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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.90 MB, 1882x1389, EE003FD6-D79F-4E02-97DF-40510441A885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3615514 No.3615514 [Reply] [Original]

I got oil paint, easel, glass pallet, Da Vinci sable and bristle brushes, derwent pencils, charcoal stick, sketch pads, 5000k lights, small ass studio in my living room, handmade by me panels sealed and primed and sanded and braced, and art books, figure books, construction books, and loomis, and view finders, and proportion dividers, and a felt tip pen, and cheap practice Walmart canvases, and a need to do representional painting and now I got this foot.

This foot is in the first stage because I don’t know what I’m doing and need to let the paint dry so I can add more values and color and paint the toenails.
And fix the toes and the other folds skin that wrinkle.

I just wanted to put this out there so you guys could see the progress on this painting.
If it starts to really shape up I’ll put the foot in a space that is appropriate, like up your fucking ass if you say anything negative about this foot painting, or something like resting on a leg or hanging off a park bench.

So now, admire the foot gentlemen.

>> No.3615519

Take a full picture of it, we can't fully admire that godly foot you incel.

>> No.3615523
File: 120 KB, 589x560, 1430953247011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's what I call bait!

That's some quality stuff, sir.

>> No.3615534
File: 637 KB, 2048x2048, 5C1BDA0E-6707-4399-80B2-15A3CA89EC4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve got to take this shit in stride.
It’s part of a foot at a time.
It’s going to look so real.
Just wait.

>> No.3615549

Not bait for real.
Everything I said is true.
I even have a sketch of this foot in the beg/draw thread earlier.

>> No.3615608

Should've stuck with paper and pencil for a few years more OP.

>> No.3615631

Good advice.
I just started drawing for real about a month ago and was really intimidated and still kinda am but every now and then I will be practicing drawing with paint.

>> No.3615806


I am honestly not joking or anything; if you can draw well and convincingly you can paint well. Focus on becoming good with values, that is the secret to appealing work. Good luck.

>> No.3616300
File: 305 KB, 589x450, 26339D2F-7F73-4077-B3E8-D155800BC0C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey thanks man.
I am trying a grisaille underpainting which deals with values and then glazing color over top the values.
I made the mistake of blocking the whole thing in first and then trying to paint my darks into wet paint and it just didn’t work so I gotta let it dry.
Plus I never really have painted with oils before so I wanted to just go for it and stop putting things off.

I’ve got an eye appointment next Monday and then once I get my glasses I’ll finally be able to see shit so then it’ll be full steam ahead with drawing.
Here’s the shitty sketch I’m going off.
I need to learn how to control the charcoal better and get comfortable drawing at my easel.

>> No.3616673
File: 30 KB, 570x428, 1523709296689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The smaller toes remind me of pic related

>> No.3616700

>don’t crit me bro
>on /ic/ - Artwork/Critique

>> No.3617187
File: 1.06 MB, 1116x825, B62B0DDE-B75D-4BE4-8557-F2DE2056E26C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worked on my values more.
I will astonish /ic/ with a foot.

>> No.3617189

Just wait till I paint the toenails!
Gonna work on values more then glaze the color in.
Shits gonna be cash.

>> No.3617197

Not bad.
1. The first thing you want to do after you have the initial drawing is block in the shadow shapes and fill them in.
2. You may like the idea of building up value, but trust me, it helps to lay down a nice, dark shadow tone to work from.
3. The foot most certainly doesn't curve back like that. It's distracting to look at.

>> No.3617198
File: 43 KB, 640x461, Bargue Drawing the foot 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.3617208

Hey man thanks for the reply.
This is my first attempt and I appreciate the feedback.
Yeah the photo ref I’m working from cuts off so I improvised the dropoff
I do have a diff idea to incorporate now that u said something.
Thanks again.

>> No.3617219
File: 2.04 MB, 2416x3076, 49. LaBeef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just wait.

>> No.3618607
File: 1.24 MB, 1191x888, 76BDE4D5-EC21-4F9F-903F-976A538276C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude that pic looks like this foot just got shoved up his ass.

>> No.3618612

As one of the many people that have been talking shit to you this entire time, I have to say that's a pretty solid piece.

>> No.3618745

Stop samefagging it's pathetic

>> No.3618880

Hey thanks man.
It’s rather comical at this point in that I am at the stage where I am kinda applying paint with a brush in the shape that kinda approximates what I see, then blending it with a different brush, then taking q-tips and taking away/ shaping the paint to how I think is accurately drawing the individual forms that the different values suggest, BUT the stage I am shooting for with each initial brush stroke is the Richard Schmid approach which is laying down the first brush stroke with complete accuracy in form, color, and edge in the exact right place with the exact right color and then doing the second brush stroke in like manner and then the third etc.
The funny thing about it is the seemingly huge gap between what Schmid proposes and what I end up doing.
I see that I am learning to see the form of the foot and what it is taking to suggest that on a flat canvas but with the process I am using I risk “overworking” this painting. At least that is what I think could be the outcome.
So I have decided to just experiment and do what I can do and learn and hope I don’t pick up any bad habits.
No offense to anyone here but I wish wetcanvas wasn’t such a piece of shitshow to join due to the fact they have lots of traditional medium artists, specifically oil painters, that would probably be able to discern, just from looking at the progress of the painting, whether I am forming bad habits or not.
I can see with my own eyes whether or not a fucking foot is forming on my canvas:) but I am a little afraid that I may stumble upon something that “works” and then come to realize that what I did is a beginner mistake that, if formed into a habit, would essentially limit my progress in a given area.

Tl;dr: Imma tryna learn brush technique but hopefully I’m learning good ones.

>> No.3619144

Oops this is OP, so was last wall of text.
I mistook your statement as being to me when it was towards the MemeSchlock Warrior.
So this thread is even more insignificant that I thought.
Oh well fuckit.

>> No.3620088
File: 1.11 MB, 1128x873, F9BB5C39-711E-4D69-958B-A014D4602ECD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still working on values.
Not having the thing drawn properly in my pencil sketch is hindering progress.
Realizing that all the sketching studies and value studies and eventually the color studies are simply to get to know your subject intimately, not to produce another image just to copy.
Having so much fun.
Gonna review some books again and some teachings again to compare my thoughts to experienced painters thoughts.
Here it is.
Doesn’t look like a lot of change but most parts painted over again.

>> No.3620103

Well at least you're having fun. The foot still bends way too much though... Where's the ankle at?

>> No.3620105

You had better warm tones in the last one, unless you're trying to go all b&w first. You're not pushing the values nearly enough still. Really get in there with some dark paint.

>> No.3620603

Thanks for the feedback.
As far as the tones, I need to clean my pallet and mix some more paint.
I used the ultra marine blue to start mixing the darks this time around when I should have stuck with burnt umber like in the beginning.
Tonight I’m going to mix a whole new batch of values and start again and go over everything again, especially the non big toes. They’re draw wrong.
To correct where I have drawn wrong I end up being too careful with modeling to ensure not messing up where I have drawn decent.
Stupid and counter productive.
I will measure and see what I can realistically keep and what measures need to be taken, then I am gonna be ruthless and really correct it all.

>> No.3620605
File: 2.65 MB, 2048x1536, 4DFD0128-AB46-4643-A8B5-E929B42863BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the feedback.
It will get better:)

>> No.3621512
File: 1.25 MB, 1185x917, 9306884C-D775-4E9A-964B-3D0F2F3B17A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is fucking 5 in the morning.
Started working on this at midnight.

>> No.3621532

Sometimes it's better to just start over.

>> No.3624258
File: 1.21 MB, 1200x891, 5A9BC50D-95BB-450B-B93A-F97BCE5F74A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Richard Schmid here I come!
I’m not giving up on this one.
I have an eye appointment today and will be getting glasses soon.
Gonna work on the foot more when I get home.
Gonna mix new shades and do toes and side of foot again.
I’m learning the master stroke, an ancient secret only known by a few selected down the generations.
A true shortcut and secret.
But I gotta be careful because I don’t want fame to come too quickly.

>> No.3624920

Well, I might try glazing in a few days to just dip my toe in that pool, but I’m pretty sure you’re right on this one.
My drawing was off and I couldn’t even decide on a strictly value under painting color.
But I did learn that drawing needs to be ON POINT, and I learned some valuable things about order of doing things and massing in shapes and other stuff.
See you guys and girls later once my glasses are done and I get a good drawing transferred to a canvas.

>> No.3624921
File: 441 KB, 904x1202, 94863D1F-78F7-4F8F-986B-C35325A0B64A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops forgot photo.