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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3606645 No.3606645[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3606652
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I've spent the last three years drawing from imagination and I still cannot get the loli form down especially the lower limbs/pelvis because it always ends up looking like a mutant hybrid stuck in between thick/petite. Struggling now as we speak. Fug.

>> No.3606694

When i'm outside i think "shit man, i want to go to my house as fast as possible and draw", but when i arrive my desk i don't do shit or not all i wanted

>> No.3606714
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work on your fundies. perspective, form, anatomy

>> No.3606724

I'm a lazy fucking piece of shit

>> No.3606738

I spend more time on 4chan than drawing

>> No.3606777
File: 94 KB, 720x736, for that very special boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, If it's a cry thread, mightest well:

I've been doings Noah Bradley's Art camp season 1 (ib4 "he's a hack". Idc how much photobashing he does, his and a few other artists work for wizards got me into painting) It's nice and informative af, but I can't seem to keep up with the workload. I haven't been able to finish one week of hw that he assigned, and it makes me feel like a fucking loser. Not only that, but he casually mentions that I should be doing more than what he gives, saying that what he asks for is the bare minimum. When I open the critique vids and every single person his wayyy more experienced (and I can only assume that they actually finished the courseload too), and he tears them apart like they're amateur hour.

I talked to an art friend about this to see if they faced a similar issue when it comes to producing the quantity needed, and they said the workload is insane and that they would never have to do anywhere close to that (they're going to college for illustration)

Plus, on days where I don't have to work, I sit at the computer and after 3-4 hours of productivity, I crash. It usually takes an equal or more time to reset, and even then I feel the quality is less then I need. Its hard to get close to your goal when you are scrapping every other study because it's not good enough. How the fuck am I supposed to pull 8 hour days of learning and growth when I can't pull 4 consecutively without breaking down like a retarded lil baby?

So I'm torn. On one hand, I'm aware that it's a lot of work and it's supposed to be more challenging than a conventional class, but on the other hand, doing 40+ pieces a week minimum seems, well impossible. At least for me at my level now.

I guess the reason I'm saying this is to clear it from my mind and consciousness so I can continue trying, even if I can't come close to what I need to do. And maybe find some help, or get screamed at by some crab telling me I'm weak for not being able to do it


>> No.3606784

It seems the less I come to this board, the less I draw.

>> No.3606799

so it's not just me, brothers.

>> No.3606960

just do your own thing man, entrepreneur spergs are the opposite of artists

>> No.3607001

I took the factory job. I'm going to be spending 5 nights a week in front of a printing machine in a warehouse, and I don't know how long this will go on for.

I have a painting I need to finish, but I am literally too tired to work on it right now.

>> No.3607004

I don't even like drawing or want a career in art. I just want to be better than everyone else.

>> No.3607006

then why not go into the money trade, then you'll be rich, it's not harder than any other job

>> No.3607012

Being rich is less time being better than you in art.

>> No.3607084

you choose the wrong field for being better than others

>> No.3607111

too bad you will never be as good as me

>> No.3607112

trips of truth

>> No.3607119

Go to bed as soon as you get home. That way you'll have more time before work, and that's where you can focus all your energy. Coffee for work. Sleep for art.

>> No.3607133

>I sit at the computer and after 3-4 hours of productivity, I crash
Here's something that I adapted from an ADHD survival guide that works for me:
Get some drink with lots of sugar and/or caffeine, and sip at it slowly as you draw.
When you feel a little bit like doing something else, you can read through a single page (and maybe a thread if it looks interesting) on one 4chan board while drinking your drink of choise. After you're done, you should be able to go back to drawing.
You see, how well you can stay focused on something partly depends on the amount of sugar in your frontal lobe. And drinking something reduces stress.
Also, draw in silence.

>> No.3607156


>> No.3607167

I don't think you should be drawing more than two hours at a time if you're a beginner. Drawing is heavy duty work for your brain (if you're doing it right), and it can really destroy you when you're not used to it.

I'd say 1.5 - 2 hour sessions with like 30 minutes rest in between would be a reasonable goal.

>> No.3607169

I've been sacrificing uni study time for drawing time.

>> No.3607179

I haven't drawn anything for 3 months now even though I still come here everyday.

>> No.3607258
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Thank you to everyone who responded

A very interesting Idea. I'll have to give it a try, though I don't wanna become a lardbeast so I'll go for a coffee or some matcha unless it has to be sugar I take in to supplement me, then I'll find another way. I always love productivity boosters, even if I learn about them and never seem to apply them.

as for working in quiet, I guess it's alright. I usually only work in quiet when I'm so in flow state that I can't be bothered to get more music/ noise. My only issue is that sometimes the quiet can be too much, I'm not really comfortable sitting there with just my own voice bouncing around in my brain

I didn't mention this but my time blocks of 3-4 hours are not really consecutive, in that I usually take a 20-minute break every 90 minutes on. But I get in 2 cycles of being on and then my next one, the quality just seems to plummet until I take a break from being productive for at least an hour. I despise this because when I come back I feel all this negative resistance for fucking up my day.

and, as I write this, I realize how much it is just me fucking myself over. I should just allow a little more time after the second stint to reset before returning. Because as it is now, if I power through it, ruins any chance of being productive during the night and that's even more wasted time

lmao, fitting for an "Art Camp". I'll have to find an audiobook of it sometime

saved this one for last in my reply chain because It had something that I wanted to adress. The whole reason I'm 4 years into studying with no working job at this point, is due to my lack of a portfolio. The reason I don't have a portfolio is that I'm uncomfortable with my skill level, and the reason I am uncomfortable is that I did the whole "just draw what you want" thing and it fucked me. You do your own thing, you'll never force yourself to do the art that helps you grow and if you never do that, you dig your own grave

>> No.3607261

That's how I started. I was drawing because it made me happy, and when I flunked out of uni it was the only thing that kept me from hanging myself from the ceiling fan. Maybe you're just not cut out for the class you are in. It might be because you got into it only to make money, or were forced in by family, not because your heart is in it? good luck either way anon. If we share a similar story, you've got quite the challenge ahead of you

doubling down on this one, anon. Working later at night after having to do a lot of draining tasks is no good. But if you work in the morning after a solid sleep, your quality and output go up. I would set a 30-minute naptime immediately when you get home to just refresh. Doodle on and off before going to bed at a reasonably early time, wake up after 6-7 hours sharp and paint until you need to go to work. What is a normal day like for you? maybe we can help?

>> No.3607270
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read the book faggot. There isn't some ladder you have to climb to be a pro artist or to be happy.

>> No.3607287

I kinda disagree with you. There seems to be a very clear, visible bottom line for what level of quality makes an artist a pro, and just aiming to get that level has been a driving factor for me up to this point. Because, If I'm good enough to make money off of art, I'm good enough to live a life creating and doing what I love. It's just getting to an area where I can output work that companies and people will be willing to pay for, and then growing even further from there

>> No.3607291

You're focusing on making money through your digital art through companies you know of. There's other worlds than these, much more satisfying ones to our monkey brains as well, worlds where you can be financially secure and satisfied. Hit up your local art scene, take your /ic/ autism for technique and get traditional.

>> No.3607302


>> No.3607308
File: 493 KB, 1920x1410, alex-konstx-artid-403173-slimefoot-final-konstx-2-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more really focused on making a type of art that I love than making a massive profit from it. All of my favorite illustrators have done card art, and it's some of the work I fell in love with. Alex, like Noah, Piotr, and a bunch of other great artists can create beautiful scenes and environments, and they get paid to do that. I can't see what I'd want more, to paint interesting characters in cool environments that people love to look at. At least at this point in my life, it's my goal

I do see your point I guess. my city does have an art scene, but I don't quite click with it. Most of it seems to be sculpture based or pop stylings of characters, like punk Mickey or some nonsense like that. It's more like you're suggesting I get out of my shell and explore more. How it relates to my original issue of crying about burnout, I don't really know, But you are right

>> No.3607314

I don't understand half of /ic/'s memes but I use them anyway.

>> No.3607340

since September of last year, I've been drawing for five hours plus a day. Yes, I have improved. Yes, my artwork does look better. I am very happy about that, but holy fuck. I am so burnt right now. yesterday I could only struggle through 3 hours. I want to slow down until I go to school, just an hour or two, and keep up with it. I hung out with a friend for the first time in a year yesterday. I just want to take a break, and figure things out, or at least slow down, and stop cracking my own whip on myself.

>> No.3607387

same, I feel like shit

>> No.3607479

Bless me father, for I have sinned.

For the past four years I have not drawn anything nondigital.

I have not read any of the books /ic/ recomends me to read ever since I started drawing.

I can't do studies because of my lazyness.

I have never drawn something more finished than a sketch.

>> No.3607551

i find that i retain focus much better if i do some sort of exercise a few times a week in the mornings.

>> No.3607599

I quit drawing a year ago. I'm weak.

>> No.3607733

Not any of them but I really feel your last reply as I'm in a similar position in terms of how I feel with my skill level and a lack of a coherent portfolio. I hope some of these tips can help you tackle your goals more and that you also end up with a portfolio you're satisfied with.