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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 278 KB, 2048x1282, 1537275138606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3608538 No.3608538 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the Drawthread with our fundamental exercises.

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make someone proud.


>screenshot the image and post that instead

>change camera capture settings to something smaller

>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

→ →
There's a new (and cleaner) sticky in town! You can see it at:


TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

Just remember: "Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do."

>> No.3608542

Really. Just tell me the secret to get good at drawing.

I really just want to get better.

>> No.3608543

Proko recently interviewed pro artists about /beg/ mistakes:
>fundies (perspective, form, measuring, contour, how to study, look at ref/subject more than your drawing)
>life drawing
>study fundies AND draw what you want, either at the same time or side by side

even if you just did one of these, your drawings would improve

>> No.3608546

Where do I go to study fundies

>> No.3608547

The sticky has everything, as usual.

>> No.3608548

Gesture drawing has made me inpatient. I can't finish anything. Help.

>> No.3608549

Will I really get good from reading these? Wouldn't my time be better spent just drawing some more?

>> No.3608550

The books are usually short and to the point.
No reason to avoid them.

>> No.3608552

Silly thing to ask, you want to learn how to draw, but you don't want to LEARN how to draw? Drawing is a skill like anything else. These books will have you drawing things you had no business drawing before.

>> No.3608553


Yeah I admit it is. I'm just feeling impatient and unhappy atm about my drawing """"skill""""

>> No.3608554

Your drawings are gonna be shit, man, you'll feel a bit better about yourself if you work through Keys to Drawing, but ultimately you won't be able to just draw what you want and have it look nice. You're gonna have to prepare for the wait before you reach your goal, but until then, draw shit drawings, that's what it takes to get good.

>> No.3608557

Thank you I appreciate the encouraging words

>> No.3608558

The books will give you direction at what it is exactly you should be doing. Just aimlessly drawing will slow you down a lot. Start out with dexterity and boxes, that should give you a solid start.

>> No.3608561

What do you mean by dexterity

>> No.3608562

Training your arm to listen to your eye. Repeating a straight line, repeating a curve. Drawing circles freehand.
Your arm is your tool, it has to listen to you perfectly. Develop control over your main tool of artistic expression.

>> No.3608593

Is never knowing what exactly you want to draw an issue of imagination, or experience?

I've been studying life & pictures a lot trying to understand the world around me, but I hate that I'm never doing any major personal projects. I want to do something that I can spend a lot of time on, but whenever I go to try and get started, it's like my minds eye shuts off entirely and all I can see is the blank page.

Suddenly my overactive imagination isn't working anymore, and I can't think of what to draw, let alone how I should go about drawing it. It makes me feel like I'm not actually an artist, and really just a shitty camera instead.

I know I shouldn't compare myself to others, but when I look at some online artists' old stuff, I see them being every level of creative that I'm not, and I feel like a loser just drawing what I see.

>> No.3608611

why did you start drawing

>> No.3608619

What do you mean?
I really enjoy art in general, and have always wanted to be someone who creates brilliant artwork.

I also know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will never be satisfied with myself or my life unless I can spend it creating, and it just happens that I'm the most competent with drawing. As a whole though, I'm constantly inspired with stories and possibilities, so my ultimate goal in art is to be able to make comics.

>> No.3608620

And you never had any ideas of what to create before you started drawing? Characters? Buildings? Landscapes? Creatures? What we're you gonna put in your comics? Draw that lmao

>> No.3608622

OP can't even follow his own resize instructions let alone follow a book like loomis

>> No.3608623

Yeah, but that's the thing. It's not that I don't have a subject, I actually have a huge abundance of subjects I want to draw...

The problem is that when I go to actually do that, the image in my head is gone completely, and it's like I never actually had any ideas at all. I'd call it creative block, but I feel like it's something a bit different.

Like a secret voice underneath it all is telling me, "you don't know how, so you don't even get to try."

>> No.3608628

Easy solution, you need a visual library before your imagination starts to work well. You have your subject matter, you have a "theme" of sorts I assume, look at references, from other comics, films, TV shows, other pieces of art, music etc. that ties in with the subject matter and theme, stick a bunch of pictures on a microsoft paint project, mess around with designs.

>> No.3608662

If I'm drawing Loomis, are my circles with lines in them supposed to look 3d like his does? Because they don't.

>> No.3608671

When you're drawing the lines think as though a plane is slicing the sphere in half and you're drawing the edge of the cut.

>> No.3608700

I'm the author of this, thanks for using my picture op. Can I ask for a critique or is it too unfinished to warrant one? The black thing on the left was supposed to be a grave of sorts

>> No.3608703
File: 506 KB, 2736x1824, 180920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started drawing a handful of months ago (literally, as in it was very nearly the first time I had attempted to draw for pleasure). I usually manage one sketch a week.

>> No.3608707
File: 96 KB, 1386x896, ss+(2018-09-20+at+02.55.44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a version at a reasonable size.

>> No.3608775

Are you working through the Loomis book, here?

>> No.3608778

What are some books to get me started on colour and value, aside from Gurney's book and blog? (Not that I dislike him, I just like having multiple resources.)

I am an absolute beginner with colour.

>> No.3608783

Don't have any books on color but check out this guy https://www.youtube.com/user/marcobucci/videos

>> No.3608785

I think a lot of Loomis's charts and anatomy advice are great, but I'm fairly convinced that the 'blook' cartoon heads are a meme. Like they're just a little warmup to show beginners that drawing isn't some impenetrable magic art. I can't think of any real concrete skills the exercise teaches you.

>> No.3608786
File: 238 KB, 1000x1000, gesture 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time trying to draw gestures. I know Proko said they weren't supposed to be detailed, but something about my gesture lines don't look nearly as good as his.
Also if it matters I've just been drawing from reference and life. I've yet to practice from Loomis, but I have been following Scott Robertson sketching from imagination for exercises as well as drawabox.

>> No.3608791

Bottom right has an issue where the top and bottom halves look like they're at two different angles. Also I'd need to actually measure it but it looks like the knee placement is uneven between the legs.

>> No.3608796

Try doing the bean first. It's essential that you get a feel for the trunk's motion.

>> No.3608846

Form, dummy.

>> No.3608849

I think before you try figure drawing, you should break your symbol drawing habits. Do you prefer video instruction or books (which are more in-depth and will help more in the long run)?

>> No.3608852

I'm on Chapter 2 of How to Draw and I'm wondering how to determine the cone of vision. He mentions to use a 60° COV but how does one even find that? How do I know if I'm using a 60° COV as opposed to something else?

Does he talk about this later?

>> No.3608856

The bean? Do you mean Proko's robo bean video? https://youtu.be/yqxPHew5bGQ

>> No.3608857

This is terrible.

>> No.3608863
File: 768 KB, 562x1000, 20180919_220254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time doing Loomis's stuff
not good, but not that bad I guess

>> No.3608865
File: 118 KB, 1000x1000, Upside down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer video instruction, but I don't mind books either. I mainly symbol drew because I was trying to complete each figure in two minutes (I was under the impression gestures had to be quick). Although this drawing isn't completely devoid of symbol drawing nor is it perfect it's a little bit better than the one I presented here.

>> No.3608877

You don't want to symbol draw, even in gesture drawing. You want to capture the following, in order--gesture, form, detail. You're not copying the model--you're interpreting them.

If you've already given Keys to Drawing a read, have you tried the Vilppu Manual? It might be a little intimidating (it was for me), but take it one lesson at a time and do a figure drawing session after each one, focusing on the specific content in the lesson.

>> No.3608879

Yes I do. You need to think in terms of space and you should fix your cymbal drawing. Do Bargue studies. Gesture is quick so you avoid the complex structure of anatomy and capture motion. You just made a mess of lines and added your garbage understanding of anatomy as a bad seasoning.
Don't let this take you down. Just do Bargue to figure out how to draw what you see and then try that bean to get a feel for space and throw in some boxes for good measure.

>> No.3608880

Forgot to add, Vilppu manual has accompanying videos, I think you can download both from the artbook thread. >>3959895

>> No.3608882

* >>3599895 I'm retarded

>> No.3608887
File: 179 KB, 1080x1349, 18096110_678826038991669_3563583581521444864_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me /beg/
i cant draw this nose and more importantly this perspective

i have tried everything construction, values, study, everything and is always the fucking nose

can someone draw the nose tell me how i can achieve this perspective

>> No.3608891

Draw what you see lol.

>> No.3608901

Shading is too subtle. Try something simpler.
You could always >>3608891 but imo you're wasting your time.

>> No.3608903
File: 1.38 MB, 1215x2160, DSC_0474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3608909

Nah, I haven't given keys to drawing a read yet but I'm going to as well as read Vilppu manual. The only book that I've been actively reading is Scott Robertson's "How to Draw". Thanks for the link to the thread as well.

>> No.3608914


>> No.3608918

A lot of people also like Hampton and Loomis' books on figure drawing, but I haven't checked those out yet. It's worth a shot.

>> No.3608920

Nevermind, I watched a couple of videos on YT and I think I've got it.

>> No.3608921
File: 377 KB, 625x752, cons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is my first good looking human drawing.
I did it messy because I didn't put much hope on it on the beginning.
I need critique on proportions and features as well, to see it with different eyes.

>> No.3608923

For figure drawing, Steve Huston helped me a lot. His book changes how your brain works.

>> No.3608926

Have you tried tracing the basic construction shapes over your reference image? Starting with simple triangles/rectangles and getting more complicated?

Do that, then repeat the construction process on a blank paper and experiment with those shapes.

>> No.3608927 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 336x461, rsz_20180919_220434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was an attempt. The rendering destroyed it though. Back to sketches.

>> No.3608930

Is that in the artbook thread, too? I haven't heard anyone suggest that one before.

>> No.3608931

Yeah... I don't think it was the rendering that destroyed it...
Proportions, facial feature, anatomy... It's all wrong.

>> No.3608933
File: 959 KB, 1180x1801, Screenshot_20180919-220802_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was an attempt. Ruined it with the rendering, small faces are very hard for me too. Back to sketches.

>> No.3608934

Yeah yeah, regardless it looked better before.

>> No.3608940

One thing I noticed is that you're drawing symbols instead of shapes.
Your eyes is purely symbols, that far away with that heave rendering you'd barely see any high detail on the eyes.

>> No.3608941
File: 36 KB, 402x600, ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the ref I'm working with, it's pure symbols because I can't see the shapes, if that's just an excuse then fair enough but I can barely see her features.

>> No.3608946

I found it on rutracker
"Figure Drawing for Artists: Making Every Mark Count"
He sort of takes a philosophical approach. If you've ever watched any of his videos you'll know what it's about.
The way he uses language to convey meaning is similar to the way he uses line to do the absolute same thing.

>> No.3608954

kek i just overlaid it in gimp and it's so wrong im not even sure where to begin. back to the fucking literal drawing board.

>> No.3608956

I don't torrent cause my internet can't take it, do you mind making a mega link of a .zip and posting it in the artbook thread?

>> No.3608957


Was meant for you, my bad

>> No.3608968

Sure. Gimme some time.

>> No.3608970

Feedback pls


>> No.3608971

Proportions are ok I think.
But the extra anatomy that you made just to show off the booty is awful, and the "hands" terrible.
The left boobie is twisted upwards

>> No.3608976
File: 501 KB, 1215x2160, 1537390497769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a bit of liquify and it looks much better.

>> No.3608978

Here you are. >>3608975

>> No.3608984
File: 147 KB, 1063x847, practice4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3608987

Pretty good, you just need to practice more the eyes and use references when drawing them.

>> No.3608995

thanks man, will work on that

>> No.3608996

What she said.
Top middle and the one to it's right. Is that how eyes really look like? Other than that, pretty good.

>> No.3609001

I see what you mean. They are a bit symbol drawn. I'll study some refs. Thanks!

>> No.3609008

A good horse runs even at the shadow of the whip.

>> No.3609020

Can't comment on the whole thing since I haven't started that book yet, but you do gotta start somewhere right? It'll get better with time.

Also nice Sweet Lemon Tea Man

>> No.3609023

but his image is only 278kb. the rule is for idiots who post 3/4mb images.
so the easiest way to stop them doing that is size restriction.
you can make bigger if you know how to optimize.

>> No.3609024

Why the fuck would you post this online? Horrendous.

>> No.3609033

Best first loomis heads I've ever seen.

>> No.3609038
File: 1.73 MB, 4032x2268, 20180919_131104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright so I started drawing within the past month and did this one today. I know its not perfect and I used a reference, but im really impressed with myself. And I used that "draw each line individually" truck from the sticky and to me the difference is night and day.

>> No.3609040

Is the issue the fact that I posted it? Is it that bad even for someone who's a complete beginner with no prior experience? I know it's pretty bad compared to people who know how to actually draw, but I actually did try on it...

>> No.3609041

ignore him, I don't think he knows what it is. its fine for a noobs go at that exercise.

>> No.3609049

He drew it the fuck upside down. I know what it is, and it's terrifying.

>> No.3609051

I assume you're trying to say that he/she needs practice.
Oh shit you actually did say something useful you just couldn't come up with the words.

>> No.3609061

You just couldn't rotate and rezise the image, could you?

>> No.3609065
File: 217 KB, 1328x996, content%3A%2F%2Fmedia%2Fexternal%2Fimages%2Fmedia%2F13064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sat in the thread doing my daily exercises.

>> No.3609067
File: 2.48 MB, 2268x2686, 20180919_182652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about that, is this better?

>> No.3609103

Just out of curiosity, how long did it take you to complete this?

>> No.3609107

About two hours. Why?

>> No.3609108
File: 109 KB, 706x1028, SCAN0104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're doing alright lad.

>> No.3609146


Thank anon, you make me feel more comfortable about my shitty gesture

>> No.3609171
File: 119 KB, 744x1028, SCAN0105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the idea to ask for feedback in construction phase a bit too late but not late enough. Please give feedback.

Source http://i.4cdn.org/ic/1537331430684.png from last thread.

>> No.3609187

You need a mirror infront of you while drawing, the face is twisted, one eye is higher than the other one.
When drawing constantly see your drawing through the mirror, this will give you a fresh look into it.

>> No.3609191


>Like they're just a little warmup to show beginners that drawing isn't some impenetrable magic art.
Even this is enough for them to have been worthwhile for me to do, I think.

>> No.3609200

You're a god damn hero, thank you anon! I'm gonna dig into this as soon as I can tomorrow.

>> No.3609202

Quit crabbin bruh, at least they're drawing instead of being an asshole on an anonymous image board.

>> No.3609203

some of these heads look a little flat. How are yo you feeling about the 3D forms of the head? Are you drawing all the simple shapes beforehand?

>> No.3609261

that's some nightmare fuel tier shit right there bro

>> No.3609297

christ with the tits

>> No.3609319
File: 124 KB, 725x1008, SCAN0106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2

>> No.3609337

I can't use pen and paper most times to practice. Can I still follow along with the fundementals on a 2in1? Because I already have a surface pro for use at work. I might get a stylus if I'll still learn the same stuff

>> No.3609419

Proportions are a bit off in different parts. The face is elongated down which is why the teeth appear so big. Compare the arcs of the eyebrows and how curvy your eyes are compared to the reference.

Try to enhance the values to bring out the planes of the face more. For instance, the side of the face is darker tone than the rest. It's already there, you just have to push the tones a bit more. Might be hard to do that with this reference because the light is overexposed.

>> No.3609423
File: 130 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20180920_005748_090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really trying to get this commission out to a friend but I'm going crazy. I'm stuck.

>> No.3609436

Nice hands

>> No.3609458
File: 2.11 MB, 872x1229, #001 Martina Jade - Dragon Quest XI - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 no h8 m8's

>> No.3609463

very good. Technically sound

>> No.3609489

Have fun anon.
Boring perspective first,all that good stuff later.

>> No.3609491

is there a downside to making studies by using sight-size?

in traditional it's definitely annoying, but I can't think of any downsides for the digital artist.

basically I'm not sure if I'm gimping myself by using the sight-size method long term, should I stop? comparative measuring is much harder and time consuming

>> No.3609499

Are you saying you can perfectly copy images sight size? Good proportions? Because you should be measuring, even sight size.

>> No.3609548


>> No.3609553

its really not. shapes need work. folds need to be worked on and parts are lopsided, it would do to study comic art to see how stylized bodies work, like He Man and Thundercats

>> No.3609554

You must be new here.

>> No.3609557

Why do you come into the /beg/ thread and then do nothing but talk shit about beginners? Does it make you feel like a big man you fucking crab?

>> No.3609564
File: 210 KB, 1000x750, 20180920_073755-1000x750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hail fellow /beg/s,

I'm in week 2 of Peter Han's Dynamic Sketching and I'm not sure how to do contour lines on complex nonlinear shapes. Can the centerline curve? Should every contour line align to cross the centerline at 90 degrees?

>> No.3609565

You're allowed to watch the material again if something is unclear to you.

>> No.3609568

I have been, but I was wondering about the nature of shapes he didn't cover. If a shape has an arm sticking out perpendicular to the centerline, should its contour lines still be perpendicular to the centerline or should they instead be perpendicular to the arm's direction?

>> No.3609576
File: 110 KB, 1221x737, forms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have the image in recycle bin from last time asked. yes it should curve through the center of the object.
a straight line is simply a direction line in which its facing

observe 3 modified ones

>> No.3609731

Happy to see another Lisafag out there
Thanks man

>> No.3609740

Should I spend $80 on a decent drawing tablet or buy pencils and paper that will eventually run out?

End goal: Digital art.

>> No.3609760

pencils and paper, not that you will, but you might give up. would be a waste of $80. Two sketchbooks can't be any more than $15, pencils probably $5. Printer paper is even cheaper. your traditional skills will translate.

>> No.3609761

You've already made up your mind.

>> No.3609834

Pencils and Paper without a doubt, Try to see if you even have the patience to draw. Buy yourself four or five 100 page notebooks and see if you can fill them all out before you move on to an expensive $400 drawing monitor.

>> No.3609843

No, I'm going to follow the advice the other two people gave me and just buy paper and pencils. I asked for a reason.

>> No.3609853
File: 65 KB, 581x800, 1537464071124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody eyeball this and see if you can spot anything that is off? I am sure it still can be improved heaps.

Really want to get a tablet but not sure if I am at the tablet level yet.

>> No.3609854

Bulge is too large

>> No.3609907
File: 90 KB, 1637x1263, column.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3609912

Aren't both hand on the wrong way around?

>> No.3609914


>> No.3609916

make the pose yourself. thumbs are on the inside

>> No.3609928
File: 74 KB, 480x851, Grab+a+beer_4b2900_4384787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3609934

oh fuck im retarded lol

>> No.3609955
File: 28 KB, 640x634, 20180920_1537462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to draw a stylized disney character in something more my style. Does it look OK?

>> No.3609957
File: 13 KB, 236x418, Meg3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3609971

What do you think?

>> No.3609978

I think I should kill myself because I'll always be terrible at drawing

>> No.3609980

You need to draw more skulls so you get better at understanding the form underneath things rather than copying lines from the source. You need to tidy up your lines, I recommend working traditionally with either a nice pencil and never erasing, or pen, so that you start doing things like jaw lines in one go.
As for the expression, cartoon expressions always have to be simplified and exaggerated. Notice that your reference did that. Entire face is using the squash versus stretch principle that animators developed. Her eyebrows are really high, her smile is curling up the side of her face, her eyes are crinkled up.
Go look at Disney animator styles, I recommend Jin Kim to see initial sleet he's and how they deploy their cartooning

>> No.3609982

For the love of god please go lighter with your pencil, clean up your lines, and try and make the chin symmetrical on her face.

>> No.3609985

Try using guide lines for the face, the eyes don't match up and the mouths are way too simple for the rest of the drawing.

>> No.3610046

I think your lines are more unstable than Chinas economy.
Jagged lines always ruins the drawings.

>> No.3610080

Line quality.

>> No.3610093
File: 349 KB, 631x945, upload.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I on the right track here, as far as simplifying parts into boxes?

>> No.3610094

That's not a very healthy attitude, anon.

What specifically about the face are you struggling with? What specifically would you like to change?

>> No.3610097

No, because your perspective is fucked to hell and back. You can slap boxes on everything and make a general shape, sure, but you're dropping the ball on something far more important. The gesture is there but the perspective is not, so when you go to construct that, everything is going to be shit.

>> No.3610100

You're off to a good start, but the torso's lookin pretty rough! The goal of using boxes is not just to understand how things move "in perspective," but how they move in an imaginary space.It looks like your ribcage box needs to be turned away from the viewer some more, and the pelvis box also needs to move backwards in space, away from the viewer (the way it is looks like her pelvis is floating off her body toward the viewer).

If you get a chance to fix this up, do you mind posting it? I wanna see your improvement.

>> No.3610106

How is this a helpful critique? Genuinely, because it looks like all you can do is point out what's wrong without knowing how to just as easily point out how to fix it. Shut the fuck up and crab in another thread or go draw.

>> No.3610118

Not that anon but I think that he does know what to do because I'd give the same advice. Maybe you just don't like how he's talking to you? Go back to plebbit if you don't like it rough.

He said gesture is good. Perspective and construction is bad. You're slapping boxes in there with no idea what you're doing. Stop that and learn perspective if you're gonna construct people that way.

How is that a bad critique?


>> No.3610126

Nigger I just pointed out what was wrong. The perspective is fucked. The gesture is there but slapping on boxes with bad perspective means the construction will be fucked.

How is me telling you to correct perspective not a helpful critique? If you're gunna be a pussy about getting told when something is wrong and instead only expect us to fellate you over bad art, get the fuck out or stick to simple gesture lines, because you're clearly not ready to move on to the more complex parts that involve a basic knowledge of perspective and construction.

>> No.3610134

Guys, chill. >>3610106 isn't me. I appreciate your feedback and will continue to learn.

>> No.3610135

Good boy.

Bad white knight! Bad! Shoo! Go away!
You don't hep anyone by coddling them, ya cunt

>> No.3610143

Observe the planes of the body. Where are they facing? Observe first, draw second.

>> No.3610163
File: 2.01 MB, 1600x2000, Coolmom2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been trying to push my values further.

>> No.3610171

Yeah put a black and white layer over that shit and look at your values man they're very similar. Also why the fuck is everything SO saturated?

You have no form theres no real values in this either it's flat there's no light no shadow nothing just... mush and bright eye-rape colors.

Please learn about value by itself first before you do color. Because value is literally half of colors and you don't understand either yet.

>> No.3610201

Pointing out that you suck at critique isn't coddling but alright, stay salty ngmi

>> No.3610202

Eyes looks fine to me?

>> No.3610205
File: 1.81 MB, 1215x2160, DSC_0483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feedback pls

>> No.3610207
File: 1.83 MB, 2224x1668, z1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but NOT pointing out the issues with someone's drawing and instead just pointing out the good parts is coddling. What critique do you expect in these threads? If someone says there's a problem with perspective it makes it obvious they need to brush up on their perspective. It's possible someone could red line the piece, which would help him fix that piece, but it won't help them make the next figure. Also, not everyone has the time, means, nor motivation to red line someone else's drawing, and no one is entitled to more specific critique either. Stay salty, ngmi-san. Pic related.

>> No.3610213

Part 3
Usually I don't go and erase construction but I did anyways. Thanks for critique.

Just started hair

>> No.3610214
File: 122 KB, 725x989, SCAN0107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.3610223

Don’t bother shading until you can draw perspective, form and proportions. Also the nose is definitely off.

Woth respect to shading, your values are all confused. Your shadows are lighter than your highlights, so it looks completely flat. Watch proko’s shading mistakes video. Also pick a better reference next time, when you have a photo with flash photography as reference it is super difficult to see the changes in values, why make things so hard on yourself?

>> No.3610227

Looks like you sacrificed the quality of the drawing by trying to fit it onto the piece of paper you have.

>> No.3610229

I agree with you somewhat, but my main disagreement is that if you have the time to point out what's wrong, you have the time to point out a potential solution. It's extremely unhelpful to point out what's wrong to a beginner without some guidance on where to go next because often they don't have the tools or knowledge on how to improve it in the first place. A lot of beginners are here for that reason; it's not uncommon to need direction in the beginning--Hell, even throughout your entire time as an artist. Directionless trial-and-error doesn't get people far.

>> No.3610241

To clarify, I'm not saying you have to go all out and redline, but if you're gonna tell a beginner how their perspective is shit, at least specify what in specific, ex the torso is facing the wrong direction, your vanishing points don't match your horizon line, etc...

>> No.3610243

He now knows his perspective and proportions are off theres both Google and YouTube, we live in the age of the Internet, if you can't use it, what hope do you have of drawing anything? If you need resources, ask for them, people are usually happy to provide. No need to lash out like a a baby who got told his macaroni art is being taken off the fridge.

>> No.3610246

It doesn't matter, those issues are BASIC perspective, as I said, it would help him fix his current picture but it wouldn't allow him to create more figures. He needs to learn perspective, full stop. From the beginning.

>> No.3610252

So why didn't you mention to go study perspective in the initial post >>3610097

You just insulted the perspective and that's it. Had you simply added that
>He needs to learn perspective, full stop. From the beginning.
You would have turned an unhelpful insult to an actual critique

>> No.3610258
File: 425 KB, 830x790, over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, thanks for the feedback, can you elaborate on what's wrong with perspective, form and proportions. I did an overlay and it doesn't seem to be critically off, it's not perfect sure, but I'd say I'm within a 5% - 10% margin of error, and therefore not in need of prioritization. Maybe I'm blind and you can offer me some insight.

Secondly, I haven't particularly gotten around to shading, I erased half the nose and everything underneath that point (this is why the nose is off, I did a light fix but am to lazy to rescan) and redrew the features but I didn't get around to reapplying a light shading. Although I do see what you mean about a bad image for practicing shading in the first place.

Thanks anon.

>> No.3610259

It wasn't me who posted that, however, "your perspective is fucked to hell and back", although hyperbole, should give anyone a good idea that maybe they are lacking the absolute basics, don't you think? Anyway, this is dumb because even the guy who got the critique took it well, perhaps you're just a little sensitive.

>> No.3610261

Don't be a pussy. It wasn't an unhelpful insult, it WAS an actual critique. If you're so fucking bad at perspective that you have to tell someone that it's fucked to hell and back, you should realize that it means you're so fucked with the basics, you need to stop and start over.

Just because you don't like the hard truth doesn't make it any less of a valid critique. I don't even see why this assblasts you so hard. You aren't even the original dude. And if you're this fucking prolapsed about someone else getting criticism, I'd love to see how you handle it when it comes to your own work. I have a feeling you're one of those tumblr shits who will literally block any form of criticism or critique that isn't a full on cock suck post saying how amazing and beautiful your garbage is. 4chan isn't a hugbox, so fuck off back to whatever one you came from that lets you live in a bubble thinking that you're in any way, shape, or form, a good artist.

>> No.3610263

Your ear is almost front view when the face is pretty much side view.
And the forehead is beyong the "5% margin error" both the forehead and ears help to see perspective on the face.

>> No.3610268

Construct the face with loomis, use block forma to define features.

>> No.3610271


>> No.3610293
File: 377 KB, 800x600, aesprite 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my first attempt at using aesprite. I'm a total noob at it, i am basically just using the basic functions. If anyones got any beginner tips would be appreciated

>> No.3610297

Not that guy but constructive criticism literally just requires that you take the time to:

>point out what's wrong
>tell them how to fix it
>make sure your reasons are objective and able to be backed up with proof of some kind

So it's not an insult but it's not a constructive critique either. Just destructive ("this is bad this is bad and this is bad...") Like at least tell them how to fix it bro you're in the beginner thread lol they don't know shit

>> No.3610299

If you made all of this it is really nice. Good job.

>> No.3610303

thank you. I dont really show this kind of stuff to anyone so it means a lot to get any feedback at all

>> No.3610308

No one leaving critique has the time to teach someone basic perspective, dude. That image is a mess, and no one is going to teach him perspective from the ground up just to properly critique it. Being told to start over with perspective is plenty, even if it wasn't the nicest way to put it.

>> No.3610311

> mixels
Not that it's terrible, but still jarring. You did good with the color render in the sky.
Study some old retro games to nail the feel down, or chase down a few artists that blends their mixels proper.

>> No.3610313

Nah I'm not saying teach it but just make sure you remember to mention how to fix it. Like suggest a book or something idk

>> No.3610320

There's a fucking sticky at the top of the thread which people should be reading.

>> No.3610325
File: 174 KB, 485x396, nec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- giraffe neck
- chin should be tilted w head
looks like you started with the head and guessed everything else, which isn't a good idea if you are still /beg/

good luck tho

>> No.3610333

Is tilted, I just put too much shadow there and it all blended together.
But the neck I agree, thank you.

>> No.3610335

By the way, I'm impressed you didn't commented about the hand... does it look right?

>> No.3610344
File: 253 KB, 626x435, hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perhaps move the ear lower, but desu the chin should still be more squared

it should show more of the side of the hand (think of it like a 3D object)

shadows aren't consistant

the head also doesn't really seem to be attatched to the body since the direction of the chest doesn't go with the head, use a base or skeleton (something idk) to plan ahead

you should also work on clothes and folds and how they wrap around the body

>> No.3610345

how tf did desu get in there? am I rarted?

>> No.3610347
File: 32 KB, 552x553, 41013443_700343730304057_8641710701926154240_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you sir

>> No.3610350

no probs anon

>> No.3610355

nobody can give you discipline
maybe play some music in the background while you draw to make time go by faster

>> No.3610361
File: 798 KB, 1379x1549, titters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point.

>> No.3610399

I have the same problem

>> No.3610413

You have zero self awareness. You're furious about someone's perceived inability to handle harsh critique... while being unable to handle a harsh critique.

Grow up, you got told not to be an asshole. It's not the worst criticism in the world.

OP's perspective wasn't even that bad, they just made some beginner mistakes. Stop exaggerating.

>> No.3610469

Not only did you quot me >>3610259 with another anon, but in no way were any of my posts ever furious, in fact, it was the opposite, this random guy it's furious that another anon got critique, and decided to sperg about it. The guy who originally received critique admits it was good.

>> No.3610477

I even mentioned that it was an exaggeration (that is what hyperbole means)

>> No.3610480
File: 868 KB, 487x752, tentative tentative tentative final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First attempt at any graphic design beyond intentionally shitty stuff on Paint. I 100% fucked up the dimensions (way too small), and also didn't really know how to smooth edges of crops. But composition-wise, what do you think? It's for the cover of a zine full of my own post-modernist poetry/prose.

>> No.3610483

no, just new

>> No.3610490

Eye rape DESU. To do graphic design you need to learn about the elements of design. At least try to learn the rules so you can break them properly.

>> No.3610496
File: 883 KB, 487x752, tentative tentative tentative tentative.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you elaborate on what rules aren't being broken properly? If there's a lot wrong with it, just a couple specific examples would help so I can figure out the rest on my own.

For added context, this was my "original" before adding the tissue paper textures, but I wanted some acting negative space to create some movement and contrast.

>> No.3610516 [DELETED] 
File: 830 KB, 487x752, tentative low sat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lowered the saturation and contrast some, so that it wouldn't be so jarring. Last post, I swear.

>> No.3610517

Other anon here. Like, what's the composition for starters?

>> No.3610527

I have no idea what you're even trying to convey in these pictures, dude. It looks like you've literally just taken a bunch of images and were very liberal with the eraser tool. What are we supposed to be looking at?

Don't take this the wrong way, but it feels like one of those pieces of literal garbage composed art you find at those modern art expos, where everyone pretends it's deep shit or has meaning, but it was just some dude throwing trash around on the floor that the janitor accidentally sweeps up and throws away, not knowing that it was "Art".

I'm not getting whatever message you're trying to send on here, and all I get is a headache looking at it. Please don't take that the wrong way, but you've gotta work on getting your point across without killing people's heads.

>> No.3610537
File: 988 KB, 487x752, Abraxabiblia cover page tentative redline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

red circles + lines = more dramatic tones that relatively equidistant from each other
orange = general movement inside the blue/purple tissue paper textures
black = movement of blue/purple tissue paper textures

This probably just makes it seem even more cluttered, but it's partly what I had in mind. The textures and mood of each crop were more at the forefront, though.

Sorry, I deleted that third one because the levels turned out way too low upon upload.

I'm not sure what your personal threshold is on "modern art" being garbage, but I was trying to get shades of Rauschenberg and Basquiat in there. There isn't meant to be any concrete form. It's meant to be chaotic but do you have any tips on how I could control it some more?

>> No.3610567
File: 951 KB, 487x752, 1537512953626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't read well. I can't figure out the focal point, It's just a strain for the eyes. I just start smack in the middle because there's nothing to focus on and the tissue paper leads me out of the image or confuses me.

>> No.3610570
File: 1.61 MB, 4608x3072, DSC_0248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started last summer, one of my more recent paintings, critique and thoughts please

canvas 8 ft by 4 ft acrylics

>> No.3610571
File: 244 KB, 1080x536, IMG_20180518_175743_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this, was scared it was a little too basqiaut, its about a terrible breakup i was going through and kinda deals with that, questions critiwue

canvas 8 ft by 4 ft

>> No.3610594

I really like it, but the Mickey Mice are too Banksy-esque for me.

>> No.3610597

I get what you're saying. Should be more like a Fall of Icarus kind of cyclical movement. Thanks, anon.

>> No.3610600

I feel like you're not a beginner.

>> No.3610606

No problem go for it and add something recognizable as the focal point something that stands out.

>> No.3610615

Where should I place it? My impression was that the top right red oval-like shape was the focal point (hence why it's the most densely bordered, and I was going to cut a good 75% of the bottom right purple piece to direct the eye upward. But would you say that object doesn't work as the focal point?

>> No.3610617
File: 395 KB, 646x1396, 20180921_020250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please rate my Tomoko.

>> No.3610618

not gross enough
also looks a bit tall

>> No.3610620

Tomoko is not gross anon.

>> No.3610626

she is in a cute way

>> No.3610661
File: 1.22 MB, 1203x1588, DSC_0481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feedback pls

>> No.3610671

it’s weird

>> No.3610678

Thank you

>> No.3610686

Is there a good exercise for learning forms? i just draw this draw a box blobs but i don't feel like getting it

>> No.3610688

7/10 creative
5/10 fundies
2/10 shading
0/10 composition

>> No.3610708

By drawing forms.

>> No.3610711

post example pls

>> No.3610714

Nigga is just boxes, cylinders, spheres n shit.

>> No.3610715

I always wonder why /beg/s work with worst references they could find (for learning in general).

>> No.3610717


>> No.3610720

When is a reference good?

>> No.3610732

How could i improve on composation?

>> No.3610735

1. When it has clear separation of light and shadow and has strong enough value pattern.

2. Has enough of size to be able to go 1:1 with the drawing

3. Figure has enough of gesture (the ref in >>3608941 does admittedly have that, I like the flow of the body).

I could see myself doing a 1 minute tops gesture / croquis drawing of this said ref but never nothing more dedicating.

>> No.3610739

by drawing it like a background or something

>> No.3610740
File: 36 KB, 583x1000, Untitled-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try rule of thirds sqrt2 or fibonacci sequence. They are good GUIDELINES for placing focal points. Check this out. Good design completely abstract and simple. It's a sqrt2 based design.

>> No.3610741

Do thumbnail drawings and paintings. Pencil, gouache and watercolor pencils are great for composition thumbnails. Start with black and white value only thumbnails and move to color later.

Even a simple face only portrait deserves few thumbnails before actual drawing. Improves your sensation of filling the blank sheet of paper a lot.

Compositions don't have any rules but your eye will get trained to feel what works and what doesn't

>> No.3610744

I have never been able to draw and I am completely brand new. Is it better to begin drawing with pencil and paper or digitally? Digital drawing seemed like it might be better because of how easy it is to erase/undo/redo.

>> No.3610751

It really doesn't matter, except while drawing with pencil and paper you have only to learn how to draw with your entire arm rather than just scribble with your hand, while with digital you have to learn the setup, software and tech stuff and all.

If you want to really start learning to draw just go with pencil and paper, it's less fuzz. If you already have a graphics tablet and set up for other reasons (photography?) then go with those.

The exercises and stuff to learn are completely the same.

>> No.3610758

A friend of mine is getting rid of her monoprice tablet and offered it to me. So either way I will have a tablet, I just wanted to know if it would be better for me to start with pen and paper. Thanks for the input though!

>> No.3610761

star with pen and paper
but take that tablet

>> No.3610763

tech-wise I have no idea of monoprice brand. The smaller the brand, the more problems you are going to face if the tablet has some issued like drivers etc.

Also you can draw with pencil and paper right now rather than waiting for the tablet to arrive tomorrow or next week.

>> No.3610773

I will indeed be taking the tablet, I mean it's free. But I'll start with pen and paper for now. Have been reading the sticky and will post my Igor later. Thanks for the help guys

>> No.3610780
File: 975 KB, 1121x670, 92118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going traditional so I don't ctrl+z spam
besides draw a box, are there other resources and exercises that teach you line confidence?

>> No.3610781

where did you get that picture?

>> No.3610784

Why do you need resources that teach you about line confidence? Aren't it just a question about just doing it?

>> No.3610788

>Aren't it just a question about just doing it?
not him but for me it wasn't
struggled for 5 years and felt like shit because my drawings looked like shit
you can't break bad habits on your own

>> No.3610789

ctrlpaint has some brief video guides on composition if you dont want to read, will give you a good idea

>> No.3610790

Different anon here, on this note where does one go for classes about drawing for beginners? I've graduated from college and it's weird thinking about going back for just drawing classes but I literally can't think of anywhere else.

>> No.3610791

And you've broken your bad habits now? How?

>> No.3610793
File: 442 KB, 900x1200, 1511916922995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was on my twitter feed a few months back
I forgot if it was on platinum or whatever Yoko taro's company is

>> No.3610794

literally draw a box
and scott robertson How to draw
after a while it gets better but in the beginning you really have to think about it and force yourself to do better

>> No.3610798

it's cute i wanted to draw more mechanical stuff

>> No.3610799
File: 322 KB, 900x1200, DK8hjnnUMAAFSpV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally found the second part
but yeah cute cats.

>> No.3610810

All classes i went were shit.
they don't teach you anything and they can't help you
the internet is the best source for learning

>> No.3610812

Eh do new masters academy and go to life drawing sessions in your city or something. They usually cost about $5 or so a few hours where I am.

>> No.3610814

they cost 200$ for a weekend where i life

>> No.3610821

For a weekend? What?

I meant like meet ups where people gather together and everyone pitches in a little bit for a model together and it's only a few hours.

What do you mean a weekend though like a class or something?

>> No.3610827

>like a class or something?
yes with an art teacher who graduate art school

>> No.3610837
File: 87 KB, 800x320, bridge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay i cleaned up my linework. how does this read? are long canvases okay? i havent decided what im doing with the vague lines on the right

>> No.3610839

Oof, chicken scratch. Keep cleaning it up and check your damn perspective please.

>> No.3610845

what is this.
>check your damn perspective please.
i think i need to drop the whole 'back' part a bit?

>> No.3610854
File: 34 KB, 313x472, Loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me with this one. I read loomis book about figure drawing for what its worth and i'm at the muscle group. But isn't that wrong what he did at pic related? shouldn't 4 be pectoralis major? and 3 latissimus dorsi or the teres major?

>> No.3610858

>もい ちみし んらな
What? I do like how the image looks, though.

>> No.3610861

Weird Al Yankovic looking thicc

>> No.3610862

Yeah wtf loomis???

1 and 2 are correct, but...
3 is lastissimus dorsi
4 is pectoralis
5 is serratus anterior

What the fuck

>> No.3610863

Loomis lied to us this sick fuck

>> No.3610865

3. is latissimus dorsi, 4. is pectoralis major and 5. is serratus anterior

>> No.3610868

Loomis how could you fail us like this :(

>> No.3610869

i just burned my loomis books and gave up on drawing forever

>> No.3610877

Loomis is a false prophet :'(

Guess it's time to an hero

>> No.3610893

are there any brave souls who have fallen for the 16h/day FZD meme and are streaming their progress on twitch or something?

would love to follow someone liek that

>> No.3610894

Serious question: Is the saying "just draw" a meme?
By this I mean that if I were to just draw from life and references about 90% of the time and read/watch instructional videos about 10% of the time will I genuinely see enough improvement to "make it"?

>> No.3610896

>Serious question: Is the saying "just draw" a meme?
with no goal in mind yes

>> No.3610911

Something being a meme does not necessarily mean it's bad advice or untrue.

>> No.3610915

>Something being a meme does not necessarily mean it's bad advice or untrue.
mostly it does
a meme in this regard is a watered down advice
It doesn't help you at all

>> No.3610917

if you watched someone streaming 16hrs a day you wouldn't get anything done.

>> No.3610925

The goal is to get better at drawing over all. You're not just randomly doodling on the page, you're genuinely trying to improve with each drawing. You're just only dedicating 10 percent of your time to studying and 90 percent to drawing from life and references. Can you get "good" this way?

>> No.3610928

Sure. Some might. Do we know if *you* could become good doing this? That's impossible to know.

>> No.3610941

I was reference myself in this post. I just started drawing (about a week) and I've mainly just been drawing from references/life and want to be sure I'm not wasting my time. I've seen the saying "just draw" be said several times and it makes sense in theory, but I want to make sure it's correct in practice.
I'm honestly not too sure how long I should be drawing for a day and who I should be studying from first? There's a bunch of information there, but it can be a bit overwhelming for a beginner at times.

>> No.3610949
File: 100 KB, 562x1000, 20180921_175246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loomis is getting harder

but so am I

>> No.3610954

Is this fun with a pencil? About to start it and just curious.

>> No.3611014

What are good tutorials for starting digital painting? Also what program would you recommend?

>> No.3611105
File: 1.91 MB, 2508x3344, PicsArt_09-21-02.43.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking you guys advice and value drawing rather than symbol drawing. These look pretty shit, but I think I get it a little better

>> No.3611109

Nice! How long have you been drawing for, and how long did this take?

>> No.3611117

I've been drawing /co/ shit for 2 years, but never learned the fundamentals of realistic drawings. Because of this, I got good at drawing symbols, as many cartoons are based off of simple shapes, but never got good at drawing value or real weight. I'm working on that now.

It took me around 15-20 minutes altogether, although I wasn't timing. The shapes were quick warmups to establish 5-point value, the faces took longer. I'm a beginner to realism, so any help is appreciated

>> No.3611142
File: 240 KB, 910x621, elf4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, this is my first try on digital painting.
I've never done something like this.
And I didn't used any reference at all while drawing this, only one for the mouth on sidesh view that I'm terrible at, but in the end barely showed up.
I need to know if I'm on the right way or if I should step back and start drawing with reference.

>> No.3611147
File: 313 KB, 353x426, kangs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I declare this as a react on "we wuz kangs nd sheit"

>> No.3611167

we wuz artizts n' shiet

>> No.3611177
File: 50 KB, 427x640, c4642088a2da27f39a89406c45fb3bce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha yeah, I actually should have posed the inspo. It looks shitter in comparison. A lot of my portraits come out looking urban, weirdly enough. Maybe I'm just not blocking things out right enough

>> No.3611182

you're still symbol drawing really bad. Is there really a thick black line around the lips and eyes? no stop doing that

>> No.3611225
File: 1.76 MB, 1170x869, sshh the kenku wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this pillow shading? How can I avoid it? I thought the light source from the left (rimlighting) and the upper front light source from the "camera" direction.

>> No.3611228

Not really

>> No.3611230

i wish i could do as good shading as you don't worry about it

>> No.3611329
File: 181 KB, 1000x1000, loomis fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started and I'm already fucking up bad. I have no natural talent but I'd like to get good at this. Why do my heads look so....bad compared to Loomis and >>3610949
? I know I can't draw the cheeks to save my life, nor semi-realistic ears unless I look at a reference photo to at least get a shape right.
Please help. I know I'm already getting advice from Loomis but it's frustrating how ugly this looks!

>> No.3611370
File: 890 KB, 747x565, birdie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have two light sources, but on the character you either use just one of them
red marks is where there should be light hitting.

>> No.3611372

You have to learn how to use your tool. The biggest problem I see with beginners of any discipline is that they never just "play around". You have a tool, and the paper is your sandbox. Get acquainted with your tool. Get comfortable with it. Get your arms and hands used to drawings circles and lines. Try to have fun with it and be creative.

>> No.3611447
File: 193 KB, 1406x1875, study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critiques please.

>> No.3611453
File: 121 KB, 749x1000, study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, forgot to resize. Here's my ref as well:


>> No.3611458
File: 403 KB, 681x2257, 044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the problem with Loomis, coming from someone who also sucks at art but is trying to get better.

Loomis's heads are meant to show how easy it is to construct a funny character from something you couldn't think could turn in to art. It's not meant to be a 1:1 'this is how you make heads' thing, it's meant to get you used to the most basic ideas of construction in an exaggerated fashion. You're on the right track by trying not to copy his heads flat out for the most part, but seriously, don't get caught in to the oversimplification of it.

The part you want to focus on when it comes to loomis heads is the ball and plain method which is further in to the book.

Here, here's something from Doxxy that I think helps out a lot, and only requires a very, VERY simple understanding of perspective. Like literally take a ruler, draw a horizontal line, and mark two vanishing points on it, then draw a basic box at your desired angle, and you can put your head in the box.

Proportions are off. Head is too small, and for women with wide hips, which is what you seem to be going for, the chest box and the size of the head should roughly be the same width. I think I have an image somewhere that shows this.

>> No.3611462

Does it look right to you?
Proportions are wrong anatomy as well.
Before trying to draw from life, take a basic course on human proportion and basic anatomy, so you can identify the mistakes.

>> No.3611473
File: 1.01 MB, 2423x2254, 41632323_p4「女の子を描く時のワンポイントメモ⑭~㉕」_「肉詰め」の漫画 [pixiv]」.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. This doesn't just apply to loli or anime characters. Your head should roughly be the same width, perspective considered, of course, as the ribcage.

>> No.3611482

"Looking urban"

You can say black, anon, it's okay

>> No.3611487
File: 130 KB, 749x1000, study2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok, I tried to redo it with that in mind.

>> No.3611492

your shoulders are way too narrow and the left one is too far up. The shoulders in general are too high up. The clavicle should be closer to where the left tit line ends

>> No.3611497

Way better, I'm hard btw.

>> No.3611498
File: 1.52 MB, 2448x3264, 20180922_103648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Tried

>> No.3611499

Better, but eyes too big, ear too smoll mouth too flat.

>> No.3611502

And the jaw is waaaay to square.
You're not planning the face before drawing it, are you?

>> No.3611506

I used mask construction for the face
I didn't measure my proportions

>> No.3611508
File: 112 KB, 749x1000, study (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How's this?

>> No.3611509

Watch prokos tutorials on eyes, nose and mouth, will help you a lot.

>> No.3611512

Better, elbows are a bit lower, they usually end where the ribcage ends.

>> No.3611572

Just kidding, I ordered a drawing tablet just now for $77.

>> No.3611598
File: 546 KB, 640x736, 6D36EA00-FC1A-4E0B-B322-02702A934422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advice before I start shading and ultimately colouring?

>> No.3611609
File: 443 KB, 1000x563, adam-driver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3611625
File: 711 KB, 640x736, 1537592007199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before coloring the face, learn how to draw the proportions right.

>> No.3611675

You're right!

I'll have to see if I can add in some highlights there. Thanks for the help!

>> No.3611729
File: 132 KB, 744x1028, SCAN0108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3611793

New thread:

>> No.3612276
File: 177 KB, 864x1152, IMG_20180922_192856-864x1152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practicing some portrait studies