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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3617965 No.3617965 [Reply] [Original]

I'm jealous of my friend.

He's progressed more in his 1 year of art than I have in my life. He just sits there for 8 hours straight every day drawing. I don't know how he does it and it's making me hate him.

>> No.3617968

Serves your right. You should of used more Loomis.

>> No.3617976

talk with him? Tell him your feelings, or at least try acting like a decent person and ask him for advice.
Stop with this being hateful and pseudo pride thing, ask yourself is the hate towards him really deserved? That's not how a friend acts

Besides, he probably already senses your negative aura towards him and will distance himself more and more.

>> No.3617977

is he a NEET?

>> No.3617979
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*punches you*
feeling better now!?, you know what you have to do!

if you want to get on his level: draw for 8 hours straight everyday

if you want to surpass him: draw for more than 8 hours straight every day, maybe something like 10-11 hours

push yourself to do it even if it hurts and it gets hard, mentally force yourself to do it if you have to!!!

>> No.3617980

>educates and trains himself for 8 hours a day

>> No.3617984
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Not him, but let's say hypothetically that there's someone on /ic/ who you look up to ever since you first started drawing, and he posts something that reveals their decline in skill. You come to the realization that you possibly surpassed them, how would you react in that scenario if you were the other Anon?

Personally I feel depressed because I really want them to excel and be right underneath them skillwise.

>> No.3617991

its the same as getting good at video games
there's a tiny tiny chance it'll earn you enough to make a living

>> No.3617995

His improvement doesn't prevent you from improving, and doesn't make you any worse at art. You are separate people.

It's way easier to make money from art than from video games, art's competitive but money from vidya is niche on a whole other level.

>> No.3618000

are you all underage? i wish i could draw for 8 hours a day. do you just leech off your parents? how do you people not have jobs?

>> No.3618011

Formal education doesn't always guarantee employment either. A degree would look great on paper, but it depends on a lot of other things. Failing to teach art isn't going to stop people from trying to teach themselves, and most artists are considered as being self-taught.

>> No.3618013
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>> No.3618015

I went back to school to get my masters but really I'm just using that as an excuse to get good at art and live off student loans for a year.

>> No.3618033

Been there done that. There's no reason to be sad about it, anon. Everyone's journey is different, that artist inspired you, now it's your turn to inspire others.

I'm sure they would be proud to know that you looked up to them once.

>> No.3618048

call the lazy fuck out and make him work harder

>> No.3618052

I work 8 hours a day weekdays, (one being a lunch break where I sketch), spend an hour for eating and traveling, draw and vector for at least 6 hours a day, last hour is spent sporadically reading and posting on 4chan, then 8 hours of attempted sleep before repeat. Been doing this since leaving college. It's not impossible, just apply yourself and live a simple life that doesn't require a "real job"

>> No.3618066

why not get in touch with them? its possible that they're busy and can't art or maybe lost interest in drawing, idk but this:

>really want them to excel and be right underneath them skillwise.

doesn't sound very healthy imo D:

>> No.3618075
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Let me tell you what he did. He didn't "draw for 8 hours a day". He just fucking drew. You all have your heads so far up into Loomis and your grind that you don't realize what makes artists truly progress is the desire to reach actual art goals.
"getting good" doesn't mean shit. Find out what you really want to do and start right now. You'll get good sooner than you think.

>> No.3618077

I hope they didn't lose interest, I tried to support them by sending a virtual giftcard years ago since they were nice enough to give me redlines way back when. Was surprised to hear that was the first time an Anon gave them anything so they bought some Manga studio software or something.

I also hope they'll continue posting here and not just leave again and come back out of nowhere after going away a couple of years.

>> No.3618104
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but yeah i guess i lost interest becuz working full time + a 4h commute makes flatty a dull boi
sorry to disappoint, don't give up, please carry on in my stead!

>> No.3618132

verb. Should've or should have is defined as something that would have been beneficial to do. An example of should've is realizing that wearing elbow pads would have been a good idea after you've fallen off a bike.

>> No.3618181

wish I had 8 hours to practice this shit everyday.

>> No.3618183

this, must be nice being underage neets that get to draw all the time. i fucking hate being a wagecuck.

>> No.3618652

how is that even remotely related to the anons reply, or were you just asking something entirely different?

>> No.3618658

>4 hour commute

If you're serious, I'm an internet stranger who's concerned on your behalf.

If you really have this, both ways, and you're working 8 hour days, you're working 80 hour workweeks and would probably literally be higher paid if you just took two jobs closer to home.

>> No.3618661

>He just sits there for 8 hours straight every day drawing. I don't know how he does it
Ask him and stop being a little bitch. Unless you want to let your jealousy and pity party lose you a friend. At least be up front about it and say
>"Hey buddy we can't be friends anymore because you're better than me and I can't have friends who are better than me"

>> No.3618729

You are a shitty person.
Do the world a favor and KYS.

>> No.3618734

Sounds like your friend deserves a better friend.

Do him a favor and an hero

>> No.3618741

>wake up
>draw for 8 hours with little breaks to eat, exercise, shower
>go to work for 8 hours
>go home and go to bed

Not that hard anon.

>> No.3618754

A regular work day is 8 hours but there are 24 hours in a day dude. We fucking make time for it unlike you apparently.

(Also some of us work from home you know, where you do 4 hours of real work a day and fuck around in your free time drawing until your boss calls?)

>> No.3618755
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Just b urself

>> No.3618841

You would if you weren't so busy shit posting on /ic/ all day. Fuck off and start drawing!