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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3617592 No.3617592 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3617594

It's just /ic/, there's a few mentally ill people that keep posting.

>> No.3617596


>> No.3617597

Lots of reasons also you're on 4chan what did you expect

>> No.3617600

Because no-one wants to give too much of a leg up to a potential competitor.
That's why paintings videos never really tell you anything useful, who the hell is going to give away info they've learnt the hard way, that
the previous generation never wanted to share either?

>> No.3617602

yeah that's what I thought too
give some advice but don't all your secrets. Let them struggle and find those out by themselves

>> No.3617605

like, its obviously worse on 4chan because of anonymity but this is like very widespread, i've noticed a lot of artists are always involved in drama and rivalries and whatnot

>> No.3617606

That's why you have to pay out the nose for (or torrent) the good stuff.

>> No.3617608

displacing angst onto other people

for example, if a beginner is struggling to draw feet, he will be very nit-picky about that part only, disregarding the whole picture.
this applies to any part of the body or perspective

and since there are a lot of beginners here, there is a lot of angst.

>> No.3617612

Yeah, but when you pay a lot of money for something such as Richard Schmid, you still get run of the mill info. Never the nitty gritty about WHY this colour, or brushstroke, or decision, etc. Because that is the stuff of secrets and you keep that to yourself,

>> No.3617613

a valid assumption, but i seriously doubt people care about each other that much. art is art.
only women care about personalities or the artist behind a picture, cause they're all shallow like that.
maybe this board is filled with females.

>> No.3617620

Because artists are emotional shitbrains and they get jealous of other people if they're bad and if they're god tier they don't want god tier competition newbies willing to sell themselves short or sell out for a foot in the door.

Wasn't there a guy that did that? Taught people on a forum how to draw like him and then they started taking his jobs and put him out of work so he stopped?

>> No.3617657

OP isn't wrong, I posted some art progress in a non-critique channel recently, first response was a guy trying to knock my progress and tell me what I did wrong (hint: I already knew what to improve, just wanted to finish it and move on)

Artists are assholes in general. All of them. Literally only doing this because I enjoy it, but boy do I hate the community.

>> No.3617663

He probs just wanted to feel superior for one reason or another (no future prospects, sucks at art) on top of taking out his angst on you

>> No.3617668

You're definitely right. After a day at work I just want to do chill things, like look at other people's art, tell them what I like about it, post my art, hear what people like. I'm over analytical and self-critical enough as-is. If I asked for critiques that's one thing, but it wasn't the case here.

You're right though, I shouldn't be bothered by it. He was just being a douche.

>> No.3617674

>If I asked for critiques that's one thing
But you're posting on artwork and critiques not artwork and compliments.

>> No.3617685

Idk but that's how the world works.

>> No.3617692

Learn to read, I posted it on another means of exchange. One that was supposed to be a hug box of people posting what they're proud of

>> No.3617694

Well in that case they obviously belong here and not in a hugbox

>> No.3617836
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Garbage recognizes garbage i guess

>> No.3617872
File: 242 KB, 510x346, 06a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx for the replies
i just find this whole thing interesting
you guys are anon, would you mind telling me what drives you to dislike and sometimes outright hate another artist?
and if you've been on the receiving end of the hate, how does that make you feel?

>> No.3617889

>be kid
>be better than the other kids at art
>draw because you can show off
>grow up without improving that much since you thought you were really good anyway
>now only mum tells you she likes your work
>can't accept you're not that good anymore
>bring others down to make yourself feel better

>> No.3617927
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You of all people should know by now that these faggots experience an extraordinary amount of butthurt followed by a bout of autism that usually ensues a level of hilarity. This is how we really are, take a look at ancient Roman graffiti from pic related people have historically always been cunts, the more things change the more they stay the same.

If one can't handle the banter either grow a thick skin or fuck off, everyone's been on the receiving end at one point and if it impacts you negatively go back to your hugbox environment.

>> No.3617935

don't get it wrong, this isn't about me D:

>> No.3617939

I wasn't talking about you in the context of going back to your hugbox, I meant that in general. You've been here long enough to know this already is what I meant.

>> No.3617955

it's because drawing is one of the hardest things to do, and a lot of the appeal of a drawing is subjective. this leads to a lot of frustration, envy, and conflicting opinions.

>> No.3617964

I dislike someone when they do something like ask for critique them immediately start defending their art and arguing with me when I wasn't rude in the first place. Is it so bad to be straightforward?

Anyways that will make me secretly hate them and if it's a bad day on top of that they might trigger the rage.

Receiving end has happened for sure. I just try to brush it off and ignore it but it can bother me a little sometimes

>> No.3617966
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speak of the devil

>> No.3617988

everything except the last one is me. Instead of bringing others down I just sit here and do nothing but sulk even though I could be using that time to close the gap. But I never do.

The only time I find that I hate people over it is because they get more attention and therefore more money than I do despite me clearly being ahead of them as far as technical skill goes. I guess they appealed to the right audiences and built up a rapport over time through clubs on DA and tumblr and shit, but it really irks me how 3 people I know in person get tables at conventions and shit all the time, meanwhile I struggle to get more than one commission a month. One dude has cool ideas but his execution is always garbage. Anatomy is ass and he only ever draws waifu shit, but people support him anyways. He's likable at least though. The girl only draws the same 3 things all the time over the past 10 years so she's very ingrained in her niche. She's good at what she does but definitely a one trick pony. Also very stylized so she struggles hard with things outside of her box. Then there's this kid who just needs to put the pen down. I'm not kidding when I say 80% of /beg/ is better than him in every way. Only reason he gets tables is because his uncle is a big part of most conventions in my area so he gets to skip to the head of the line, even though I was next on the wait list. I don't hide it about him at all. I fucking hate that kid.

>> No.3617994
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>> No.3618040

I think most artists compare themselves to other artists and make a sort of hierarchy in their minds.
They categorize artists and treat them accordingly
better than me - respect and praise
worse than me - encourage and advise
similar to me - tread with caution not to stir shit up

I think most conflict happens when someone acts in a way that goes against how the artist has labeled them.
It's kinda childish, but ego is a weird thing.

>> No.3618049

because youre a fucking loser lol

>> No.3618057
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>> No.3618059
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interesting insights, keep em coming c :

>> No.3618076
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>> No.3618085
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idk it makes me sad. Everyone thinks it's some magic trick when the reality is that art is made through labor, like everything else. But instead of being willing to talk about how they work, all the "artists" here would rather attack and talk shit because they think their shitty "study the fundamentals" nonsense advice may give the person "a leg up."

It's narcissism being propagated by malignant unfuckable faggots that haven't comed to terms with how awful they are yet, so they just lash out at everyone else.

And it's interesting because most artists I've interacted with are either hyper passive aggressive irl or just aloof or whatever. The people that spend a lot of time anonymously talking shit and "taking artists down a peg" aren't going to make anything.

>> No.3618111
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>Because no-one wants to give too much of a leg up to a potential competitor.
you're not competing with anyone but yourself. ngmi
>That's why paintings videos never really tell you anything useful
uuuu. You want to believe that making stuff is more than just doing it.
>who the hell is going to give away info they've learnt the hard way
literally everyone. It's not a fucking secret treasure. It's basic art education.
>the previous generation never wanted to share either?
yeah they did. that's how you fucking know things you goddang idiot.
people that think they have "art secrets" are retarded. Particularly since most of you just fucking anime tiddies. People can look at what you did.
I like how /ic/ is just stupid kids justifiying why they wasted a bunch of money and got hoodwinkied into buying art tutorials from snake oil boys.
>only women care about personalities or the artist behind a picture, cause they're all shallow like that.
you realize that this involves more intellectual depth right? It's literally the opposite of shallow.
>maybe this board is filled with females.
nope. Impotent virgins and women-hating homosexuals.

>> No.3618135
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When I look at my own art I want to commit suicide
When I look at others' art I want to commit murder

>> No.3618152
File: 768 KB, 3516x2753, 284. lilly shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want to make more art

>> No.3618206

4ch is a cesspool of mal-adjusted people. You have those same people here trying to be artists.

>> No.3618218

what you described is the exact opposite of shallow

>> No.3618350

cause its funny.

>> No.3618354

i just want a place that's not full of depressive neurotic crabby people like in here, but also not full of robotically happy generic like in DA or insta

>> No.3618860

Well, we all want what we can't have.
This is the best you'll get, because not being anon means no-one dares to be honest and everything is disgustingly saccharine.

>> No.3618928

Sounds like you're a dumb bitch.
Stop drawing.

>> No.3618933


>> No.3618934

based trips

>> No.3618976

Based trips tells the truth.

The "secret that profesionals don't want to tell you" it's just a meme perpetuated by ngmi that don't want to put the work.

>> No.3618980

based and fucking redpilled
muh sikrit knaledge is one of the worst memes to ever exist

>> No.3618990
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I don't express my inner bitch because I did cringey shit here when I was a newfag (my excuse was that I was a highschooler at the time, I'm of course an adult now). And I don't want people to know the gay shit I did.

If I could, I would openly rip onto western animation on my twitter. Mostly the indie ones on kickstarter etc.

>> No.3619108

Wow a lot of comments that seem almost to agree in some form or fashion.
I have a thread about my progress as a beginning painter.
It has that grey looking foot.
I thought it would be neat to take a pic every time I work on it and talk about the process because I am BEG TIER to the max and it’s my first painting.
I am not necessarily looking for criticism or cheering but don’t mind either.
I just think it might be neat to show talk about the process as I go along, and if it turns out decent then what I have actually learned will be documented and maybe someone might benefit from that.
Probably not on a technique level but more on a thought process/ decisions I make along the way level.
I am limited to working on this thing a few hours a day so the progress is in little jumps which is perfect I think for the documentation process.

Here’s the thread..


>> No.3619120

Bollocks, and stop samefagging.
I've learnt information from obscure sources that I have never found in any current popular books or dvd's in oils or watercolours. And I'm not sharing what I've found because you're the excat reason people keep stuff to themselves, you twat.

>> No.3619265
File: 107 KB, 500x296, adasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've found the secrets
You are just an autist that found an antiquated method and thinks he found a secret. Since you aren't posting work with your claims, it's pretty obvious that your "secret methods" haven't made you above beg tier, that should be enough proof for anyone.

>stop samefagging.
Try again fag

>> No.3619417

pyw faggot. you won't because it's all bullshit

>> No.3619419

This. No reason to give third world leeches and NEETs any advantage. They deserve to rot. The best thing to do on /ic/ is to spread misadvice, remove resources, and waste as much of their time as possible.

>> No.3619492

There is no "advantage" if you know that it takes 10 years of hard work to get to your level anyway.
Also, real artists that are good like to compete among themselves, that's how people get good in the real world. Not with pathetic schemes taken out of an anime.

>> No.3619494

Because we're frustrated. We need to start having sex with each other.