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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.23 MB, 2550x4533, bowsette finished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3616155 No.3616155 [Reply] [Original]

this is my first time doing fan art for a while, i post this on KYM and it gets downvoted. no one wants to tell me WHY.
in a desperate plea, i've went to here to see what went wrong.

i do not want to return to deviantart, i'm not going to join tumblr, and twitter isn't getting any traction to show off my work. so KYM was my only option, but, that was a mistake.

>> No.3616157
File: 1.17 MB, 2550x4533, bowsette finished redhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also got a redhead version

>> No.3616164

The lineart work is complete garbage. Also, learn how to properly draw a face.

>> No.3616176

i know my line art utterly sucks. i can't make silky smooth lines like how i see professionals do it. there was nothing i could of done. i used a tablet and it still came out rough.

>> No.3616181

>terrible lineart
>terrible face
>insane proportions
come on anon it's not that hard to see what is wrong here

>> No.3616184

well what has to be done to improve on these things?

>> No.3616186
File: 241 KB, 720x1280, bowsette WIP 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess i should also show the rough sketches as well

>> No.3616188
File: 222 KB, 720x1280, bowsette WIP 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with line work

>> No.3616190
File: 1.82 MB, 2000x3000, koppa hime sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll also take any pointers

>> No.3616193


>> No.3616197

is this a misspelling

>> No.3616199

nah, that one is actually way better than the ones i'm showing

>> No.3616201

KnowYourMeme for short.

it was perhaps a mistake to share my work there, but I'm not going to touch tumblr with a 40 foot pole.

>> No.3616209

4chins is actually the most responsive site I've received criticism from. I'd reccomend the drawthreads (/co/ or /aco/)

>> No.3616218

i barely post on tumblr and i have 5k followers on there. shilling is shilling, no matter what site youre on. quit being a faggot

>> No.3616221

i made an account just to downvote you

>> No.3616225

i"m still not going to risk it. that site can turn artist into screaming landwhales, and you know why.

>> No.3616227

don't forget the other version while you're at it

>> No.3616228
File: 19 KB, 712x159, sc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was going to bully you, but this is actually really sad. are you autistic?

>> No.3616232

hopefully not. Just a borderline bad case of Cystic Fibrosis (CF)

>> No.3616237

That sucks, idk the extent of your shit but I also have shitty shaky hands when drawing digitally. One thing that helped me is practicing doing each line in a single stroke. One swift, clean movement. It will probably take a lot of tries to get it right but the results will get better over time.

>> No.3616243

Stop drawing anime and start with the basics. Learn perspective by drawing shapes at different angles AND USE REAL WORLD REFERENCES. If you're having problems with shaky lines, practice with long strokes to build up confidence. But most importantly of all, KEEP DRAWING; it's gonna take awhile before you start having fun and at least drawing an hour a day can help. If this all seems too hard for you then you can stop and never try again. Read the sticky if you need help getting materials to practice with.

>> No.3616247

You're not entitled to critiques you piece of shit. You suck.
Suck it up.

>> No.3616249

There are tutorials all over youtube for lineart including for whatever specific software you are using. For faces you should draw from real life reference/ photos before you start stylising. For proportions, yet again go and sketch some nude models. Those proportions were way too exaggerated beyond what anyone would consider sexy

>> No.3616257

>It's another autistic OP gets angry at people who don't like his cringe doodles he made a whole thread for
This happens at least twice a week

>> No.3616264

anon it's making defensive comments like this >>3616228 that makes you the next dobson. next time, say 'i would appreciate some criticism on this' and little else. it sucks when people dont like your work, but you're not gonna die

>> No.3616266


holy shit


>> No.3616279

i snapped when i saw the downvotes with no reasoning behind it, and wrote that.
i'll take full responsibility on that comment, i'm not gonna remove it or anything

>> No.3616282

You're not entitled to people looking past your shit linework, OP. If you really can't control your hands, change stabilization settings or consider learning how to do lineart with vectors.

If your art looks like ass, it will be treated as such, and it is your fault for presenting something bad to the public while expecting to get your e-peen sucked.

>> No.3616318

and it never gets old

>> No.3616322

>i also got a redhead version

>> No.3616350

No one will bother to critique you anywhere that isn't some form of art community, and even then, good luck not getting memed on when you're learning. Even here.
Art is for losers and no one will help you unless they can extract value from you in some way. Try not to depend on others, hit the books and self critique by comparing yourself to whatever artists inspire you.

1. You're learning, so don't expect an audience. Drawing lewd shit attracts people with really low standards, but their standards aren't so low that you can just get a bunch of followers at this level by chasing after memes. Focus on learning, building a following comes later. It requires either very good mastery, very good shilling skills or luck. Some people have all 3. A bunch of good artists are struggling to get noticed.
2. Tune up the stabilizer if your draftsmanship is lacking. It helps out, but as you draw more you can slowly tone it back down. Also, make sure you draw your lines without chicken scratching. Practice getting them right in as few strokes as possible, so they won't look all weird and serrated. This requires time and patience. Don't get too hung up on doing the super clean anime line meme by the way, it's a waste of time. And yes, you'll go through that phase like the rest of us.
3.Draw lots and study other artists. Learn what makes their art appealing, what makes shit feel good on your eyes, straight up copy them if you have to and try to break the process down. Also, draw from life, at least hit up some porn sites and practice from thots posing in questionable malware websites.
4. It's ultimately your choice, but don't turn your nose up to platforms for no reason. Being on dA, tumblr and shit is important so you can reach more people. Remember #1? Gotta be a good shill. But once again, your choice. And once again, you shouldn't be worried about getting a following just yet.
5. Fuck off with that redhead version shit, Bowsette is blonde.

>> No.3616361
File: 561 KB, 544x840, 98d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck off with that redhead version shit, Bowsette is blonde.
thats where youre wrong m8

>> No.3616379

Oof and yikespilled

>> No.3616430

>i do not want to return to deviantart, i'm not going to join tumblr, and twitter isn't getting any traction to show off my work. so KYM was my only option, but, that was a mistake.

Why did you leave deviantart? I can understand not wanting to go to tubmlr. KYM seems like a poor place to get any followers desu, anyway if you or anybody else wants a art buddy add me on devaintart. I'm Awanomus on there, maybe we can motivate each other to improve. I may give this meme a shot later. as for the a crit, lineart looks scratchy, did you ink on paper and color digitally? the face has a lot wrong as others have said, you should study real heads instead of going so anime focused.
I like it nice pose, but the face is a bit wonky

>> No.3616433

It seems like you're at least trying so that's good. There have been a few posts with good advice already but really to narrow it down.
1.look up videos and tutorials on how to draw gesture and do figure drawing, you'll suck at it at first but keep doing them everyday, you will get better.
2.look up more ways to construct the body.
3.copy one or more drawings you find appealing a day.
4.still draw what you feel like during the day, just after you practice the above steps to gain more technical skill, I'd also suggest learning to use pictures of real women as reference.
It's not like you're COMPLETE SHIT, you just can't get a fanbase at this level. Just draw and gain satisfaction from knowing you're improving.

>> No.3616443

i left deviantart because i originally posted bionicle MOC pictures, but once i changed what i was doing, my followers did not like it at all. so i just said "fuck it" and left my account barren with nothing new posted for years.

>> No.3616552
File: 279 KB, 667x1651, bowsette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw in sai or use lazy nezumi if you want better linework, mate.

>> No.3616571

>in the middle of fixing my line art
>see's this

>> No.3616576

Nose looks hideous and the mouth is too puffy.
The nose is far too simplified compared to the rest of the face. Try to balance it out. Better yet, change the way you approach faces entirely.

>> No.3616579

Actually, the main problem with the mouth is that the countour between the skin and it is too harsh for such a big mouth. In reality, it is a very soft transition, so that line is kind of a throw-off

>> No.3616622

mouth is too low, boob shape is ????, arms not properly in perspective making them look small instead of foreshortened in anyway

>> No.3616669
File: 518 KB, 1917x1040, bowsette improvments WIP 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sooo, i remembered that i had SAI all along.
I'm reworking my line art, and fix any anatomy issues along the way (the face though, still not sure how to tackle that one) is it still garbage?

>> No.3616677

Looks better and I can tell you took some of the advice to heart. Tackling the anatomy of the face will take some work, and I'm sure someone here will tell you to study loomis, but I'd start by looking at an artist you take inspiration from and see how they do it in that angle. Pay attention to where everything is.

>> No.3616684

Westerners shouldn't even bother drawing

>> No.3616688

its ok anon. i get downvoted too, but we can rise above it.

>> No.3616691

You do not understand the forms of the face, let alone what makes a pleasing face. Accept that you're still early in your artistic development and receiving good honest praise is a result of continued effort at improvement.

>> No.3616726
File: 144 KB, 800x1400, bf8521bebc383dad49ea16ff839396a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did your best, anon.

>> No.3616736
File: 341 KB, 1543x903, bowsette improvements WIP 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another update.
think i botched the lips

>> No.3616738

creepy eyes

>> No.3616743

stop anon, I know how you feel, I've been there; you are not going to get anywhere polishing a turd. If you really want to improve you are better off grinding fundies before you attempt more off imagination stuff. You suffer from symbol drawing,work on your general construction and gesture and do studies from reference

>> No.3616746

There's not really one thing you can fix. It's just bad beginner art.
The face is really flat. Practice constructing lots of heads (both realistic and cartoon) with the ball method until you can get a good sense of depth.
Linework is terrible. Ghost your lines, draw from the shoulder, draw with confidence, all the standard stuff.
Anatomy is obviously fucked up everywhere especially the legs.
Basically it boils down to "learn how to draw". Fortunately all these things will get better with practice.

>> No.3616750

>you suffer from symbol drawing
It's a fucking cartoon drawing. It's supposed to be composed of symbols. Don't just parrot advice in cases where it's not relevant.

>> No.3616753

Even if he's parroting, he's not wrong, unlike you. It's symbol drawing, rather than simplification of forms

>> No.3616759

What a faggot, kek

>> No.3616760

I'm not parroting I literally told him I'd been there. If he wants to get out of that hole he has to practice construction and gesture

>> No.3616776

Ok I'm not gonna get into a semantic debate with you if you define "symbol drawing" as something inherently bad. I think cartoon/anime styles clearly make use of symbols though and so criticizing a cartoon as symbol drawing isn't very helpful.

>> No.3616793


Anime is different, it's stylized and is not a symbol (if it's good art at least), and I'll tell you how those are different. A good anime artist will actually study drawing real faces and then stylize it to their liking. They know what a real eye looks like, they've studied real eyes, but they say "fuck it lets use my knowledge to make this shit look kawaii and huge".

Symbol drawing is not stylizing, it's the opposite. It's making shit up off the top of your head, instead of seriously looking at the forms that make something you're just drawing from a rudimentary general idea of what something looks like.

These people say "fuck it I know what an eye looks like! easy!" and draw a fucking almond with a circle inside of it and throw eyelashes on it and call it a fucking day.

You're doing the latter one. Stop it, that's bad. Go study the things you want to draw instead of guessing at it and looking like an idiot. Draw something upside down. Train your eye so you draw what you see in front of you not your idea of reality in your fucked up head.

>> No.3616796
File: 370 KB, 653x3801, Xuu - How to Draw Anything.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's dangerous to go alone, take this.

>> No.3616802

Symbol drawing for the sake of stylization can work if you understand what you are doing and why. OP understand none of the mechanics behind his actions, he's just drawing what he find attractive and it's not gaining the acclaim he's thirsting for.

He could stop and realize how much he needs to improve, respond to better advice giving throughout the thread. Instead is flailing about blindly trying to make it somehow work, his disappointment and despair is inevitable.

>> No.3616808

It's bad because:
>You aren't drawing what you really see
>You will never improve if you can't draw what you see
>If you can't draw what you see, you can't study fundamentals
>You will not have any sense of consistency through your work
>You will end up as a turd polisher
>You will look retarded to anyone with eyeballs and a brain
>You will become literally retarded

Not to mention if you're stubborn about it you'll probably just end up in /ic/ cringe improvement meme threads where everyone laughs at you for not improving due to symbol drawing

>> No.3616826

>Anime is different, it's stylized and is not a symbol
Anime is absolutely symbols. Dictionary definition: "a mark or character used as a conventional representation of an object". Anime eyes are conventional representations of real eyes, ditto for anime mouths, etc.

>and I'll tell you how those are different. A good anime artist will actually study drawing real faces and then stylize it to their liking.
Studying real anatomy before you draw symbols for real anatomy does not suddenly make your symbols not be symbols. It just helps you draw better symbols.

>symbol drawing is making shit up off the top of your head
Why would you define "symbol drawing" as "making shit up off the top of your head" when you could use the much more natural and reasonable definition of "drawing with symbols" instead.

The only reason you would define "symbol drawing" that way is just so you can parrot it as a generic criticism of every work that has flaws instead of using your own critical thinking skills and making the relatively simple observation that yes, anime is symbol drawing, but there's a difference between properly executed symbols and poorly executed symbols.

>You're doing the latter one
I'm not the fucking OP.

I'm not the fucking OP.

>> No.3616829

Oh you're just a crab that doesn't know what he's talking about then.

Thought you weren't gonna argue semantics. Yet here you are arguing semantics.

Buh-bye. Have fun sucking at art forever.


>> No.3616830
File: 37 KB, 1044x264, 0926022114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>correction in firealpaca
>lazy nezumi pro
>multiple movement smoothing tools
>vector tools
>complaining about shaky hands
It's not a valid excuse anymore, I can draw better than that shit with a cheap mouse and a fucked up wrist, people need to stop doing things in the dumbest way possible then cry when people criticize them.

>> No.3616833

You might as well be the OP with your thought process

>> No.3616835

>I'm not the fucking OP.
You're worse than OP, this is some dumb shit

>> No.3616837

Explain how anime isn't symbol drawing. Unless you define "symbol drawing" as something inherently bad. Which would be weird, because I just define it as drawing with symbols which isn't inherently bad, but if that's your definition then I'll accept it.

>> No.3616839

I already said my piece and you ignored it.

>> No.3616840

Ok, I'm sorry I ignored your post. Which one was it?

>> No.3616846
File: 62 KB, 509x339, questions time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO what the fuck are you talking about? HAHAHAHAHA

Do you understand anything about art? Do you know the difference between art definitions and dictionary definitions? Do you even have critical thinking skills? Do you even draw or are you just a shitposting crab?

You have to be a woman on her period to be this fucking illogical and bitchy. What's wrong, your boyfriend wouldn't argue with you so you're taking it to the internet?

Go suck your mom's dick, fag. Maybe the shot of protein will cheer you up. You're not you when you're hungry, anon.

>> No.3616857

Anime is symbol drawing. And that's totally fine. That's not a slam against anime or anime artists or anything. That's all I'm saying here.

>> No.3616859

Please commit suicide

>> No.3616863

What could possibly be so offensive about that claim?

>> No.3616864

just so there's no confusion, I'll just name myself. (screw it, i'll just use my general username since most of you found my pages)

to those that are arguing, just stop.

i stopped reworking on my bowsette picture. it's trash until i start looking at thots (real ones and other bowsette thots) saving them, then do the long tedious work of studying on what makes them appealing. and then keep on practicing until the ends of time (may or may not show my progress, idk) but by that time, the bowsette trend will fade away, so i'll find some other thing to draw (maybe marie or samus, idk)

basically, I'm gonna take everyone's advice (including the shrimp picture, that one's cute) and just, keep on drawing, no matter how repetitive it might feel at first.

>> No.3616869
File: 169 KB, 1280x1024, 0926025359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use FireAlpaca my dude, you should use thinner lines to allow more details

>> No.3616872

is it free? and, also, i'm done reworking on her (you can continue on if you like, I'll just do what i said I'll do.

>> No.3616873

Good, godspeed. Starting to learn a skill is always a tedious grind, but after you get over that initial hurdle, shit starts flowing beautifully. Just stick with it.

>> No.3616875
File: 286 KB, 1858x1562, symbols.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off, you looked up the dictionary definition instead of trying to find the art definition. These two things are very different and if you were a real artist you'd know that already.

>Dictionary definition: "a mark or character used as a conventional representation of an object".
Key word: "Conventional"
Do you know the definition of conventional?

>pertaining to convention or general agreement; established by general consent or accepted usage; arbitrarily determined: conventional symbols.
As in, a symbol that literally everyone in the world would recognize. Something so simple that no matter where you're from you go "oh thats an eye"

Oh wow look at that, "conventional symbols" is even in there. And that's what we're fucking talking about with "symbol drawing". Your reading comprehension is real low btw you should work on that. You poked a hole in your own argument.

What is a conventional symbol? Things like pic related. Drawing things like pic related, in art, is bad and makes you a literal beginner tier artist. If you do this you are bad and you should feel bad, you NGMI little shit.

PS I put the handicapped symbol in just for you, anon

>> No.3616878

>to those that are arguing, just stop.
No this piece of shit needs to learn a thing or two or he'll spread his faggotry among the beginners in this board.

>> No.3616881

heh, alright then, carry on lol

>> No.3616904
File: 1.42 MB, 1686x1154, symbol drawing example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an example of symbol drawing. Drawing using universal symbols that are stored in your brain. See how bad that looks?

Anime and cartoons are not symbol drawing because they're not all using the same universally accepted symbols for eyes, noses, ears, mouths, people, handicapped people like you, cars, etc. They don't use food emoji to represent food, they draw food in a style.

Do we need to define style? Let's do that.
>Stylization and stylized have a more specific meaning, referring to visual depictions that use simplified ways of representing objects or scenes that do not attempt a full, precise and accurate representation of their visual appearance (mimesis or "realistic"), preferring an attractive or expressive overall depiction. More technically, it has been defined as "the decorative generalization of figures and objects by means of various conventional techniques, including the simplification of line, form, and relationships of space and color", and observed that "stylized art reduces visual perception to constructs of pattern in line, surface elaboration and flattened space".

See that? It's reducing visual perception to constructs of pattern in line and details on a 2d plane. It's simplifying something into an aesthetically pleasing representation. That's not a symbol, it's entirely different.

>> No.3616933
File: 58 KB, 1660x1220, ms paint bowserette looks better than yours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon youre not good enough to try to make things with those proportions,try to simplify it even further,you can make a simpler but more appealing are style instead of trying to do stuff at a level you clearly do not have.You dont have to be good to make things them look good.To give you a clearer idea,i just drew a bowserette in ms paint using my mouse(i draw traditionally),i didnt even draw a nose on it and its overall fucking basic,but it looks better than yours because im full aware of how much i suck at drawing on mouse,so instead i do something simpler than can look appealing in spite of my skill level.Basically,if youre trying to jump a bandwagon you might as well go full hack

>> No.3616970
File: 47 KB, 219x241, 1522488495719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like >>3616743 said,
>you are not going to get anywhere polishing a turd
Once you finished a piece you aren't satisfied with, move on and do another one, and another, and another. And then in a couple of weeks take a look at first one to see where you REALLY fucked up. More time you spend with one drawing, less mistakes you're gonna notice and even flipping the canvas won't help you anymore. Annoying everyone with "CRITIQUEZ PLS" won't help you because you're making same mistakes EVERY beginner makes and they can be fixed only by grinding fundies and drawing more. What you really need is sketch a lot with occasional polished pieces to check your progress.
That's why nobody likes to give /beg/gars any critique. They (you) just keep polishing their single piece of turd instead of applying new knowledge to fresh pieces.

>> No.3616982

already realized that and i said it in here: >>3616864

>> No.3616992

>better than yours

>> No.3616997
File: 165 KB, 342x342, 1519501816886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok bruh, I was reading only posts with pictures and replies to them.

>> No.3617182

based anon of wisdom

>> No.3617206

When in doubt, Loomis.

>> No.3617929
File: 12 KB, 407x286, 1319398941712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the hell did i do wrong?

>> No.3618413

>Lazy nezumi
Dude, I haven't be able to find a cracked version anywhere. Not only I'm a poorlet, I'm also a brainlet that can't find a fukin plug in

>> No.3618417
File: 901 KB, 1296x1500, n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm posting my stuff here to get some critics, please don't kill my aspirations.

>> No.3618461

I'd say too cartoony, but that's honestly a personal preference. Good job anon

>> No.3618558


better than OP

>> No.3618559


Oh lol, get back to do your homework before getting fun anon.

>> No.3618606
File: 2.08 MB, 2550x4533, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a quick edit I did to point out some of the more glaring problems. It's hardly perfect, but it should give you some idea of where you're weakest. I'd really focus on your anatomy. You drew the face far too elongated, the eyes are at weird angles, and the limbs are all far too fragile. Also remember that shading often does a better job of indicating form than lines. Your muscles are over exaggerated in a way that makes the character look like a kid's dbz oc.

>> No.3618687

Overall problem is that it looks like the average Brickhouse Betty drawing from early Newgrounds.

>> No.3619218

Stylization =/= symbol drawing.

Symbol drawing arises from ignorance of the subject.
Stylization arises from intimate knowledge of the subject.

>> No.3619409

whoah, this is still going even after i said that i'm taking everyone's advice.

a whole lot better than mine that's for sure

OOF!, definitely a better improvement already, i'll take your advice to heart when doing my study drawings...

no idea who that is- OOooooooooooooh, now i remember....

>> No.3621762

>posting on kym

>> No.3623917

Use a stabalizer. But that is the least important part of why this sucks so much shit. Learn anatomy, none of that makes sense. Watch Sycra and Prokos anatomy videos.

>> No.3624555

head is too big, neck is too long and skinny, shoulders look like implants, tits are oblong and start up too high.
you have no consistency among your shadows. they are being cast in all different directions. you need to learn how to convey a single light source
idk how to explain it very well because i am a scrub as well but your line thickness has no variation. the constantly thick lines look really bad, and they should taper out when there is an end. having the blunt ends is not good. try using thinner lines overall.
did you use the fill tool to do this? I would say just don't even do color for a while. just do b&w while focusing on anatomy, posing, lines and composition. that's already an insane amount of stuff you need to refine, and throwing in color and lighting on top is just way too much.

>> No.3624602

>proportions of thicc don't match skinniness of the neck and face
>overexaggeration of teh bewbs makes the rest of the drawing look unintentionally chibi (and not in a good way)
>face is obvious symbol drawing and looks like a cringy how to draw manga book
>color looks like it was done with a fill tool
>most static pose imaginable

Unironically Loomis is your best path to improvement with what you're going for.

>> No.3625312

I actally liked it more than OP's

>> No.3625323


>> No.3625327

> this thread is still on
Oh god.

Okay anyways, throw this drswing away, archive it, whatever. Move on.

You are incredibly beg right now and have no idea what form, line control, 3d sight or anatoky even is. As others have said, read the books, do exercises, research artists, learn to choose good references and use them as aid and build a visual library.

At yourcurrent stsge dont worry about perfecting and more about learning and soaking in as much as you can. Anything you'll try to perfect will look like a polished turd anyhow. Dont waste time drawing one thing; draw from life, draw from exercises, draw from reference, draw from imagination with visual aide, drae MORE.

As much as you can but take a break when you feel you need it, domt burn yourself out.

This will take time. You will draw thousands of garbage images before you'll make good stuff. Art is a test in patience, tolerance and knowledge. You need all 3 to make it. Good luck.

>> No.3626618
File: 57 KB, 816x764, asd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a quick sketch but just a way to contrast your stuff.
control the weight of the lines
you need more anatomy and pose practice
dont overfocus on one part, look at the overflow of your whole art.
but really just draw more using references. your linework has wrong proportions so the final work is going to be wrong

>> No.3627188
File: 238 KB, 887x895, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon line wight is that last thing 90% of ic should be working on atm. best bet for a lotta these guys is do like 40 mins of gesture drawing a day and learn how to draw the loomis stick figure well enough to represent a human then work from there.

>> No.3627230

It looks like something family guy would use for a background character

>> No.3627270

you are symbol drawing m8

>> No.3627317
File: 207 KB, 779x1097, warette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might throw mine out there too for a critique if anyone's interested

>> No.3627484
File: 74 KB, 737x725, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu dude your suffering from the same issues as op you've just gotten a bit better at hiding them.
i could say things like you have no perspective on the arm the face is a bunch of symbol drawings and you are using things like hair earrings the front of her body to hide parts of anatomy you are having issues with making look appealing but you know this already.
no joke just draw a bald naked lady in a bunch of different poses and try not to hide anything and you'll learn exactly what you need to study to improve by yourself.

>> No.3627749
File: 326 KB, 1000x1864, bowsette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just here to point out my pet peeve of not paying any attention to perspective on obvious bits like the neck/arm/leg bands and the shell

>> No.3627820

The pose is fuckin awkward, stop hidding the hands, we all can see it

>> No.3627841

I love when niggas redraw bad art thinking theyre about to get a bunch of asspats
wew lad you should have left this one without uploading it

nice botched titty job btw

>> No.3627847

>imagine being so retarded you let a website influence your opinions with it's imaginary social pressure
Seriously I just blocked #black tumblr and #black people tags and my experience has been perfect

>> No.3627941

I like it

>> No.3628164

Do you do comissions?

>> No.3628359
File: 537 KB, 919x2207, bleh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever, I suck ass drawing grown woman anyway.

>> No.3629812
File: 1.73 MB, 2550x4533, fucking mouth '.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Line mouth > Nigger lips

>> No.3629817

it's kinda worse

>> No.3629942

You botched everything you dumb bastard this hurts to look at

>> No.3629953

It's way fucking worse