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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 102 KB, 848x1199, DnZCtQfU8AAbqC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3609648 No.3609648 [Reply] [Original]

>LF chill male/female/gay art buddies who are into games/anime/manga, but at the same time quite dedicated to art and improvement. Also for group hangouts/discord chat while painting
>prerequisites: you gotta have 5k+ followers on twitter, decently skilled, style is unimportant

post your own description and requirements to connect with other anons

>> No.3609654
File: 9 KB, 249x236, 1511109617031s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3609659

You know that sensation that you feel your chest burning and head floating away when you experience a terrible fear of something unknown, like in a nightmare or when you see something really spooky.
Anyone who doesn't feel the same when looking into my eyes.

>> No.3609660

>LF literally anyone besides retards like OP who think "gay" is a gender

>> No.3609684

>you gotta have 5k followers
you sound hard to please

>> No.3609686

Post your twitter with 5k+ followers first

>> No.3609694

> 5k+ followers on twitter
Why would that matter? Just so they could shill u on their blog??
There some decent artist with 50-500 followers who draw pretty nicely.

>> No.3609695

My requirements are simply.
If you are a person who likes to bro out, draw and improve on art.

>> No.3609697

listen, i get you want people with 5k+ followers cause you don't want baby tier artists coming in like "hey can you please retweet me an give me attention" without wantin to form any actual friendships but you gotta like clarify that or everyone who isn't already under the burden of thousands of eyes baring down on them 24/7 will jus think you an anyone who associates with you is full of themselves

p sure they mean generalized gay as tongue in cheek way of sayin "lgbt". literally any chill person i know around my age who's lgbt tends to jus refer to themself as gay at this point because it's easier an more unified than "i'm bi/pan or whatever an i like guys mostly but girls are cute too an also some clarification about non-binary people being cute cause they are (but also i don't wanna get some dumb aggro 15 year old yelling at me about how i'm reinforcing the binary even tho i myself am some fuckin non-binary trans whatever)"

>> No.3609708

>"p sure"
>talking about sexuality here
>believes that all artists under 5k are attention whores
tumblrina spotted

this dude gets it

>> No.3609712
File: 46 KB, 787x523, 1535627769567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kind of understand the follower thing, even if it makes you sound like an ass. 5k is pretty minuscule though. if you want art friends with no ulterior motive, who are chill and very serious about gitting gud, you can check out the /las/ (>>3604757) discord.

we also have a hangout that people join pretty frequently (mics all muted, because google's voicechat is shit)

>> No.3609725

ur dumb an gay, aka cute owo
please, tell me more stupid things, it's the only way i can get off

>> No.3609739

>take a look at discord
>shit load of channels you see in any other discord
fucking no thanks ill just stick to the website

>> No.3609772

you sound like an entitled whiny bitch. why would anyone want to be friends with a person like this?

>> No.3609788

>5k followers on twitter
Ah darn! I have 8k followers on tumblr but only 1k on twitter!!!
It's such a shame that I'll never get to be your friend!!!

>> No.3609791
File: 176 KB, 800x600, angel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know If I'm good enough to be anyone's friend, but here's a nice picture.

>> No.3609792

>>prerequisites: you gotta have 5k+ followers on twitter, decently skilled, style is unimportant
So you're an attention whore. The most talented and hardworking individuals I have ever met have had awful luck in followers.

>> No.3609806

some of the most talented and hardworking folks i know have 50 followers, some of the most talented and hardworking folks i know have 10k+, shit comes down to luck. the one thing i do know for sure is that once the ball starts rolling it keeps rolling unless you flat out stop posting forever. the other thing i do know for sure is that every artist i know who has a large following absolutely fucking hates it and is constantly annoyed or terrified by said following.

>> No.3609809

luck is a meme.

>> No.3609821
File: 33 KB, 966x160, twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine not being a twitter god

>> No.3609823

>be me
>have a foot tall stack of books on self-employment and online marketing strategies
>my bro has spent around $3k attending courses on this exact topic
>come to /ic/ seeking wisdom from fellow artists
>clueless d/ic/ks falling for that retarded "a good product markets itself" meme
>all the planning and work that goes into growing a funnel-like client base and delivering them your product
>"it's just about luck bro"

>> No.3609835

You weren't born with billions of dollars of inheritance guaranteed to you proving luck is a reaI aspect of life, not just a false meme.

>> No.3609842

hm I guess a solid follower count proves that you're a decent artist. It's not really a matter of followers, but it kinda shows that you're dedicated to what you do, so I kinda understand pros in that regard

>> No.3609847

pretty much this >>3609842 >>3609739
>5k is miniscule
nobody's really into cali pseudo artists with huge followings and meme discord channels

>> No.3609848

it also depends on how active you are on your blog as well.Thats the average i see when a decent artist of followers would have.I know followers does not equal talent but the OP seems to only want famous friends for either shilling or bragging rights that they have talents.

>> No.3609858
File: 341 KB, 1920x1720, bruno-nox-gore-griffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nox only has 400 followers and he can outpaint practically anyone, there are plenty of highly skilled people who simply don't play the social media game or draw fanart. tehmeh only has 500 and at this point he's more established than anyone else who's posted here. anyone calling themselves 'pro' who doesn't understand this is a retard.

>> No.3609859

It does seem like marketing yourself on social media requires a completely different set of skills. It can take a lot of time and energy to make sure your art is even noticed by a large audience.

The only artists who seemed to be able to "passively" gain a lot of followers quickly are artists who are already "top tier" professional artists with a very appealing art style who happened to have their art retweeted by a popular artist with a ton of followers.

Otherwise the method I see a lot of average (especially trad) artists use is to follow thousands of people in the hopes they'll follow them back.

>> No.3609873

never said it was only luck, just implying that you have to work hard AND be lucky, hence why i said my friends with 10k+ followers ALSO work their asses off. but y'know, reading comprehension and what not.

also oh my fucking god you don't need to read books or pay three thousand goddamn dollars to learn the basics of how to get attention on social media. the luck i'm talking about is more so that you already like to make art that is predisposed to be the kind of work that certain circles online like to share along with being able to present your personality as a brand. i could write you a pamphlet's worth of paragraphs on how to easily get attention but it all requires your work to look certain ways, be of certain contents, etc, along with the kinds of personalities that work well, but that's a buncha shit that some people just do naturally/don't mind putting on a face, while for others it kills them inside like a retail job. not to mention it takes a lot of time some people don't have. that's basically the luck i'm talking about.

people also forget having the time to work on art or even improve itself comes down to an insane amount of luck. my boyfriend's one of the best artists i know but he works long shifts 4 days a week with a commute that's like 3-4 hours total each day. 3 days off but he spends most of that sleeping, spending time with family, other responsibilities, etc.

it is a completely different set of skills that some people just luck into picking up on or doing naturally because of the combo of their personality and content they put out

>Otherwise the method I see a lot of average (especially trad) artists use is to follow thousands of people in the hopes they'll follow them back.

don't do this, people hate spammers, this is a shitty instagram strat that doesn't work, only gets you follow 4 follow people who don't actually care about or interact with your art.

>> No.3609882

trying to explain to weaboos that follower count doesnt equal artistic skill is like trying to argue with a chair

>> No.3609885

>i could write you a pamphlet's worth of paragraphs on how to easily get attention but it all requires your work to look certain ways, be of certain contents, etc, along with the kinds of personalities that work well, but that's a buncha shit that some people just do

Can you please do this? Not memeing at all but I need to know how to get some fucking traction. I'm tired of working my ass off with nothing to show for it. I just followed back 6 people on Instagram yesterday to do the f4f way but I fucking don't want to do it

>> No.3609888

Not that guy but just trading follows isn't enough man you gotta think like you work in advertising and marketing.

>> No.3609899

I know trading follows isn't enough, that's why I'm asking for the "pamphlet's worth of paragraphs." I don't want to take the f4f route but I also don't know shit about marketing. The only person I know who knows a lot about it won't ever give me any real information because she's scared of competition I guess? Which makes no sense because I'm a (wannabe) illustrator with only a few small gigs under my belt and she designs web pages and websites professionally and does coding and shit. Not even close to the same ballpark but she refuses to give me any details despite calling me one of her best friends

>> No.3609906

i'm not popular online at all, so i don't have any actual advice, but wouldn't one gain followers by just drawing things that are currently popular and posting regularly? also having a unique, appealing style and well-rounded art would probably help.

>> No.3609915

the issue with that is you'll likely stagnate and/or just get burnt out. I used to do that shit. The worst culprit is fan art. I tried to get a bunch of free attention by drawing Harley Quinn when Suicide Squad was big before it flopped. It didn't get me much attention and the attention it did get me left after the hype. It forces you to draw many different things constantly to keep up with trends, sure, but you need to already be good at drawing. And plus when you cater to one group you might be fucking up another group. People who followed you for a cool My Hero Academia pic you posted last week might really fucking hate Superman, but then Justice League is on the rise so you gotta draw that, thus getting rid of said MHA fans. Your art has to be really good in order to keep people around using that method. It could be good for garnering commission work but that'd be pretty much all it's good for if you ask me. Even though I didn't get any, but my work was severely lacking at the time anyways.

>> No.3609919

Lol wow what a cunt friend.

So obviously you have some kind of instagram/blog sort of thing which is cool but do you have a portfolio too? If not you should think of making a separate page for it, that way you have one professional spot for people who want to commission you. Then you just leave your insta for whatever, finished work, sketches, interacting with people, etc.

Make use of tags on social media so people can find your stuff easier, btw.

>> No.3609922

>wouldn't one gain followers by just drawing things that are currently popular and posting regularly?

If you want fair-weather fans that pressure you into always drawing the latest fad then sure. Once you stop they rage on you or stop following you. Fanbases can be extremely cancer so no I wouldn't recommend it... Plus being just a fan art machine looks bad, like you're so unoriginal or autistic that all you do is fan art. And on top of that you can't do things like make merch and sell it because of copyright.

Better to git gud and make your own shit so you have full control over it, don't get a cease and desist letter from anyone, and can actually be proud of your own stuff and not harassed by your own fans.

>> No.3609924

what kind of work are you trying to create specifically, you mention you wanna be an illustrator >>3609899 here but that's a very vague term. what do you want to illustrate? also your friend isn't afraid of competition, she just probably only has knowledge that's applicable to her field. web design/front end is a completely different field with completely different social circles and skills and stuff that they care about.

also i don't want to be mean but you just might be good enough yet. keyword: yet. never give up, keep improving etc etc, but understand that depending on what you want to do your technical skills are possibly incredibly important. you may see other artists out there with dozens of thousands of followers that you feel you're "better" than but understand that in almost every case their work most likely has other merits that are carrying it beyond pure technical skill, such as writing or the content it contains/portrays. hence why you may see someone whose drawing skills are relatively rudimentary but the things they draw are relateable to their large following base for one reason or another.

this is also why you have people of incredible skill yet barely any followers, such as >>3609858 points out (tho they said a mean word you shouldn't use in general, but skillful means tells me i should tell you to also not use it if you want to build a following) who create wonderful amazing art, but it's mostly only other artists who appreciate it. web design/front end is definitely one of those kinda fields where the only people who care about it in that way are other web design/front end people so again, you're asking your friend about a different kind of marketing than she probably knows about, please don't jump to assuming she's holding out on you for her own benefit.

>> No.3609926

It's almost as if professionals who already work in the industry don't need to bother shilling themselves and getting a following

>> No.3609930
File: 49 KB, 128x128, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing professionals don't have to shill themselves to get into the industry

>> No.3609947

i'm curious if the OP is looking or responding to these comments.
I kind of want their perspective on these comments that people made

>> No.3609952

I don't have a portfolio, no. Where should I post it? I do have a DA account with a folder dedicated to stuff I turn into prints for conventions but I wouldn't go as far as to call it a portfolio. I'm mostly a traditional artist so Artstation doesn't do much for me, but I've still got one. Anything else I should consider?

I do try to use hashtags a lot, as well as submitting to groups on DA, but nothing ever really seems to take off. My biggest hit on Instagram was a picture I drew of a super anime style dude smoking and it only got 200 likes. I'm not big by any means.

I want to be an illustrator for a comic book. Not in a meme mangaka way like everyone seems to want on this board. I want to draw and maybe write for a comic book company but I don't want the superhero shit. Specifically I'd like to work at Udon because I really like Street Fighter a lot. I wanna be like their artists, where they work for the company, but they also get to attend conventions making money off of prints and commissions, to the point where it keeps their lights on and pays their rent. In the meantime I'm working on a 1-shot graphic novel that I want to try and publish myself using money from my actual job. I have most of the script written out for that and I'm about 20% of the way done with a script for another very long term project.

I know that you're right about me not being as good on a technical skill level, but it just burns me up because I can visually see that I AM better than 1 local artist and at least on par with another, but yet their work gets so much more online attention than mine, thus getting them 2 to 6 commissions per week when I struggle to get 2 per month. Granted one draws almost only lewd and the other caters to an extremely niche audience so I guess that's how they seem so far ahead.

>> No.3609964
File: 228 KB, 776x1119, 1518211814615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for big tiddy asian art gf with patrician taste and at least Ruan Jia level of skill.

>> No.3609965
File: 13 KB, 248x221, 1036746356464576578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal beg drawing
>"nox iz mad" next to official sega logo

anybody who believes this is a fuckin idiot

>> No.3609973

many good artists draw popular fanart constantly, but get like 5 likes per painting. So not really

>> No.3610041

Definitely not Deviantart. Artstation is definitely seen as more pro than that at least, but it is predominately digital. Most people just pay for their own website to use as their portfolio though. I guess middle of the road option would be something like tumblr if you get it set up to look professional, plus you can tag your stuff there and people will come across it a lot easier than Deviantards. Just don't get into any of their drama.

>> No.3610062

who believes what?
That's a real drawing

>> No.3610081

>>literal beg drawing
Post your art.
Newsflash, you won't.
I wonder why.

>> No.3610085

Your jelly is showing.

>> No.3610362

Man, you sound not fun to be around

>> No.3610479

had to go to work, but thanks for the advice. I'll definitely set up my tumblr to look better. I have one but rarely use it so it shouldn't take too much to get it looking presentable.

>> No.3610502


I don't even have a twitter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.3610806

This what?
If a good artist has a small following and you have an even smaller following, this doesn't automatically make you a good artist, you moron.

>> No.3611023 [DELETED] 
File: 610 KB, 1182x1486, porkgar resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw gay shit

Anybody else who sucks at art and is trying to improve. Pic related, my shit first month art

>prerequisites: willing to roast and get roasted for the sake of improvement.

Discord: Monster.Fukk#0407

>> No.3611041

Oh boy another deviantart set loose

>> No.3612238

is there a discord for helping people improve?

>> No.3612296

>Already has iron clad prerequisites for the people allowed in his orbit before he can even draw properly
The absolute state of /ic/. Can you stupid faggots actually just focus on drawing for once? Fuck off with your gay /soc/ shit.

>> No.3612322

The only req to be my friend is:
>knows how to draw
>hates shows s/he doesnt watch
>ate a lemon in the last month
>doesnt draw

>> No.3612498

My take on it is that if you accept ALL randos, you'll wind up with a bunch of dick suckers trying to shmooze for attention and free promos. If you set the bar at something like 5k followers, the people you get are going to be on more equal footing and they should already be able to get more followers if they really want it.

That being said, if you're at 5k and you got a buddy at last than that who is already pretty gud, I don't see why you can't invite them in as an exception.

>> No.3612504

this is the gayest thread on ic

>> No.3614066

Uhh I have just over 1k on insta drawing fakemon so I'm a fag

>> No.3614261

desu I'd like to be in a /ic/ discord where we all draw anime tiddy or some shit... better than the discord i'm in now which is dead as fuck and the only posts are /beg/ tier shit that only gets praise