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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 329 KB, 1280x1640, tumblr_pfit6stBub1vhizjno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3614321 No.3614321 [Reply] [Original]

>You did draw this bitch, right?

well /ic, you do ride the current trend waves for your art, right?

>> No.3614325
File: 16 KB, 360x360, C3g7dRPWcAAyhtq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop spamming anime shit, you hentai/anime lovers should leave the /ic/ this place is for real artists not for basedmilk low T nerds.

stop spamming anime shit, leave to some hentai shit board, you problematic pieces of crap.

>> No.3614337

Fuck off

>> No.3614350

blow me

>> No.3614354

I don't want to attract horny followers. I'll jump on a trend when I actually like it

>> No.3614360

One thread at a fucking time.

Cry some more, faggot.

>> No.3614371
File: 196 KB, 311x279, 1537764901825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already have a thread for her, making another one is killing legitimate threads

>> No.3614372

generic designs as fuck, why would i draw some basic bitch anime character?

>> No.3614422

get out with anime shit you hentai loving nigger boi

>> No.3614444

>hates anime
>but posts a """relatable""" "when you" maymay
like clockwork

>> No.3614448

I don't really draw for trends. I draw what people request me to draw, as 90% of my work are commissions.

I prefer to have fans that like my art because of me, not because of the subjects I draw.

>> No.3614501

Nah. Never liked trends. I thought the "earth" anime girl looked retarded and this looks even more retarded.

>> No.3614546

You sound like you have a bad case of narcissism>>3614501

>> No.3614564
File: 92 KB, 1016x762, iffy_whip_nae_nae_skrra_mah_nibba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fourquad speaks the truth. Fuck off memer.

>> No.3614567

You sound so smug you aren't anything special

>> No.3614582
File: 37 KB, 692x1080, bowsette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3614616
File: 60 KB, 200x200, 1519651363395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not because of the subjects I draw
Drawing some fad shit in your own way show your audience what distinguishes your style from other artists.
So it seems like you are some creatively bankrupt faggot who is afraid of challenge and can't bring anything new to the table.

>> No.3614646
File: 3.37 MB, 3000x4000, bowlette2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not gay if its a power up

>> No.3614697

It's just my personal opinion. No need to get so defensive about it lol.

>> No.3614706

>You don't like what I like therefore you have narcissism
You have autism lol

>> No.3614707

meant for this retard >>3614546

>> No.3614708

What the fuck lol this character design looks like shit. You faggots have zero taste.

>> No.3614710

Who is this dark peach??
I see her everywhere

>> No.3614714

It's supposed to be Bowser as an anime girl. I think. With a mixture of Peach, somehow. I don't really get it. Interesting idea, but I never would have guessed that it would have blown up like this. Still trying to understand why

>> No.3614736

It's a joke based on a new powerup for the Toadette character in the Mario Bros. U update. They weren't able to add Peach as a character before and now they're using this powerup as an excuse for Toadette to turn into Peach and use her powers.

>> No.3614742


>> No.3614744


>> No.3614745

why not
free followers

>> No.3614746

explain. how do i get more followers

>> No.3614750

ride the trends
hop on the badwagon
your bowsette will get more notes than you normally do- even if it's drawn poorly

>> No.3614764
File: 8 KB, 200x228, 38152775_2144910368875713_5239743767635820544_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3614773

What's a "note?"

>> No.3614789

Sure, but they will never be hardcore fans of your art.
That's a shitty long term tactic.

>> No.3614793
File: 589 KB, 200x136, 1536618092610.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3614798

It's a tumblr thing, that's a tumblrfag talking to you

>> No.3614820
File: 26 KB, 489x697, Dn0S3d5WsAA1rb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but it wouldn't be black and white. Drawing the latest trends would be a free ticket to at least get people to see your stuff who would never see it otherwise. A few will stick around If you have interesting original stuff.

It's not worth jumping on every single trend but every once in a while would get some lasting results.

>> No.3614833

>having to work
Yo man that is not cool!

>> No.3614838

I guess you are right about that, yeah.

>> No.3614871
File: 145 KB, 961x1200, Dn2lvDoU8AAXM3k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never seen it on such a scale, fkin every nip is drawing her, even pros who are not into nsfw, murata, raita, this one is from akiman.

>> No.3614877
File: 145 KB, 591x557, 13554653548647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3614879

What the fuck. Is mario even that popular

>> No.3614890

This but unironically.

>> No.3614916

I got 200 likes in 10 minutes :0

>> No.3614920

>is mario even that popular
mario is quite literally the mickey mouse of japan, anon. or at least closely contested by pikachu

>> No.3614921

kek'd at image

>> No.3614928

from what? and how? I got like 3likes in insta

>> No.3614929

i don't get it

>> No.3614932

I used the appropriate nip tags in twitter
Go upload in twitter now

>> No.3614935

you use insta or tumblr?

>> No.3614938

I just said twitter you dumdum

>> No.3614939

Oh twitter i got like 5 likes and 4 retweets!

>> No.3614941

no shit dumbo, i was asking if you used those sites too, but nevermind

>> No.3614944

No I don't use those

>> No.3614954

I just draw what I want to draw, sometimes a trend catches my fancy but I don't draw for the sake of trendiness. The Bowser princess doesn't really appeal to me, too much boob (I know) and I haven't even seen the character in action. Is this design even canon?

>> No.3614957

Nip tags? Like which ones?

>> No.3614958

Well I don't see everyone and their mother drawing mickey mouse right now, do you see what I mean?

>> No.3614960

No, Bowsette is fan made. There is a crown in the new game trailer that Toadette can put on and become "Peachette" instead (just a way to have "Peach" be playable when she is presumably kidnapped I guess?). Someone on Twitter made a comic showing Peach rejecting Mario and Bowser at the end of Odyssey, then Bowser gets a look on his face and puts on the magic crown, turning into a hot girl. Mario and Bowsette walk past a stunned Peach and Luigi playing tennis. I'm on my phone or I'd post it, it's the OP image for the other thread about Bowsette. I think that's what set the whole thing off

The one in the original comic had blonde hair but in a lot of edits they gave her red hair as well

>> No.3614975

we'll never leave
deal with it pussy

>> No.3615051

seconded. or he's just bsing

>> No.3615105

Just woke up to 2k likes :)

>> No.3615112

#キングテレサ姫 and #クッパ姫

>> No.3615113

and 80 new followers not bad

>> No.3615144
File: 856 KB, 1292x861, bowsette2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3615161

you guys are adorable kek

>> No.3615164
File: 286 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20180925_065817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Ilya is on it. Looks pretty meh t bh
I wonder if art teachers like kgj would hop in too

>> No.3615178
File: 4.00 MB, 313x238, 1531700783239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>generic 3/4 view headshot with triangle mouth slightly looking down while looking at viewer.
I'm out.

>> No.3615183

Forgot to mention the obligatory show your drawing utensil next to drawing to show how pretentious you are.

>> No.3615184

I love this style of anime can someone recommend me some anime artists that draw in this style? Please and thx

>> No.3615187

so this is the power of illya without refs and tracing lmao

>> No.3615190

kill yourself.

>> No.3615277

didn't get enough notes on tumblr and insta but I got a thousand retweets on twitter
You gotta farm the likes from nips so best to post on twitter

>> No.3615294
File: 37 KB, 600x537, isleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just by scrolling deviantart ive seen enough to last an entire lifetime

>> No.3615298

Aesthetic as always

>> No.3615307 [DELETED] 

I think it's pretty cool too and I think I've seen it before but I don't remember where

>> No.3615320

Can you guys be any more salty.
It's obvious he didn't put any effort into this. It's a dumb meme, so he drew it that way.
Stop being so fucking pathetic, cmon.

Also, post your 10-20 minutes attempts at this meme. Let's see how good you are.
Yeah, I know you won't.

>> No.3615324

fuck off illya lol

>> No.3615335

You sound upset illya

>> No.3615338
File: 134 KB, 1252x712, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From reiq til he makes a final lewd version

>> No.3615340
File: 1.91 MB, 1125x1500, 1537684015135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a dumb me-

>> No.3615341

Is it this easy to make money off of horny virgins

>> No.3615346
File: 1.21 MB, 1500x1500, bowserette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but a dark skin red hair version

>> No.3615350

based and redhaired

>> No.3615361
File: 610 KB, 1004x688, kupateresahime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my memey contribution

>> No.3615374

wow, these don't have his usual tranny faces.

>> No.3615375
File: 329 KB, 580x820, bowserweb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3615381

>So it seems like you are some creatively bankrupt faggot who is afraid of challenge and can't bring anything new to the table.
>because he's not drawing the exact same thing everyone else is drawing right now
You're dumb anon

>> No.3615386
File: 434 KB, 881x1203, piranhaplantette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I did a loli Piranha Plant version though

>> No.3615387

I saw your stuff in another thread, you have a blog?

>> No.3615429
File: 533 KB, 900x1450, Bowsette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody drawing delicious dark Bowsette

Fixed that for ya'.

>> No.3615434
File: 320 KB, 1076x2024, IMG_20180925_111331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Murata

>> No.3615459

That’s ashy not dark

>> No.3615467

Do you understand what dark means?

>> No.3615469


>> No.3615470

Post your work.

>> No.3615471

I mean if you meant dark in general I don’t think you landed that either, values look like washed out

>> No.3615477

Because it's a lazy multiply shadow layer. Why are you trying to critique a wip lmao

>> No.3615479

your style sucks ass and for a wip your colors suck even more ass

>> No.3615482

You're not replying to me. That's some Anon.

>> No.3615486

im pretty sure either way you got the message

>> No.3615491

purin, how do you learn to draw in such a naturally appealing way? My stuff always end up stiff, awkward and mechanical

>> No.3615494

Dude what? Why critique a wip? This is the critique board are you lost?
If you want people to sniff your farts go to /i/

>> No.3615524

Hell if I did

>> No.3615527


>> No.3615530


>> No.3615547
File: 1.09 MB, 1350x1800, browserette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, with shitty anatomy

>> No.3615586
File: 224 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything by Nintendo ever

Not even once, basedgoy.

>> No.3615593

Neck is too far back, but I like it.
Remember, the neck always points towards the center of the cranium.

>> No.3615599


>> No.3615609

Give the poor nipponese a break

>> No.3615618

No no no, I'm actually all for that mad man to take breaks so he doesn't kill himself drawing, but it seems he's still drawing chapters, he's just not streaming them anymore. anybody knows why?

>> No.3615624
File: 201 KB, 1100x1531, IMG_20180925_142545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Asanagi

>> No.3615627
File: 170 KB, 1100x1531, IMG_20180925_142543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3615629

>japanese shadman

>> No.3615648
File: 7 KB, 703x194, 1537746346730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3615649

Asanagi can actually draw quick? Why does he always take so long to post new things then?

>> No.3615674
File: 110 KB, 736x736, _-UpRh6i.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy thank you I'm still learning in this area tho. I think gesture practice helps a lot. I sometimes do gesture drawings of existing stylized artworks and try to study the general feeling and pose of the character. If the pose is simpler, I try to pose in the mirror to see how the body parts look when relaxed and which area gives more weight. I hope that makes sense my english is still whacked

>> No.3615683

thanks for the advice!

>> No.3615686
File: 97 KB, 640x800, 1534557423816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself.

>> No.3615693

jokes on you I gave in and gained new followers

>> No.3615755

the fuck is wrong with the boob

>> No.3615843

Don't really care either way mate, but good effort on you all the same. I appreciate a trier.

>> No.3615858

What's this supposed to prove?
Just because some artists actually decide to go all out polishing turds on this character, it doesn't mean this isn't a dumb meme.

>> No.3615861

I knew you wouldn't post your attempts kek. Keep being salty, crabs. :*

>> No.3615862

They copy Hirame (and probably some other artist as well). It's pretty obvious.

>> No.3615893

he doesn't stream if there's spoiler stuff in the chapter

>> No.3615975

>It's pretty obvious.
I see you're browsing yaoi artists too coz that's where I take inspiration from. Please redirect me to Hirame I want to see their art

>> No.3615996
File: 241 KB, 670x1449, Bbmb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3616017

not that person, but hirame's also known as fishine, the fish half of turtle.fish.paint, which recently rebranded as bear hand. the other half is ireading who is also worth checking out as well!
she's one of my absolute fave artists


>> No.3616045

Thanks anon!

>> No.3616058
File: 231 KB, 1255x1280, bw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I actually did. It's been a year, or more even, that I did my last drawing/doodle (college, work, other hobbies taking my time) so I wanted to try to see how bad or what I was.
I even tried using Copics, which I bought to see if it was something that could work out for me since I never studied art or drawing before. The only thing that I know was learned from this board and some materials,(books, tips and etc) that I got here.

>> No.3616066

Yeah he can sure take his sweet time to post original ideas, but whenever there's some shitty trend going around he can pump out the garbage quick, can't he?

>> No.3616068

Looks like she has down syndrome. Not really your fault, she does in a lot of the drawings. But it's amplified in yours somehow. Like in all the others, she's drawn by more experienced artists so you see a lot of extra flare and different angles, but since you're new, we see the shitty character design for what it is

>> No.3616069

That torso looks weird. The hell is wrong with it

>> No.3616071
File: 330 KB, 1389x1714, #003 Bowsette - Super Mario Bros..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the only way to get noticed

>> No.3616072

This is a good reaction pic

>> No.3616081


>> No.3616089


>> No.3616093

-me. finish your sentences, anon.

>> No.3616095
File: 228 KB, 634x648, edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks like she has down syndrome
Kek. Wasn't expecting that, anon.

You can have it! A more meme-able version.

>> No.3616103
File: 820 KB, 792x1224, Bowsette72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still working on mine ;_;

>> No.3616114

Was this done with colored pencil?

>> No.3616116

hahahhahahahahahaha bruh first get your fundies and light on point before you start even thinking of copying ruan jia

>> No.3616119

Please make the head larger.

>> No.3616120

i dont wanna be a ruan clone but advice noted anon

>> No.3616124

colors done digitally

double yikes

>> No.3616126

>i dont wanna be a ruan clone
uh huh

>> No.3616127

My advice is to put your drawing next to a drawing that you consider to be expertly drawn and proportioned, and compare the difference to see where you're going wrong.

>> No.3616130

thats a good idea, I'll try that out as well thanks

>> No.3616162

Based and loomispilled

>> No.3616180

Maybe work on construction and proportions before you jump straight into imitating Ruan Meme.

>> No.3616182


>> No.3616187

Even got OC in there. How are you so good?

>> No.3616297

>your bowsette will get more notes than you normally do
Not true

>> No.3616333

maybe at the beginning, but now things are too oversaturated for anyone to stand out

>> No.3616431
File: 456 KB, 1170x916, bowsette meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick doodle from imagination. Doubt I'll ever polish or finish it

>> No.3616439
File: 296 KB, 974x1829, 2018-09-25 Goombette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it out of my system.

>> No.3616445
File: 493 KB, 1125x872, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3616470

It's getting stale now that sjw and western non fans have caught on the hype. I'm impressed the japs were able to get it out of their system on the first day of hype

>> No.3616619

but there's spoiler in every godamn stream isn't there? peopleare not really there to know what's next in the chapter, but for his drawings.

>> No.3616640
File: 144 KB, 574x563, Bob-omb_(MKWii).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do a bob-omb next, in a suicide vest.

>> No.3616658

I like it, nice and THICC. Knees look fucked up though.

>> No.3616711

looks like an American cosplayer lmao

>> No.3616716
File: 270 KB, 740x1160, 2018-09-26-00-40-10-659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3616718

Cute. Almost reminds me of a Disney character in the face. Blog?

>> No.3616728

Oh thanks.
I haven't really uploaded anything to any of them yet since they're new accounts but I'm vshtone on Tumblr, Twitter and Instagram.

>> No.3616732
File: 33 KB, 480x480, 1529149527824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's it feel to have shit taste?

>> No.3616748

Excellent post

>> No.3616751

well Mario ain't a rat

>> No.3616773

>hurr it's so easy, how lame-- a simple 3/4 head, drawn stylistically, nothing complex about it, only a rudimentary skill set necessary, anyone can draw this!
>better fucking quit now, there's no way I can accomplish this, I'm just ngmi

>> No.3616788

even fucking photo has bunch of filters, classical Ilya.

>> No.3616789

>anyone can do this easy shit
>better quit now
kek. don't give up anons. if people can make it this easily, you can too. don't give up!

>> No.3616790

> I fell for the meme

>> No.3616934
File: 80 KB, 855x810, 9079067906789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want her to bully me

>> No.3616940
File: 756 KB, 599x867, ALL RIGHT YOU STUPID MUSHROOM KINGDOM, GIVE ME THAT ENERGY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What would happen if Peach wore the crown?

>> No.3617139
File: 69 KB, 700x871, IMG_20180926_135219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3617180
File: 1.45 MB, 1400x1400, bowsette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao I always draw popular meme franchise characters cuz they have cool&fun designs but never post them because I want to stay as obscure as possible. I suppose it's some kinda social anxiety.

>> No.3617200

mate i dont think you have to worry about anyone taking notice of this
aside from how scary it looks

>> No.3617226
File: 307 KB, 1200x1200, bowsette_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it doesn't look appealing, I deliberately render like this because it's more fun than a softer rendering style, which would look a lot easier on the eyes to most people, and it looks appalling in the thumbnail. And of course Bowser should look scary.

>> No.3617243

Not that guy but look dude your sketch is fine but you don't even clean up your edges at all, your colors and values are all over the place. She doesn't look intentionally scary it's your style you're defending that's fucking scary. She looks like a burn victim because of how heavy the contrast is in the skin plus the strange colors and your total lack of rendering or blending or form control... did you do that on purpose too?

It honestly looks like you're a newbie trying to color someone else's drawing. It's disgusting to look at. It is lazy and it's a total mess of zero light source of understanding of value of color.

It is offensive to the eyes. I don't even want to look at it to critique it. Stop being a "muh style I did it on purpose" fag. You posted this on the critique board. You were expecting critique, right?

>> No.3617246

Hey if it looks appalling in the thumbnail that means it's gonna look appalling when you zoom in. Just a tip for you...

>> No.3617252


>> No.3617307

I wasn't defensive nor am I a "muh style" fag, I am just shit at communicating so I may have sounded that way, but I did make these style choices on purpose, just wanted feedback on the style. It's "lazy" because it's not a polished piece, the coloring is also a sketch, and it's not meant to be a realistic rendering style. Why do you think I don't know value/color though? Perhaps you should post your work if you have such a superior knowledge of light/color, anon.

>> No.3617316

im starting to hate anime now, not even fucking joking. shit has gone too fucking repulsive

>> No.3617317

>Why do you think I don't know value/color though?
I already told you. Your values are all over the place and I can see you putting colors you think would work in there but they don't have anything to do with the lighting of how nearby color bounces onto skin, and that's not even happening in the right places. You have no definite light source you have too much rim light and your values are made of darkest darks next to lightest lights. Bro come on if you're an artist worth your salt youd notice this already but run this through a black and white filter in Photoshop or whatever you use and you'll see the values under the colors and why it reads poorly

>post your work
I don't need to post my work to give you advice. Do critics have to post their work when they give a review of a gallery of show? If someone wants to give an advice to an artist do they pull out their phone and show them their own work as they try to give critique? No they just state their opinion and if they're good they back it up with facts and evidence, tell you wh at you did wrong and how to fix it, and that's it.

I'm fucking tired of this post your work shit. This doesn't go two ways, I'm trying to tell you something now listen.

My work is in this board btw, I do ask for critique here. You've seen it and potentially thrown me a comment who knows. However I'm not pointing it out to you because you're offended by something I said and want to believe you're better than me so you don't have to take my advice.

>> No.3617373
File: 1.48 MB, 1400x1400, 20180926_032308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no definite light source
This may be the main problem because I was just bullshitting the shading as I go along instead of imagining lighting positions where it would occur. I'm not spooked enough by Gurney's color and light to obey realistic light physics in favor of style though, the values look fucked because they're too exaggerated in random places while less in others.
>darkest darks next to lightest lights
and this doesn't happen in real lighting?

>> No.3617394
File: 178 KB, 1400x569, peachvsbowsette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This feels incomplete.

>> No.3617397

Because it's popular?

>> No.3617402

Well now she looks like she's covered in oil but it's less eye rapey. Yes you can have dark shadows next to bright lights but it's not like that should be happening all over everything you color in.

I'd suggest trying to base at least your lighting physics in realism. You have very few midtones which is where the details appear. Everything is just intense shadow and intense highlights and it suffers from it.

However if that's what you're going to go for anyways I guess have at it. If you like what you're making then whatever floats your boat man. Nobody's gonna stop you or force you to do things differently.

>> No.3617406

Dude just copy and observe how more experienced artists color their stuff then try to apply that to your drawings

>> No.3617440

I might be in the minority but I personally think this is fantastic. Values could do with being a bit less harsh, yeah, but that's just a personal preferencr. Good technique. Blog?

>> No.3617454

I'm indifferent to bowsette but I love the colors in this.

>> No.3617459

>not drawing her for fun
>"I do this for more followers and exposure"

>> No.3617510

>hates anime on an anime website
>normalfag image macro
>reddit spacing
This has to be a very carefully constructed bait.

>> No.3617527


Why is her dress black? The colors don't make any sense at all

>> No.3617530


The chad vs virgin meme doesn't work with women. It's not cute or funny, just another case of tumblr retards appropriating once funny memes.

>> No.3617531

idk why they went with black, i used pink in my version since its supposed to be peach's color palette but idk

>> No.3617534

Then draw her however you like

>> No.3617536

because it's hotter

>> No.3617544

Most likely just to make her look evil, or you could go on a stretch and say that the only clothes bowser wears is black collars.

>> No.3617546

So that's all bowsette should be wearing then. Right?

>> No.3617550
File: 788 KB, 3218x4450, bowsette final copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3617553

god I wish

>> No.3617554

there's an interesting style buried in there, but keep practicing.

>> No.3617557

looks like jazza made those

>> No.3617637


>> No.3617698
File: 97 KB, 1024x576, peachette-theory-1-1024x576[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, toadette is already pink, so we can't tell if peachette is pink becuase of peach's color pallete or toadette's.
OG artist assumes the transforming character has a large influence on the final result, so bowser now wears black. Also this meme wouldn't have gotten off the ground without a compelling enough design.

>> No.3617753
File: 506 KB, 770x965, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and i plan on drawing more

>> No.3617877

neck yourself, being an edgy bitter loser doesnt make you cool. Reddit tier meme

>> No.3617957
File: 2.83 MB, 3031x3164, Bowsette Kart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3617960 [DELETED] 
File: 3.19 MB, 3850x3850, Bowsette no web URL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but I'm not good so it won't do anything about my low traffic. I still had fun anyways. Except that my program crashed on me after almost 2 hours of work so I had to do most of the coloring again.

>> No.3617962
File: 546 KB, 963x963, Bowsette no web URL smaller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but I'm not good so it won't do anything about my low traffic. I still had fun anyways. Except that my program crashed on me after almost 2 hours of work so I had to do most of the coloring again.

reposting because forgot to resize

>> No.3617963
File: 564 KB, 600x900, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3617969

>that coloring
>muh unique
you're no better than sparkledogs makers lmao

>> No.3618117

i got a bad taste in my mouth after looking at these

>> No.3618168
File: 632 KB, 1110x1740, 2018-09-26-23-58-01-729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look it's another episode of "she doesn't know when to stop and it's getting overendered".

How did you guys train yourself when to stop? I always feel like something could be "more", and after a while it starts feeling like I'm polishing turds. I'm never satisfied with anything I create and I'm even starting to hate this after staring at it for so long.

>> No.3618172

she has weird proportions

>> No.3618176

Yeah I think I overdid it.

>> No.3618185


>> No.3618189

you could still take it farther imo, this looks like it's in the middle stages to me, still needs some refining and polish

>> No.3618190

>finished not perfect

>> No.3618191

Nice. I followed you. Please post regularly

>> No.3618217

Don't let nice rendering blind you to work on your anatomy. It can't just be blamed on "le thicc" style either.

>> No.3618220
File: 71 KB, 571x1200, bowsette 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on it

>> No.3618223

>It can't just be blamed on "le thicc" style either
That's where you're wrong. Thousands of artists do this daily, and get away with it.

>> No.3618225

Fix her jawline so she still looks like a she

>> No.3618227
File: 244 KB, 480x679, linkprincess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna make princess link

>> No.3618230

Enjoy reveling in mediocrity I guess.

>> No.3618232

I'm not the artist you originally applied to, and to some extent I agree with your post.

>> No.3618246

That's not me and ouch :(
I agree with you though. I'm very new to digital art and something I've discovered is that when this is just lineart you can get away with intentionally exaggerated proportions, but as you soon as you start colouring and rendering it is when the flaws become very apparent. I am still trying to find a balance between the two.

Thank you! I plan to start posting my stuff as soon as I'm done with this.

You think so? I'm scared about turning it into a Sakimichan abomination but I guess that can be avoided by using more hard edge brushes and less blurring.

I'm vshtone on Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram but they're empty accounts atm. I plan to start using them soon.

>> No.3618256

>That's not me and ouch :(
Ah, well, you weren't the one talking how thicc artists get away with it, so not calling YOU mediocre.

>> No.3618280

Are you autistic or something? I didn't say I do that, I said that thousands of others do and get away with it...

>> No.3618299

I didn't say you do that, autismo, I said that caring about that breeds mediocrity. Now scram.

>> No.3618306

Well in that case, caring that a singular artist does is a symptom of mediocrity. Why do you care if a one artist draws shitty proportions and says it's just part of their "le thicc" style? Maybe it really is their style. You don't know. You just want to crab. Do you even draw?

>> No.3618309

Fuck off already. I'm not gonna fight with an idiot like you. I'm not even sure why you're so defensive when you should have minded your fucking business as the comment wasn't aimed at you.

>> No.3618311

Get back to me when you learn how to draw.

>> No.3618313

fucking assblasted lmao

>> No.3618314


>> No.3618315

>I'm not going to fight with an idiot like you
>starts fighting like an idiot

>> No.3618324

Maybe she already did. Do you mind posting yours? :^)

>> No.3618331

i like her little ballsack

>> No.3618334

Oh no it was supposed to be a gross camel toe. I'll change that.

>> No.3618340


>> No.3618426
File: 732 KB, 2048x1536, convention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well /ic, you do ride the current trend waves for your art, right?

OP sounds like someone who has never sold prints at cons before.

Do you have a patreon?
Do you sell prints and merch?
Do you have a digital store like gumroad?

Yeah of course Im going to ride this especially with NYCC in October.

>> No.3618439

Fuckin based. I need to get my shit together and start working on a strategy to do this, specifically at cons.

>> No.3618447

kind of glad i dont need to whore myself out to whatever waifu is trending just to survive

>> No.3618690

> brainlet cannot comprehend marketing
ngmi for a different reason

>> No.3618708

making a living out of your art is not making it
making it is 50% drawing what you like the other 50% is beating everyone els

>> No.3618727

>I'm scared about turning it into a Sakimichan abomination
Whew, you sound a bit full of yourself, don't you?

>> No.3618735

Is this best case scenario when you draw fanart? to blow up and go viral?
The original artist has gained thousands of followers

>> No.3618742

> the other 50% is beating everyone els
> implying that's you
So you're ngmi after all.

>> No.3618765

No cause the autists will start harassing you long after the meme is dead
>"Hey I noticed you haven't posted any bowsette in a while why?"
>"do you have an extra bowsette poster you could send me?"
>"I followed you for bowsette art where is she you don't draw her anymore!!! I'm unfollowing you!"

Not fucking worth it to deal with those speds for me but I guess you can try and see how long you can put up with them

>> No.3618794
File: 536 KB, 800x1113, 2018-09-27 - Help Mersz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is dead!

>> No.3618872

You actually experienced this? lol
I've explicitly stated that I draw gay porn in my twitter, if they whine to me about it that's their fault and their lack of reading comprehension

>> No.3618882

do some rendering pls

>> No.3618888

You can't over-render, just over-blend

>> No.3619054
File: 1.81 MB, 1095x1600, aa015750m8v4spc85xa55xsw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so. Sakimichan is very skilled at what she does, but, and I don't know if it's down to laziness, pressure, or just gaps in her knowledge, some of her stuff is downright horrifying. Picture extremely related.

>> No.3619056

Post the six finger version fo that pic.

>> No.3619060

She has a couple of piece where her figures have 6 fingers if I recall. Her proportions are scary.

>> No.3619064

Overblending a problem for me. Do you have any advice on committing to more hard-edge brushes and rendering? I've been doing everything digital since September 2017 and although I've made enormous gains over the last year the problem with blending all my shit is a really pervasive one I'm struggling to divorce myself from.

>> No.3619071
File: 179 KB, 1066x796, Screenshot_20180927-121247_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3619079
File: 471 KB, 1244x1310, 1357919196412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly this is going to sound kinda strange but do the bargue plates in digital, and follow this process.

>> No.3619090

forgot the lines pointing to various body parts

>> No.3619092

That doesn't sound weird at all. Sometimes it is the simplest things we're missing, and I think this is perfect advice. Thanks m8.

>> No.3619110

It's the "blend" part I can't fucking do. What tools are you supposed to be using exactly? Whenever I try it always ends up looking broken.

>> No.3619121

I have the opposite problem of this, I only do hard edge brushes and can't into rendering at all

>> No.3619126

Okay you can do all of that with simply a hard round and a soft round. What I do is block in with hard round and when I need to blend I get a soft round at a low flow and opacity, and color pick a color on one side, brush it over both edges, and then color pick from the new color and brush over... Just keep on brushing.

Ah that's a bad explanation.

Here, try this and see if it helps?

>> No.3619136

Thanks for the explanation and link, I'll try to mess around with it.

>> No.3619173

Honestly a lot of it comes down to what software you're using. I use Paint Tool Sai for my stuff (>>3618168) which has an absolutely fantastic blending engine. Photoshop on the other hand is software that was originally developed for editing photos, and so some of its features are extremely rudimentary and behind the times when it comes to digital art. It may be industry standard but most artists that use PS have had to figure out convoluted workarounds to get a nice blend between tones. It's very silly that Adobe is this far behind with something that should be a standard feature.

>> No.3619175

I guess paint tool sais blending engine cant stop you from drawing the same face though

>> No.3619180
File: 62 KB, 818x579, 1437890979624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3619201
File: 579 KB, 1120x1460, Purple Girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't even seen enough of my work to determine whether I sameface or not lol. I think you're confusing me with somebody else because I very rarely post my shit to /ic/.

>> No.3619261

her arms are fucked

>> No.3619270

nope ive seen your stuff a few times, always the same face, always the same body

>> No.3619278

Then you really haven't seen much of anything I've drawn.

>> No.3619279

ive seen a few like that uncanny cop girl, the anime girl generator girl, bowsette and the purple haired meme girl. there might have been a few others but they really blend together

>> No.3619285
File: 266 KB, 646x1058, Tiffany.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but they really blend together
Yeah I'm not surprised. I've been drawing traditionally all my life and digitally for just over one year. All my colouring, blending, lighting, shadows look the same because I don't know that many techniques yet. I'd only ever done lineart and limited crosshatching before so my techniques are a little stunted. I don't think my cop and Bowsette have the same face though, but maybe I'm just biased.

>> No.3619304

uhm that may be true? I do use photoshop but I feel the problem is i'm just bad at art

>> No.3619309

I can blend fine in photoshop with a tweaked smudge tool, not as brain dead as sai or csp but frankly the other tools in ps that aren't available in other programs make ps worth it

>> No.3619316


yes, as i guy i too have attempted the "ass and boobs" pose in the mirror to further understand the anatomy of the pose

>> No.3619328
File: 661 KB, 611x978, boosette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally I think booette/peachyboo is cuter

>> No.3619334
File: 1.69 MB, 670x2192, titsandass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What like these?

>> No.3619418

Oh, you're the guy who made those fucked up legs that time.

>> No.3619444

Huh? I just pulled these off of Google and pasted them into a long image as is. The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.3619457
File: 635 KB, 1312x1859, BOWSETTE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3619472

/ic/ doesn't know how to stylize kek

>> No.3619476


>> No.3619491

How does it feel to be triggered by fanart?

>> No.3619530
File: 273 KB, 1087x1087, IMG_20180927_181338_572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a doodl

>> No.3619554

>beating everyone else


>> No.3619565

I like your strokes. Blog?

>> No.3619571

no, lol. im not dating myself that badly.

>> No.3619582

Thanks! I'm at

>> No.3619583

This meme is about dead. Let the thread die.

>> No.3619584

How does it feel to combine two words into one non-existent word that looks a bit like the word "fart?" hahahaha get fucked faggot

>> No.3619593
File: 112 KB, 959x920, bowsetterkgk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm late to the bandwagon but it's all a bunch of anime titty so I wanted to join

>> No.3619808

gotta agree with anon here
all your girls have the same face and hips

>> No.3620036

He's just a slow planner.

>> No.3620049
File: 109 KB, 700x914, 1537447657431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this tbqh

ngmi poor

ngmi sellout

nice painting guide

daddy likey

>> No.3620206

Notes can be applied to other platforms as well so you don't need to say stuff like "600 likes and 354 retweets with 18 comments", because doing so requires more effort and makes you look egotistical to some

>> No.3620219

You still are nowhere near being as skilled as her. I really don't think you are in the position to talk shit about better artists than yourself.

>> No.3620243

I never once implied I was anywhere near as skilled as her. What "I'm scared about turning it into a Sakimichan abomination" means is that because I'm new to digital art I'm very cautious about overendering an image to its own detriment, and she's a really good example of this. Sakimichan is obviously very technically accomplished but boy does she polish some real turds sometimes, and I can't really get over how she occasionally includes a 6th digit on her hands. Like, that's a mistake that 10 year olds don't even make so it points to some kind of fuckery on her part, maybe an overeliance on photobashing and overpainting.

>I really don't think you are in the position to talk shit about better artists than yourself
Sure I am. Are you not allowed to criticise a chef when he serves up a shitty meal just because you don't cook? Don't be ridiculous.

>> No.3620260

Nigga dont

>> No.3620267

>I'm new to digital art
yeah no shit
>over rendering an image
thats not what over-rendering an image is
>does she polish some real turds sometimes
thats not what polishing a turd is either
>she occasionally includes a 6th digit on her hands
it happened once lmao, name another piece with 6 fingers. and sometimes people just so happen to over look things, shes fucking human

>maybe an overeliance on photobashing and overpainting.
show me one pic where she photobashes
wtf is over painting lmao?
>comparing cooking to drawing
why? theyre not the same concepts

>> No.3620288
File: 586 KB, 1855x1000, DPR4amqXkAAS_Hk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like an angry fanboy and I think arguing with you any further on this is pointless because you're only interested in arguing with me instead of trying to address any of my points.
Yes she does polish turds and I've seen her draw six fingers on one hand more than once. Pic related.

>comparing cooking to drawing
>why? theyre not the same concepts
They both crafts, and like cooking, if an artist serves up shit then I'm going to call it what it is.

I'll say it again. Sakimichan is very technically accomplished and I've defended her countless times on this board before because I respect her work ethic and how she's managed to carve out her own little slice of an empire in what is a very thankless industry, but sometimes she produces some real shite.

>> No.3620298

okay /beg/, why dont you go be a /beg/ somewhere els. like in your containment thread

>> No.3620299

Aw poor little bean got showed up and now he's angry :'))

>> No.3620302
File: 184 KB, 811x1123, 1530907270153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not them but you're either delusional or just want to fuck her if you think shit like this isn't riddled with flaws.

>> No.3620305

how about you lurk more before you embarrass yourself again

>> No.3620307

>wow sakimi must be perfect to receive praise!
>humans cant make mistakes!
thats what you sound like

>> No.3620311

holy shit is this the power of sakimichan autism

>> No.3620312

This is salty-kun right?

>> No.3620316

Could be. Could be sakimichan for all I know. I did notice that if you search "sakimichan six fingers" on warosu absolutely nothing shows up, which leads me to believe that her or somebody close to her lurks /ic/ and is scrubbing the archive clean of her boos-boos. Posts don't just disappear from the archives unless somebody requests their deletion.

>> No.3620318

you would think with having that much work flow that you would have to sacrifice something you literal brainlets
go back to drawing your loomis heads

>> No.3620327


>> No.3620333

Why are you so protective of sakimichan lmao

>> No.3620346

lol I'm not saying she's actually on /ic/, I'm sure she has better things to do with her time, but you can't deny that it's weird as fuck that somebody has scrubbed that stuff from the archive.

>> No.3620385
File: 978 KB, 768x825, 1536791849624 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh to be this delusional

>> No.3620405

oh to be this thirsty for Chinese cunny.

>> No.3620474

I'm not even the sameface anon but your particular post reeks of autism and paranoia

>> No.3620547

My point was, why the fuck did you have to point out her in the first place?
Couldn't you just say "I'm scared about turning it into an abomination" with a proper adverbial like "over-rendered", which you love to use, and that's it?
You're just being a fucking asshole for no reason.

>> No.3620565

You love to point out this salty kun guy (I follow the porn thread so I know who you are talking about), and you love to call him out for the asshole he is towards you and other artists on /ic/. And yet you do the exact same thing by talking shit about SakimiChan.

I know her art isn't perfect and it's fundamentally flawed a lot of times, but this doesn't give you the right to belittle her. Especially because your stuff has the same fundamental flaws, and on top of that the end result is much worse than that of Sakimichan.

You shouldn't be afraid about your stuff turning out into a Sakimichan's abomination. Your art is already your own abomination. If anything try to learn something from hear instead of riding some kind of imaginary high horse.

>> No.3621283

Some loomis heads could help you fix your shit art, crab-kun.

>> No.3622484
File: 201 KB, 699x722, 1537631860808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck off

>> No.3622862

what a hack lmao