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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3600167 No.3600167[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Stagnation. Post examples of artists not improving over time

>> No.3600169
File: 77 KB, 880x601, draw-me-again-improved-skills-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3600170
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We know it's you attacking yourself just to further promote your name on an Anonymous Asian tentacle rape fetish enthusiast online forum. Would you kindly go shill yourself to normies instead?

>> No.3600171 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3600173


>> No.3600174

this is why i'll forever remain a lurker in /ic/
you spergs will never make it, might as well go play videogames or something instead of turning this board into an ever bigger shithole

>> No.3600175

Nobody cares. Either post your work or fuck off.

>> No.3600177


>> No.3600202



>> No.3600206

fuck yev

>subs to artists on twitch and joins their discords to suck dick (sinix, hozure, etc)
>gets head pats because he's up their ass all the time
>now has self esteem to ignore the shame of his toddler fetish
>chooses to become a pedophilia-fueled imitation of jap artists instead of studying fundies and actually trying

he will never go anywhere with his sloppy messes he calls drawings

>> No.3600208

>went from having his own style to generic animu face

>> No.3600210

idk honestly i'd say the right is objectively better than the left. i don't like either but there's definitely some "improvement"

>> No.3600225

despite drawing 40 hours a week, i have barely improved at all in the past year. Lack of studies, entirely my fault.

>> No.3600232

if his goal was to make me wanna put my weiner in it he's succeeded both times.

>> No.3600233


>> No.3600264

What were you drawing?

>> No.3600274
File: 65 KB, 257x199, 1535676571292.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another useless hate thread

>> No.3600277

not a hate thread, a yev-san fishes for compliments thread.

>> No.3600281

regression threads are absolutely pathetic. Instead of looking at good art or improvement from others, or god forbid DRAWING, people gather around these freakshows to make them selves feel better.

>> No.3600292

maybe the nose and eyes but definitely not head shape. Looks liek a fat American drawing.

>> No.3600303

Maybe instead of making borderline masturbatory threads like this that almost never result in sensible discussion, you guys should, yknow

>> No.3600321

You're blind if you don't see the improvement in yev's art here.
Sure, there could have been more gains within the year, but there's improvements overall nonetheless.
Get over your hate boner.

>> No.3600325
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>yev's art
literally who

>> No.3600332
File: 14 KB, 500x333, rxty0OM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you the name of the artist who drew OP's pic is, you baitposter

>> No.3600334

never heard of him, tell him i think his art blows

>> No.3600337

Tell him yourself, he posts in /alt/ every thread
That is if he didn't fucking make this thread himself

>> No.3600338

Why? What do you think you, or anyone else, will gain from it? Do you think art education is about shitting on other artists, instead of focusing on your own skills, and developing them?

Oh, wait, /IC. Never mind. Continue shitposting.

>> No.3600363

the right is better though

>> No.3600383

this is a test post

>> No.3600487

Right is way better

>> No.3600775
File: 210 KB, 600x583, 512345123435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop making fun of Yev-san.

>> No.3600780
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I agree with this anon!

>> No.3600785

>t. yev
fuck off faggot

>> No.3600811

I find that a bit hard to believe, but please post some examples

>> No.3601081

>Look at how much I don't care you guys

>> No.3601088


>40hrs a week
>not improving

What are you doing? You could be practicing wrong.

>> No.3601091


Samantha Youssef, Movement and Form. You can get it off her website for 45$ I highly recommend it.

Pair that with a Google search for "Live model drawing" to find naked people to draw.

>> No.3601094

Why are you such a cunt?

>> No.3601156

The reason yev stagnated is because he doesn't seem to wanna improve anymore, he scoffs at any critisism he gets now thinking he's untouchable
There were a few times be has been giving his characters wayy to big of hair (that one Steven universe one of lapis and peridot for one) and in one thread a group of anons were talking about it and he just went "LOLOLOL YEAH RIGHT YOU GUISE" and started shitposting chicken scratch sketches and talking about how great he was.
It was like a few months ago at most but I remember that being my first introduction to yev and all i thought was "wow, what an asshole"
Idk, maybe he changed since then but he seemed pretty up his own ass

>> No.3601165

why does yev even post in /ic/ if he doesnt really take the advice?Is it someone else shitposting his stuff here for him
just to fuck with everyone?
I want to talk to yev here and ask him how he studies but its not gonna happen.

>> No.3601171
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>thinking he's untouchable
quite the opposite actually. Im always going on about how good Asian artists are, and how I'll never be asian. Just wanted to counter this point since I actually think I'm far from good, so I dont really get why everyone gets the vibe that I think I'm great, since its the opposite usually..

>> No.3601180

Just in case you are yev
I want to ask you how do you study?
Whats your study schedule like?

>> No.3601189

I dont, I just do trial and error stuff from imagination most the time.

>> No.3601193

thats probably why.
If you like maybe i could add you on discord
and we could do some practice studies

>> No.3601194

you guys have managed to make me feel bad for yev, that's how annoying you are.

>> No.3601198

It's only yev samefagging ITT you mong.

>> No.3601203

31 IPs uh huh

>> No.3601206

literally no one cares about him, the only person that is doing all this damage is yev himself

>> No.3601252
File: 475 KB, 747x574, 1472677986822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same reason why nosebro is here. He does it for the (You)s. Yev even admitted it on discord

>> No.3601435

he's improving, im improving. We're having fun, why are you here? I draw maybe 20 minutes a day currently. But i/c is fun. And yes, (you)s are fun as well. That's why you were excited for a brief moment when you saw i responded to you.

>> No.3601438
File: 104 KB, 1066x1181, 5095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude nobody cares if you responded to them, youre not a fucking celebrity, youre just a pedo lmao

>> No.3601439

Man is this what you guys do now? bully each other rather than drawing. yikes.

>> No.3601441

honestly this
all you people do is bitch at eachother about how much others suck ass instead of spending your time drawing

>> No.3601451

I used to like u bro....

>> No.3601462

I'm pretty sure you care though

>> No.3601691

this is just you fishing for compliments

>> No.3602366
File: 2.43 MB, 1320x2948, 1531563428434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, it's yev. I haven't seen that guy since he bailed drawparty because people weren't sucking his dick. From what I recall two retards were giving actual good critique and all he could muster was "you are not on my level, fuck off" arguments. After they got him against a wall he just offed himself back to his dick sucking heaven, the Church of Sinix. After that I remember there was a raid and he lost face after his dick suckers on the Sinix server said one of the raiders was better than Yev and he just went silent for a while, probably knowing that he had lost in his turf. Still, he didn't learn, all he seems to live for are mentions from "big" names regarding how he's a pedo creep, like Sinix has done before in his streams. Other than that, he's your typical self-centered Californian lad, seems, tho, he enjoys the (you)'s more than he enjoys doing art, be it here or wherever he usually dwells.

On NoseBro I have nothing, I've heard mixed shit about him ranging from "a retard with good advice but too autistic to be of use" to "a thorough enjoyable lad", so little have I to know.

Oh, /ic/... this place sure has seems some better days... *Sips*. I miss Olly and the other lads, too bad only crabs remain here.

>> No.3602423

Fuck you kid you're the thoroughly enjoyable lad.

>> No.3602438

literally stalin. thats some nice historical revision.

>> No.3602736
File: 77 KB, 380x349, 1525388794348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, the faggots replied fast.
I agree with NoseBro when it comes to art approach. He might be autistic and give uncalled for opinions and critiques, but I too think art should be fun above all else. That makes me think that both NoseBro and Yev are in the wrong, the former not doing art enough and enjoying the crab bucket thoroughly while never studying or sticking to something long enough, the latter is worse in the sense that he doesn't even try to put a "hey guys, I'm trying" façade when it comes to getting better at art.

All the people I personally know that made it put the joy of doing art above all else. They were drawing almost 24/7, not because they needed to, but because they thoroughly enjoyed art. When it came to people around them they always put their art first, only being close to artists or people that would critique and help them improve. The afore mentioned faggots lack on a combination of the things mentioned, both relating to lack of love towards art. If you'd rather spend your time fishing for (you)'s or visiting the bucket, you'll be here forever.

Back in my day people would just draw on all their down time while having to feed a family with an office job instead of coming to the bucket to shitpost, those lads were heroes walking among men. *Sips* Kids these days... go figure.

>> No.3602780

I dont get the "not enjoying art" part. Drawing is the only thing I enjoy in life right now, and I do it everyday. Posting on /ic/ makes up like 1% of my time, and I only do it because the things some anons say can be pretty funny.

>> No.3602837

i was one of the niggas who fucked him out of draw party, bro couldnt take a solid "you suck"

>> No.3602838

What happened to draw party?

>> No.3602839

owner was like
bye sweaty nice knowing yall >w< and nuked the server, we made a new one now called drawpari park

>> No.3602843

The autistic overthrew the government and the server creator bailed because she was sick of that shit, same had happened before with the lead admin. Don't get me wrong, it was never a good place to begin with, the staff just sucked at modding by getting personal about everything and being an ass all the time. Kuma's only mistake was the people she put on the staff being her friends, not good necessarily good mods.

I know who you are and I bet you haven't finished shit yet. How are your animations going? Do you have any plans or do you just draw and shitpost mindlessly? Have fun stagnating, faggot, this thread was made just for you.