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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.24 MB, 1668x2224, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3611313 No.3611313 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is this shit? Why is 90% of comic art so bad?

>> No.3611316


Because the pay is shit and it takes a long ass time to do even a half decent job

>> No.3611317
File: 1.32 MB, 2302x2818, Jekyll-e-Hyde_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, almost all modern hero comics are trash, same art styles over and over again.

I'm digging alternative comics.

>> No.3611323

It's assembly line shit. The reason the coloring is often especially offensive is because it's a job that's given to any intern with the spare time for it.
Shit inking and coloring ruining decent penciling is routine. Fuck cape comics.

>> No.3611333

because you are telling a story as well as doing the artwork, so as long as its at least passable it can be tolerated since you are not trying to win an award

>> No.3611350

Pretty sick, link this.

>> No.3611351
File: 757 KB, 2261x1600, img000028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often like comics better when it's the same person drawing and writing. It's assembly line stuff with minimum communication between each link in the chain like superhero comics that I really dislike.

>> No.3611380

Because the artist doesn't give a shit. If you want good art, you need to allow the artist to work on something he gives a shit about. If you're handed a random comic book that's nothing more than a cash in, you simply won't be inspired to do more than the minimum. You can't get somebody like Moebius or Inoue if you give them shitty long running capeshit to work on.

>> No.3611389

because western artists don't have the discipline/care to completely dedicate their lives to their craft in the way that manga artists do. It's less about the art and more about paying the bills at some point.

>> No.3611399
File: 345 KB, 1212x1600, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly think that it aint too bad if not for the shitty rendering
also many part of the comics are created by different people that also hurts the intend of the writer
but yeah the capeshit industry harmed American comic for decade now, greatly affects the art too
but noncape shit can frequently have good art

>> No.3611429

Because in the 90s digital painting was just emerging, I think with Corel Painter or something. These were the pioneers of that art style. No one really looked at the art and said "hey, doesn't this airbrushing look really unrealistic and make everyone look pillow-y?" because they were too distracted by the novelty and newness of it.
give comic artists a break.

>> No.3611560

what is this?

>> No.3611570
File: 777 KB, 1232x1600, Blacksad .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

furry noir with engaging plot and amazing art

>> No.3611604

This is really dumb. 95% of manga is just hot garbage as all media is. Which just so happens to include western comics. And id also say that the top tier stuff of western comics is better then manga just by the sheer fact that mid-tier trash comics still have more life and effort then the same assembly line manga shit.

>> No.3611790
File: 91 KB, 567x695, ILLU_Jekyll_Hyde3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Lorenzo Mattotti comics.

>> No.3611934
File: 909 KB, 1024x640, shaun tan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is a dumb weeb, he would do anything to promote his "superior" nipponese artist

>> No.3611936

Your thumbnail made me think of Shaun Tan before I could see anything clearly and I was thinking "Shaun Tan BTFOs most manga artists" and lo and behold you posted Shaun Tan.

>> No.3611949

90% of anything, anywhere is shit

it's called sturgeon's law

>> No.3611952

>Because the pay is shit and it takes a long ass time to do even a half decent job
Then why do manga look so good when Japanese get paid pennies to create twice as much in a month as Americans?

>> No.3612080

Shitty inking work + shitty digital coloring. Sometimes the pencils are decent or even good but once the mouthbreathing inker gets his hands on them, they're fucked. Manga gets things right by having the comics made by one person, maybe with a little assistant help. They also keep the art black and white mostly, which is easier on the eyes. Comic books literally gradient fill everything with no variation and it looks like shit. They need to imitate manga. Not necessarily in art style, but in production.

>> No.3612082

Because the Japanese can become millionaires from manga. It's not paid as badly as American comics.

>> No.3612085

Hack colorists ruin everything.

>> No.3612117

don't japanese have assistants?

i wonder how long something like that would take. it makes my eyes water just looking at it.

>> No.3612137

burger editors are a plague

>> No.3612143

japanese comic have no color and usually have little background
but yeah they do work hard and got pay shit unless you are a popular artist probably because the job market is flood with other artist

>> No.3612146

how come everytime this kind of post is written, it never mentions bande dessinée ? genuinely curious, do people just don't know anything about it ?

>> No.3612384

my man. I would be a happy man If you were to tell me you've read mattotti because I posted him on /ic/

>> No.3612401

too much dialogue is bad in comics. i wont read it if theres too much. its all in the art work.

>> No.3612468

OP's pic and the vast majority of capeshit LITERALLY is assembly line shit. Only Europe rivals manga and even then it's much less overall.

>> No.3612470

He's a storybook illustrator you dumbass, not working on a weekly or monthly schedule.

>> No.3612543

Nope, I'm italian.