3639557

learn to draw before you try to paint, the head u are working on is wonky as fuck.

>> No.3639577

uh I didn't do a underdrawing, but I can already draw at a level where I feel confortable enough to solely focus at painting. Thanks tho, but not what I wanted to know.

>> No.3639587

I'm Comming from architectural drawings I have problem with stuff that is less about proper shape and perspective and shape, like nature (trees) uneven stuff like small hills that have no outlines or softer clothes.

Any advice or a book or tutorial?
I'm using pencils mostly.

>> No.3639617

Does anyone hav esome good resources on how to go from 3D model to painting in photoshop? I'm watching this video but he just completely skips over it for some reason. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0_hgbsoGsE

>> No.3639660

How do I shill my work? Do I make a site of my portfolio? Start a bumblr? How do I get more exposure besides going out in my community?

>> No.3639695
File: 114 KB, 595x853, out of milk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just tried it again with a different method, this time with underlay, again no luck. Any help with the subject would be really appreciated

>> No.3639802

I can't even tell what you're asking about to be honest.

>> No.3639847

have you tried
right-clicking the file
open>selecting Krita

Alternatively you can try saving the picture as a psd file and try opening it in Krita

>> No.3639928

Good a4 pad, 4H, 2B, 3B, 4B pencils. Charcoal. White chalk. One of those soft clay black pencils. Sharpener. A hardback book to lean on. Cigarillos. Bottle of red wine. Fruit. Cheese. Crackers. Don't forget to drop your pants at some point so as you make art history.

>> No.3639931

Please, how can I mix a vibrant turquoise?

I have

French ultramarine
Cobalt blue
Manganese blue hue
Prusian blue
Cadmium red
Alazarin crimson
Indian red
Transparent red hue
Burnt sienna
Burnt umber
Gold ochre
Green gold
Sap green
Payne's grey
Lemon yellow
Cadmium yellow
Lemon yellow hue
Nepals yellow

>> No.3639936

While still wonky it still looks better and dont ask for crit if you shoot down valid critisism. The art you want to emulate is mostly done with line and filled with a hard round brush with opacity jitter. Stop being a dumbass and learn to draw or alternatively post one of your drawings to prove me wrong.

>> No.3640026
File: 113 KB, 771x918, doodolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the underdrawing, the lineart got completely destroyed tho by me being a retard with layers when trying to color, proportions and stuff are still there tho. I don't want to post finished work.

I don't think opacity jitter and hardround is all there is to it, I have already tried that.

>> No.3640066

I guess a better way to put it is does art in general ever stop feeling like work? Im forcing myself to draw 99% of the time and sure, I get better, but it doesnt feel like no matter how good I get I ever feel satisfied or draw for fun.

>> No.3640071

It gets easier and that changes how you work. My guess is that you have never drawn for fun and do nothing but lifeless studies. Paint some cute boys or something.

>> No.3640086

I integrate studies with my interests, say i need to practice arms, so I'll draw Ganesha or Kali, something I can finish. Or legs, so I'll draw a centipede eith human legs. Things like that keep me from despising art, but it still feels like work

>> No.3640097

if it was properly labelled as that, people would probably like it. people like to know what theyre getting

>> No.3640099

ultramarine, cad yellow and some type of white is probably your best bet but it's going to be difficult to mix a color to neon-strength

>> No.3640104

applying to a school and have to list details for each piece in a portfolio
these lads really want the time to completion of a piece, or is this implying something else given it's mixed with "size"?

>> No.3640106

I don't know then, some people enjoy the work. Sketch or paint some landscapes and architecture and see what that does. I start to get bored with sitting inside.

>> No.3640109

You have no useful greens. Cobalt and viridian will do it.

>> No.3640362
File: 93 KB, 800x616, 7cba9e457d9385ff22810a6f4f247ebf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need help on practicing.
training to be a mangaka. And plan on doing a bunch of reference studies to git gud. Heres what i got so far


I basically try to do reference studies and do a decent rendering job while keeping construction lines, and doing an occasional manga study for aesthetics.

is this an okay way of practice? Is there anything i can for my studies? If my studies are shit, what can i do to fix them?

>> No.3640428

My tablet pen doesn't seem to ever want to work, never draws and just gets stuck. Like I will go to make a line but it does nothing instead my mouse takes over for whatever reason. I can also never seem to get the pen pressure to work either, I am using a Huion H610PRO, I have updated the drivers and re installed them so many times and I just can't seem to figure it out. Would love to know what's wrong or if anyone knows what the problem is.

>> No.3640529

It depends on what type of animation.
If you're into frame by frame animation (which honestly i find the most appealing and rewarding) then go with Krita (open source and free and bretty good. And yea it's got onion skin! - what you referred to as frame overlay)
Otherwise if you like automated tweening (having the comp animate two keyframes for you, which generally results in a very characteristic effect that I'm sure you're familiar with if you've ever watched any flash animation) then you could go with Flash (now called Adobe Animate) or maybe Toon Boom? There are plenty otherwise; look up Adobe Animate alternatives on Google and see which you like.
You can still make frame by frame animation on these but it can be a bit overkill since these programs are violently geared towards automated tweening as far as I can tell.

tldr: krita if you're into frame by frame animation; Adobe Animate or similar otherwise

>> No.3640531

Is Drawabox a good place to start for a beginner? I mean like, can't even draw stick figures well beginner. My end goal is to draw people and animals on various environmental backgrounds, mostly in fantasy and modern settings. Also the style I'd most like to learn is American comic book style.

>> No.3640540

It's iffy but helps you conceptualize the 3D space. Best thing you can do is devote 10 hours to a single complex still life.

>> No.3640549

Anyone check out Instebrak's portrait studio yet? Worth it?


Tried using Daz but it's far to complex for simple reference needs. Design doll too but this looks way better than design doll unless you're doing anime. What do you guys think?

>> No.3641434

Do you guys do most of your line work on paper and scan or do you actually do it digitally? I'm finding it hard to get comfortable with lines on my tablet even though I've been using it a long time. It just feels too slippery.

Right now I'm practicing gesture, and I wonder if the experience of that on the tablet will improve with time?

>> No.3641438

I don't actually prefer paper. I like it for sketching, but the inks I can get on a tablet are better because I can use a much larger stroke. But I also gave up sketching like I do on paper and work like I'm laying in for ink or painting.

I use a giano if that makes any difference.

>> No.3641446

i'd imagine so. for example with a life drawing, would help to know how long the pose was.

>> No.3641457

It's how big it is and how long it took. You don't have to answer all of them if you don't know, but they want to know you aren't retarded and take too long to do art school application level work. Also that you're not a liar who underestimates everything to sound cool. Time management is important.

>> No.3641480

How important is networking? I know its extremely important but could one become successful in a reasonable amount of time by just posting their art and occasionally doing requests?
I want to build a following, not make money but I'm an anti social person and don't have a network.

>> No.3641512

Networking gets you health insurance or jobs someone else doesn't want.

>> No.3641521

like CEO president

>> No.3641563

You have to adjust the gap/spacing between strokes. I usually kept it to narrowest or a small fixed gap like .1-.3 where it didn't lag too bad. I've found plenty of painterly feeling brushes although yes the texture dragged across the page is a problem in cs and ps brushes. DAUB pack has some nice ones but also not hard to make your own based off free assets you can download.

>> No.3641604

You model, set up lighting, then do several render passes which you bring into your painting program in different layers. You can render ao, material/object id to make for easier selections, etc.

>> No.3641697

I'm 22yr complete begginer, used to draw literally 10 years ago. Now I'm trying to revive this hobbie. Is the sticky a good start yet?

>> No.3641705

Think they have a cooler sticky in /beg/ >>3637133

>> No.3641917

keys to drawing or perspective made easy

>> No.3641968
File: 51 KB, 957x621, eb51008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons I am having trouble signing up at CGPeers. I saw that its open today but after signing up it just wont send me a confirmation email. I dont know what to do, im scared that I will have to wait another 15 to try again.

>> No.3641971

>How important is networking?
The only difference between an ivy league education and any other one is that future leaders go to ivy league schools. Networking is literally the difference maker

>> No.3641979
File: 1.81 MB, 2668x3353, 82. awkward question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I think about the smell of piss of think about the smell of my dog having a seizure and dying in the back of my car as I was driving 100+ mph to the dog ER knowing that it had to be too late to save him. My problem is that I'm starting to seek out gross piss smells because it drives me towards making art as a means to think about and then run away from negative feels.

Is artistic production about avoidance and self-abuse and life anxiety for anyone else? Should it be? Has it always been?

The first art was women drawing hunting instructions on cave walls, likely to try and teach their kids how best to avoid death. Art potentially has always been the result of traumatic stress.

tldr: is it cool to pee your pants?

>> No.3642102
File: 89 KB, 353x332, 1465851203224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I move around the canvas in clip studio without using the scroll bars on the sides? I've been using it for months and just realised I still don't know.

I want to be able to click my middle mouse button and scroll around by dragging my mouse. I'm in clip studio. How do I do this?

>> No.3642104

Hold the space bar.

>> No.3642105

fuck thanks so much thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

>> No.3642144

*unless you are in hard sciences

>> No.3642156

If you haven't checked spam you're a brainlet

>> No.3642384

I am having the same problemas anon above register at cgpeers but havent receive confirmation email, spam no email. How long does this email process

>> No.3642430

Where do depressed people get motivation to draw? What kind of leverage can I pull on myself if my brain keeps telling me "who cares, you might not be here in 5 years"

>> No.3642441

You do it anyway. Crap out some shit, wipe your ass and do it again. It's not like you enjoy anything else you do either.

>> No.3642447
File: 163 KB, 477x422, buuuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this your work?
Holy shit.

>> No.3642448

Don't rely on motivation and build some discipline. Work through the pain.

>> No.3642451

writing in moonrunes doesnt make your comic good anon
its just makes you pathetic

>> No.3642491

Pull on the desire to work towards a specific goal and you never have to worry about motivation again. You'll just work on it regardless because you /want/ to.

>> No.3642510
File: 1.26 MB, 2876x3704, 125. dern red then yellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EXPECIALLY if you are in hard sciences. There are way more students than there are positions, and they all basically have the same education. At least with creative academic degrees the student spent a lot of time figuring out how to do their own thing. But science is science. Sciencefags are relatively interchangeable. They generally know the same shit and have the same skillz. It is ALL ABOUT who you befriend on the way.

My buddy went to Cornell (twice) and dropped out (twice) because he got burned out by how much a scam it was. When he went to get a doctorate in economics they literally said that you're spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to make friends with people that can get you jobs that will make you millions of dollars. He ended up transferring to Kansas and getting a full ride. And now he's an economist doctor lawyer that sells cars. Because the networks in Kansas weren't worth shit.

>> No.3642700

What’s your favorite free digital painting painting program, and why?

>> No.3642709

Do I need to do finished works to get good or can I just wait to get good enough so all my sketchs look like finished works?

>> No.3642716

Photoshop because it has a lot of tutorials.

>> No.3642739

When it's too late to start drawing?

>> No.3642741


>> No.3642957
File: 42 KB, 125x125, 1529899487815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When people ask how to get good is the best answer:

Pick a symbol you like and draw it, Also learn human anatomy on the side.


They get motivation and dexterity from symbol drawing; that helps them through the anatomy grind. Once they learn anatomy they will naturally include what they learned in their art and want to move away from symbols a bit.

Int he end they have realism and symbols in their head. Correct me if i'm wrong gents.

>> No.3642977

i guess if they need to rely on motivation
but having the discipline to tear through the pain of a grind, especially one that you have no ability in, is the most optimal
just suffer
just fucking suffer and do it

>> No.3643029

I've been grinding anatomy for a few weeks now and my real job isn't quite cutting it as far as trying to save money goes. Should I attempt a porn blog? Or just suck it up and get a second job?

>> No.3643037

porn is just content like any other, so be mindful of all other content sources and ask yourself.
Why the fk is yours more special than any other and why would anyone visit/ interact with your blog.

Then plan accordingly, You're grinding anatomy, grind work as well to have money to relax later when you've learnt anatomy and can just draw.

>> No.3643038

Suffer then what, You grind drawing realistic forms, now time to draw the stylized pinups you've always wanted.

You end up drawing too much realism in your toon drawings.

I think a mix is best, learn symbols but know anatomy.

>> No.3643137

Absolute /beg/ fag here, how do I into digital rendering? Any decent resources you guys have to spare?

>> No.3643151

Absolute /beg/s shouldn't start with digital rendering.

>> No.3643297

The best answer is fucking draw a lot and fix mistakes. You're so newb and full of dumb, mistaken ideas that you can't even conceptualize the territory as anything but "cymbal doring" and "anatomy grind", you have two meaningless buzzwords making a binary that doesn't fucking exist.

Your other assumptions >>3643038 are also retarded. Symbol doesn't mean what you want it to mean, you just draw like shit.

>> No.3643301
File: 669 KB, 1152x646, 1529281495973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you have to submit a portfolio to art school? Aren't they supposed to teach you how to draw?

>> No.3643313

I know, right?
Maybe most schools just don't want to teach the uninspired and the symbol drawers to avoid people who want "easy degrees".

>> No.3643318

If you look at accepted portfolios on youtube you'll see that they are barely above /beg/ but they put effort into their shit. I'm guessing they just want to see that you have the interest to put the effort in.

>> No.3643320

they don't teach you how to draw. if you only do the assignments in art school and never self study, you'll leave as crap as you entered

how will companies hire you if they don't know you exist?

>> No.3643327

>they don't teach you how to draw.
the whole purpose of the intro to drawing class is to teach you how to draw...
true if you don't study outside of schoolwork, like for most programs like CS, you won't be hireable

>> No.3643334

That's most of it. I helped sort portfolios one summer in exchange for lessons and it comes down to a couple things.

>Basic grasp of fundamentals
>Time management
>Effort in finishing work
>Some semblance of aesthetic sensibility
>Ability to follow instructions for portfolio requirements and cover letter

Blood from a stone, anon. They don't teach you how to draw any more than a book does. There are expectations and you're left alone to meet them, the only thing they do is point out problems and offer alternatives. Then tell you to look at some art and work it out on your own.

>> No.3643339
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 141232130685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Time management
>>Ability to follow instructions for portfolio requirements and cover letter
>tfw deliberately didn't include time spent on two drypoint prints in my portfolio because I wouldn't know how to add up the time for those
Am I doomed?

>> No.3643342

I just separated the wheat from the chaff, the weirdos from the autismos. The immediate boilerplate 'No.'

It's a measure of how well you know how long something takes, don't rush, don't lie, and weeds out turtles who can't keep up with the workload. I can't say what effect leaving it out for one or two pieces will have, especially for something time consuming like that. It's only there to see who can make reasonable general estimates and who drags ass spending 8 hours on something that should take 2.

>> No.3643347

Thanks your insight anon

>> No.3643379

how'd you get that job anon?

>> No.3643393
File: 60 KB, 495x775, mixerbrush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try fucking around with the mixer brush.

>> No.3643404

Talked to a teacher for an elective into studio class and started hanging out after it was over because I'm closer to 30 than the average student. She didn't want to weed through her share of applications or move her shit to a new studio. It was mostly mind numbing triage looking at all levels of high school art projects and pre sorting them by who wasn't completely blind to how shit they were and who could halfway follow basic instructions and requirements.

>> No.3643546
File: 18 KB, 256x256, flux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else use f.lux while painting? I really don't want to stop using it because it makes working at night so much more bearable, but I'm not sure if it's ultimately a bad habit.

>> No.3643561


>could using an app that makes the screen display inaccurate colors be disadvantageous to digital painting?

>> No.3643574

Pretty cool program, using this from now on, but not for painting, I'm not retarded.
>>3643561 gave me a laugh

>> No.3643577


I think you have made this unecessarily difficult and complicated for yourself. I would suggest to skip the photo study part completely for now - to translate a photo to a painterly pseudo anime look is not an easy task. If you want to emulate the digital brush work I would suggest to simply paint over the piece directly. That way you'll immediately see how close on the mark you are.

>> No.3643659

I already have, but using it is a bit beyond "lay in" in my opinion, but not a bad thing to include it iguess.

that's a very good tip anon, thanks

I installed corel painter and played a bit with the brushes. I have to say, they are quiet different from photoshop, they have this very smooth build up effect and somehow even with multiple strokes your edges stay very clean and natural and have a very nice transition. Im trying to figure out how to get the same effect in photoshop, not a lot of luck till now, but atleast a step in the right direction and I'm learning a lot about brushes. If anyone got a clue, help would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.3643727

should I learn how to draw traditionally first before getting into digital?

Also how much should one limit him/herself to ctrl+z?
I want to learn the proper way of drawing so I can get gud.

>> No.3643742

Attrition is high in the first few months, I'd get some pencils and a cheap sketchpad and go through a couple of those, unless you already do a lot of photoshop work, which you probably don't. There's really no right way to do anything, pencils have erasers, computers have ctrl+z. The big difference going digital from the start is learning digital workflow on top of building motor skills on top of tablet motor skills.

What works is drawing a lot from life and supplementing it with some reading and practice. And stealing how to do things from better artists than you. If there was a proper way, that's it.

>> No.3643891

How do I stop Krita from using my brush as eraser and instead keep the eraser as a separate tool? I like having a bigger eraser. If I activate eraser in Krita it's just a few pixels wide like my brush and I have to resize it before I can use it.

Also, how do I stop Krita from treating canvas flips as part of history? If I draw, do a canvas flip and then Ctrl + Z, Krita undoes the canvas flip. Right now I'm flipping with Mirror Image Horizontally which seems to be a "hard" flip. Is there a "soft" flip somewhere that's not affected by Ctrl + Z?

>> No.3644073

no you're retarded. i love the app but if you're doing anything color intensive you shouldn't have it on. and it's especially jarring to turn it off to check something because your eyes won't be properly adjusted.

>> No.3644085

I’ve been reading loomis, just studying what he does and trying to create my own heads and faces. The I got to page 48 and he said “you should be able to finish and construct these.”
Was I supposed to be copying all his drawing the whole time?

>> No.3644121

>Symbol doesn't mean what you want it to mean

What does it mean then!?

>> No.3644284
File: 64 KB, 564x704, howl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i shade with pencil? what do i need to learn to shade with pencil?

>> No.3644290

an eraser is as valuable as a pencil to establish value

>> No.3644565
File: 33 KB, 900x675, downloadfile-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the realism side, you're either trying to represent an object in space using line and value or not truly seeing what's in front of you and making crude symbols that are as much a representation of the nose in question as the word "nose" is.

This is due to our perceptual system being a very efficient lie, our processing of topology being heuristically based generalizations that are often wrong, and our visuospatial sketchpad being woefully underutilized. We can recognize but not naturally reproduce using those same heuristics. This is especially true of faces which have a large and localized area of the brain, such that anything that looks remotely like a face is recognized as a face, yet likeness is the hardest thing to capture. Instead of what is in front of us, we make garbage because the bot in charge of recall hasn't been trained for reproduction, so you get the same heuristic mistakes you see in distance and location experiments along with zero sense of form or perspective.

This is symbol drawing, mistaking the map for the territory and drawing a map based on that. It has nothing to do with the abbreviation or stylization of realism or cartoon glyphs that are specifically designed to play tricks on the system in a way subservient to design.

>> No.3644593

who is the artist?

>> No.3644642
File: 150 KB, 1080x1349, bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natalie Hall

>> No.3644645

Can I draw my animu figures as a replacement for drawing live models?

>> No.3644698

it comes with experience, drawing good is the first step, don't worry about it.

>> No.3645044
File: 18 KB, 293x400, 1531462270705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've already failed.

Your pic itself proves the point.
If someone finds it appealing then it's a worthy symbol and others would copy/ use it the same.

They'd study your symbol construction to create it exactly as you did and glorify in its glory on tumbler.

You either make a perfect copy or you symbol in some manner, one way or the other.

I'm right, you're wrong.

>> No.3645050

Whatever faggot.

>> No.3645061

huh, good info. thanks

>> No.3645205
File: 400 KB, 805x828, 0b2c69e5df2659145926b218e0268239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to search for/hire an artist who can do a very specific style or do a very specific kind of request? I've tried browsing Deviantart but the marketplace is so huge filtering does very little, and tumblr and Pixiv are good resources but often times they're full of dead ends or just re-direct me back to someone's Deviantart that either has commissions closed or no contact information.

Is it possible to hire from /ic/ or some other threads on other boards? Is that allowed?

>> No.3645309

Ppl on /ic/ are the same folks on deviantart but aren't busy.

Find someone very close to the style/ character types you're looking for and contact/ bug the shit outa them until they take your money.

Some artists are weird that way where they wont accept money.

There is a saying about artists, you do one thing and people pay you to do that one thing over and over.

So find someone who does that one thing you want, then look for others who do something close if all else fails.

>> No.3645312


>> No.3645314
File: 618 KB, 1280x1707, 1366257955325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the advice. Is it wise to start a thread on /ic/ asking for submissions or contact info or networking or anything of that sort? I feel like it might fall under the blanket rule of advertising but I feel more comfortable buying art and commissions from 4chan than anywhere else.

If not, I'll have to do a bit of digging. And I feel that the saying is true, seeing as customers typically only commission for specific things. As it is in my case, since I'm looking for someone with specific mechanical knowledge and subculture.

Thank you for the link, Anon.

>> No.3645415

>Is it wise to start a thread on /ic/

No, you need to see their work anyway, find them in their natural habitat.

>> No.3645469

I am not sure how to properly set up my tablet. It's a wacom splash and has an active area of 5.6 x 3.8 inches so do I go into krita and set it up as 5.6 x 3.8 inches or do I pick a certain resolution?

>> No.3645558

Any traditional sculptors can suggest clay i can get?

I want clay i can reuse over and over making different stuff.

Plastina from Amaz good enough?

>> No.3645589

Bump? Is it a weird question?

>> No.3645591

how do i get an artsy gf

>> No.3645593
File: 223 KB, 500x655, Bob.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is music a form of artwork??

>> No.3645639

Using so many unusual words makes you sound like a sperg instead of intelligent.
Thinking like a sperg and not understanding what that guy is saying also makes you sound like a sperg.

>> No.3645667
File: 53 KB, 692x175, screentones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck am I supposed to work with screentones, and why does it never look as good as in mangas.

What's the type that's most often used, and how do you even find the right size at the right resolution without the shitty trial and error method. Fucking moir effects is making me go crazy.

any help greatly appreciated.

>> No.3645678

I don't think you were supposed to copy most of it, but he mentions it at parts. Most of the work with Loomis should be your own construction anyways, so don't worry you didn't do anything wrong.

What kind of a dumb question is this? Obviously yes, this board is meant for visual artwork though.

I'll go with Krita then. I'm not really interested in that tweening stuff, I don't wanna go for normie appeal anyways, just for myself. Anyways, thanks a lot anon! I can only offer a humble (you) in return for your kindness though.

>> No.3645691

look at this pleb, he doesn't know how to bend light to his will and see inside his mouth, ngmi

>> No.3646345
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I'm also like this. What should one do to fix this "bad habit"?

>> No.3646407

Anyone have tips or tricks for drawing trees? (Realistic or stylized)

I've tried studying references, but every deciduous tree I draw feels unnatural.

>> No.3646418

Find the gesture of the tree, focus on general shapes groups of leaves make, work in large blocks of value and suggest contour through markmaking and texture. It's really similar to the way children draw trees, only with better edge control and blocks of value.

>> No.3646422

Thank you!! I'll go ahead and try those things

>> No.3646423

Maybe try stretching out more often. Drawing for hours on end with no breaks is a bad idea. Also try drawing more from the shoulder rather than the wrist. Sounds annoying and weird, but you kinda get a feel for it.

>> No.3646476

making a comic and I am torn trying to decide how my character fights
I want it to be fairly generic fantasy very similar to Berserk with a dark story and a main character that had worst possible time growing up and slowly crumbling into a lone wolf that hates people and just tries to make a living in the world by being a mercenary

What weapon of choice should the character be using? Should he be a regular rugged warrior, a ranger, a magician, a thief, I just can't wrap my head around as to what would work, help me with some ideas if you would

>> No.3646482

you could make a neat character out of any of those subclasses
imo the magician would probably be the easiest/most fun to draw

>> No.3646497

I've had this thought of a blood magician that draws his own blood to conjure weapons or protrude spikes hard as steel from himself that he could send flying or make it flow underneath someone and then shape it
he'd have incredible regenerative abilities, the bloodletting would leave scards around his body and he'd be covered in nothing but scar tissue, constantly bleeding his body out to fight
but he'd be super overpowered and I can't think of a single downside to his ability

>> No.3646522

using his own blood drains his energyor lifeforce/curses him/literally any drawback you can think of

>> No.3646606

A shitload of experimentation and reading the manual. Also tones have different viewing modes in the viewport.

>> No.3646618

My digital stuff comes out looking vastly different across multiple screens color wise. And I dont just mean some slight color difference or saturation change, I mean its almost a different color altogether. I do a light blue/green thing and on phone it shows up as nearly emerald green. I think its something to do with exporting it. am i retarded anons?

>> No.3646622

quit being a retard and use construction the right way.

gesture of the tree, negative space, large shapes of the tree, what the simple physical volumes of the tree are.

>> No.3646627

Im thinking of starting to attend art school seriously now (im 22). I think im going to get into a CC,try to transfer to a good school (Risd,Calarts,scad,pratt,ect.) and hopefully make it out by 26-27. Will i be too old by then??

>> No.3646630

Might be dropping to web colors or something. Or some retarded profile for like microwaves or some shit. Or your monitor has a retarded profile from adjusting it and it's using that.

>> No.3646644

don't think so; trying to get into an art school at 27 right now

>> No.3646650

To me it seems late but I don't really know any better. Best bet is to go to those schools' websites and find the transfer requirements along with investigating the program of study you'd be interested in to see what classes they take. Transferring to art school is way different than most other majors. In community college hopefully you can get the general education requirements out like gay English and math classes. There's a lot of camaraderie and networking that you missed out on in the first two years which are the biggest benefits of art school. You'll need a really good portfoloio and once you're in you'll be subjected to higher level courses which may be more interesting to you but much more demanding than what you're used to. Your credits might not even transfer there so you may end up going for 4 years anyway, saving no money. I've not seen much good out of any of the community college art I've seen but it may be your best option and then transferring to a public or nearby college.

I would recommend searching for accredited schools as well so that you can know it's not as much of a "for profit" institution and you'd be able to get financial aid if you qualify.

>> No.3646652

You should convert your work to sRGB before exporting so you can see what the color shifts are. You might also have a wildly inaccurate monitor which you should calibrate or get a new one.

>> No.3646656

What are some good monitors to use?

>> No.3646733

Is learning how to draw hard?

>> No.3646741


>> No.3646744

fuck nevermind then

>> No.3646748

just do perspective for artist and you will be fine

>> No.3646916

I use water and dish soap. Sometimes just water if I'm feelin' lazy.

>> No.3646962

If I want professional client work such as graphic illustration, should I use my real name on my social media?

>> No.3647045

What site is there to post your progress such as studies and complete drawings so later you could see your older posts and see how far you've improved?
I know it used to be conceptart.org forum before but now I am not so sure

>> No.3647112

where do you guys buy your wacom nibs?

>> No.3647177

What resources helped you guys improve construction the most?

>> No.3647199

alright thank you for these links, i'll check them out.

>> No.3647316
File: 104 KB, 640x800, samurai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good tutorials to git gud with a brush pen?

>> No.3647323

bought a fountain pen, probably damaged it trying to get it apart, probably damaged it more by running caligraphy ink through it before realizing im being retarded

i cleaned out the feed, ran over it with a razorblade to make sure nothing was stuck in it and loaded the pen with just water, which the pen wont even write with that

are water-based inks thinner than water? should I bother wasting money on the proper ink or is the pen already fucked?

>> No.3647324

also the pen seems to write upside down just fine (nib carving into the paper, rather than sliding along with it)

>> No.3647396

Thank you, I've found Tranasparent red ochre and manganese blue work well.

Red and blue, huh. who would have thought? no-one that's who.

>> No.3647644

Not really. You'll want to learn from people that ink with brushes. Get a ton of cheap card stock or cartridge paper. It takes a lot of mileage knowing how much ink flows in your brush before you get pooling or dry brush effects, exactly how to control pressure for thickness of line, and the relationship between your angle on the brush and how the hairs will react. After practicing and familiarizing with a tool, if you're working on a finished piece I highly recommend an under-drawing as it's very difficult to "sketch" with the brush pen at first. You don't want the good results to randomly sprout from mistakes. Make sure you have some scrap piece of paper to test out a stroke you want before you do it. You will also get familiar with the mechanics of your body and doing shapes like circles and curves. The Paolo Rivera video is excellent and I was happy to find him recently on youtube.

Links of varying helpfulness. Some are very good, some I just found

East Asian ink drawing and calligraphy can also provide a fresh take although very different medium. 永 shows all 8 different strokes found in the calligraphy style. One thing you'll find is that your work will suit a certain size, it's very difficult to work small with a brush pen. Eventually you'll probably want to get ink and a brush because it's a more pleasant experience, plus you can use water and reduce flow easier although the brush pen is convenient for portability. If you're doing final work you also might want a fineliner/micron to so some of the lines that are just impossible with the brush pen and use the brush pen for more varied lines akin to a g-pen or soft nib versus a mapping nib.

>> No.3647652

actually the only thing I hadn't seen was the Tim Vigil one.

I linked the Cross Hatching dip pen one because I'm not sure how much you know about hatching. It can be very important when inking. I've been a lot more interested in inking the past month before inktober and got more into experimenting than trying to do any pieces to post. I just got some cheap chinese brushes and looking to do some ink painting. There's a book in the artbook thread, Chinese Ink Painting and it has some interesting things that aren't strictly brush pen but good ways to think about using your strokes.

Another resource I found was the Yuko Shimizu schoolism course but I wouldn't recommend it. She's great and all but it's an incredibly basic course for people who had no interest in finding resources on their own. There's only one real demo that comes toward the end and it's nice but not very helpful. She has a great knowledge of texturing with a brush and ink but they waste the footage on showing her instead of the paper.

Anything further interested in calligraphy or some of those strokes, I found a cool Japanese calligraphy channel now that's got decent looking worksheets or ideas for stroke control.

>> No.3647662

Looking through Artstation, I see many artists strictly draw females. Is it important to have a diversified portfolio? It kinda annoys me to see only females being drawn.

>> No.3647663

Artstation is for people that specifically want to be hired as concept artists or whatever their talents are in movies, games, entertainment industry. It's a portfolio of what will get them hired for their skills, not an art blog, so it all looks the same.

>> No.3647668

I didn't realize that. I often see established artists posting their work so I just visit for inspiration. Thanks.

>> No.3647669


>> No.3647670

Why aren't you drawing?

>> No.3647859

how do i into charcoal?

>> No.3647866

do longer drawings

>> No.3648052
File: 108 KB, 640x640, 3b98282373e9da4188122bfcc7a5ac68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any resources for learning to do landscapes in ink?

>> No.3648199

learn how to draw landscapes, learn how to ink. now do both at the same time

>> No.3648205
File: 29 KB, 742x471, improvement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn anon, thank you, i didn't expect such a huge response. this is great.

>> No.3648240
File: 44 KB, 256x256, redshift-icon-256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have an idea on how to reverse f.lux's effect on a painting?
Even if some information is destroyed in the process, it'd be very helpful on my eyes.

>> No.3648349

Anyone known of good ipad pro 10.5 cases and screen protector worth getting?

>> No.3648362

>Does anyone have an idea on how to reverse f.lux's effect on a painting?
It's a filter over your screen, it doesn't change the actual pixels you're putting down but affecting the color you're seeing. The only way to reverse it is turn it off.

>> No.3648399

I can get that. What I meant to say was that if I use f.lux while painting, after turning it off I notice the colour temperature of the painting is much colder than intended. I was wondering how to add warmth in a way that counteracts f.lux's filter specifically.

>> No.3648476
File: 32 KB, 480x360, c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I learn to render? For instance in pic related how am I supposed to draw all the light lines on the cliff and pick the right colors, value, etc?

>> No.3648482
File: 118 KB, 467x349, more likely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the optimal art program for painting and ink lineart? I've tried using GIMP but I think it might be unfit for this.

>> No.3648500

at least use krita. gimp is terrible. optimal is whatever you're comfortable and proficient with.

>> No.3648566

Thanks, Anon, all I want is a art program that can do good watercolor, ink and paint brushes.

>> No.3648574

can't you just fiddle with the colour/saturations on photoshop? all flux does is add yellow, if i recall

>> No.3648664

Do I have to learn how to draw with pencil before I can start using ink or painting?

>> No.3648675

anyone? im on an intuos 4. love the feel of the felt tip nibs, but they wear out fast

>> No.3648676

Nah, pencil is just easier to use and fix. Many would recommend it if you're a beginner.

>> No.3648678

no but ink and paint are expensive. learning to draw with a pen or pencil is recommended because you need to practice drawing in order to be able to put what you see in your head onto the paper. ink and painting still require drawing skills.

>> No.3648725

Did the master sculptors of yore have foundations in 2D media?

>> No.3649078

How do I draw titties of various sizes?

>> No.3649083

Is there a website or free/cheap software that just allows you to rotate a 3D box? Sort of like how Posemaniacs lets you rotate a pose to see it in all different perspectives, but just boxes. Seems simple enough that it should exist.

>> No.3649088

Go to sketchfab and search for one

>> No.3649222

Where do you find reference of little girls?

>> No.3649316

I'm doing Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, and was wondering how many exercises I won't be able to do if I don't have that transparent plastic plane to draw on with a marker. Any particularly important ones that I'd have to skip?

>> No.3649432

blender or sketchup. 3d paint on win10

>> No.3649709
File: 53 KB, 1024x576, 1530758524240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Light 4H pencil sketch laying out drawing
Using lightbox, 2B sketch over layout with neater lines.
Lightbox again to ink over clean drawing.

Am i doing it wrong by having that extra step? Can't seem to add the darker lines with the lighter lines on the same page, it's a mess at that point and get lost.

>> No.3650277
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If they fuck you over on a chargeback/fradulent charge you have no method of getting your money back. Paypal will basically say "sorry we can't help you". Do not use Ko-fi for commissions either. There are a whole bunch of stories on https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/ about people using this option and getting fucked over. Just raise your commission prices to compensate. The invoice fee is like 2-2.5% so charge extra but just disclose it as you raising your prices. Technically sales tax should be included in your prices as well. Also, only take commissions in your own currency so you don't have to pay to convert it.
see attached. Less like traditional cell shading now a days. Really just make sure your faces are appealing. Be sure to follow face style trends as well.
If it's small, you can try to use the blender, but you would really need the copic airbrush system.