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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 39 KB, 445x720, 03e7fb48f7ad46b0b3358f0c1721e5ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3610948 No.3610948 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I get references if I want to draw Loli porn?

>> No.3610951
File: 20 KB, 233x415, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hope you see before 404.

>> No.3610956

In jail.


>> No.3610957

same goes for you
human garbage

>> No.3610958

Why are you even here?

It's not a requirement to like Lili but being a "hurrr fucking pedo" normie isn't allowed.

>> No.3610960


>> No.3610961

deepweb, tor, p*****t d***, az****es, the usual places.

>> No.3610967

weird because the rules say loli porn isn't allowed, and says nothing about calling pedos "fucking pedos"

>> No.3610970

Board culture normie, get lost loli is here to stay

>> No.3610971

go outside

>> No.3610972

Go back to facebook

>> No.3610973


>> No.3610975

epic trolle good sir!

>> No.3610978

They're called 500 year old demon girls

>> No.3610981

Dude anime girls are the same as real children lmao
Take your abilify and go back to r*ddit
Granted OP is probably an actual pedo who wants fap material and can get gassed

>> No.3611048

find cp
(probably easier than you think)

>> No.3611051

Doesn't duckduckgo host see piss? Or at least borderline? It's that easy.

>> No.3611054

So you saved all this from there? Guess I'll try it.

>> No.3611056


There is no loli porn here, go preach to your normalfag friends on facebook or something.

>> No.3611061


>> No.3611065
File: 50 KB, 499x654, 1524369787461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By referencing the 3dpigdisgusting and turning it into the loliform by utilizing your creativity from imagination. The sooner you start experimenting from the 3dpig, the better.

>> No.3611082
File: 213 KB, 1200x1800, 67394934_p0 - 雛鶴あい.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All from Pixiv, you can download entire galleries using member_id with some programs.

>> No.3611093

woah, you certainly showed me, sicko.

>> No.3611107
File: 277 KB, 500x500, 1537492122786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such as? Plz halp

>> No.3611150


>> No.3611295

Cripplechan has drawthreads with some loli references and tutorials.

>> No.3611311

Paste the jap ids here please because I don't read moonrunes

>> No.3611314

Down the barrel of a double barrel shotgun

Srsly tho kys pedo scum

>> No.3611346
File: 63 KB, 300x256, Badcop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3611383

I can't wait for the day of the rope, when all of you pedos will be hunted down and have your assholes blasted with shotguns.

>> No.3611394

easiest way to make a bait thread is to mention lolis

>> No.3611404

In jail

>> No.3611431

Just look in the mirror.

>> No.3611475

just google word + bathing / in the pool etc

>> No.3611478

post loli drawings

>> No.3611488

There was an 8ch board for that kinda stuff, but it's gone now I believe.

>> No.3611489

No it doesn't.

>> No.3611515

look for something like:
index of upload converting img tag in page url
in bing image search. you might wanna turn off safe search

>> No.3611522

Just don't ever search anything on duckduckgo image search without the adult content filter on.

>> No.3611523


>> No.3611530

What the fuck, is this shit still not fixed? I remember seeing this in various threads across the site. This just makes me believe that the theory of it being a honeypot is real.

>> No.3611584

Vintage photos on Wikipedia.

>> No.3611628

there's nothing illegal there, tho

>> No.3611635

Yeah, it's not the same.
For example, I jack off to yaoi and dudes having gay sex, but I'm not gay, it's just cartoons!

>> No.3611639

Death to all pedophiles

>> No.3611669

Screenshot the search then

>> No.3611676
File: 89 KB, 508x508, 1537020991424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't, no one buys Loli porn, but other than loli sells a lot, even furry and gay stuff.
If you want money, don't go for loli porn drawing.

>> No.3611764

such a cynical, materialistic, shallow, short sighted view of art, for someone so young

it's not about making a living, it's about pursuing your aesthetic ideals, regardless of the convenience of being honest in the current zeitgeist

is either drawing lolis, or wasting your life as an unhappy, mediocre coward

>> No.3611781

loli porn

>> No.3611784

all the time in the world is not gonna make being a pedo less of a degeneration scum

as if being a lurker here means being a pedo

>> No.3611836


>> No.3611971

Go to the beach.

>> No.3612065
File: 50 KB, 512x512, hurrr pedo coll pulisse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fom /B/, and from all the internet is the ONLY place i know you´ll be able to see uncensored loli porn - yes, i said ALL OF IT.
Not on this board, not on a japanese board, not in any other porn board, NOR ANYWHERE. ONLY. ON. /B/.

>> No.3612074

>Those hips
Pick one.

>> No.3612161

lolis are obviously flatchested, but usually they DO have wide hips and bubbly butts. you know, like irl

>> No.3612170

youre thinking of fat toddler stomachs

>> No.3612181

lolis are not toddlers, retard

the whole lure of nymphets' bodys is that they're clearly femenine: prime loli age is 9-10 when the tits are not developed at all, but the hips are distinctly femenine both in hip-waist ratio and sacrum tilting, which gives them that characteristic femenine walking swing that straight men discern from miles away

>> No.3612183
File: 29 KB, 158x500, 1229818130456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolis are love. Lolis are life.

>> No.3612190

yes it does
If you search certain tag combinations it will pull up pictures of nude children.

>> No.3612268

if you cant change proportions from reference you are trash. also obviously look at loli porn as reference if you want to draw loli porn.

>> No.3612273

but i'm trash, how am i supposed to improve without using any real life reference?

>> No.3612280

Study from life.

>> No.3612299
File: 116 KB, 428x500, how to draw smug lolis in charcoal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are a few references in this book but it's mostly techniques

>> No.3612434

Would buy/10