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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 28 KB, 720x960, 41344602_1837947289623799_7030578747329740800_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3597281 No.3597281 [Reply] [Original]

Aight boyz, my dawg said I should draw single finger coming out of a woman's fly. I didn't really have any plans on what to draw other than this sexy finger. I need please.

(please abstract it in a way that is within my grasp).

>> No.3597364
File: 590 KB, 828x720, edited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bow down before the enlightened, wise pre-med student who copies photos better than all of you!

>> No.3597376

lmao, i wish that was real. I would suck your dick.

>> No.3597389

You clearly printed that out but nice try lol. You might be able to fool some normies on reddit with that

>> No.3597391

>You clearly printed that out
ever heard of photoshop, you bleeding moron?
god, you are dense.

>> No.3597395

Lmao, that's not even OP.

med-student checkin'

>> No.3597398


Lmao you just made me lose my shit. Is that a tapeworm coming out the dog's anus? Someone screencap this thread for future classic /ic/ threads.

>> No.3597400

>ever heard of photoshop
You ever hear of an inkjet printer you filthy nigger? But yeah it's more than likely all digital

>> No.3597408

>Is that a tapeworm coming out the dog's anus?
indeed it is. toucha da tape worm.

>> No.3597410

google "dog anus"
PS: turn bw, new layer, multiply, brightness&contrast.

>> No.3597416

Ps. here's someone who prints out drawings and coats over them with graphite

>> No.3597417

absolutely haram.

>> No.3597419

>Hurr durr this must be fake cuz woman can't possibly draw better than me
Those are real drawings you jealous dipshit

>> No.3597425

Holy shit. She’s even won some awards and done exhibitions. An artist I’m following is following her as well. What the fuck.
Some of the drawings literally look like she copy pasted them onto the paper and then used a soft eraser on the edges. They don’t look like drawings at all.

>> No.3597433

Holy shit, I am depressed. That's honestly so upsetting.

This is OP med student photobasher

>> No.3597437

>Those are real drawings
They clearly aren't, she passes off printed out photos as hand draw pieces. There were a few threads about how she faked her work on ic a while ago. I'm surprised no one has called her out on it and that she has fake stuff in gallery's. Here's one of the archived threads https://yuki.la/ic/3289913

>> No.3597440

go sit on a corpse dick already, you useless cumsock. 20yr old little shitforbrains.

>> No.3597445
File: 30 KB, 900x674, boiling-kettle-tek-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one has called her out on it and that she has fake stuff in gallery's.


>> No.3597447

>no one has called her out on it
The only thing that comes up about her being a fraud is a thread about her on a Mongolian basket weaving site a year ago. I'd say that she's gotten away with is

>> No.3597449

i'd say this is a nice case for a personal army call in /b/

>> No.3597453


>better than you at realism

>better than you at abstract

>> No.3597457 [DELETED] 

you are a hobby artist, pre-med student, wasting time rote learning your latin anatomy terms.
i'm basically on holiday until february 2019, living the good life.
suck your little pencil finger, bitch.

>> No.3597459

you are a hobby artist, pre-med student, wasting time here instead of rote learning your anatomy latin.
i'm basically on holiday until february 2019, living the good life.
suck your little pencil finger, bitch.

>> No.3597462


>better than you at realism

>better than you at abstract

>Already learned 350 suff. / pref. in a few weeks.

>> No.3597463
File: 566 KB, 999x999, drhand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but what if im an artist and im better at it than you are at being a doctor?

>> No.3597471

you are shit, babyboi.

just to clarify, that: >>3597463 is not me: >>3597459

>> No.3597477
File: 63 KB, 726x960, 36176294_2152685724968387_609952159953321984_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Show me personally how you've reached a skill level of realism or concept and I will concede.

Knowing what I should be drawing is pointless and does not reflect anything.

Also, my peepee is bigger

>> No.3597479


>developed a sense of "professionalism"

>haven't developed a voice for my ideas, I'm not entirely trying to say anything with my drawings
in contrast to ...
>The only reason I don't draw with a grand theme or conceptually is because I cannot practice enough doing that.

back to your pre-med cram, dipshit

>> No.3597483
File: 474 KB, 750x1000, september-9-2018-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I explain to you in the plainest of terms that you're not better than me, and my simplest sketches are of a higher calibur than your most intense drawings? I am a better artist than you are a doctor and artist combined

>> No.3597486

dude, I'm not the edgy gore kid, but this is just an average sketch, as a note to yourself. it's not that great really. the shitty cloud lines, yuck. i should be on your side, but that isn't great.

>> No.3597488
File: 146 KB, 720x960, 41344612_2036854843291572_6515677434862370816_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's spelled "caliber"

Also, you're right, that house drawing is so complex I had a seizure glancing at it. How do you form lines in such a vivid and abstract way?

>> No.3597491

I just shit my pants

- Edgy gore kid

>> No.3597493

please don't let there be two Jimmy's

If there is a God in heaven, don't let there be two Jimmy's now

>> No.3597497


Please supply context. I am actually new here lmao ;)

>> No.3597590

>i'd say this is a nice case for a personal army call in /b/
Meh I don't care about it enough to start a raid. It would be more appropriate to do it on b/

>> No.3597695

gonna be real I like his stuff more than yours even after seeing just that simple sketch

>> No.3597838

there is no God.

You come in here with a superiority complex with the intention of passing your time shitting all over the board.

>> No.3598168


You being equally as shit I am not surprised by your favoritism.


There's certainly no complex when I have searched this entire board and found a handful of people better than me. However, they were all on old ass threads. Everyone still active seems to be washed out fags without any talent.

>> No.3598294

>searched entire board for somebody better than him
>found a few
>they are no longer active
>he's the best

certainly no superiority complex.

>> No.3598726

A superiority complex implies some level of delusion.

Since you all are average and rarely elite, I'd say it's nearly absent of delusion.

>> No.3598756

>superiority complex implies delusion
>he's not deluded
>he's the best

>> No.3598833


You're a fast learner.

>> No.3598901

faster than you?

>> No.3598903

maybe :(

>> No.3601174
File: 57 KB, 720x960, 41647247_2176405949349096_6813555024820436992_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Suck. My. Single. Finger.

>> No.3601182
File: 2.27 MB, 4032x3024, 300. How to Paint Trump 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this is the med student artist you're better than everyone else here. Just keep producing. You're probably a genius. Or at least you're capable of convincing dipshits that you are. You have a more interesting aesthetic and greater potential than basically all the artfags here. And they're butthurt about it.

>> No.3601196


lmao, thanks buddy. There are still really good artists on here.

If you're the 900 paintings in 10 years guy, it means a lot coming from you <3