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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3623032 No.3623032[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do females unironically browse this board? Imagine what a bottom of the barrel female you have to be in order to come here

>> No.3623037
File: 198 KB, 499x427, 1498423963424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're called Tumblrinas and they all have sand in their baginas.

>> No.3623041

I want to have sex with an /ic/ female.

>> No.3623043

You might as well fuck a mtf tranny.

>> No.3623045
File: 160 KB, 850x1133, __kokomine_cocona_papika_pure_barrier_and_pure_blade_flip_flappers_drawn_by_ikzw__sample-74b1791e1b259548382ee28d09e1d208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only come here to make /beg/-tier bait posts about wanting to get good without putting any effort in. I've collected thousands of anime reference pics and dozens of how to draw PDFs but I haven't spent one second actually trying to draw yet because I always get distracted by someone else.

>> No.3623046

NO! It's not the same. I want to feel their sand in their baginas.

>> No.3623047

flifla is my fav anime

>> No.3623058

There's 3 tumblrinas appearing now and then. One of them is a FtM troon from what I gathered.

>> No.3623060

How do you ironically browse a board

>> No.3623063

Yes. I like the anonymity.

>> No.3623065

>not wanting attention
Pick one.

>> No.3623067


>> No.3623070

i show up and take the book download links. and then i leave.

>> No.3623071

I'm a female and I browse because I like to stay unknown. I probably have AVPD, but whenever I gain followers on art sites or friends, I just end up deleting everything and making a new, empty account.
Plus, it's kind of nice having a relatively small community to observe.

>> No.3623073

what does this have to with art faggot go draw
you should be happy to get female interaction here because you wont get it anywhere else

>> No.3623075

unironically this

>> No.3623078

t. female incel

>> No.3623079

I'm a male but I'm Japanese living in Japan. It's funny whenever I see someone asserts the Japanese have some secret technique to draw manga/anime, though there's no such secret. We are just manga/anime native.

>> No.3623083

Yes, that's the joke.

>> No.3623084
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>Not naturally talented

The only thing Asians fail at is penis size, which is inversely related to intelligence/talent

>> No.3623086

vetyyr browses this board and posts sometimes they started drawing at like 12 and are 18? now

probably one of the most successful people from ic in terms of social media

>> No.3623087

Are you implying that black people are the stupidest of the bunch because they have the biggest dicks?

>> No.3623092

The reason why we have modest penis is that Asian vagina is as tight.

>> No.3623094

Just looked them up, their art sucks and has no soul. It looks like the kind of crap and AI would procedurally generate

>> No.3623097

incase, doxy, and even bbc are all more successful imo because they actually make money with their social media

>> No.3623114

>OP posting anime
>thinks he himself is not a bottom of the barrel male

>> No.3623118

not many black people who are actually good, now is there?

>> No.3623126

why do female incels hate anime so much? because they know male incels would rather choose anime instead of female incels? :^)

>> No.3623130
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now that I think of it..

>> No.3623144

Please notice me anon replies on 4chan make my pussy ache thank you

>> No.3623150
File: 159 KB, 675x1200, DmJkMfIUYAAjqV_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got tired of people everywhere else telling me my art is good no matter what. especially when i draw something that is 100% certified shit. at least i get real crits here.

im willing to put up with incels like you for that

>> No.3623172


Buuut, I'm better than you.


>> No.3623184
File: 46 KB, 680x372, 1535016948249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i come here for free art-books and references, what the hell is bad about getting free shit

>> No.3623190

>all the bottom-of-the-barrel female incels ITT calling others incels
fucking lmao. seething toastie roasties

>> No.3623193

one day you'll all realise theres only 5 men on this board and the rest are females being crabs

>> No.3623203

This board is literally 40% female you dumbass.

>> No.3623209

whats with all the women on here claiming they are here for free books? You do realize those books are just 2nd hand down from chinese blogspots and shit where you pay the typical file share fee to mass download stuff, right? /ic/ isnt some holy grail.

Just accept misery loves company.

>> No.3623210

bitch i cant read chink
and i dont have money

you think i would be here if i had another option

>> No.3623212

friendly reminder females have more cones in their eyes and therefore will always be superior painters

>> No.3623214

if i don't know you're a woman i don't mind you on my board

but fuck all the roasties who flock to IC. stop making threads for yourself. im going gay. also fuck you mercy, you're a prime art whore

>> No.3623215

that was my meme. it never took off....

maybe 2019 I'll push it
and thats why you're not gonna make it. keep putting in those cgp file requests. I'm never going to upload my quality tutorials, bitch,.

>> No.3623217

poor anon, did you get crit from a female and it hurt your feels? there there

>> No.3623228

Pretty sure everyone who comes here is bottom of the barrel, especially in shitty unrelated threads like this.

>> No.3623251

Don't bully Mercy, I'll beat you.

>> No.3623254

Dude, are you me? Exact same situation here.

>> No.3623258

all i know is that the only good pron out there is done by females. males are so uncouth at it

>> No.3623260

i mean, i browse here because sometimes i actually find helpful shit? why are you here?

>> No.3623415

A prime art whore with no social media and active in only 1 art discord
Seems like you have a vendetta

>> No.3623420

I come here bc it's fucking hilarious how stupid people can be

>> No.3623449

This! I hate anime! I don't ever want to see anything except Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, or Steven Universe!!! Fuck yeah I love NPC fandoms!!! And I love throwing shit on a canvas and calling it "abstract art!" FUCK YEAH!

>> No.3623470
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>> No.3623473

females are so cringe

>> No.3623497

Fisher? Stop remaking accounts so often, it's hard to keep track of you sometimes.

>> No.3623516

A big penis is no good if you aren't getting any action, you dumb virgin frogposter.

>> No.3623533

I matched with a girl on tinder who said she recognized my work from /ic/ and she was a qt. Then 2 minutes of conversation later she blocked me.

>> No.3623555
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I'm a female. I've been on 4chan since I was 11 (it's actually where i learned about sex). I'm 22 now and I think considering all the things I've seen, saved and shared, I turned out pretty well! Altough my teen years were quite messed up and I do regret some stuff I posted.

>> No.3623559
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>> No.3623562

women belong in 2 places, the kitchen and on my dick

>> No.3623563

That's not true. I believe a man can only have so much action before he loses it (and has to take Viagra, but even then it's not as good as it used to be). So it's good to save it up if you're having trouble in your younger years, so that when you're rich and stuff you can get females but still be able to do it in your old age.

lmao hahahahahahhaahahahha what did you say to her?

>> No.3623566

>lmao hahahahahahhaahahahha what did you say to her?
don't remember, but she Super Liked me, and quickly regretted it.

>> No.3623581
File: 13 KB, 237x233, morgiana3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pardon me

>> No.3623585

When men get older, they lose the ability to use their penis without enhancements, but it's not as good as it used to be even with enhancements

>> No.3623588

nono i mean about the saving up dude what the fuck LOL

>> No.3623595

Is there some sort of difference between a female who unironically browses this board and a male who unironically browses this board?

>> No.3623598

Ask any old guy about it. When males hit puberty, they are given a total allotment of "action." Every time you masturbate or have sex, that allotment decreases. Think of it like funds that you can't replenish. Girls can't relate, because when they have sex, it's like something is being done to them. You don't have to "pay" anything to have your vagina penetrated. It is the man who has to use his energy to pound it. It's an energy storehouse, and once it's depleted, it's gone. That's why it's better to wait until you're older to have sex with an attractive older woman (or younger, if you can pull it off) than it is to be desperate and have sex with some 2/10 fat chick in your younger years

>> No.3623605


>> No.3623606

How big is your penis females who browse this website?

>> No.3623607

Me desu
BTW don't forget to follow my insta bigoldfuckingretard.instagram.edu

>> No.3623608

is this your attempt at findign a girlfriend?

>> No.3623613

I'll date op

>> No.3623633
File: 496 KB, 500x281, 1518985394394.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I were a girl anons.

>> No.3623645

We all do anon

>> No.3623651

>Bi Gold Fucking Retard
Bisexuals dating retards the new thing I guess, fuck off back to tumbler

>> No.3623652

why do u two wanna be a girl? genuinely interested

>> No.3623655

cause then we'd get to put penises in our vaginas, and it'd be socially acceptable for us to be retarded

>> No.3623657

Learn to read bitch

>> No.3623661
File: 86 KB, 1000x563, 1502019274989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no bottom of the barrel gf

>> No.3623671

Ask your grandpa, I'm sure he'll be fairly candid about it.

>> No.3623675

Because then we can snuggle up to random girls like cats, like in anon's gif, and not be creeps

>> No.3623682

yeah if you were back in grade school that'd be nice

>> No.3623685
File: 886 KB, 2454x3500, 1524715882508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching, drawing, reading about, listening to happy cute girls for too much time, for so many years brainwashed me into it. being an ugly guy contributes too, being a cute/attractive anything would be a step up the life ladder.
at the end of the day it's all wishful thinking though, I know most girls don't have it any better and that they aren't that different from us men. I'll just keep drawing cute animu girls as a form of escapism. it's nice to have fantasies you can jump into when you're feeling down.
yeah, I bet that'd feel nice too!

>> No.3623686

I see older girls do it all the time, in animes though

>> No.3623689

other than /cgl/ i imagine ic has the highest females per males on 4chan.

>> No.3623694
File: 42 KB, 720x723, 1536129442113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your face when you meet someone who actually thinks like this

>> No.3623696

Girls rule boys drool

>> No.3623698
File: 4 KB, 240x240, 1528411134118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does that explain why the crabbiness/shitposting on this board being 50x worse than any other?

>> No.3623701

male artists are 1000x more annoying and bitchy than female artists so I doubt it

>> No.3623702

I think artists in general are more feminine in nature regardless of gender. so yes in some aspects.

>> No.3623704
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>> No.3623708

/x/ is the highest though

>> No.3623709

Because women are very prone to the vice known as witchcraft. Girls turn into screeching old bags very quickly once the aging process kicks in.

>> No.3623713

>Because women are more gullible
Fixed that for you.

>> No.3623716
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Nice bait but everyone know that's bullshit

>> No.3623724

What is a "screeching old bag?"

>> No.3623738

oh no i know ed is a thing but that's not why it happens ahahha

>> No.3623745

i remember the better days of /co/ before bronies where you could casually be female without everyone REEEEEing and turning threads to shit about it

>> No.3623752

it's kinda funny watching men cry on the internet tho

>> No.3623766

Please put the gesture battle back up chicoalte.

>> No.3623779

Which is why females are so smart, yes.
fag and also wrong
ya, male normies are so much better <3
post-op maybe

This board is probably roughly 20% female. Some of them are true-degen but most of them are good people.

>> No.3623790

did you make a new server nosegal

>> No.3623794


We got banned for hosting child porn. And they deleted my account.

>> No.3623799
File: 70 KB, 640x167, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the last messages on the old server. Sad life.

>> No.3623807

Yes it is, ask your grandpa

>> No.3623808


>> No.3623890

they're lyrics to a country song dumbfuck

>> No.3623894

i think my ex comes on here to stalk me and see if she can find me posting because shes crazy.

>> No.3623899

i finally found you you fucker

>> No.3623984

Hello David.

>> No.3624202

>listens to hick pop
cringe females

>> No.3624252

it's 1000x worse you even know that

>> No.3624256
File: 56 KB, 750x563, ftm_magazine_primaryx750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FtMs are objectively more superior than cis males.

>> No.3624262


>> No.3624263

I'm cis and you are wrong

>> No.3624868

if you're talkin bout who i think you're talkin bout you got it round the wrong way lol

you got it right, attention sucks ass

>> No.3624874

I mean other than their weird clitoris penis

>> No.3624933

Why do old people post this kind of shit everywhere?

>> No.3624958

Being cis doesn't make you right automatically. Being right makes you right. And you're wrong.

>> No.3624974

/ic/ is a female board, the arts have been usurped by women. half the self portraits in threads here are women and the industry is full of them

same with /lit/, the publishing industry is majority women now. the reason for this macrocultural shift is because
>men are smarter so in the information age all the talented dudes went into STEM. now painting, literature, and other mediocre IQ shit is the domain of women


>> No.3624980

Explains why this board continuously has temper tantrums and an unfathomable amount of butthurt especially from successful w*man artists such as Sakimichan.

>> No.3624987

so many females on this board and not one of them wants to lay with me

>> No.3624991
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>> No.3625003

this is me. i gave up on making a profession out of art and now studying for CCNA exams

>> No.3625006

im only here to laugh at crabs

>> No.3625007

whatever you have to tell yourself to cope with the fact that you are neither a skilled artist nor involved in stem

>> No.3625013
File: 89 KB, 633x758, 1518494281707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bingo, men are in awe of Sakimichan's ability and are inspired & admire her for her effort and skill, her brethren though hate her and shit talk her work like a bunch of angry cats.

I'm a pro software engineer making mid six figure salary at an ez job and I draw 2-3 hours a day both at work and afterwards. No worries about money at all and I get to draw for more than the average crab here does.

>> No.3625018

larping to cope

>> No.3625025

Explains why /lit/ and /ic/ are full of NPCs with retarded politics that they inject into everything.

>> No.3625032

>especially from successful w*man artists such as Sakimichan.
She's the only female artist that gets bashed that way because she's the biggest normalfag art celeb and makes a retarded amount of money. Anons bash her because they are either jealous or don't understand how she makes so much patreonbux out what is essentialy the same two drawings repeated over and over again (which is kinda genius, don't get me wrong).
Last time I saw a Sakimi thread anons were actually complimenting her appearance.