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File: 399 KB, 930x650, VSmHUrE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3622084 No.3622084 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the secret to drawing "from imagination"?

>> No.3622090

jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.3622097
File: 25 KB, 500x500, DA3136632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, really

>> No.3622099

drawing from imagination

>> No.3622104

I would like to see more secret to drawing from imagination and assess this

>> No.3622117
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Really makes me think

>> No.3622134

Any other programs that can do this?

>> No.3622138

you just know gooks use these to trace over when making their flavor of the month "little girls do [whateverfuck]"
that's why that shit all looks like it was done by same person

>> No.3622144


>> No.3622148

dude, use 3d posing programs with caution.

is not really cheating and a lot of pros use it but have some common sense ffs

>> No.3622155

What do you mean

>> No.3622179

Not a huge fan of Design Doll. For one, it only runs on Windows. Can't imagine it would be too hard to port to Mac, but maybe the dev is just too lazy. But my main issue is that the feet are too big. Like giant. Clown feet, really.

>> No.3622181

Hahahahaha post your fucking work or I swear on your fucking mom you will literally never make it faggot

>> No.3622183

if you're already good, 3d posing software is an useful tool for creativity and a time saver

if you're shit, no matter what you use, final result will look like shit

>> No.3622186

>there are retards who don't have 3D modelers to layer reference from
If you don't adapt to modern technologies you'll fall behind. Tracing basic construction from photos/models is industry standard

>> No.3622188

The """"secret"""" to drawing from imagination is drawing a lot.
With that you
a) internalize fundamental concepts like anatomy, perspective and gesture
b) build a strong visual library

Drawing using 3d software isn't drawing from imagination, it's drawing from references.

I know you are trying to make yourself feel better about not being able to draw from imagination, but I can assure you there's a ton of people out there who can do that very easily.

>> No.3622194

post work

>> No.3622196
File: 143 KB, 256x254, 1493235452701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the tracing peasant
control yourself nigger, you ass must have suddenly flare up so hard you jumped up like a bouncing betty

>> No.3622215
File: 180 KB, 800x1200, tumblr_pf3zmdg0w01spcpdgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3622229

>tfw like BBC's "sfw" pinups etc. better than xir's hardcore borno

What artist do you take inspiration from for your facial features? Kind of reminds me of Alita.

>> No.3622341

the secret is boxes lol

>> No.3622357
File: 686 KB, 810x1080, dangit bobbeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One suggestion I have for this piece is to give that strand of hair on her face on our right a little bit of volume or otherwise change its orientation slightly-as it is it's making a tangent with where her zygomatic/cheek bone would be and could conceivably be mistaken for it.

>> No.3622358

first lean to draw from life, lots of observation drawings, after that it's much easier

>> No.3622407

at that level it doesn't matter if you use references or not, but if you're going for realism or decent anatomy, you better stop being lazy and get some references

>> No.3622419

based bbc-chan

>> No.3622462

I said post your fucking work ahahaha
>This is 3d software, that must mean everyone who uses it traces it!

>> No.3622591
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>> No.3622593

Is this that one artist who always goes from large brush to thinner and thinner? What's their name if not? I remember there being a webm similar to this before. It's a very interesting process.

>> No.3622598

a lot of artists do that and for fucks sake, learn to click that little arrow and google search image

>> No.3622605
File: 2.62 MB, 640x720, 1046240264937824262.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>large brush to thinner and thinner?

That's most artists who do under drawings. You need to be more specific than that.

>> No.3622607

That's kind of cool, is there a program that records shit in that manner? Or is that just OBS over a second instance of Photoshop and edited later?

>> No.3622612
File: 1.04 MB, 606x1080, 1035057799057747968.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Corel Painter script.

>> No.3622743

Oh, I honestly have no idea. I loved Alita when I was reading it years ago. I'm sure it must have influenced me to an extent. But I can say that for a ton of old school mangas and anime.

That's a good call. Never noticed that. It's too late for changes now, but I will keep it in mind for future artworks.

I agree with this. I personally am not looking to develop a realistic style, but in that case references are a must. But I guess there's really good artists out there that can pull off realism from memory. Obviously the more realistic the artwork gets, the harder it is.

>> No.3622792

Do you really not have an imagination?

>> No.3622795


>> No.3622843

what's the artist?

>> No.3622932

>uses a reference
>"Is this the secret to drawing from imagination?"

>> No.3622942

Ur my hero bbc, you have the skills without being an arrogant dick

>> No.3622951

The secret to drawing from imagination is to take the bare minimum amount of pride in your craft and learn the information about anatomy and form that is required to methodically and reliably build up complex figures instead of being a hack who has to trace everything.


>> No.3622961

>Drawing using 3d software isn't drawing from imagination, it's drawing from references.

What's wrong with this exactly?

>> No.3622973

Not him but he obviously never said there was something wrong with it.
Learn to read anon

>> No.3623020

Absolutely nothing. If that works for you, then you should go with it.
No rules just tools.

>> No.3623053
File: 2.13 MB, 1280x720, 941152754705113089_941152754705113089.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that poster, but everyone's entitled to their own opinions on tracing from 3D models, or photos, or other people's artworks. I don't care one lick about what you do. But there are plenty of artists out there who can apply the theories, who can construct and draw imaginatively, and in doing so have a recognizable style and consistency to their work. There's no need for people to bring these artists down to their level to justify what they do, which is what threads like this one often feel like.

>> No.3623064

> everyone's entitled to their own opinions on tracing from 3D models, or photos, or other people's artworks

Those are different things. Tracing photo and other artworks is just uninspired theft. Meanwhile, tracing your own 3d models stays personal work. 3d modeling is no magic and lots of things are way faster and easier to draw, there is no problem using the advantages of both methods to do the best pieces.

>> No.3623066

The only reason why you turn to 3D is because you dont know how to solve your construction problems. A well trained artist can draw without the aid of 3D. 3D is a time saving tool, not a solution to your underlying problem.

>> No.3623081
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>Those are different things.

I don't care.

>blah rationalizations blah artsplaining

I don't care. It's not the discussion I was having, and I'm not here to judge. I'm just posting examples of drawing without tracing or copying from start to finish, and show that OP's assumption is objectively wrong.

>> No.3623082
File: 193 KB, 2122x1353, Curvigrafo_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a lie: when you're giving a model some gesture and choosing some angle and perspective, you're creating something new from imagination

it's like saying that if you use a ruler you're not drawing from imagination, cause you're just tracing an existing line

>> No.3623090

>I don't care.

You should. 3D is a new technology and you're just being a retard who listened to other retards for trying to eliminate it from how it "should be". It's pretty much the same as people diabolizing digital because "traditional is the REAL thing".

Like no shit people doesn't NEED it, you don't have to post digital process for that, you think old painters had a computer? They do were having different methods at the time, like using real life models.

>> No.3623096

>"Hey anon, can you draw X?"
>"Sure, just let me turn on my computer and spend 20 mins scrolling Pinterest for photos or posing it in DesignDoll(tm), then I'll get back to you :)"
Honestly I'd feel kinda pathetic. I want to be a master of my craft, holding the creative power within my fingertips, not on my fucking hard drive.

>> No.3623099

>"Hey anon, can you draw and paint X?"
> s-sorry, don't have all my traditional tools, also I need paper...

>> No.3623101

>the creative power within my fingertips
but seriously, you're unnecesarely handicapping yourself with your retarded self imposed virginal virtuosity morals

>> No.3623104
File: 27 KB, 180x191, 1414919415695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> my goal in life is impressing chicks by drawing right away in front of them the things they told me to draw

You sounds like a virgin cuck.

>> No.3623112
File: 2.67 MB, 1280x720, 897636822792228868_897636822792228868.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me elaborate. I don't care = I don't care that people like you are so insecure about what you do that you feel the need to justify it at every turn. I do 3D too. I don't care what anyone else does. You can do what you do without putting words in other people's mouths, and I'll end it at that because this is getting bait-y. Feel free to post yourself tracing 3D models while wanking off. Just don't extrapolate it to everyone else and we're cool.

>> No.3623131

>my goal in life is to impress women
You sounds like a virgin.

>> No.3623132
File: 303 KB, 1821x2560, 02_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ataman uses design doll

>> No.3623138

no wonder 90% of his girls looks like they have downs

>> No.3623149

is design doll the really best there is for posing?
any free alternatives?

>> No.3623152

> You can do what you do without putting words in other people's mouths

Says the guy doing exactly that.

>> No.3623155

Nah, it’s pretty shit.

Best method I know is using Daz 3d combined with modeling yourself to make your custom charaers proportions.

>> No.3623158

I wish I understood form. When I see the first parts of a drawing like >>3623112 it looks like they're just drawing something flat to me.

>> No.3623162

>thought the girl wasn't going to get put in but then she does at the end
>that level of constant detailing
Just when you think it's already done, he just keeps on going.

>> No.3623166

It's the fastest and most intuitive. It's the closest you can get to real drawing. But if you want more accurate anatomy, use Daz.

>> No.3623194

>I wish I understood form.

There's a very basic concept that seems like cognitive dissonance, which is that 3D thinking can yield 2D results, and vice versa. The individual drawings of a cartoon may look 2D, but are the result of processing 3D objects in the mind. Meanwhile, a plein air landscape painting may look spacious, but is purely the result of replicating color stroke by stroke, which is an exercise in 2D thinking.

>> No.3623226

Give me a burnt stick and a flat surface my man

I can draw with reference. I can draw without it. I can use Blender. I don't have to, though.

Who's really handicapping themselves here

>> No.3623232

>I wish I understood form.
It's really not hard. You can draw cubes and cylinders right? Just practice drawing lots of cubes/spheres/cylinders in the same scene, putting them in front of and behind each other, buulding things out of them like they're Lego blocks. Your 3D intuition will develop with practice.
Also watch that whole Vilppu video I linked and find the pdf of his book. He shows how you can just arrange two circles in the right way and it already starts to suggest 3D form.
Once you have enough intuition, you'll be able to more easily vidualize how the flat initial strokes develop into the full form.

>> No.3623250

Yes, it's possible to draw with. But I'm better off drawing with the best tools possible to get the best result possible.

>> No.3624934

jesus he force brute his lack of skill.

>> No.3625101

Gotta love crabs.
Cmon, post your work, genius.

>> No.3626174

That looks good

>> No.3626176

The feet are barely larger than the hands what are you talking about, also you can adjust your drawing and aren't forced to copy this.

>> No.3626183

do people actually trace 1:1 like the one in OP? I tried that and the result is lifeless compared to referencing it. Why?

>> No.3626184

The face looks uncanny to me

>> No.3626246

Because you aren't good enough for the 3d to compensate your lack of skills.

>> No.3626397

clip studio paint has poseable 3d models

>> No.3626489

someone's been redpilled kek

love your stuff BBC

>> No.3626497

I'm the biggest Kim Jong Gi fan alive and my entire art goal is to be able to head construct and draw with pen like he does, but the truth about art is to the world you're just judged on the end result. Only other artists care that much about the process.

>> No.3626505

is there anything simillar for clipstudio? or a name for these sorts of things so I can google?

>> No.3627038

the amount of unnecessary steps makes me cringe

>> No.3627047
File: 118 KB, 900x900, deletethis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3627075

> never gonna make it crab

>> No.3627082

He's right you know.

>> No.3627117

Beebs do a collab with Incase.

Also get that little bish to reveal some of processes. He guards his shit like fucking Cerberus.

>> No.3627164

? he streams all the time. At least he did last year

>> No.3627174

Does he? Fuck I actually had no idea.

>> No.3627303

final result is all that counts

>> No.3629096

He isn't wrong though.

>> No.3629098


>> No.3629212


>> No.3629222

Polished turd
not gonna make it