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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3597982 No.3597982 [Reply] [Original]

What are some artist youtubers you watch, in all honesty? I am curious what /ic/ listens to.

I watch sinix because he makes some nice tutorials. I also sometimes watch H. C. Brown casually when I draw.

>> No.3598127

HC brown is shit, Sinix and Sycra>all

>> No.3598158
File: 255 KB, 726x1100, old_man_logan_steve_mcniven_and_richard_friend_by_blasterkid-d9dajj8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Richard Friend
Great inker, great artists, tons of videos and very entertaining

Any other artists make stuff in the same vein as him?

>> No.3598173

Istebrak, Proko, HC Brown & ApSelene

>> No.3598450

No shit. That's why I said I watch her casually. By this point I'll watch anything that's about art but ain't too cringey because I don't have art friends anymore to talk about art with.

Good taste, anon.

Is Proko genuinely useful though? A lot of people meme him to hell, so I've found his content questionable, and the couple vids I did see from him didn't seem too useful.

>> No.3598483

Casually I watch Peter Draws
And to actually learn Sinix and Sycra

>> No.3598488

>h.c brown
its like eating shit, willingly. what went wrong in your life, anon? i hope youre getting the appropriate therapies and all.

sinix is genuinely good though but hes one of the few
marco bucci is also good when hes not being massively boring (his batman video was fun)

>> No.3598489

Sycra is OK but many complain he doesn't do well as a teacher.

>> No.3598494

Sinix is great. Sycra, in my opinion, has an unappealing style but makes helpful videos.

>> No.3598546

Sinix is shit.

>> No.3598556

What's wrong with HC Brown? She seems to be blowin up lately. I admit, I don't like her art style and it makes me question if she's good at drawing at all (sometimes shes good if she TRIES like with her school studies)
But she's really entertaining to watch.
I also like Twisted Disaster. Now that's pretty cringey but they're both cute in their little fujoshi weeby way

>> No.3598557

Moatdd's videos are cool, even though he doesn't upload stuff very often.

Proko's videos on anatomy and such are fine IMO, it's his area of expertise. It's just that he's learned almost /exclusively/ from observation and therefore sucks at anything involving imagination (see the proko kangaroo meme)

>> No.3598558

peter is on a higher plane of existence

>> No.3598571

didnt hc brown lie about going to cal arts or am I remembering wrong

>> No.3598600

Maybe? I don't know.
how would people know if she's lying or just didn't go because its expensive tho?

>> No.3598659

I always watch some drawwithjazza, JaidenAnimations, tonytvtoons, and Lhugueny PLa3TMGbqyK682bNGThubnmQxsTbbgFlMa&index=2 really helpful if you're serious

>> No.3598675

she did but delete the video later on

>> No.3598839

Lavendertowne has a really soothing voice

>> No.3599076

>Andrew Tischler
>Marco Bucci
>Bradwynn Jones
>Jeff Watts
>Bobby Chiu
>Aaron Blaise

When/if any of them bother to upload anything, of course. I've watched just about all their videos though and wish there were similar channels to them.

>> No.3599083


>> No.3599127

Marco “igetpussy” Bucci
Igor Sid

Sometimes robotpencil streams.

>> No.3599160

I watch Holly for keks, but I don't want to completely shit on a fellow youngish artist/entertainer. She just needs to leave her nasty room full of unused tablets and stickers from time to time. Still a breath of fresh air compared to your run of the mill "nice art girl" channels, but I'm not trying to take her advice seriously.

If I actually wanted advice I'd watch Phil Dimitriadis or Prokoroo or some shit. Sycra is comfy but I haven't watched in a minute.

>> No.3599356

>Marco Bucci
My comrade

>> No.3599839

Jos van Riswick.

>> No.3599843

This guys makes shitty memes that make me laugh


>> No.3599854
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>Phil Dimitriadis
Skipped around a random video and he drew the wonkiest skull I've seen in a while.

>> No.3600716

Seconding Istebrak. Seriously underrated.

>> No.3600724

Sinix, Marvin Bucci, James Gurney.

>> No.3600726

His wife is a qt tho I’m mirin

>> No.3600729

what kinda videos do you fags want that the big youtubers dont necessarily cover enough or in enough depth?

>> No.3600736

as long as it's not weeb shit I'm up for any given kind of content related to drawing

>> No.3600759

Looks like you put alot of effort in your video. Good job anon, but dont expect any views for a while, becouse there are a million of meme channel trying to cash in on this train.

>> No.3600764

Love how she does anatomy

>> No.3600774

moderndayjames. His explanations and tutorials have helped me improve more than any other artist.

>> No.3600798

yeah despite what people say about him he has a very methodical approach to learning

>> No.3600819

>She seems to be blowin up lately
>I don't like her art style and it makes me question if she's good at drawing at all
>But she's really entertaining to watch

nothing wrong with that if you like to watch her. But you should probably separated that from art

>> No.3600841

Lol go away james

>> No.3602979

Istebrak is the worst art YouTuber, she's the queen of polishing turds. She focuses too much on surface layer rendering and none at all on storytelling, narrative, or design.

Don't be fooled by her high and mighty attitude. She's harsh for the sake of being harsh without the skills do back it up, basically all the same problems as /ic. God she really gets on my nerves and youtube keeps recommending me her videos.

On a different note i really like art side of life's interviews, and bobby chiu's interviews with other artists it's refreshing to hear from many different artists.

>> No.3603142
File: 1.34 MB, 900x900, 1523494367267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H.C. Brown is one of the shitties art Youtubers there is. She lied about getting into CalArts, her art is wonky and has gotten worse over time, she goes to the shittiest and cheapest art school there is (and she attends it only online), she's submitted digital works for her traditional classes and hasn't been caught, etc. Her uwu gay boy's acne scars look like fucking scales, macho buff fag has gravity-defying hair that puts any anime to shame, she does paw hands, her characters never interact with the background around them (i.e. the one pic she did of uwu gay self-harm boy sitting in a chair), and she made that god-awful Seize comic with dicks that were micro penises in some panels and the size of a buff man's arm in others (trust trust). Her most recent offense is she created Photoshop brushes for hands and different head angles of one of her OCs so that when she shits out her one page of PP a year she doesn't have to take the time to draw properly.
BRown also has an atrocious personality, but that's a different autism tangent

>> No.3603150

Are you retarded? All istebrak talks about is the narrative of the characters drawn by people she critiques

>> No.3603151

I love listening to twisted disaster while I draw idek why

>> No.3603173

Draw with Jazza and Drawfee

Not because they are amazing but just fun to watch

>> No.3603177

no never

>> No.3603195

Raising one eyebrow or adjusting a shoulder via liquify does not a narrative make. She works on top of work that's fundementally flawed, where she should be redrawing the thumbnail rather than fucking around with liquify and layer masks on something beyond saving.

>> No.3603205

She frequently says she’s doing it for demonstration and she’s trying to teach people to plan that way, write their characters so they don’t have to try to backpedal on a broken drawing. Because she doesn’t have time to redraw 5 drawings in an hour. I think you just don’t like females who speak from a place of authority tbbh

>> No.3603344

Proko, Doki Doki and Baylee Jae for laughs

>> No.3604478

i would say drawing w waffles,Lavander town from time to time. alissa vysochins, and recently Kasey golden. I like my nice art girl channels sue me.